n. F. Aiun, President. T, M. Baldwin, Cashier. Witt WVRXWMLKR VlCO 1TCI. It. lutDiN, Anst. Cashier. NO. 3BB1. REMEMBER The Buy Residence Lots The First National Bank OF PRINEVILLE. OREGON I N First Addition To Madras PRICES LOW TERMS REASONABLE WELL WATER GUARANTEED IN FORTY FEET Buy a good residence lot in ideal location while prices are low x X ESTABLISHED 1880 Capital, Burplim Ml Undivided $1 00,000.00 Profit Timber Lnnd, Act .limn 3, 1878. Notice for Publication. U. S. .Land Onicc, Tim Ualles, Or., September II, 1WX1. Vol Inn U ImriOiv L'lvcn that 111 com nil mien l lth thn nmvlsltiiiH of tint net of rnifr..as (if .limit s. 7878. entitled "An net for tlio sale ol timber liuiils III tin; states or lalirol'llin, uri'Kon, ni'vimn iinu n u.nium ton Territory," ns extended to nil tim pub lic land states by net of August 4X laV2, John itiuiniiftvensnii, of Portland, i ouiitv or Miiltnoiimli, Mruc of Oregon, lias this diy llled in ths often his sworn .stiileiiient No. 82.T2. rortbe intr chase of tlio n)i'si and njwtf sec 'I' t(' r III h. w in . ' And will olfer nroof to .show that the land soiiRltt Is more valuable for Its tlm- Dei or sionoiiinu mr Krn-uiiu m piiiriw-j mill ti I'sinlillsh Ills el.ilm to .said land lieforo tbu HeL'lster and Itecelver at Tin Dalles. Oregon, on tliel'Sid day of i'ebru nry. WW. . ... Ifn nnniMS ns witnesses: U 0 htone widiow Nelson. Carl l'lileau and Finn Is Simper, all of Portland, On-con. Anv unci nil norsnns clntnilni: adversely the above-described fandsnre u quested to lllt their c.la ins In this oniceon or neiore said '2ard day of February, 1W)7. MlCHAKI. T. A'OLAN, (120-nji Itenistcr. For particulars apply atfthe office of the TOWNSITE COMPANY Madras, Oregon 4 nine Print Township rials corrected up to date showing names of all entrymen, vacant 4&nu rivers auu cruets, uv tcma i-uuu. LAND SCRIP FOR SALE For securing title to all kinds of Government lunil without residence or improvement, at lowest market prices. Write us for full par ticulars. All kinds of Land Office business a specialty. Twentv-nvo years' experience, i.eiereuce French & Co., "bankers. HUDSON LAND CO. THE DALLES. OREGON. WMMm f II Out-of-doore" with a STEVENS beet thins for a growing boy t Learning to shoot well and acquiring quali ties cf SELF-CONTROL, DECISION', AND MANLINESS re all due to STEVEN J KlfcEAIiUS, ELfCATIO.V. Ask your Dealer for B'evons TUfov fe'liotsruns Pistols. Insist cm our ti.ne honored make. If you cannot obtum, wo ship direct, rxurr so prcp-il I upon receipt of Catalog Price. Kverjthine jroa want ti know to, tthi STL. I vs1 U foui4 in Jivl'ac Illustrated fatal g. 'U .. J for four rt'iU In ttaupi to pay jx.n re. -fol Tea Color ilanj i '".no doorat ion f . yo .1 j M deVori'ulj room 'rwile I f r1r":l.itrt Tim I J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL CO. P. O, Bo 4097 Chlcopee Fells, Mass,, U, D. A. Timber Land, Act Juno a, 1678, NOTICE POE PUBLICATION. U. S. Land Offlee, Tlio Dalles, Oregon, Doccmliur 10, 1000. Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of Julio:), 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lauds in tlio stater of California, Ore. K0, Nevada and WashliiKton Territory," u extended to all the public land States by act of August 4, 1892, KugenoA. Glnott, of Madras, county of Crook, Stato of Oregon, lias this day filed in this office his swonr htatement No. 3G87, for the purchase of the ne'4 anil n4 seM, seo 19, tp 12 s. r 30 o. w in, And will offer proof to show that the laud sought is more valuable for the tim. beror stone thereon than for agricultural pur l.oses, ami to establish his claim to said luuil lieforo Krauk Osborn, U. S. Commissioner, at his offlee in Madras, Oregon, on the 10th day lf Auril. 01)07. lie iiftjnea ns wJiiicBst's: Vino- A Focle. A iilfd and Joseph I) Uland, ail of arlrry, Ore- feon, and John II Jirown, of Haystack, Oregon, , Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to llle their claims in this office oil or before" the Uid loth dn-of April, 19G7. 