The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, January 03, 1907, Image 4

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    The Madras Pioneer
January g, 1907
Notice for Publication,
Department of tlto Interior.
Laud Office nt Tho Dalles, Oregon
December SJ2, 1000.
Notice Is hereby given that Niels P.
Potilsnn, of Madras, Oregon, bns filed
notice of bis intention to make Html
five-year proof In support of his claim,
H E No 10200 mnde December 27,
1001, for the waw sec 25 mid
eH'H see 2G, tp 10 s, r 13 e, v m
And that said proof will bo made
before Prank Osborn, U S Commis
sioner, at his olllee lu Madras, Oregon,
on February 5. 1007.
He names tho following wltnpssei
to prove his continuous residence upon
and cultivation or. the laud, viz:
N II Plnkcrton, A S Phillips, K M
Smith and John Ishnm, all of Madras,
Oregon. .ulclini T. iNolnn,
J3-31 Register.
Timber Land, Act .Tune 8, 1878.
Notlco For Publication
U. 8. Laud Office The Dalles, Orogon,
September 1, 1000.
Notlco la horoby given that lu eoni-
Lund Ofllco nt Tho Dulles. OreRon,
September at, imm.
Notlco In horoby (tlvon thnt In (-oinidliiiiee
pliauco with the provisions of tho act with tho provisions of tho act of Coiiiirojn of
i.f aonprpsa of Juno 3. 1878. entitled Juno 8. 1H78. entitled "An net for the mil;' of
... o - - . . . ' . ' . . I I ll...... 1 I.. II... Ut.lAu nt i',iir,.r..iit urn-
tton, Novndn, nitd Vshtnton Territory." m
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior.
Land Office at The Dalles, Or.,
December 22. 1000.
Notice Is hereby given that George
ii 111 . 1 .
11. w iiiuom, 01 vuiverv uregon, tins
has tiled m tice of his intention to
make Hual five-year proof lu support
of his claim, viz:
II E No 8073 mnde March 20, 1000,"
for the neswjij, esuw.1 and nvJy
nwj eeo 2G, tp 12 a, r 13 e, w m
And that said pro.of will bo made
before Frank Osborn, U S Commis
sioner, at his office in Madras, Orogon,
on February 5 1007.
He names the following wltuesses
to prove his continuous residence
upon, and cultivation of, the land, viz:
Orace G Collver David W BHrnett, C
J. Milligen aud Frank 6 Hoffman, all
of Culver, Oregon.
Michael T. Nolan,
j3-31 Register.
of Co
'An nut for the salo of timber lauds in
the states of California, Oregon, Ne
vada and Washington Torrltory," ih
extended to all the public land states
by act of August 4, 1S92,
Arthur C. Strange.
of Prineville, county of Crook, stato of
Oregon, has this day filed in this office
bis sworn statement No. 3150, fort lie
purchase of the e half nw quarter and
w half ne quarter seo 23, tp 11 s, r 10
e, w 111
And will offer nroof to show that tho
land sought Is more valuable for Its
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, ami 10 establish his claim to
said land before tho County Clerk at
PrlnevlUe, Oregon, ou the 16th day of
January, ifjUi.
He names as witnesses: TC 11 Gra
ham of Sisters, Oregon; 11 U Smith.
Fred Wilson, Clara S Wilson,' all of
rrinevuie, Oregon,
Any and all persons claiming nd
versely tho above-described lands are
requested to file their claims lu this
ofilceon or before said 15th day of Jan
uary, 1907.
Michael T. Nolan
u8-jlO Register.
0xte.ndc.1l to all tho puullo hind stnles by net of
' Ornlipn P. ITihIl'M
of rrlne-vlllc. eouhty of Crook. 8tn 0 of Ore
K6n. hai till divy Med in this ollloo hi sworn
tdiittunent No. a.2, for tho ptirehnso ol the
iiw'4, nw! and nv4 fi-Vl, -'c 'il 'P " r
11 o, w in, .
And will offer proof to shhw ttint the land
soiiRht Is more valuable for Its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his ehilm to said land before the
t'ounty Clerk at l'rlnevllle, Oregon, on tin
19th day of January, HHT. ,,,,..
lie names as witnesses; i-n n, i
AllliiBlnim. Kdwin 11 JIvdc and K U Smith, all
of l'rlnevUle, Oregon. ,
Anv mill nil nitr-iniM I'lnlmliiir advorsplv the
abovo-descrlbed lands are reiiuesteil to tile
their elalms In this olllee on or before Mild
llUh day of January. 1!W7.
lilfi-jll) MICHAKI. T. NOLAN, ItugtMer.
Notice for Publicatfon.
Department of the Interior
Laud Office at The Dalies, Or.,
December 22, 1000
Notice is hereby given that Jacob
PeShazer, of Madras, Oregon, has filed
notice of his intention to make final
commutation proof lu support of his
claim, viz:
H E No 14GG2 made August 21. 1905
for the nwsec 17, tp 11 s, r 13 e, w m
And that said proof will be made
before Frank Osborn, TJ S Com mis
sioner, at his office in Madras, Qregou,
on heuruary o, 1007.
