' - - -" ..i-. i-lnuillin I FOH inUWl noni Buy Residence Lots I N First Addition To Madras LAWS -a . The Hailing season openou to ! Jirat of this mouth, h owing ! to tlio cold niiny weather which $ j has prevailed most of the tiino V ! since that, date, very little llsli-1 ing has been done by lopal I ilisheiwn. Jor iho bonellt of these loo.nl (Vteoiplos. or Sir Isaac i Walton, we publish below thoj aiibstni.ee of lliu most inipor-j X t'" provisions in the state law Y 'uoveining the sport; PRICKS LOW TERMS REASONABLE WELL WATER GUARANTEED IN FORTY FEET Buy a good residence lot in ideal location while prices are low ng me sj)o I. It shall be unlawful to Y take catcli. kill or have in pos- X 'session, any trout except, sal ,'mon trout during tlio months of 'NovtMiibur, Dccfiuber, 'January, 1 February and March of any I year. ! 2. It shall be unlawful at ' anytime to take, catch or kill or I have in possession at any time, 4 j any trout, char or salmon less 0 j than live inches in length. 4m i. It shall bo unlawful to ! take, catch or kill at any time in the waters of this state, any1 trout by any means whatever; except with hook and line. 4. It shall be unlawful for any person to take kill or capture more than 12") trout in one day. fi. .Any violation of any of these provisions is punishable : by a line of not less than $fiO nor more than tflOO. ! 6 For particulars apply at the office of the TOWNSITE COMPANY Madras, ' - Oregon fliue Print Townsuip Plat corrected up to ate shotiing names of all eutryraen, arant tii'l rivers and ereekn, ooceuts each. , LAND SCRIP FOR SALE Tor ecurInB title to all kinds of Government I land without residence or improvement, at lowot market prices. V.'rlte us for lull par ticular. Alt kinds of Land Office business a specialty. Twii.tv-nre years' experience. ltefereiio: Freii'-n a Co., banker. HUDSON LAND CO. THE DALLES. OKEGOX. COLUMBIA SOOTH RAILWAY GO. TIME TABLE NO. 10. Effective July 3, 190J. f 'i I Mil South Bound No. a. Dally l'MH. 8TATIOK8. North Hound Ko. 1. Dally I'aw. Leave..! 2,15 p.m. - ..i j.a p.m. " ..' 'J.SB p.m. " . . 2..jS p.m. " ..! 3.12 p.m. " .. 3.1 p.m. " ..; 3-a.')p.in. " . .! SLWi tt.in. ' .. 3.4ft p.m. " . . S.5U p.m. .. -1 ,0s p.m. ' .. 4.2ip.m. " . l.Sftp.m. " .. 5.11p.m. " .. 5.:l p.m. Arrive.. p.m. lllgKK ftlbcowt Sink? Kloudyke Summit Hay OJc i11.S0h.iii. Arrive 11.19 a.m. ; ;n.Un.in.i 11.00 a. in. i ll0.4Sn.in.' 10.40 a.m.! 10.21 a.m.; Jfelwualdii 10.Z2a.in fleMom ilO.djR.ni. Moro ' 9.Va.in.! Enkiuville i 9.37 a.m. GrVs Vall'y fl.'-M Hm. Ifourboii h.55h;ih.: Kent M0 a.m. i Wilrox ' .:a.ui. Shauiko P.wua.m. Leave, r W'Ai "Out-of-doora" with a STEVENS 9l thin- f0r a growing boy 1 jJI'J Learnir, r ; shoot well and J crc. ::.r.;r qualities of SELF-CONT DECISICN, AND nre:idnto8Tr'ri .NS " I:MS EBrCATIOJf. AbIc your Dcu' r f n- f -evens ltlfle Shottfims l'itil;. Iti-ist on ouv lrw. Ii'ncixd tnaKo. If j tm cinnot obtain, wo ship dirctt. p.i.n- fi--i-i't. upon receipt of Caulo VK-icu. Kveryth'nir yna wt I . ksuw .Lo .t Ihi bTc.b k tomi in UK i'lio IllukCrutod CaUlni;. S! i I. for f UJ t --if in tiilft;.. t if. a ml 'n liilor llant: ':, doo..rol ! v f j j-, J. STEVENS AXMS & TOOL CO. P. O. flox -1007 Chiwpee Fails, fllas., U. S. A For rates and other