mm I I HI J J jugs ai mauras day. . . ..... .In i I llll l'l SlUICi . . jntcu bi - - - ,bilIjSt. Valentin; nted t W"UB w . , -.,.., Wll In Madrns f jUri. fohnl'cck were vbitors ,J,f, . fioin Culver. .11 .. rt & live. 'in best. MCKK" ' Ilc$ler) Wednesday, ,,,c,,ru J;907)t0.hew,feofJnkc Ream!,, a na.t of l.e week on is""5' . i .. r ..... M.nlict. either packlni; li,, flit." or our own make Lbiown 5nti.r l..y on hi way home j.tirtw !'orll.m.l. H,W rtkej-n, of Y ouncs, has filed ' . .r .... , l.. n.iti (i in kc nrooi on gtmtitc near that place. l Rottsh, manager of the Madras JWrkeMnadeaP lu ll,c '''"'"V onTroutcterk this week after beef ' Black am veil III Madras last Isijvmhtlie Idea of sccurinj: land Bi,BingandilookntB over tile coun .jliisseek, Tit Hold' Poni.lrxter is the Mon pop. ls tosifiiy "iv "-" i, maMii.eiit ( ointcotls treatment, jjiccomni)dati m and popular prices. r.kj Bernard W, Has of die Chris- i .. ii II. fillc.! lilt rxniit.'ir iactcicn si r.iiit.inv nil ... .,,-.... pjatisfnt at tins place last Monday roffij, erices l.einj; held in the Davis ii r F. lloinh i' til intiinu to build a sibara on the thice lots which he atilj bought ol I- tank Kodmali, nd ttsj the Georj;c Louckj residence Tie Doslroncil oreaniration of the Urn Odd: fellows lodc will take pxm Satuiday evening. Seventeen Mtosfrom I'rnievillc arc planning to sxt itdassut in the ceremonies. Tlerenval incttuiK which have been adscKd by Ktv II. I.. Hell at the Isaittitr ichool house on Ajjency FitidunnK the past three weeks, were net io a ciosc last ouihiuv evening. Icomiileie auiiiiI v of leual ItluiikH fur jiiii? vviirmiiiv nun iiiiil uiiiiiii rrai. i-iiriLii.i nun i-iuii mill il' lui n. ft Jllll I'M I'fllirf lllll IllU lltlll IIIHI IIM. artwork a Hiiit'lulty. Notary Public jt i ii...i... Prof 1'. C fulton, principal of the i.i 1 1 i ,ii IniAtu In C fI. ..1.1. 1!:. ...III, w w u.aiai JMJ lMiniuulb "ll. Auuiiy icai nrrs examination, miss Hartley ha- been in charge of his pctjflumit! Ins absence. Jit tamers and merchants will begin -mmi. Ihij is the lust farmers tOflOnp III ill. H..c'liitt,a rnlinlru n.. wmuon 1 5 memuers nnu rateld is miles ol line. Uidlaw Grande, AuCinbtr of ti e friends of Mrs. A " i picasani surprise Itie Mciijpr home on Ai'cncv fo, Saturday evening, Ftbriiary 2, in btir Ilf llr ... 1 J MM.. "iniiuiiv V. 1 IIU .. .. niiiiu iu IMVC IJCCII il IIIUSI llule one Autit uii-tod .itr lirinlrii liHir lic.'id -i much in il.. i ...,ni ...v .,"!.. III.!. LIV.IW... "pfwance of v, ,r hus'iness corresnon. Xt. th I... . . ... ..It.. .... ii.. , . i r, on ce is snecia v uwnrtffi in. . i . i . . .... . . . ... .... I.. . , I'.iHicr auout , ftiaii orders flyecuted, bunk house at (he Will rj' station ?! tvenim.. ii ' .1 .i... .1... n. . a- a a i.iUSCU 111. II II I U ;P from the jovc. The contents were ?ed with Hip bnijnB. The build- Fl'Utirarhf ill '...I i in '""J "cw anu was owned M. Cornell lournal. ' Rtv- J k'. Craig of the ' Methodist rcUd MderK. w. Wilder of the "e.Hrclhicn in Chris., opened a jJ0' revival meetings in Sanfoul's liall lit "iiii.ii nave uceu Intended f the The nieetinKS will con L., "nwin-ler of this week nnd WlhrouBh ,wweek. L?" Millic,Vl c,,1"e in ffn Il3 Pine 'C1' ,,,c 0h,:( dny and br,ns lift. , " l',,ouftl to make the heart i ""iter rdoiic. a n,.nu t M. . we,e wokini; for cattle on (he des. twl,0Mlana of rlbo'ut 35 Cn8, ll!.,? lnlcs fr01" Mr. MHII. iand TllC covvbys ran i Into the e,U tatnpc(lc(1 ,lu!- They could j ,Mj '';'5wh their ciuirts. It i e desert r "u u,c,r w"' 1 L frm the mn mini h. 'nrii.r Miss'Mne Jackson is confined to her home by Illness this week. C C. Ashley returned Monday from a visit at i'rlnevlllo mid Hend. Mr. nnd Mrs. (Jcnrj;e F. Cyrus of Si4 ters nrefvistlinR relatives in Madras. Mrs. Cyttis is n daughter ohTohn Isham. Max Ltteddcmann of Madras 'and J. II. Manor of I'rlncvillc left Dtifur Tues day morning on their way home from Portland and Salem nnd are expected to arrive this week, coming through by tr din Mr. VVm Tenil gave a patty to the little folks of Madras last Saturday after, noon in honor of the sixth anniversary of the biith of little Mii,s Hazel Terril. Games and n luncheon made a merry