He names the following wituesses to
prove ins continuous residence upon,
nuu cultivation ot, the land, viz:
J C Sothman, Theoror Hartnagfl,
Louis Wilson and Glenn Graham, all
of Madras, Oregon.
Michael T. Nolan,
j3-3l Register.
Department of the Interior.
Land Office at The Palles, Or.,
December 22, 1006
Notioe Is hereby given t hat Francis
G. Carney, of Madras, Oregon, has
filed notice of his intention to make
final commutation proof in support of
ills ciaim, viz:
II E No 14777 made November 12.
1905, for the ene and rsej sec
1.., ip iu 8, r 13 e, w m
And that said proof will be made
before Frank Osborn. US ('omissiouer,
at his office in Madras. Oregon, on
February 5, 1007.
He names the following witnesses
to prove his continuous residence upon
and cultivation of, the land, viz;
J E CampbpII, T B Tucker, Louis
V lrath and Frank Stinglanil, all of
Madras, Oregon.
Michael T. Nolan,
J3-31 Register.
Department of the Interior,
Land Office at The Dalles, Or.
December 28, 1000.
Notice is hereby given that Marga
ret IS. McClure, widow of Edward E.
MeOiure, deceased, of Portland, Ore
gon, has filed notice of her Intention
to make final tlve-year proof in aup
ort of her claim, viz:
H E No 10191, made December 23,
10U1, for tho ne seo 30, ip 10 s, r 14 e.
w m
And that said proof will be made
belore Frank Oahoru, U 8 Commis
sioner, at his olllee in Madras, Oregon,
on February 4tb, 1007.
She names the following witnesses
to prove her oontinuouH residence
upon, and cultivation of, the land, viz:
William c?tonehokKr, John Ishaui,
Ralph Young and W S Crlswell, all of
Madras, Oregon.
Michael T. Nolan,
J3-31 Register.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior,
Luud Office at The Dalles, Or.,
December 28, 1900.
Notice is hereby given that May B.
.Jackson, of Madras, Oregon, lias filed
notice of her intention to make final
commutation proof in support of her
claim, viz:
II E No 13874 made October 21,
1004, for the sw quarter sec 10, tp 10 t,
r 13 w m
Timber L,aud, Act June 8, 1878
Notioe for Publication
U. S. Land Office, Tho Dalles, Or.,
October 3, 1906.
Notice is hereby given that in
compliance with the provisions of
the act of Congress of June 1878.
entitled "An act for the sale ol titn-
berlands in the states of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory"
as extended to all the public land states
by act of August 4, 1892,
James D. Ewing,
ot Prineville, county of Crook, state of
Oregon, has this day hied in this office
his sworn statement Nt) -n78. for the
purchase of the sene, n;4sej and
besef sec 17, tp 12 s, r 11 e, w m,
and will offer proof to show that the land
sougni is more vaiuame lor its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and
to establish his claim to said land before
Timber Land, Act Juno !(,' 878
U. K. Land Office, Tho Dalles. Or..
November 1L J'M.
iYotice Is lierebv nlvon that in compli
ance with the provisions or tho act of Con
gress of .Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An act for
the sale of timber lands lu the states of
California, Oregon, Nevada and iraslitnu
ton Tenltorv", as extended to all the pub
lic laud states bv act of August J, J81-2,
Ell ah II. Sparks.
of Lower Hridue. eotintv of Crook, slate
of Orcuoii, has tills day tiled In this cilice
his sworn statement NoJIGOS, for the pur
chase ot thoswi4ne4, einvVj sec 32 and
sojiswf. sec 2tf. tp it s. rile, w in,
.OiwliOlll ,i, f In cluiiv till! (In,
4lll 1111 If1,1,. Jill"'! 11' illH' H tltV
land sought Is more valuable for its tim
ber or stone than for agricultural tun poses
ana to establish his viaim
before the County C ik
Oregon, on the Sth ilav of February. W
Ho names as witnesses: L E Alllngliain
of Prineville. Oiegon. and A G Ailing
ham. W a Folev and Frank Uodvfelt. all
01 jjower uritige. uregon.
-dnv and all persons claiming adversely
the above-described lands are renuested to
file their claims in this otlico on or before
Department of thn Interior
Land Ofllco at Tho fiallej, OreRon.
November sw, 11HW,
Notice I hereby clven Hint Thonn A l-onic,
of On-gmi."iM llleil notleo of hU In-
lentlon toiiuikullnnl ilvo-ycnr jiroof mip.
iiortof IiIh t'lftlm.vU: , ...
1 llomcHtend Kntry No. WVii mndo Dee. 7,
1001. for tho nel cee iff tl 10 . r til 0. w 111,
ii( Hint Mhl proof will ho mnde heforo I rmik
i)"born. U 8 Voiiiia'r, at hi ofllco In Mud
r. OreRon. on Jniiimry 7, 1007.
ifo iinineK the followliiR wltiuweH to lrovo
hNeouUniuih'- renldoneo upon, nud eultlva-
''VICtm UnVden, V Z llrnn-telter
Chiudo ltnniioy, nil of Mdrn.
dfi-JS ltcglKter.
