The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, March 28, 1907, Image 6

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on tho land that saves them. Tnlto enro
you don't learn that lesson one day, Sir
Lnunco Penrhyddyn
"Were thero any signs of life In cither
of tho bodies, I would hnvo them removed
to tho castle," suld Sir Lnunco. Then,
turning threateningly to the young fish
crin'en, who stood listening to tho dlaloguo
with sullen looks, ho said, "Itemembcr,
If nny irreverence is shown to tho corpses,
you do not remain another day upon my
land. Daniel, you remain here, and sea
that my orders nro respected, and that
tomorrow morning tho bodies have Chris
tian burial."
"They shan't rest here they shan't
rest here, for n hundred Ponrhyddyns !"
mnttoroil tho nh ninn. "Lot tho curse fall
$13itJ I Coiitlmiona Corn Culture,.
CHAPTER II. I distressed tone: "she's onlr n nettlsh.
Far away from the soft pure air, tho spoiled child. God bless vou 1 I shnll
"bright blue sky, and glorious sunlight of never forget your kindness to uk indeed,
v,ornwan, in wie ciosc atniospiiere 01 tue Indeed I shall not 1
ray, hazy heaven that canopies a low "Poor soul !" muttered tho landlady, ns
London neighborhood, on the same day, 8he watched the cab roll nivnv? "li
at the same hour, another child, a girl, won't want kindness from ntivlintU- mnMi
-mt In n saualld room: a strance. elMIke 1 1,. it,.f ,. .I...
lookliiK child, with dark hair and eyes. tnke3 tne charge of that child ! I 'boil nn.1 mnnnn.l ,., thoiich remorseful for tho plneoof tho gravity ym
She nlso was gazing upon a Picture, wouldn't have her to be crowned queen, the deeds it had done: but the thunder creaming will effect u Having or .uu
wnat win sue do it over sne lives to still rrowled threateningly, Use soiuo m i mnn ui ouiicr mi uum
Sratuiu of Crcniiiliiir.
Following extensive experiments
on him. not on this roof. Tho sea shnll the effects of lmml separator nnd fcrnv
have Its own back again, if 1 give It back jty By8tCniH of creaming, the author of
with my own hands I" , Indiana bulletin draws those con
... elusions:
Towards morning the rage or ino ten- ; J Ta ,n(irntor ,
iwsc nnu exnausieii iiseu ; uit .. f"-
but one of another kind to that which
fascinated Arthur Peurhyddyn. It wns
only a common photograph taken upon
glass. It was a picture of herself: and
never did a high-born beauty arrayed for
n ball contemplate her reflected image in
grow up?"
Wildly shrieks the wind round the gran
itc walls of Penrhyddyn, and the woods
plate glass with more pleased attention below sough and groan. Out of the gulf
than did this child of poverty that mis- like heavens dart streams of forked
crable inartistic sun-picture. names, and the thunder rolls nnd crashes
aow she held it straight before her. with n frightful din; nnd above the at-
aiow obliquely, now in tho full light, and mospherlc war rises tho boom and tho
now m the shadow ; now she frowned nnd roar of the angry waters,
then she smiled. It was a Xarcissa who It is a terrible night at sea: heaven
bad fallen iu love with herself. help the ship that is near that iron-bound
U hile she wns thus engaged, humming coast. Groups of men are upon the cliffs,
tune all the time, n stout, dirty-looking and among the rocks ; some with flaring
woman came Into tho room : but so ab
sorbed was the child that she wns un
conscious of this presence until the In
truder spoke.
"What have jou got there, Eleonore?"
Sly picture," answered the child, with
out taking her eyes off the beloved object
Mother had it taken yesterday
torches: others with lanterns that dot
tho darkness with spots of light. All
eyes are turned seawnrds.
'There is a ship out yonder, I caught
sight of her b ythe last flash, and you
must all have heard tho minute guns."
The speaker was Sir Launce Penrhyd
dyn, and his son Arthur stood beside him
"She had better ha' boucht herself a "Get out the lifeboat ; ten pounds to tho
uottle of cough medicine, or ha' kept her man who is the hrst to volunteer."
money towards her rent than have spent
ir in such rubbish," retorted tho woman,
"But I wanted it, and I would have
it!" cried the child, with the air of a
duchess who had been reproved for ex-
'You're a nice young chit, you are !"
