The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, March 14, 1907, Image 7

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if vou toko Hood'8 Sftrsrtpnrllla.
i (Treat incdtcnio ourun wuau ihuiuuhh,
1 . Mini, imnnar nt all hoiihoiih:
.and iUB 1 , '
Lrofuto orofl Blllt r 0Um r cczc,nilJ
fkdf cntmlly vfcll to, rind alflo curen, cly.
d nil Btomuch troubles; curca- rliou-
ml catarrh ; cures nervoutf troubles,
ifl .. . 1 !-...! '....Hurt
lyniid that iiiuu b;
' ..tin nrnfnr tnnrilftlnn In tftl-
r-,8b?.riursiirlll l "w J11'4 "P n choco-
Ti m Hi" Uni'l'l form, InI(Iom accti
1 rrtP!Afirenlpnrn, reoiiomy.-no Ion by evnp
Tr l"kif. . IniirlU or promptly
n i Hood Co.. Iwoii, Aiass.
say i
.&hK' TJ,lflrl, Unrllnitlnn, Vt.,
" Tim rfirn. i.t I...... : '
in.if h li) .In nr..) ... ttto health to .m l
Willi, rnuind alumni n omiitiMn l,ri.
slrsniclli to do all my work."
ColRANTKEP undor tlio Food nnd Drugs Act, Juno 30, 1000. No. 321.
. ,...,.r'm l,IIIIK.
Lilnccr at the end of tho practice
IP" . L....H,. i Minn; ono bun-
P!W. X that tlmo."
TSSSa onco tukiuB breath."
Tin Tlmt mtmt a record."
,su L r,i Ih held by Cour-
I w' . ..tu iini tliriwt hull.
.nmimW. ",,n n""n ' .
I 10(1 liXtCCB HOirn "i"'
i. ika Tlie record jtrevlotiH to
, ' . j,oj by Fnrlnelll. with thrco
rfBOtC. NorilliHi miimuuu nun
tM hundred nnd eighty-seven
0 this way. i " nvcrnge muu
.1... I ..n ttt't t,lltll1.-w1
I be DOtuitiC- 1 'Mimuciiiuiu uno-
.faxd to Wither Army.
Ua AKUfli jack uiuisuu iou i mi,
.Vewltt Not nt nu ; no quuo
iljndmunculnr. Why 7
EEnAKum I hnpnctied to mention
iIoMIm Jlltcr. nnd nUa al: "Oh!
dlKSU'tliiRly tout7"
i.Vewltt-Ali, yen. Slio rejected
DM weeks ngo nnd sho'o uind bo
I ht didn't pine uwuy. f ulluuol-
iJHIXTJIKNT li icutentcd to euro any
ti Ifblnr. WnJ. tlrr'Uns or protruaing
MV II iT' f money reiuiiooa.c.
I'oor ClirUdiinn rnrc.
A dolcKAtion of fellow towniimnen n
contly culled on KufiiH K. Camld, of
aiiimny, Ky., to cotiKrntulnto lilm on
nut receipt of n CnrnoKlo mednl.
ah ii in rriciujH were taking leave
Mr. Combs wlwlicd them all n merry
"And I hope," ho ended, "that you'll
hnvo n nioro bountiful dinner than fell
to tho lot of a young friend of mine
hint year.
"Ho, tho poor chap, was Mopping nt n
cheap New York boarding hcyine, and
on ChrlMmnH day, after he had eaten
a turkey neck, a itotnto and n npllntcr
of Hodden mince pie, the landlady nld
to him, an he mho Juxt an tho weak
coffee wna brought on :
" 'Oh, don't leave Ihino table, Mr.
M'I muiit, mndam,' Bnld Smith, grim
ly. 'It'M hard wood, nnd my teeth are
not what they used to be.'"
Ill Cnnafnncy.
A Mory In told of General Sir Alfred
HgrHford, who believed In a ccllbato
army. A noldler onco nought IiIm per
inlmdon to marry, Baying ho had two
good conduct badges nnd $25 In the
envlngs bank. "Well, go away," wild
Sir Alfral, "nnd If you come back thl
day year In the Bamo mind you Bhnll
marry. I'll keep the vacancy." On the
A wrr i'ropmon. niini veraHry mo Homier repeated lil
tfflj Jlmmlc Top liken you bct rcquert. "Hut do you really, after a
be did Jane other fellow. year, want to marry 7" "Yen. sir. verv
i New Ueau-Aud why does he much. ..gerj.cnilt ninJoPf lnku b,H
i t.-..-. nnme down. Ych, you may mnrry. 1
i never believed there wuh ho much con-
I don't eceIHinncJ m ,nnn or woman, itignt race.