Pupnrtiimutof the Interior
bitnd Ofilce, nt The Pullet, OreRon.;w, 11H1.
Notlco It horohy Riven thnt tleorxu V.
DnvU. of Miulriit. (ireRon. Iriu. Illed notice of
hit Intention to innke llnnl llve-joar
iiroof In Miiporl of hit ehilni. vli:
lloniextend Kntry No. 11770, mndo Nov. Ift,
. . .1 .....- f) u -.11,1 ,( III
And Hint mild proof will lm itmde lfar! rrniik
OiImini, I' 8 I'onun'r, nt lilt ofllce 111 Mild
rut, Orcctin . 011 Jniiimry 0 , 1W)7.
lie nnme tho followliiR ivltuewtw to l;nvo
I'liiitlnuout retldoneo upon, inul eultlvn
t ton of. the Innd. vli:
deorco Keulner, It V Jenklnt. (leorRi; II
KilltiiKiioek mid w tl KlIlliiRbeek, nil of
Mndrnt, OreRon.
.111 n.i.i 1 .1111.
rtf,-:, , HORiMter
7'imberLand, act Juno 3, 1S78.
Notice for Publication.
IT. S. Land Ofllce, The Dallot, Or..
iVoveiiiber 8. lUOtl.
Notice Is linreby given that In eompll-
anco with the provisions ot me. nri 01 u-ui-
said 8th day of February, 1107.
MlCHAEI, T. N01,
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
U. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
September 26, 1906.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the nrovision of the acl of Con
the County Clerk at Prineville, Oregon, cress of Tune 1. 1878. entitled "An act
on the 22nd day of January, 1907. for the sale of timber lands in the states of
He names as witnesses: L E Allinc- California. Oregon. Nevada .and Wash-
.,...-., ..t' I iiti. 't fOW iktiMtfml "nit niif fill
1 lie sale of timber lauds iu the, status of
Villfiiriilii rtriiimti Viivmlii nml jwllllll'-
... 1 1 ' "'. . . . ' "
iw m ii inn" 1 tun Ten llnry, an extended to ninno puo
nt I'rinevill. . t ,k. htaU8 j,, (,t ,,r Ai,.MIHt I, 1HV2,
victor .1 . irtounor.
of Uediiiond, county of Crook, state of
Oregon, lias this day filed In tills olllee Ills
sworn statement aohom, ror me imrcnatc
of the nw.swM of sec 1, eSteln and nw,l(
se!i see 2. tn II! s. r 111 e. w 111.
a nd will offer nroof to show that the
land sought Is moro valuable for IU tliu-
nor or stone man tor agrioiuuirni pur
poses, and to establish hit claim to said
land before tin County Hoi k at Prine
ville, Oregon, on the Utn day ot February,
He names as witnesses: V J7 if uston,
.) W Collins nnk Walter OWjif, of Prim-
vllle, Oregon, and Lotus a Heed, 01 ited.
iiiond, Oregon.
Any ami all persons cfalmiiignilvernely
1 lie aboviMlescrlbed lauds are icipicdcd to
file their claims in tills oll're ou or before
Mild Dth day of Fobrunry, l'.K)7.
MmiAKi. T. A'
di5-f7 itegister.
ham, Ollie Elefson, Robert G Smith and
William J Smelzer, all of Prineville, Or.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described lands are requested
to hie their claims in this office on or be
foresaid 22nd day of January, 1907.
Michael T. Nolan,
ni5-l7 Register.
Timber Lund, act June 3, 188.
Notice for Publication.
U. S. Laud Office, TheDanes, Or.,
November Vi, 19o0.
Notice is herebv clven that in coiimll-
ance with the provisions of the act of Con
f,r,iL if 1.,,,.. l 1U-U ..ttl...l t l .
Mi.ooifi,juutr u, jao, cukiwcu .ill not lor
uiesaieoiuinoer iands in the stati-t of
Cafifornia, Oivgon, Nevada and "Washing
ton Territory,'' as extended to alt the pub-
tie tana states hy act or August 4, 1892,
Jacob B.MerrilL
Of PrlllPVlIp nnmilvnf r-r.l.- ctnta nf n,. n" rt" PC""-"
gon, has this day fifed in this office his ly the above-described lands are requested
sworn statement A o. odiH). for the purchase to hie their claims in thisoihcc on or be
iu . um -se, nenseM 01 sec jk and nw.14 fore the 14th day of Januarv, 1907
ne sec S", tp lis, r loe, wni, ' '
mgton Territory," as extended to all the
public land states by act of August 4, 1892,
Carl C Hyde,
of Prineville, county of Crook, state of
Oregon, has this day filed in this office his
sworn statement No. 3324, for the pur
chase of the nw quaiter se quarter, s half
ne quarter sec 6 and sw quarter nw quar
ter sec s, tp 13 s, r 11 e, w m.