'We must think of our own wives and
children at home, Master Penrhyddyn,"
answered an old fisherman. "No boat
could live for ten minutes upon that sea ;
there s not a man here would venture If
you gave him ten times ten pounds."
Another glare of lightning. The small
exclaimed the woman. "I'd buy you like- black object is nearer, larger this time,
sunk Into a gaping pit, and rising high
above, a tottering wall of wave threatens
it with Instant annihilation. Again tho
guns boom faintly, and the blackness
closes over all.
Suddenly a cry arises from the hither
to silent group. By the flash of the light-
uesses, If I was your mather; I'd buy
a good cane for your back
The girl answered, with a derisive
laugh, "If any one was to beat me, I'd
put poison in their tea I'd smother them
with the pillows when they were in bed
I'd nut nins into their ears !"
"Why, you horrible little wretch!" cried m'nP "H ees behold the ship drifting with
the woman, shrinking back involuntarily, terrible speed towards the shore; above
"Ha ! ha ! ha !" laughed the child, clap- voice of the winds and waters sounds
ping her hands: "you see, you, great, big a crash, and then a long, wailing cry of
woman, are afraid of little me. But many voices,
come here, Mrs. Drew," she went on, By the orders of Sir Launce, rockets
changing her tone to one of winning soft- are lighted. Upwards they rush, leaving
ness ; "come and look at mv nicture : a flerJ' trail behind, and fall into the sea :
don't you think I'm very pretty?" and tne ropes are hauled backwards, but no
she looked up with an arch, coaxing one ,s tound clinging to them. Rendered
smile. All the malice had died out of fearless by strong excitement, master nnd
ber face, which now wore an expression servants venture down among the break
ot Daby-like innocence. ers
"What a witch it is !" muttered the With a blanched cheek, but a fearless
woman, who approached her shrinkimrlv. heart, young Arthur stands beside his
as though she thought her a thing "un- father, the water streaming off his fair
canny." nair, the salt spray almost blinding him
"But am I not nrettv. dear Mrs. "Quick! bring here a torch or a lan
Drew?" repeated Eleonore. still more tern," suddenly exclaimed Sir Launce;
..eoaxingly, and holding up the picture. "I something had struck against his feet
tshall be a Gne lady some day, and ride in more solid than the waves, and rested
my carriage, and have such neonle nfl ron I there,
to wait upon me." In an instant two lanterns and a torch
ilere the conversation was internintpd were upon the spot. It was something
'by the entrance of a pale, consumptive human-looking; that was all they could
.looking, poorly dre.ssd woman. distinguish before a dash of spray struck
"Alamina," cried Eleonore, running to the lanterns out of the men's hands, and
tier, ".Mrs. Drew won't tell me that I am wasnea out tne ngni oi me luruu.
.jjrettv." "Bear a hand, and let us carry It np
"That is because Mrs. Drew is afraid on the cliffs," cried Sir Launce, and, aa-
of making my little girl vain," answered slated by one ot tne servants, mieu up
.tier mother, stooping down and fondlina tne body and scrambled with it up the
sated monster, nnd tho lightning flashed n olie year. With the hand separator
fitfully over tho turbid but subsiding a richer crentn nnd n better quality of
waves. cream niul sklui milk can bo produced
In tho east, tho first faint strenK oi t,mn wl j th(j ravty Vstcnis.
dawn touched with a livid gray the omen ( gravity method the deep
, "l ... ui.; setting system Is the least objection
uniting away, ami ns com, kiihbhj - ...,. ...mtil.itn
foil 1 t- l,n,il..,il.oso of a woman able. It produces n nioro complete
nn.i n flri thnt lnx- stark and stiff in ooparntlon nnd n better quality
n narrow cove about a mile from Penr- cream than either the shnllow pun or
hyddyn. The tide was rising: in a few the water-dilution systems.
