SCOPE IS WIDENING Millionaire Wall Street' Magnates Implicated With Rnef. INDICTMENTS ISSUE IN SHEAVES Heney and Burns Assert That They Have Only Begun Ruef Ex pected to Confess. San Francisco, March 21. Sixty-fivo indictments were filed by tho grand jury today against Abo Ruef and 10 against T. V. Halsey, of tho Pacific States Telephone company. They nil chargo bribery. Assistant District At torney Honey and Federal Agent Burns assert that it is only a beginning. The total amount represented in tho indictments is $218,750. When to this is added tho amount which went to Ruef and Schmitz, tho total will reach $1,000,000 in five deals exposed today. Thoro aro more deals of which tho public has small conception. They in cludo not only local magnates, but men who have mansions in New York, who have trafficked for special privato gains in San Francisco for their corporations. It is understood that a power in "Wall street who recently testified before the Interstate Commerce commission will bo given an oppoitunity to defend him self. Tonight Ruof and Schmitz are abject and forlorn. The entiro board of su pervisors bas confessed. Schmitz is ready to do the same. Ruef is awak ening rapidly. By the end of next week the indictments which will con front him will be mountain high. By that time it is expected that Ruef will offer to confess. PUTER TELLS STORY. Admits of Deals With Hermann to Steal Land. Washington, March 21. Oregon con victs occupied the limelight in the trial of Binger Hermann today, while men under indictment played minor roles. S. A. D. Puter, the government's heavyweight witness, was put on the stand this afternoon and began the narration of his relations with Her mann in connection with land opera tions that have subsequently tuined out to be fraudulent. Puter was preceded by Dan W. Tarp ley, who told in considerable detail the manner in which he, Horace G. Mc Kinley and F. P. Mays attempted to "get rich quick" through the absorp tion of land in the Blue mountain for est reserve. The stories told by Puter and Tarp ley did not throw any new light on either the Blue mountain or the 11-7 land fraud cases, which were threshed out in Portland. But the stories of both men were retold today to show their relations with Hermann and to aid tho government in its efforts to show Hermann's motive for destroying the fateful letterpress copybooks. STREETS ARE FLOODED. All Business In Stockton Suspended by High Water. Stocklon, Cal., March 21. Water is running through the streets of this city like a millrace. In some places it is six feet deep, while in others it varies from one to three feet, the latter being the mean average. All business is sus pended, as most of the business houses are flooded and the people in many parts of the city are afraid to leae their homes. No portion of the town escaped. Main, the principal business street of the city, is the high point, and even here the water averages nearly a foot in depth. All the cellars and many of the first floors of the business houses were submerged and the loss in the city alone will run into hundreds of thous ands of dollars. Roadbed Torn Up by Slide. Ashland, Or., March 21. The con tinued rains of the past four days have badly demoralized the main Portland San Francisco line of the Southern Pa cific for a distance of SO miles through the upper Sacramento canyon region in Northern California. The country most severely affected lies between Sis son on the north and Redding on tho south. In this section tho Sacramento river has played havoc with the rail road roadbed at various points, while at other places slides of serious propor tions have added to the difficulties. Prefers Federal Control. New York, March 21. ABked if he thought tho conference between tho railroad and' tho government would be honeficial, John D. Rockefeller ea id: "I cannot say. It is my idea that Fed oral control would bo better for tho roads. They would then understand tho laws and plan ahead intelligently without one state's suddenly