And will offer proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its tim
ber or stone than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish his claim to said
land before the County Clerk at Prine
ville, Oregon, on the 14th day of January
He names as witnesses: L E Ailing
ham, Edwin H Hyde, Orange F Hodges
K G bmith, all of Prineville, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
And will offer nroor toshow that the Zand
sought is more valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and
to establish his claim to said land befor.
the County Clerk at Prineville, Oregon, on
the Ktb day of February, 1907.
name-, cia wiijica-icn; lYilty Jl ier-
rill. of Prineville. OreL'on. Tl M Nrriw. nml
Melivsa Street. ot Sisters. Oreiron. and a.
A Cliue, of Lower Jlridge, Oregon.
any and all per.ions claiming adversely
the above-described laiuNare rootiested to
file their claims in this office 011 or hefur
said 8th day of February, 1907.
JIichaei, T. 2,'OLAN,
dCf7 Register.
Michael T.,
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878,
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
AUglllU 21, llAd',.
Xotlee Is hereby given that In comullHiice
with the urovislons of the act of Congress of
June.'!, 1878. entitled "An act iot the falu of
limuer janut 111 tne mates ol California, Ore
eon. Nevada, and Vaslilniton Torrltorv." hi
extended to all the ubllc land states by act of
Kdmiind Healy,
of Culver, county of Crook, mate of Oregon,
Ims this day filed In thix olllee his xworu
statement o. :;i00, for the of the
neli of sec 17, tp 12 s, r 10 , w m,
And Mill offer proof to show that' the
land couglit Is more valuable for 11k timber
or stone than for agrieultural unr
poses, anil to establlxh his claim to said land
oeiore tne county clerk at rrlnevllle, Oregon
on the 17th day of January, 1U07.
He names as witnesses: Harry H Keenan.
of Grizzly, Oregon, John II Itrown and A W
lioyce, both of Haystack, Oregon, and It II
Jiarnett. of .Mailras, Oregon.
Any and all jiersous claiming adversely the
aoove-oeseriDea lanus are renuested to tile
tneirciaims lu tins olllee on or before said
17th nay of January, 1U07,
nl5-jlo Michael T. Nolan, Heglster
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878
Notice for Publication
U. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Or.,
August 25, 1000.
Notice la hpreby given that In com
pliance with tho provMoiiH of the act
of ConureHi of Juno 3, 1878, entitled
"An act for the ale of timber lands In
(he Btates of Cullfornlu, Oregon, Nev
ada and WiiBblnglon Territory", oh
extended to ull the public lund states
liy act of Auiiust 4, 181)2,
Jlomer Al, Street,
Ami that enid proof will be made J of sisters, county of Crook, stato of
before Frai-k 0-horn, U S Commin
sioner, at tils olllee in Mudrar, Oregon,
on Fenruary 0, 1907.
She names (he following witnesses
to prove her' continuous residence
upon, and cultivation of, the lain), viz:
Alllo Gard, W C Aloore, William
Jlannon und LM Lnib, ull of Mudrun,
Michael T. Nolan,
)3-3l Register.
Nonce is hereby given to all concerned
that the annual stockholders mteting ol
the Madras Milling and Mercantile Co.
will he held at the olllee of the, Company
on Saturday, January 26, 1907, at 8
lo'jclock ,P. M,
Oregon, ha this day filed iu Mils olllee
his sworn statement An, 3H8, for ilm
ptirchuMo of the sjaw, ywswf and
swMe of sec 24, tp 11 e, r 10 e, w rn,
And will oiler proof to show that the
land sought Is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to
said land before Ihe County Clerk, at
PrinevlJlo, Oregon, ou the 28th day of
Juiiuary, j9()7.
IIh iiHtiie-i us wllnefises: Lincoln
rttler and .Mdii.Pa Street, of Klsters,
Oret'on, and Jacob II Merrill uml Kuty
M Merlll, of Prineville, Oregon.
any ami all persons ubiimlng ad
versely the ubove-deseribed ianda are
requested to file their cluim.! in this
olllee on or before said 2tfth day of
.lunuury, jU07.
Michael T, Nolan,
H20-J24 IteglHter.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878
Notice for Publication
U. S. Land Olllee, The Dalles, Or.,
.Sentember 17. I'JOO.
Noxi -e is nereny Kiven that In com
pliance witti the provisions of the act
of Concress of June 3, 1878, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lauds in
the States of California, Oreiron. Nov
ada and "Washington Territory" as ex
tended to all I lie public land states by
act 01 .ugust 4, IBUU,
Eliza L. Mllltorn
of Prineville, county of Crook, state of
Oregon, has this day filed In this olllee
nersworc statement iSo 32(57, for Hie
purcnase or tne nwne sec 12, s
ec 1, ip ib, riue aini i.,01 7 seo
0, tp 12 i, r II e, w m,
Anil will oll'er proof to show that
the laud sought is more valuable for
Hs tlmuer or stone than for agriculuir-
al purposes, aud to establish her
claim to said land before the County
uiern at rrlnevllle, Oregon, on the
i8tn day of January, U07.
tihe names os witnei-ses: L K Allinir-
liam, Churles A liedell, Harry Abrams
and Magglo Glaze, all of Prineville,
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above-described lands are
requested to file their claims iu tills
olllee on or before said 181I1 day of
Junuary, Ib07.
