Vhe Madras Pioneer Published every Thiirsdny by THE PlONKlill PUBLISHING CO.- 4 80B8ORIPTION RATE8 ! Dno yortr...., $1.50 Six months ,.. ..S5 Three months 50 ADVKltTISINO ItATKS ON A l'ri.lOATlON . Kntarcd ns second class matter Amiusi 2i), 1PGI, nt the Postolfice nt Minims. Ore. under the Act of Congress of March 3, ISTti. when dry, put this olenn grain into clean bV gcaldet sacks and scald otit your seeder Do not smut your 'clean grain all over again or your labor is lost. Clean weed produces a clean crop. THURSDAY March 28, 1907 - p . 1 . t 01 me utuusinir ientures of life President's order cancel ing the previous order holding up linal proofs on public land Entries is the eft .rt of main Western Senators and Con pressmen to get credit lor seem ing this action. In neurU n reply to a query mm ms HVery state west of the Missis- teict Attorney Frank Menefee. sij,pi, newspapers 'friendly to of The Dalles, Attorney Gener- particular Senators or Congress- 'al Crawford rendered an ,,ien haVe published the atnte opinion regarding the taxation ment'thn't this order was Wum1 of indemnity selections made after Senator Jones or'Connie- TAXES ON LIEU LANDS in lieu of forest reserve lauds.. m;in Smith hurl t.nnfrrri -iti The opinion says: u,e President. The report , "Replying to yours of the- will make friends for the Con "21st inst.. asking the opinion of gryssmen among the voters who mis omoe as to wnetner inaem- were interested in .Vity selections made in lieu of were held up for investigation lorest reserve lands are taxable hind tli o-mmmioI rmhita win - m 111 J I J ll TO ENFOkk FENCfe LAW Gnrflold Roorots, Howovor. That Such Legislation is on Statutes WAflR AT 57 FEET Washing on, Much 2fi Sec- re 1 a r.v Garfield todiiv issued an oi'dt-r for 1 he strict eiif'orc-meiit of the law prohibiting the fenc ing 'of the public domiin. In 1 t 1 . uoniu so k- mem onmi n- -H'ris made at the Inst sess'on of Congress to obtain a tnodili canon of this law, which was passed in 1SS2, and .ocpivssed 1 egret that no discretion, l as soon as the selection and segregation is made in the local office, or are they free from tax ation until such time as the secretary of the interior ap- care. As a matter of fact. 1 h order was not secured by argu menf, but rather by cutting off the funds for the employ ment ot agents to investigate the condi- niven the (jovernnient to net- mit the continuance of fence-. 'that are clearly for the benefit fall interests." He predicted that hardships and loss wouid ie occasioned, and especially o the slockrniser and home- maker by the strict enforcement i he law, and adds: "But, so lomr as it is nn the patens 'I'"1 statute books it must be en: foiced, without considering the reasons which led to any viola Drlllora on Agoncy Plains Find Wa tar NonrSurfnco Out ContinVio M3 49 A small quantity of water wassttuck in the well which is being drilled on the "W. F. Ma uill place on Agency Plains last Tuesday evening, but as there is not sullicient for all ranch purposes the well will be con tinned for some depth yet, in the expectation ot securing water in plenty for till purposes The drilling had proceeded to a depth of about fiO feet on Tues day evening, and next morning when work was resumed it was found that there was quite a lo of water in the drilled hole. At first it was presumed Unit this was surface water which had tun in, but investigation estab lished the fact that a small flow of water had been en countered, from which the water in the shaft came, al 1 hough there was not enough of tion. . t 1 1 . 