The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, December 27, 1906, Image 7

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    Does Whai
Other Stoves
Tn almost every hoime there ia
n room that tho heat from the
other stoves or furnace fails to
rrnch. It uinv be n room on
the "wcntherl, bI1c, or one having no heat
Mnn. It mnv be n cola Hallway, no utat-
tVr in whut part of the house whether room or
hallway it can soon be made snug and cozy with m
Oil Heater
c-nninncd Willi Smokeless Device)
... Au...r nil lirntcra the Perfection eIvcb satisfaction
UnliM on ''nnd foremost It is absolutely safe-vou cannot
lvras. hKh or to ,ow Givc8 intcll5e fleat without
tarn. 1 11 limine emiioucd with smokeless device.
IfflOKeord. v." . " io room- A
fun he easily r (
i- nnrnle ii9 ft ln'P- Ornamental as well as useful,
i? S wo fmlshcs-Ulckcl and Japan. Brass oil fount
i . itfiiUv embossed. Holds 4 quarts of oil and burns 9
beautifully cm" ,,t.fnntlr,n In .1 Perfect on Oil Heater.
hVate warranted. If not at your dealer's write our
nearest nt-ency for descriptive circular.
The ErVAfh I .fltTIT Islhe safest noil bent lump
.GW P L"'a for ll.rouii.l houiehotll
r me. GItc clear, lciuly
jlttht. Fitted with Utet
.i,itrnrr Made-of brat throughout nnd nickel pluled.
K",Jr bVJrooun If not nt your dealer' write to nenrenl agency.
rontlnuou rolllic.
must lmvc 11 leuder," said a
ber of tho mob.
bat for?" ... '
that wo can have a revolution.
.nd then?"
e'll put him In authority."
nd tlien?"
other lender, of course, Ann nn-
revolution." Wnshlncton htar.
0! Ointments lor Catarrh that
Contain Mercury
rcarr will surely lotroy the sonso of
indeomplstely JerUKO tho wholo syt-
. (ju.h artirlni mould never bo uicu
tcnprecrhitlon from roputable jihy.
ii-iiihedamsK 'they will do is ton fold
1 rood you can ixjslll'1)' durlvufroin them.
lUUttb Cure, matiwactureti uy v. J.
Co.. Toledo. O. . con t aim no tn ercury.
1 Uttn internally, acting directly twain
ooatnamucouiruriaccaoi 1110 jricin.
jlnrlUU'i Catarrh Cum bo iiuro you get
nuine. Itli taken Internally, and made
tdo, Ohio, by I'. J. Chouey & Co. Toatl
ill free. ...
ibi DrurgliU, r'lco "Sc. t,!r uotue.
IlttmUjr Hill are tue item.
Trouble Ahead.
sec that Vienna miusiikcs munt bo
ltd In Vienna and French Hurdlnca
fes, but there's golnf; to bo trouble.
they Insist that Turkish clf;nr
I must be ninde lu Turkey." Cluvo
Plain Dealer.
ntnir ont In joy, O chiming bells f
for In your melody there dwells
Tho music Kind of Chrlstma tl.l
On cvory hearthstone far and ullt.
And rosy lips, with Innhtpr sweet,
Tho happy sons of llfo repeat
Klnj out In Joy I
It Intr out In hope, O chiming bells I
Kor your clear voice of patience tells
To waiting hearts who promise yields
No golden fruit of harvest Holds,
Whoso Rarncrcd (Train of tolling hand
Mcs heaped upon n barren land
King out In hope!