4. . , .. MICHAEL T. tiOtkti Si.hl ItUglslOf, COLUMBIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY GO. TIME TABLE NO. 10. Effective July 3, 1901. South Hound No. 2. Daily Pass. STATION'S. North Hound No. 1. Dally Pass. Leave. Arrive. 2.15 p.m J.35 p.m 2.39 p.m 2.59 p.m. a.is p.m :U8 p.m. 335 p.m. y.Kf. p,m. 3.4 s p.m. 3.59 p.m. 4.ua p.m, 4.29 p.m. 4.55 p.m. 5.11 p.m. 5.21 p.m. 5.55 p.m. Illggs Gibsons Sinks Waseo Klondykc Summit Hay C Jc McDonalds DeMo&s Moro Erskinville Gr'ss Vall'y ilourbon Kent Wilcox Shaniko 11.50 a.m. 11.19 aim 11.10 a.m 11.00 a.rn 10.45 p.m 10.40 a.m. 10.21 a.m 10.22 a.m. 10.05 a.m. 9.55 a.m. 9.37 a.m. 9.20 a.m. 8.55 a.m. 8.10 a.m. 8.30 a.m. 8.00 a.m. Arrive Leave, For rates and other information apply to A. L. CRAIG, General Passenger Agt., Portland, Oregon. E. J. WiUtt.v, Agent. Shaniko. Ore. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY UNITED 8TATE8 President Theodore Koospvelt Vice-President Charles W Fairbanks Secretary of Siato , Ellhu P.oot Secretary of Treasury Lesjle M Shaw Secretary of Interior E A Hitchcock Secretary of War V H Tuft Secretary of Navy 0 J Bonaparte Secretary of Commerce Victor H Metcalf Postmaster General G I) Cortolyou Attorney General , Wm H Moody Secretary of Agriculture Jaraos WilsonJ STATE Governor George K, Chamberlain Socrataryof Stato F. W. Henson Treasurer a a Steel Attorney General ' a M Crawford Supt. Public Instruction... J II Ackerman Stato Printer W 8 Dunniway Dairy ana rooa Domruissionor j w Dalloy U S Senators 9 w Fulton ' " I J M Gcarin J W C Hawloy I 11 lilllS FA Minr Suprome Judges Itsiloan exu Jiulloy SEVENTH JUDIOIAL DISTnlOT Judge w LDradshaw Prosecuting Attornoy Frank Mcnefoo CROOK COUNTY Judgo W A Doll Work Warren Brown Sheriff Frank Klkins Treasurer w'y King Assessor J D Lal'ollette School Huporsntcndeut C B Dinwiddle Surveyor WR McFarland Coroner , ClallSNewsom Commissioner , J I' H Bayley I so oiearns KUTOHER PRECINOT Justice ( F J Brooks Constable j m Mayes Itoad Suporvlsor George Dillon Congressmen. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Timber Land, Act Juno 3, 1S78. NOTICE FOR PUULICATION. United Stales Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, January 2S, 1907. Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congroi of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act (or the sale of timber lands in the states of California, Ore gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the public mud Mutes oy act of August I, 1892, the folowlng-iiHined erxons hao llled In this office their sworn statements towit; Male N. Carney, of Portland, county of Multnomah, Mhjo of Or egon, sworn statement No. 3710, filed December 21, 1900, for the purchase of the wy)cc , su'4 tei sec 28 and n$ hw m-'c 31, tpl2s, rile, wm. ficorgq A. Jonps, of Seattle, county of King, state oj Washing ton, sworn statement No. 80C7, filed December 3, 1900, for the iuireha.ie of tlio soJi se'4 sec 5, nU noli and noli nwii see 8. tp 13 s, r 11 e, w la. nd wlfl offer proofs to show that the lauds sought are more valuable for the Umber or stone thereon than for agricultural' purposes, anil lo establish thulr claims to said lands before the ItegUter and Itecelvor at The Dalles, Oregon, on April 2. 19J7. They nome as witness : George A Jones of Seattle, Washington; Cora A Jouua, Charles Brock, William Brock and .Mrs. T. V. Carnoy, of Bend, Oregon; pale N Carnoy, of Portland, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming advomely any oi me aoovo-nuMirlbeu lanns are rciuostud tit llle their claims In tills olllee on or ljufor,. tlm sain .'! nay oi April, iwj. Miciur.1. T. Nola.v, J31-m28 Iteglsior. fRANK OSBORN U. S. COMMISSIONER Townslte Building MADRAS OREGON QR. HAROLD CLARKE DENTIST All kinds of Dental Work at reasonable prices. PRINEVILLE, OREGON fyAX LUEDDEMANN NOTARY PUBLIC MADRAS OREGON NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, January 91. 