The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, January 31, 1907, Image 8

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Progress Without
Farm Production
pllshment how to rako a good crop every
year in this 700 f-qnaro miles ot nliont
land is tho man to whom will rightly be
long tho honor of being our best "Eniplro
Highest Honors As Empire Builder
"will Belong To Him Who Shows
How To Raise Gbttd Crops
s Vhilc theroarc many matters of Interest
to occupy the minds of the people of this
suction nt this time, it is woll to occasion
ally take a "reckoning" and to bo sure
that we r. afizc the most essential object to
be attained and to keep a true proportion
of the importance of different things in
view. It is necessary to do this for the
reason that mail! working at his highest
powers can only accomplish about so
fninch. If Ills energies and time are ex
pended on non-essentials the iuipoitant
things must go undone) or bo done by
some ie else. Concentration on the one
esse.itiai object and the elimination of
unimportant matters which waste tlmu
and energy is the true road to success,
Thu nutter of paramount Importance to
every resident or this section at this time
is the production of a good crop, and ns
tins is naturally a farming country the
.production of a profitable crop will always
-stand first in importance. Unless this can
Do done, there can be no bright hopo for
the future, We have heard it said that a
, railroad line into this district is the most
desirable thing at present, in order to take
our products to market. But the fact
remains that the crop must be produced
before it is hauled to market-, and quite
naturally we must look to our farmers to
produce it.
Tho expciicncoof the past two years has
.been-ilw. theprop production was not
satisfactory. ""With a continued repetition
officii a yield no great degree of prosper
, ity cnild ever be attained here. With a
dozen railroads and poor crops there
would be no progress. A country, like a
man, inuit be developed from the inside
;outwaid. The construction of a railioad
line has never been known to change a
climate, but they can't be kept out of a
country that produces a big sure crop
.me ureai, me iie.sirauie the necessarj
pn uiein lor uie people of tins section to
solve is how to raise good crops. This is
the only tiling that will build us an em
. And mat this can be done easily by the
application of proper methods is being
proven by thousands of successful farmers
,tlie in f end-arid regions every year, under
'.nr.. .1 I I I .1 .
iLr,,iiLiuii3 jcss lavoraoie man Here pre
sented. L nesc men arc using the methods
advocated under the name of Scientific
Farming. If the name scares a fArmer he
.Should get better acquainted with it, or
nuiLi.uiuujg. snouiu understand Ms
business as a crop producer or else apply
niiiseit to something that lie loves better
than the farm.
. And there is every opportunity for every
man to know all that has been learned
,tilong tills fine by the most scicntifi: far-
.niersof the world. The department of
agriculture is constantly issuing bulletins
on these deeply interesting subjects,
wnicn may be had for the asking. Men
like 11. W. Campbell, who are giving their
lives to tlie work, are publishing books
.and pamphlets which can be purchased
for a few cents. The application of the
principles taught in this literature is
making millions of dollars annually for
the progressive farmers.
ine all-important thing is to get the
iarmers interested along the successful
11.. e. a- .
lines oi larnnng and the upbuilding of
their homes. While the advent of a raii
roa 1 line, a moie convenient ai.d econom
ical community government-, the improve
mentof roads, the solving of the water
.problem, efficient mail service and all
these things are needed-, too, for the full
est enjoyment of life, they are not so vital
to the development of this creat wheat em
,pire as the successful raising of a profita-
. Die crop ot wheat. Until this is done
.every year, and the matters of luck and
insufficient rainfall are eliminated, it will
,be a hard row to hoe. With a sure crop
erery year everything else will tome
And the subject is one of deepest inter
cscanu strong attraction. Thousands of
.the uejt brainy hi the world are being de
voted to science agriculture. The com-
nion clods unc',er our feet-, the air we
, breath, the waters, we drink and the sun
shine furnish a laboratory the possibili
ties or wiiteli are rally beginning to be
.realized. In no manner whatever can
-mnn coins so near being a creator as by
plant propagation. JSvery growing or liv
ing tiling is only a form or combination
oiiotnis or me natural elements. One
form is a flower, another is good wheat.
.another is delicious fruit, another a spir
ited norse, and even the body of man him
self is composed of the same elements.
