The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, March 28, 1907, Image 3

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u .Wan Decision Before Supreme
m Court Adjourns.
n'Mlilniiton. Mnnsh 22.-Next Moil
, Vg c Hart, wprwonU
SS attorney general, will I
V.lnreino court n motion to ml-
w (ho appeal of ox-RcprosonUitlvo
ja tf o opo l mtthocn.0
" u irlcd till" hohhIoh mid boforo iid-
..nW)Uii" T for,,,,,! mn.
jo"fnn,,c",. ,!' illlM nrnnarod to Hllbmlt
Inn. wnitu "-- ......
.1 Mr. ihivl urji'iiv luviunn
totMC0ni " . W, ' I..,..
OTKcoptloiiloniMl Including the
'Tn of ! Court of Appeals
li..n ' . 11 .....1 thon states that Ills
raolioii to auviiiiiu
S3 III!" In it criminal caso; scc
J a constitutional question nppenrs
fb Involved; third, It is u cubo of
flon wbothcr tlio Immunity from nrrost
minted to senators and niombcrH of
!Lo by lo coiiHtltutlon extend to
licntfnoi ol linprlHonmont after legal
Lvlctloii; fourth, an Independent
Sofcrior from the Circuit Court of
Auwwla ,,C(,n dismissed l,y t,mt
J55t M to WIHlniiiton.
Preildent Appolnt Two More Com
mliiloners on lndutrlal Peace.
Washington, Mnrch 18. Tho prcHl
dtnttcliiy appointed 8oth I.ow, of Now
York, and TIioiiihh G. Bush, of Birm
togliam, Aln.f an representatives of tlio
pneral public under tho act of congress,
tjlsblinlilng u foundation for tho pro
motion of Industrial peace, tho basis of
which Is tbo Nolwl prizo fund, recently
unlet! tbo president of tlio Norwegian
tlorlbinK. Huh completes mo uumiii
litralivo board. Other inomborM of tho
UarJ of Inmtecs aro:
John Mitchell, prcaldontof tlio Unit
ti Mlncworkors of America, ns tho rep
resntativo of Inlnir; Marvin Hughltt,
preildent of the Chicago A NorUiwest
trn Kallttny company, representing
capital ; tlio chief juHticoof thoHupremo
court of the United States, thoBCcroturv
cf commerce and labor und tho secretary
cf agriculturo.
Will Carry Relief to China.
Washington, March 21. Tlio United
Stitti army transport Huford will tnko
iloail of provisions at onco to China
fcr the relief of tho famine Huffoiorfl.
The War department; advised tho State
department today that tho trunsport,
nhich la at Han Frnnelceo, Is at tho
diiposal of the Ked Cross Crocs for
immediate use in tho Hhlpment. Tho
transport will stop at llono.iilu on in
y to Hhuughui and probably will
arrr a special party of congressmen,
ho are to vimt Honolulu iih guest of
the citizens of iho Hawaiian inlands.
DIsplcaing to Veterans.
Washington, March H). Tho United
Spanish War Veterans, District of Co
lumbla department, todoy adopted a
reeolntion vigorously denouncing tho J
action of the coiiHtltutionul convention
( Oklahoma In adopting u clause In
ibj constitution disfranchising soldlorH,
Milora and marines, and cliamcterizlng
IWell nMlntl ii lJ .i I.miilt nil
f. viiuii ,i0 ,i llllllili IIIDMIU .U till I
American soldiers, suitors nntl marines
miuiuivo iougni in uio Hovcnu wara
in which the country liaH lcen ongaKcd,
nJ who Jwvo never known dofeat In
any war."
Meat Only In Washington.
Washington, MarcJi 10. Tho work
olllio Intorstoto Comtncrco commiHion
hu grown ho lioavy that It ban !een lo
cWed to discontinue tho liearlngH whleli
have been conduclod by inemborH of tlio
wnmtailon outido of WiiBhlngton.
lerrafU'r, when It is found necewuiry
w conduct In veHtigationH in other cltien,
epecial nKont will tnko tlto testimony
and report to tho comnilHttlon und tho
J'gumenh) on tho iho will 1)0 licunl by
"ecominisHlonera in this city.
Fix Value of Polk Timber.