minutes it would lift thorn In Its em-1 ... neglect to thoroughly clenn
brace, and carry them back again to tho tno HCj,arntor after ench separation re-
uepins txyovM. duces the skimming elllclency of the
Out of the piled-up masses of cloud , of t,0
dart the rays o the rising sun. And nroduced. Wash the
ino ueau nre numen irom us nice, mm mu
rmln, wnnr .Linro In wll.l pelolclnit w!parntor afttT each separation
over the spot uihhi which they lay. A trembling machine, Insulllclent
The old fisherman had worked his will, pikhhI, sour, curdled, slimy or cold
and given back to the sea its own again, milk, nnd over-feeding tho separator
CH VPTER IV I caused a loss of butter fat In the skim
Ten years have passed away since tho ''" "mounting to from eight to
. .i i.t ..-i. .u. ..-i twelve nounds of butter per cow In
uiui ui iuu auiJ I lift, uuu mu .iji .ii.i.
rises noon the drama. It onens upon tho one year.
lGth of August. The scene, the "Star f. Other things being cqunl, high
and Garter," Richmond. The dramatis speed nnd a small rate- of Inflow tend
personw, a party of young men, sitting j0 produce a thick cream. Insulllclent
over their dinner. speed, n trembling innehlno nnd n largo
Aiiey are nve in numDer; lour arc un
mistakably of the artist class, light-heart
ed, Jovial fellows, with flowing locks,
shaggy moustaches, turn-down collars, and
somewhat fantastic dress. There is one
of the four, however, who has but llttlo
of the Bohemian In his appearance: ho
Is the eldest of the party, a tall, hand-
rate of
Inflow result In n tlilnuer
"Oh, you're as bad as she Is," cried
ivleonore, pushing her angrily away; "I
wish you were dead !"
"'I haven't patience with you, ma'am,"
cried the landlady; "you're, ruining that
Sirl. lou'H have a heavy hand with
Out of the reach of the waters they
laid it down and discovered two bodies in
stead of one a woman, holding a child
against her breast. In both, life seemed
to be utterly extinct.
The woman s face seemed cut and
ber, and she so ungrateful for all your bruised, and crimson marks still rested
indulgence, too."
"Oh, the darling doesn't mean It; It Is
only her pettishness," murmured the
"I'd soon beat the pettishness out of
ber if she was my girl," muttered the
landlady, as she went out of the room.
there: but the child was apparently un
touched. When the black hair that clung
round her features, was brushed aside,
the skin was white and spotless as mar
ble They tried to take her out ot the
woman's arms, but they could not release
her from that convulsive death-grasp;
I have come back to you with cood and so two servants laid the bodies upon
news, my darling," said the mother. "Your a litter and carried them away to the
good aunt has sent us sufficient to take nearest fisherman s hut.
us away from this dronrv nin i Down the rocks again went Sir Launce
France, where we shall find kind friends." and his son, and the remaining servants,
"And shall I have fine clothes, and gold to seek for other poor wretches that the
rincs. and necklaces, nnd silk Hm.... waves might drift upon the shore. But
servants to wait upon me?" ' their labor was in vain ; the sea dlsgorg-
You may not have all these, darling- ed no more of Its victims, wciore return-
but you will have a comfortable home ing to the castle they stopped at the lish-
and pure air." erman's hut whither the woman and child
had been conveyed, lhe woman had evi-
"The rest, then, will come afterwards?
If they do not, 1 hope I shall die. I
would sooner be dead than poor. And
we shall soon leave this house and Mrs
"Hush, my darling! She has been very
sood to us. But for her we should often
bave.been without food ; and had she been
liarsli, as most landladies are, we should
"have been turned into the streets. My
aaieonore must not be ungrateful."
"But all this is over we want no
more favors from her now. She said she
would beat me if I was her child: and
be would not tell me I was pretty; and
I hate her!" cried the child, vindictively.
dently been killed upon the rocks before
drowning had taken place; her arms had
so stiffened that they had difficulty in
releasing the child. To restore the lat
ter every known means had been used.
"Have you found any articles upon
them that might lead to their identity?"
inquired Sir Launce.
'Xothlug whatever, replied one of the
servants. "Only this purse containing a
sovereign, and a mark on tho child's
"What mark?"
"The word 'Eleonore.'"