Quick mnrchl" As tho man left the
room, turning bin head, he uald: "Tank
you, Mr. It Itm't the t.-iine woman."
tole-I'op xnyR 'twon't bo half bo
I to beat tlio parlor with you In
k-Cereland Plain Dealer.
Vmn Who Has SufTored Tells
How to Find Flollof.
lie tlioasands of women who Buffer
languor, urinary diaorderH
and other kidney 1 1 Ih,
Mill II ml comfort in
tlio wordH of Mm.
Jono Farrcll, of 00(1
Ocean nvo., Jontoy
City, N. J., whoKiiyri:
"I reltonitonll I hnvo
caid beforo in prnlno
of Drtin'u Kidnoy
1'iIIh. I hnd been
f. IinvliiL' henvv lmck.
tod my eetientl licnllli uhh nfr.t.
ii I begaa UHing them. My feet
iroilen, my eyiu miffed, nnd ill.
cre frequent. Kidnoy action
mtgular ami the Heerutiriiiu 1. 1,
Today, however, I urn a well
ys, inil I nm rondilnnt tlmt Ii.,u
jl'illi Imve made mo uo. nnd nro
me well."
fcHbrall dwilern. fiO CtnlH n linr
ffMilLurn Co., Uiiffnlo, N. Y.
Ilorr Color AfTrct Stcntnlltr.
Thcro nre good and evil effectH even
In color, not only In the InartlMIc nr
rangemcnt of them to tho trained eye
of an artlat, but In plain every-day red onion, to lie eaten raw JiiHt beforo go
nnd blue and green, to nay nothing of j'ng to bed." "Why, doctor, that's ex-
Doetor, what Ih good to tako to euro
tho rednoHH of my iiobo?" "Tho pledge."
Hoimton I'ost.
Knlckorl'rlmltlvo men plowed tho
earth with a sharpened Htlck. Ilockcr
You don't mean lo nay golf dated
back that far ! SclHHorn.
"Tho doctora hnvo finally agreed
iijwn tho cniiHO of Jlnk'H lllneHH." "Did
they hold another coiiHiiltatlon7" "No
a IKJHt-morteni." Headlight.
"Here, hold my horwo a minute, will
you?" "Sir I I'm n member of Con-
gresHj" "Never mind. You look lion
CM. I'll tnko n chnneo ' Hoiirlnr
Mrn. Henjicck Shnmo on you for
growling nbout Dr. Holu. Didn't ho
JtiHt bring you back from tho Jawa of
death and Ilenpcck (wearily) And
bnck to tho Jawa of life Horrowed.
Womnn Now, If you don't lenvo nt
onco I'll call my htinbnnd nnd Iio'h nn
old Hnrvnrd football player. Trnnir
i.ady, if yor lovo him don't call him
out. I lined to nltiy wld Yale. Judiro.
Cynthln Oh, what a world HiIh Is
for n woman ; I do wIhIi tho Ijonl had
made mo n man! Molly Why. my
ucar, mnybo ho did nnd you JtiBt
haven't found him yet American
'Thcro Ih only ono ordnlncd mlBBlon
nry In tho world for 1)00,000 heathens,
your cxcoLeiicy," mild tho cnnnlbnl.
"Well, I got mine," Bald tho cannibal
ciiler, rubbing hla Hps. Yonkcra
"John, dear," wrote n lady from tho
continent, "I oiicIoko tho hotel bill."
Dear Jane, I enclose n check," wroto
John In reply, "but please don't buy any
more hotelM at this price they nro rob
bing you!" Tlt-IlltH.
"Why don't you let Willie piny In tho
street with the rest of the klds7" said
Mr. Wise. "I'm afraid It will epoll hla
clothes!" wns tho wlfe"s answer.
riiunutrniion;" cxclnlmcd Wise, "wo
enn hiiy elothes. but wo enn't buy
brains I" dinned.
Mrs. . DciiuIh (to her husband, who
smells n strontr escnno of caa boiho-
where and !s nbout to strlko n match)
You're never nfter looking for n lenic
wld n lighted match. Mick? Mick
lould your whlfltl They'ro safety
matchcfl ! HnlMIolldny.