Michael T. Nolan.
niG-ji7 Iteglster.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878
Notice for Publication
U. S. Land Olllee, The Dalles, Or..
August 25, 11)00.
Notice Ih hereby given that iu com
pliance with the nrovlsloiiH of the aot
of Congres of June 3, 1678, entitled
"An act for the sale ol timber IuiiiIh in
the states of California. Oreiron. Nev
ada and Washington Territory" as ex
tended to all the nubile land states bv
act of August 4, 18112,
William P. Jlnnett
of Prineville, county of Crook, stute of
Oregon, has this day filed In this
olllee his sworn statement No 31i0. for
the purchase of Ihe sk,uw.4 ami n.
sn seo35, Ip 11 s, r IU 0, w in
Aim win oner proof to show that Ine
luud sought Is more valuable for lit
timber or tlono than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to
sai l land before the County Clerk, at
Prineville, Oreiron, on tho 10th dav of
iiunuary, iuu.
He names us witnesses: K B Ora
hum, of Bisteri, On-gon, C A Cllne, of
Lower Undue, Ou-gnu, uml Jt a
H'ulth uii. I JUIph J.iiduu, both of
Prineville, Oregon.
Any mi fi ull peraons claiming nil
versely tho ulOve-descrlhed lauds are
rt quested to f I lu their claims Jn this
olllco on or heforo snld 10. h day ol
luuunry, 11)07,
Michael T. Nolan,
ulfi-JlO Jteglster.
Timber Land, ylct .Mine II, J878
Notice for Publication.
U. S. Land Onice, The Allies. Or..
November 22. HKM
Notice i.s hereby irlven that In coiuull-
anuo with the nrovisioiis of the act of
Conirress of Juno 8. 1878, entitled "vln act
for the s.tle of tiinlier lauds In the stall's of
California, Oiegon, Nevada, and Wash
ington Territory," as extended to nil the
public bind states by act of ylugnst 4, IMC
tin- foIlowuiL'-naiited netsous Iiiiw. on
October B, 190.5. Illed ill tills olllco their
sworn stateiiieiiut. to-wit:
.liilla May llorlau,
of Prineville, county of Crook, state of
Oregon, sworn statement No. !J5i, for the of the e.'su sec 7 and w.VfwJf
.ec8, tp Ills, r 11 e, w 111,
Viola lloiigan.
of Prineville. county of Cronk state of
Oregon, sworn .-.tatenient No. .'5H2, for the
ptireliase of the ej'nw, swiiie4 and
11 wHeH of sec 1H, tp III s, r 1 1 e, w 111,
KliZii Mioderly,
of Prineville, county of Crook, state of
Oregon, sworn statement No S5rt3, for the of the KS-ie, Hi-i4iivk, nud Lot
I, see 18, tp 13s, r 11 e, w 111,
Aud will offer proofs to show that the
lands sought are more valuable fir the
timber or stone thereon than for agrlcul
Uirai mimeses, and to establish their
claims to saljl lands before the County
Clerk, at rrineville, Oregon, 011 J'ebruaiy
They name the following wltnees: L
I'wllllniiliaiii. J W ll'ioiic. .IiiIiil .Mav ;or-
Igan, Itondii Ciaypoolaiid K (1 smith, of
Prineville, Oregon.
any ami ,111 persons cla in hl ai veise v
anv of the above-ile.serlhed IihoIh nm n.
(piested to llle their clalinu In tills olllee on
or before the said 7tli day of Pebruan ,
Timber atid, Aot Junofl, 1878
Notloo for Publication
ynltotl BlatoR Lund Ofllao,
Tho Dulles, Oregon,
August 25, loon
Notloo in hereby given that, h, 00l'.
plianco with tho provisions of tho ,l0i
ofCongreBH of Juno 1H78, onltb.,
"A ot for tho salo of limber luiuls tl
tho Htutet. of C'lliforiini, Oregon, Nuv
ndn, and Washington Terrllory," ,iM
extended to all tho Public Luud statoH
by aot of August 4, I8U2, p UH
Winifred 0. Jordan
of Prlnovllle, county of Crook, Htalo of
uregmi, iiiih ims nay nioii in tlilH onloe
her sworn statement No. 011-1, for the
niirohuso of the w.WiHwk. hwUhwU r
.... i i i ...1 iW..W '-1 "i
rn-u n nun nuiieM 01 foo in. Ip n l
ill V, W llll
And will offer proof to. show that
mo mini sougni is more vaitiahlo for
us iiniuer or stouo tiiitu lor iigrloullur
ul purpoH'H, and to ustnbllsh her oh.ii..
to said laud before tho Cmuity Oleik
ai rnnoviiio, t.rogon, on the 17th t nv
..f 1..,.. .,, lOO-T
Ul il r 11 llil tT , lirvil
8ho n nines as wltuesses: i Grn
nam, of Mstors, Oregon, il o Kinith
nnd W P Jlnnett, both of Prineville
Oregon, (ind C A Cllne, of Lower
uritige, tJregon.