Arthur started at that name, and
Madamo Soissons was the wldnur f drew closer to tho bed upon which the
a Frenchman, an artist; who, two years bo(ly lay In tUe c0"10"1" ot tna young
"before, bad died, after a lingering 111- face. framed by its jet black hair, ho be-
ness, In very straitened circumstances. "eved tnat lie coul(1 trao a "trong re-
Tho match, which had been distasteful to semblance to the portrait hidden away
ber friends, had utterly estranged them 'n tlle turret chamber,
from her. "Take 'em away! I won't have 'em
A weak-minded, nerveless woman, after hcro " cr'etl tt 8nr'" querulous voice be-
ber husband's death she gradually fell hind him.
into great poverty. A few weeks hack, The speaker wag an extremely old
the clergyman of the parish in which she' 'nani w'tu 'onS white hair, wild-looking
was lodging, who had taken a great in- eyes, and a faco covered with a network
terest in her, wrote to M. Soissons of wrinkles. At his advnnco the two
friends, who resided In Brittany, to solicit young fishermen who had assisted to bring
their assistance in her behalf. The re- the bodies, drew back from the bed.
ult of the application was the offer of a "Take 'era away J" reiterated tho old
borne for herself and child ; and a suffi- man yet more shrilly. "If you rob tho
cient sum of money was sent to defray sea of its dead, It will pay Itself back at
their expenses to France. your cost."
"Shame upon your Idle superstition !"
"Kiss me, Eleonore, before you go," exclaimed Sir Launce, sternly. "Would
enld Mrs. Drew; who, although by no you commit an act of barbarity that
means a refined, was a kind-hearted worn- would disgrace savages, for the sake of
an. the wandering words of a madman?"
But the child, with a disdainful ges- "I am no madman," answered tho old
ture, swept past without answering, and man, turning his face full upon Sir
jumped Into the cab that was standing at Launce. "Because you are book-learned,
the door, to convey them to the docks. you think you know all things ; but I tell
"Pray do not feel hurt at her rudeness, you, and I've proved It, tho drowned
Mrs. Drew," said Madamo Soissons, in a I and tho drowning always bring a curse
I out' I'd ii Corn licit
Nearly half the pop corn consumed
In the United States 'j rnlsed In the
small county of Sac, Iu the northwest
some man of some eizht-nuil-twentv venrs. ern portion of Iowii. There It lias
with dark-brown chestnut hair curling been found that the soli Is particularly
closely to his head, a pale complexion, adapted to Its cultivation. Before the
and an open, generous countenance. bIiowh and thu street corner merchants
The fifth member of the party is a took ,t up Ul uot uutteren pop corn
"7,""" . iuiuii, uisuuci ,t , , ,icinana. It8 cay
I mm n la nuuAiin taa I In la nf n 1 1 r I i r-
mm nrw? Aan,t ...:u ' t t tlvatlon was restricted to a few Htnlks
uuu ui us-u Ifcll tt fl U1MIJUU3 illTili-
ness. He is extremely fair, with a color " tuc farm tuut ulet tue hom (k"
in his cheek as delicate as that in a worn- mnnd. A small quantity might b!
an's, deep violet eyes, wavy, light hair, Innight at the store, but It wns high In
worn rather long. There is a shadow price nnd tho sales were few,
upon uis iace a suitusion oi melancholy The breakfast food manufacturers
almost boding in it depth; but, over nil. nre now the largest consumers of iop
an air of rare refinement, that denotes cor , the markct Ner, alf ,)f
fhn (flnrlnman ri i fAjilItiia nnl It l I . I.
It Is Arthur P,.nrhr,M rendy-to-scrvc foods have n con
He is the host of the sranll party. Ho Bl!e''' Ircentage of jkjji com. One
left Oxford at the end of the last term, uran1 18 practWally nil ip corn,
and this little entertainment is In some
sort a celebration of the event. His' Hayfork Itetiirn.
guests are three young art students. Wnl- The Illustrations kIiow two devices
ter Brand, Peter Jerome nnd George Le- for currying back the liny fork when
land; the fourth, the eldest. Is Edward putting hay In the barn. In the first
Stafford, a portrait painter of some fame, illustration the rope marked 1 Is fas
Arthur has made their acquaintance in tened to tho end of the trnck nnd to
town during the college vacations. , the st,jko M 2 , flbout to feet
' I Innimn flmn rlis. .mil Iu I
IttfrZk iiil IIIU I141LJV unit in ULIUIU'.-W
to the pulley E nnd a weight below.
