The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, May 02, 1907, Image 6

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CHAPTER X. (Continued.) I ho said It was somo such niimo as Staf
Tn the. midst of tho conversation, Par- ford."
sons suddenly Interrupted her, nnd point- Here was a splendid discovery for our
I rig to a box opposite, sain, in a low scJicme:
voice, "Do you 6co Miss Grlerson?' to meet
With grunt of dissatisfaction for the
servant was no moro agreeably Impressed
with Mr. Wyllo than was tho master
Daniel led him through tho long corri
dors that conducted to tho gallery.
Stafford was rapidly sketching tho por
trait of Kleonoro do Solssons; a water
color drawing of the head of Circe lay
bcsldo him.
"Mr. Stafford." said Wylle, approach
ing him, with his softest smile, "I am 'iMi
flnllrrlitnrl tt tit,ntt vntt n nnil n Inln ni-n ! C
von will rlmihtlfxi pnmnmhor mpetlnir me Vl
at Ilarle'y Btreet." I (!
Stafford did remember him, perfectly
well ; but Ilka everybody else vho came In
contact with tho gentleman, u was not a
cherished memory.
Ho has come down here o Bettle tho
-the very man ho most desired preliminaries for Constance's marriage,"
with. No onnortunitv could bo ..... v.t ..v .i .. . ti...i.n.
She broke off in the middle of a sen- more propitious for putting his design. iZZiont
llil6! S..Ln; inl. e5utl01?- This thought did not conduce to a cor-
tvuu-i uvi mv-c hubuvu, nuu, n iiu ik u f uuu eicCUllon. I rrut- .1 i..
11 V . J V...1. I, -VI -.I I .. . ... . lUUUUlU
ihuvcuhjiu, bug uiuw uu uvtuiiu uamei carried tne card UP tO .Mr. 1'enr- ' 11 .., r Vlli .,1r,,nfH
hv A I, to ,.. In tna i I JJ -.1. - . "!''' v " n;..v......
'"- vuvvivmo. muiui V.US.V mo -j ... v... inuuiu, WHO WHS. BS USUS1. in 1119 UDrSrT !. l. ..u I.
.vu.u .uui v, u. u w.v-..v. nuiuus ills UOOKS. JL UO name Ot yue h , PtwHnr an nlmntlnn nf union sh-
ment suspended the words, and carried his
.leaning forward looking towards the was totally unknown to him
stage ; besldo her was seated her uncle, Mr. Wylle, with a low bow, softly en
surveying the scene through a lorgnette, tcred tho room. Sir Lnunco rose can
Arthur also drew further back, to escape tlously, and bade his visitor be seated,
weir observation. wondering, meanwhile, what bu
"Do you know Miss Grlerson?" he said, repulsive looking stranger could
addressing nimseu inuiucrentiy to eitner,
thoughts into another channel,
The exclamation came from Mr. Wylle,
VVr I The Unrly I'nuturnKo.
UMmn tivrlr In at veil till) II so of earlv
green ryo tho results nro not nhvnyii
.t . sniiiirnniitrv. niui rnr mors unit unit inn
HT to 1 cnttlo lose flosli and lesa mult given.
i&tf Uyu h ono of tho most unoful plnntn
I for providing early green food nt n boii.
wiiw-'; I BOll Wlll'H KTHnn viut'if iiuv mnn-iij, uiu
I . . i
not tiuo to tuo ryu ueiug nn unsiuiuuiu
food, but rnther becnuso of allowing
The Onrtleu In Hlirlnn. ,i, .mlmnla frxn nnviM It) It. Ill lfn our.
