S Or IE ami r.nncnd Fnrm (or Our posy KeaQure, a nr frurn rnWTTWPWT? ' ,0ftho Less Important but nut " Ofho Past Week. ,.t.nmin!o will bo nmrrlcd 1 ,r cVof 101 anil 100. l liv -t ..-..itMinn nrui new iurK L.M V H IL'U WJ " . ..,n In Tennessee is ropanou f Ltely domiiKed by cold weather. ,l!fhtf(rtliqi'ko hIiock at un tries 'J o., tlitow tho people into a lg no chance for tho election of til. ...I., fulimil flu tiriitiimt mi iu I 11. n Inc. H ILLUIU. 01 HIU fmnlno sufferers are dying . 7!, nnd there Ih difficulty In - thii rlOflll Hill III IMU I'lll Dii UIV -- ft, JUitrlan premier declare every .1 D.n I'nriiiiin uuiiiiin oiwwv -v ' in. nnmif innt t'ovoriiincnu ItooBOVolt linn about mode n.-imtiimt the best way ohtof it -1 nnmtxiiL'ii trouh o in lor ino In nIV II1C1 llfLTILI IIULLU Mi nimi i .11 ....iilliltilitil. 01 H W"""'v"' iFrsnciKO street railway employ- ,.ivlnir back w. Tho ar ultra i ...i ,.t,t.u1 tlm mim ii n liinrMHn nrcru kiiiiiiv" .i . il,i Mm trmiltlll iMxriltl InM Htnu w "wn . ttie nrui iu im in. .muii,- i " . . v . - - - I Pr.Kennard, nn American agent In r. .. ... 41. a uiifiAilrmtr Ilium Itnm . t. ..nlll.ti V.il Inau flinti " . . 1 t. . . noo oio uoDcntiom on niu unii to Ihe suffering. Emit Is BJtUi lo Do uuueung up a Ire 14 a ilenuloek in tuo Wisconsin Jerome lit InvcHtiwitinir a chnnro o .!!. rrt...... ........ la rice ntcaldent of tho ew ork i . i ti. - i i.. -4 It Brlllali budget proposes ' n pen i t i i ii oromnu'o una nicrwitiou wxca on rich. Satbern cotton innntiwicturcrs com . a ..I. .!;... I. ..!.... it.... I... ii.. ui jaiu uioi;iiiiiiiiuLluil uv iiiu (ijiUln George Curry him been In itm governor of Now Moxlco ii cfF. 0. Ilacerinari, who rculgnod. IU thief who etolo $25,000 from Joithem Pacific ExnrocH eoninnnv R. ha Iws been captured and tho IU lliltioln Supremo court Iiuh de rt un iiuiniiiii inn in htf Arti uta.A.,4 ..II A H. ToHt Imn lxen InauKurfltod woi rorto JUeo In HuwcfiHlon of an Winthrop. who rcnlifncxl lo . V!T nwiuwiiy oi Hit) irctvf II IBIilttotn.. j rnrvitum i.t i t - iivh u niiri'ii i "J I T" nmn rtVAfl Tittll. f. n i .... ' iui o nourfl una fs n day. minus at Coleman. ItrtVlr fnr !.,.. . . .v. an murUIUH Ul tr &. tan nrn . . -- t"iuw ur if riinr.itifr rnniiina ta Olltl lllod n nrnirrntn tnr i (7i cu,la for un ttpP'oprla 01 181,000.000. EARTHQUAKE IN MEXICO. Shock Laid More Than Four Mhr utet Over Large Territory, City of Mexico, April 10. An earth quako lasting four and n hulf mlnutos Battled tliiH city Sunday night. The earth rocked In a Jong, swinging mo tion, terrifying tho Inhabltanta but do Ing no damago ho far an can bo learned at this city. Olockn uloppod at 11:34 p. m. (Mexican timo), and tho porcop tlblo motion of tho earth ocaaed at 11:28. Tho telegraph wlrca word put out of conimlHfilon and for a abort time tho city won In daikncHa owing to tho falluro of tho olectrlo Hghta. Tlio aaphalt on ono of tho principal buoinoHfl fitroota of tho elty was onuskod opon for dletanco of 10 yarda. Pooplo fled from their Iiouhob Into tho etrectj. HoproHcntatlvcB of Iho AnHocIalod I'rcH niudo rapid eearchca over tho city but nothing Iwyond cracked walla nnd amall neaurofl In tho pavemonta could be found. At tho pcllco Htatlons no doatlm had been roportod. A wall on Santiago atrcot collajwed, killing a num ber ofJioreoH and wounding flvo men. No reports havo yet come from tho Amorlcan colony, but It la not believed that eorloua drtnmjo waa atiHtaincd thoto, although tho Iiouhcb, unlike thoto In tho old Section of the city, nro not built to withstand earthquake shocks. Telegraphic communication as far Bouth tm tho eiticH of Oaxaca nnd San Juan IlntitlHU lma bcencHtablinhod, but beyond the roiwrt that tho ahock was vory heavy in that region and along tho gull coast nothing moro was learned. NEWS FROM THE NATIONAL CAPITAL STANDARD OIL GUILTY. GKAFT IS DcNlfcD. Secretary Garfield Says Idaho Re clamation Service la Clean. Washington, April 