11 proves tne 11st 01 selections ana tjons surrounding the home passes them for patent, permit 8teiui or timber land entries. me to say, in 1113' opinion tuey OreTouian are free from taxation until the list of selections is approved by It would be a great pie( the secretary of the interior. tfd luck ior the settlers it to provide for all purposes. The order calls attention to J Mr. Magill and those who are 1 he making of gaps or mainte- putting down the well feel nance of gatewas in illegal encouraged over the strike, I'. ...... ... .. .. .1 ... .. . 1. ... l 1 : 1 1 1 1 .. .. .1 .. .. n . 1 .1 ... . ir-m cu, miu eii) & nun uiese win 11a as uo an uiy ieaiuenis relieve from liability under the on the Plains who have heard law. The cutting down of the the good news. It was not ex wires and allowing the posts to pected that any water would be persons injured by illegal ot 5 feet, even 111 small cinanti- fences to make complaint. tjr, upsets all previous calcula- o stand will relieve from liability, found before a depth of from fiie orders say the Department 350 to nOO feet was reached, and "The frenernl rule hitri down 'f Agency Plains if the "strike" ot Istico will act vigorously many believed that it would be Tby nearly all of the cases is to water lepoited at a depth of '''li"st violatorsof the law, and necessary to go even deeper, the effect that lands are assess- only 57 feel at the Magill ranch '"' ""'Nation is extended to The finding of water at a depth able for taxing-purposes in any should develop into an abun 'state from and after the time diit supply with a few tet when the applicant has done more. While others, even on everything which the law re- adjoining farms, might have to quires to entitle him to a patent tro deeper, it would completely and we might add this, some destroy the theoiy so frequent officer, who has lawful authori- 'y advanced that it is going 4.0 ty so to do, has passed upon the be necessary to go to, or below, sufficiency of the proofs and the level of the Deschutes to CULVER ITEMS tions, and the continuation of the Magill well, will be watched Campbell Talks On Farmin 1 Says the Right Method Ha Been Discovered U c 9 lor Succcssful v arming, dui I lint 11 Must lie Thoroughly Understood duy'H hosmIoh of tlio TrAiiHiMlH.Hoiu Dry I'u rm t tip; CotiVcKM hold In Don- vi-ron Jiiimiu y ill, i!o itnil 1(, 1007, I'roA'K.Mor 'ft. W. Campboll cnrryhiif u n " hi -ia.(!t ,.,., "'"""on , "'"Ml,,!,,, ' ,p ?'! 1. , thn for. h.ivtn r y "'"t "'VIIIK M.0II U, , Cr,'l'foli() moat Aimnlimn oxpmiont of miluntlllu uorn, vhilil...! funuliiK and tlio nmn afii'r whom ttio wln.ui Tn,MVM Oimpboll xyHtom imnioil, wuh Hit. the tronlih, iiii?"""1 ,"llow' nrhin ii'il noiiii (nr. Mil Mitlil; I i..h t..n. l"" IHHn nf , I lltlllll! Ill Lllin III ITITI I II u n II Jl Mlllllll I Illll ..l.l .....I 111... " 1 ..v iiiii niVIM .if 1.. '"Vl - --'.IJ llllll III III. A . . ..... I ...i IU .. . mil or piiid'. 