A tourist Iu eGorgln stopped over W'en the fork Is sot freo Inside the
night nt the Pnlnee Hotel In a little ,,nrn ,1J weight below E carries It out
village and expressed a desire to taste to the end of the track. The other de
"Georgla 'possum." vice shown Is for performing tho same
A whole 'possum, cooked In genuine operation by means of the horse. An
Georgia style, with 'taters on the side, extra rope Is attached to the fork nnd
wns placed before him. ru" through the pulley nt outer end
"Two dollars extra for the 'possum," ot t,ie truck. From thero It extends
suld the landlord when the guest came to n "take fixed In the ground and
to settle. i continues so as to connect with the
"It's un outrage!" snld the guest.
"It's nccordln' to the way you look
at it, stranger," said the landlord, "but
It took me six nights' Hwamp-wadln' to
ketch the possum and when I kotclied
him I kotclied the rheumatism with
him !" Atlanta Constitution.
"You seem worried." ventured tho
caller In the yellow editorial sanctum.
"Yes, very much so," replied tho
editor. "You see, we published a some
what exaggerated nccount of that new
woman's club and now the president
says she Is coming up Into this oHlce to
uall the lie."
"Oh, I wouldn't bo worried."
"Why not?"
hitching nolnt. The
"Because a woman doesn't know how the right and left should of courso be
to nail."
An Apt iio(ii(1oii,
'Yes," said Mnrryat, "I'm pretty
fitted with pulleys. Montreal Star.
U-c ui lliimm,
The simplest remedy Is to clip tin
busy these days. Getting ready for my hair, as llco will not stay on a clipped
we mu g, jou Know. , ilarBe. Toimm) wat(.r , ,
All! that b a reminder of what some strong tobacco In water Is effect-
umiiuiiiuu nuiu, lUIIUU'KeU J1CI1IU
"What was that?"
"In time of peace, prepare for war."
Philadelphia Press.
Cnptureil a Price.
Gunner Tho gridiron hero Is all
Guyer Yes, ho has captured a grid
iron heroine.
uul, but Is somewhat jMiIsonous If used
too freely or mode too strong. Ono
pound of tobacco to four galloim of
wnter Is about the proper projwrtlon,
hut, as tobacco varies considerably In
strength, this may not ho quite strong
enough. Coal oil In too hard on tho
skin to ubo undiluted, hut made Into
an emulsion by mixing with strong
Honpsuds is very good. In places where
llsh oil can ho obtained this Is a good
In tho spring of 1801 tho Hhodo Isl.
and Experiment Station decided to do
vote an aero of liuul to the contlnuoui
culttiro of corn.
Tho soil was partly a bIU loam and
partly u light sandy loam. Tho first
two years only chomlcnl fertilize
were used, the maintenance- of soil lui. '
mint being placed upon tho corn stub-1
ble remaining upon tho field. Tho
following two years half of tho area 1
wns sown with crimson clover at tho
tlmo of tho last cultivation of corn mid
half to rye, In order to compare tho
merits of a leguminous nnd iiontcgu
mlnouH crop as a moans of 'maintaining
soil humus. Beginning with 1808, nftor
tho exporlinont had been In progress
four years, tho first quarter of tho ncro
plat was sown to crimson clovor nnd
tho third quarter to winter ryo nt tho
tlmo of tho Inst cultlrat'on of tho corn,
whllo tho second and rourth quarters
received no cover crop. In 181)0 tho
Innd was llmod to Insuro the success
of clover. The history of the land U
given nud tho fertilizer trentment nnd
the results Bccured In each year are
A summnry of tho results during tho
twelvo years tho experiment has been
conducted shows thnt tho gain from
using clover ns a cover crop, after de
ducting tho cost of tho seed, was
$."0.2-l, or an average of $ per aero
annually, as compared with $1.28. or
an nvorago of .1(1 cents nn acre nnnu-
ally from using ryo.
Curtntr n K Inker.