Dallas The county court, it Is un
mood, will very noon appoint a tim-
Wrcrillnor to nrrlvniit mnn. mmllnliln
Msfesment of tho vuet bwllea of valua
wj tinilicr lying In Western Polk.
nool diktrlctB In tlio western part of
county will bo extended to includo
!?. MlH'rulH0' llwroliy muklng !t lln
,'e ,tl10 Hpfelal Hchool tax. Approx-
"lyn 00,000 in taxes was recoived
leiore (ho expiration of tho 3 per cont
discount limit.
Coal Land Is Reopened.
U . Tlio gonoral land ofllco
Z ,led,11 "Ulnont giving tho lcca
21 i . tllu fo'lowlng public lands ro
2 " , , 0 enlry 1 tho prosldonffl or
wol March 12 IhhI: Monburn, 2,000,
32n'nnn gon 710,000; Wauliington,
I , J.OOO Tho land was, previous U
c r of M,,rcl1 12 Icludo! In land
S entry 001,1 ,U',d a"d wIUldrttWn
Cost of Pacifying Cnda.
WashlnRton, Mmch 22. Hxtiaordl-
oxpuHOHtothoUn!tod States up
nrm '"."""""l ly tho Bonding of nn
abmff telflcfttlon t0 Cuba, nggregato
v ,601!'000' wording to figures
derL vvu becn I'roparod by tho War
rMuunont. i
infill ' Mt.vit wvai-
W feet J 7 W,,0n 11,0 n,c0 W,U
eetod from Cuba by tho Un
Roosevelt Domes He and Denoen Aro
Booming Taft.
Washington, March 21. "Governor
Doneen and Attornoy General Htead
did not come to see me on any polltaca
mutters at all."
Tho above wero Hulwtunllally tho
words tho president used In his bilk
with Honntoi HiuiBbrough today when
tho lattor asked him about tho report
Hint Hiiturday's conference at the White
House with the Illinois officers during
which Hccrolnrv Tuft
culled, was for tho purposo of launching
a boom for SccroUiry Tuft for tho pres
idency. From nuthorltiitlvo eources it was
learned today that tho vlsltof Governor
Dorieon and Attorney Genoral Htead
had U) do with tho Chicago A Alton
deal which tlgured In tlio Ihtrrlman In
vestigation before tho Interfltato Com
merce commission. Tho president was
anxious to learn what was being dono,
or what tho hbito contemplated doing
In tho matter.
Secretary Taft ieHtiod Uio following:
"I had an appointment with tho
president at 3:30 p. m. Sunday und
went to tho White House to keop it. I
found Governor Denecn and Attornoy
Genera! Stead with the president und I
was Introducid. They loft Immediate
ly. Thero wus no political convolution."
Much Land Is Reoponod.
Washington Tho secretary of tho
Interior has restored to entry n lurgo
(pinntlly of government laud which was
withdrawn last summor on tho suppo
sition that it contained deposit of
merchantable coal. In nil 710,000
ucrea aro restored in Oregon and 320,
000 ueres In Washington. The geolog
ical survoy, after examining, reported
its inability to lind coal indications in
this land. The laud now becomes' sub
ject to enlry undor tho general lund
laws. Oregon land Is In tlio Portland,
KotebtirK, Dalles and La Grnudo dis
tricts, tho Washington hind in tho So
attlo, Olympia and North Yakima districts.
Bellinger's Now Assistant.
Washington, March 20. Land Corn
mbflioner liallingor announces the se
lection of Fred Denett, of North Da
kota, as asilftant commissioner, suc
ceed Ing Goorgo F. Pollock, of Ohio,
who bocomcti chief clork in the general
land ofllcc. Pollock taken tho pluco of
James F. Macey, assigned to field ser
vice us inspectcr of survoyorf. Mr.
liallluuur etatcs ho will redistrict tho
field force in order to secure u rnoro
perfect organization, en lurgo some dis
tricts, eliminating others, and bring nil
special agents undor tho control of field
8"premo Court Takes Recess.
hitu Kton' Mftruh 20. The olilof
Pi2fBnnouMooa today "wit tho Su
iweTr110"'1 wouId tako n two weoks'
"i om noxt Monday until April 8.
Extends Sympathy to Russia.