10. Secretary Gnrflold today exploded tho charges of graft in tho reclamation servico in Ida ho by ofilcinlly notifying Director Newell that tho accusations against Engineer D. W. llotffl and his assistant secretary had boon found to bo without founda tion and had been dismissed, following this announcement by promoting Mr. IIohs from $3,000 to $4,000, and Mr. Horn from $3,300 to $3,0C0. Tho roport against Koss. and Horn was mado by Special Inspector A. B. Groon, whe spent eotne timo In Idaho making investigations and who gleaned his information from government con tractors. Green based his charges on statements made by tho contractors on tho Uolse-I'ayetto project. Ills conclu sions wcro utterly disapproved by Sec rotary Garfield. WILL CONFER ON GUNBOAT. ROUTE OF LONG RIDE. trial is approaching Albortn, iu por r hold un tlm HPrVlitirw....!. . ; n "co at at, I'aut """eJ 125,000. llanil nlu i. . . .. 'v. IL Ilfl III linri.l.i. ...I.,. "Nied tho Koh mil .iia,,tr ii utaai.. fitor ina nnd 1 it III.. - - 1 1 II IkllUl "T ""conain down intc Kan places trnhm nr .ini...i " BIIU1V. United pn(0 , . Smhi,! v-u"ni"' "uroau nas N PP'ntion in 1000 at i nun ih lnillirniillt "'res thn II.. I mi. ima ovt.r i'yuu. "einftf H....I... . . . . tk.rr'"81 01 Colorado, has . -6twiiors of ii ui..i I'UUUC Hill tr lt.. 1.1... ... .. to d I Z .8' 10 20 at Den- k 1,10 (lucat on of imbllo "no, . - v.... -'mem vnn m . . . IdJoS. ' Und flvo Pr - japan havo comnlnto.1 tlm Ul Alniinl....! - . rt'ay;un untt ,CftV,n only denv h V .. -'orunnn. Mont., "or 'his S . BtuK robbor 8b Lieutenant McCabe Selecto Course of 3,000-Mlle Trip. Washington, April 10. Lioutonant 15. Warner McCabe, of the Sixth caval ry, who bos been picked by Genoral Moll to ride from Sllvorton, Oro., acrces tho continent on an Arab stallion, has asked that Quartermaster Sergeant Samuel I'otcrson, troop K, Sixth caval ry, bo detailed as his orderly to accom pany him on his long trip. McCabo has also indicated that ho will lay his route along tho Oregon Short Line and the Union Pacific road from Bilvorton to Umatilla, Or.; thence to iloiso Barracks, Idaho; Fort I). A. KuchcH, Wyo.; Omaha, Neb.; Fort Des Moines, la.: Fort Benjamin Ilnrrison, Ind. ; Columbus Bnnarks, Ohio; JMItsburg and Hurrlsburg, Pa., to Now York City. General Bell eald today that ho thought tho trip, which will embrnco motu than 3,000 miles, might )x mado in 100 days, and oven less if the hone had tho necessary endurance. Com plete statistics of tho condition of tho horse and rider, amount of food con sumed and other dotails will bo kept from day to day. Pick Flaws In Douma. London, April 10. Iu a long letter to tho London Times, tho Russian jur 1st, Professor DcMartcns, expresses tho conviction that the second Russian par 1 lament is absolutely unfit tc work sue cesslully for the Donont or Russia and cannot advance tho nation in tho direc tion of a conetltulioual system of gov ernment. Profosor DoMartons bases his belief on the ground thut legislative assembly find not a single word to dis approve of asAussinntions and murder, only enjoys speeches of discontent and unlimited hate and is quite unlit to die cuss needful reform?, and cannot possl bly construct now order in tho stato. Ho bclioves dissolution ia absolutely Inevitable and only a question of timo. "Is work. tttt if'Ia Short compftuy employes In tho ,,at8Unt 7 6Uortor work dfty "wnul inoreaso In salary. SX9 of tho R, Grauo I f!Kl.. WllffOH On tlm l.nola ( K "ottloment and may go Wwnn..0' tho United "W 1110 llnt ni. nt H.n Vlllch fined nv.TIl.rt.l Patterson $1,000 for court Makes Good Haul. Butto. Mcnt., April 10. A Minor dienntch from Great Falls says that tho stage running botween Malta and Zort- man was hold up last night by a lono bandit according to a telephone mes- sago received todny, and a sum estimat ed at about $28,000 Is said to havo been secured. Tho mesfiiKO envo no details of tho daring