Itlnf? out In Rrlcf, O clilmlns bells i
Vor in your tremhllnj; echo dwells
To saddened hearts a thought of old,
A picture framed in memory's gold
K vanished faco beneath tho snow,
K dream of life's sweet long n Ro
lling out In grief I
Itlng out In cheer, O chiming bells I
lo r In your peals a promise dwells
To listening hearts that strive to heal
The future's voice of hope nnd cheer;
For lovo nnd Joy will have their birth
As snowdrops spring from icy earth
Itlng out in cheer 1
Itlng out in pence, O chiming bells I
for Chrlstmas-tldc a message tells
To eager souls that bravely wait,
And loyal hearts too strong for fate
To crush to earth oh, listen, then:
'TIs "I'caco on earth, good will to men"
Itlng out 'n peace I
Clara Leo I'uckcttc, In Washington I'ost
It Over SIOO In a Vain Search
for Health,
i Frances Gardner, of 300 Jarksnn
lemd, Chlcaeu. Ilia., writas:
Bmtlomen: I heartily endorao
Doan'a Kidney
Pills, aa I Imvo
found by personnl
ezperienco that
they nro an ideal
kidney lemody. I
Buffered with com
plications of kid
ny complaint fm
nearly flvo yeora,
spont over $100 on
nmlpan rntnpillnn
I fits boxes of Doan'a Kidrmv Pills
S me in a few short wenlrn. T nm
NojioB the best of linnltli. lmvn 11
Pppetite, the boat of dilation, and
PI BieeD. all flllci tn vnnr
1 by all tiPftlnrn f( Anla n
'Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Ills Oim Mnntifnclurr.
Sir Willlnm Hnlloy "played tnis off,"
ns ho oxpresst'd It, nt n dinner nt which
tho Into Cardinal ViiUK'lian Hat near to
him. "Where did you pot thnt bit of
hlHtory from?" the cardinal naked. "I
didn't Ket It from anywhere." Sir Will
iam answered. "I mnkc history as I
go on." Manchester Gunrdlnn.
"Worth Knowing.
Thnt Allcock's Plasters are tho hlghost
result ofruedicul science and skill and in In
gredients and ni'-tbnd have never Inien egu.
nled. That they Rre tho orlftnnl and Konutne
porous planters upon whoso reputation iini
tutors trade.
That thoy never fail to perform their rem
cdinl work miirkly and effectually.
That for Weak flack, KhcumatiHm, Coldi
Lung Trouble, Htrains nnd all Local 1'aini
they nro invaluable.
Thttt when you buy Allcock's Plasters
you obtain the beet plasters made.
You Have Seen Them.
First Flat Dweller Jbose people
over there nro nhvnya kicking on thi
move? I
First Flat Dweller They're the kind
that would rnther kick than eat Do-'
trolt Free Press.
Por Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
Slgnaturo of
Da Rplrirr I.lUc MnsloT
It hnH often l)cen snld that spiders
nro fond of music, but a French Inves
tigator, M. Lccnlllou, now asserts that
this Is not true. He says that their
musical Benso must be attributed mere
ly to greed or to hunger. When a Uy
Is caught in a spider's web It buzzes,
and the spider Immediately makes for
tho placo from which the buzzing
comes. M. Localllou, by experimenting
with a vlollu, some Hies, a piano, vio
loncello nnd a cornet, found that only
those musical sounds which resemblo
tho buzzing of tho illes attracted the
spiders. The cornet, for Instance, In
variably frightened It, and so did the
rhen the blood is pure, fresh and healthy, the skin will be soft, smooth
pe irom blemishes, but when some acid humor takes root in the circu-
L presence is manifested by n skin eruption or disease. These
r,10 tlic nicmbers of the body whose duty it is to collect and carry
F waste nnd refuse matter of the system. This unhealthy matter is left
l yi 1 . "lui ,uou Hie ctrcmniion occouics ciiarm--u wuu nwiu
L'ni 1 1 ,,cSns to throw off the humors nnd ncids through the
I Elands of the skin. im1nriticr IJrwiim. Apiio. Tetter. Psoriasis.
, cum niui Bk, eruptions of various kinds. Eczema appears, usually
Miglit rednnjio nf 41. ..i.:.. rn 1 1... ..t..i -.., tiir '
twit if a thnt dnc3 nnJ forms a crust, and the itching is intense.
ay be alTccted. In Tetter the skin dries, cracks and bleeds ;
ie blood dries up the natural oils of the skin, which arc intended
leather, l)Uaw causing a dry, feverish condition and giving it a
; ucry appearance. Acne makes its appearance on the face in the
R4wlthEozomafr.f fonu of pimples nnd black heads, while
P'ttntll f I ' "Olllllllf tO BUllllilli) WlUCa III Olllljf jllH..I.a V. v....w.-
&i!atMols with' 4?; c"t parts of the body One of the worst
6?FSiWvA forms of skin trouble is Salt Rheum;
ilcrustawoSfdrSXJ? its vorite point of attack is the scnlp,
ni&2fffiiZTt sometimes causing baldness. Toison Oak
Ll "ufforodnX'1.? ,.l,'.00 nd Ivy arc also disagreeable types of skin
ftiuodn na3 ftWiolod, btit disease. The humor producing the trouble
Hre. au'e-H. I found a nav. Una A 41m 11nrw1 llirnntrll tlio
Btn. 'J"! lias linvni. n muiiii. " '" M.wv. ....w.-f,.. --
rroftUetroU'ie?rljoon Winter to break out and torment the
r&a.lrob. u,vakb, suffcrcrwith the return of Spring. The best
treatment for nil skin diseases is b. t. o.
