v. JhQ Madras Pioneer Published every Thursilny by -TiIElUONlfiU PUI1LISHINO CO.- .. SUBSCRIPTION RATE8: " 0;ic year $1.50 Six months 85 Three months ..t..u 60 that our Binger's band shake is simply irresistible. ADVKUTISINO 11ATKS ON APPLICATION ; Kntercd ns second class niatlor AiiKUst fl, 1P01, nt the TostofllPo at Madras. Ore., under tho Act of Congress of March 8, 187U. THURSDAY May 2, 1907 EARLY FRUIT DAMAGED Sne damage has been. done io ajljl early fruits in this section jb3' f.lie, cold nights of the latter part of Jast and fore part of this week," and by sbme it is predicted that the early crop of fruit yill fail entirely on account of the cold spell. Tho daTs have been warm, but the temperature dropped in the evening, with heavy fiost on spne or two mornings of the past .week. There was :i quarter -oi nniiicli or more of ice in Mad ras on Monday morning. . "While reports received so far are very discouraging, it is "believed by the more optimistic that the damage will not prove as great as has been reported. .There has been some damage to tl)6 early varieties of fruit, which were beginning to bloom, "bnt it is too earljr yvt to siy just how great the dapiage was. The best crops. they lijive had for 25 years is what the Agenoj" Plains farmers are counting on, according to J. G. Fisch, who is in the cty on business. Mr. Fisch says it's all due to the moisture, which has been abundant. Chronicle. A pretty double wedding took place in the parlors of the Hotel Prineville yesterday morning, when iMiss Gussie Bantu becaiue tho bride of P. J. Corwin and Miss Lizzie Corwin the bride of Fred H. Green. Rev. Bass tied the double knot and the two happy pairs of mates left immediatel' after ward for their homes at Madras. Prineville Review. The outlook for a heav' strawberry crop has never been A. Eagles brought in a speci men of oals from his home stead est of town, last Monday, and challenges any of his neighbors to neat it. The oats was planted in tho Fall, and tile specimen brought in was about IS inches high. Mr. Eagles says that he haa10 acres of the same kind. Work is still progressing on the well which is being drilled at the W. F. Mgill ranch. The drill has reached a depth of about 200 feet, and it is' expected to put it down about i3f)0 feet under the present contract. If no water is reached by that time, new aiVniii'eineuts will be Over near Dufur there is much excitement over the dis covery of oil, and it is said that tho indications are so gootl ant tho odor of petroleum Is so strong ns to raise suspicions Hint Mm snrintrs have been (J "salted". A. number of com imniea' are being organizes there to prospect for oil. Regarding tho proposal to try inoculation with a Uonctty virus, as a means of ridding this section of the county of the snire rat pesi, the Bend? Bullu linsavs: "11. H. Daviea, who is snend'nur several months in Bend, saw this plan of spread- iiiir disease among ground "i ........... null I'U niiiiW ns Mi- MiMrill ni.fl l.isjisnnirrels tneit seveim ....B.. ....... ...v. , nm.rhlim-s jii-m dofuwniiiuil In mm ill Lincoln COUIlty, HbU solve the water problem on the ington, and he said it practically Plains. s : ritl that section 10,0 more ihittering than at the present lime. The acreage has had no perceptible increase, but the conditions of the weather have been conducive to a heavy yield. The plants are in prime, condition and with a lew weeks ol favorable weather the grower may reasonably expect an abundant harvest. Hood Riv er Glacier.1 THE IMPORTED There has still been no offi cial notice concerning the awarding of the contract for the "Westside mail service, and it is believed by those who are in terested in the establishment of that service, that no contract Las been awarded, as some in formation would have been received by this time had the service been established. Un der the advertisement for con-" tracts the new service was to go into ell'ect on May 10, if estate lished, but it was understood that the service would not be established unless the bid offered for the mail contract was entirely satisfactory. The fact that no official notice ojneern ing the matter has been re ceived is regarded as an indica tion that no contract for the service has yet been awarded. T. M.Baldwin, cashier of the First National Bank of Prine ville, is making arrangements to build a line new home at the eonntj'seat. The new residence will be modern in every respect and will be one of the finest, if not the finest, homes in the count'. Mr. Baldwin's new home will be an ornament to the town of Prineville, where a number" of iihw' business and residence houses have gone up in the past 3rear or so. (Registered.) Blaisdon Glory No. 8622 By Bfaisclon Conqueror No. 15989 Blaisdon Standard No. 8623 By Blaisdon Champion No. 19351 From the estate of the famous Peter Sitibbs, Glos, England Will make the season 1907 at Haycreek, Or. v The Tourist's and Home seekers' number "bf the Oiegon ian which was issued last. Mon day, is the best exploitation number ever issued in' the Northwest. It presents in an attractive form, the very infor mation that the thousands of Jiomeseekers Hocking to this state will