robbery other that than t occurred just north of ZortmanaB tho stage waa ontoring tho Little Rockies with a consignment of monoy to pay tho wages of tho miners at tho Zorlman mines. Brazil at Peace Meeting, Rio de Janeiro, April 10. Brnr.il has roccivod ollhiiul information from tho government of tho Netherlands that sho to rmrtlolnnto In tho approaching nonoo conference at Tho Haimo. Iho Brazilian government has denounced tho existing commercial treaty with Franco, and it has been decided to do nounco a Iho tho agrooinonls with Franco, Spain, Italy, Portugal and Switzerland under which tho consular representatives of tho specified countries arc allowed to intorvono in tho collec tion and settlement of Inheritances. Toxas Has New Tax Plan. Austin. Tex.. April 10. With 27 tax measures ponding for consideration n cohsoquonoe of Governor uampuoirs lavliur reconvened tho leglHlaturo In snwiial session last Friday, much into- roft awnlta his demands which ho says will inako tomorrow for specific action upon thoso measures. They represent a tax upon every known corporato in torest in tho state. In addition the slate rovonuo agent baa demanded a rolistmont of proporty vbIucb. Floods Do Great Damage. Constant inoplo, Apr! 10. Continu ous heavy ralnH havo cawed tho rivers to oyorflow, seriously flooding Mace donia and Asia Minor. The plains of Brusa, Adftbaear, Kutuahla, Adln and almost all the vlllngoB aro submorgod and there have boon hoavy lose of life and destruction of cattle and property, Zclaya and Figueroa to Meet Joint Guarantee of Poaco. Washington, April 18. Naval move ments today show that tho gunboat Bos- ton has started from Amapala, Hon duras, for Corino, Nicaragua, to cenvey X'rosldcnt Zolaya to Amapala for tho confcrcnco he will have thero with President Figueroa. Tho Chicago will be used to convey President Figueroa to tho ;cnfercnco, which will beheld eith er at Amapala or on board ono of the American vessels to be anchored n Fonsoca bay. At the State department today it was admitted that an agreement botween tho United States and Mexico had been entered into, by which a guaranty has been given that there shall be no hos I lie demonstrations between tho forces of Guatemala and Salvador upon the frontier during tho conference. Foreign Crop Good. Washington, April 17. Tho Euro pean crop report of tho Agricultural department, covering conditions abroad up to April 1, says that the heavy snow which fell last winter over the greater part of Kuropo, has, excepting in parts of Russia and tho Balkan states, almost everywhere disappeared. That tho protection afforded to winter cereals has been generally efficacious is being demonstrated by tho vigor with which the plants in most countries seem to bo responding to the quicken ing influences of spring. Northwest Postal Affair. Washington, April 18. Postmasters appointed: Oregon An tono, Goorge C. Glover, vice E. L. Knox, resigned: Kinzslov. Thcodoro Buehkul, vico W. L. Smith, resigned; Jarnont, Millnrd T. Cowan, vico J. C. Rush, resigned. Washington Cascade, Thomas Mof fett, vice Minnie Stevenson, resigned. Rural free delivery route No. 1 has been ordered established June 17 at Now Kamilchie, Mason county, Wash., serving 410 pooplo and 80 families. Changes In Forest 8ervice. Washington., April 18. Forest in spector I E. Ames has been placed temporarily in chnrgo of tho Tillamook and Umpqua forest reserves in Oregon. Acting Supervisor Anderson, of Grant's Pasb', takes charge of tho ABhland re serve. D. B. Shollar. formerly in charge of the Hoppnor reserve, has been trnnsiorred to tho Ynkuna reservo, in Washington, boing succeeded by T. R. unusoy. William L'ryder is promoted from manager to octinc supervisor in charge of tho Col vi lie reservo, in Wash ington. 