"Doctor, can't you give mo something
to relieve my sleeplessness?" "Ych;
could prescribe a sedative, hut drugs
would do you no real good. Instead of
that let mo recommend n larse. fat
According to Medical Talk for the
Home, If a jK!wm wero confined In a
room with purple walls, with uo color
but iiuriilc around him. by the end of a
month ho would be n raving madman, allied on Miss I'ruyns InBt night, and
..-....! 1 . - . . .. 1 . 1 . . .. i 1
ncnnei hub even wurMi uiu'cib.
very depressing; henco "tho
Oreen Is qulto soothing, and
aetly what keeps mo awake."
can It iKissIbly have that effect?"
wife eats It." Chicago Tribune.
Ilobson You look nil broken up. old
num. Whnt'H the matter? Crnlk I
nlso has good effects on tho vision and
iplrlU of most people.
Illue la no sooner had I entered the parlor than
blues." I her mother nnnenred nnd demnnded to
know my Intentions. "That must hnvo
been rnUier embnrrnsslng." "Yes; but
that wns not tho worst. Just ns tho
old lady finished speaking. Miss Pruyn
shouted down the stairs, 'Mamma, mam
ma, ho Isn't tho oner" London Tlt
151 tK.
A Scotsman the other day went to n
Th Soft AiKirrr.
"I have already said 'No' to you, Mr.
Vcre," Bald MIbb Hutc. "I don't Boom
to bo nblo to mako myself plain, al
though I hnvo tried "
"Ah. MIhh Hute." intermitted Tercy Londn dentist with a toothnche. Tho
Vcre, "you couldn't do that, no mnttcr dentist toid htm he would only get re
how you try." lief by hnvlng It out. Scot Mon. then
"Well at of course, I Bhnll nlwnya 1 must lnu gas. While tho dentist
bo glad to have you call upon me, Mr. was getting It ready tho Scot began to
Vcre." Philadelphia Tress.
Pale, Thin,
Nervous ?
Then your blood must be In
a very bad condition. You
certainly know what to take,
then take It Ayer's Sarsa
parllla. If you doubt, then
consult your doctor. Weknow
what he will say about this
grand old family medicine.
Sold for over 60 years.
Thli li tho flrit nnmtlon roor doctor would
Mki "Aro your Ixiwrli reRUUr?" Heknowi
that dully action of the bowott li abnolutelr
cuentiai to recovery, nt op yoar urer acuvs
and your bowola rrulr by taking laxative
doici of Aycr'f J'llli.
O.Xrnr Co.. L.ow.11. Ifaaa.
o maDufaoturera of
Could Htlll Ilcnr Hume.
"Doc.toc, tny wife Bays she is getting
"Tell her It's because she Is getting
"Do you believe Mic Is deaf enough
for that to be safe?" Houston Post.
Thnt U I.AXAT1VK IJHOMO Oulnlne. Simi
larly named remedies lornctlme deceive
Tho nmt and orlitlnal Cold Tablet In n W1IITK
PACK AO K with Clitrk and red lettering, and
bean tho tlgnuttiro of K. W. GUOVK. 2c.
In (lie Comlntc Dayi.
nusband Mnrin, this is going to be ft
clot-ely contested election, and we'vo got
to get everybody out. You'll have to
hurry, or you'll bo too late.
Wife Oracious, John ! I can't vote
to-day. There's no use in talking nbout
it. I haven't a thing that's fit to wear to
the polls.
Mothers will And Mr. Winnow! Ooothlng
Byrup tho best remedy to vn tot their chUdros
during tho teething period.
Itnllway Magnate I don't see how the
accident could have happened. We run
our road on the block system.
Unreasonable Person I know It.
You're so busy running out blocks of
watered stock that you enn't pay nny at
tention to the way you run your trains.
Shake !;ito Your Shoes
Allen's Foot-Eavo. A powder. It makes tltrh':
or new shoes feel easy. It Is & certain euro for
iweatlnir. callous and hot. tired. chlnf feet
Bold by all Urupglsts. ITlco Z'xs. Trlafpack
aKomallud yitKK. Addrew Allen S. Olmsted,
Leitoy, Now York.
It Ttsppens Krerr Nljrlit.
At tho end of ono of tho scsslonB of
tho world's convention of tho Woman's
Christian Temperance Union in Bos
ton, Mrs. L. M. N. Stevens condemned
tho habit which so many tmen hnvo
of going out between tho acta at the
"I am In hearty sympathy," said Mrs.