It neutralizes the acids and removes the
humors so that the skin instead of being
Irritated and diseased, is nourished by a
supply of fresh, healthy blood. External
applications of salves, washes, lotions, etc.,
while they soothe the itching caused by
sethey do f Bkin nffectious, cau never cure the trouble
prces our iig'1 1110 blood. S. S. 8. goes down into the circulation
I, uut CVerv nn411 tl 0 . . . 11... t.l-.l l iln
, pure enn vtt 1 ioreign matter nnu restores uie mown iu iw
!D. lloni- J . : l?,n, thereby permanently curing every form of skin
' hook n ct i '"-l"J pcrmiuicHny curing cvuiy iuuh
write obm Keasc9 and nny medical advice desired
o t). S. is for sale at all first class drug stores.
scut frca
In tho darkness abend there were occa
slonal flares of red Haines, and from them
ascended long, comet-IIke trackH of light
thnt HnHlied into momentary blazes. The
boom of the cannon, the wlerd shrieking
of the shells and their sharp explosion
blended in one wild devil's concert.
The boy from Maine drew back quickly
from the muzzle of the starboard gun No.
I of the United Stntes gunboat Mackinaw.
The old gunner standing rigid drew thr
lanyard toward himself with a sudden
jerk. There was n deafening roar and a
cloud of choking smoke enveloped the gun
crew. Another shell hail been sent Into
the solid earthworks of Fort Fisher.
Tho boy from Maine rushed forward
through the smoke and thrust the clean
ing rod into the muzzle of the gun. An
other of the crew dashed a pailful! of
water over the long steel tube. The gun
was reloaded nnd nnothcr shell was hurl
ed nt the spurts of (lame ahead. They
had been doing this at Intervals since the
early nftcrnoon, find now It was almost
midnight midnight of Christmas eve,
"Cease firing," came a hoarse order
out of the dark. The gun crew of No. 1
flung themselves down on the sloppy deck
with audible sighs of relicT. The devil't
concert did not abate noticeably. The
remninlng vessels of the Federal fleet
were still exchanging compliments with
Fort Fisher.
The old gunner quickly filled his pipe,
and the glow from tho bowl half illumin
ed his wrinkled face now and then.
"Put's mc in mind of a Christmas evt
I sicnt nt the mines in Cnliforny," hi
remarked, "only It's just n mite worse."
"Don't talk about Christmas," said ont
of tho crew in a husky voice. "I lef
three children nt home. They are in hoc
now and three little stockings are hangini
above the fireplace same as always, 1
hope. The wife Is sitting up a while may
he, n thinking of mo or maybe saying a
bit of a prayer. Don't like to think of it
when things are so dubious. What arr
you thinking nlmut, Fritz?"
"Of the Vnterland some," replied an
unmistakable accent. "Vat is the matter
mit tho boy? He is always talking be
fore." The boy beard nothing. He sprawled
on the deck with his head on one arm.
The smell of the pine trees nnd the odor
of boiling mnple sap was In his nostrils.
He was many hundreds of miles away
from the Mackinaw, off Fort Fisher, back
in the Maine woods with a sugaring party.
Tho smoke of the pine-knot fire was ris
ing slowly nnd the golden brown syrup
hissed and bubbled in the kettles. Merry
little shrieks of laughter rang In his ears.
She was there, the pink nnd white of her
face so prettily emphasized by tho mink
tipper. How absurdly small those little
red mittens seemed in comparison with
his! How blue her eyes were! There
wns no one looking just one kiss on
those lips created solely for the purpose
"Starboard batteries commence firing!"
rame the hoarse and relentless order from
tho darkness.