demand ing ono thing and another state being equally insistent on something entirely differont." State Will Pay Their Fare. Concord, N. II., March 21. A bill forbidding state officers to use or solicit frep passes on (ho railroads passed both houses of the loglslaturo today under suspension of tho rules, following a re port from tho judiciary committee. By the bill tho governor is authorized to contract for railroad transportation for mombore of the logislaturo and liouso cf congress as needed. FARMS UNDER WATER. Sacramento River Never Known to Be So High Before. Sncrainonto, Cal., March 22. From all down-river points como alarming news that thn Sacramento river is high or than over known, and that tho sit uation all along tho lovecs is appalling Thoro is aheady sufforing and every able-bodied man is assisting in tho fight against tho water that is pouring into tho bleaches and inundating thousands of acres of the finest iarniing land in tho state Specif 1 dispatches to the Union from Freoport, Couitlaud, Walnut Grovo and Franklin state that tho rivor has reached tho highest stago over recorded and it is predicted that tho ten iblo scenes witnessed during tho tremen dous floods of 1904 will bo surpassod Standing on tho levee neai Courtland one may see for 60 miles to tho south east across an tin bi oh on sea of water which extends clear to Stockton. Thousands of cattle aro being shelter ed on top of the loveos, as thoro is nc other place for them, and if tho water does not fall soon an indescribable con dltion of disaster is considered inevit able. This morning the blockado on tho Southern Pacific lines was made com plote, when tho lino to tho East was made helpless by a washout of 200 feet of track at Applegate, but during the afternoon the situation changed for tho better when, with tho report that the Applegate washout had been repaired came another stating that it was ex pected tho track would soon bo open through to Stockton. A trestle was placed in the gap at the Applegate washout this afternoon and more trains were dispatched East. One of these, a Portland train, will be sent to Utah and via tho Oregon Short Line. The Placer villo lino is in full commission again, but no trains are operated on the Marysvillo branch fur ther than Wheatland. On the Portland line no trains nre running beyond Redding, the tracks be ing out atL-eswick, Campbell and Ken nett. and it is not expected that travel can be resumed beyond Redding for at Jeast ten days. ADDITIONAL TRAIN SERVICE. Canadian Pacific to Enter Portland on O. R. & N. Tracks. Portland, March 22. Canadian Pa cific trains will bo running into Port land May 1. Contracts were signed up here yes terday by traffic officials of the Cana dian road with R. B. Miller, general freight agent for the Oregon Railroad & Navigation company, allowing the use of the tracks from Spokane to Port land. The Canadian Pacific now reach es Spokane by the Spokane Interna tionul railway from the C. P. R.'s main line at the Canadian boundary Freight service from Portland to all points in Canada, as well as to the At lantic seaboard, will bo started May 1 by the new traffic arrangement. Pas senger trains will be put on at a later date. Through passenger service is promised from Portland to St. Paul. The use of the O. R. & N. tracks by Canadian Pacific equipment was ar ranged for recently at a conference be tween President G. M. Bosworth, of the Canadian line and Traffic Director J. C. Stubbs, of the Harriman system This meeting was held in Chicago a short time ago. Historic Fort Swept Away. San Francisco, March 22. It is re ported hero thatall reclamaion districts in Sutter county have been flooded. Near Meridian the water is in tho sec ond stories of the houses. Many fam ilies are said to be in want. Effcite will be made to send them relief. Probably all the Btock in these districts has been drowned. The people of Yuba county district, above Marysvillo, are reported safe. Near Tudor a break lias occurred close to an Indian mound