Washington, March 21. Tho oxecu
tlvo council of the Amorlcan Federation
of Lalmr tolay ltstonod to addresses by
Aloxls Aladyn, representing tlio Group
of Toll in the first doumu of Russia,
und Nicholas Tchykovsky, representing
tho revolutionary party, regarding tho
question of economic improvement, ma
terial advancement and political liberty
for Kut-siun workmen. Tho council
unanimously adopted roeolutlons ox
prcsslvo of its sympathy In tlio atruggio
of tlio laboring mon of Russia for their
freedom and pledging co-operation.
Ditch lo Serve 70,000 Acres.
Medford Tho Sterling Mining com
pany has completed a survey for a 21
mile ditch from the summit of Jackson
ville mountain to tho little Applegato
river. Tho work, which will c"st ubout
$50,000, will connect tho Squaw Lnko
water syBtom with the company's Hoguo
River valley irrigating sysk'm. It will
furnish sufficient water for 70,000 acres
of orchard land. Tho work is to bo let
by contract und is to bo comploted by
March 1, 1008.
Theft of Mule Caused War.
Washington, March 10 Ono mulo
n mulo belonging to Sonor Ireno Snl
giulo was tlio chief object of disputo
between Nicaragua and Honduras when
thoy began tho quarrol which finally
ended In tho war that Is throutoning
tho peaco of all Central America, ac
cording to tho official communications
oxchangod by tho ministers between
tho two lopublics, copies of which com
munications havo boon rocoivod m
Presldont Confers With t oakum.
Washington, March 20. Tho preel
dont had a conforenco today with R. F.
Yoakum, chalrmnn of tho board of di
rectors of tho Rock Island Railway
company. This is tho bocoih! confer
ence tho prosldont bus hold with Mr,
Yoakum within ten days. Mr. Yoak
um declined to stale tlio purpose of this
Not Dead, but Sleeping.
Washington, March 21. The ahip
subsidy bill la not dead, but Blooplng.
Whon congress renBsomblos, In Decem
ber, tho bill will bo reintroduced; in
fact It will probably bo rolntroducod In
various shapes, and thon tbo frlonds of
subsidy will Join bunds and nttompt to
puss eomo compromlso bill.
Will Opon Antung to Trade.
Washington, March 21. W. D.
Straight, tlio American consul gonoral
tvt Mukdon, notiflod tho State depart
ment today Unit ho has nesurancoH that
tho Antung custom hcuso will bo open
od by tho Chlneso soon,
Attorney General Asked to Air
Northern Pacific Scandal.
Philadelphia. Pa.. March 10. Ro-
ducod to tho form of nfildavlts and of
document, tho authenticity of which
havo been provod In legal proceedings,
revolutions concerning tho wholesale
plundering of tho rights of stockholders
In tho Northern Pacific railroad aro
about to bo prcsonted beforo Attornoy
Goneral Ronaparto. At Uio thno of tho
Hill-Morgan reorganization of tho
Northorn Pacific railroad, Drayton Ives,
thon a prominent Now York banker,
was tho presldont of tho old company.
In February of 1800 Mr. Ives, as
presldont of tlio Nothcrn Pacific, ap
pointed from his board of directors a
so-called "protective commlttco,"
claiming authority to proceed with tho
work of reorganization. Morgan A Co.
wero not only reorganization managers,
contracting with thomselvcB as syndi
cate managers, but thoy wero also syn
dicate subscribers, and thus appeared
In a three-fold capacity, being joined
ns syndicate subscribers with Mr. Ives
and othor directors of tho old Northern
Pacific company. Millions of dollars
wero collected In assessments levied
upon tho stockholders of tho old North
orn raclfic company, which It was
thought by tho public wore to bo used
to rehabilitate tho company.
instead of being so appropriated thoy
wero gathered In and divided among
tlio syndicate as commissions nrd pro
fits. This is ono tho of features of tho
"soil-out" of the old Northern Pacific
company and is ono of tlio many amaz
ing tilings connected with this remark
able reorganization for which a com
ploto investigation is being demanded
of Uio authorities ut Washington.
Plans to Give An Immense Fortune to
Use of the Public.