11 wilt) (iiuiiMl u Dry without Hay i. ijiu.I 9 FartnltiK Coiikiuhh. f do not luidur- dovulooinuot nf 11 ' w,lfcttver to Miami much alioiil dry farnilm,'. Tim f furl lilt v. If von 1 1 v nonl proci'M I liitvo boon oiirryliiK mil In-1 In tholr ('X.iniii,lt , 1 U 1 dlcatex wot fiirinliiK. Guillmnn, I tlm corruut iir.. u'tM . I " "n-Mirr, link um..,. invHolr, iih 0110. wont Into Hum nrulrle I of wIk.hi ""-rii . oioinlrv Icoovvloi? mitliini? wlniiiiv.ir nfl lllf.. 11,1.. . UnH "''iHtil "w .ll Tl IIII4.I..I. ... I.. if.. It. 1...... I.. .1.. 1 I J. . ' tlll'lt k w - 1 .1 .o nimi 11 11 1 1 . 1.1. . ...111. II II.... I . j - r iiiiwui.! 11 ih iitv u.'iiavuii.i iiiiniiuri in i i. nr n ... 'I I llilillll httti...... . II. . . 1 . .1 .... " ' li-U'l'.!! I... I iiimi nvi.rvi iiiiiir 1 111111 111111 iiiiii in mil i iv u " "ii A )letisant surprise party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Lamson last with increased interest. Woik wjis resumed yesterday morn ing, the hole being 57 feet deep at that time, and will be. papers RESEEDING IN UMATILLA That it has been necessary to reseed nearly 50 per cent, of the grain in the Juniper country find water. That theory was. .in fact, given its death blow bv the strike in the Macrill well. , a and should it be demonstrated that a'plentiful supply of good water can be obtained any- , , . . " .. 1..II.V.. IIIIVI Kill 17 C Saturday night. Those pres- pushed as rapidly as possible, -nt were: Mrs. Perry Read. Jim Head, Miss Lula Osborn. Mi. and Mrs." Rob Osborn. The evening was spent in phiy- inu Flinch. At 10:30 a light lunch was served. f a'nd otlier sections northwest of U',,H,V within" a depth of several here is stated by those who are familiar with conditions in those parts. The farmers are now activelj' engaged in reseed iug and hope to have their enms in lipfVit-p rim p!iim i-j fiwi faradva.ued. Because of the fiu" wHI in the Yakima Valley wheie they expect Grizzly Butte and the other hills in the range to the south of us have been covered with snow during the week. It snowed here on several days in the early pait of the week, but Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Menden hundred feet, there will be wotk lia11 refnrnec.1 ,10, hist Sunday sufficiently to more than cut out to keep half a dozen hom VJlly points, where they cover the ground, and that soon drills busy on Agency Plains ,,ave hu visiti,1 relatives foi melted on the fiat. Windy and for the next year or so. "Ifc! Pusl Iew niontns, omsiery, wnn occasional show- Jess Harcrow and familv left ers 01 "ai, 11,0 weather of the Xllf'i-nufii I c 1 11 1.-i 1. t rf n 1. IT.. 1. ..... I .... ) 1 Ar I tiast WHhIc )U luinn T.i 1. IVm.i v.nu. 1, uiHiiiug ui mi niic- i"i x ui liuiiu iuot iijonuaj , I ...vi .".H mi iiuiu to make Peasant, although no injury i-5 of Ii.ha.i......, I 1. rl... I... 1. evtro work mod nneHss.