p r loneer MADRAS, CROOK COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. MAY 23, 1907. NO. 40 .III CM SasW $ m OS PROFESSIONAL CARD'S. A SEASONABLE RAIN New Spring- Goods jsfow ready for inspection Our grocery line is compjetc. Remember wc can handle all your ?tock that is ready M for market, at the boat prices, Come in yt . it . ' ' & and talk to us ( fjp LENA M. LAMB, I Madras, Oregon & 4aKr.aoaielm'i'-,Tii OOK BROS. pflANK OSDORH U. S, COMMISSIONER TowimIIo IiulMlnff qUtt'iOX MADItAfl FarmcrB for Rejoicing at Prospect a Bumper prop DENTIST All kln.ild of Dcntftl Work nt rcftnormlile prlco. iytl.VjiVIM.K. OHKOON GROWING GRAINS RESPOND WITH VIGOR pyAX LUEDDEMAHN NOTARY PUBLIC Groat Bonofltn Result From Honvy Rains of Past Wook Big Crop Now Practically 'Aseuroci MADRA8 Q C. COLLVEf? NOTARY PUBLIC JWTIO! 01 TUB Vkack OUI.VKK I'UKOIKCT CULVER OREGON 13 JIADUA8 n Wo Can Supply You Glvo Us A Coll o i II. fiNOOK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON onic? III Drue f(oru. PROPRIETORS r r fej Cr;hr'7 on (and the Dcsl Fresh and Cured Meals OHIW50N H. HAflER ABSTRACTER OF TITLES NOTARY VVMAO fire Inturuire, Ul6 lanurmeo, 8 lire I ) loail I'UIJfKVIU.It, pfjrs highest marl. at prleo v'ttitacK, bjttnr, eflHB jsd farm prouueo Madras, Oregon A. E. CROSBY i' it o ! u i i: t o it BTOFFICE PHARMACY f .n or Drtisa, Xamelas. chemlenl. liouwitokl KmellN i r .t. aoppiiM Cflunirr Mali Qnlsr I l my pwohI ii rimrn Hntr dHvrr KUarautted. Yonr jtrwrrlptlon I all I I - M )lplriJr. ai4Xlt flMuI Kllit )ll f ll kimU. L. I. ;li Tliuua. WlfOLKtUI.K AND KltTAlU UI'X pn. a. a. burris MAGNETIC OSTEOPATH Disuses cured without drugs or surgery ii y iimiiiii'iu- ootiyiimtliy, tlio new c encf of ilriwletw Ix-aling. (,'hroilc cases Miwlatv. C'oiiHiiilittion lice. ItPlcmiciHtKlvon to prominent pit tics of Illllmioro, uiegoii. OAicu in Lottcks HuUdlng MADRAS. OREGON A I no mil) throughout thin section OREGON (luring the Itiflt days or the past week canned rejoicing sunong the farmers as it practically insures a bumper crop at the coming harvest. In the opinion or a majority of Hiohc of whom inquiry was made, this rain will he sufficient to in sure u uood crop from the fall howij grain, even without another rain before harvest; and the only danger to these crops to be apprehended now is from the hot winds of July, which destroyed (ho crops laflt year. These hot winds, however, are not greatly feared, aa they arc or rare occurrence. Spring grain shows a, great improve ment nincc huitwcck'u rainfall. Heore that timo the spring so.wn grain was not showing a satisfactory growth, and a decided improvement is manifest since the timely and seasonable rain. It is oxpet tod now that spring grain, which constitutes a good proportion of the crop of thU section this season , will make n big crop. Threo years ago when tht banner crop of this section was grown, there were-conditions almost identic! with the present, the Spring wing very late, and nil spring sown grain showing a very unsatisfactory growth until after the late Hay an . -. .nine rains. nnu itrom Hint vear yielded the bent crop ever harvested in this section. There was considerably more than an inch ol rainfall hero during Saturday and Sunday, and report from other sections in this locality indicate that the rain was general throughput this dis trict. Tho downpour was stccdv although not heavy, ami practically nil with 1500 posts for tli'! fencing which will bo required. Petitions arc being prepared today, and will be circulated at once for signatures in Cross Keys precinct, in which district tho rvad lies entirely,' in order that tho nonces may be posted in time to permit tho road petition to bo presented at the next term of tho county court. Court meets .July p, and the notices must be posted not later than Juno 3. BEAUTIFY CEMETERY Public Inyltod to Moot Monday and Assist In tho Work OIlKOOK 11 P. AUB.v, I'rotldant. T. )(. IUuwlN, CMtiler. Vftl.l WffZW8II.r,S VlMlTBt. II. )Iauti, Aim. Cmhlor. NO. 3QS1 . Of it went into the ground, RASH YAS CEtlEMAL The First National Bank OF PRINEVILLE. OREGON OIIEGON ,cmi-s, ESTABLISHED 1 008 Hurplup nnd I'ndlvlileil S1 00,000.00 Ladies' Fine Haberdashery The largest, most costiplete and finest line ever shipped into Eastern Oregon. Over 5000 yards in this shipment alone W, embroidery, belts, Inccs, gloves tWw, brushes, hair pins, mirrors, curling J0!. kid curlers, puff boxes, talcum bowls Plaid suitings, dimities, batistes, linens and numerous other kinds of dress goods Mersalanc, chambrays, percales, ginghams and calicoes in all colors , A press dispatch from Colfax, Vah- ingtou, to the Orcgonian eavs: A rain wiiu li will lie worth hundmls of thouwuidii of dollars to the Palouso country fell lastjiightand tonight. The rata, winch had been threatening fur Profit two tlRys began falling gentiv about dark and continued n.11 night, increasing in volume until about midnight, when it was coming down in torrents. It do ...i i ... . . tivumi iniiBiii iiiormng unlit 11 was a gi'iitlo drir.7,lo again, and gradually ceased about 8 o'clock. Tito toUil rain fall hint night was nearly half an iucl unit it was (ti.otrilmtcd evenlv over tho entire Palouue country. Tonight there is a downpour that clinches matters. IteiHrtH from all section show that the rainfall was general and that it came at the timo to do tho greatest amount of good. In Western Whitman County spring sown wheat is up and several inches high.