The first thine to do with a gardon .
plot Is to' plow It, nnd harrow tho land tho tncB wh(,n t ( mo(t u dl,,niUul)
until It Is ns tlno on tho Burfnco as t t s po,,,,, moBt wholly of wntor,
LsTness this Wuu wn' U1n llctur Cireo C1U1 KHlbly bo made. If tho work Is ro)ortio of solid matter being
idShav8e3wUh9 1 L "n .ITlrX. to bo done with u horso the longer tte It contains several sa.tS
him. K. . r . .......I- rows tho better. Utw ouiy piump ... . uoiutio,, nnd 11 effects unon tho
"I have heard of her. Who does not "i have to nnoWl. Sir Trance, for .', "uu Bound seed, nrocurcd from reliable . , . InToHv. ,,w, , llnf
- - " ' . : ViUIIlCSS im. I . .. 1 1 I wnv.w , ..I--.VW ..w
hear of an helress7 replied Mrs. Castle- Intruding upon your privacy at what Is,
ron, instantly recovering iron, ner mo- perhaps, an unseasonable hour," began
mentary discomposure. "Of course you Wylie, "and I should at least have waited
know her. until the mornlnp hpfnro I nresentpd mr
"Ye-es; oh, yes," answered Arthur, con- self. had not the time at mv d'sDOsal been
fusedly. 80 extremely limited. I started from
This, then, Is the heiress," thought London this morninir. Not to kecD vou
.nrs. uastieton. "wyiie am not ten me in snannnsp. t nm rplnttvp of sflsu
Grlerson's one of the executors of her
mother's will with which lady I have
recently and accidentally heard that your
this, ilow strange! I wonder If they
care for each other?"
After this she became a little thought
ful, the conversation flagged, and Arthur son) Arthur Penrhyddyn, Is about to
tnougnt it time to take Ms leave. form an eneacement.'
"Perhaps Mr. Penrhyddyn would honor "Such a thine has been sDoken of." re-
me with his company at my little dinner pijed Sir Launce, coldly; "but nothing
on rnursday. snc sam, turning upon mm has been definitely arranged.'
Her sweetest smile. "Prepiselv. Sir Lnunce." reeled Wvlle :
Arthur hesitated : but Parsons Immedl- "nothine could be arranced without my
ateiy replied tor nim. v un, yes, i -enr- concurrence "
nyddyn, l am sure, will come, it ne nas Am i t0 understand that you are op-
no prior engagement. posed to such an alliance?" Inquired Sir
Artnur confessed that he nad none, ana r,aunc freezinrlv
so it was settled that be should dine with "Qh, no, Sir Launce," hastily replied
Mrs. Castleton on Thursday It was then jrr Wylle; "there is nothing that would
Monday. She gave him her hand at part- cive crcater nleasure than the honor
f ng tne slightest pressure ot ner nngers, 0f 8Uch an aniance. I am related to Miss
nnd a look that went thrilling to his Grlerson on the mother's side. We our
heart. I kpIvm romp nf an ancient and honorable
. . . i -
Arthur had descried Jerome and one or tock. althouch a foreism one the De
two or his student frienas just enter the Solssons of France."
nit A strance feeline of excitement pos- si- r.nnnra pfnrtprf nnH n stranre look
sessed hfin a feeling that rendered him jnt0 his face at the mention of that
averse to be left alone with his own unme. Vpither the start nor the look
thoughts, so upon leaving Mr3. Castdeton. was ost upon his visitor,
he joined them. After a time he cast "You have, doubtless, heard the name?'