But v ith his knowledge man handles all
these elements to Ills own advantage that
is, if he has the ambition and desire with
in him to gather to himself this knowl
edge, which It requires no more energy to
get than it doe3 to read political "dope" or
the tale or sony atrocious criin.o or some
, abnormal lack ot moral facultios which
cause people, to E9 wrong. ,
The standing of, "xvoik" lias risen re
markably In tire estimation of tho civilized
world In recont dears. , People are begin
ning to Jiava moro rcape-:t,fpr it, Jt Is not u
iiieccssary evil.. TJicljest'taatj today is tho
.man who doss his work hpnqstly and well
and ever strives to impjoue, the, product,
his time and hands und-l'ralii. itFacirwork
Is not degrading. It is .iheatbfuj. noble
From the Scientific Farmor
Deep plowing conduces to a moist sub
soil, When laud Is first broken the sub
soil is usually dry, In the arid region, but
after a season or two of scientific tillage
there Is usually a surplus over and abovo
tho amount used by the crop. which in
times of plentiful precipitation, will leak
into the subsoil for future use. Although
the roots of tho crops may not come in
actual contact with said moisture, the top
soli, by the action of capillarity in damp
weather, and evaporation and condensa
tion In the mulch In dry wcathcr will ab
sorb a portion of it, and the full effect of a
damp subsoil underneath the plowed
ground on a crop may equal from one-half
an Inch to an inch in precipitation.
In dry weather, when tho ground is not
wet enough for caplllniity to act( the
moisture still continues to rise, but in the
form of moist air or vapor. Cultivation
prevents this from escaping into the at
mosphere audi during the cool nights, it
c 'iidcnscs in the sort topsoll and forms a
kind of underground dew, a great help
sometimes In days of drouth.
The best argument in favor of good
work on the farm is that it fills the farm
er's pocket and enhances the value of his
estate a hundredfold. Since the advent of
deep plowing and scientific farm methods,
land has increased in value all over the
West and will keep on increasing for
years to come, for nowhere else in the
United States can land be bought for les
than ?50 an acre that will produce the
crops that our lands produce under our
system, which is more economical than
irrigation and therefore produces larger
profits with a much smaller capital.
eaily nil cultivated plants get their
Mtipplyof moisture from the soil. This
fact shou'd be remembered when nlowlne
and fitting the land. The part which the
plow plays in assisting moisture to riso by
capillarity to the rootlets of the plant,
and in modifying the evaporation of the
water fiom tho mrface of the land, should
be thoroughly understood. If thcsollbe
very poi us, the air circulating through it
carries off a large amount of inoisturo; if
too compact, t e interstices would be so
largely closed that capillarity would be
weak. In neither case could the best re
sults be obtained. The aim of the farmer
should be to place the soil in such a physi
cal condition as will best promote the
movement of moisture from the subsoil to
where the roots of the thirsty plant can
use it in the hour of need. To accomplish
this, the soil must be made fine and then
compacted to a considerable depth. Here
again, the plow plays an important part,
for in order to be mado fine and compact,
the soil must firt be lifted so that the in
ert mass may bo twisted ami hrnVm,
up into small particles. Water tonds not
only to ri?e,but to diffuse Itself throuch
tne sou, moving from the more moist to
the drier parts: and every opportunity to
do so tliould be given It. until It reaches
the surface of the soil; when it should ba
checked. Otherwise the effect of plowing
is to dry the land.
Kishwalk, one of the most prominent
and well known Indians on . the Warm
Spring Reservation died during the week
at his home on the hill north of the
Watmspring river on the Tygh Valley
road. Kishwalk was well advanced in
years, and the direct cause of his death
was not learned. In past years lie was
well known to travelers over the Warm
spring wagon road as his home was a
stonnimr Place on the route. He was
nuite well to do and owned considerable
numbers of sheep and other livestock
His passim? awav removes one ol the
old and nicturcsciue characters of the
. j-,
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1S7S.
Notice for Publication.
Laud Office nt The hallux, Oregon,
October 21,
Xotleo is lierobv given that In compliance
with the provisions ot the act ot Congress of
June y, lsTrt. entitled "An act for the saLe of
timber lands In tho states of California, Ore
iron. Nevada, and Washlnctou Territory." as
extended to at the public (and states by act of
August 1, lsyj.
Margaret A. Et.klns,
of Prineville, county of Crook, state of Qrogon,
has this duv fifed in thlsot'lcuhcrswurn state
ment No. ,'tfOl, for the purchase of tho njjuw'j
and w'juc1 si-c.'ll, t 11 s. r Me, w in,
AUl MILL OI1LT piOOl JO Rl.ll ,1 11.11 1 ll.l- 1H11U
sought is more vat.uable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural, purposes, nnd to estab
lish her claim to said land before tho County
Clerk at l'rlnevllie, Oregon, on tho 25th day of
January, I'M" .
She namos tho following witnesses: II M
Street, ami L Stiver, both of Sisters, Oregon,
and 1 JInnett and A C Strange, both of
l'rlnevllie, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to tile
their claims In this ofllec on or before said
23th day of January, 1907.