-irv l.v ",,lJU,"ll":o 1,UL u,,13' "e- u.eu lumre uome. the need of receding, other cuuse l iiiYurds fl 8UPP'y of A basket dinner is to be given .uei iur niigauon, dud oe- at Culver next Sunday. ;'wl P"; Mrs. John Saxton uoinestic purposes, it 13 said Spring work is being delayed. Until a 6hort time ago it was not presumed that any portion of the county would have to reseed, as no particular "freeze" iiaa occurred, uut now H is declared that the late sown giain in the northwestern pari of the county never germinated because of the ground being too cold when sown. Eau Oregonian. ia bum :!, mat tlie well completed last week, will supply water lor a a towii of 20,000 inhabitants. To get a supply of pure, cold water is the problem of the arid region from the Columbia to is quite Grain is looking fine. Ted. CLOSING SESSION WAS A GOOD ONE has resulted to the crops. Mr. ami Mrs. E. II. Batten of Bend were in town this morning on their way toPoitland where Mrs. Batten will enter a hospit al lor treatment. Air. Batten is making the trip to the railroad by easy stages, and is accom pjinied by a trained nurse, who l "IM'.'ll HfU't Mill........ r... out. Wo aro oonlrontliij; anotlior con- oiiiHhillf nu,. ., ,"u"nS illlfioor Unit mini. 1 Id ml Iftlun. Ih m.i I.. mm M,. 1 u t 1 ii in 111 i'i, , Iiitii now Ih dial tlutro Ih too mtinli I i"ini-i 11 IP .in..,.,... ..r . 1 1 ... ft. 1 1 .. ..1 ..1. lull... 1. .j 1. . 11. .nt ii. i 1 .t.iii...... . i thioK Ih to ho done. Wo iiiiihI coiiuoii- It lo m olftirly. crato upon Homo oortaln lino ami ko lo I In 11)00 It wuh mii.u...., ... . ...rl, .1 1.. ).- .1.... w.fii r..... . ' ""HI "ui 1'"" miiuiiiu mrnu iuii)iu I null llui IWIiy-lNSO ftli tj j . ...v.. .. 1 .......Mi 1 .. " " VI Wil II u- I li.ftiiuiiii.lu lii V..11. M. .-!,., .... III..... ...1.1. "Ul iiiiiiiniiiiun 111 .1011 .'iv.Mtn IttlWII 11 j I I nil II- niiillt 111(11, SVlll'H I iiomoHtoiMiH on lanil tliul It liuil novi-r xi;hlvo Uvnt fur a lnm lr 11 ouforo boon utiiuiorod could bo lian I yet our on.o u-ri.i h.-.. . ...... ...... - ........... .. " '. 111 i.i-u. 1 nu i.i.iiiiiur win rt.-iii;ii iiiuuo I ' nu mn V IWoitiul n U..it Inill r.l .mill.. I II.IV. I.....M ..v hw. WK i J "! II WUH imil.Hr llliul... . i ... . I) i.n i-.u nt 1 In. u.i.ii I... 1.1.1 I 'I'I... ... w. r ii . .......... ,....r,, iiihiiviiii-iiiiii "VAl lUIIIHVIOir lf.r ...... . . . .... I rMn 11 ny; utfCHUHo or mo womiorrui cropp,.t. i.-mt yt.r ,, , r.tMtilbi In itimt.iDi C. .ti.n.ilii diirti.ir 1 1.. I IohI l.iir.ir.. 1.... . . ..... ---- - - ''fi 1 ...in 11 11 ir, . n.iii .. ... ... . f -'"I "O I'll pam ymir, wmon wort) noi 11110 10 u-iijiih what tin- ye I n. i,,,, , soii'iitlllocuuivatlon, in a vory law uot mimi'ililiiij Jlke hvkikv i..r.. . . ... . .. . . .... .... . . . . . . " oi't'ror, out 10 1110 iomiii comiuioiiH initi a nair oiihiim, ninl u m1H wl unii AitiiiKiuy proviiioii. in t lie i all of 11)05 wo hud an iintiHtml pnulplta ilnu. That wator wont Into tin ground. It didn't ovaporato lieoaiixt' or lilt) cllinallo C'.ndllioiiH. It wax The last, but one of the most is P''' to make the trip the Ualitornia line, except in enjoyable sessions of the Mud 'ls """"tablo as possible foi interior region. Oregonian. Bulletins have been posted calling for bids on the Westside mail service from Shaniko to Betid, via Madras. There have been numerous delays in the granting of this much-desired service, but the end seems to be in sight. In addition to the im provement in our mail schedule, the new service will give