Anv und nil nersons iibiltiilmr .i
versely tho fthove-doHorl bed lands uru
requested to lllo their oIiiIium Id tltin
oinoo on or noioro huui nth day of Jun
uary, ip07.
Mlelinol T. Nolan,
iilo-U0 Iteglsler.
Timber Land, Act Juno 3, 1878.
Notice for Publication
IT. 8. Land Olllco, Tho Hallos, Oregon.
tit . .... 'I
Miiy ly, irjuo.
Notice Is hereby given that lu com
pliance with the provisions of the act
or Congress or Juno 3, lb78,y entitjed
"An act for the sulo of timber lands
In the states or California, Oregon, Ne-
i.. ...... it. i.i......... it,..-i. '..
viiim oiiii it iiniuiiKioii lerrnorv." iih
extended to all the public land states
hy aot or August 4, Ibn2,
Jtoscoe M. Hufiders,
of Moscow, county of Latah, state of
Idaho, has this day tiled lu this olllee
his sworn statement No. Ho 14, for the
purchase oi tne no tiuurter su ntiarter
see n, n nan sw quarter ami nw quar
ter wo quarter seo fj, ip iv. s, r it) v, w in,
And will oiler proof to show that the i
land sought Is more valuable for Its
tliiilii,r tir Minim limn fnr ni'rlmilliir.,1 I
liliriiliuiiu mill lit ululillyll liii. ..lull., I.. I "IS llllllier Of Klfllie II... I...
snld land before the County Olerk nt 'l'"'1 l,unwse, and 0 m&
Prineville, O'egon, on the nth day of ..."" l" 8U.HI im woreihift
Januatvy, l0')7. ' ur i Vnmik, O,
.. iiiu iiiiv in nuiirii-iiH l rjm
He names as w tnes-is! L I? AIIIiuf- ' ), iwi
hum, of Prineville, Oregon: Clarence
II Cook, of Hoslaiid, Oregon.
Any and ull perxous olaliuini; ad
versely thn tihovo'dei-erlbHl lumls are
requested to lllo their claims In this
olllco on or belore (he rjth day of Janti
ury, 11K)7.
Miounj.!. T.
nS-JlO Hegter.
hum ? '.?'. rei,rJT lh,ill
2.'!. tho miW-iJ
1 "Turki., i.',71' ""-Ml
R''-Hl"& .!in.!n, .11
AtMiiita, '"h
i.iVL"r"i,iUi-ioii( -
liaiico win. ih:. 'v.nllit
tbestat,H n n.i " "1
vada ami
"Xleniled to nil the k , I"?
Iy ct of AuUlt fUibllc!,t
of BMer::!!:'.i
Oreeo... i.L ,1 ',.'Yh
. , ...... .iiuuMjrnih
bis sworn UtenentXi
purciuisoof ihecU
rfle. and !,.. ..A"!
i r 10 e, win. 4,V
Atlll Will f)lT-.r n.Ai
. . . -.v. ,111-u
I lie Infill sniiirlit u
O - -...MI ,m
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
U. S. Land OIHcc, The Dalle. Oregon,
September 1, mob
Notice is hereby given that in coinpb
ance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands in the
stales of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended to all
the public laud stales by act of August
4, 1892,
Guy A. Claypool,
of Sisters, coumy of Crook, state ol Ore
gon, has this day Tiled in this office bis
sworn statement No. 3151, for the pur
Ho tinmen agvltti.i vat.
Joe tiialmm, (iuy Ailing
-""'-'"1 VlfKOD 1, K I l-rf
... 1,, .. - -- ".i
rriueviiie, Uregon.
Any ami an trion r,n,k
- , m
verseiy me iilKive-dwriM ltM
reiuete(l to Ills thtir
olllco 011 or before aJ 8ibdij
mury, iuvi.
In (he Cjuuiv Court of llt'J
of Oregon for Crook Couaiu
In the iimller of the ipt-li?
r r r 1. if n
M. 11. JIUCKS. (II .lUUni.W-l
a llreiiee to tell tplnlOJi, s
vinous liquors and lmd rider 1ih
titles lets limn one wlwni
To the HonoraWe OmnlrC
the State of Uregou, for (he C
Crook 1
We, the uudenleae'l mi
Kutcher precinct In CrwlcMsf
eiron. reHpeclfully w-Htloo Ibl
Honorable body riot iwwfl
Ii. Lotioks to eil ipinioaMtu
vinous liquor ami litrl
MlOIIAKI, T. Noi.av,
Timber Land, j-lct.liiiio il, iK78
V. S. Land Olnce, The i-MllcH, Or.,
November H, IW,
.Notice is lierebv irlven tlmt in
ance with the provisions of the act ol Con
gies ot June !), 1H7H, entitied An act for
the sale of llmher Limls in tin, nt ..r
I..1I-- 1.. . : '.
