The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, May 02, 1907, Image 7

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Evolution 01
'flntfSCnOW Rcuicuiw
' .i,ni medicine buil
. n i iiuiitiun v -
.....Mm c roinouH'B.
. i tl. n nnnntrv.
w i i.iarfirv ill iii.o .---- j
ITAAllLiA - - j it
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p. us ' - i i... u'nrn t fi nil
fifllll t
in almost every nouwi,
jn ,. ummi timed
D' o....i. romiM e on nlcrn,
Wnf. OUi. . . .
"":.i.d .ml (HlllHHlU, UIBStmou
fH ,, I, nfillll 10
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nniinum.. ' .
.Mt 1110 CUB Will. n
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kme.mailo romcaiea, wuu.
. it i.. .nn H v wnvM. mnnu-
WT1 ....1. advertlHO it
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bmti wM originaiiy
' . n... It inn imnil liv IMP
timirciuwi'. -- -
iim m I'minsvivnuia. iwioru iw
in t in tmii uir who. ir.
mic nmniKAi, ( iim.
. n am umilT V A i. ni l n n .
., L'ln! lilt fintUir I ltfXl II
origin. i"-
MmM mill 11 M nilllOIUE. illO
. 4. 1 nt iHllf nn AM.
. mill inptiiaimii
fKui li uicful In u grent many on-
ii...t l-.w.lilHu mill pfifnrrlml
IQIUBI UUllv..t.
r...L..ll THOHHAND8 OK
....... . i i nui.ti mill."
LI I b M W 1 n Y r. 1 I A I V IkHJU A- A A A
nr whimia iinu ilm vuiuu u
J l A w- -
itmfint nf thifin ullrncntfl. ThbV
i i 4 1 1.1t..... M T.
tarDtrU wuniy niu iaiuvtu
i t- I..,lrmniit nml ri rnltf ft ft
!!i:ttn ptnom In a hundred In (he
... ii.. . . i .
i ...
m. . . i r .t a . . . . i
Wonderful Relief.
la. J. D. Johnson, of 003 West
Tollowing&n oporation two ycftto
K0, dropsy sot In, and
my left aids waa no
swollen tho doctor said
he would have to tnp
out the water. There
was constant pain find
a gurgling Herniation
around my heart, and
I could net raiso my
arm abovo my head.
The kidney action was
disordered and naBiK-
b me rrrf.iinnH rvi iriuitinnr tin
"w i uij iiuiuuiiu i uruu uauiK
IKflinAV I'llltt U nna .. t .A
ST trouble linH not rp&
u wonderful, after Hufforin! two
fcU br ill dealers. 60 conta n bor.
r-MIIbum Co,, Buffalo, N. Y.
ni Beet Annrrer. I
Tlie meelcest kind of a little boy I
Joined a Sundny school class In n West
I'hlladelphln church. Ho did not know
the othor scholars and apixinrcd nor
yous, half-scored and ready to cry nt
any aecond. The tcaehor, howorcr,
treated him kindly and tho lessons pro
ceeded without any outburst After a I
short reading from tho Illblo tho tench-
a .. ' x ii . .
er uegan to qucnuon tho pupils on thulr
last lo.ismu and asked:
"Who led tho children of Israel Into
Canaan?" I
Ah no one. answered slio looked from
boy to boy. At lait her gasso rested on I
tho now boy. Ho started guiltily and
an Id, between sobs: I
"It wasn't me, honest, teaehnr. I
Just movwl hero Inst week from Ohio."
Philadelphia Ledger.
Oldeit iroua In Tfnrr YrU.
Tho oldest house In Now York Btato
In situated at tho lower end of Btiiteu
Island In Tottenvllle, It is known as
tho "Blllopp house," and was built In
1008. Tho Duke of York prcsentod
Captain Christopher Dlllopp with a
tract of land ou Htnton Island, where
on he built this stono mansion, which
still overlooks the waters of Itarltnn.
That It was well built Its surrlral dur
ing 238 years attests. In It hnro been
many notable gatherings, and hctv was
held tho peace conference. During tho i
revolution Hlllopp's descendants wero
loyalists, and the famous genornls of
tho British were entertained at tho old
CITO Ht- Vitol I)nr una Nrrroan I)Ui
II I u prminlly cured hr Dr. KIIim'i Orl
UWrm luiiomr. Hnd tor KllltK ZtrlM bolU and
trktli. Ur. 1L JLKlln., jxL, Ml Arch HU, l'UUv.I'a.