Michael T. Nolan,
H22-J2J " Register.
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior
Laud Ollice at The Palles, Or.,
December 122, 1000.
Notice is hereby uiven tliut Jacob
DeShazer, of Madras, Oregon, handled
notice of his intention to make final
comtutitutiou proof in support Of his
claim, viz: ,
II E No 1-JG02 made August 21, 1003,
for the nwjsec 17t tp 11 s, r 13 e, w in
And that said proof will bo made
before Frank Osboru, U S Commis
sioner, at his ollice in Madras, Oregon,
on February 5, 11)07.
He names the following w itiiessen to
prove his continuous residence upon
and cultivation or, tile land, viz:
J O Sotliman, Theoror Ilurtuagt-I,
Louis "Wilson and Glenn Gruham, all
of Madras, Oregon.
Micbnel T. Nolan.
j3-3l lteglsur.
Timber Lunlr, Act Juno 3, 1878
U. 8. LandOnioei The IlalloB, Oro.
November 21, 1000.
Notice Is hereby kIvom Unit In com;
pllanco with the provision of the , no
Id confess of Juno 3, 188, entitled
"An not for the salo of timber lands in
thotdntes of California, Oit'ion, Ne
vada and Washington Torrlioryi" um
extended to all tho" nubile land tdatt-H
by not of Aliuust-I', 181)2,
Winthrop A. Foley',
of Blxtcrt-i county of Crook, Htutoof
Oregon-, hat Mils day tiled In tjils olllee
his sworn Hlatenii'iil No, 3031, for the
purchase of thee1, iie.. see 12, tp 11
s r I) e, and Lots u ami a, see , tp n
s, r 10 e w m.
And will oiler prtof to lioy that
the laud souirlit Is more valuable .for
Its timber or stono than for agricul
tural purposes, and to establish hlw
claim to said land before the County
Clerk at rrlnevllle, Oregon, on tho
8th day or February- 1007.
He names ns witnesses: 15 II yparks,
Joo (iialiiim, Cuy Alllnglmni, all of
Sisters, Oregon; L K Alllngliatn of
I'rlnevllits Oregon.
Any and all persons elaimlng ad
verfe'ly the above-deHorlbed lands are
requested to lllo their claims in UiIh
nlllco on or before said 8th day of Feb
ruary, 1007.
(16-17 Register.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior,
Land Olllco at The Dalles, Or.,
December 2S, 1006.
Notice is hereby given that May H.
Jackson, of Madras; Oreiroiii inn Hied
notice of her intention to make Dual
commutation proof in support of he
claim, viz:
H No 13871 made October 21
1001, for the sw quarter sec 10, tp 10
r 13 f, w m
Ami that said proof will he mud
before Fruuk OnhonA U S Commis
sioner, at his olllce.iu Madras Oregon
on heiiruary u, 1007.
She Mimes the following witnexseH
to prove her continuous resilience
upon, and cultivation of, the laud, viz
.Mllo Uanl. XV V .Moore, William
Haunon and LM Lamb, ail of Madras,
Michael T. Nolan,
3 31 Register.
Timber Hand, Act Juno It, iBtH
Ij.S. Limit Office; Tho Dalles, Or.,
.Wnvoinbur 2, im,
A'otico Ishi'iehv Klvon Unit In (-01111111.
unco with tho piovlslons of tho net of Con
Bless nt. hum , l87H, untitled An act fur
the sale of timber hinds In the stales or
Calirninia, Oicgon, jVevnda and Wa-hlng.
ton Territory," as extended to all iiu,
public hunt slates by 't f August J, i2,
or drizzly, county of Crook, state of Ore
gon, has Ihls (lay (lied In this mime his
-worn slHtiiiiient A'o 11518. for the purchase
a lots , 2, II and 1, or nee lH, tp 12 s, r iu 0,
w m, ,
And will offer proof to show that the
land sought Is moie valuable rr Its tim
ber or stone than for ni Icultural purposes
and to establish his claim to said laud
before the County Cleik at l'rlnevllie,
Oicgon, on the 7th day of Ftii-runry, 1I107.
Ho names as wltnossesi (leorgo Deo
and Jfimrv Montgomery, of (Irlzzly, Ore
uon, and irilllam Josiltiaud L EDougfai,
or I layered'. Oregon.
Any ami uij pmsoils claiming adversely
the above-described lauds are requested to
llle their eliilum In tills olllco on or bufoiu
laid 7tli day of February, iW)T.
MlUllAKh T. WOhAN,
dO-J31 Register.