his eyes up toward her box; she was gone, he said, quickly
Constance and her uncle were still In "t have heard the name." replied Sir
their places ; but standing near the en- Launce, with something of discomposure
trance, on the same side, and with his j must discover why this iron-looking
back turned towards them, they could man betrayed such emotion at the men
scarcely recognize him, unless their gaze tjon 0f that name. It must be a power-
was turned pointedly in his direction fi reason to relax his features," men-
"They will think it very strange behavior tauy observed Mr. Wylie. "You will
on my part, if they have seen me, not to therefore. Derceive." he continued, aloud
have paid my respects to tbzin, but I can- "that on one side Miss Griorson is of a
not to-night," he thought. family not inferior to your own. But the
At length the curtain fell upon the name and the blood Is all we have left
first piece. He saw Constance and her t0 boast of now. The Revolution reduced
uncle rise, as though they were about to the De Solssons to beggary and exile
Tetire. Jerome at the same time proposed Poverty induced my cousin Arabella, Con
that they should leave the theater ; he stance's mother, to accept the hand of a
-went a little in advance of nis compan- rich man of low origin, a match which,
Ions: there was a large stream of people, through the remainder of her life, she
and he soon became separated from them, j never ceased to deplore. But I perceive
When they emerged out into the street, that you are still at a loss to comprehend
they saw him standing under the portico, the nrecise motive of my visit. I will ex-
talking to a policeman, in a strange and piain myself, without further delay. You
somewhat excited manner. . have been. I understand, already waited
What is the matter, Jerome7 inquired upon by Mr. Robert Gnerson. Now,
Arthur. I must inform you that although, as I have
1 have seen her : he cried, exeiteaiy. said before, I am joint executor ana guar-
Circe! She stepped into a carriage a dian, I have never once been consulted
moment ago, with an old man beside her upon the subject, nor even directly in
Pshaw !' you have been deceived by formed of the proposed event, under such
come fancied resemblance," cried Leland. circumstances, I considered it my impera-
"Do you take me for a fool?" answered tive duty to wait upon you, in order that
Jerome, angrily. I should know her I might understand the precise situation
among a thousand by the peculiar fashion I of affairs."
in which she wears her golden hair. I "The matter is left entirely to the
only caught sight of her as she stepped choice of my son," remarked Sir Launce,
into the brougham, and there was such a "He writes me that the young lady is in
crush of people that the carriage had every way fitted by beauty, manners and
driven away before I could reach the education to become the future mistress
spot; and this man," pointing to the pc- of Penrhyddyn; but no formal proposal
liceman, "either cannot or will not tell has yet been made by him. As I before
me to whom the carriage belonged." Haid, If you or any of the rest of the
I can tell you, sir," said a man who family see the least objection to such a
had come up to listen one of the numer- proposal, I will at once telegraph to my
ous loiterers who hang about theater I son that all is broken off,
But Miss Grlerson holds the mortgage
deeds of the estate? cried Wylie, who
could not forbear putting th.'i extreme
test to his host's sincerity,
Mr. Wylie," answered Sir Launce, rls
1312 Runnr..l
HJl I'rcneli ..fA.t..i ...
of Anion. v""-u W
lfMOThomas Seymour u,a u . I
fnlral of Bn.hK;,BJ
traded. ' ""
"Was a?!-H
day.. " ot
17rt'. i . .
. ...i Q0 0r .. .
1705-The IlrHl.h.taB,KtbwB
ncs, new combinations, new ad- top soil will always bo kept lino nnd I., fop , iort t m)(l they "r,,,,"h in?.er CornwiliU
to be gamed by this discovery. loose nd fewer wccds will appear ... . nrontallo orons tot ,hn,orc' ln"18' Morn.
How could that picture havo como seedsmen nnd use too much seed rut ner . wcnken,K( ,,ut cnul(Cfl tho nn,nnB
here?" he Involuntarily ejaculated., man too mue, bb u is n tQ loBO flo8,u Tuoro , ft rlB,,t wny t0
"Do you know anything of It?" eagerly, out the surplus plants tlian to rcpiniu , however, nnd thnt In to
Inquired Stafford. . I tho vacant places. Use only well-rot- . . fl , , , . 1 , .
first, and then gradu-
luirlnd nf trrnzlnp. Whmi
...1,1 l...,V,-t.1 111 Tho K11V- 1 .... ... ....
A chill struck to the young man's heart i .--u """",'"" "" n emtio l.avo been Kept on ury rotxi ror
at this confirmation of his own thought-1 01 ,uuor w "w, , ' " ",x '"0'"'1 tlw green ryo l to tlioin ft
WvIIp inl.l nnt fnr . Hmp rpmovp his Wlltclllng tile weeds. If tllO WllCOI liiriirv nml it It la nllntvixl thorn Hull.
eves from the n cture. and while he eazed. or wneel cuiliviuor is uku ju-i Lin,,,!, u will Inmmvn miwllHnn
busy thoughts were teeming in his oram. weeus are appearing noovc gruuuu Jin(1 crmNn cjovcr w ho
new scnemcs.
