jpT Madras! jcabusincastrip to the .1. ,WWV.,1ir.Hailt of Cro. ft lt Friday. ei10WnlA .nr.hlnc. it. intown .,.Tucs Uin''''trSninKCfln' - rfhd lamtly left last week l.. r .he he Is engag er. u w ' r . ..,vrllnc Milcsnmn for " ...i r Kntifmann, travel-' Km--"-. . ., u n..ll-. thr borne from "c week. . . .8. ner nciund at the. U jn ". ' ..... vui I . nn make s.(f jV M'tHi'-ll wngon,.or '" I.'.44mU It till 4rt hnrie-win faofMa.!r,.- 21 r " Ma,lrn. 28 Ijo'rj tcbkfionTuc?(hy' Mage, hav- tuBumoned to ssiem on .. iil!ne$ ofhi mother. b ...... r ruii'rr was in ri5' ... i. ...i i....t Llct'diy tieimin(; to inn.i uu,.. L CommiiJioncr usuorn. . n n.i.i..i mil Mis Susie L',t to Antelope on, to r .. . .. i ii.. m'i....... 9 parents, Mr ana nu. L kR Acdefon "f U.iycrcek was A tie first of the wrrk and filed LtanKtMd bef re Commissioner art Watli, who hm been work months past,, ro ta home on the Plains last teueHaitley left yesterday frr From thrre "(he expects to go : hicli she has secured Robinson Ins been visiting tai the home ol her father and Mr.ind Mrs. Sam Rush, near Issowhn Gilnly monntain seven jiriiis week'pJve notice thnt it was- iitarly to begin the nursing 'of a, Hpnng fever" 5 ItHctel Poimlexter is the moit pop. mdf the countyscnt. Under1 moment, fourtcous treatment, l!C5.nmodaiion ami popular prices, etimcto buy your plows, bar pit, etc Call in and look over piO.Canion plows and barrows. sdnlb,al 'ijci now in stock, nt UM A. Robins & Co. "Cmjof was in town lat PJ He returner last week from "here lie sprnt several month ?tbe Winter Mr Craig awns the fiJhoon whu h Sage Urush spring I'ktii Miittilv if liiul liIintlcH for fkWlni warranty ium) iitlt claim Vrt',ctHltel ami crop murtgngcH, Jstllce court Ihnkn ami limtlcu Vrt( 11 lt Pit I kl If p Brooks. llilll r nl.,1 1.1... I. ...I r'":1" lhe "V'ly and ncnerai puce of your business correspond Ine I'ioiiw .Hue is specially ""orHiiskavl of work. Call and P'Wrr about it. Mail orlrrs ' Bertha Cotuny tettirned last Fri pgfrom Pendleton, where she HWWUc mrse at the Pen Bwlnt5S Co( , ,. fc.l3fif!10Jrs)ip , c puu -wkfottnty hool securing the . " m ex.uitin.uian, and Miss .'waia in it,- Madras KM won (Ik ,me fE. M. Smith !,.!!.. .... fj'1' At,lt"'. (,hcrc tlicy go to i ...n, who is agent at that place, r-'whieft i.MH 1 ul.( - ""r.H mnnius ago I', exptcteil in min l.i 7lbulhey,,iv i .,.,. , ' mimioget permanently locat. ('oi mar,V ff'ciuls on Agency ""Itfnr. i .... .. . , lhe first settlers in that locali- Franks d.ea plCS(lay . Wil I ll A K,, . . . ... Xejh Uls ",ul eventually fc tile brain, Mr. Frnnk t,Jeiof ace. n. ..... .. '"(1 lf.v.,1 kl "Vii WH.l inn 1 a .. kW. nr of ,l,c Rebellion. Wn,... . MC nml ve cliildran. The HiJ,a. . lv,nJ on n lionicslead rl and .. . kuu. 10 fiineviiic a ""E' Journal. fi ll ft. i.i (l( mitt ln'lO niif i - i i mull Mm, W. II. t'olt of Oulvor in in town today. Perry Read of Colvc'r was 1ntown ;dh Tifcsdfcy, C. M. Ciiristenson of Vounjjs was in town today. M. Vantnsscl of Culver Vls'fted in Mnd ras last ijon'dny John (3rcen. and Omer Cyrus of Culver were in town Inst Friday, George Lytle of Hnycreck whs a Visitor in Madras on, Sunday last. Uolby Fjoonor, a rnnolrur from 4'rall OroHHlhu, Ih hi ttiwi, today. 