The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, January 03, 1907, Image 10

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    The Madras Pioneer
Timber I.nml, Act June Z, 1879.
Xotleo Is horobv j?lvcn that In compliance
with the provisions of the nrt of ConRrosaqf
June:), 1878. entitled "An nrt tor Hip snleot
timber lamii in the. stnros of Cnllfornin, Ore
rou. N'cvmln anil WMhlneton Territory," as
extended to all the public land state by act of
August 4, 1892,
Charley Stroud,
of I'rincville, county of Crook, state of Orcfrom
has this day llled in this office his sworn state
ment No. IKM2, for the purchase of tho e' e'i,
ewKi "e4 and seUswVi seo85,tP 11 ,r 16, wm.
Ami will offer proof to show that the land
tonight Is more valuable for Us timber or stone
tlinu fur ntrrlnlilllirnl nllf llO0. Rlld to CStnD-
lMi his claim to said land before tho County
Clerk at l'rineville, Oregon, on tho 12th day of
January, iWi.
He names as witnesses: John W Collins, V
H Huston. Kred C Stroud, William M Stroud,
all of l'rineville, Oregon.
Anr and all persons claiming adversely the
above-deerilcd lands aro requested to tile
their claims in this fllce ou or before said
12th day of January, 1K7J.
Michael t, Xolax,
H3-J10 Kcghter.
Timber Land, Act Juno 3, 1S73
United States Land Wee,
f lin Dalles. Orocotl. October ti. 1903,
r.)iv vlvim that in compliance
With tho provisions of tho act of Congress of
.limn s. 1S7S. entitled -'An act for tho sale of
timber lands in the States of California, Ore
c-nn. NVvnda. and WashlncloH Territory," as
Hxteiided to all the 1'ublic Laud States by act
of August -4. ISM,
Victoria Huston.
of I'rincville, county of Crook, state of Oregon,
.has this dav tiled in this office her sworn
statcuient Xo. 3111. for the purchase of the
,ivtf nf ui -7. tn 11 s. rice, w 111..
And will offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuablu fof its timber or stone
tnan lor agricultural iiurpue, m vsmu
Hsh her claim to said land before the County
Clerk at l'rineville, Oregon, on tho I2tii day
.Tnininrv 1007.
win. nnmns ns wltiiessos : John W Collins
Wade H Huston and Heiiry Y Huston, all of
l'rineville, Oregon; and AO Klbbee of Hay
nri'!.-. On'iron.
aiiv mid all norsons claiming adverMy any
of the above lands are advised to file their
claims in this office on or before the said 12th
day of January, 1907.
Michael T. Noun,
nS-JlO Kegister,
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878
Notion for Publioationi
U. S. Land Oflke, The Dulles, OrcRon,
October 31, 1906.
Notice is herehv rriven that In complt
i?s? , .um,u nncc wlth thc Provisions of the act of con
IcotllSlSSX -of J . ? entitled "An act
Timhor Liunl, Act Juno A, 1&78
Notioo for Publtoation
U. S. Luud OHlof, The Dalles, Or.,
SuptoinberSH), 1000.'n In herebv iriveii Unit In com-
ullntitio with tin provisions of tho not
' - V. . . .....til... I
ortjoiiirrefa or jii
"Am net for tho sh
liio tttitost or i;iuirnrnm, uroironj nov
adn, iiutl WnshltiKloti Territory" as
extended to hII the public laud states
by ;ct of AitKiiHt 4, 1802,
Arthur II, Ktiunedyi
of Frluevllle, eoutitv of Crook atnto of
Oregon, him this duy meil lit tlmomcu
his sworn ntntemont No 32811, for the
purchusu of tho He'sw, HwJse' and
Lot 4 of seo 18 and nejiiuwj sec 10, lu
tp 112 s, r 11 e, w in,
Anil will odor proof to show that tho
hind sought is mor" vnluublo for its
timber or atono tlnwi for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to
said land beforo the County Clerk at
l'riuovllle. Oregon, on the 10th day of
January, 1007.
Ho names as wlttiwes: h 12 Ailing
ham. C A lk'dell, R P Long and Omar
Clay pool, all of l'rineville, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versoly tho above-described lauds aro
requested to filo their claims iu this
otlice on or before said 10th day of
January, 1907.
Michael T. Nolau,
nl5-jl7 Kegister,
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1S7S.
Timber Land, Act June a. 1S7S
u. s.
, Land Ofllce, The Dalles, OreROii,
September 4, lttx".
VnMm is liprnhv iriven that ill compliance
vith the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3. 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of
lHtids iii the slates of California. Ore
Kon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
extended to all the public land states by act
of August 1, 1892,
Mvrtle L. Wells.
of Parkers, county of l'olk, state of Oregon,
has this dav filed in this ollice tier sworn state
ment No. 31(50, fof the purchase of the soii
aw'A, Lots 1, 2 ana .1, sec o, tp is s, r n e, w m,
And will offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable tor its timber or stone
: than for agricultural purposes, andtootab
JMi tier claim to said land before, the Kegister
and Itecolver at inc uaues, uregou, ou me
11th day of January, 1907.
; She names as witnesses: Frank E Dayton,
sArthur I Donohue of Laidlaw. Oregon; 'ieorge
'A Wells of Parker, Oregon ; Martin X Conger of
.JJncna Vista, Oregon.
Any and nil persons claiming adversely the
Uheir claims in this office on or before said 11th
LJ. S. Land Oflice, Tho Dalles, Oregon,
August il, 1900.