which was situated near tho old iron fort brought from the East in sections by General John A. Sutter in tho days before gold was discovered. The fort is repoited to have been swept away. More Steel Men Strike at Hammond. Hammond, Ind., March 22. Tho strike situation at East Chicago was intensified today when 3,500 men em plojed by the Inland Steel company, walked out. The reason for tho walk out was the demand of tho laborers for an increase of 25c per day. Six bun' dred men struck yesterday at tho Inter state Steei company and 1,200 at tho itepublic Iron & Steol company, and tho walkout today brings tho total number of strikers up to more than 5, 000 men. Some rioting occurred today and one of the strikers was beaten. Austria Guards Frontier. Vienna, March 22. Tho Austrian minister of the interior has ordered a considerable increaso in tho number of gendarmes upon tho Roumanian fron tier in order to pi event riotous peas ante from crossing tho irontier and starting disturbances in Austria. The opinion is expressed at the foreign office that unless tho Roumanian gov ernment promptly suppresses the agra rian movement in Roumania it is liable to soon get beyond control. Giving Away Sage Money. New York, March 22. Announce ment was made today that Mrs. Russoll Sage has donated $150,000 to tho American Seamen 'a Frlond society, to bo used bv that bodv in tho prentinn of a proposed sailors' home and Institute. . r. I . 1 f .4. m a a n . . m Airs, cage wis aiso given f o,uuu to uio Syrian Protestant college, of Beirut. Syria. OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST FINE CROP OUTLOOK. Eastern Oregon Farmors Rejoicing Over Rocont Rain. The Dalles Tho rain and snow which fell hero last week aggregated ono inch moisture. Showers still continuo and the snow on high olovations, which varied from four to six inches in depth, is gradually disappearing. This will further rotard plowing and seeding, which, owing to tho miry condition of the soil, had but fairly begun throughout thoeountry. Wlion this last storm fell, farmors from tho Tygh ridgo wheat bolt reported that tho conditions for spiing grain have not boon as favorable in many years as now, becauso of the heavy freezing which loosened the ground to a dopth of 18 inches, and tho thorough soaking from the deep snow and heavy rain. Owing to tho long drouth and tho lateness of fall rains, there is less acro ago in wintor wheat than usual, but undor the present favorablo conditions for spring seeding, there will bo about tho usual annual acreago in grain. Tho fruitgrowers regard tho late snow storm as most beneficial, since it checks tho budding until dan ger of killing frosts is past. No loss of sheep is feared, since lambing on tho sheep ranges of tho county has not yet begun. Electric Lino at Milton. Milton Tho Walla Walla Valley Traction company now has its tracks laid down to tho head of Main streot in this city, and it will bo only a fow days when there will bo hourly ecrvico between this city and Walla Walla, Wash. This will be a great benefit to Milton and vicinity, and will material ly aid the already rapid growth of Mil ton. This city is now in a very pros perous condition; all tho principal streets aro being brought to proper grade, and many changes for tho better have recently mken place. Ihere will soon be a $15,000 hotel erected. Rate on Logs Will Stand. Salem Tho state railroad commis sion made public tho result of tho hear ing at Dallas, in tho case ol tho people of Falls City against tho Salem, lalls City & Western Railroad company, protesting against the raising of rates bv tho road on Ioke and lumber. After an impartial hearing and investigation of the matter, and there being no fur ther remonstrance against the rate be ing increased after it was thoroughly understood and had met the approval of tho commissioners, it was decided to allow tho railroad company to mako the increase. Abandon River Surveys. Salem Because the state legislature did not co-operate with the shite legis lature