Timber hand, Act Juno U, i8'7rt
U. . Land Olllco, The Dalles Or.,
November U, wu.
A'otlci' Is hereby given that in rmnpll
mice with the nrovlshins of the net 11 r Pun.
gress of.hiiio:!. lb?H, entitled "An act for
the sale of timber lauds iu tho states of
w"llee Is Ji;h. . . J
1'" Kill
"iiiuiiri r r 1. . .
;'u.ty"i rr otviiWm
' s ((uitnan 5ln, ,(n.
liu-17 Jfio,,
1 hnber Lm,i ... .
Police W
V Willi :6r.rwi
10 la HI Hf.i tuu I... -;?VvVvU Ift
n my nni nr . "
. tr tin ii if 1. n
l.t ' 'mb iiav nnA
ol.aseof tlc, i " ;- m
lis, rlile.w.m imn
, A lid will offer.ptMttn
mid -ought U 1 iSreTX
and to estiib lih 1,1.
iirv. inn; ui
The Pomeroy model frm al Hill nitv.
Kansas, continues' to serve as an illustra
tion of the wonderful wot k accomplished
by scientific soil cuiture. For six consec.
utlve years wheat has been grown on this
farm with yields of two three, four and in
two different years more than five times
as mueh as was raised on adjoiniuc fields
cultivated under ordinary methods.
i his year, so Prof. II. w. Oampball re.
ports to us, "A severe hail storm damaged
the crops at the Pomeroy farm, esncciallv
the wheat. It was estimated that, on the
field which had been summer tilled the
previous year, moro than half the crop
was destroyed. 2'weniy-sovcn and a half
buihels of wheat per acre were harvested
in spite of this unfavorable condition."
Timber Land, lct June 3, 1878
Notice for Publication.
U. S. Land Office. The Dalles. Or..
November 22. 1U00.
Notice is hereby given that iu compli
ance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3, 187, entitled ".an act
for the sale of timber lands iu the Hates of
California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash
ington lenitory," as extended to nit the
puunc (anil states by act of August 4, 1892,
the follow ins-named persons have, on
Octobers, 1906. filed iu this ofllce their
sworn statements, to-wlt:
Julia May lloriiau.
of Prineville,- county of. Crook, state of,
Oregon, sworn statement .no. asijl, for the
purchase of the e)so;sec7 and wj"sw),
see o, ijj 10 s, r ji e, w m,
Viola llorigan,
ot Prineville, county of Crook, state of
uregon, sworn statement No. 85(52, for the 01 rue e.nwj4, 8W4nejf and
in;i-,ei 01 sec m, ip iu s, r 11 e, W 111,
Eliza Snoderly,
or Prineville, county of Crook, state of
Oregon, sworn statement iYoitofW, for the
purchase of, the sKse, se'4swj? and Lot
,see 10, i) las, r 11 e, w III,
Ami will offer proofs to show that the
lands soimht are more valuable for the
timber or stone thereon than for agricul
tural purposes, and to establish their-
claims to salu lands before the Countv
1 1 . . ..1 i. ni tit .
7 7907 r""vl,lt uregon, on ?euruary
I hev name the followlnir wltnesKes! r.
Evlllingliain, J V Uoonc, Julia May Jfor
igan", Hoiula Claypooland K G Smith, of
1 jiiiuvme, uregon.
any and all persons claiming adversely
any of the above-described lands are re
quested to file their claims in this office on
or before the said 7th day of February,
, , MrciiAKr. T. Nolan,
'10-J31 lteglster.
Department of tho Interior.
Lund Olllco at l'he Dalles, Or.
Decombor 28, 1000.
Xotlco is hereby giveu tliut Marga
rot L. McClure, widow of Edward J2
McClure, deceaHoif. of Portland, Ore
gou, has filed noiicu of her Intention
to make final five-year proof In sup
port of her claim, viz:
II E No 10101, made December 23
1901, for the ne.'-i see 30, Ip 10 s, r 11 e
w fll
And that said proof will he made
before I-rank Onborn. U 8 Coinmls
sioner, at his olllco ip Madras, Oregon
on February 4lb-. 1007.
Sue names the following witnesses
10 prove tier continuous residence
upon, uud cultivation of, Hie land, viz:
William ritonehoeker. John Ishtim.
Halph Young and W S Crlswell, nil ofj
iiaurae, uregon.
Mrchnel T. Nolan,
J3-3I lteglster.
Department of the Interior.