Notice is hereby civen that in compliance
Ji with the provisions of the act of Congress of
OI Junes, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
timoer ltnxts in tne states ot caiuornia, ure
gou, Nevada and Washington Territory," as
extended to all the public land states by act of
AUgllSC 4, 1SK,
Uuv Lafollcttti
of l'rineville, county of Crook, state of Oregon,
has this dav tiled In this olllce his, sworn
statement No :tuvs, for the purchase of the aK
i, nw 5.4'sw!4 and swse, see 9, tp 11 s, r lo
e, w m.
Ana win oner proot to snow mat tno iana
sought is more valuable for its limber or
stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish his claim to said laud before
the Couuty Clerk, at l'rineville, Oregon, on
tne i7tn aay oi January, iiw.
He names as witnesses: It G Smith, J E
Stone and L E Alliugham, all of Prlnt'vllle,
Oregon, and E B Graham, of sisters, Oregon.
Any and all persons claimlui; adversely the
above-described lands arc requested to tile
their claims in this office on or beforo said
17th day of January, 19o7.
nlo-jlO . Register.
tlay of January, 1907.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1S7X.
Notice for Publication.
U. S. Land Olllce, The Dalles, Oregon,
July G, 19otl.
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance
With the provisions of the act oi Congress of
June a. 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the states of California, Ore-
Kon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
extended to all the public land states by act of
August', IBSK,
Amelia Sloan.
n! Ilntte. eountv of Silver llow. state of Ilon-
tann. has this dav filed In this ollice her sworn
statement No. 2U75, for the purchase of the sJi
neVi and ny. seM sec is, tp 12 s, r n e, w m.
And will offer Droof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural pusposcs, anil to estab
lish her claim to said land before H. C. Ellis,
17. S. Commissioner, at his otlice in Bond, Ore
gon, ou the lltu nay ot January, iyu
She names as witnessos: John J Boyd, of
Butte. Montana; A 1 nonohue, i t uayton
ana nnam aunt, an ot aiuiaw. uregou.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands an) requested to file
their claims in this office on or. before said nth
day of January, 1907.
nS-jlO Register.
Timber Land, Act of Juno 3 1S78.
United States Land Olllce. The Dalles, Or.,
Sentember A. 1900.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June :i. 1878, entitled "An act for the bale of
timber lands in the states of California. Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
extended to all the Public Laud States by net
Of August 4, 1892,
Martin I. Coneer.
of Bucna Vista, county of J'olk. state of Ore-
gOn, has this day riled in this otlice his sworn 1 1 in
statement No 3108, for the purchase 6f the c" f ' , ,
Timber Land, Act June 3, J878,
Notice for Publication
U. S. Land Oflice, The Dalles. On-con,
l ...... 1. m irwu
jVottee is herebv uiven that in coinnli
ance with the provisions of the actot Con
gress of Juna 3. J878, entitled "An act for
the sale of timber lands in the .states of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
ton Territory," as extended to all the imb
ue states oy act 01 August -i.iayz,
Lizzie M. Coen.
of Laidlaw, county of Crook, state of Ore
gon, has this day filed in this ofllce her
sworn statement No. 33iS, for the purchase
of the Lots 8 and 4, sec III, tn 12 s. r 11 e.
lot 4, sec t5, tp ia s, r 11 0 and lot 1, sec 1, tp
i3 s, r 10 e, w 111.
And will offer proof to show that the"
land sought is more valuable for its tim
ber or stone than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish her claim to said
land before 11. C. Kills. U. ti. Commis
sioner, at his oflice in Uend, Oregon, on
ih'e nth day of January, 1907.
She mimes as witnesses. Arthur 1 Don
ohue, Frank E Dayton, William A Ilttnt,
John J Coen, all of Laidlaw , Oregon.
Any and all persons claimini: adversely
the atlove-described lands are requested to
to file their claims in this oflice on or be
lore the nth day of January, i!)07.
Michael T. Nolan,
u8rji0 '" JRegister.
for the sale of timher lands in the states
of California, Orrnon. Nevada and Wnh
incton Territory." as extended to ail the
miblic land states by act of August 4
1892, the following named persons have
filed in this oilicd their sworn statements,
Walter S. Fnllcrton
of Sisters, county of Crook, state of Otc
con. sworn statement No, 3179. filed Sep
tember 6, 1906, for 'the purchase of the
sw quarter sw quarter, Lots 1 and 2, sec
12, Lot 2 and ne quarter nw quarter sec
13, tp 1 1 s, r 10 c, w 111.
Arthur G. Allin(ham,
of Sisters, county of Crook, state ol Ore
eon, sworn statement No. 3199, hied bep
tenibcr lo, 1906, for the purchase of the
ne quarter ne quatter sec 10, se quarter
se quarter and Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, sec 3,
tp 1 1 s, r 10 e, w in.
Augusta Fullerton,
ol Sisters, county of Crook, state of Ore
eon, sworn statement No. 3 105, filed
September 8, 1906, for the purchase of
the e halt se quarter sec 12, tp it s, r 9 c,
Lot 4 of sec 7 and Lot 1 or sec 18, tp 11
s, r lo e, w m,
William H. Bicelow,
of Hood River, county of Wasco, slate
of Oregon, sworn statement No. 33o4
filed October 1, 1906, for the purchase of
the s half ne quarter, se quarter nw quar
ter and ne quatter sw quarter of sec 1, tp
12 s, r lo e, w in.
Robert L. Wolleson,
of The Dalles, county of Wasco, state of
Oregon, sworn statement No. 830J, filed
September 24. 1906, for the purchase of
the n half se quarter, ne quarter sw quar
ter and se quarter nw quarter sec IS, tp
12 s, r 16 e, w in.