500,000 in Six Months. Washington, April 17. According to a statement iesuod today by tho bureau of immigration, tho total immigration to tho United States from all countries for tho six months ending March last aggregated 530,137 porsons, which is an Increase of 75,821 over a liko period n luuu. ino total number of immi grants from Russia for tho six months ending March last was 103,304, boing an incrcaso of 21,031 over tho corres ponding period of 1000. TEXAS VALUATION OF ROADS Cowan Tells President How Capital Is Limited. Washington, April 20. Some into reeling Information on the operation of the Texas stock and bond law of 1003, under which a valuation of railroad properties of tho stato was mado in 1806, was given to the president today by Judge S. H. Cowan, of Texas, a spe cial employe of tho Interstate Com merce commission and attorney for tho Southwestern Cattlegiowcrs' associa tion. Mr. Cowan told the president that the Texas law had proven a success. It had not been put upon the statute books for the purpojo of becoming the basis for rate-making, lin said, but to fix a line beyond which tho roads could not go In issuing stocks and bonds. Ho added that the valuation put upon tho roads by the Texas commission having charge of tho muttor oxceeded the cost of construction by 15 to 20 per cent, und the ccst of tho ascertainment of tho facts had been comparatively small. So far as ho was aware, Judge Cowan En Id, nono of tho railroads had contest ed a valuation mado under tho law. BORAH GOES TO ROOSEVELT Idaho Senator Asks to Have Action On His Case Postponed. Washington, April 17. President Roosevelt has been appealed to by Sen ator Borah, of Idaho, to review his in dictment by tho Federal grand jury with a view to postponing action until after the trial of Moyer, Haywood and Pettlbonc, tho men accused of murder ing Governor Steunenberg, of Idaho. Senator Borah la the special counsel engaged by tho state to prosecute theee officials of tlio Western Federation of Miners. Tho appeal of Senator Borah places the president in a rather embar rassing position. In tiio event tho presidont withholds' tho action against Senator Borah, it will bo cliarged that he is ehowing fa vors to thoso who aro prosecuting tho minors, nnd if he does not, Senator Borah will be sorlouely embarrassed in tho prosecution of the minors charged with the murder of Steunenberg. Civil Service In the South. Washington, April 10. Civil Service Commissioner Mcllheny, who is a Southerner and a Democrat, is entering on what he terms a campaign of educa tion in tho bouth in regard to the func tlon and character of tho commission Ho found that one of the greatest diffi cullies in securing efbcicnt service for tho government in tho South was the fact that tho whites liuvo conceived th idea that tho eeryice is meant especial ly for tlio negroes, and as a consqeuonce when an examination for positions is hold it is generally attended largely bv negroes, the proportion often being ten 10 ono. Chicago Jury Finds Company Guilty on Many Counts. Chicago, April 15. On tho basis of a verdict returned by a Jury Saturday night In tho Federal court presided over by Judge Kencsaw M. Land is, the Standard Oil company may bo fined anywhere from $1,400,000 to $28i000, 000 for violations of tho Elkins law. After a trial that has been long' drawn out and bitterly contested by government attorneys and counsol fcr tlio Standard Oil company, the case went to tho jury late Saturday ofter noon and at 10 o'clock a verdict was re turned in which tho defendant corpora tion Is found guilty on every one cf tho 1,403 counts in the indictment that had not quashed by Judge Land is. As the matter now stands, it is one of tho most sweeping victories yet scor ed by tho Federal government in its contest against corporations. This is not tho end, however. The defendants filed a motion for a new trial and the arguments on this motion will be heard probably early this week. Tho charges in the Indictment were that the Standard Oil company accept ed a lower rate for shipments of oil from Whiting, Ind., to