in appropriating more money for the work of the state geological survey in connection with tho reclamation of arid lands throughout tho state, Dis trict Hydrographer J. C. Stevens, of the United States geological survey, an nounces that part of the wcrk will have to be abandoned and a number of the stations cut out for lack of funds to carry on tho work. Conference Proposal Received. Washington, March 21. President Roosevelt has received from governor Johnson, of Minnesota, the letter re cently sent by him bearing on tho sub ject of a national conference with a view to reaching o common understand ing as to tho Rowers to bo exercised by the states in the event of an extension of Federal authority in railroad regula tion. The president has discussed the queston and expects to promptly reply to Governor Johnston'B suggestion. La Grande Settlers Rejoice. La Grande Two thousand entrymen in this district, who have been waiting for a month to two years for patents from the government, will bo affected by tho president's recent instructions to tho general land office to expedite the issuance of patents. The local land office is six months behind in tho work here, a great majority of papers being hold up in Washington. Large Sums in Short Time. Marshfield Prominent business men of North Bend subscribed $70,000 in two hours ut a special meeting for the purpose of establishing a building and loan association in that city. TJio cap ital stock of tho association will bo $100,000. It has been established for the purposo of aiding in the upbuild ing of North Bend and Coos Bay. Big Orchards In Jackson. Medford According to tho report of Horticultural Commissioner Carson, of the Third district, 350,000 fruit trees have boon added to tho orchard wealth of Jackson county during tho past year. Tho acreago reported exceeds 7,000, and of this amount, tho larger portion has been dovoted to Comlco pears und Spit- zen bergs. Tax Money Received. Oregon City Sheriff Beatlo has col- ected up to date about $100,000 in taxes. Tho timo for tho granting of rebates for prompt payment is over, and all tho big taxpayers of the county lave paid in. Local Insurance at Eugene. Eugene Tho Merchants' Protectlvo association has decided definitely to form a local mutual fire insurance or ganization, und u special meeting will he called within a few days for thut purposo. PRIZES FOR ESSAYS. Sons ot Amorlcan Revolution Want Es says From Pupils of Oregon. Tno Oregon society of I ho Sons of American Revolution offors prizes to tho pupils of tho public schools ol tno state of Oregon, for ossays on subjects connected with our war for indopond .once. Prizes of $30 and $20 will bo 1 given for tho first and second best essay respectively, written on any of tho fol lowing subjects: "Joseph Bmnt and tho Indians of tho Revolution, " "Pub lic Schools as a Moans of Americanizing tho Children of Aliens," "Separation t ri.i,n.1i niwl Stntn in America." Tho essays aro limited to three thous and words each, muit bo written in tho ahiilmln mvn liniidwritillir Oil 0110 Hide only of tho paper, and accompanied by a certificate of tho writor's toachor, stating that tho writer is a pupil in a designated class, and that the teaclior ! belioves the essay to bo the pupil's own ! unaided work. Tho assay must lie aimnvl lu- thn writer, uiviim also his or hor postoflico address. They should bo to Mr. A. M. Smith. lemon building, Portland, Oregon, and should ronch their destination not lator than the 25th of May, 1007. In nwnrdliii; theso prizes tho commit tee will bo governed by considerations of: Originality, accuracy 01 statement miinniir ot treatment, orthoirranhv, syn tax and punctuation. Theso prizes aro offered to encourago lovo of our country and tho study of its history. Additional information may bo ob tained by writing to General Thomas M. Anderson, care ot Tno uucKiignam Portland, Oregon. Office Short of Clorkn Rosoburg Tiio local land oflice says that there are from 500 to (IU0 final proofs awaltinc action. Delay