And will offer proof to show that the
lands sought are more valuable for the
timber or stone thereon than for agricul
tural purposes, and to establish their
claims to said lands before the County
Clerk at Prineville, Oregon, on January
21, 1907.
They name the following witnesses:
John W Dee and John Allen, of Grizzly,
Oregon; H M Street, Joseph Graham,
Edwin 13 Graham, W H Doak, Walter
S Fullerton. Guy Allincham and J 11
Claypool, all of Sisters, Oregon; L E
Aliingham, Frank Foster, Charles Lytic,
Harry Abrams, T F Buchanan, Antone
Fogel, Robert G Smith, Henry Stiles and
L A Booth, all of Prineville, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly any of the above-described lands are
requested to file their claims in this oflice
on or before the said 21st day of January,
Michael T. Nolan,
M5JI7 Register.
l'ltnbor Land, Act Juno 8, 18?8
Notioo for Publioation
inltu(l Statt'fl I'WOjJIoo
Tho DalloH, Or., Sept. 124, 1000.
V..H.... ta immhv ir I von that In com
nllHiiuo With tho provlMlot h of tho ( not
of Congress of Juno 8, 1S78, onllUed
"An net for ilw h.iIo of timber IiuiiIh lu
tho States of California, Oregon, Nov-
mil. iml WhlHKln Turritory" to ttti the I Iilio
by not ol August 4. lttll!,
k'litv M. Merrill.
of I'rlnovlllo, county of Crook, stnto
i iir.H tins this (liW llled In tlilH
..ill..., uiwiril Htutl'lllOMl T
for tlio puichiiHo or tho t.nwi.i
wJviioVt lu' !' 11 H r 1(? '' V' .i
And will oiler proof to show that tho
lit III I Miimrht Is tnoro valuable for tho
nr Ntfiiin tliereoti than for agrl
eiiltnial nurnosoH, and to cMtahllHh her
.ii.,iiii to hhIiI luud beforo tho County
m..rit nt Prinuvlile. Oregon, on tho
IKlli ilnv nf .lnlllllirV. 11)07.
Hho nanu'H as wltnosses: MollsHa
Street, Homer M Hlreot and Lincoln
s'lli-nr. nil of HisttirH. OrOUOtl, Ullll
Jacob B Merrill, of Prlnovlllf, Oregon
Any anil all porsons claiming nil tint iihovu-tlesui bed hinds are
r,itiiritiil to illo their claims In this
nllli'n on or hefoin said 18th day of
Jautiary, 1007. . ,
MIohaelT. Nolan,
nl5-17 Register,
Bivw aud Lots 0 and 7 .sec c, tp us, r 11 c, w in.
And will offer proof to show that tho land
sought Is more valuahle for Its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, anil to estab
lish his claim to said land before the JtegUter
and Kecclver at The naiies, Oregon, on tne
Uth day of January, 1U07.
He names as witnesses: Frank E Dayton
and Artnur P Donohue, of Laidlaw, Oregon;
'George A wens ana i yrue Li weus. oi farm
ers, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-uescriotM lantiH are requesieu to nie
their clalmH in this otlice on or before said
aith day of January, 1907.
.H8-J10 MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register.
Timber Laud, ylct Juno 3, 1878
Notice for Publication.
TJ. S. Land Ofllce, The Dalles, Oregon,
October 81, l'.MJ.
Notice Is hereby iriven that in comnll
anco with tlio nrovislons of the act of Con
gress of June B, 1878, entitled ".In act for
tho sale of timber lands iu the states of
California! Oretion. Nevada and Washim.'.
ton Territory;" as extended to all the pub
lic land states uy act or ltigusi jbicj me
following-named persons have, on Septem
ber 28, JUOti, filed in this olllce their sworn
Btatemonts, to-wit:
ilna lielle Booth,
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
Notice for Publication.
U. S. Laud Office. Tho Dalles, Or.,
September 1, 190B.
Notice is hereby given that In com
pliance with the provisionsof the nut
of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled
"An act for tho sale of timber lands iu
the States of California, Oregon, Nev
ada aud Washington Territory" as ex
tended to all tho Public Land States
by act of August 4, 1892,
Lucretia otory,
of Prineville, county of Crook, state of
C rcttit tiu fit la ttr i 1 1 !n tLta
v-b"1 ". " "-' " " l(PL- ,t lp ,.V I,. rir,.,ri. Ii.
o ch her sworn sta nmhnt Nn Un. fnr ..," --, .vhw..,
the purchase df the o 1-2 sw 1-4, nw "The ' iam(f folIowln, wUnm:
ft 00 L: auu BW - uv L l aw "i l' Fay Uallny. AVlUiam J Smulzor. Hnrthu It
Tuylor, L E Allmgliani, Robert (J .Smith,
Ma iium iiurry ioi'iim, an oi t'riiii!
villc, Oregon; Augusta Fullerton and
j jp uuerion, oi aisters, uregon
Any and all persons claiming adversely
uiij- in uiu uuuve-iiesernjuii lanus aru ro
nuesteil to file their claims In this olile- nn
or beforo tho said 22d day of January, 1A07.
Michael T, Nolan,
nl6-J17 Register
Timber Land, Act Juno!!, 188.
Notice for Publication,
U.S. Land Ofllce, The Dalles, Oregon,
October ttl, lWW.