East St. Louis than is allowed in the published tariff for the haul. Originally there were over 1,800 counts in the indictment, but nearly 400 of theee were ruled out by Judge Landis, and hearing of the case pro ceeded on the others. LAST VESTIGE OP WAR. Japan Transfers Manchurlan Railroad to Goto's Company. Toklo, April 15. When the man. agemont of the Manchurlan railways wes transferred to Baron Goto's com pany on April l, tno Japanese govern ment commenced withdrawing the remnant of tho troops employed In Manchuria. This work was completed on April e, whereupon me imperial LARGE AREAIN RUIN Two Cities In Mexico Known to Be Destroyed. 500 LIVES ARE REPORTED LOST Panic Reigns at Chllpanclngo and Chi lapa, the Ruined Cities Silence Covers Others. Chllpancingo, Moxico, April 16. This city has been completely destroyed by an earthquake The known dead number 11 and tho badly Injured 27. Tho greatest panic prevails and tho people are fleeing to tho open country. Tho earth continues to rock ac nait hour intervals and many minor shocks are completing tho work of destruction begun by the first earthquake. Word has reached here that tho town of Chilapa, 42 kilometers to the north eastward, has aleo been destroyed, jno details have been received as to tho number of daad and injured. The population of Chilpancingo is 7,408 and until the panic into which the citizens have been thrown abates it will be impossible to state the num ber of casualties. The population of Chilapa is 15,000. No word has been received .from Tixtla, and it is feared it also has been destroyed. According to the movements of the earthquake, Tixtla would be in its direct line. Half Republic Is Shaken. Mexico City, April 16. The Federal telegraph office here has informed tho Associated Press that Sunday 'night's earthquake has interfered with the working of the wires in all parts of the republic BQUth of a line drawn frorn AcapuJco cn the west coast to iftmpico pn the Gulf coast. From messages IS ceived at tho telegraph office np to noon It appears that the entire south half of me republic including the lower conn- The National Bank of Mexico has re ceived a telegram Haying that 500 lives were lost in the destruction of Chilapa and Chilpansingo. In government cir cles the report is not credited. It ia admitted that Both cities were leveled to the ground, but it 'is not thought that the death list will even approxi mate 500, owing to the fact that the houses are built of stone in order to re sist earthquake shocks. Cheap Paper for Official Records, Washington, April 18. That the pa- pora supplied for government use too freuontly fall bolow tho specifications, lack durability or in soino way are not adapted to the purpoeo for which they nro intended, ie the stntomont mado by Chief Wiloy, of tho chomistry buroau in a circular Issued by tho Agricultural department. Valuable docurnonta and rolontiflo work oro recordod on papers which deteriorate, thus rondoring tho accords UBoless, Heyburn Slowly Gairs. Washington, April 19. Senatof iieyburn, of Idaho, who has been very ii in i niiaueipnia, was brought to this ciiy louay. no is improving slowly tnough sun very weak, and thero is much ground to bo gained beforn his condition will permit him to attend to any ollicial business. Ho was accom panted nere by airs. Heyburn, W. B bams, his privao secretary, and trained nurse. Today was the first timo Mr. Hoyburn was able to be moved sinco tho inception of his attack oi acute indigestion. Will Relieve Congestion. Washington, April 18 Altar n con feronco with and upon the recommenda tion ot henator Bourno, Land Commis slonor Balllngor lias ordered Special In r, AMI. . . ajiwwjr w unen, or uonvor, to proceed to Rosoburg and assist tho local land officers in clearing up tho accumulation oi uusinees in their office Work has lauon uohind to such an extent that mere are now pending about 700 lund cases and contests