information apply to L. CRAIQ, Oeueral 1'aaenger Agt., 1'ortland, Oregon. E. J. Wilson, Acent. Shanlko. Ore. Timber Land, Act Juno 3, 1878. NOTICE POR PUBLICATION. U. S. Land Olllce, Tlio Dalles. Oregon, Decembur in. 1000. Notleois hereby glvon that Incompliance with the provUlonH of the act of CongroM of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the ale of timber lands in the states of California, Ore fjon, Nevada and WashliiRton Territory," as oMi-nded to all the public laud Status by act of Aliquot ' Kugcne A. Gllictt, n( Madras, county ol Crook, State or Oregon, has this day Hied in this olllco his sworn Matfineitt No. 1KS7. for the purchases of the t!; we1 and n'J Bok, bee in, tp li! h, r l(i e. w in, And will offer proof to Hhow that the laud toueht is more valuable for tlio Urn her or utoiie thereon than for agricultural pur licfori Krank Osboru. U. S. CommlsBlonor, at I School Bujicrtntendont 0 i Dinwiddle post-K.and toostabllsh his claim to Raid land 1ifort Frank Osboru. U. S. Commissioner, at liihoftlce In Madras, Oregon, on tlio 10th day j Survoyor lli names as witnesses: A FWld, A Vine yard and Joseph D Hlaud, all of drizzly. Ore Kou, and John 11 llrown, of Haystack, Oregon, Any mid nil persons nlaiining adversely Mv above-described lands are requested to lilo their claims lu this olllce on or before the H lOtli day of April, 1007. , JliCHAEL T, NOLAN Uitti ItegUten OFFICIAL DIRECTORY UNITED STATE8 President Theodore Itoowvelt Vice-I'resldt'i't Charles W Kairbank Secretary of fctata Kllliu I loot Secretary of Treasury George U Cortelyou Secretary of Interior .. .jnu K tiarfiuld Secretary of War W H Taft Secretary of Navy C J lionapartc Secretary of Commerce Oscar Strauss Postmaster General ...Quo Von I, .Meyer Attorney tienyral Vm 11 Jloody Secretary of Agriculture James Wilson STATE Governor Gwrge K, Chamberlain Secretary of State P. W. Hunson Treasurer a a Btcel Attorney General VM Crawford upt. Public Instruction J H Ackormau Stto Printer w H Dunulway Dairy and Pood Douimisslouer j W Iialloy U !3 Sanators ( C W Fulton ' ! J Uournc Jr Congressmen f W O Hawloy I W Jt Kllft , , ( 1' A Moore Supremo Jtulgos ) Its liean (TGHalley SEVENTH JUDIOIAL DISTniOT J"Ige ' W Lllradshaw Proseoutlng Attorney Frank Mcnofeo CROOK COUNTY Ji"Jbo w a noil Warren Brown u I, .. .! . .... . rraiu isjkins Treasurer wr King Mmot j D LaFollctto W KMoFarland t-fnor fiull S Nowsom Commissioner II II llayley j SSBtearns KUTCHER PRECINCT J',fl"co J A Isham Constable j jj jiaycg Itoad Bupervlsor George Dillon Tunbf r Land, Aft -Mtno 'A, ;S7S NOTICG F-OR PUBLICATION. U. S. Land OlKce, The Dnllos. Or.. Di'i'cinliiT !t. iW, A'otico is licrcby Rlvun that in roiuipli tincc with tilt niovUiiins of the act of Vah Kitwtof June ft, 1878. iniitliid "An act for nie biuo of timoer lands in the states of catirornia, uiusou, .Ni-v-tda ami irashi'iK Un 'IVrritory", as t;xtMi(leil to all Hip pun i if lanu suut'H u.v act or aiiuihi j, 7to, Louitf II. Mili ar. nf lU'Ild. Oflllll r V nf I Slir.V Ctfitu nt rtrnon.i lias this (lav lih-.l in this oillet ln-r wworn .-tatoiiiHiit XWL for the purchase of tlio t'4wM ami?.