Notice is hereby given that In compli
ance with the provisions of the act of Con
gress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act fur
tiie sale of timber Jninis m the s. - - "f
California. Oreuou. Nevadn, mat Wash
ingtou Terrltorv," as extended to nil the
public land states by act of Auvust 1. 1 K'.2,
the following-named persons have Hied in
this olllce their sworn statement, to-wit
I. Fav Hailov.
of Prineville, county of Crook, state of Or
eiion. sworn statement No. 8800. filed sen
tember 21, 190(i, for tlio purchase of the oVa
sejtf sec 2i,.swj4 swj, sec anu neij no
sec m, tp i s, r li e, w m.
William J. Smeler.
of Prineville, county of Crook, state of Or-i
enon, sworn statement ro. aau,, hied hop
tember 2i, 1UO0, for tlie purchase of the
se ncK, n and swK seK sec 28, tp
xm s, r ii e, w in.
13ertha 1). Tavlor.
of Prineville, county of Crook, statu of Or
egon, sworn .siiiiemeni .mi, uzvj, men :-.ep-temtier
17, U0t5. for tho pin chase of the eK
nej4 sec is, ip 11 f, r a e unu lots a ana a ot
sec 7, tp 11 s, r I J e, w nt.
And will offer proof to show that the
lands sought aro more valuable fur the
timber or stone thereon than fr agricul
tural purposes, iind to establish their
claims to saiu lands before tho County
uierk- at rrinevuie, uregou,
Timber Land, Act Juno 3, 1878
Notioo for Publioation
U. S. Land Olllce, Tho Dalles, Or.,
September 7, 1000.
Notice Is hernbv kIvoii that In com
pliance with tho provisions of tho not
oi CougresH or j line a, imp, cniiiieu
"An act for tho salo of timber lands in
the states of California, Oregon, Nev
ada and Washington Territory" as
extended to all tho public land states
by act of August -I, 1802,.
.lohn W. CdIIIiih,
of Prineville, county of Crook, iitato of
Oregon, has this thty filed In thisi flluu
his sworn statement No. 3100, for the
purchase of tho h'uSwKi, iitftiHW'ti' and
sw'.jiiivV, sec 33, tp 1 1 s, r 10 e, w m,
And will oiler proof to sliow mat the
laud bought Is more vnluublo tor its
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his cliiim to
said hind beforo tho County Clerk at
Prineville. Oregon, on tho 18th day of
January, 1007.
Ho names as witnesses: Wade II
Huston and L It Lafollette, both of
Prineville, Oregon, and G C Crockett
and J II O'Kelly, both of Ash wood.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely tho above-described lauds aro
requested to Illo, their claims In this
otlice on or beforo said 18th day of
January, 1007.
Michael T. Nolan,
nlo-J17 Kegister.
Tiinbor Litml, Act Jutfoa. Ia7g,
United HUtcs Latiil Offleo,
Tlio JMllc, Oregon, Ootobur Hi, 1000,
Nnllro Ii liuroh)' given tlmt in eomnliannA
with the nrovlnli'lis ot tho net ol '
Jimp H, ihIh. entitled ."An net for thi "nhi !i
i Mlforiilit, oru.
tiinbor IiuuIh In the state ot
Kim, Novadn anil N ftshlnitton TOrrltory" ,
extundud to nil tho public mud Htnten hi- net i
a n u n h t j. mu. the foi nviiii!.iiam,,.i
hnyo lllod lu this onieo their mvorn Mtntoinuuu
Clnrence L. Ilriintoii.
ofHlMter, ei t,, ijf 1'rtiu. uiu of Orpirnn
... . .i . ... i . M,",'i,,",M",l,liiiuur
ivw, iui uiu iniii iiii-u ui uiu IIUUI lllnl
i.imiio,T. .
hot fin- vu.6 J. ii
11... vi. - uiu ti : icri .
LI 111 N I ti I . I qaiB ,1
Itnv t! Fonlnr. ftf. 189)
olHlMero. county id i!rook, Mnlu of Orciron, ! of I'rliiovllu 4 8'VL
Hwnrii Htntemuiit No. IWO, lllod Hoi.tumbut : 1 of Or., ,1. I?" MUtil i I
mm, for tho purehwo of (hu ui4 "i w m, i 1 n h9 1 111 V' &
v).o mio II, tp W n. r It) e, jv i,l , hH Wo tl
JOMU J. Will.
ot HlHtom, county ot Crook, ntntn of Oreenn
xworii Htntoniunt No. Hltm, lllod Hoiitomtmr lu'
I'.khi, for tho iiureliKno of the vkoU mid 1
itwU M'f 1, ti Vi h, r 10 e, w in. 1
And will offor proof to nhnw tlmt tlm ntid
koiikIiI nro more vnliinhlu for the tiinbor or
Ktinio thereoN thiin fur nurleiilturni pur'umoi..
nnd to entnhllHli their cliiltnn to nnld ImihU
bolero tho Couuty Work At I'rlnuvlUu. Oreuon
on Jniiiinryii, uo7. K "'
liieyiininn tuo luuowinu wititeinqn: Ciiir.
."'mi m iiij iimiiiii ii uinuniil mill l
.... ... Ul-I .... ,
(ur, til ninivin, t,iv(UII,
rrinoviiiu, iiruKou.
II Ko.
1. AlllllKhMll, Of
Any nuil nil person clulmtliK ndverxoly nny
of tho nlHivo-duKcrlbcil IaiiiIh nro r.oiiiUNtiul to
llle tliolr t'lrtlmi In thin oilleo ou or before the
nnlil tiny of Jiinunry, 1UM7.
WH-ltf Hciilmcr.
Timber Und, Ac Julio it, 187S.