0. K. SpliiM and wlfo and Mm, J, L. OIIiikiui won in town today from Col vr. J. C Robinson lias been looking after' business matters at Ashwood during the week. Mrs. Linnn IJ, Wood returned Friday evening from a visit at her old h&mc in Ashwood, Louis and.Eriiil Falkcnnagen arrived the first of the week lor a visit with their par ents on Agency Plains. ' Mrs, Frank Osborn has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Head,, at Culvtr during the past week, '"rcil McDowull roitti-iicd 'riifduy inornliig from u tlir.'o rnontliH vInIi nt PnrMuiid aiiilotlii!i'vllliunutto polntM W, E. Glicrln Jr was in town Sunday, on bis way 'to Poitland from HemJ, where he lias been looking after Uiisincss inter csts. II., W. Turner returned this morning from his homestead near Powell Untie, where lie has been spending the past few days. For Sale: Three horses') one almost new 7 in, tubular nt wagon"; one heavy wagon; Syracuse gang plow; cheap for cash. Rock Robinson, .Madras, Or. a4 Miss Susie Hrngan has accepted a position as bookkeeper for J. W. & NL A. Robinson & Company. Miss Hro- gan is a graduate of a Portland business college. Died, at the home of 0 Ii. Spink near Culver, on March 7, 1907, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs J. L. Clingan, tfter an illness ol foil weeks with tuber cular meningitis. For Sale nr Trail! A Mltohell wagon, iilni'ixt new, lu cheap'; or will trado for ft Inch WNgnn. AddrcRM IOuIm B WIIhoii, M-nlrtH, Qrrgi.n, or oall at ri'hldonco near Itotind Hutto. m 7-11 James Moore of Hood River has been visiting in this locality during the past week with a view to locating here per manently. 1 1 is hrolher, John, Moore, is employed on the Lovelamj drilling outfit which is at work on Opal Prairie. 1 1 . Ora Van Tassel and Postmaster Fred Davis have formed a partnership for han dling real estate in this locality, and will have an ollkc in the postollice building. In addition to handling deeded land, they expect to give attention to locating settlers upon government land. No new appointments have been made at the land ollkc at The Dalles, although since the removal of llegislcr Nolan, the appointment of his successor has been expected daily. The oflice is in charge of the Receiver, Miss Anne M . Lang, who was placed in sole chat gent the time Mr. Nolan was removed by (he President. W. A. May, farming the E. E. Lytic farm, lost two or three horses through the carelessness of somebody leaving the fences down. The, animals' died from eating wheat that hail been prepared with formaldehyde for sowing, and left there on account of a change in the weather preventing seeding. Moro Observer. George White, whose homestead ad joins that or planting an orchard of about five acres 011 his land. Mis neghbor, Mr. Holfcldt, is setting out about a mile and a half of shade trees along the border of his place, and when the shade nnd fruit trees on these two lanches get n good growth, that will be one of the most attractive sections in this locality. .( iniilr mini This is tho time of year for rni morn to Infill to Unnlc about ... . Ht'ud Dottitoes. Uivo tip tlio om ru!o of saving tlio small potn t rmu fru- rikmI. Eat iho small I - - w onus if vott must, or food them to the hogs, but save tlio largest and.smopthest and cleanest for seed. This in tho rule witn uvory other crop. Corn raisers in tho Middle States Bavo the best oars for seed. Wheat in run through it oleaner to tUo Mif ti. R ir vckK ana smaii knrnelfl. The best of ever) thing except potatoes is saved for seed. Adopt a new rule this year and every year and watch results. urogonmu. We want a share of your trade for 19 0 7 Our Hlgn Grade goods offered, service ancl Low Prices, Merit It. CENTRAL OREGON'S BIG DEPARTMENT STORE McTAGGART & BYE Every cash purchaser can have a Grand Entertainer a Talking Machine in th'e home. We are giving. them away. Get in formed and save our Coupons. Tu another column we are pub iahiiiLr this wek an interesting arliclu on tho management