ue a TO KILL THE SMUT The Washington agricultural college at Pullman has issued a valuable bulletin on the method of It eating wheat for smut with the fonuuidehyde mixture. The bulletin says: The foimaldehyde treatment: Formaldehyde, formalin and formalose are the same thing. Formaldehyde should sell tit diugstorea, in pound bottles, for about SO cents a pound, and a pound will treut40or 00 bush els of grain. If properly used it will kill the smut witlumt in ' juiing the wheat. lluw to treat the seed grain:' Sprinkling method: Clean a lloor, or a canvas, if smutty, County Journal to his with scalding water; spread &ix or eight bushels of grain; sprin kle it with ti solution of foimal dehyde. Shovel the grain until every bit is wet, then throw it to the upper end of the trough. Repeat till tlm trough is lull. Cover it with wet sacks for two hours. How to care for treated grain: .. ''iuv,SwUu iivcj ofjiwiga jnerary aouiely was water is available. Hauling held last Saturday night. The water in wagons for a distance schoolhouse was filled to over of five to 20 miles is one of the .flowing with an enthusiastic au- hardships of farming in the dieuce from far and near, who i - Mrs Batten. were entertained with an inter esting debate and literary program. The ladies served refresh ments ot coffee, sandwiches and cake, after which the crowd dis persed feeling that they had spent a very pleasant evening. Mrs. II. J. Baclimtin, who was quite seriously injured in a dynamite explosion in which hwr husband was killed, and which destroyed her home, early in February, has snfli cienlly locovered from her injuries to be moved, tttul left r t . iMciiotas Jacqulnol, for I)it. btiqne, Iowa. Mrs. r. II. Snook has nm- chased the quarter section known aw the John Bennett RANCH FOR SALE OR TRADE Good stock farm in L me and Douglas i riiiiiiiiKV i fin rif re m ifn imti. i .. i iiAikuini.in i i. .. i i dai y including Sunday service, good ,r. ior ,00 head ,., Mf rid been clos nl the fi , J Z Which the patrons of tills office and productive, requiring no irrigation; week. I hi8 f tttut" ad o ,!h lltive greatly desired. finest of water and climate ideal: health, the homestead .,f l)x r.. ..; ..1 . . . ... . v ' i.ii.iu.o ui uiLuiiiy muurpasson; no irjcct tauii win greatly1 iari ijiiliey Jias OlSlJOSea Ot Pest m garden or orchard; fish and grime value ot their ftilich his interest in the Crook plentiful, a bargain at $4,000; closeit the oy II Vo lllfll win. with Mile I 0jt liiu .i mil 1I1..,.. 1., 1... 1. .. wncrt) tin. hiit-1-i.tiii.r 1.1 .... . . f . V. V. 'IIIII 11(11 II- tlll'lll. Ori.iuirj. .. ..... r .. tlioro III tlio Hprdiur whon you prpurotl tlmin with xliollfd nut UV lud your tii.'lds: ooiiHcoueiitlv with tlio yoml inolHturu 111 1 Me uroiintl. your uroin MhihIiuI to thn hit. (,,r (,., r . n. . i. . .. . . I .... . IHLIUlf IJII. 1 lll.II L U IH IflllllWl.ll IIV- I HVtf VI. II rN II lli.f I I. hi. ......... I.. 1. 