desire, and the spec ial edition w'll b especially valuable to the new-comer, ,in acquainting him with the resources and attractions of .his new home. The special edition will also prove a valua ble advertising medium in the ..East and Middle West, where .thousands of copies have been distii buted. A band of traveling gypsies were in town last Monday evening, camping on the banks df Willow Creek. They, were nere last Fall on their way northward, and are now re turning to California from North Yakima, Washington, where they spent the Winter. There were eigl.t or ten, men, women and children, in - the party, and they were traveling in three covered wagone. While here the gypsies gath ered in a few coins telling fortunes 'and doing similar stunts. TERMS! $20 to insure marevvith foal. . Binger Hermann does not deny having destroyed the let . t'er copy-books just prior to his Vetireitient from the General La,'nd Office, but he does deny their public character or that t lie was guilty of any wi;ong in tent. Under the instructions from the trial judge, the jury 'took that view of it, and Binger is a free man. It would be in teresting to hear the verdict of the public ou the transaction, .unhampered by any instilla tions from tho court. The Bulletin has made it a point tc make numerous in quiries regarding the condition of fall sown grain. 'Every re port so far obtained states that fall sown crops never looked better and that they are in excellent condition. In fact, i here is promise of a bumper yield from this grain. Matij' of the farmers hereabout firmly j believe that all giain, the na ture of which permits it, should lie sowed in the fall, thus se eming the benefit of the fall and winter moisture. Each year's experience . , seems to prove them correct in their theory. Bend Bulletin. firbljUkB Lumber Company St The company's mill is now running and will soon be able to fill orders for Rough and Dressed Lumber Moulding and Shingles The yard at Madras will be stocked with building materials including DOORS and WINDOWS TIip writ-small at the yard will alo find time o.'ramonaliy to build TASKS, WACiON'BUXKS (TI'BOA UDtf, KTC. Tho 'iinmny i installing move manhincry, and i tatter than over prepared to tmi1y the demands of its customers j Grizzly Lake Lumber Co., Lamonta, Oregon JE2 G3S5SSffiiH229 F It is reported that Binger -Hermann shook the hand of each man on on tho jury which acquitted him. Had this hand shaking occurred before the ;trial, tho charge of "undue in jlluence" could not have been avoided, as it is we'll known j work of them. The Baldwin Sheep & Land Company lias ordered- a virus from the Pasteur Vaccine Co. and will try the experiment of inoculating the rats which in fest their ranch at Haycreek. I he virus is strongly recom mended by the company sup plying it, as producing a deadly contagious disease- anions the rats, without dangerof con tagion to the other animals about the ranch. The company is not troubled so much with sage rats at their ranch this year as in former years. They have had plenty of water for irrigating and when tho water is turned on and the sage rats are driven from their burrows, the fox-terrier dogs make short From Bend to S haniko and all interior point New and Up-to-date Outfit SPECIAL ATTENTION TO TRAVELING MEN . TMK MOST SCKXIfi HOUTH IN 1JKST JSATIXU JIOUSIJK ON CKXTKAL OKI5UOX ASY STAG 13 1.1 KB Daily hta';H through Agency I'laiiu Country and irrigate dbtrictH of ( rook rounty. I'rompt attention given to -expreiw and buggago. J-'net frcglit a Hiuniulty. Kor i at-H tuldrww " W. & M. A. ROBINSON & CO., Madras, Oregon or VV. J. BUCKI.EV, Agent, Shaulko, Oregon o o Stallion for Service The big Bslgian, property of the Hiystack Livestock Breeders Association, will be kept at the Leach place, three miles west of Lamonta, during season commencing April 7th. This horse ha3 proven a sure (oal-getlcr and his colts are giving good satisfaction. Haystack Livestock Breeders Association o McTAGGART & HARDWARE IMPLEMENT GROQERIE AGENTS FOR MADRAS, OREGON v .11 I ji ji it i Airii j wa4. , w xr vLiiv,i GENERAL MERCHANDISE Cloth tpjjr, BootH Shoea, Etc Tfr Prompt Attention to Mail Orders PR 1 iN EV I LL E, OHKCOX or 'v w "v i" w 'if "r 'v TaT v 5r u V V 1 1? .xm A. E. CROSBY f ho I'IMBTOIt S tffl ft H iff ft B . R a E A I S li A I . 1 1 ... ( 1 ... .... U 1 .,11 . . . . . . v........ AgvUCf tor Itiutrami K(xlalt. lluttt 'l'hi.. lI'M lttf.M.K ANi) iih... i. 1'HK DALIilSS, 11 jjil TM (O) The best in S haniko Good Stock. Careful Drivers Best of lluy ami Grain Fed At Very Reasonable' Prices D. A. Howell, Shaniko, Or. 8 to to 4XS (lis Shaniko Warehouse Company QGNURAL STORAOO AND FOKWARDINO Ppeclal nttontlon to Wool Ceding ond ViMn for 'jJjJS mentH, Donlorw in JJlncBmlth Ooal, Umo and ,,ulIJ"' Gr,, of all kin.li. fiulphur, Wool mid Groin Karks nnd 1 swi J'lour nnd Koed. I)KlicHt priqu jmld for HI'Ioh nd k Yards with all tho latent und best faellltloa for btndllng Murk Goods Onra of "S,. W. Oo." T. G. CONDON, Manage Z.F.MOODY u rwm n bp n i i u pt . FORWARDING MERCf Largo and Commodlotm Wrohouo. f-ninlirllirionH IlnAlnof l.ltltlAII ltUlll III I1IU4W with tlioir jairo..- C.ANK0, u