-i-.c '4- or bee 7, tp 13 s, r 11 c, w :n, And will offer proof to show that tlio land sought Is morn valuable for it tim ber or &UMitiian for ricultural purpose .uiu in i-.iui.mimi in-r uidini mi Hani land before 11. C. HUN, I. ij. CommlsHlotior, at hits offlro in Jlml, Oregon, on the lth day Ul iVIUII, iuui. She names as witnesses: Cliarfru . I5roek and Iraiik O. Minor, of IJeml, Orn son, and Millson J. Jtoborts and rllwood w. itooeris, or sisters, uregon. Iny and all perons claiming adversely the alj ivewie-ci iiit'd 1'iiids are requested to lilo-tiieir claims in this office on or before aaui i.'Jin any of April, l07. -MkiiakI T. Nolan, f2S-"ll Kottlbter, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, February IK, 1907. AOtlco is Hereby Kivon that Louis A. ouiik of Madras, Oregon, has filed notice of iim imeiuiun ui maKe iiiim live-year i4'fi in i4jj"'it vi mm t'inixii' viz; II- K, No. 9Hd, made October IS, 1901, for the w)$ho4 and eH'H "I see 'JO, tp o l r II u, And'tliat said tiroof will be made liAfnrn VrnnV OsUirn, V S Comin'r, at his ufllen in Had- rax, wruj;uii , on .pru o, JU07, iiv imuira uiu iuiiowiu WlllllMHW to proye mo i uiiiiuuiiiic iiniuuiitti upon, ano cuillva tion of . the land . viz: Hd Kutchor. V. 8. Cowlos. W. A. l.an ,! w ii. oiuiiuuuuuur, an ui jinoras, urugon. MlClUBLT. NOU.V. f28-ftl IteKlster. 7'Iinljer Land, act .June a, 1878, Notice for Publication. U. S. Land OfhVe, Tim Dalie". Or.. . iVovi-moer Wi, lWJli. Notice Is herehv aiven that In fmmi. ance with the provUlons of the act of Con. iri-iiuanf Junti t lillu ....lllf.wl II,... i t niiD.i., iMiwvM. u, i;niiitt:u an iil'l uir Hie sale of timber fands in the states of oaiiiorinn, vrunon, .Nevadaand WashlnK ton Territory," as extended to nil the pub iic land states bv act of August 1, 18i2, Clara Conner of Lamontn, couniy of Crook, state of Oregon, bus this day llled in this ollien her sworn statement A'o !W!17 for the purchaso- oi inn hum six v, tp ja h, r 10 e, w m, And will oiror proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for Its tim ber or stone than for agriculttirat nur- A...I ... ..... ..1. I t.l. l"- -1..,. . . ' lusun, uiiu in esiuuiisjj ner ciami to said and before the (Voimtv rlei lr nl ii i,.n. vllle, Oregon, on the 18th day of April 107. Kho names as witnesses: v 11 iiistoiii I W Collins and Walter O'N'jU. of Pi ln,.: yllle, Oregon, and Kdwoll P. Cooper, of juiiiuiiiu, wiuou. Any and aU jiersons claiming adversely he nbove-dcscilbed lands are ii-onesiii tn file their ofalms in this olllco on or before said 18th day of April, 1007. m28-al8 ItoL'IstL'r. FOR SALE Five hundred bushels hurley nt my place near Methodist Hill. Jou Mur- lllU'll. ul . Start in the summer by buying yon a new buggy, hotb John Deere, StudebiikiT makes on hand. Mount ain buggies, bucks and road wagons, J. V. & M. A. Uobinson & Co. Timber Lund, Act June , 187S. Notice for Publication. l S. .ami Oftlce, Thf lMhv, Or., November 28, 1 DUO. Notice is hereby elven that 111 cuinpll nure with tin- prnvUlon of the act of ('oiigri.ssiif.lune 8. 