- This was needing ruin to keep it urovim Ktondih. In Eastern Whitman County much of tho gram was not up yet nnd would not come up without rain. Tho rainfall of last night will bring this up evenly nnd there is sutlicient moisture in tho ground to Keep it growing. Whilo tho top of the ground was quite dry and in many cases a haul crust had formed, the ground is wot two inches beneath tho sunaeo and tho rain was merely needed to soften and dampen tho surface. Far mers are jubilant. Tho prospects for a big yield of grain have seldom been better and tho indiiuitinus point to higher prices titan havo prevailed for several years. v, Prices are way down at rock bottom. Remem ber your cash register checks, they are valuable MADRAS, General JVIeichants and CO. st OREGON .7. 1), Mayes requests nil persons who arc interested in properly improving and maintaining the Madras Cemetery to meet 'there next Monday morning for the puriHiso of clearing tho tract of sagebrush and making otiicr needed improvements. Tito plat of ground upon which the cemetery is located was donated by Mrs. N. A. Holt, n daughter of Mr, Mayes, who requested Just prior to her death that this particular tract be set aside and dedicated to. the public for a cemetery. The cerntitery is beautifully located, and with very little work can be cleaned up and beautified. No second request should be necessary to secure a helping hand in work of this kind, The cemetery grounds havo never been dedicated to the public, but Mr. Mayes says tiutt tiic heirs of Mrs. Holt will attend to thi$ipattcr at once. The ground is being laid off for the purpose. It is the purpose to fence and beautify the tract now, and Mr. Mayes requests that persons who go thero to assist in the work next Monday will bring tool with which to work, with them. SHORTY DAVIS ESTT His Helra Found lr Greec By Hood River Lavyen DAVIS'S REAL NAME LEOHIDAS J, OOURIS, Romantic Story of Lawyer's Forrotlnq Out Identity and Establishing Claim of tho Hc(rs Iloan IfittJ", Or., May 10. Froifl classical Athens to Hood IUvqr to obtain, the patrimony of ,a brqtbcr whom b did not know owned anything and wlin lisapponred mysteriously ae if swal lowed up cajne Conatantine .1. Douris, a Greek. Douria has just left for New. York, where wilj take ship for his home, after having established ownership to a 75,00p etate left by his brother near. i'rineville, which had been escheated by. tite stte. His visit here was to ewg,nlt witJi hip. attorney, A. .1. Derbyt of Jlood Ijiyer. through whom the heirs qf he ovner o the estate, Lconidaa J. Dmris. ''cro, located, and who ferreted out I1I9 rc', markable story. The story aa. told by, Mr. Derby is as follows : "Through a friend in Portland 1 learned of the escheating of the estate, of Leonidas Douris, who was knofn in the Priifeville country under the name, of Elias Davis. Douris appeared in Prineyjlle in 18S1 looking for work. He, is said by those who' knew him to have, IMPROVE PADRAS SERVICE ren rs'abTn fel.!ow' to,,is lioworidi arms, uui so snori am siocKy of build aa to have been aim oat a dwarft wiiicn aided in establishing hie identity. He went to work for a man near there, named Lyttle at sheopherding, Iyttlq. jiving him at the end of each year a Tolephono Company Plans Local Ex- chango and Extension of Lines AV. E. Guerin, jr., president, and II. C. Ellis, general manager, of tite Tio- "umber of sheep in return for higher-. near Telegraph A Telephone Co. wen viee. Joiiriswas a hard worker and avmg and soon commenced to make, money and buy land. Abo,ut this timo. ie took out naturalization papers nndci. tho name of Eliaa Davit), specifying par ticularly that he wanted to renounce all dlegiance to. tho Sultan of Turkey, ind itive ids birthplace as Montenegro. In llKX) he ownel three quarter. sections of grazing land, many head of took and a good bouse. In tho nine ' years that lie was at PrtqeviUe lie left. there but twice, going once to Salt. Francisco, where he bail a lifelong friend, John Sapho, with whom he had lived before coming to Oregon and whom ho told lie had gone there to rid. imseli of his countrvmen, who were orever borrowing from him and nVvor. eturning, and that he had changed lti name on that account. Ono man in Portland also knew Douris, Harry Unverriehi, in the restaurant buSmosa near