An nrrangctneut such ns shown In
tho cut lins boon suggested nn cffectlvo
to cure a lumw which kicks In hnr
ness. A heavy strap (P) la attached
to the collar and extends hack under
tho surcingle, whero It Is attached to
n heavy ring.
Through this ring Is pnssed n ropo
or strap (M), which Is attached to
ULM) i.'iii. . .
rh, UCMaW inch
lfHnf'ntl,.l-. ..
inM Lnilv .T.
- "n'l' IIolw I)0,(tr
"01-81. Iiul,. Mo.. tnn, ,
my of French merch.l
7!mun!".'!? at
M-.7 ,ln?,''-.IlDdl
mllliary forM,
l&2-Ornnd ball Kren la p,J
N'w ork, la donor of Ch3
18-M Thomns W. Ollm.r f nJ
enmo Bfcretnry of th K,r,l
UOI.I tUKovttti Am(!
ioo i-rnnce nnd Turk.,
treaty rewrdlnj tle holy
PnlrMlne. '
18.".1 Attempted nMlMtl'
lTor FrnncU Jowph of A
lfl.Vl.Tnli,. o.ji.i. .. .
. " Jnuieir, tntmttt 01
i nrnnment, commlttri lakU
suit of rcrclatlom of rlpntU
1800 Ilrl(lrtown, raplul of !
oestroyeU bj fir.
1801 Jcfffron !)?! Ininraria
iipnt or tie ConftdwiU
180'-' Aniault on Fort Dom!k
1801 AnderKonrlllo priiwn
tho reception of prltontn. I
1803 Firm ncMion of the Xl
wick Ix-ginlature after Coa!s
1872 First Minion of the Sntl
lure of liritUb Co!omb!i.
187(1 First telephone patent
Alexander (Irabam Hell.
1831 Hnronein llurdett-Coatul
18Sr-I!ollcr explolon In ParU
hotel, Hartford, Conn., kllltj
straps on the hind hooks nt 8. This jsoo-IIoum of HepreMnUtird
is mniio loose euougn so inni tno oni- .Sneaker Iteed a ne nilet
mni may wniK eouirortnbiy, uut too . 1801 nillon nnd O'Brien. Iriibl
ignt to allow thu animal to kick. After
wearing this harness n whllo tho horo
will cease to try to kick In hnrnesi
nnd may bo driven without difficulty.
Fnrm and Home.
r.raaltiK lloir.
Cowpeas without grnln hnvo so fnr
given better results, It Is stated, than
nny of tho other crops tested nt tho
Mississippi station. In 100.1 tho cow-
pens were grown on thin hill Innd nnd
nn acre produced .150 pounds of jwrk.
In 1004 the crop was grown on good
vnllcy land and produced 483 pounds J jpoi fiPn. Wejler procltffl
lenders, surrendered to
180.1 Home Uule hill Introdacej
1801 Forty (Jerman sallora
boiler cxploalon on cmlaerl
1803 I'nltei! Statea battlehlp
l stroyed In Ilarana harbor.
ififtO Million-dollar fire In
nnvy ynrd,...Kmile 1M
President of trance.
1000-Hellef of Klmberle;
of ork per acre. Tho pigs wero turn
ed on the pasturngo when tho cow
peas wero rlpo nnd were fed no grain
In addition to the pasturngo.
Alfalfa without grain tins been
found "to he llttlo more thnn a innln-j
Inw In Madrid.. ..Kinr&H
rolji Supreme Court oil
held public franchlMi w '
1002 Irltlh-Japanee al!lnJ
ed....Two Ihoiwno rl
tennuco ration for hogs." Tho pigs' by enrth'iunke In irtn j
used In tho test, which covered two ioai Dr. Mnnuel Aroaoor c
years, rnnged from threo to twenty-
four months In age.
dent of Panama.
Illnck Terlh In I'lir.
This condition Is frepiently brought
to our attention, hut ns yet we liavo
no satisfactory explanation to offer for
tljolr presence. They nro nlso found
In health, as wo liavo observed In
heads at the slaughter houses. Un
doubtedly too much stress has been
laid upon this condition. In young
pigs, where tills condition Is most fre
quently seen, long sharp teeth may bo
present which It would he better to
cut off. Dentition may also bo taking
Inco and tho black tooth may bo n
shell, and thero may ho Irritation of worj( 0f those empW J(
tho gums, causing the pig to hold tho utalners that It "eB " . cpei
try vrrrZM
pnrtmeni i"
tnnlty of diani.
mouiii open, to snnvnto and to refuse ry pe
to eat. St IxuiIn Globo Democrat
I'lanllnir UnifraMril ItOKlalniila.