lias boon duo to lack of clerical assistance, rather than to tho president's former older, thoiiKli action on some proofs was tie layed to soino extent by that order. Many of these cases havo been pending since 1904. but most of them have ac cumulated since tho reopening of this office, January 8, 1900, after a Buspon sion of one year. Ross Demands Inquiry. Washington, March 20. Reclama tion Engineer D. W. Ross, in churgo of government irrigation projects in Idaho, today telegraphed a demand for an immediate investigation of his work in Idaho, satisfied thut a fair invest! gut ion will clear him of charges made by Special Inspector Greene. Tho re clamation service is unable to act, as Secretary Garfield has taken no action on Mr. Greeno's report and has not even called for an explanation. New Bank Examiner Chosen. Salem James Steele, of Portland, has been appointed state bank cam iner. He is a brother of State Treas urer Steele and was ono of the founders of the First National bank at Portland in 1808, anil later was connecto 1 with the Merchant's National bank of that city. Oregon Middy Graduate. Washington Ernest Durr, of Kaker City, will graduate from AnnapoliB Nuval academy this year, leing tho only midshipman from tho Northwest to graduato this season, except Albert T. Church, of Boise. Church stands 12 in a class of 100. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Club. 72c: bluestem. 74c: valley, 70c; red, 71c. Oats No. 1 white, $2030; gray, $2820. Barley Feed, $22.50 per ton; brow ing, $23; rolled, $23.5024.50. Rye $1.45 1.50 perewt. Corn Whole,$24.50: cracked. $22.50 per ton. Hay Valley timothy. No. 1. SlCtfik 10 per ton; Eastern Oregon timothy, $1718; clover, $9: cheat. $9: irrain hay, $90)10; alfalfa, $14. Butter Fancy creamurv. 321Jfa.'i5u per pound. Butter lat First arado cream 33 V,v, per pound second grado cream, 2c less per pound. Poultry Averairo old heiiH. IGe ner pound; mixed chickens, 14c; spring, rryers ami oroners, ZU(&Tic; old roosters, 1012c; dressed chickens, 10 17c: turkeys, live. l.lraiSn: tur. keys, dressed, choice, 1820c; geese, live, be; ducks, 1018(:. Ekks Orciron ranch. 10 ten iwr w , 1 dozen . Annies Common. 75cratl.2fi nor box; choice $1 C02.00. Vegetables Turnips $1(31.25 nor sack; carrotH, $l1.25 per sack; boets, $1.251.50 per sack; horseradish, 7 8c per pound: cauliflower. 12.50 crate; celery, $3.504 per orate; let- tuco, neau, Jo()4oc per dozen; onions, 10l2Kc per dozen; sprouts, 0c por pound; radishes, 30c per dozen; as-paroKUB.-10c ner pound i rhuhurh 2.25 per box. Onions Oreaon. 750OOi! nnr linn. dred. Potatoes Oregon Uurbaiiks. fnnnv. $1.351.50; No. 1 choice. il.lOYSll .'r- common, 76c$l. Veal Dressed, 6flc por pound. Beef Dressed bulls, 83c por pound; cows, 50o; country Htoors, 07c, Mutton Dressed, fancy, 10l0o por pound; ordinary, 89c. Pork Dressed, 09o por pound. Hops fl12o per pcund, according to quality. Wool Eastern Oregon nverugo best 13018o ner pound, annnnllnn ti ulirlnb. ago; valley, 2028o, according to flno-i ness; mohair, choice, 2820o. ( AFTER BIG ONES. Mayor SchmlU and Boss Ruef May Go Free If They Tell All. San Francisco, March 20. FollowliiR tho wholesale confession of mouthers of tho board of BiiporvlsorH boforo the grand Jury yesterday, thoro was a scramble today of brlbotakora and bribegivers to get from under Tlio rush to Hunoy's olllco begun with dawn and continued far Into tho night. Tho greater part of tho volunteor army was turned away, but a fow who wcro ablo to throw now light on some of tho bribery scandals wore ul lowed to pour forth their talcs of degradation. It may be stated at tlio outsot In pos itive tonus that District Attorney Ijing don and Assistant District Atlornoy Honey will grant immunity to those supervisors who hiuo' confessed. It may also bo Btatod that every member of tho original board, with possibly two exceptions, have confessed. With equal poflltivoiioss It may bo stated thatuthu ultimate onjeci, oi uio nmn.xMitlnn Ih not tho conviction of Mayor Schmitz and