Twelfth and Morrison, to whom ha made one vint. In the Summer of 1000 Douris disn tppeared. He was a bachelor, Jiving done, and lwvv long he was gone before his fact was discovered is not known. Xothing was apparently gone about tho louse, and nothing was missinsr excont lis horse and himself, neither of which were ever found or heard of or wan .here any evidence that threw light on the mystery, "The hoirs of Eliaa Davis wero dulv ulvertisod for, tho property held in iruat ror n year and Uicn esehanted. A in town the first of the week, looking over their line at this place, which they recently acquired by .purchase - front Jack Summers. The company now owns in the neighborhood of Sf0 mile of telephone lines and is contemplatim a number pi extensions, which will greatly increase their present mile age. The next lino to be built will be built to Burns, in Harney county, upon which construction will liegin on the 25 th of the present month. hilo hero Mr. CJucrin stated thai tho company wae oonteiupbtiinr 0 number of improvements on the lint which now serves jladras, and that it was til) planned to put in a local tele phone exchange at this place. Farmer lines will be built to Agency Plains aw tQ the territory south went of Madratt, uli connected with the local exchause a this place. Contracts are beincsoliciteo now by Asa Clark, who has entered the service of tho company, PRINEVILLE BOYS Will DEBATE lioprosentative of tho Crook Count High School won in the intorsoholasth lebato which took nlaco at Friuevilh last Friday evening, between representa tives of that school and of the High School at The pallus, the subject for lobate being, "Resolved, That boards 01 aruiirauou wuh compulsory powers should be established to settle diuputi s between employers and waga earners." Hie atlirmativo of the question was ,var later it was said that tho bones ot taken by tho Tho Dalles boys, tho nega- "ouna could bo found in a woll near t NEW COUNTY ROAD Hlohwoy to Bo Oponed from Lylo dt Brown Gap to Prlnovlllo Road A. C, Panford, J. W. Livingnton and Max l.ueddemnnn wont to tho Lylo & Htowngap yesterday, to moot County llotultuastor McLaughlin, with whom thoy went over a portion of tho pro posed county road to give this section an outlet to tho main traveled road to the railroad. It lias bean decided to apply for a county roudfrotn the gup by the most practical route to tho point 011 Huyereok whero tho automobile line crosses the Shanlko-Prinovillo road. No objections to the road will bo offered "by tho present owners ot what is known as the Lylo ft Drown ranuh, as an agree ment has been mado to furnish them tve netng upiteiu uy mo rrmoviiie uoys. rhose who represented tho Crook uoumy iitgu J3CUO01 wero Luther ; Moore, Reuben Uooten and Daid Pick ett. Moth sidus are said to havo dis played much ability in forensic discussion and to have reflected great IVmovillo, but investigation showed this' untrue, 113 the bones proved to bo those of a dog or some other animal. My connection with the case date from 1005, when 1 Itruod through Muvorrichi that Douris had a friend in San Francisco namod Smilm rmm credit upon their reapoctivo schools, and whom I learned his real name. Through tho moilds of the Utah School in this county are especially gratified over tho success of the representatives" of that school. TO HURRY UP SURVEYS It will bo of interest to settlqrs upon mo American Consul at Smyrna, I fiifally succeeded in locating the" Douris family. Constantino, who is a brother of Leouidas and who has four brothers living in Greece, secured tho right to represent them in tho caso and came to Vmonca. "With Saphoa ho was at tho recont term of court in Prineville, eg tub- unsurvoyed tracts in this county to Uahed his relationship completely, nnd Know mat two oxamtnera of surveys of "ie Hoira will get the money received by mo general land ollice havo been mo state for their brother's nronertv. assigned to duty in this state in order to loss tho amount for any debts or court oxpedito tho adjustment of suspended vosts. Tho property, is now said to surveys. They will proceed at onco to be worth botweon $75,000 and $100,000, investigate tho suspended traota, as well as contracts for surveys recently executed, in order to push 'to cotnplo'. tion and settlement all survey mattere in Oregon. In this section of 'the state there aroquitoa number of tracts which WILL MAKE RAIN IN SHERMAN COUNTY Los A.vokuw, Cal., May 18. Charles M. Harold, rainmaker, has closed a con tract to produce six inches of rain 1 1 I . . . 1 . . . I 11.nu uuvu mii vwywi, OUV WHICH SUrVOVJ lwnnn n. .....I OR I., til. have never been officially examined or Ooimtv. rwn.. ir iMV, i. approved) so lhai the tracts would lie- morrow to begin his operations. Far come open to enlry. These matters will mers about Moro and Wasco havo hired now uuuuuvus uo promptly acted upon. him. f ' 1.