U. 8. Lnud Ofllce, Tlio Dullcn, OrnKou,
Hctteiiib'r T. lWil.
Notice In hereby idvon tlmt lu romulluiwi.
with the provlnlonn of tho net of CoiiKroumf
Juno :i. lbiS. entitled "An not for thimnlool
timber lnmU In tho Kintim of Cnlltorula, tiro
iron. Novndn nnd Wnnhlnaliin Titrritnrv .
extended to nil the public lnud Hlntea by net of
AUI.ll I, ItV.,
llenrv Y. lluntoi).
of 1'rlnevltt.o. county of Crmik. ntnte of Orecon
hn thU dny llled In thin ottlnt hl nworil
ulrtlomoiit No. .Ili'l. fur the piirehnno of tho nU
nw' oi e aa nun c; jiio co xi, ip n u, r 10 e,
iv m.
And n 111 offor proof lo ahovr tlmt the
Imul tioiiL'ht In more vnltinblo for th Km.
bvror mIiiiio thereon thnti for MKrlriilturnl pur
iMi.oH.Hiid tuenlnbllNh his elnliti to hIiI In mi
before the i nuniy rlerk nt I'rtiiovlue.OreKOii.
on the ith dny of Jnuunry, IU07.
lie inline n viinre; ivnile H mitten.
Jotiii W I'oLtiin, niul 1. ii i.nfoLU'ttu, m.i. nf
rrniitvii.i.e. wrui;iiii, nuu u.u Kinove, oi liny
creek, urucoti.
Any nnd nil orou elnlmliiK ndvernely
the h!iv- Iniidx nru riHiutel to
me iiicir riiiuiiN in uiu onieo on or uoioro tlie
niii .ijlll uny oi Jnuunry, 11V7.
n-.jil ltl.ter.
('"riertif.,, mi ,
J. .4.1 t. " 1. d A.
. a. mud aii. i -nriiu
"V",11 Hi. rifti
A'ld Will nil' 1 eim
Mio hi.. I. ,..??r. Prooll
!11 l"r-Mei.VnT,''bt
in said land ' 1 ZTm
III .In mi. ' lJtun. ftnii.
- "M.iuury, 1007 101
I 1(111 llhHi...
V,u!R0.."0 8mithil?
. iiiuvii n.
, .... .
inr i iu ii
Timber Und, Act
Land OnifnuiTi,.,, ..
Xnll.l.. M:
net of AuguitiVw-i" vmm
ttnlljU. MfB.
Timlier Land, Act June 3, 1878
Notice for Publication.
U.S. Land OHIce, Tlie Dalles, Oregon,
Augusts, mod.
notice is hereby given that In coin
e, w m.
Aud will ofTer proof to show that the
laud sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural
nnrnoscs. and to establish liornlulm tn
said land before the County Clerk at
Priuovllle, Oregon, ou the 10th duy of
January, 1UU7,
She names as witnesses: A C
Strange, It G Smith and Fred Wilson,
all of Priuovllle, Oregon, and E B
Graham, of Sisters, Oregon.
tVuy anu all persons claiming ad
versely tho above-described lands are
requested to file their claims in this
ollice ou or .before said 10th day of
January, 1007f
tii.,.i rn
nl5-J10 Kegister.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
Notice for Publication.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878
Notioe for Publication
U. S. Land Ollice, The Dalles, Or.,
September 14, 190G,
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington I erntory" as extended to all
the public land states by act of August 4,
Charles A. Bedell,
01 rnneville, county of Crook, state of
Oregon, has this day filed in this office
Tftt lllll ontix rt r t in iAH nlli In 1 n f-
KfmSfl of M?2f so 1 8ffltDlSr 0 ton Territory," ,s extended to all tho pub-e,LotsJamH,fcec.'u,tpi-s,riic,win.
w Itudolf Svenson.
ll...d.i' 11. Ul 1111. I
Heui'v TiL Stiles.
of Prineville, comity1 of Crook, state of Or
egon, sworn stateir
purchase of the L
1 and 2, sec 3, tp
And will offer proof to show that tho
lands sought are more valuable for tho
'timber or stone thereon than ' for agricul
tural purposes, and to establish their claims
to said lands beforo tho GOhntV'Olerk at
Prinovlllo, Oregon, on January-17. H07.
Tlutv nnmn tlm fnllnwhiL' wltJlCSMS! L
k Aliingham, Henry Ugow. ltO'Sraith,
9i A iJootli, Mrs. Ollio Klkinrf'aud.JIrc. N.
H.Logah.oJ Prineville, Oroion; ' ' -1
ny.BtidflU persons clalmlnj adversely
bjiyof.tnd abovo-descrlbed lands arore-Vjoostddto-'file
their claims In thUoflicoon
or beforo tho said 17ihday of January, 1007.
yV-T' Michael 'iVNoWu, '
Wl5-J10 Kegister, .
U. S. iand Office, The Dalles, Or.,
Soptember 11, 1000.
Xotlco Is herebv ulven that In comnll-
niien u-llh tlio nrnvklnna nf tlm ni-l if
Congress of Juno 3, lWH, entitled "An act us sworn statement No 3255, for the pur-
cmisc 01 me se quarter sw quarter, syi
se quarter of sec 9 and swsw quatter
sec 10, tp 12 s, r 10 e, w m,
And will offer proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its tim
ber or stone than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish his claim to said
land belore the County Clerk, at Prine
ville, Oregon, on the 22nd day of Jan
uary, 1907.