Land Olllco at Tho Dalle, Or.,
December 22, 1000,
Notice is hereby irlven that Knumlw
u. uarney, or Madras, Oregon, has
tiled notice of his intention to m,tk
final commutation proof In support of
ins uiuiiij, viz;
II E No 14777 made Novemhor 1
1005, for tho eue"J and rHe'4 sec
'w, ii iu o, 1 jo r, -,v ill
And that said nroof will m
before Frank 0born. U H Comlssloin,r.
at liin office 1 11.. Madras, Oregon, on
rum uury o, IVVI.
He names the following witnesses
to prove Ills C0lltillUOI18 residwnoH nnnn
....I.I.......... .. 1
HH, me i it ri u v viz;
J K Campbell, T B Tucker, Juls
vDiruui anu I'raiiic stanglundv all of
maurus-, uregon, .
Michael T. Nolan,
J3-31 lteglster.
Kepresentatlvo Knowles. in a bill
Introduced In the legislature, proposes
to curb tho reckless use of firearms
within the state. The text of the bill
aud the penalties prescribed follows:
-That it shall be unlawful for any
person within this state to recklessly
point, display or discharge any kind
f firearms in or upon any public high
way of tuia state, or where other per
son or persons are assembled, or point
or disclisrge the "same towards auy
dwelling-houee or -other building or
structure hi which at said time ner-
sons may be residing or present, or
reciciessiy discharge said firearms in
any manner so as to tudautrer tho
lives of persons or safety of domestic
animals of auy kind) whether with or
without malice, or actual barm shall
result therefrom or not and, upon
conviction thereof, shall bo punished
by a Hue of not Jess than $10 nor more
tlnui $500, or by imprisonment in the
county jail not less thau 10 days nor
moro than six months, or by both
such fluo and hnprleonmeut-. at the
discretion of the court.
Department of the interior.
U. 8. LAnd Oftleo, The Halle, Oregon,
, January U, 11)07.
Anumclcnt cdi'itcst affidavit having been
nieu in this ollico by
lxuin A Itrnil. cnnlnclAnl
against hoint-ntcad entry So. nfiXi, inado June
2, 1MB, for.fx)t 1 j, 2, a, mc 2, tp 12 h, r 1C c, ncfc
eo V. tp 11 a, r 10 e, w in, by If enry
contestce.ln wlifch it Is allcjed that nald
Henry Gross has wholly abandoned kald truet
iur uiuruiiumi six inonms last liast; that said
iroiji m hoi. seuieu upon anu cultivated by
said party as rt-oulred bv law: that unM (.
ed absence was not due to his emn'm-mont
army, navy or marine corps of tho
United Stat Iu time of war.
nam partly arb iiereby notified to appear,
i ,i . .n . 1 Kt"v"lu MiuciiiiiK sain al
wpsanuu o, wuL-iwk u. in, on iiarcii
before Warron Itrown, county elcrlf,,n .iiV'r".11 ,0ricK. fli"' that final
heiirinff will be held at 10 a. m. 011 Man-h u
?SJ lTi. "e.J.U,er -l.tL-iver at the
u uutu moiM j.uini uiiicu in 1110 ualles, Ore
The said contestant having, In a proper afil
SMlV. 'J .. .. i ??,"'c.r 90:V',0t Wh facts
mici u iiuiKeuce iiorsouiil
service of this notice can not bu inade. It i"
&?.&.?fteE!i oa"?.dlrl!t;tc, uch notice
v B.iv. uuv iuji.-r I'uuiieanon,
. MetflHtcr,
Timber land, Act June 3, 1878,
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior.
Laud Ofilce at The Dalles, Oregon
December 22, 1000.
Notice is iierchv lMvph tlmi vi.i r
louisen, of Madras, Oregon, bus filed
notice or Ills Intention to make Una)
fiye-year proof In support of bin claim,
viz: '
II E No 10200 madf? IWomim,- nt
1001, for tho whwW Hon 9r tn 1 A
(iwH aec 20, tp 10s, r 13 e, w m
And that said proof will ho made
beroro I' rank Osborn. U S ( nrmnlu.
,"2 lyfr:' 8,0'l?r,' Ht ,,l8f.)'-'tt Madras, OreKou.
, it 1,1,5 February 6, 1007.
no uuiiies tne rofiowing witnesses
to piovo his continuous resfdonco uoon
and cultivation of, iho land, vizt
a.?,.,.fi,,,!,V-,r.lot,;- s I'i'iliiPH, !: m
U..H1.11 uuu ouiiu j,suum, an nt Madras.
Oregon. Mlcbal T, iN'olun, '
Notice for Publication.
Land OOlco at Tho Dulles, Oregon,
ftciAcmher 21. innc.
ifjffl' hereby given that In compflanco
Willi the iirnvtulr.MM 1,1 1 , ..
Ju,-et, i78 enti fix Kin act tottufulZ 2 notice of his .mention to make fin 1 cZ
i"v."x:. In t.,?..sta.tcf' "f California. Ore- mutation
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior.
Land O'fUce at The Dalles, Or.,
nt . . . Dcccm1'er3'1 1006.
Notice is hereby L'iven il.r.r uiiii.
ln,k f -. '" , ' " mill w.
Lauras, uregon. m fii-,i
.llItllAKI, 1. lO,.X,l,
dfl-17 HcKlbtur.
Inolatcd Tract.
Notice for Publication.
Public Land Hale.
United Htfttes Unit Olllcc.
The Dalles, Oregon, January 1907.
Notice Is hereby given, that a directed: by
the t oriiinlMioncriif the Uetivral Laud Ofllce.
nniler provision if apt of Ciincre nimroveii
Juti..7. l-., Public No. .uli, we will infer nt
pui lie Hale to the Inchest lilililt-r. at 2 it. in.
on tho 12th day of l-Vurtiary next, nt this ollice,
ine iDinmiiiL' tracts or mini. Ki-wii:
The sw' of sec 22 ami the uw'AwwVl of
rcc .1, ii ui.riic, h in.
Any persons claiming adversely tho above
ilccrllK.-.l Iniids are advised to file thull
claims, fr objection, on or before the ilay
Buovc iii-iguBieu tor sate.
.'.'iwiiAKi. i. .-mji.a.n, itegistar
JI0-f7 AXX1! it. LA.NU, ftecetver
IIJ Itl III., ..r I tfljl l,f NIflllll III.. -r-vii
V IHIIIII .1 ., W.VKWI,, 4. Villi,-. ,.,111 if finill'IU T , ' ' "iKMliail 1111 PlalM I.
mil 1 i tllliuj I o UAiruuvii i.i iiiu uuu- I . . ..lOlt-r mill 11a.,
lie Iniid suites by act of August 4, 1H'J2,
Klljith 11. S)rti ks,
uf hower Iti'ldtfc, county of Crook, state
01 Oil-noil, has tliN day filed In this cfliee
his sworn statement No IH505, for the pur
clniHe of the sw'tuel', cknwjfscc VI and
sew't sec LH, tj s, r II e. w in,
Aim win oner piooi 10 snow that the
iniid soiif-lit Is moro vnluahlii for IU tim
ber or stone tlinn for ai Iciiiturnl purposes
and to eotalilish Ills clnlm to said land
befoie the County Ceik at Prineville,
Oiepn,on the 8th day of February, 11KJ7.
He Humes as witue.'-ses: h K Mlliif-hnm
of I'linevUle. Oieuon. and A If Alllnu
Iiiuii, V a Foley and I'rnnlc llodyfult, all
of Lower lliidKe. Oregon.
Any and all persoi.s clntmtnfr .adversely
iheab-ive-de-crlbed lauds ure icq nested to
tile tnelr elnlius In this ollice m or before
suiilHth dny of Fulirtiury, UH)7,
11.. . A
jniiiii-K n 1.11. .
hiiiiLM.r.niinf it.rr," '
Timber Land, Act Juno f, 1S7K.
United States Uud OOlco,
'i lie Dalles, Orifon, January W, W7.
Notice .- hereby given that iu compliance
with the j rovlsons of tho art of ('ongreiis of
Junes. l.sTs, entitled "An act for tho sale of
timber lauds In the states of California, Ore
gon, Noada, ami Washington Territory," as
extended to.rdl the public land states oy act of
August 4, lhy2, thi;. following-named tersou
have filed In this ofllce their sworn statements
Male N. Carney, .
of Portland, county of Multnomah, stale of Or
tgon, sworn statement No. 3710, tiled December
31, lfOO, for the purchase of the xwl4 see
27, MVi ks'4 sec 2S and nU llwW s?c 31, tp 12 tr
r It e, w m.
Oeorgo A. JouW.
of fieattfc, county of King, state of JVashlng
ton. sworn statement S'o.:07 filed December
3, liKs., for the purchase 0 th soli
cc .', n'j ucU and ncji uwJ-V sees, tp
i.t s, r 11 e. w m.