Sfexlrnn Church Legend.
Querela ro was a town before the
Spanish conquest and was made a city (
In 10M. A legend of Qucretaro Is that i
an Otomlte chief, Fernando de Tapla
by name, undertook to convert tho' city j
to Christianity In a way that scorns
novo! to us, but was common enough
to his day. He camo from Tula with
a challenge to the people of Qucretaro
to a fair stand up tight. If ho won,
the people surviving were to bo bap
tised. The challenge was accepted, but
while the fight wis In progress a dark
cloud camo up and tho blessed 8an-
tlngo was seen In the heavens with a
fiery cross, whereupon the people of
Querotaro gave up and were baptized.
They set up a stone cross to commem
orate the event on the site of the prcs-.
ent church of Santa Cruz. There Is '
scarcely a church In Mexico which has
Dot a Icgent of this kind attached to It
Mothsrt will and Mn. Wlnilow'i Bootblni
Bjrrup Uia reinedr to uo for their chudrei
aurlBg tho teething period.
Accounted For.
"Your wife doosn't worry about yoo
when you are sick nearly so much now
as alia did whon you were first mar
"Hard to account for woman's vaga
ries, Isn't itr
"Not In this case; I have my lift
Insured now and. I did not then."
Houston Post
A "Guild of Tuballnw" has been form
ed In an English Episcopal church. Iti
especial business is to keep bright thi
brass gas fixtures of the church.
At the government station Lulea, la
Sweden, experiments are being made to
secure varieties of plants not likeljr to b
Injured by frost.
Inexplicable Fate that Overlook
Knemlea ot Drerfun HctInIob.
"Always tho dead!" Ilclnach cried
bitterly "whenever wo find n forgery,
a crime, always It is sot to tho account
of a dead man I"
And ho drew up a list, horrlhlo In Its
eloquence, of tho dend who strowed thu
dark path of thin monstrous enso of
crlmo nnd cruelty and Infamy. Yet
thero had fallen so many of tho ene
mies of truth nnd Justice, that ho oiight
have called them the Expiatory Dead.
Three I have told you of that poor
wretch, Lemcrelor-Plcnrd, "found dend"
In his room In tho Hue do Sevres; Hen
ry, "found dend," with n closed razor
near by; Felix Fnurse, "found dead,"
and smuggled Into his pnlacc.
Thero are many others. Captain
d'Attcl, who claimed to havo heard
Dreyfus avow his guilt to Lebrun-Hon-ault
tho day of IiIh degradation, was
"found dead" In n railway train, his
corpso bluo nnd already on the way to
docomixisltlon, though his Journey had
Insted but an hour. This pretended
confession, which Dreyfua never mode,
D'Attcl confided to his friend, Chnulln
Servlnlero, n member of tho Chamber
of Deputies; now tho Deputy took train
one day to visit his homo; nn hour Inter
ho wbb "found dead" on tho railway
tracks between two atatlons. And
Hocher, of tho prison guards, who also
clnlmcd to have henrd Dreyfus any: "I
am guilty, but I am not tho only one!"
died, nnd to this day no one knows
whero or how. It wna an though Eter
nal Truth had reached down and alnln
this llo wherever It lifted Ita evil head.
Tho prefect Barreme was summoned
to Paris by his government chlof; he
was found "dead" In his compartment
when tho train arrived nt the Gnro St
Lnzare. Lnurencenu, prefect of the
North, was called to Paris to glvo evi
dence regarding tho spy system on the
Germnn frontier; there was no nccl
dent on tho Journey; tho next day he
was "found dead" In his room nt the
Hotel Terminus,
Lorlmlcr, one of Henry's most tire
less agents of forgery underline, was
"found dead" hanged In a lonely barn ;
another, Gucnce, was "found, dend" on
tho floor of his room in Pari a Then
thero wbb Munlcr; his part In the con
splrncy had been to falsify the mean
ing of a cryptic telegram uent by Pan
lzzardl to tho Italian government so
that It affirmed tho guilt of Dreyfus;
and Munlcr was "found dead" in n rail
way train. Wbb It any wonder the
martyr's friends hegnn to see In these
mystcrlouB nnd opiwrtune deaths, the
work of an avenging destiny? With
"Decidement, la Fatnllto est Dreyfus
nrdol" the very stare in their coursei
fought aaglnst tho He. Vnuco Thomp
son, in Success Magazine.