He names as witnesses L E Ailing,
ham and Harry Abram, both ol i'rine
ville, Oregon, and 'Joseph 1 Claypool
and Walter S Fullerton, both of Sisters,
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the above-described lands are requested
to fiic their claims in this office on or h.
fore the 22d day qf January, 1907,
Michael T. Nolan.
of Portland, county of Multnomah, state
nityof crook, Ktate or ur- of Oregon, has this day filed in this office
jteiiti,o.3.,S82. tor the ids sworn statement Nvo. 3232, for: tho pur-
Lots and'-l, see 2 and lots chasoof thonXse and uUmH sec 0, tp
12s, HOC, wm. 12 s, r 10 e, wm,
Ana win oiter proor to show that tlio
land sought is more valuable for its tim
ber or stone than for agricultural purposes
aud to establish his claim to Mild fund
before the Kegister and Kecelver at The
Dalles, Oregon, on the 23rd day of Febru
ary, 1007.
llo namns as witnesses: Olo Stone.
Andrew Nelson, Carl PWdeau and Frank
Kllnt'or, all of Portland, Oregon,
.I'Any and all persons claiming adversely
tKpabove-doscrJbed lauds aro requested to
mil their c(aims lu tills office on or before
8?.U'rd day ot Februnrjvi007.
d20-fV. Kegister.
piiiineo with tins provision of tho m-t o
Uongrossof Jiin.t!l, Ih7, entitled "An net
tor iiiosaiu of timber muds lu the ttis of
1 atiiornlu, Ori-Kon, .Nevada mid ashing
ton 7'erritory", extended to all Urn pub
ne land state by act of August I, 1M2,
Lincoln Mivi-r
or histcrs, county ot Crook, state of Ore
Ron, bus this day filed iu lit 1 - olllce lib
sworn statement No. 31 17, for the purchase
"l no- I. .1:11 11' J . l- 531. til II
rlOe, w 111,
And wifl offer proof to show Unit the
land sought Is more valuable for lis timber
ursiuiiowiau jor iigricunurat purposes mid
to estuhl ih Ids claim to said land beforo
1 'e ".""t' Ht Prineville, Oregon, 011
the 'Ath duy or Jniutary, iW.
He IIIHIies ilS ultlu-sn-at llntiuir M
Street and Melissa Street, of Sisters, Ort-
k'" '."i i -ierriu ami Kiny m .Merrill
of Prineville. Oreeon.
ylny and all persons claiming adversely
iiiouoovo-iiescilbeiitanilsare reiiuested to
mc uieir ci.iiiiis in tins omec on or helor.
saiu siniiuy 01 .January, iiw.
Michaki. T. .YOf.AX,
n2i-j2t ltcglster,
Timber Land, Act June SI, 1878.
Notice for Publication.
U. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
October ti, lOOt).
ATotico is hereby iriven tlmt Incoimiii
ance with tho provisions of the act of Con
gress of June I!, 187H, entitled "An act for
Hie sale of Umber lands In the slates of
California; Oregon, iVevaila, and Wash
ington Territory," as extended to all tho
puouc lami states uy act or August 1, 18U2
Alexander rhninuon.
of Prineville, county of Crook, state of Or
egon, lias tins nay llled In this officii his
wtm aluminum rto.,uu, lor tho puichasu
of sw quarter no ijuarliir and nw quarter
ijuuiiui see cn, ip ji s, r 10 e, W III,
. Aim win oner proof to show that tlm
land sought is more valuable fur it 11
orstono than for ainlciiltiiral
and to establish his claim to said Imul )e:
fore the County Clerk nt 1'rliw.viitf.
4 1 1 ill 1 m m ' wi W
kh,ui me inn miy 01 .junuary, HKJ7.
onanios as wuiiossoh: .lohn W Col-
i.un, ir.un; 11 iiiisinn. iienrv v iiiiui.,
all of Prineville, Oregon; A (I Klbbee, of
Haycreek, Oregon. '
Anv and all persons claiming advorsoly
the abovo-descrlbcd lands at e requested ti)
lie their claims lu this nlhco on or beforo
wm uiu nay 01 .January, r,i07.
l8-J'0 . Koalster.
Timber Land, Act Juno !l, 1878
Notice For Publication
U. S. Laud office, Tlie .Dalles, Oregon,
uciooer 0, luou.
Notlco is hereby uivitn tlmt III fmrmK
jiiiuu thii uiu JrOVIHK)Jl8 til tho not of
l1lillri.fiu( In.... If nii, .1... . . . "
""iihuim.N ,1111111 11. mio, ei ill 10(1 "An ait
for tlio sale of tlmhoi- ,..,,1,, o,..' . ..."
o(,1" l;0l0,, Movnda u.d V i"
iigtoii lerrltory,' asexteii.liMl l(. all tl 0
public land suites by act of August 1 1M2
K Oleneii . l'i.llliiun ' '
of Priniiyllle, county of Crook, state of
Oregon, has this day llled lu tills oll c o h r
sworn statement irn -mo V .? ' V.' '".m',.,,,., m .T 'lc X
Mh'A and l.seeC, tp 12 s, r JO e, w i...
Allll Will oll'er loru.f in l .1... ii
land soiiL-ht ,., ; ,...i.V..if.
" I ! 8 .0.,.!V . ".w,.,,'r ".Krleultiiral purposes
and to establish his claim to said In id hi,
fore the County CJoik at Prlnovll (Jro
;on, 011 the 1 J n ,hiy of Jam a y, iw.
OIIO UllinUH HH Wllni.uuiiM. Hf... I., fl 11...
ton, l5ellaJlustoi., L 1) Lafoll e ailof
El', I
foro said Uth day of January. itinT "
Timber l.uinl, Act Juno 3, 1TH.