" " n" " -rf " imKJL". 11 11 11 IL'HL'l IVIW i,,. .. , I ...III n in... .MAfltnl.1
11 j a IIUI u 4wiiv4tviu viwin
inquirca stauoru. itho vacant places, use oiuy nui-iui- allow stock on th(
"Do you not recognize tho wonderful totl mnnure, nIui WOrk It well Into the , , .
likeness to Constance Grlerson?" cried If tetmssr ,5 UBcd, let It bo X extend tho tL
'W'"e' l.n,..lnon,l .1,1,1 ImrmU'Dll 111. ThOBllV- ... . .
doors; "I called the carriage it teas Mr.
Visitors were rare at the Castle of
Jate years, for Sir Launce lived a life of lng from h8 seat and drawing himself
up haughtily to his full height, "that
almost total seclusion, and the sound of
carriage wheels brought Daniel to the
door with a somewhat quicker movement
than was usual to him. The gentleman
alighted, and dismissed the driver of the
tjbaie; and, giving Daniel his card, re
quested him to convey it Immediately to
would not make the shadow of a difference
in my views. If I cannot preserve the
lands of my ancestors with honor, let
them go. I make no humiliating bar
The stoical pride of the man kindled a
Sir Launce. On the card was printed, gpark of admiration even in the cynical
aiHC TnmAc Wnlfa " I. . . .. .... .
.,11. uumrs ,.i.o. hpnrf nf .Mr. Wvlle. Althonirh 1 hp mnln
Mr. Wylie had left Paddington by an object of his journey was to break off
-eariy train wiai in.irning, ana. upon ar- the match, yet now that he perceived how
riving bi i e lawn nearest 10 rennr- easily it was to be accomplished, he pre
hyanyn, naa nirea a cnaine ana driven ferred a mile delay. It did not suit his
-over to tne uasuo lie naa two motives ,)Urp0He t0 at once quit Penrhyddyn; and
in masing ima jourmy. in rne nrsi were he to take the owner at hJs word,
Place, ne nau a oeriain game to play he could have no possible motive to pro-
wiin o.r uuuiii-r. rtuu, in me seconu i Jong his stay,
place, e was ufuiruun ui neeing 1'enr
y-. I . . . ..L
r rom irce nis eyes wanuerea to mai om-. Bftw cach cutlvnton
er strange lace ucsiue it. inai, aiso,
seemed to excite his curious attention.
"Whose portrait Is that?" he asked,
turning to Daniel.
"One that's got no business to hang
Cultivated In
tlioKo who keep stock, as thoy shorten
that manner, an ordinary garden can tho drr.rccUK period of winter. When
do worked m an nour or iwu, u..v (,10 cnr, n nf0 K,mj U0
the weeds are allowed to grow uiu 8(ockt nm, te l)QWcln nrw nfrtfcloj ono
they are several inches nign uiej u. nf tll ,1,iI.n,i,,ii u that iha eroon
there!" growled the old man; "but willful Injure the garden plants and Increase f , , ,.,. nii ...p.iipi,,,,. nmi Biimil.l
people win nave meir own way, " K tile labor rourroiU. I liat is iuit ........ ,W muc,, rtvn fM)(j bnyQ cn Con
Z ?.,rBP7S 1 JS: 10,nt-t0 '"vnto as soon a. the wec,U . of m
. . . . r . germinate. ix not nut in uiu iwraa w wnmnavl i.ii.iv witu unit t,ii n rnii
pie. too, who lancies tncy Knows every- , ., . . . . .,,
thing. Thank heaven, I ain't learned 1 80011 w 1 Ie thc KrouI d 18 ,d' " allowance of hay. There Is no danger
Yes, Madame de Solssons, after nigh upon nj inn w serainmiu - In green fowl, However, If the cows are
two hundred years, you've got among tho Pie trees nre in bloom is me oesi nine not 0WC1 to cotmitno too much, but,
family at last. And who on earth shall for planting the garden crop, as tho . cverv fnrincr knows, thorn la llnl.lll,
help it now? For the old Penrhyddyns ground will then be In excellent condl- tj. of "blont" (lioven) by eating any
win puss anaj, uo sutci n mis unjr a . tlon wnrm. anil tuo uangcr ;rom irosi knti 0; green food to excess.
past Vegetables and smnii rruus cost
Tears dropped from the o d man s eyes tha whent nn1 oat8 n)ro.
as he spoke those words; ;hey were the . . . .. r
tpourlng of thoughts which haunted " uV
him night and day,
Tiat name was that you said?" cried
Mr. Wylie, eagerly. "Did you say De
Solssons? You called that portrait Elco
nore de Solssons. What do you know
of It?"