Stevens, "with a womnn whoso hus
band said heartily to her, at tho end
of nn Interesting drama:
" 'Jove, what n piny. I don't believe
there wns a dry cyo In tho house when
tho curtain went down on the third
"'No,' snld tho lady, bitterly, 'but
there seemed to be tho usual number
Of dry throats."
Don't Push
Tho horse ban draw the
load without help, If you
reduce friction to almost
-nothing by applying
n l
Ootd Crowns, 3; Ilrlrtsre Work, prr
tooth, J! Plates. 5: Hllver Fillings,
0c Uold Filling-, f I.
187K First Street FOHTiANU, OnKOON
to the wheels.
No other lubri
cant ever mado
wears so long
and saves so much
horsepower. Ncxttinle
try Mica Axle Grease.
Standard Oil Co.
Cat.togu. free. T.nccnl, Orczon
With 22-i'ai;o Illustrated booklet, giving 1.009
ues lor Jiorax in iuo Jiomc. farm ana iairy,
and s Souvenir Picture, 7x14 In., 10 "olors
free for 6a and vour dealer's name. Adilrena
I'aclflc Coast Uorax Co., Oakland, CaL
In ihe i;inr Niinkm Vnllpr. Iilnlio. whrr
7t,onu MlMfsslppI Vlpy IwrnrM-rlicn nr nlrndr
iex atpd. W).Wj ecr s und-ilotl, Irrlu-ftt) c Innd
still await Ihf srttlrr. Jilcli t a d U-nt wn rrrd
valley In the world. Pines; c Imnte; rho ce.t fruit;
Iminens)- crotw of iruln. nl fulfil su ar tiprif. II.OO.-
noy luvesti-d In ug:ir fnciorlea. New It. It. -xlvir
s!on to Vellowtone park op-ni country or vaii re
Kourccs. Axil ton slarled Jan. I, 11MJ, a ri-cord
brraker. Wrlle for cart culnrn.
Ht. Anthony nnl Axlitiui, Iiluliu.
Mrs. Kross-Rhodes Still, In the city
there Is more coins on. You have ever
to much more variety than we do out
Mrs. Avnoo Ah, me, yes ! In the Inst
year I have tried cooks of seventeen dif
ferent nationalities, and haven't found
one to suit me yet.
CITO Vitus' Tlanre and all Nervous Dls'onea
II I O permanently cured br Dr. Kline's Or tot
Norvo itrsiorcr. Kml for KIIKK 3 trial botUe and
treatise. Dr. It. 1L Kll nr. Ld., 3t Arch HU, l'UUo-.I'a.
Tint Quite In Ilia Line.
Kind Hearted Womnn Why din't
you give up your Idle, useless way of
living nnd make n man of yourself? I
don't suppose it ever occurred to you
that even a person of your stamp mielit
be useful In settlement work.
Goodman Gonrong No, ma'am. I've
done n little flat workln', but workln' a
whole settlement is too dog-gone rlhky.
There Is more Catarrh In thli section of thn
country than all oilier diseases nut tocether.
and until the last few years wassupposea to be
inourauio. ror a greawnauy earsuoctors pro
nouueud It a local dlseaso, and prescrlbedlocal
rornedlcs, and by constantly fulling to cure
with 1 ocal treatment, pronounced It Incurable.
Portland Oregon
, Each year brings us increased orders
for our seeds. Vhy? Because we supply'
only those that produce satisfactory and
profitable crops. Ve know, afier many
years of experience, what sorls are best
lo plan! on this coast. Buy P. S. Co.'s
"Diamond Brand" Seeds, the be it for
the West. Our new 100 page Annual
Ctlof; and Seed Planter's Culde; No.
260 free on request.
Portland, Oregon Spokane, Walk.
Made In all a'ylrs and a 1 size. (Jet wat-r and oil
anywhere. Itest Drilling Tools made. (Jet cata
logs and prices. BEALL & CO.
321 Hawthorne Ave. Portland, Or.
and are still la the lead. Their absolute
certainty of crowth. their uncommanlv
large yields of delicious vegetables and
beautiful (lowers, make them the most
rename ana me most popular every-
wncrc. Mia dv an dealers. 1907
otca Aanual tree on request.
0. U. FERRY & CO..
Detroit. Mich.