Now York, Murch 10. Tho Ilorald
will tomorrow say tliat according to a
member of John D. Rockefeller Jr. 's
bible clnss, and who is also a personal
friend of John D. Rockefeller and In a
position to know of his affairs, tho lat
ter proposes to make a princoly gift to
Now York City. It will amount to at
least (00,000,000. It will bo partly
churitablo and inrtly educational. Tlio
Ilorald will add:
"This man said that when Mr. Rock
efeller was conferring with bis son at
Lakewood, N. J., a fortnight ago. the
meotlng was not for tho purtKwo of dis
cussing any immediate gift, but was on
the subject of Mr. Rockefeller's will,
which document tho oil king was thon
completing with tho aid of his son and
his lawyers. It was said that this doc
ument will astonish tho world when it
is made public.
It will, it is declared, give no less
than $260,000,000, for charitable and
educational purposes, and it will be to
bestowed that tlio benefit ttiorolrom
will almost bo porpetual.
Rate War on the Atlantic.
London, March 10. Horr Ballin, di
rector general of tho Hamburg-Ameri
can Steamship lino, who is horo attend
ing tho shipping conference, today said
there was every likelihood of a renewal
of tho rato war for tho Nortli Atlantic
trado with tho Cunard lino. Within a
fortnight ho expects to eco a decision
ono way or tho oUier. FurUier Ilcrr
Ballin declared tho German lines had
a working agreement with tho White
Star lino, and that all possibility of
friction, owing to tho removal of that
lino to Southampton, had now boon ob
Reports Massacre of Jews.
Now York, March 10. A Jowish
morning paper tonight received Uie fol
lowing cablegram from Podihilo, near
Jassack, Roumania: "Terrible massa-
cro sinco lost Thursday. Town totally
destroyed. All tho Jowish population
aro ruined und nouses pillaged. Wo
ask ho!p Marcus Getzol, Elias Solo
mon, Sliien Sterberg." Iho names
signed to tho cablegram aro said to bo
thoso of leading merchants of Podihilo.
It is a placo of ubout 0,000 inhabitants,
4,000 of whom aro Jews. It is only
30 miles from Kisbinoff.
Dltcuss Trust Problem.
Now York. March 10. Tho National
Civic Federation which called the trust
conference of 1800 in Chicago, has de
cided, It wttB announced today, to nr
rango for another conference of the
samo naturo to consider that probom in
Its latest aspects, especially tho ques
tion of Federal and state regulation of
tlio corporations and tho question of
oporation of tho Shorman anti-trust
law. It Is proposed to hold this con
fer onco in Muy.
Fhrce Gale Sweeps Bay.
San Francisco, Mnrch 10. A fiorco
south and southeast galo swept tho
Iwiy today, which drovo small cralt to
Bboltcr, caused vcsboIs in tho stream to
seek positions of safoty and nmdo tho
ferry steamors roll unpleasantly. Out
side tho heads tho galo raged with a
velocity of 60 miles an hour, and tho
tms ran hish. 8oernl vessols wero
j compelled to put bock, owing to tho
rough condition or tho weather.
- Torpedo Boat Is Rammed.
Ajacico, Franco, March 10. During
tho manouvora last night without lights
tlio torpedo bout dostroyor Epeo ram
med torpedo boat No, 203. A stonm
pipo on tho last nnmod veesol burst,
killing two men and mortally Injuring
nnoUior. Tbo Epoo towod tho torpodo
boat ashoro, whoro she was beaohod.
Japan Adds 24 Regiments,
Toklo, March 10. In pursuance of
tho program to Inoreaso artnatmonta, 24
Infantry regiments havo boon organ
ized, mainly ooncontratod in Northorn
Islos, Tho main btuto will bo Kurume.
Roe! and Sclimltz Secured Largo
Sams in Bay City.
Traction Company Mulcted of $450,-
OOO Money Taken from Two
Telephone Companies.
San Francisco, March 10. Roforo
tomorrow morning dawns, Abraham
Ruef, fallen boss of San Francisco, now
on trial for extortion, will havo been
indicted by tho grand Jury on various
counts, aggregating nearly 100 In num
ber, covering a period of many months
and based on bribes running into hun
dreds of thousands of dollars. With
him will be criminally involved Mayor
Scbmitz, utmost a scoro of the officials
of tho city government and a number
of millionaires of prorninenco in San
Francisco and In tho East.