of the soil, with especial ru fere tut to the conservation of the, nioU lure, the article should be read by all who are interested in fanning in this Kection--and all of us should be deeply inter ested in all matters touching an industry, upon the success or which d. pends entirely tho fu ture of thin district. Prosperity for our farmers will mean pros perity for the merchant, the ba iter, the butcher, and all those' various interests which go to make up community life, ami our interest in the success of the farmer is, therefore, a direct one. The nrticle in question is from the pen of Mr. George H. Fi- ver, one of the best known soil experts in the government agri cultural department. Tlio prin ciples of soil culture advocated by him are practically the same as those which for years have been advocated by Mr. 11. VV. Campbell, originator of the Campbell system" of dry land farminL', and they have brought success to thousands of farmers in the t-emi-arid regions of the West. Mr. Failytr s article is entertainingly written, and will be of absorbing interest to you. Umatilla county wheatgrow- ers have taken lime by the forelock, and begun laying in a supply of grain sacks for this seasons harvest. A deal tor half a million sacks was closed on Monday, and the sacks will bo distributd among the far meisof Umatilla and Morrow counties. The price was not made public, but is thought to have been not more than nine cents, delivered in Pendleton. Morrow county wheatgrowers who came in on the deal took 120,000 of tho sacks. Tho sacks woro bought by tho Inland Empire Wheat Growers' Association, which or ganization is composed of prom inent wheat growers of Uma tilla county. ThiB organization was ellected for tho purposos of mutual protection and will be incorporated in order to make it a legal institution and give it greater powers. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION PermrtHcnt of the Interior Land Oflice fttTue Dalles, Oregon. Febrimry 13. 1007. Notice la hereby given that Frank F Fich, of M ml nil, Ori-goii, ha lllml notlre ot his Intention to nuifce llnnl live-year prool In xtipport or lilt elfclin, viz: HomcntCRil Kntry No. 10MA, made November 29, 1901. for the eKtw and Lott a nnd t of sec 7 and l-ot 1 of see IS, t 12 a. r 13 c, win. And tliHt naiil nrool will ho made before Frank Osl.orn. I . S. CofiimiMtloner. nt Ills office in Madras, Oregon, on April 6th. 1907. lletiaiiicK tlic tol owltiir wimeufcca 10 prove hln rontlnuoiM residence uion, and cultlva. tlu.i m, ineiano, viz: UcorKO Kllllnbeck and WlfIam Orllton, of Madras. Oret-on. -Hint Allert Yooum and Danlo Swift, of Cuver, OrcRon, . Miciiakl T. Nola.v, f28-al ltegUier. y AN TASSEL & DAVIS REAL ESTATE, LOCATING & INSURANCE Oill,ob in tlio Pont Gnk'o lliitldlng MADRAS, OREGON NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of he Interior lud Office fttl'he Dallen, Orecon, February 1, 10O7. K(illr-n 1 herebv clvcn that Ixjllls A Youne of Madras. Oregon, has riled notice of his intention to make , final five-year proof in support of his claim' Tin 11 K. No. 9I0. made October 18. -1601. for the wUJ4 and cWswJi of MSC20, tp 10 , r U c, v in, And thktsaid nVoof will be made before Frank1 Oslotn, U 8 Comm'r, at his office in HtuU ra. Oregon . on April S. 1!W7. lie names the followlnL' witnesses to prove his continuous resilience upon, and cultlva-. tion 01, ino iani; viz: Kit Kutcher, U. SCowles, W. A. I;e and W II. Stonehocker, alt ot Madras, Oregon. Michael T. Nolan, Keglster. Timber Land, Act June 3, J873 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. S, Land Offico, The Dalles. Or., December 8. 