"What I know of It I shall keep to my
self. I don't tell family secrets to stran
gers. It you want any information, you d
Profit In Squalia,
A nqunb breedor ay or tho past
year our squabs havo averaged us n
fraction over sixty cents it pair. Now
with an average, as ho places It, of
Improrl k the Well.
Those who remember how pure thc Ix ,,, n ymr wo hlVe retun, )f
water used to tnste when it was urnwn M oa TIl0 WHt of hnjcUng cnn
up from the old open stone walled well t)rm,Rilt rJiJo of ninety cento n pair,
will welcome any plan of improving ,f nrK0 nHnntltles. u would
our present wells. The sweet, witisfy wcj to ow ) cenOi n nnlr for
better ask Sir Launce," replied Daniel, iaHie WUKtt Ir PObhcbschi is noi now a!K)r fln(1 upI,eBt ,jrt, chnrconl
surlily, for he was vexed with himself very cnaractenstic or inucti or tuo tobacco stems, etc.. altlioush tbo tna
for having said so much. farm well water. Tho fact Is that poo- mire wj( wc think, offset this If sold
"Look here. Tell rae tho story of that pie. as a rule, aro very careless nowa- to the Iwst advantage. Although sotno
piL-vure, uuu i win jruu a wirereigu,
said Mr. Wylie, taking out his purse.
Daniel stood looking at him for a mo
ment, and at the sovereign held tempt
ingly between bis finger and thumb, with
an air of supreme disdain. 'And you call
yourself a gentleman, I suppose?" he said,
at last. "A pretty sort o gentleman that
would tempt a servant to tell his master's
secrets ! You've made a mistake this
time, sir; we don't do them things at
A servant refuse a bribe! In all bis
London experience Mr. Wylie hsd never
encountered such an extraordinary phe
nomenon 1 With a shrug of thc shoulders.
and a malicious grin, he put back the
sovereign into his purse without a reply.
Mr. Stafford," he said, turning to the
. 1 It v.l .1 - "
painter, wuo nuu oeen waicniug me scene, dnvs n bout t ii Knur of ilrlnlHtn.
wnen you nave cum, eteu mat SKetcn, watcp Woollcn curbing, absolutely 110
'nn-i.tii.n? i hL -.t. I ventilation In many cases and ioor
of Importance to say to you. I have not, 801,8 for tbe lfHcatlon of -vnter have
of the largo profit stories In tho squab
business are absurd, It xeemn ns If tho
Inexperienced breeder should get
profit of $2.00 a year from each pair.
prorlded be starts with well-mated
pure Homer stock. The ono great se
cret of success Is to have only tna toil
birds. Tho amount of damage ono tut
matwl bird can do In n loft really
M'cms Incredulous.. Such n bird In
steUIng a mato will visit cach nest
nnd such a visit naturally results In a
fight with tbo legitimate owner. Tho
datnago may Iks Imagined -eggs rolled
out of tho nests and Hrjuiibs trampled
and killed. Good stock In tho secret of
success, and tbo same care goes linnd In
hand with It.