Notice for Publication.
Uuxi Ufllwi at The Dnllt. Orugou,
. Oclotxir 31, im,
Kotlw In horehy k-Ivoii tlmt In c-omnllnncv
with the provlloii of the net of ('otiK'H nf
Juni) 3, IH7 eiit!tli-'l "An net for the nut of
tlmlior Imul in tlie tntu I t itUfiiriiin. Ore
Kon, ffevuua, unit wmniiiKinri ijrritorjr," nn
extetnltHl to nil the jhiUIo (aikI lat hy act vi
MutKitrot A . Kl.klii',
of Priuovllle, coutii)- of frooW, mate of Oretton,
li n thin ilriy tlcil in thUoltlee her muirn tnt
ment No. Jan. lor the inirchiue of the n'$mvl4
nnd w',neH w .11, tp It . r 10 e, w in,
Ami wli.i offrr proof to nhou- tlmt the lnml
Mini; (it hi morn vnLlinble for IU llmher or touo
thnti for nrlenuiiirnL iurtoei, nml to enlith
JIkIi herein 1 111 to nnlil lnlnl iK-fore (he Oouiitjr
Clark nt 1'rliiuvlllv. Uri'xon, on IliC 'JSth dny of
Jntiiiury, hAJT.
8hi imtiien tho followlllK wltuoi-i: If M
Slrwt. nml I. Stiver, hnlh of Hlnterit, Oretion,
nml I'JIuiinti nml A C HtruiiKe. Unh ul
rrlimrillc, Ori-Koii.
Any hikI ntl ixerwiiii clnlmltii' mlverMily the
nlxivit ilex-rilxMl IkiiiIk rtts reUotuil to Uiu
their rlidm lu thin oilleo on or helore nttl
MU iluy of Jnnuury, 11M7.
JIiciiaW.T. NuU.v,
n'.-.'-J-JI HvcUtur.
Timher I.miil, Act June, ls74
Notice. fur Pubiatit:i.
Lnml Olllw at Tho Dulhn, Oregon,
8itiinjr 21, two.
Niitlcw I herehr ulvtm Unit In eoiniillunee
with tin- tirovUloiK of the net of rongru of
Juuu.'i, Ji. entllii"! "An Ml tut the unit) of
ti mix-1 mini in tne mutt 01 iiiiuoriiin, urn-
lion. Nvvmln nml WnnhltiKtou Terr I lory, its
exteiiik-il lonli the puhda mini itnte by net of
Kiorenee L. I'erey.
of rrluuvliie, county of t'rook, utf nf Ori-iion,
Iikx thin ilny tiled In tit I o 111 oh her nunm
nUtemellt No. ft), for tlm tiltrehitoe of lUl '-
iiwl,. iiwi-,iiu' of nee 'M una wj.,uli c 21, tp
12 , r It . w 111.
Anil wli offor tirmif to t,uw Hint tho lnml
noiiRht U more vuiuaho for Itx timber or moiie
thnu for nL-rleultorn iiirioui, niul to on lull-
Huh her entltti to Muhl lnml liuforn the rotiiitv
I'lerk nl l'rlnt-vliu. Oreeon. on thulUthdiiy of
jnitnur), iwi.
ii umnbn m wllncmon: A .mm, u a hciihi
I. K A11 11 u Ii 11 tn nuil KU Sm th. nl of frlliu
ville. Oruuiin.
Any hiiiI nw txinomi rinlmliiir nilvornniy the
nlxtvit-ilwerlliuil muiU nro re'iniwtud to file
their iiinlm In thin oiileu on or before ahl Vifith
(lay ouiinuary, 11M7.
ittciuttT. Noun,
ui-2l ItcgUtur.
; rii iiiment.n:iu i..':.1
Hie ifi.. ,.c .7J'-1U
Aim U'lii : -i . . i
tMr m tXTWi
. ,H.u in.
. ... .... . nM, fcu Fill,. 4. Lk. .1,
(ii--,...,. ,, ymriti
at... . . " 01 JUIJI,,
Hlil.ii. i,.....,. I.V.""?? It
I-..IT 1.: .v".'.." u "M ft
iKr iirinrc nr.-
Any nml li'tH:tiuiu'ft.ii...i
ri.;.v. .,..' ri..u,i.' tf!
Ill J.) iu
"UAIill 1. 1
umucr una, ActJttttB
notice for Publkitloj
V. S. Ijltlil OMmi Tl.. n.lL. n
.totlee In Leretir i in llit 1. . mu iirovivmn. n, l mdr
Jtinn t. li7s. entitled An w Im
iimiirr mnm m mt uie 01 riiii
KOII. .Nrmilt. anil Vihln,l;,n T.-
v,KiHjrii iu no tiie puouc usq
ui AiiKini 1, IKi,
Willie httt.
i.. I 1 , rili.l 1m .1.1. L
riy4 ui nro 11, i--.iv'. OI 1 U Ul
iwe iv. tp i2i. rile, win,
"nvi I'twi. vi auum uiu
limn fur jfri uiturtl imon. mi
tun nu rinim lotdiauni Uiintt
I li-rz nl I'rmevllle utcms mlii
jnoiint, tjiii,
11m limili'. u ullniufl I. 1 1
rrinevlllf, oretion,
aiit Hiiu m tiwui c.ii4iiii.iv
lfilli ilivof Jtnuiir 1-J07
Ttmbtir 1.1111(1, Act J UIU) , lb7H.
Notice for Publication.
I-iuiil Officii nt The iHllen, OroK'i,
. Beidembor IS, im.