time for the youngsters. Motford Nye managed to get lost on the desert last week and nearly loit his life, being without food for two days and nights. It seems that he started from George Milllcan's place on Pine Moun tain to go to his home on Hear Creek. The freshly Ja'lcn snow was nearly i $ feet deep and the horse he was riding soon lost his way. It was bitter cold, too, and as everything was covered with snow a fire was out of the question. At last, on the morning of the third day, starved and nearly frozen, he located him self five miles from his home, and lost no time in finding it. It was an experience Mr. Nye would not care to repeat. Kc view. The snow is not only playing hob with the railroads but is making it Interesting as well as unprofitable for some of the cattlemen of Crook county, especially thoic who were caught on the road to market. Leo Lafollctt left Ptinevillc a week ago last Sunday with a fine bunch of beef cattle bound for the Pottlaud market. He got as far as lli.ishr when he heard of the washout on the Columbia Southern. He concluded that it would be a batl lime to drive to Shaniko so changed his course to the Salzman ranch near Antelope, where he Is feeding Until railroad trallic is resumed. He and Roy Harvey arc taking care of the stock. Journal. E. A. Jenkins, who resides south of Madras, writes the Pioneer that lie doesn't believe the coyote story published last week. He say's that a 75 pound shotc would be too much lor a coyote to carry a quarter of a mile up a hill. Further. more he states (hat he is satisfied that it was a cougar that had the pig, as one of his neighbors heard a cougar's cries on Wednesday night of last week. The Pioneer does not pose as an authority on juch matters. It tries to print as nearly the (ruth as is possible, and this coyote story was printed as it was rekltcd to us. Hut we do know that (he rocks above this pig pen are n rendezvous for a number of coyotes and that they arc seen almost daily in that vicinity, and at night thier lOncly yelpings drift down to the town. Coyote! have greater stunts to their credit than this. Two or three of them have been seen making of! with a good sized calf, leaving no evidence that any portion of their burden was di ageing the ground. SOHM-FISCH WEDDING . ... v MIhh I.vdln A. FIhuIi and Mr. Ilur- nun .1. Holnn worn married lust Mod- lay mornlnu, February 11, HI07. Rev. I. J. Craig Hok'iniilzlng tbu matrimo nial IioikIh Tho weddlnir look nlnco at tlio homo of MIcb Kllzubftlt FImjIi, nlHter of tin bride, on Opal Pralrlo, and wa at- tondud by itiutiihiTH 01 tho Drlilu'a fam ily and a tvw littlniato fr lends. II 8. hurklnof Madras noted hh best, man mil JIIhhTIIIIo Finch, a nlMer of the btltlc, wiih bridesmaid. Many lumutl- fill prcfoulH wero received by tho lumpy couple. Tim brhlo Ih tho second daughter of Mr. F. F. FlBch of Opal Prairie, and Ih l well known and most eatlmahlo oiing lady who has many frlemlH in lilt in.l.'hborhood. Tim groom Ih a progruHHlvrt young hardware dealer of Coiinell, Washington. Mr. S.duii and IiIh brhlo departed Monday for Tho Dullon, and from there will goto Portlanl ami Hoattlo to vIhIL with relatlvoH and friends, af ter which they will niako their home at Connoll, Wahhlngton. HAIiniMAN PUSHING SURVEYS SI" Caudlo returned to Ikuid Sun day after quite an extended almeiico working with Iluok'a oro.v of mirvoy- or. Whon no ibm, y inaklng permanent location along " . . . 11... 1I..II f null lY. tllO BOlltll IOrit 01 111" iuui.iu". pooled to noniploto hla work Inyibout a week. 81 brought the iiowh that tho lliirrlinan englueorn throughout Cen tral and KnHtern Oregon have received their iiorinanont loon- tloiiHWlth all poHfltble ppeed, ho that 1... u. wmihl bo ready for con- otruollon na eoon as spring opened. It 1 ... kltouk rliuh IsHtttdthut the oatiHo ior nii " orders l tho fear that tho Oregon ill Mlonl a maroh on liar- XI II II Ik .IU." " . i I .i. iti.i DttsohuteB and Invado lila Coutml Oregon territory beforo ho iKll.i'l.Yilf 1 1 1 1 IN Mil' C SHAWKO, Off. I We want a share of your trade for 1 9 0 7 Our High Grade goods offered, service and Low Prices, Merit It CENTRAL OREGON'S B I Q DEPARTMENT