Grnslnir Land,
The grazing of land by n mixed stock
as yet, the slightest Idea as to where my brought about the change. A fanner of cnttle, sheep and horses result In
rooms are situated; but when you are at WD0 believes that plenty of pure air tho land being moro easily grazed than
leisure, this honest man will, doubtless, be In the well will aid much In the nurlty when only ono kind Is kenr. Whoro.
able to conduct you to me. Remember; of the water gavo us the following however, many sheep nre kept with
do not fall, or you may regrt It." Dinn: Tho frame for tha riinivnrt nf riittlo. thn lii.,i .t
Without waiting for a reply, Mr, Wylle n,nfrrm u m,i , ,. ' , ' W' ". ' i:.i" """.V':."
passed through a door at the further end I."" " .T V .h'" "? " " 1 ""
of the gallery. Daniel leading the way
(To be continued.)
lowing a space or rour to six inches bo- do not thrive au well. Hut sheep, on
tween me top nnu bottom parte of the the other band, eat with nvldlty nnd
sides. This space Is covered on the Impunity much thnt cuttle dlslllto and
Why ii Wa lied. ....v. n.v.. v m.iwua. iUo nrsi is avoiu. .Many pastures, grazed only
The late Mr. Duffy, of Keeno. '. n.. 1 a ,ttr8e ,,,CH" w KeeP ouc """go vermin, with cattle, uro often In tho Hiirlnir
was ns well known for his wit ns fnr 0vcr tn,s ,B a fly ween, to keep out time covered with weeds, which a fnw
bis manly virtues, nmong which was airt ,nBCl8' cu?- 1Iie well never be- sheep mixed in with tho cattlo would
that of llfelont? total nhstinenco from co0 winter tne platform Is keen down. Horses, when kunt In n
Intoxicants, which seemed somewhat at covere(1 wlto utraw and snow. Iowa pasturo by themselves, nro very uneven
rnrlnnpo r. ltli tlift fant thnt lilu mun I OmeSXeatl.
was very red.
On one occasion, when on business In
a liquor saloon In his neighborhood, a
grazers. A few kept In a largo cattle
pasturo will graze tho rank places
where cattle have previously left tlielr
fayddyn, of reconnoltering the country,
upon the chance of falling upon informa
tion that might assist his schemes.
'The first of these games was the most
difficult, and the most Important of all to
5 .7 5 Pon ha7grea pen ed the T "T '1 T l ?
Access of fhe second, and tho perfect "?' u "f !!f: uj,'
gratification of the last. The first object
to b attained was to so far gain upon
Sir "Launce's good will as to become an
Inmate of fhe Castlo for a day or two.
In this latter respect, Mr. Wylle over
But," continued Sir Launce, "suppose
we defer any further discussion until the
morning. You must be weary with your
journey, and I expect a letter from my
son by the first mall to-morrow, which
have heard, some little time for reflection.
If you will accept the hospitality of Penr
hyddyn during your stay, I shall be most
happy to afford it to you."
Mr. Wylie expressed his thanks for the
rated his difficulties; the duties of bos- "T, . ?" ? v 1BummoninS uanleh
Titallty were punctually discharged be- t0,d fhlm ,to c0"duct the guest to certain
neath that roof, and It was not at all "'" ' co '" was prop-
eriy carea lor, 'I hen by a distant bow.
.that lt owner should care for hi. . h.ud ? wave of the hand, he Indicated that
clety, No person entered Pennrhyddyn,
the Interview was over.
In the character of guest, without bed and Perhaps, before another six months, I
fcoard being offered him. B"a he seated In that chair, Sir Launce,"
But an additional advantage to be de- muttered Wylie, Inaudlbly, as he followed
rived from his visit had been revealed to tne 0,(J servant ; "then It will be my turn
Mr. Wyllo since his arrival In the country. 10 conaescena and to smile. But I won
While waiting at the Inn for the carriage der wher Stafford Is. I suppose he has
lo bo eot rcadv. he emnlovcd the time In not 'e't- By the bye." he said aloud.
Questioning the landlord about the nres- turning to his conductor, "have you not
nt Inhabitants of the Castle and learned a gentleman, an artist from London, stay-
from him that a young artist gentleman l" "tro.
liad arrived thero tho day before. Mr. "There be such a ono staying here," na-
Wylie asked eagorly if he knew the vis- swered Daniel, shortly. "He was in tho
Itor's name. picture gallery a few minutes back."
"It was John Tregartb, the hostler, that "Have the kindness to show mo the
told e," answered the landlord. "I think way to the picture gallery?"
Sprnylnsr tor Sad Joae Scale.