Seventeen of tho 18 county supervis
ors wont beforo the grand jury today
and confessed in detail graft operations
and their magnitude carried on during
their tenure of office. Principal among
these was tho award of a blanket fran
chise to the Untod Railroads to trans
form Its cable lines into an overhead
trolley system, for which Ruef had
mulcted Patrick Calhoun, president of
Uio company, in the sum oi $460,000.
But tho corruption surrrounding tho
history of tho franchise granted to the
Homo Telephone company was even
moro damnable, und explodes tho cher
ished proverb that "thero is honor
among thieves." Tho board of super
visors was bought twice, onco by tho
Pacific States Telephone company,
which wished to keep tho rival corpor
ation out of tho city, and onco by Uio
Homo Telephono company, which was
fighting to get an entrance into the city.
Tho Pacific States company paid the
most money.
This was brought about by the pur
chase of Mayor Schmitz and Abo Ruef
by tho foreign concern, and they, with
their pockets well lined, cracked the
whip over tho supervisors and forced
tho granting of the coveted privilege.
Most of tbo supervisors bad got $5,000
apiece from tho Pacific States com
pany. A little later tho Homo Tele-
phono agents paid a number of tho su
pervisors $3,000 each, but Ruef and
Schmitz, having been seen meanwhile,
tbo sum was considered enough to com
plete the trahsaction.
Tho confessions revealed details also
of the Ocean Shore railroad franchise
deal and others less extensive, but in
volving in tho aggregato upward of $1,-
000,000. It is believed that the super
visors who confessed havo been prom
ised immunity from prosecution.
Many Letters Received at Land
Office Sustain Case.
Washington, March 10. Yesterday
opened tho sixth week of the trial of
Ringer Hormann on the indictment
charging destruction of 35 letterpress
copybooks alleged to have contained
official correspondence of tho general
land office. Tho prosecution will prob
ably conclude by tho ond of the week
and it is oxpected Uio defense will occu
py two weeks with its witnesses before
tho case goes to tho jury. To date ap
proximately 1,000,000 words of testi
mony havo been taken.
l estorday the prosecution placed on
tho stand soven chiefs of divisions of
tho goneral land office who served under
Hormann, und all identified original
official letters from tho land office files
which wero answered in person by Her
mann as commissioner. All testified
that thoy havo been unable to find in
tho files copies of Uio replios to thesa
lotters, the memorandum in each caso
stating specifically that tho letters wore
answered by the commissioner. There
wero no such letters.
Smallpox Hits Paris.
Paris, March 10 Tho appearance of
n fow lasos of smallpox hero has greatly
alarmed Uio people. Thousands of
personB havo been vaccinated during
tho past fow days and the hospitals and
academics of medicine aro bosieged by
crowds of peoplo anxious to bo vacci
nated. Tho authorities, bowovor, eay
that there is no real danger of nn epi
demic. Dr. Mesquerour, director gen
oral of public sorvico, informed tho
Associated Press that tlio roports that
Uio situation had grown worse wero
Will tell About Land Deals.
Seattlo, Wash., March 10. Henry
0. Robortson, a court stonographor,
and A, G. King, former deputy clerk at
Portland, Or., wero subpenaed Saturday
night and will bo sent to Washington
tomorrow to supply data In Uio trial of
Bingor Hoimnnn, ox-commissioner of
tho goneral land ofllco. RoboiUon and
King havo full data of all tho circum
stances rolating to tho land deals, and
Uioir nppoamnco In tbo trial is very
Civil Service for Porto Rico.
San Juan, Porto Rico, Mnrch 10.
Tho legislature ndjourned today, after
tho most important session Binco tho
Amorican occupation, 15 bills of tho
257 introduced being passed. Among
tbo measures approved is a civil Borvlco
1. in. lit. tit u
uni wnicu wm necomo otioctlve noxt
January, Appropriation bills finally
wero passed in Uio form presented by
tbo governing council.
California Governor Will Not Sign
Bill for Appropriation.
' Sacramento, Cal., March 18. Gov
ernor Gillett will not sign tho Pacific
Coast Exposition bill under any circum
stances. No amount of Influonco will
tend to chango his resolution In this
respect, which, ho says, is unalterable.