v iiiii huui, un-goii, Nevada aud Wash ng-
mn In i-(l,ii-u'' ou ,1.1... 1 ..... 11 . 1 r
;i , , 1 KAH-iiiiwi i" iih inr if 11 ij-
llc laud states by actof vlugul . lhH2,
Knimn ' .lnlmi.(iii
of lb ml, county of Crook, state of Oregon,
has dim day jit d in this oihco her sworn
ctatciiientA'o3fl73, for the puieliase of the
ihL"4 see mid wjsw nee 0, tp l!l s, r
11 e, w m,
vliid wilt offer proof to show that the
ami sought is mote vauabhi for Us tlm-
u. i hi MoiiHiiian tor agricultural purposes
Hid to establish her clniin tn yr,i,i i,, ,i
before 11. (!. lillls. IT. i!,iiu,i, , ,.: '
bis office In lli-nd. (m f'ltl fill fill! l-ltl. .1....
of Kebruary, ;iJ7. '
nne names as witnesses: Charles L
rock, yliimi Johnson. John .Johnson and
J iank Hulterworth, all or Hend, Oregon.
Any ami all liei-Hinm ('IhIimIiu. ,i,.,,.i..
the ahove-ilescrlbed IiiikIm
llle their elalms In this olllee on dr before
said ."Ull day of February, 11)07.
MIOHAKl. r. vm.iv
dlM7 Hl'LilKt.P
l3l, IUI IIIC IJWI- ,...ll-.l.
chase of the n half se quarter and n half KaTtf
sw quarter sec 10, Ip 12 s, r 10 c, w m, LlufH f Oron. fors wncdod
And will offer proof to show that the from the llrsi day ofJDinr,!i
and sought is inoie valuable foiits dm- L ('umiiiiiiKi tjf W
M,, d.,,,,, ,0 . ,.,iii. wti. iui im ,1111 -1 .. 1
ber or stone than for nttmoties. JoneS, M 0 If Hi ""J", L", jj
and to establish bis claim m .iul be. KdniouilHoii, A Illsucliel.l "
fore the County Clerk nt Prineville, Ore
gon, on the 1 6th day of January, 1907.
He names as witnesses: loscph II
Claypool, W S Kullerton, of Sisters, Or-
U K Cowlec, T M Uurdcn.UB
i.v.,,l lttml.m.VK3IeElrtr,
J K Kvlck. MllosFox,
(i V Dillon, WRBfO-ro.wi
hooker, V II JacKion, 1
cgon, L ! Allingham, Harry Abrams, of, S:.;;'011"! Uf
Prineville, Oregon. llpKxtiV wKl
ny linn hii persons maiming ad
versely the iibove-desoribed lands are
requested to file their claims lu this
olllee on or before said 10th day of Jun
uary, 10117.
118JIO Mich a 1:1, T., ltegistor.
II 15 liullowsy, a ii6'-n
11 1 11 r iviiidn. btmiw
u 11 tank, niias Dizney, WCD
i lllll'H. .1 IV '"-"I -.. m
ini, ' Miiuner. t'FJkW
U1,.... ---- -- T-i.ii ini
nilro, 0 L l'ttxton. f'Z
;,. 1. n i anion,
11 jiiiiu", .--. .,.rr-r
thoriio, L f "'.nr:t " Vs
lid Kulc
and. 1 m J-mi Tut
f ... ij 1 iTamniiHitw'-
.lames i,'r " w" in ,nrol,
I)avl FLllly.
lllggliibolbum, I t A" 1
j, yiiiinn'i
1 liiiber Laud, Act Juno !), i87H
Ij.H. Land Office, The Dalles, Or.,
v . , A'ovcmbur 2, MM,
A otlcoN lierebv given that In eomiill
aticu with Hie provisions of the net of Con-
fi'!'Hu Vf 'u,"?n: ,K7,8 ,',ltltlt',1 "An net f.,r
the sale of timber liimlt in the Htates of
California. Oiegon, Nevada and Washing'
o leiiltory.aH extended' (o all (lie
public html Htates by act of A uust 4. Kir"
MllllUl4l It'll..:..!... '
"' " nu'irj
Timber Land, Act Juno , 1878.
Land Olllco nt The Dalles, Oregon,
September '4K, jUOri.
Notice Is hereby given that lu coiiipII
Unco with the provlMons of the net of
Congress of .limn Jl. 1878, entitled 'vln act
for the hftlti of tlnilmr lands lu the -dates
of ;allfo nla, Oregon, Nevada and Wash
ington 7'orrltory", as extended to nil the
limine iiiiiu Himes ny aci 01 nigiisi 1,
Nancy K. Lognn.
of Prlnovllle, county, of Crook, stato of
.Oregon, has this day filed iu this ofllco
herworn statement No. WWII, for the
Pllichnse of thn I.oIhH nml J of wee III and
Lois 1 ami ' of sec HO, tp IS s, r 10 e, w son, r-ars Lw fli " .