awnitino nnfinn When the Rosebunr oflico in PtrmViitan. uu out, similar work is to bo done else wuero in uregon. Exult Over Exoneration. Washington, April 18. Tho recla Bonilta Becomes Exlte. Washington. April 17 Tlm KOT .1am.... . : i . ...... - uujjuiwneiib ib imormeu chat the gun ooni riinceton left Amiinn n nn Rntnr. any with. President Bonilln, of Hon auras, on bonrd. It was etatod that President Bonilla would be landed nt Salina Cruz, Moxico. His departure is in compliance wim an agreomont enter uu nno uoiween I'rosidont Zolaya, of Nicaragua and President Figueroa, of Salvador, that tho Ilonduriun presidont iuhvo uio country. Would Be "Cadet" or "Middy " Washington, April 10. Tho Stato department has rocelvod an inauirv from Hamilton King, American minls- matlon Borvico, from Director Nowoll , or to Slam, asking whether it would bo dewn to tho lesecr officers, held a jubi atlou today at the official exoneration of Engineer Ross of Idaho by Secretary uanioid. Tiioy claim tho exoneration will iinvest tho eorvleo with renewed confldonco in tho minds of tho people, re-establishing it ovorywhoro whore charges by Special Agont Groono has called it in quoation. Wants Clerks to Weigh Malls. Washington, April 17. Tlio Civil Servico commission lias boon called upon by tho Postoffico dopartmont to furnish a Hat of clerks for temporary- work, beginning July 1, who will bo employed in making arithmetical com putations in connection with the weigh ing of tho mats. posfliDio to admit to tho Naval or Mill tary academy a nephow of tho king of Siam. r McLaren Pension Examiner. Washington, April 10. On tlio re commendation of Congressman Ellis, Dr. A. P. McLaren has been appointed by tho pension bureau as examining surgoon at St. Ilolons, Or., vice Dr. J. E. Hall, who recently resigned. t l Cuba Accepts Taft's Program. Washington, April 10. Tho War de partment today received a dispatch from Governor Magoon, of Cuba, saying that tho plans for tho elections in tho island, which were mado by Secretary Taft, aro satisfactory to everybody, government at Pekin Warnlly thanked i ry and the Mesaba belt felt the shock Japan, which, it is expected, will re duce its railway guard to less than one half the number of men stipulated by tho treaty negotiated at Portsmouth, N. H., which limited the number cf guards to five men per kilometer. In an interview Baron Goto said: "The last vestige of war in this sec tion has now been removed. Fair play is my guiding principle. In promoting the peaceful development of Manchuria through which our railway runs, na tional differences will te entirely ig nored. Manchuria will be made a field for competition of all nations. In order that we may carry out this prin ciple, I cravo patience on the part ot those interested. Remember that he management of the load was only transferred to us on the first of the present month. The allowanco of suffi cient time will insure the realization of our plans, and we dread nothing more than impatient interference," STEVENS DISCUSSES CANAL. Ex-Chief Engineer of the "Big Ditch Reaches Naw York. New York, April 15. John F. Stev ens, who recently resigned Jrts chief en gineor of the Panama canal, arrived hero today from Colon. He left for Washington this afternoon. Mr. Stey ens said: l was not asked to resign. On the contrary, tlio highest position was not only offered but urged upon me. never had any clash with anv of mv . . .... .... - Hupeuors, anu tneir attitude was al ways in support of my efforts. "Xhe connection of the Waahineton officials with the actual work on the isthmus is too sma 11 to offer mnnv chances for disagreement. I hnvp never opposed doing the work by con tract, i advocated such a policy. The plan of contract under which bids were received was formulated bv me. I did oppose letting tho contract to the Olli ver syndicate for good reasons, but tlm statement that I have ever opposed the omng oi any contract