A none too gentle kick brought the
boy back to the Mackinaw, but her face
looked at him for nn Instant out of the
gloom. Starboard gun No. 1 again added
its voice to tho devil's chorus.
Tho sky began to turn from black to
gray. "A Christmas present," said the
gunner grimly ns he jerked tho lanyard.
The Mynllii MlNtlHoc.
For many generations after the last
Druid was dust tho mistletoe had its vo
taries. The plant lind almost every med
ical property, according to early physi
cians. It wns believed to bo a remedy
for nil Ills, physical, mental nnd senti
mental. In pagan days it wns dedicated
to Ohven, the Celtic Venus, nnd through
tho ages tho plant nnd the tender passion
were rather intimately entwined, says the
Cincinnati Enquirer. Kissing beneath M
began so far back in history that no ono
has over attempted to trace tho custom
to Its youth.
Joliiiny'N SiiKK't'Mt Ion.
Johnny (on Christmas ove) Mamma,
can't you glvo tho baby something to
make him sleep to-night?
Mamma Why, Johnny?
Johnny Ilccnuso if Snnta Clnus hears
ldm yelling, ho might think we'ro nil just
as bad. Current Literature.
JumiiliiK lit 11 CoiivIiinIoii.
Tommy Santa Claus Is coming to din
ncr to-night.
Hlsio Oh 1 How do you know?
Tommy Ma told mo a whito-haired old
gentleman wns coming and wo'd liuvo to
bo very good,
VmilMlihiir I'timii.
How worldly prldo kin pass away,
I's tnUIn' foil my tex
What is a Christ inns tree ono day
Is kludllu' wood do mix'.
WasUlugtou Star,
100 Doses $1
True only of Hood's Sareaparilla, tho
ono great blood purifier and general
tonic. Tide remarkablo modicino has
effected many radical and permanent
cures thnt are tho wonder of tho world.
It eradicates all humors from pimplca
to scrofula.
100 Doses $1
In usual liquid form or in chocolated
tablets known as Sarsatabs. 100 doses $1.
Snoli Denr iTlcndn.
Grace (during storm) I'm awfully
afraid of lightning.
Lola I don't see why you should be.
Grace Why not?
Lola Because there has to bo some
thing attractive even for lightning.
Vnln Itcjrret.
"But, Bertie," said his mother, "you
asked for two cakes nnd I gave them
to you. Aren't you satisfied?"
"No, I ain't," growled Bertie. "You
wns so easy I'm klckln' inesclf 'cause
I didn't ask for four." Philadelphia
Fifteenth Ccntnrr Msnsers.
The antiquary took down a small,
fat volume, vellum-bound, with a brass
clasp. . , ,
"This Is a 'Book of Manners,"' he
unld. "It was printed in 1170. Here
are n few extracts."
And ho read:
"Do not gnaw a bone, like a dog,
nor suck tho marrow out of a bone.
"In peeling n pear, begin at the
stalk ; but with an npplc, begin at the
"Do not wipe tho hand en the
clothes, nor suck them, but use tho
"When you drink, lift the cup In
both hands; you must not drink with
one hand, like a wagoner when ho is
greasing his cart wheels.
"Wipe your nose and mouth when
you have drunk, and do not cough Into
the cup.
"Do not cat an apple all alone, but
cut It in two and give a neighbor a
"Do not use your own knife to cut
your meat if the host has set a knife
of his own at your place.
"Do not spread butter on bread with
your thumb."
For that
There Is one thing that will
cure it Ayer's Hair Vigor.
It is a regular scalp-medicine.
It quickly destroys the germs
which cause this disease.
The unhealthy scalp becomes
healthy. The dandruff disap
pears, had to disappear. A
healthyscalp means a greatdcal
to you healthy hair, no dan
druff,no pimplcs,no eruptions.
The best kind of a testimonial
"Sold tor over txty yeara."
jiiiili br J. O. A71T Co., lowjll, Kui.