Thorough plowing and siibsollliig nro
. .. . tM
The manngcraent o n 1
,.llrn.I Is so well P J
the Vldt
t 4 I I, .. . . . - i - mnu.
iuiuwm uuy iu uiun a ueersieiiK.
Ilia Iiniirelon,
"Of course,
For a Hidebound Hora.
1T1.. .. ... , . . .
e, you believe that polyga-' ., " " . . ",(,0,,ouml " '
my is wrong," said tho man, who was y L'"B 1,1 a IK)or
discussing tho Mormon question. "mr"ty conmuon. a Horse In good
"My dear sir," answered Mr. Meek- vu'",sni "uuu" not hidebound,
ton, "It Is not only wrong, it's fool- 'J;1Jer0 ,Dnjr,bo u "uinlier of cuuses for
hardy." Washington Star.
HMD f 1T1 1) I T If 111 111 lllHt,.
vumuiviuii i.ui ou( oucii ns
worms, luck of tho right kind of feed
or the want of either food or Bheltor
or both. A horso muy havo fairly
good caro uiul feed, but, on account
of had teeth, may not ho able to bo
euro nourishment from the food. Try
to dotermlno tho cuijuo and thon romo-
Gyer-neer thing about tho trust, liy a Bmall amount of pulverised
Myer What's queer about them? . ,, ,, inmm , ..p" ve'lzed
Gyor-hoy leldotn trust auybod. laU appotito auu dlgtlZ'
The Ifore' Trouldea.
It Is not to tho auto biz
The horse his troublo owes.
Because, you see, his driver Is
The source of all his "whoas."
Philadelphia Ledger.
a o, i).
.....I .wt-cut I1
Tim romnieieu , .
in oc nnacrowi n
even more necessary when planting un- " inoc WBa opened iw i
rafted reslstants than when planting T" wi,en PreaWe" "V (
bench grafts, says a bulletin Issuwl by tnrte(l the acll'n Irom
tho experiment ntntlon of tho Unlvor- ni load of mercW"
ii in inuu
slty of California. This Is becauso ' a car at Ballna w .
good results can bo obtained only If tho Travel by ran tttt
....... ,1,1. 1 . i.r.o nl for ll"' la
makes It essential to obtain n good York Central i irj
growth tho Ilrst year. If tho ntock ro- tw"1' V' 0( valuable n
n..i... i.. i. transportation , , ,ctrcW
..inn in mu k'uuiiu ior iwu, uireu ui will be "K"1 ill W
more years hoforo grafting, It lMcomes "rb; tfom, The l0 tt
hard nnd refractory to irraftlng and :"..i.v.rtlilof coDdnm .(
good unlona cannot bo ohtnlned. Tho nn,i safety of t . juxaryl
. niiwuiu uinuo Huiiii-ieni growiii which c i
tho first year to allow of tholr bolng cars. .... utb
grnftod tho Hprlng following Uio ploat- Under the nVr.rllndt
Ing. BndNnaliTlll8""(t0tvr9P'
' the Usance of P"c ,f(
Npllnta on Horatia' leg: , ij contract rort '
Tlila ,1,fn..f la tlm mn nn. "1 . . I., tlm Federal
tlconblo of all hlemlBhes thnt coma noW rule tlm tw ,f a
HometlmeH tho npllnt must bo blistered language ti oper'0D ,
two or tnroo timoH Dororo romuining exciu' f in b " , .i,. I
. i ... i ... nnis' contra"- . hti ei v
must ho fired Iwforo a euro Ii offootod. ve" nreaerveo'' nrren
iun..t i.,. i,iiuh ....I 4 nnta pb v . , u,u.,i,
..v'ui. ...u u.a.u. n ...i.t, .... i opinion a nr0TI tJ
lamoneiw sUll romnlns aome other "nd to annul M coii
cause muy vu suspecteu. jrSCt iouuu-