STORE Every cash purchaser can have a Grand Entertainer a Talking Machine in the home. We are giving them away. Get in formed and save our Coupons. INDIAN SCOUT DEAD Samson, Who Sorvod In Noz Porco War, Dies At Warmsprlng Snmson, 11 Warnigpring In dian, who served during the Nez Perce Indian W'sir ns gov ernment scout, died oh the res ervation last week nged ubotit 80 yenra. He was one of the oldest, charadei s on the reser vation. Snmson did meritori ous service sis a scout and inter preter during the 'war men tioned, and carried with hi in to (he day of his death a writteli testimonial of valuable set vices tendered, civen him by his confmanding general. It is said that he could talk the Nez Perce language as well as any of their own tribesmen, as well as other native tongues, and was a brave and craft' scout. Samson lived just across the creek from the Agency store. An Indian woman named Lucy Gadshaw came near drowning in an effort to cross the Shi tike creek ac tho time of his death. She was mounted, on a horse and tho water being high, the hOrsb soon got into swimming water, giving the woman a hard struggle to save her life. Samson had an allotment of land on the reservation and other property. It is under stood that one daughter sur vives him. When an Indian dies his personal property is di vided among his relatives and neighbors, although1 tho lands aro still held in control, to a de gree, by the government, ELK DRUG STORE Carries a full line of clean fresh drugs, perfumes and toilet articles FRED J. DAMON MADRAS, ORECON THE DALLES HOSPITAL 1.'. . , m .1. , Tlxo XDalless, Oregon. A PRIVATE HOSPITAL for the treatment of all medical nnd Burgicul dlHeaaeH, except such as are conlngintiH. PATIENTS MAY EMPLOY THEIE OWN PHYSICIANS Tniirtlni! School for nurHeti In connec Hon. For-Information concerning the uniu uddrew 8upt. of Nurses. HOSPITAL f? PLTES From S10 to $21 per week, according to room, Including hospital euro and board. For further Information address DRS. FERGUSON & REUTER, Tlic Dalles, Oregon. Watch this space for the Announcement of the Bend-Madras-Shanikd Stage Line 1 Z. F. MOODY ! GENERAL COMMISSION & ! FORWARDING MERCHANT Urgo luol Commodious Wnrohoiinp. ...ConalgnmoritH SollelteJ, I'roriijit attention paid to, tboso who lavor us V u'lili tliulr tiatrnnuiro. I SHANIKO, OREGON X Here is your chance to BUY A STOVE CHEAP FOR 10 DAYS ONLY Regular $15 Heaters for $13 14 10 ti U it 6i it ti ti 45 Range 15 Steel Cook for 11 8 3 36 13 McTAGGART & BYE MADRAS, OREGON Clay pool Brothers GENERAL Merchandise Clotlaiog, Boots bnoes, istc s t'rornpt Attention to Orders - PRINEVILLEj OREGON gr-rfft ygriffcygrxfgi y yyiy jjjt v- JU Hf- VW 1 jl njy jy. y itjfjuj j A, E, CROSBY 1 It O P It I E T 0 It POSTOFFICE PHARMACY Carrlcn a Comt.ete'L trie of DrugH, Medicines, Chemlcrils, Household Remedies, Druggists' Smidrie.s nn I'lioto Supplier. Countrj- Mail Orders I give ray personal attention. A Ormluatii ehnrge. Safe delivery Kuarnnteed. Your prescription my gpeelaltj-. Strychnine itiid J'est Destroyers. Stock Foods and Dtp of all kinds. Agauey for Kastm'an Kodaks. Iloth 'Plimiti. WHOL'ESAliE AND KETAIL. THE DALLES, OREGOSf y A mmmm . V i i A 1 VERY 1 OS The best in Shaniko Good Stock. Careful Drivers Best of Hay and Grain Fed At Very Reasonable Prices D. A. Howell, Shaniko, Or: (O 1 to ass (is axs (US ts Is Shaniko Warehouse Company GENERAL STORAGE AND FORWARDING Special attention to Wool G-dlng and Baling for Eastern ship ments. Dealers in Blacksmith Ooul, Lime and Builders' Material of all kinds. Sulphur, Wool and Grain Sacks and Twine, Grain, Flour and Feed. Highest prica paid for Hides and Pelts. Stock Yards with all the latest and best facilities for handling Stock. Mark Goods Oare of "S. W. Co." T. G. CONDON, Manager. t4;t Z r J. W. French, Pros. H. A. Moore, Vlce-Pres. F. T. Hurlburt, Cashier EASTERN OREGON BANKING COMPANY - fOREIDN EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD DRAFTS ON ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD Capital Stock, $23,000 Deposits, $250,00d SHANIKO, OREGON t t S I ! i la ble to occupy tho nem wuu . II tl...l tf .til if In. , -7 ueep.-joumdl. own iiubii."--A'ii;u """