As i a result .of experiment with lime- Inanurc, nnd nlso about places whero
drummer came In to sell cigars. To "u,i'uur wasnes in tno control of the tho land has been trampled. Ilotli
gain tho good graces of the bartenders ;Sttn t,JoB Hcale' tho author of lnllctln i,or8es nnd sheep will thrive much hot-
he Invlttxl nil In the place to drink, to " ",v u",,,u l oz entomology, ter when they aro uble to eeloct their
which invitation all readily responded
Have Mr. Duffy.
The drummer went to him and, slap
ping him on the shoulder, said ;
"I miy, old man what are you going
to have?"
"I thank you, nlr-r, but I never
dhrlnk," was Duffy's quiet reply.
"What? You never drink!" said tho
recommends a boiled llnicmilniiiir , i
wash. Salt does not appear to bo nec
essary or desirable, hut tho lime used Clmrrad Corn for Forrl.
should bo a calcium lime rather thnn n Corn burnt on the cob nnd the refuse
magnesia lime, ficlf-bollod llmc-sul. which consists almost entirely of tho
.phur washes aro often used with good 8 a reuueca to charcoal nuu still m
' success, but are moro exnenslvo nnd tnln,nff telr perfect slmpe placed bo-
not quite so satisfactory ns iiioi tore 'owls, Is greedily eaten by them
washes. For snraylmr on n lnr t w'' ninrked Improvement In their
dnimmor. with unrnJin i..i. nteain-bolllng outfits nro most satlsfn,.! health. This Is shown by tho brighter
"Now, If you never drink, will you tory' 11 18 reco"nended that badly In- c:r of thclr comhn and tho,r ,woner
please tell ns what makes that nose of rested orc,lflr(, sprayed In tho fall P1rodVC,n n Kroutcr ttVera8 ' fB to
yours so red?"
The Impertinence of the questioner
at once nroused tho Irascibility of the
old gentleman, and ho replied;
"SIr-r, It Is glowing with pride bo
cause It Is kept out of other people's
business." St Paul Pioneer Press.
and In the spring, but whero two spray-
ings are impossible tho applications
suouiq do made in tho spring.
the flock than, ever before.
Hrd lo Plow,
Labor can be saved In plowing and ,B flU ,t,Bhou,d c,at n a da
tho work well done by nronerlv lavln 0,18 a ,lors.e w'8'lng l.BOC
Ilnttoa for h Home,
It Is claimed that 2 per cent' of the
torse's weight of good, nourishing food
By this
f00 pounds
off tho plot A square sere, plowed BboU,d reC0,Ve 80 PUnd" 0f food' but
wiui a JD-incli furrow, remilrp tu """'u" l"k WIUU'"
i 1 rouuds and 830 turns. Tho same area dPendB unon the amount of Jnlor per
, In tho form of a parallelogram 2,fln for,.ned' I" we..M th. dKe"ve ca-
G ren t Dlnturlier
uuiinur i uiii niu jn jmlu mat VOU
t II LI.. - 1 1 f .
snouiu lurow mjuijutKB in pot. Why. In tho form of a narnlllr,r o.on
ho Is tho best wntcTidog In tho neigh-, rods, requires only 13 ronmi n'n paclty and appetite of tho animal
.. I. A I. .. '. I
ixji iiwou. turns, tnus renu r ina m,,nt, t-
way nowaueHpeop oupttuought h., plies to cultivation. Tho longer the loads of fruit trees aro propped, to pw ' ,0 Tthat bolllof JJ " 1 I
must be an alarm clock. rows the less tlmo r,ir " .. ' 71 1 "?a ",u..ttnn. Tbls irriw ,M
iree is 0r " w.ter to ,
1700 tut . ..
....7" oirur"t'rt m
v..u umuo 01 MtOClUch.
1801-Paul Cxar of HuHla, lttlJ
ta ly woundwl at Uttlt of Alt
una.' i
1807 Alexandria taken bj the Dt
iniiivr r rnncr.
1810 Bonaparte iMutd t jenfrtl
urmy 10 priioners of itati In Fn
1R1T ci . ..
n i Hornet apti
1'ni.Bii warsnip 1'tnpilo o5 Ciw
uoou uoix.