1907, Notice Is heroby given that Elizabeth Itleh- ards, of wadras, Oregon, has filed notice of her Intention to make final flve-ynnr proof In sup port of her claim, vl: Homestead entry No. 10.S79, made February 10, 1002, for the s o4 huo 5 and n! no sec 8, tp vz s, r is e, v rn. And that said proof will bo made before Frank Osbor.v, U 8 commissioner at his office In Mad. ras, Oregon, on March 5, 19y7. She names the following witness to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of, the land, viz: j; v Jenkins, E N Glllam, Robert Bamett and h Banta, all of Mudrai. Oregon. MioiuklT. hou.v, Register, J3U28 Q 0. COLLVER NOTARY PUBLIC Justice pi thk Peack OULVEIf PRECINCT CULVER OREGON If. SNOOK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office In Drugstore. CONTEST NOTICE Department of the Interior, V. 8. Land Ollee, The Dalios, Oregon, January 11, hOT, A sufficient contest affidavit havlnir been filed lu this office by LOUlS A Ill-All. fOlltnalont JKtt loriie.tcI entry No. I2,r87, made June 2, 190.1, for Lots 1, 2, 3, nee 2, tp 12 s. r ir. c, M)i? swKsen.W, tp li s, r 16 o, w m by lenry (iro.. coniestce, In which t Is ullegod that sal.i Henry Gross has wholly abandoned Mld tract for more than six months lant past; that said "u Buiiicu iiDii i una piiitivninri I I... said party as reoulrcd bv lawi that t,i f. Jeged absence was not duo to his empoymont In the army, navy or marine rnn, m h,,. IT..I...I u..,...j i.. .r... : " --'v uiiii.-i fiiniua hi uiiiu oi w ar. bki pariies aro hereby notified MADRAS OREGON Jf H. HANER ABSTRACTER OF TITLES NOTARY PUBLIC i'iro Insurance, Life Insurance, Surety Bonds Jioai Kstato, conveyancing PIUNKVILLK, OREGON f (npil Inn i.swi t mnond hihI titior nvMi..w.(( i.... legation at 10 o'clock .,,,,' on MiioVJiwr before Uarrun Brown ,-umiv :. . i.l.i office in Prlncvllle. Oreeoii. ami tint fin.i ilSS'if w",1"' , 1,0(1 t 10 a, in. on March 9, I f7.; l'f ' "egister and Receiver at the United fctates Land Oil eo In Tin. imii., . . gon, .JJl? co,nt6t'l1"t having. In a proper affi davit, II ed December 15, 191V1. set forth facts which show that after duo diligence personal fervlce of this notice ran not bu made, il ls hereby ordered and dln-cled that such notice bo given oy due ond pror publication, Mlmt A ut. r Vri 1. 10. ,,(, ...... 4, iMjiltnt P. MYERS LAND ATTORNEY Twelve years special practice beforo U, 8. Land Office and Department of tlio Inter Jor. Also general pra-tlco. Officoat LAIULAW, OREGON fjR. A. A. BURRIS MAGNETIC OSTEOPATH DIscaHCfl cured without ririiKH or Biinrnrv uv iiiuKiiouu iiawijuuiiiy, nm JIUW HCiCJIlOO ui timu'icHs neaiiiiB. ujiroiiio eases ftnec laltv. Consultiitlon tu .IfpfureiicoHKlvon td iuonilnont parties of IIIIIOUUIU, vicgun. Oflico In Louck JJuldina MADRAS, OREGON Timber Land, Act Juno 3, 1878 . NOTICE TOR PUBLICATION, U. 8. Land Office, Tho Dalles, Oregon, February 17. iflon. K'nlli-nla li,t.l... ..I .1.... . ...11 .11. . Bv--ii wiui in cotnp ance with the jirovislons of the act of foniross of Juno;i i8fn entitled "An ft( for 0 al" timber linn s ill tlm hIhIiih i i:.ir,.. !?' gon. Novrtdft. and Wi l l ,, oflCnuik1110 "u"l .uiStfUt . l-auchlln McNeil, pfcontralla, county of Uwls, Bfate of Wash ington, has this day filed in 1I.1. ..in...: ... .. sworn statement No 2s.ll, for tlm niirciiaw, Vf iim'i' m'J rM.Vr, "l.,.,'.,l,. land t mil for agricultural purpoMis, and to eslub llsh his claim to said laud hefore tl 11. Iti-TrlMur ami Reco ver lit The Dalles ()ri.L'i.ii .1 . 2(HlidayofMarchlU07. ' Urtt,""'" Ho ilanit! as wit KdwardUraham and Kate if.-Noil ,l f ' . Any ilhd all lmrvfiny ,i..i...i ... .. .;..,iw ;..iY .."".". ..-"" n'lrursQiy 1 in MlfMllln n, Urn ... PIONEER JOB OFFIC WHEN YOU WANT NEAT, CLEAN, PU PRINTING EASONABL BADE STOCK NEW TYPE FACES MACHINERY UPERIOR WORKMANSHIP We make a specialty Job Pnnti , V a m M. m M. trtL J . , -w , and our oroduct cannut M. convince you ATR E PRIG HIGH G REST nuiiLin ruDLioninu u il-Ulil IliUt'n, I'