And will offer proofs tn show that the lands
sought are more valuablu for thu timber or
stouu thuruou than for agricultural purposes
and to establish their claims to said, lauds
nuiore uiu iiegistor and ilccolvor at The
Dallos. Oregon, on Anrll i. 1WI7. '
rhey nauiu ns witnesses: Qcorge A Jono ol
Seattle, Washinguni; Cora A Jones, Charles
Uroek, Wllilsia ilrock and Mrs. T. V. Carney.
of Ueiul, Oregon ; Male N Carney, of Portland,
AllV lind all Ix.rMirm nlslmltirr a,f citrwil v aiii-
of the alMive-descrlbed laiuls aru reouested to
'l'J' their claims In thlH.oifleu 011 or before the
ouiu .u uay 01 April, IU07
MiciiaklT. .VOLjIJ,
D'ejtHrtment of the Interior.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
' January 2?, 1W7.
Notice Is hereby given that KlUabeth Hieli
arils, ofMadras, Oregon, hVs mod notfeo of her
intention to make final five-year proof Iu sup
port of her.ealm, via:
uoincstead entry No. 10,373, mado fchrunry
io, for the sU seW cc 6 and 11U ne'i see s.
tp 12 s, r 13 c, w in. ,.
And that said proof will ho mado before frank
Osborx, I" H coiumlsslouer at his ofllce In Miub
ras, Oregon, on March 5, l'ju7.
Khu names the followhiif witnesses to nrovo
hor loiilliiiioiis reshlcnee unon and cultivation
of, the land,
V Jouklmi, If. x (JDlftin. liobcrt Barnctt
aim & nanta, alt of Madras, Oregon.
Miciuhi, T, IlOI.A.V,
Iteg liter.
Isolated Tract.
Notice for Publication.
I'ubllc Land Sale,
t'nlted States Land Ofllce.
The Dalles, Oregon, January 5, 1907,
Notice is hereby given, that as directed by
the Commlss oner of tho General Laud omr.l
leT ohlghcst ' idd, llTclatt SanySf
. f..ii.:..:!.. "f"Lf next, at this . one names as witnesses-
under provisions of act of Oongrcss approve
a. m.. 011 tli
ollice, the following tract of laud; to-wit"
. c '"' vu .,',li,., " r e w n.
loiujuiK uuverseiy tho
are uavised to file their
Bip mo limuexc-iu uoip jiiuu-ein jinnspi, -v"'0,lTrVi7vT,ii. Km .
W .1 ,,n. ..n. nt ia n lA.irfl I . . . ... 1 .. I 1 . n .....,1.1. I.IQi
vuu tiiHuuuu ituvi oiiuwa vy uuiuui nueuui ANNH It, LAMO. Itecelvur
and Inspiring when the farmer's heart Is .uavLlt?1 i Hla
lH it. The way to build tb-fccowitry it tp cte!mSr' 5bJe!Sns7
Augusdtt iww,1 tlJC pu,;lc "J M" by "
i. ,. renco L. 1'crcy.
pf Pr nevluo, county of Crook, Mato of Oregon
tatemen't'i " .i""' imS ' '
?..?Bm.enLNoi -PV' tot 'he Piirchaso of tho
ffi KvCnf ' "CC 28 a,)i lvM
And wDl offer tirnnf tn ut,W n.... .1... , ,
iy Stl 'n vaiuabeVrlfs tjmbor'or S
,u?"1'or "Brleuitura purriosTs. and to cstab-
1, ?, ',ii,u.r i'r,Un V liala n utforo the County
at Clerk at I'rtnevlle. Orecon. on u.ft mm, .1-.. .ft
1 AS li'ftnnacAu . i . . ..
L KAlInham Hn;.Tt7iv"mfJ.v"'.V' A ?W.
vflfo, oregoii. t. r""
uafof7ftuuVrny,H?mM " r 8tf$J&
aa'm lteglster,
H E No 101:80 mad. Mnt. C
foritheSWcluarterSeC32,.p9s,T13; l
And that said nrnnf .tu i..
t . . . "nt uc inaue
oeiorerrank Osborn, U S Cotnmls
sioner. at h niiu : .... vyhiihis--i
On Fehriinr fi .
j ' w; vu.
He names the followimr
prpve his continuous r.i,un ... .1,
cultivation of, the land"yL7 ' '
Will . . .'
in nitu 11 . osenli Am... iiiuii..
uu Howard
m auras, Oregon.
Ulackahy, all of
Michael T, Nolan,
Timber Land, Act June ll,'l78
l. H, Land afllco, TJie DaHes. Orcgoii,
Foliruarv 17. llKsl.