Jften the blood is pure, fresh nnd healthy, the skin will be soft, smooth
tinea me uiood is pure, fresh nnd healthy, the sum will be son, smooui
lrw lf 1.1 ....... t. i-i t -.. : ..
--..,., wn.iiioilca, UUl WJICIl HUU1C UC1U UUIIIUI UIlk;a lUUk ill m.
-" t-t iiho me iiirx-Mi trierniiv ivniiti oi nn inactive or biuuhiuu
v kv. uiciiiijc-t-u m uir" uniiv xvun.Hn iiiiiv ii. 1 r lu luiilll uu4 mm v
uuu rciuse mailer 01 incsvsicm. mis iinncniiuy numcr ic
. -" 'ciuicut ana soon me circuianon uccomcs cuarircu wuu iuc utiu
""UCianua Ot th nl-In nnvlm. nir T?v,,nn Artu 'letter. 1'soriosis.
PV... , . . ", JIIUKUUUI, 1 1 ,
,,'w4 huu Htin pninr nnR ni vnrimiQ LriuriH. I'rzrmiL Hiiucum. uouaiir
WjSht redness of the skin followed bv pustules from which there
aatlMur ila.J.l n.-i. t m . T. . it.. 24.1.1. 1 I...MeA
a xi ii 1 11 1 1 1 n r rirrta anil Trtti a n t-ii etr nnii inr 1 1 c 1 1 1 11 1' in iulluqu.
"AVUCIUIIV rM lit.. 1.-.1. 1 . 1. W . 1 tlmilrrH fY Mfl" TVirTII
y may Do n lertel Tn Tetter the fiL-iti tinea, craclca ana DICCUS :
. vac M100U iiriea im tit nntiirni m n ni t lie RL-in. which arc micuucu
Vf oQIt and nlinnt .1.. rn..rieli -nndiHnn nnd (rlvintT It a
leathery appearance. Acne makes its anncarance on the lace in the
1 UD Ail.l .a. w v TJ-.J-,Z Ma.a v CJllir niTf11PQ OT1 fl J IlfT
Kf Until T o i a it t. t ,raf
uurn inm . hshm ri w im rnii n I n i . iviiLUiii .
frnm r.".M. VVU10 WOUlU v o. - ,
m t n? raw as a pioco nml Ivv nre nlso disnirrccaole types 01 bkih
tr i SESr. ia .ilEo The Inntinr tirodticirio- tlie trouble
tmcfthetVo"u2i"eV,orboon Winter to break out nnd torment the
r. m.- Wt aa 1 V AllH. AMI iMfAftmlT II T llf X TIT Tl II I nil! 1111' a lliU UVU
"IMSD. - ' .. ...... Jl O Q Q
xrcaimcnc xor an bkiu uiat-iiaca a w.
It neutralizes the acids nnd removes the
humors eo that the skin instead of being
Irritated and diseased, is nourished by a
supply of fresh, healthy blood. External
, applications of salves, washes, lotions, etc.,
Tvmic mcy uooiuo nc ""6 . " . V
. . M T. . ... 41.. A.ihlA
c c
purely venc-r
m m lir unv WUV. Y 3W -" O 7 . J
-1,1.. rri..rt itAiwf nun the trouble
toes e. r not reach tho blood' S 8 s- Cc9 dowu lnt0.tac circulation
v wOUtpvf. exnUl.i at t ii 1 n4rt flirt 11nnft tn ita
a J ' oevtVa WaV 1U1 kl LI Ailia WIt - .
i ijurr ,1:11 4 a , . rA i nitii
ah xvauu. LHCICUV TiCnilUnCIlVlV tUUUK
. ufinir e v 1 . j . . - lUn ro BPnr 1 1 cm
11 vu wiitin I I uAfiann n eii ntiv tti irn i in 1 vine uuuwu
9 s. S. S. is for sale at all first class drug stores.
t?' OoujI?.1'?0' M,e' A Children's Hhoea, Sii.atf to 1.00.
5fcb,ri!?,i,0,oa Bro recognized by expert Judges of footwear
?ot th ilin tJjo.flt and wear produced In tUU country. Kaoh
looxeu aiter
it regard to
factories at
tii. 1. wwi. vnn w..i r..." it .1.t l,.lr ImnR. Ill DCllS
WuusCr anil. ';wv .uoti uiiuoiavauu mij mw . -.
. PiT4.'.:?i.K"awr Yolae than any other niaKee. . . .... 1
W Hmi IS!