It is not because tho governor Is oppos
ed to the exposition Itsolf, but because
he Is fully convinced in his own mind
that tho project has been sprung too
early and at a timo when tho taxpayers
of tho state will bo burdened enough to
repair tho damages inflicted on the
stnto institutions and on California
cities by tho disaster of last April. In
expressing his vlows tbo governor said:
"I told these peoplo from the first
that I would not sign this bill, that I
would not burden tho taxpayers of tho
state with a tax tc raieo $1,000,000 at
this timo. In tho first placo, this pro
posed fair is six years in the future, and
it will be plenty of timo at the next
session of tho legislature for the sta'te
to do her share. Another thing, it is
absolutely foolish to begin operations
now, when labor Is scarce and materi
als high.
"It js foolish for a man to have a
housowarming before bo builds his
house, and for tho next two years, to
say the least, tho streets of San Fran
cisco will be filled with bricks and de
bris. Tho bill provides that the people
of San Francisco must raise Eomo $3,-
000,000 ns well as the state. Let them
do this and then the state can act.
Catastrophe in Forbach, Germany,
Mine from Firedamp.
Forback, Germany, March 18. An
explosion of firo damp in the coal mine
at Kleinrossein, near here, last night,
resulted in the death of over 100 miners
and tho injury of 12 others. The dis
aster occurred between 10 and 11 o clock
in a small gallery in which 80 miners
were at work.
As Uio work of rescue progresses it is
seen the disaster was more serious than
the first reports indicated. Up to a
late hour 67 dead men bad been brought
to tho surface, while 40 men were still
missing. All the missing have been
given up as dead, as they undoubtedly
wero buried under falling wreckage.
Of tho wounded two have died, and
tho doctors think that only one of the
remaining 10 will recover. The De-
Wendels brothers, owners of tho mine,
have given $25,000 to relieve the im
mediate necessities of the afflicted families.
Ono hundred and seventeen others
escaped into adjoining galleries. Two
hundred and ten men went into the
mino at 5 o'clock last evening, and
about midnight the news was spread
to tho nearby village that a terrible
disaster had occurred.
Almost the whole population of the
countryside gathered at the mouth of
Uie shaft, among them the famalies of
the men below. Rain began to fall
heavily, and distressing scenes of grief
wero witnessed as tho bodies were
brought to Uie surface and laid out un
dr a blaze of electric lights.
Many of the bodies were so disfigured
that they wero scarcely recognizable.
Tho woik of bringing out tho injured
men and Uie bodies of Uio dead was
very alow, the galleries being choked
with wreckage.
The DeWendels are one of the richest
mining families of Alsace-Lorraine.
Children's Suicide -Pact.
St. Louis, March 18. It was devel
oped today through testimony at tho
coroner's inquest into tho suicide last
night of Liebling Slocum, oged 10, that
she bad entered into a suicide pact with
Gertrude Harper, also 10 years old.
Gertrude testified Uiat she had told her
mother that sbo was going to tako her
life, and was prevented. J. P. Sllnger,
the drug clerk who sold tho carbolic
acid to Uio Slocum girl, was arrested
today. He asserts she bore a note pur
porting to be from her mother asking
for 5 cents worth of carbolic acid.
Finds 2,500 People Destitute.
Columbus. O.. March 18 Adintnnt
Gonoral CritchGold returned tonight
from Glocester. O.. whore he went nt-
tho request of Governor Harris to inves
tigate uio hood situation. Tho adju
tant treneral renorted that hn found
about 2.500 flood sufferers in Glnopsror
and othor mining towns in tbo vicinity
in urgent need oi rener. Ho purchased
supplies to tbo amount of $1,000 at
Glocester and turned them ovor to tho
local relief commltteo for distribution.
Many of Uio miners lost everything, Uie
iioou coming upon them so quickly.
Burton Will Tell Secrets.
Abilono. Kan.. March 1R. on.
ntor Josoph R. Burton, who Is oxpected
to roturn to his homo horo this week
irom irontpn, Mo., has engaged tbo
local theater for March 23, where ho
will deliver a public adaress. Senator
Burton has for aomo timo Uirontened to
OXnOSO tllOSO Whom' hn rlmnnvl ivitl.
being responsible for his conviction,
and it is said that his remarks on noxt
Saturday will provo BonBational in tho
Six Die in Virginia Mines.