Abo Kuof. If Schmitz ami Knot win rovcai tno inn details jf tlioir nefarious transactions and make conviction of tho irilllionalro brlbegivors doubly euro, thoy will eith er bo pardoned after conviction or will be allowed to go ireo. Should thoy roluso to confess th ovl denco at band will be used against them, and it Is sufficient to send thorn both to jail for tho rest of their lives. Convictions can be obtained against Kuof which will result In a total pen alty of 300 years. Kuch timo Ruof birbed a supervisor ho laid the founda tion for a fresh indictment, and ho hi i bod 15 of thorn time and time again. AMERICANS IN PERIL. Nicaraguans Threaten to Loot Cap tured Chios of Honduras. Puerto Cortez, Honduara, Murch 10, via New Orleans, March 20. A turn of sinister significance was given to the Central American war today by tho finding on the persons of captured Ni caragua!) soldiers proclamations prom ising them loot of tho first cities which thoy ran capturo in lioth Honduras and Salvador. Americans in Puurto Cortez arc anx ious, because Amorlcan residents aro tho principal proporty holders of most of tho Ilonduran cities. Any uouiit as to tho completeness of such a lout is dispolled not only by tlio wording of tho proclamations, but by tho oxpori enco had in 1894 by sumo of tho per sons not living at Puerto Cortez, who wore present at tho looting of Cholu teca, Honduras. LOST BRIDGES STOP TRAFFIC. ChlldHDrownod In Crock Fruit Crop May,Bo Ruined. San Joso, Cal., March 20. More damnco lias been dono by floods in the creeks in tho last 24 hours than in the past 15 years. The Mashing out of bridges, notably the Southern Pacific on the Almaden branch, will stop all tiallic from San Joso to Ijh (Jatos by way of Campbell foi weeks. Tho dam age in tho vicinity of the latter town will reach many thousand dollars. Fruit farmers generally aro of the opinion Unit thote will be light crops this year, if some do not provo utter failures. Tho rains aro bolioved to have washed out much of tho pollen, which will prevent the blooms matur ing into fruit. At Ban Martin, Harold Ilolo, tlio 5 year old son of a well known rancher, fell into tho swollen Lagas creek and was drowned. At Santa Clara several families wero driven from tholi homes by tho overflow of tho Gundaloupo creek. Unwilling to Prosecute Fencers. Cheyenne, Wyo., March 20. Tho announcement was mudo today thut H. M. Aiihscrman, of Evanston, recently appointed United States district attor ney for Wyoming by President Roose velt, had declined to qualify for the oflico caused surprise in local political circles. It Is repoited hero that tho intention of the administration to in sist upon criminal rather than civil prosecutions in tlio cases of illegal fenc ing of the public ran go had a bearing upon tho decision of Mr. Aushormun. A now selection will bo mudo. Salt Lake Is Isolated. Salt Ijiko City, March 20. Wash outs on the Southern Pacific and on tho Sun Pedro, Iw Angeles A Salt Lnko roads, havo isolated Halt Lnko City temporarily from tho Pacific coast. Tho iron bridge at Verdi, 20 miles west of Reno, Nevada, is out and a wagon bridgo over tlio Truckeo river at tho saino point is also down. No trains havo arrived in this city or in Ogdon from tho coast since yesterday morn ing. More Floods in Ohio Valley Pittsburg, March 20. Tho Mononga- hola, Allegheny and Ohio riveisaro ris ing rapidly on account of heavy ruins throughout Weslorn Pennsylvania. .Many small streams in this vicinity aro already overflowing tlioir banks. Fore caster Penny forecast a 24-foot rise by tomorrow noon. Suit for Kingston Insurance. Kingston, March 20. Tho flrf.t suit against tlio insurance companies to re cover for looses sUMained In tho earth rpiiiko was filed yrsterday. Tho York shire company is tlio defendant. Other companies wlM soon bo sued. Successful Train Holdup. YnkfitnrinrHiiiiv' Ttnuuln. Mimli 50 . Ton armed men held up a train on tho outskirts of this town today and secured $7,500 In cash, with which thoy madt tholr escape. SCHMITZ WEAKENING Offered Terms to llnnotr Are Promptly Rejected. COMPLETE SURRENDER EXPECTED Honey as Dictator of ,B c Impeach and Remove tho Mayor. Sun Francisco, March 23 Thia by far tho most MCnHatlonal u8y nT local graft situation. Mavn, I " 0 sent an emissary to Assist Uistr , Attorney Honey and Detective llu and asked for terms. Wlcn posalH woro forthcoming thoopenL tho mayor made a definite proposition. lhey ofTcred a confession from the mayor for comploto Immunity m continuance In oflico until tlio Mpira. Hon of his term on January l of ,1Mt year. Tho offer was rejected with moro speed than It wus imulo mid tl,0 nogofl. atloiiB camo to a quick end. The may. or'a emissaries aro expected to return! It is not thought that thoy seriously bei llevod that tho prosoctition would con. sent to tho contlniiniico of Kchmitx Id oflico. Hut It was simply to create a point on which they could yc)d In future negotiations. Second only in Imjiortunco to tho overtures from tho mayor wcro the rev elation thut 13 Indictments had been voted ngnhiBt Abraham K. Dotwllcr, & capitalist from Ohio, who visited (ho Pacific coast last April In tlio Interest of tho Homo Tulopliono company. Plans for tho futuie government of tho city wero evolved today by Mr. Henoy. District Attorney Lan-don and Rudolph Spreckels. With graft reach ing Into almost every branch of the cltj affairs, the functions of government havo broken down completely. Instead of an organized form of administration, Francis J. Honey is pmctlcally dictator of thu city and county of San Francisco. The people aro contei t to lot him and Ills associates work out the problem. The plan is to keep tho boalllng toper vlspors In oflico for a timo. They will obey Mr. Honey's orders. OfthUuVre Is no doubt. Bliould they rofuic, indict niont, trial mid convict Ion and Im prisonment would follow. While tho supervisors remain InofEce summary Impeachment pictt-ccdlngs will bo brought iigaiiidt the mayor, and he will bo removed by a Judge of the Su perior court after a hearing, which will not occupy moro than a few hours, fkhmltz will bo given achancetoreiign to avoid dismissal. After the ejection of Schmll from tho oflico tho board of HUpervIisori w It bo ordoicd to elect as his successor some man to lo chosen by Mr. Heney, probably District Attorney I-nngdon. After tho now mayor assumes ollice, Mr. Henoy will order tho lfi boodling M pervlfOis to resign and they will resign. FIGHT FOR PHILIPPINES Senator Stone Says Wo Muit If W Fight dipan. Kansas City, March 23. - Unite! States Senator William A. Stone, in tho course ol a upccch hero Inst night at tho monthly dinner of the Knife and Fork club, said: "If wo are to haro scrioua trouble with nnv nation, it will bo with Japen- Jaimn wants tho rhllippin. 1 4nj not sure whether it would not i bj ttj ir all concerned n ' --, - , hum, but one thing thut iH, sliowlll novoi , ', ffouble our consent. t wo may have trouble iSmSi;lBc.othoarcl,lpc and h,' week. Wo,co ovor a big enough ueo -i- nm tho sea. That would be m and costly task." . , . Car. Trovn uir cxpro- Juno, Tex., March, 23.-ftg Pal No. 4 of tlio International y - rf om, 12 in llesbciow ne u, - - k 0t nrfss Messenger " vtl at- aoiflo Kxprm company, 1 1 11. .n. .1,1 flllt Ot Hie W ,11 the Pi tackod wiih nr ami w.v . ,rflin urn" I mlflKCd trom . , t(r 10 was reached ami ll0ra mcssago was reco d .InflnL' WIS '.' Palest Ino a tolopl him at naultod by Jb tr4,n boon in the car was opu rpachod Palestine Brownsville is r"" ; ,u Iirownvlllofox ,n.H8 meeting of ript' ff.' tonight resolutions H pressing mtlon k I ,i mi attempt lM)Ingiau? 0 il,nf.nnrt martini flt r , fl t ard be oro the toW Id'f Washington ''to clca nc , of tho Twonty-nfth mt i,roffnBvl ' committed Mjlg lngtheln; cnVugust 13 Inst by W g lvee, fumy on thotovvjUoi . cir. In Nvy"'r oire urea 'i0-' i Pensalcola, ,5 No.l last night del troyod buHJ "8 llD n. iinnunnn a navy W"ltnn 0 tn'g osVof 176,000. I"?" 2 low tho machinery - f ftDd ho gunbofttH aion J '11 de Luzon wore destroy