Ji Alo xunufeaturers or
- 1
. 1
mm WmM
mm wi
I'.5-..V:5Sf that
iJtt&XZfQX integrity and
WJ.J&.MM n m imitations of
The Laxative op
There are two classes of remedies: those of known qual
ity and which are permanently beneficial in effect, acting
gently, in harmony with nature, when natureneeds assist
ance; and another class, composed of preparations of
unknown, uncertain and inferior character, acting tempo
rarily, but iniuriouslv. as a result of forcing the natural
functions unnecessarily. One of the most exceptional of
the remediesof known quality and excellence is the ever
Dleasant Svruo of Figs, manufactured by the California
Fic Syrup Co., which represents the active principles of
plants, known to act most beneficially, in a pleasant syrup,
in which the wholesome Californian blue figs are used to con
tribute their rich, yet delicate, fruity flavor. It is the remedy
of all remedies to sweeten and refresh and cleanse the system
gently and naturally, and to assist one in overcoming consti
pation and the many ills resulting therefrom. Its active princi
ples and quality are known to physicians generally, and the
remedy has therefore met with their approval, as well as with
'W&&0jx. the favor of many millions of well informed persons who know
of their own personal knowledge and. from actual experience
thatitis a most excellent laxative remedy We do not claim that
it will cure all manner of ills, but recommend it for what it really
represents, a laxative remedy of known quality and excellence,
containing nothing of an objectionable or injurious character.
There are two classes of purchasers: those who are informed
to the quality of what they buy and the reasons for the excellence
of articles of exceptional merit, and who do not lack courage to go
elsewhere when a dealer offers an imitation of any well known
article; but, unfortunately, there are some people who do not know,
and who allow themselves to be imposed upon. They cannot expect
its beneficial effects if they do not get the genuine remedy.
To the credit of the druggists of the United States be it said
nearly all of them value their reputation for professional
the good will of their customers too highly to offer
Genuine Syrup of Figs
manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., and in order
to Duy the genuine article and to get its beneficial effects,
one has only to note, when purchasing, the full name of
tne company California Fig Syrup Co. plainly printed on the
front of every package. Price, 50c per bottle. One size only.
All the best breed
ing and Individuality.
Youne stock on hand
at all times. Corrcs
tiondcnro solicited,
SuUsructlon guaran
teed. Address
Perrydale, Orccon
Best in America
We make them
Stamps, Seals, i.te. We manufacture our
own goods. Our equipment Is the new-en
and best money cau buy. Wrlto today lor our
"Kubbor Btamp Catalogue."
Portland, Oregon
Of the children attending German
schools per cent stutter.
Important to Timber Owners
Wo are purchasing agents for large
timber buvers from all parts of the
country. These men are investing In
Orccon and Washington timber lands.
It will pay you to wrlto xis immediately,
giving leeal descriptions and net prices
on your timber lauds in these state.
Address Timber Department,
Northwestern Guarantee & Trust Co.
Lumber Exchange Bldg, Second Floor
Cor. 2nd and Stark Sts., PORTLAND, OREGON
lower lully warranted. HA All .Uei au4
itj lei at lowest price. Write for catalog.
Portland. Orccon.
fit. Vitus' Danro and all Nervous DIsnnca
permanently cured by I)r. Kiltie's llr.-nt
i-rvo lteatorcr. Heml fur FllEK tllrlui iwiitl m,,i
Imarlma Tl II If l.-ll.... r .1 n L. ti.
In Ireland there nro 211,000 widows, as
compared with only 88.000 widowers.
Mothers will tlnil Mrs. Window's fioothlng
5?."? p b?Bt nedv to ubo for their children
aurlngtho teo thing period.
It Is officially reported that the growing
of cotton In West Africa has been very
Tho rule of the Czar extends over twice
as much contiguous territory as any other
power In tho world. i
8 I tHrVSi'tWoVS
will give you com
pleto protection
aiid long service
jolt, cant attord
to buy any other
Every garment
The best dealers sell It
.11 FY H O" I IS
STi JilOCl
IS Oil
PRICE 23c AND 30c
5 CD
For you In
iffi'a c A-sBT?CKTKON' Broker
Means Jttches. 22 Lumber Exchuncc
" Wo removo vour had tmtli niul li,ni , ..
o.f old roosa abolutclv without natn. r-..
mion unu utimutes Tree. orlt tho Jtest. l'i i .4
.W por tooth; Qolil and j:ti3iniUlIlna. ll
Third and Couch Streets. Portland, Oregon.
P. N. U.
HOr ?i-oa
HEN irrltli to ml vtirtUor
C 'J
' r. JaA
i r 1