Norton. Va.. Maich 18 An
Blon occurred In tho mines at Groen-
ough this morning after eovoral miners
had entered. Tbo mino is seven miles
oast of Ncrton. As far as can bo
learnod, ten miners havo escaped
slightly Injuied, two dead hnvo boon
takon from tho mines and four uro
known to bo in tho mines and aro sup
posed to bo dead. Tho causo of Uio ex
plosion ia unknown,
In a Condensed Form for Our
Busy Readers.
A Resume of the Less Important but
Not Less Interesting Evem
of tho Past Week.
Russian terrorists continue to pick
off their enemies.
President Roosevelt Is anxious to
prosecute Harriman.
Root has warned the Central Ameri
can states to stop war.
Trains are running from Portland to
San Francisco via Ogdon.
Major Goethals has been formally
appointed on tho canal commission.
Senator Burton has been released
from jail and promises to publish hla
side of the story.
The East and South is suffering from
extreme heat, the thermometer regis
tering 00 in many places.
In a battle between Nicaraguan and
Hondurian troops 1,000 Salvadoreans
were killed while assisting Honduras.
Boats between San Francisco and
Portland are sailing with every berth
filled and many unable to get passage.
The whole of Moldavia has been rav
aged by rebel peasants. Sevoral hun
dred people have been killed or injured
and 10,000 are homeless, having been
burned out. Jews are the worst suffer
ers. Hudson Maxim, inventor of high
explosives, has invented a new fuse for
shells which promises to revolutionize
armor for warships. Mr. Maxim also
declares that Japan could be in posses
sion of the entire Pacific slope beforo
we were ready for war and that we are
practically as defenseless as China.
The Transvaal will abolish Chinese
Roumanian peasants are renewing
the rioting.
Seven alienists have declared Thaw
permanently insane.
S. A. D. Puter is proving a strcng
witness against Hermann.
Nicatragua claims a decisive victory
ever Honduras and Salvador.
American marines and sailors havo
been landed to guard Honduras ports.
There seems to be good prospects fcr
land law reform by the next congress.
The San Francifcc grand jury is
learning more about tho bribery by the
Pacicfi States Telephone company.
Senator Cullom, of Illinois, says
narriman deserves to go to Jail, and
Governor Deneen is believed to contem
plate prosecution.
Under the name of United Churches,
the Congregational, United Brethren
and Methodist Protestant churches in
14 states will foim one large organiz
ation. Some of the Southern states
baveTefused to join.
Rockefeller says railroads are over
Stockmen are to be prosecuted if they
trespass on forest reserves.
The government continues to pile up
evidence against Hermann.
A strike of longshoremen at Ham
burg, Germany, has tied up all ship
ping. Roosevelt will propose check on over
capitalization of railroads and will soon
declare his policy.
Roumanian peasants have begun a
crusade against Jews and aro driving
them into Austria.
The Colorado legislature has passed
a railway commission law. Reciprocal
demurrage is also provided for.
Premior Stolypin, of Russia, will
propose many concessions of liberty to
the doumu, including free speech and
press, but that body was warned not to
go to extremes or it will be dissolved.
Trainmen on all roads west of Chi
cago have voted to strike if not given
Uio increase in wages asked. Most of
tho roada will, it is believed, refuse to
grant Uio advance and trouble is looked
Salvador has joined Honduras against
A Now Mexico grand jury has indict
ed six corporation employes for land
President Riploy, of Uie Santa Fe.,
says Roosevelt is to blame for tho anti
railroad agitation.
Tho fisheries agreement between tho
United States and Great Britain iB be
ing discussed by the houeo of commons.
Germany and Austria uro said to
have changed front and now favor dis
cussion of disarmament at Tho Haguo
peaco conference.
Harriman has bought Uio Salt Lake
railroad from tho Clark syndicate.
Thero are signs that Rooeovolt nnd
'Uio railroad presidents will reach an
J understanding on tho new laws, Uie
i latter showing a stronger dosiro to
The Nobraska land th loves who have
been on trial for somo timo havo boon
found guilty and sentence to pay a fine
I of $1,500 ouch and remain in jail t