, HAl.inIA t. M nn,ri. - -1. . .1...
t.l.. 'Pl ,1.11. lot nn 1.1 I w vwiinuiu
tuuiii nm iiioiiLv. i hi.- uunuoi iionaldlsoase. and thorofororeoul
II ; -- -M,i.i;.,iE5
C BK 'oaiandncdula-
'Smite Slinnlure or
For Infants and Childron.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
A v
For Over
Thirty Years
soinewhnt testily, "iou need not pay
until It's out." The Scot replied: "I
ken that, but ns ye're nboot to inak' mo
unconscious I J 1st want to seo lioo I
Ktnn'."- SportliiK Times.
Tho publlc-Hplrlted lady meets tho
little boy on the street. Tho Lady
Little loy, haven't you any home? Tho
Little Hoy Oh, yes'in, I've got n lioine.
The LadyAnd IovIiik parents? Tho
Llttlo Hoy Yes'm. The Lady Aro
they hrliiKlnj; you up to be a food and
holpful citizen? The Llttlo Hoy
Yuh'iii. The Lady Will you ask your
mother to come nnd hear a talk on
"When Does a Mothers Duty to Her
Child Ik'Kln?" next Saturday after
noon? Tho Llttlo Hoy (explosively)
What's th' matter with you, um! Don't
you know mo? I'm your llttlo boy!
Cleveland IMnln Denier.
res rui.alltu.
tlonal treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, mmm.l
inuiureu uj r . J. v.ueuuy uo., loicuo, unio, IS
the only constitutional euro on tho market. It
Is taken Internally In dotes from lOdropa to a
toaspoouful. It ncu directly on the blood and
rauoini surfaces of tho ystom. They ofTerono
hundred dollars for biiv caso It faila to cure.
Bend for circulars and testimonials.
Auaress, k. J. t IIENKY & CO.,Toledo,0
Hall's Family I'llls are tho best.
Geta IlncU nt lilm.
iseweit wiieu you say anything
mat makes your wife anry what does
sho dfj threaten to return to her par
fit. 1 HTn . At i.l.L M.
uiunvu iiui&u niini iiini. sue re
pents somo of tho fool thlugs I said
during our courtship.
Stimulate the Blood.
Hrnndreth's Pills are tho great blood
purl.ii'r. 'l'liov rro u laxntivn nml li'
tonic, t oy net equally on the bowel, the
kidneys and tliu skin, t us (liaiit.lnK tho
kvmciii uy mo na'urai . utlet or the hxlv.
lliey stimulate the blood so as to cnalriu
nature to thr w oirall morbid humors nnd
euro nil troubles nri Iiir from nu lmmiro
d'"u i" uiuuw. uiiu or nvo taken
every nlht w ll prove nn invaluable
Kao i tiill contains one K'-nin of solid ex
tinet of sarsaparilla, which, with other
Vjluablo vi'r table lmidue's, make It n
im.uu luruier ui excellent cimrncter.
Urnndreth's l'il s hnvo been in use for
over ncontuiy and nro s- Id in every drui?
and niediolno ttom, eithor pluin or sugar-
A Preltr Kzperlment.
A very pretty effect may bo produced
by tisIiiR somo nnlllno dyo In powdered
form In alcohol. Fill a small gluss
with tho nlcohol nnd drop tho smallest
portion of tho dyo on Its surface. It
will shoot down through the liquid,
llko n strand of color, dividing Into two
branchos, which will subdivldo again
and again until you have, apparently,
an Invorted plant In inlnlaturo growing
before your eyes. An arrangement of
mirrors may bo mado to throw tho re
flection' ofNthls on n screen or a wall,
and tho enlarged shadows will bo very
Interesting to wntch.
j m a
a yrl AW I I.TJJiAl
1 ns-w
It 4I &
When you buy em
Its the easiest and
only way to get
the best
Sold everywhere
Wonderful Home
ThU wonderful Chi
nese DocEor is called
criat because he car s
people without opera
tion that an. e ven dp
It die. He cures wl h
tboso wonderful t'hl-
neso htrtn, roo's, buds,
bar lea and vegetables
.hat are entirely un
known to mcdl '&t acl-
ence In thla coun.ry thronzli tlieusa of Hum
harmless remedies. Thla Ijuunidoctir bnowa
ll.oacilonof ovrriOOd.iliT nt remed' -s, tvblea
he xxw3 snccesnfu'ly In different cUseasai. 11 o
ram ran -era toe- recatar-h,nihma,lnn?, throat
rh umatm, nervous ess, sUiniach, liver, kid
neys, etc.: has hundreds of t-stimonlals.