Nollcii Is luirnht. ..I...... '.. I.. .........ll.
rl.l ill. n.TV.l UlR, ,1. VI'MII'IIMIIV--
with the provisions of l id act of Comrrcss of
Jlinu H, lh,H. UUtltluil "An nil tr I lin uiili, uf
i inii.ii. i i.. ii... . " '. :r
v ii'isin me suites oi i'nntoriua, ore-
lir iuui"',1 if 'ashlngtoii 'fVrr.Hory," as
of Auguit h "j, ' aiatesoyaci
t , i.. Lalichlhi McNeil,
P, cuntralla. county of Lewis, State- of, Wauli"
Kmi.W tld day filed In, this oifico hi
?i,n V ?tM.,',,nint Z'l 'MtK 1(r the j.urchaso of
scol.i.lp ji h,tH)v, win,
,llI.l.V',,'P2forpn'0' 1" "hew tbaf tho laud
1?M.hi"ror. VfhioMe for Us tlinbtr of stoiio
iii , r yKrli-'JiUoral purposes, nndtoostab
,,,, u v,Mm Xo M ,H"d beforo tho lteglster
5 i1. SCU,'W lt. TUo ". Oregon, on tho
20th day of March, 1DU7.
w!'w ".8,,!HJH. M witnesses: Jnsoph (Iraliam,
Kdwiirdflrahiim and Kato McNeil, all of Mis-
lu(,vVK!!, ", AI,C0 V. IlurrUon, of Ceil
tralla, Waslilngtoii,
"A1 Ifryomi claiming adversely tho
tuJil": lui1(!r,.ln!',i Mul " requostod lo lllo
diy ot March lW UIC0 " r ( Haia'aUl'
w2 Meittstcr.
Ti mbcr Z.and. act Jitn
II S. 1 nti.lin:. tnt i. .
v".ii auiii
nur Willi imp
tItOHflT(M)f tlllilifr fimli u l
... . " .."w'f ' vim Nil
fin i itrrifi-irv " fij i. ii
ilf (till IMflliHl ht ifli.,..
(Tltl. lift fill- ill., itf.,.l t .i.
..i..i.MV, iiiwvt WBIl'Jffl.
Boueiii is it ore vstin lis for
(tone tlinn for nirrlcullunl k
10 e.M.'lllIlsll h rfiln. In ..U
tllU f'lllllltV fVittt I'rln.rill.
thcHthdAyofFelnnrrilJO?, '
fill It. ..4.. ..If I. . list
A 'flltil 'ifiTAtMA IUI.Ia A...
i .ii "tli:.,.?
.u I m III. r
rvmirp inr I'liniirjii
11 . . t ah!
I. nml 11 llrfl Al l iiJi
hi Ik.. a It l l rl.
Hum nifiwi iit.nro oi mi im
sxf li ftln lilt vl
for the iiUwf, e'i"
on in 1 s. rlSr.
And Unit nail Proof WW I rank OlbofD. U S
UIWIIUI f iii.m
on February 5, 1007.
Ho named the roitowicg
to prdvo hi couiinuoai
Illflll. II1I11 l"UIIIIHMVii"i
of Otltver) Oregon
....... i.... i ..i i ct .luce
t'.s. f-andOfnccTheW
. i.,..l.v irhfll thlt
. Olli e. is ii " ., ,' : frt.
mien with t ie nrovrwiuv r.
...... .. f litnan. mifl. rjnti- .
.... fir... .in .f ii-inii. ti?r-
iiiiiui n..., m M
ton To rltory ,
oKseH sec Ionium8' 1
' V..' .: .1i..rr nrOOf v
. ........1.1 i. iimre vsim" -
nun ii' , it s. coni!.
in lore ...,.M.ta
i.i, ..HI...! In Hl'IlU. lirt.'"'"-
ma win. fa -
of Fehi imry, W.
Ui na e.1 n " ..i.,,Jii
f" . V A II fill dolinW'.'. liji J
ii ti as to
" .i ah, i nvOI fni" V
Hif ill ittiit .;int i k j ti-
'i'lniuci n""
f..i.A for ru'"
ti. a.umi0fflcPiffif
. . ..... lven l"
(rressofdiii pV',1;.,,!,
fiie siifo o(t !.r. ,Nul'lJ
,', V In, f If UOIU " U
j :.,i or i-'T,
y. :...z 7. Ji ,i tmiieii i
. - I.IJ I
., i
.'. .'. .'i MrftOOII. ,hW
' .r.,n norsui" i..rB
A -v. i-inrfl i'"-.unl
InndwiuVXn W f 'ill
10 '
I V I Hi 1 1 ". f n IU
. '. ..- uiv.Mii iiiiii'. .n
Ja.i.l l)Hlorii ii'V, floli
. . till ilSl
tlv r-
II"i".,J?",1b Wert
i 1 1
' ".V..V...i nil I
v UIVKO"! ' ... I
1107. .. ...ullneSSM-lt