..,,. J j MoO J J Mfflfck
llll I I 1IIIMI1 III nilllW LI11IL IIIU I I I VKIflfllfl. J it " - ..
land soimht is inorn vnlniililn for Its r,.,rif Cramer, lJv.'Ti
timber or stone than for agrl iiltinal V" ' ;!.'',,,. .1 T Blt'A S
.....I 1.II..I. I .I..I... ... .IOIII1 IIH"""'!-. U' '
-mii if"ni;p, llllll lO UWIIOIIHII HIM Ulllllll Hi
sa tl land hnforn Ilm Ciitint i' l!lm If at
I l'rlnevllle, Oregon, on tho 18U1 day of
l.lllllli,,-.., H1AT '
ii.llillll j, I i'J I ,
Kiddie. 1 nu 0 . , Iwoi l
win. 1" oarnoy. -fam
... 11.. t., 11 Kifirs
lieiiii i'' "na
1IILUI, "" ' 1 II
ham, Ji !. ffHl
Suhlvely, KUi ' SEB
HUYoiHig, n : ivilll
t...... TlwilIIHM. J 1 W. , nll,
KM Love laud. Jf jt,iK
otdrlzzl). county of Urook, state of Ore
gon, has lids day m,., In this oll c'e I s
of lots , i, .1 anil 1, of ec 18, tp m a, r It) 0,
Ami will offer proof to show that tin
html soiiL'ht ix llllll'l I'll Iiiu Kl.. I .. 11
ber or htomi tlitui for agricultural pi inos 's
t ., estahllsl, IUb rlHliii """ filrt ' m,i
belore the Comity Oh-rk nt Piluov
Oregon, ou the 7(h day of K.,r , ,ry ( 7.'
ni "iniir im wiinnukinu- 11....
"I'd em; Moi.tu'oii cry of ( yyT oV '
Any mid all persons elalmlng adverselv
0 ibovtHlescribed lauds are re. 11 -s ei to
1 I i'tTi r,il ""rJ", tl,ls ,,nl,!t' ' " before
said 7th day of Kebiiuiry, II07.
LI ,. .. -
ijiiu iiiiiiiiin as wiuiesses; neiiry oiiu:n, horn. J w --"":; 1
I It c Sniiiii. 1, if. ,iiii.w,i.... i. . 1 r (iiiu ' i) a f Vnmlltoo, ",.
Klkins, all of PHiiovllie OregV.u. V t' Sa ifonl, ni ft
'Iny and idl jiersons elaliiiing iidyerso-):u?. mm Wall-,
11111 1 v -1 icr iii nm ih 111 11 rcinicHieo 10 nn, r -.j
.r;.r. '. . i.v.i';.... itamsoy. uii" :;:.: iiuvti"?.
lias-, --.n II
lite their calins in thin oiih
said 18lh dav of Januarv. I1K)7.
Mlchuet T. Nolan,
ii-JU-jn Keglster.
Notice for Publication.
Di'imrtniuiitnl tliu Interior,
bund Olllco nt Tho Pillion, Orcann,
novum nor mi, r.w.
. - i...o
?.1,?V.a".!... M Myw-TVj
UUlieiiii'.-i .a.., A-ril
John I'",',A'SpQ
nt 11..VH. S L OW'u p EB
. , , IM Ul-" .1,11
.... it 1-"
Notice Is hereby Kl von tlint Nsney K.Umn, 0 ng petltl"" rPPl
of MiidniH, Oa'Kim. Im filed notice ol Imr In- ,?, boiMity, 0"f,, Onf
leullon toiimku Html coniiaiiinlldii proof In " ,nnin h pe tintW
iiiiort of hr elalm. vl : Court lOOin n rf y 0( J '
floniitHlcnd entry No D707 nmde Bupt. ill, 1001, Monday, the 7W ' ifJ
h.r .hiu.SiMiHH.idoboW.tplO , t 111 wliltftl IH I,! ll(j
Allll tlil.t Hull! i.r.M.rulll l,i. ...n.lii l.nfnr,. Prank Colirt fOf U l'C.... IliiUOf-
nmlt .uid-.vj rll'I
i.riHif ulll In., In r rallu
ohprii, 11. 8. I'oitiinUMlunur. nt his olllco in
.-imiriiH, ori'u-m, on Jaiiiinry 7, 1007.
Hhu iiHineii ihu foiloivInK wltnonxo lo nrovo
lilHioiiilniKiiiK rexhlunco upon, mid oultlvft
Hull 1 of, l ie IhihI, vlr: '
.1 K Ciiinpliull, 'r 11 Tucker, V K HIbiikIsimI
nud 1 rank Klkhu, all of Mndrsv, Orcicuii.
l'ul1 .lMr.,ntllie I
t nor in 'i-"-vv:.i
Ion as pruyedrof'" , kCv0)
f.',.ni.Hr neon-r bit
do J:i