2U00 A'otlco Is hereby ixlveh that In rniniili ance with tho nrovNIons or tlio net of Con gress of Junes, 1878, entitled "An aci ror 'ho sale of timber lands .in tho states of California, Oiegon, Nevada and trashing- t' 11 t erritory , s exwuueu w an 1110 puu lie liimi states uy act or August 4, inn-', Louie II. Minor, of Hend. county of Crook, state of Orecon has this dav tiled in this olllco her sworn statement 33tQt, for the nurcnasu of tin oKvK andHse'i of see 7 tp 13 s, r 1 rv w m. Anil will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its tim ber or stone than for agricultural purposos nml to esintiiibii uer m sum lanu heforo II. C. Klil', u. S. Commissioner, at his olllco In lluud, Oregon, on the 13th day of Antil, 1H07. She names as witnesses: Chariot L Ilrock nnd frank O. Minor, of Hend, Ore gon. and Mlllson .1. Huberts nnd iSfwood W. itouorts, or sisters, uregon. Iny and ajl pursoi.a claluilng. ndversoly' thu above- locrlbcri lands are requested to file their claluiH In this oflice on or before saulKWi day of April, 1W7. Miciiakl. T., f28-all Keglster. STi tv "fir j VEMS YOU LOOK FOR TROUBLE II jou cbtal.i a Firearm of doubt- Ths expeil need Hunter's and L Marksman's Ideal Is a reliable, unerring STEVENS FlflD OUT WHY by shooting our popular RIFLES SHOTGUNS PISTOLS your local Hurdwnro nr Kportlntr Ootids Slrr clinnt for tho ST13V13NH. If you cunuot ubtuln, ivo ahtp direct, expresa pro lnld. tipon receipt ot Cata lo l'rlce. Bund 4 reutM in stumps for 140 IMirii iiiiikiraiux t iiiniuir, jiiciuuillK circu lard of lilt ot.t luldltlotia to our lino. Cont ulna points 011 shooting) nmiuti- lilt tun. Ilm tir(,imr fiurn tif tv lln...,.. nlc, c!o. Our nttruvtlve Tu Color l.ltliOKi-nplicil llnutrcr i.lal!c)l nny. wlmru fur hlx couIh lu Htiimps. J. 8TEVKN8 AltMH TOOL CO. 1'. O. llox 40:17 Chlcopoo 1'alU, SlnRH,, V. R. A. HARDWARE IMPLEMENTS GROCERIES FOR MADRAS, OREGON 4 Glaypool Brothers I GENERAL rt- ERCHANDISE I ? . Clotliing, Boots , Shoes, Etc ' Pronipt Attention to rvlail Orders PRINEVILLE, OREGON IH wny. v 'fL V-'V-ip- VtJWt W "f-H1-JMl V- "if-vV V--V--"V-k? M A. E, CROSBY PEOPBIETOR POSTOFFICE PHARMACY ,JTarris a Comp.ete Line of Drugs, Medicines, Chemlc'als, Honsehold Kemcdle.. Druggists' Snhdries and i'hoto Supplies. Country Mall Orders I give my personal attention. A Graduate !n charge, Safe delivery guaranteed. Your prescription ony.-spCclfclty. Slrychulp and Test Destroyers. Stock Foods and Dips of all kinds. Agoncy for Eastman Kodriks. Both 'lhones. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.' THE DALLES, OREGOfr LIVERY The best in Shaniko Good Stock. Careful Drivers liest of Hay and Grain Fed At Very Reasonable Prices D, A. Howell, Shaniko, Or. 1 I Shaniko Warehouse Company GENERAL STORAGE AND FORWARDING Special attontion to Wool Gdlng and Baling for Eastern ship ments, Dealers in Blacksmith Coal, Limo and Builders' Material of all kinds. Sulnhur. Word ami d rtlln fin nlra and 'TwivtM Hvntn Flour and Feed. Highest price paid for Hides and Pelts.. 8tdc!i VJ! Yards with all the latest and best facilities for handling Stock. Mark Goods Oare 0! TO W. Co." T. G. CONDON, Manager. Z I tAH r- , a. ..... '. .f x u. tv. rrancn, rres. n. a, Moore, Vice-Pros, F.T. Hurlburt, Cachfer X .. f EASTERN OREGON BANKING COMPANY FOREIGN EXGHANCE bOIJGHT AKD SOLD DRAFTS dN ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD A 11 at V a.. 1' ' Depo.ita, onAINIKU, UntLjiUN 31. . ....... ' J U44AliAAAiAlHAim k X i i ifti X .......... . .'.v'.- "T'TTTTTTTy7TfTfffftffttTftfffTTTfa, 1 ; ' ;-, i'.,',' '. ' ' f. - ls-- vf. tit