1820 Commodore 8trha
tally wounded la duel with i
dore James Barrow.... JHSti i
Wied from Iluula by item ol (
1831 Austrian troops entered Bc!
and subdurd Italian tirolatloa.
1831 First luue of the "New Tori
by Horace Greeley and two
1830 Col. Fannin, Texu soldier, ntj
dered to the .Mexlcaoi with COO i
who were mauacred ost week !
1833 Sir Georte Arthur took
lieutenant governor of upper I
....Sir Francis Bond Heidi
office a lieutenant jorernon
1841 Dukt of Clarence defeated
killed by tho Karl of Bochia.
1847 Hombardraent of VenrCnu, I
I co, began by American ships.
1840 Charles Albert. Kin of SaidJ
abdicated In favor of hli Km.
1852 "Uncle Tom's Cabin," by Uin
Heecher Stowe, publUhed In
185-1 Two fhocks of eartnqoaki M
Macon, Ga.
The Arab defeated t Iluhn
UnsucceMful attempt at
mado in wan iromiciu,,...'
I'lntn rmlnvnt Cuban Uwjer,
rotted at Havana for conijfcl
against the government.
1802 llattlo of Wlncbeiter.
1803 John Morgan, with 4.000 nen,!
frated near Milton, Tenn, uj i
under Col. Hall. i
IfUM Hattle of Henderion.
1805 Fort fltedman taken b; thifl
federates and retaxea 07 iw
tTtmnn. 1
18H John I). Lw, M"'?r,ii:
pllclty In the Mountain ii"
mrm rrfcMta. 9
1881-Opera housa at .Nl ton
two lives lost.
1882-Kdmunda law, aimd it Mon
lam In Utah, paww.
. j
1QOT Pli (none trOOD aiW
t r,t Tonnuln, In French 1
1891 Prince Napoleon lti tt
channel In a d.hwv-. (
am ...... Almmnivta. I
Ull iruni , ...
180.1 Jiayor o. - . 1
toro to Iloman Catholic. tM
nte scnooia.
OM oi.,i.ln and Turki fo "
ovi Fjteti 01 in I
" L ntoekid. of Cret.
era Des. -; ... jrt
1R08 Ten Uvea io - . y
Huttc, modi..- lBl
era perlbed on Ico Bo
Verdo, N. V. (,
Slnz for the murder 0
daughter.... -" m bom
Irncd ajrecment on w
Question. . firoil
nelon m do .
low uw .wired M 1
Town w
Boera. . ..... 1. ti
1K)1-Elghta pwpij
at HlrmlDna: - . . ott
ior,i-IrUh land bill .,
.i..inni r ver at
Kit of lOfeet
.rtre by rre and
n ;:: Vh. im v.t.
laieu . --t mU 01 ; -t.M
llahed in a raw-- mj "
Tho Tiext Till 11 if,
The health resort we soon may know
Will be a grand affair,
They'll sterilize Its rain and snow
And filter all Its air.
Philadelphia Ledger,
rows the less tlmo rcouirwi . i, ..n i. inu t iimh
... " - ' " 1UCIU I i.v v'.v .v. uv Ilium illicit n IB ,01 ll""""- " ,r W V"
will bo fewer turnings nt the onrl e thtis overloaded It Is hnlnv mnniio,i heating waj wructlo" ' ,
ii if 1. 4. . .. . : . . . . -- ' - . iniur4 iut ,nri i'
v.'w w vv o viid L 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' nr run nln.M I tn nt rwv miinh WAfl 1 1- .will Mnu uuv r1 . ,
" livintc van"' . ..tail llirr , . ,
v.. .w,, -. .v . VD vurnuig or tno plow to ao too inucti worK. it will always
or cultivator that causes loss of time, pay to thin off the surplus fruit In the
to say nothing of tho extra work lm- wnson. Tha remaining fruit on the
posed on tho man who Is plowing or Ire will be better quality and a larger
miImvii4Imm . .." m
I crop the result tbe succeeding year.
prwwure W
lit purpo