N'otlllt la harotiv i-Ivlii that III lilllllilllltlN'
With Ihii nrovliiliiiiii ot tlm nut of ItollLTOMI (if
JiiiioH, 1K7H. ontltled "An net for the nle "t
tl in bur ;nniU In the tiii)H of Cnlforiilu, ore
K"tt Novitiln, nml WiixhiiiKWin Territory."
exlemleil to nn tlm unliJlit lnml mil ton bv tict
of Aliifunt I, Wi,
nriiu I (Iroiiii.
of Wnn Wnln. uo'iniy ol Wnlii Wnln, ntntnof
wumniiKton, inu thin dny -filed In thin onieo
IiIh "worn Ntutuinuiit N'o irirVl far tin; tiiirellline
of the Mtie, uUneU niul w54M of nee I, tp
ii h, r me, w m,
Anil w ill offer nrooflo Nhow tlmt tho Miel
eouislit In more iiiunbu for Its tlmlieror ntoue
limn loriiKrieiiiturn imriioiitix, nml to uxiun
lUh hi enlm to mild and before tho Kcttlster
nnd Kecelver nt The lhile. Oreitoii. on tho
2xth Uny of .Iniiunry, 1007.
lie iiiiiiiu us vltueen; Itohort O Hmllh
nml W IMlniiett. hoth of 1'rlnevlJie, Oreiton,
Kdwlu II (iriilmm, of Hlntoi'M, OreK"n, nml Muy
1. Cronn. of Wmii Wnu. WiiflhliiL'ton.
AllV mill nil neriioNii i-iiilinlHir ml viimelv till)
ithoyo-iloiierlheil litNdn nro roqlleiitoil to illo
tliulr (ilitlniK In tlilu ii m mi oh nr Imforu Mnlu
fflith duy of JUNutary, iyo7.
.miciiai;l i. roi.n,
U'ti-yu Jtt-Klnlt-r.
Tliniiur hiiiid, Aet Juno a, 1H7.
Ui 8. Land OUlco.Tho Dnllex, Oreiton,
Heplomliur '."J,
N'lltlrO In Imruhv irlviln tlmt In eonitilliltlCO
ii'lth the iirovIMoim of thottelof CoinfreHtof
June ii , ikVh. entitled "Ail net for thomdoof
timber IniiiiH in tho uiu leu of (Jnilfornln. Ore-
Kon, .Soviuln nnd WmihliiKton Territory," n
i xteiuleil lo nil tho public lnud Milton by nut
AiikiuI 1, W2,
of rrliievlllo, county of Crook, ntutri ol pfoKiin,
nun in in uny iiidii in unu onieo nut nivorn ntntu
ineut No. Ml;), for tho purcliimo of tho ny, iwli,
win' U Ml msV "' ' ' r
Am) will offer tlroof In Hlinw Hint the land
ypiiKht in more vnluuhlo lor Itn timber or lono
joniiiiir HKrii'Jiniirui tiurixmoH, nnu to enwo-
li lis elulm to nnlil lnud before tho County
lurk nt I'rlnevlllii. nrnunti mi tlm t -' 1 1 1 iluv of
niiiinry, IW.
HO ItllllliiM III uiltllimuiiu. Ir.1,1, IV r!lllllllll, W
ii i , i :: . z"'i . v. ..
of I'rlnovlllo, Oregon.
Any nml nil perMonH elnlmlilH ndvurialy Iho
Bbnva.ilvncrlboi! IhikIh nro .'oniienteil to.Illo
Thiibcr Land.AftJmJiKl'
it i fiitti itmi-t irpiiiia.ui
Vnilrtn U f hn .thlt tl
niiit with tiuHtruvUloiijuftbei
.lilllll'IllUli vi i -
l ii ! -l'.rll,irv . fit ltteUdttl WU
iiu iiiiiu aiubt.? ui nifM"-'
.sailloK.blfWje ;
of l'rineville. county of. CW
I JU'L'OII. 11 UI ll
.i.iimiinii VnStn.forlM
.i n nnnrliirilldnDliil
ill nn: a .mu iiu'i" - ,
i.r i.r k ui. (ti 1 1 ii rutii
Am wi oner irw " -
I..7..I I.t u ninrn V U1814 W'
h, nn n . " Tr
Mill lUl'i II. U. um -, r u
of rrhiovlllw, Oregon, mJE-H
II O IIIU r eiioii" i; ., iiyff
viniAiu i
Notice for Pubto;.
nintibelut"11 .
.. ... lllll W?'
on.;.r. of Mh
D,Yi,VmJ-te.l Kntry.Noi-V
rjiil.fortl.oiw'', Vila,
...n'i in ll l. f "
a mi t nnt (iui i'iw .i v ii n tn -
ifnhii, ttiian " """-"-jiiciuin
. . ..-,t iftJuns1:
Tlniuor """'"..., ft
U, O. gCMf"""'
t.i.lil (
ft"" " r. :.nM o i" ::i i
AUKiutl, WW. .-.nuBtrotid,
tit ITIIlUt IIIVI 1- i -l,lIIUlbv - .jk
H'. 1IUJ .1.1
w ... rnof in s:inw
t ml Will I"'" l-.tilltlOriTi.!
....'.'..'.i.i U mow V l ' ,, ro4W'' ,u
' "ft' , rlcultu t r;-i w
Clerk nt 1 '' i-""' ,,.. W1-.iuwBjJfi
Hho iiino " E f()0d, '"
1 it till HII I '". .Ij LTB 'tJM
SUl Kegister,
duyolJuuu"' jciUf "