in IMso." TAMPERING WITH GOLD COINS-. Tackle Exclusion Matter. San Francisco. April 15 John .T. S. T-.l TV t . T , . jvougurtj, uniiea mates commissioner or education of Pennsylvania, nnd Ilnr. ris xxcsuit, assistant collector of tho de partment or Commerce and Labor, nn . i . fr pointed as a special commission bv rreaidont Roosevelt to Investigate tho meinotis or oniorcing the exclus on nnt at this port, hold their first session to day. After tho adjournment, Commis sioner Kesblt nnncunced thnt tho n. estigatlon will bo of ii:.. . . " . ioi uio purpose oi improvements in the Borvico. Frost Nips Fruit Crop, St. Louis, April 15 Nnmon irtnn and frultraisers in tho vielnitv ht sf. Louis believe the apple crop has boen ruined by tho ccld woathor. Dispatch es from tho fruit bolt in the southern part of Missouri sav nnnnhpn ..in strawberries and garden been destroyed. Dispatches from Ma. con, tho center of tho fruit dustry of North Central Missouri, state ...... ipium;B, piums, cnerr lea and ap ples prctically are destroyed. f Kansas Fruit Crop Damaged. Topeka, Kan.. Anril if? pn.i. received from all sections fo the elate indicate that the Knnsaa fmit seriously da mHWed nnd in pome n. uons completely dostrovmi i.v. ... i,.... frost a few mornings ago. Entire Output ot Denver Mint Under Legal Fineness. Denver, April 16. Department heads of the new United States mint in this city and three government agents connected with the mint head quarters began today checking up tho; coinage of the mint and making the an imal settlements, several weeks in ad vance of the usual time for these settle ments. This action, following the gov- ernment repott that gold coins from tho Denver mint have ben found to bo under value in fineness of gold, thougS. up to grade in weight, means that the government has begun action to discov er who is responsible for the discre pancy in fineness. The, government report states that the coins are found to be under fine to the extent of 5 cents on every $20 gold piece. The discrepancy was discovered by the Bank of England aseayer, who pajeed on a shipment of $1,500,000 made to England in January. f Money tor United States. Shanghai, April 16. The Bum of $5,000 received from the United Stat. by the Famine Relief commission to day waa used to purchase 500.000 pounds of dried 'potatoes, which wero rusnea to the front. A dispatch was received today from a Chinese official offering to put, for the first time in history, steamboats above the locks of the brand canal, thus cuttinc down tho time for transportation to tho fninlno district from this city to eight dayt. Further particulars of the distress ex isting show that the peoplo aro eating the green scum from tho Donds. whit clay and the hulls of rice. Five Burned in Wreckage. St. Paul, April 16. Runnim? nt a speed of 40 miles an hour on a straight ituck, uie ureal northern west bound Oriental Limited, which left bore for Pacific coast points Sunday morning, was derailed at 1:15 vesterdnv mornintf at Bartlett, N. D. Five persons wero killed and a score or moro inlured. Later the gas tank exploded and tho train took firo, seven passenger coaches boing destroyed. Tho sleeper and ob servation cars escanud tlm flnmnn. There is said to bo some evidence that the rails had been tampered with. Made Whole Earth Shake. Albany, N. Y., April 16. Tlm strongest and longest earthquake ehock recorded upon tho seismograph at tlm state museum hero sinco tho instrument was Installed began at 1.14 a. m. yes terday and continued for moro than two lours. Tho record is much moro pro nounced than that made bv tho Son Franoieco earthquako of last yoar. Tho maximum vibration waB bo severe as to swing the pondulum clear off the re cording indicator. Andean Volcanoes Break Out, Buonos As'res, April 10. Actlva eruptions aro in progress amone tlm Andean volcanoes in tho torritorv of Bio Negro, ABhea are being thrown for a great dlatanco.