Told tn EnKltah School.
From nn English paper Is gathered a
bunch of schoolroom stories, some of
which arc so good as to have their gen.
ulncneHS doubted, us, for cxumple, the
definition of a lie: "An abomination
In the sight of tho Lord, but a very
present help In time of trouble."
To bo received with equal skepticism
lu perhaps tho boy's answer to the ques
tion why David preferred to be 11 door
keeper In tho house of tho Lord : "Be
cuuso If he wna a doorkeeper ho could
walk outside while tho Benuon was bo
lng prcuchedV' More nnturnl, liowever,
Ih what n child Bald of Elijah: "As
Elijah went up to heaven he dropped
his mantle nnd Queen Elizabeth walk
ed over It"
It need hardly bo explained that It
was an Irish boy who gavo tho text:
"Ho that humbleth himself shnll bo ex
alted and he that exnlteth himself shall
be a baste." It was n small boy of
who, asked why Mosea took off hit
shoes in the presenco of the burning
bush, gavo tho novel explanation;
"Plense, sir, to warm 'ecs feet"
The Proved Remedy
for Over 50 Year.
Price S3 aad M
The number of cattle in Argentina Is
estimated at 25,000,000.
Ninety-eight per cent of the 50,000
blind of Japan support themselves by
practicing masfiage.
Cempenaatfoa ot Health.
Miss Harriet Curtis, the golf cham
pion, at dinner In Boston praised
golfs effect on the health.
"Many persons," she said, "especial
ly women, have 111 health because tboy
nerer take any exercise, and the'r
nervea weaken, end half their com
plaint are nervous, imaginary ones,
that hard work would cure. I know
a doctor who has a patient of this type
a big, robust woman, who is never
without a list of ailments as long as
her arm.
"The last time she sent for the doc
tor bo lost patlenco with her. As she
was telling him how she was suffering
from rheumatism, sore throat nervous
Indigestion, heartburn, pains in the
back of the head and what not, he In
terrupted bor.
"'Ah,' he said, in an admiring tone,
'what splendid health you must have
in order to be able to stand all these
complaints "The Washington Star.
norr tbm Engagement "IV Broken.
Sho (having nothing else to say)
It's funny how we .ver camo to think
so much of each other.
He Funny 7 It's positively ridicu
lous i
The Flace to Lenrn.
"Do you know much about mental
"Yes," answered the expert "by per
sonal experience on tho witness stand."
Washington Star.
Banking by Mail
On ravings deposit of a dollar
or moro, compounded twice
every year. It is just aa easy
to opn a Savings Account with
us by Mad as if you lived next
door. Hend for our free book
let, "Banking by Mail," and
learn full particulars. Address
Oregon Trust 8c
Savings Bank
Portland, Oregon
Sixth and Washington Sts.
Personal Knowledge?
n i t. 1-J I. .t, -winnlncr factor in the culminating conteeU of thi
competitive- ego end when of ample character it place. U fortunate poweaeorin
tho front rank, of Mom(d of lho Worfd.
A vaat fund of pereonal knowledge U really eaaentUl to tho achievement of
the hinhert excellence in any field of human effort.
A Knowledge of Forma. Knowledge of Function and
Knowledge of Products are all of tho utmo.t valuo and in quction. of
Wo and health when a true and wholeaomo remedy Udceired it should bo remem
bered that Syrup of Fig. and Elixir of Serin, manufactured by tho Caufomia Fig
Syrup Co, U an ethical product which ha. mot with tho approral of the moat em
inent PhycUna and give, univewal faction, becauee it b a remedy of
Known Quality. Known Excellence and Known Com
ponent Part, and ha. won tho raluablo patronage of million of tho Well
Informed of th. world, who know of their own penonal knowledge and horn
Mrfual um that it b the fir.t and be of family laxative, for which no extra-
Tagant or unreasonable claim are made.
Thb valuablo remedy ha been long and favorably
known under tho naroo of Syrup of Rg nd ha. attained to
world-wide acceptance as the moat excellent firmly laxative A
iU pure laxative principled obtained from Senna, are well known
to physician, and tho Well Informed of tho world to be tho
beat wo havo adopted tho moro elaborate namo of Syrup of
Fig. and Elixir of Senna as moro rally decnpuve or
hut doubtleaaly it will alway ho called
for by tho ahorter name of Syrup of Fig. and to get
ita beneficial effect, alway. note, when purchasing.
the full namo of tho Company CalUonua rig
Syrup Co. printed on tho front of every package,
whether you call for Syrup ot rig
ox by tho full namo Syrup of Fiaa
and F'''"1' of Senna.
cam fda Mr.i cm n.A I
lZO0i"SV!LLE,K?i. londonTengland. NEW YORK.N.Y1
Mow lie Oot a Warmer Bent.