1 . I.. I ...I.1..1. . . I S .1 I I .1 . ....... uij iiL'iiui. wi.iuii PL-urt'ii nuiuo 111 infill I J mn uilllK, Kt'lill ill n. inch out It wnn an Ideal oomlltlon that It any 'qiii-Mtion aboui tu ii4rrl ii wriH dry then, booatiHo, wllli the inaltotliat wo have foaml Hit m molHturo ia your, coll, nflor putting U10 how, tlio lime, the numirrof your crop in yon uoiri want rain, von uvatini; mo noil in wi.icti we are want to lot that grain 001110 up and t gut rv ultn, anil If the pimi cm cover tho Hlirfauo with I Ih follao It carried out tln-ro i 110 iim-oiun In ..,..11.1.. ...1. 11.. ..... . . ... ... it. 1 ..ii.i.i i.i.. .. 1... 1 .1 .1 . . ......... 'I'I. I.. ....... ll... .......II...... ........I I T..l..n..f.ft t .. t.V.. V.i .. cully, all throUL'li Kaunaii and NebraHita 1 ami llic rtiihaiiili of 'i xh mni 1 ... .. . . .. . .. . .1......1 ....... . unii I'u.Hiiirri i iiiririiiin iiiirimr in im ltiiiiii iiiiriii.n i. svw u in- . n , , v 1.11 r 11 .ul I In. 11 1. 1 1. n ) ivil ii 1 tv I..... 1 1... I r..i.n.iM I ii 1. . iii.ir.. fin 11. .1. r u t.li it ' 1 1 1 ' follau'o wan practically covorin tin' I am with tlio country f,ipitr iiori Htirface, tlio raliiH came Jtirit rlKht. K"' hoiter nvvnii crop t! I !.... . I.... .... T I....... ......... .. Ii. ....... I ft... l' a r.i i.rnu'jmf It. T. In .1. Im) w . n.u.. 1 1 ii-- ii 1 11 ..... n - r ' .m.c v .I...1 nui IV. A ? itiii., -nu 1 . " -w - ........ ..... ...... . jvii in iin I lauded in what Im now the dltluii and control It, ui.ri l-y tw north part of South Dakota. I have I do It in Illinois limuaee llii-j lu.v apont that omiro 27 ycaiH In tilling tlio oiuoh rain. hoii ami Hluilylng IIh comlltlOiiH. Km .ow, Kutiiicmcii, i im ma w-tm j 18 ye urn I have done practically noth U t kt thlH aM)erilii a a mt oIhi, and for lo yearn i have lived with ouihunlahin lo iuli forward IJ it and Mlopt with It ami traveled with ho douo if you will leaniliow, i it no l will VOtllliro ItlO HHHort Oil tllal " nave ui ieui n. iijii I have never met a friend any whore f " ,,,)" ' mid talked with him l! v.. .11I11111..H that l'rofo()r HI. K, like liurij' cf ..... i . . . . . . I . i i... in i i. iiiiwill in IIIIIIR HJ IIIU HIIDJtUl (II IIIOI " .....v., . - cultivation of tin. Moil, r nmnmi hi.li. Hiimuier. I tremolo for Hie O-'Ulti It. there aro ho manv who do nut uuJ What wa want U tlumoiiftrnlinir Huh method of furunufr fttriiiH. Wo uant them ohLhIiIIhIiviI I will loll you how I tot onto I along tho Ilm.s of the railroad', audi Hummer fnllottli.ti i.l.ti. Vee hope the tlinu may oome. and In the round wan ilttci fr wh.ierwiiMt. near fuiur. ultmi 114 iitri i f Iim wan nut In. and in th ewtai. iNiiniunl ii ......I. n,,!...).. ,,r .. Ill WM ll i I uteiv anoju" " ' I. . . i . ii .. I U'MH I Mio lel or (iBinonstriitliiif f.irni whin.. IHiU, aliallMoim i.hi n u- tlio farmoru oau omno and eo u lllt J Ho tltfH Idea at all tli- l, ml tli.ilr iiwn .i...j ...l...i i.. .1.. Ili.iini wl.v f diil I', hut I Be .. . J W.J I. ....V l.l III. I ' " L Tlio awertlon wi.h in,..li. vimii.rilHv there and llMied that Kfl nu. i iii.iru ..u ....i .i i.i I) mi fii'i.iiiit iiirouei ai i"" ' ........ v. ...I1....I.M.. iiiiii i ti. film ii... 