8?s, entitled ''An net fur tli- salt' or timber lands In the tnts of Califn ruin, Oregon, Nevmla and U'wlilni: tn l enitoiy," as extendwl to nil Uio pub lic land st.iti s by act of August I, ;htKi Kdwell P. Cooiter of Laiiiont,,!, county of ('rook, utaie nf Oregon, has this day flleil in this olliep hi swoi n Hiati mi'iit No JftSSS for Hie purchase of the n'jsvs i4, m-.4s m I, aid ne" hw ,U Mf l. tp 12 s, r 10 I-, w m, a i d win offer proof to sbow that the land sought it more valuable for its tim ber or stoni'tliaii for Hiri uftural pnrpoio and to establish his claim to said (and before the County Cletk at Priumdlk', Oregon, on Hie IHth day of April. 1U07. 7e names as witnesses: v. II Huston, .1. Oofllns, Walter O'Nell, of l'rn ville, Oregan and Clara M. Coont'r, of Li niontfl, Oregon. Any and all persons claiinlng advenoly theabove-descriueil Units are r'ijuelxl to llle thi'ir cfims in tills oftlceon or before said 18th day of April, Iftw. MlClfAKI. T. iVOLAN', ui28-al8 lteglsu-r. Timber Land, Act Janes, 187. NOTICI: r'OIi PUBLICATION. t'Dltcd 8tatf IikI Oltice. The Dalle, Oregon, January 1907. Xotlce U hereby given that in eomplianro with the provision of the act of CouitreM of Junes. W7,entitld "An act for the nale of timber lands lu the tate of California, Ore gon, Nevada and Wasblnln Territory," "a extended to all the public land Mates ny set of a uk unt i, wi, the followiuir-uaiiied iwrotui have llled in this ofBee their worn tin lament towlt: Male K. Carner, of Portland, county of Jlulmoiash, state of Or CKon, iworiiitmeineut No. 8710, flled DMenlwr 21, 1000, for the purelnue of the nmi w tut , ten tea as ami nuuvu mow. tnl2a. r ii o, w in. fteorge A. Jon, offieattle. county of King, state of WathlH. ton, sworn tateuent.Vo.KW, ft led December 8, loon, for the purchase of th ae soW "o 6, nii twy. and npX uH seo (, tp io s, r n o, w m. And will offer proofs toaliow that the lnmU noiignt are more valuable for the timber or fttone thereon than for aKrlruilnral purpose, and to uatabllih their claims to tit Id lumli before the Itegliiter and itecelver at The Dalles, Oregon, on April 2, 1807. iliuy iiiiuio ih wltuesiet: (leorue A Jonoi of Seattle, Wiuhlngton; Cora A Jouet, ChitrlM Itrock, William ilrock and Urn, T, V. Carnev. of liond, OrcKon ; pale X Carney, of PortlAnd, Oregon. ,nv and all narjnuii (ilnlinf nu ,iu..,i ..... of thu abovg.dejrlbcd laud 7o reniiiitdd to file their clalmi In this olllce on or Wore the said lid day of April, 1007. J31-m2 MfCIIARLT. X0M.V, Jteglmor, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION DopartMontof the Interior Land Offlce at The Dalles, Oregon, i-euriiary i, Jtj7, Notice If borcby given that Krank 1' I'lsrh. Modrui, UruKon, has tiled notice of ) ii Intention to make llual five-year proof In 2!', YM i for (.lie e 14 and l)t s and I of eo iiiiiitp nf lilu f.lnii. i . uoniuhicua JMitry No, 1 HIHt IjOt 1 Of fc 1H t it VI a. r H n if And that uuld proof will be 'made before Prank (Inborn. IT. H. .i:ninnl.jr,ur ... ol Ice In Jladran, Orcjion, on April Mb, iyo7. Ilenainostlie followlllK wltnion t prove hiacontliiuiiiu residence upon, and culitva. tlon of, thelaud, vl: (IcorKO Kllllnhi'ck and Wllam (lrltton, of Danlo fiwlft, of Cuver, Oregon, REMEMBER THE PIONEER JOB -WHEN YOU WANT 'i-i' N AT, CLEAN, PRINT ING I REASO Hp-. V HIGH GRADE STOCK TYPE BEST MACHINERY SUPERIOR WtMiAHP I We make a specialty Commfti-rinl Job Pfintlfl and our product cannon excelled. A trial oraei convince you fM-al Micuaki, T. Noln, Itcglitvr, PIONEER PUBLISHING COMPAN OFFICE PLAI 4 X1