One bitter cold night recently a solemn-faced
man drove up to a tavern
near Westcheater and made his way to
tho' sitting room after seeing that hla
horse wbb taken to tho stable. There
was a largo crowd of guests huddled
around tho stove nnd ho bad to take a
distant sent whero it was not mucli
warmer than outside. As soon as n
waiter appeared tho man said:
"Get two dozen oysters on tho half
shell and take them out to my horse."
When tho waiter passed through the
room on his way to the stable every
body but tho new guest followed him to
boo tho remarkable horse feed on raw
oysters. In a few moments tho dls-
..l-.l .v....l linmliul I... ll..v n. 1 1... I
KUn(l"U lllwii, m.:uvii.-A vj mu wiuiur,
returned to tho room to find tho owner
ot tho horso comfortably'seated by tho
Tho horso won't look nt tho oysters,"
said the waiter.
"I didn't think ho would," replied the
man. "Hand them to me." Now York
The Ilenl Snirea,
IIowellH After nil, It's tho wlso man
who can change- his opinion.
arowclls Ah, but tho really wise
men Blmply enn't do It.
Howells Why not?
Orowoils Ilecauso they've been dead
for years. P'hllndolphla Proas.
Hard to Locate.
"Do my thoughts oludo you?" tnntal
Izlngly nBlted tho subject
"Not your thoughts," replied tho groat
mind roador, "but your mind," Hous
ton Post
lit Idea ot It.
"Say, paw, what is an exaggerated
"I'm not Buro, son, but I think It's
that new hat your mother is wearing."
Milwaukee Sentinel.
Color moro Kooda brighter and faster colors than any other dye. One 10c package colore sHb, wool aad cottoa equcHy weH sad to
guaranteed to give perfect reaulta. Ask dealer, or we i will I eed post paid at 10c a Bacfcaa. Write for free booklet bow to dye.
bleach and mix color. MONROC DRUG CO UnloavtHe, Missouri.
The lateit de'tatls concerning the eontruc
tlon of the "Chicago. Now York Air Line Rail
road" trill be found In the '-Air Line News,"
which can be had ireo ot any expense by writ
ing the
Portland, Oregon.
A eaarantecdeara rorilrart a. Couirha
iwuan ceou. aisii to ceau.
Write Us
Portland Oregon
. A MTTlCr A good salesman, (one
WANTED sfcrlw'E
Rltttnate sclllne article lu big demand. Will
' pay from 1150 to VbQ per month. Permanent.
321 Hawthorne Ave., Portland, Oregon.
Gold! HrliUe Work, par
tooth, S3i l'latn.tS: silver Fllllnga,
Mo Uold Jrilllnc, f I.
WH first Btret l'OHTLANll, OnEQON
a wu j
S will give you con
piete protection
Md long service
ibu cetn't afford
to buy any other
Every garment
The best dealer seflK
- 4 aa4.a.t4.
14 4.... UHM.I.U.
is wonderful in removing dirt and grease
spots. It fixes colors, bleaches, and pre
vents cloth from turning yellow.
All dealers. Sample liorax, Souvenir Picture
In 10 colors and booklet 5c. and dealer's name
1'ACinC COAST, UOKAX CO., Oakland, Cat
Mbj4a In tklt alt w lavas mr,A ail I a a m .
anywhere. Ileal Urminc Tools rasda. Oat cal.
Iocs and prices. TTATiT. & CO.
321 Hawthorne Ave. Portland, Or.
P.N, U.
No. 17-07
HKN writing- to advertisers please I
The Finest Gardens
Seeds are planted. Why ? Because we sell you the kinds that grow
best or this Coast. Our handsomely Illustrated and descriptive
AnnUal tll all .knnl mil 1. Ell . - r i
. i-' .;. ' iacous, r-iaius. rsosoa, opray rumps.
. vouuKis, un.uu.uor3, orooacrs, ruury ana tiee supplies.
Ak tat Bask No, 260 va iIm rava a ipaelsl ealalor
at Tu.j, ShniU lie.'. Botk Na. 261 l'a an rtutu.
Portland, Oratfon - SpoKane, Wash.