'w .... iioalloo of work laid down for the "'"l l,'n ''na full- l"" " eilllivathin of tlio noil. I mn- were wonderful, ami l uii im ami th,ro Ih, and I think we 1 ' "turted out wlih ' . i .... . . i.... n.ii.iiiiii t if luai (.VP (I.I.V'M. ... ..nl.MII. .. .......il ..... l LL U lllllll. r, I " '' ....... l..lTni.llll ... I . ....... ll doi.l.t where at ono farm i have M,,lu,,t bo ll80,'l,,y 1 ... nil urUWIl MIX UOIiNeelltlv.i rni '1'ivi. nf HOOllOIIH. to ullllliili-r ... . ' . .. . . u .rollout' u.u ix were grown In 8oiihoiim exceed-1 year aim mj m"' fMU ii.giy uiirMVorald-, and wo lmv uotlen .p..... I....II., .1. Ill I Iri.lil I In. L.l Mi.IiIh M'C ' "'J nn.v J iriu LiMiiiniiuiin-i ... ..ry crOJ ly i lKlU aloiig. ThlH Hliite.neut wuh ll'"''" r four or live er i" J in... i.. ..)-.. ..... i i. ..... I. .it... r.i.iM.I dial It I l,,L 1 . .. ....... w i.im.-iiiiu nm gllUKI leHUIIH nil ralll''" scientlllceullivatloiiliavo boon IukooiI l"'"" J U""K 'r",m" J . ,ltf Mirt yeaiH. What have voll to Hav of t ho iiinoon nieiien n- . . i .... . ui. if. iiiiiiiif i-iiii . ,.,,,,,1 . .. . .. .. ..lft.ii nf trjli'b you follow mn iu v ., partner, inspection invited. Will either sell, or it. iv, Uray, who thereby be- ,raae lor wllem lma ln section. (n comi'is the sole owner of the .Mr. Gray is an uxperi newspaper man, al though' a new-comer in the Urook Uounty held, and will paper encod quire of John McTaggart or Max Liied- demann, Madras, Oregon, JOINT DEBATE There will be a joint debate doubtless make a success ofhis 0,1 Sati" day evening, April (, latest venture into jotirnaliam. t the Mud bpnngs schoolhotiee rnn saif" between members of the Moimi- in,...i View Uterarv Soointv mwl , . i i imiini un i.i.Qiiuin iiiii ijjT ut my , v Spread it out to dry on a clean pice near .Methodic mil. Joe .Mar- iliuMud Springs Literary bo or tsualded U-jor or canvtte; nuch. u-i iciety. Mrs. E. M. Smith, wIiohm home Iul-j beotl at Madras, iu here with family viti tiiitr her brother, Vrnuk Angle. SJ(j on lier wav to Athiuio iv tt.. her hiifibaud, who haa been appointed 0. It & N agent at that. place.-Tho Dallas (j,ron. lcle. Cow For Solo A uentle milch coyv for sale; quniter. blood ersey; i-ooa niilkerj will be fresh in about nx weeks. Apply to M. I, Loucks, MaJra, Oregon. , , Km 1 1 of lUl'.'t In wxHtom NelnaMka and KuiimiM, unii the Spring of 1UUI, when fvi-n uionlliH ami twenty three day pihaed with Ioi-h than one-third of an lii'-h of rainfall in thtuu thowurf, In Mltuhiu-ek iiiniuty ninety per cent, of tho wheat wuh ii total failure. Olio Mold there, haudivil nueordhiu to my IdeiiH, prodiioeil forty IiuhIioIh of (!() pound wheat In tho faiui of thai comll-tion, Now, r wlHh to talto up u llttlo limo on ilie (piohtloji of Hiiniiuer fallowing verntiH Hununer culture, u suliject tvhleh I liavo tried to nromoto ho oariioHtly. Our HKilciiIliiral collegeH havo hunt out a great many hullotliiH. I have one wtiluh I luivo poruned with coiiHiderahlo IntoreM from tho Hmlh Dakota college, put out Hpmelhliig like two yeura ago. They Jmvo beta ...... ..ir to Hiiinnier-tlll avntS ulu" f'e yon iiihii w - . m prevent t..l ova,.on.i ' when l he crop mv ,. . i i,v iiii)iiitf itcop hum ."" '. voU btiit .It.lftl ft! Ill I' V' If II I III'- " II HMComl Hummer. m m ... 1 (tllM. 111(11 . ... ' WD Ml" " euro ofthe work mid "m il enro of tho laud -" ill tren" king a now uf dWPio n i-..fi.rrHl W ,IIU in a preceding r" l.avli.gim u'Jv""!"''. ' .)(V hounl plow huouutia ,j, grounu. "- nU wain " your grounu ury -restillH. ......i... ttl