Charges moderate. Call and nee lilm. 1'a. Icnta
out of tho diy write tt blan -s and circulars.
Send stamp. CONSULTATION i llKli
The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
1 62H First St., S. C Cor. Morrison
Mention paper Portland, Ores; on
To Sunny Alberta
March 22 nnd evory two
weeka thereafter; (42 for
round trip, which includes
berth nnd meal a. Trip costs
you nothing If you buy land.
Writo and learn about our
Special Pullman Car Ex
cursion. H. E. Barnum Land Co.
314-215 Chamber of Commerce.
M Toil Phdo
The 1-udwls Tlano has rharaeter nf it.
own. Musicians intuitively retniriils.- Ju
rbarm. Tone la Its ehl,-r rhri.i,..i.i.
refined and sympathetic; so wondern.1 In Ita
nweetnesa and purity that you marvel at Ita
aource. From tlio tieclr.nlpc the principle
was flxHl to Rive the utmost quality at a
certain price hlch ...much ir. ,if ..- . .
of everythlnp; low enmiKh to onbV yleM a
reanonable prnflt without any additional
charce for reputation.
The above pluno U Style I price 375. O
llvcrvd at your railroad station, with stool,
aearf and Instruction book, tf desired you
niaJ'..?ar $375 cash '" balanrV Iti
nmuthly or nuarterly payments. Wo furnish
this piano In oak, walnut or mahra-anr
lT. Zt V.Uh rrn,". PT & Co. First you
know the nrleo U rlchf ..,
luartrd In plain flpurea. One price no more
SVn iU ,';uarV1 ht all your dealing
will U Mil-factory.
Ilesldra the Lurlwlp nlnn . ......
Conover; Kate,. Kliipsliury kSS&Z A'.
hn :!Il"K,,oni "untlnston anil Mendn"
jwinru We also sell orsana and Victor Talk
tnc Machines. We have a nne ali
term. -.ji",e (or eloifue. prices ami
- . mruiion mil you saw
the advertisement In this paper.
Sherman, Clay & Co.
oeeoaiTC nit orncs. kutunii
P. N. U.
No. 10-07
WUEN writing to advortleora i.leaaal
11 mention till paper. I
tm esNTAun itsMNr, N voaa city.
A I'reroKiitlvo tif tho Pulpit.
Doctor Hacon, a New England clergy
man of long ago, was reproached by a
friend with oomo pronounclntlon which
wuh not "according to Webster."
Welmter lived In hla parish, nnd tho
doughty old dlvlno was not disposed to
bo snubbed with the dictionary.
"What right has Webster to dlctato
my pronounclntlon?" ho demanded,
haughtily. "lie Is ono of my parish
ioners, and ought to get his pronuncia
tion from me, and not I from him."
r. i i
Me m nr;.
Somebody of a psychological turn of
mind once asked Lord Uosobery, "What
Is memory?" .
"Memory," Hosehory replied, prompt
ly hut somewhat pensively, "memory
is tho feeling that Bteala over us when
wo listen to our friends' original sto
ries." Knnuyitril (Joaalii.
First Rooster Somo of theso huinnna
nro fearfully inconsiderate. J
Second Rooster I should say I Two
of them have just been standing In
front of mo discussing which was best,
tho whlto or tlio dark meat. Detroit
Freo Press.
i . fnlnf Mnr as-in. fa I. a.! !.,.. ..f aT a a . .
NO liail WHO woigns over auu pnuiuis EiM.. Mckjgo co.o .Ilk. woo. ad cotton equally wM and la
hould Claim that ho works too hard. bleach and mix colore, MONHOC DRLia COU ll&nvHIcV lourl P 10c puckuitc Write for fre boiVUX how tS dy"
$3.00 AND $3.50 SHOES
Shoe to Wol 'iiWAra
rTart n 7h J.A v' L."' I. WW'3 tUI country. Each
SSS?,"?--lna,l0-.y,l would ihon tnnlerstand tl ev hd t
voar longer, and are
W. 1 IlUlllfl.. tl.lllA
Jfiut Vutor fytteU utrU tctluiittty,
Loir al.unn. (If luittn
?Ar.?itP .vu'8 'than any other makes.
1 ' '.VT." "aiiipeu on I lie boltoni. which urolrrta Ih m.rr .,n.
Color more iroods brlahter f.i., .i. ...
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