The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, December 06, 1906, Image 8

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wis Uio month of fulling
KOTSSSi. vor kU 11,0 tomp,onit?
T I hot wcnthor lias passed and
eionV t JrM of winter liavo appeared.
efir8ir Kulk o civilized nntlonH 1b
Iftrt tompornto ., tho
wtcdjnjii 4 0ffcct of clmiiKlnK
Human System I H(.nHons In ft (Hoh-
Must Adjust ItscH tj0I, of tho Ii5
Z Cho"8InK Tcm 08 1 1'nportiiiico.
Lgfolurcs. When tho wenth-
ti'iirm to cold.
ltlS HUcd hoi night,
"wr o dnyH follow hot, sultry
Uc.lcflrSc , , l,mlv must ndJiiBt
. inn minx" . .
i till c lUIlKCU coiiuihu.. u
it... linn hCCIl Cliwnuu. - -
K.U Imvo l.orotoforo found ca-
i . i.r. nnrMiiiiiiLiuiii
llliu".' ,.rtn1a r.
iie - i l,n MlintlAil
. j 11 inn nvnivni 'j
.J.A nil ti l U.U.I
If - nil MirOIUIll -IIU fvlviiiVT.n
U 11 iV - . 4 .
!. tlirnH'8 UDOll UIO KHHWo
. ti.ov l)(?coino charged and ovor-
. . 111. lift 1111 MI1III llin UAUIUbUI T
fortius . . - .
U iw i . i I
f (tin k idllOVH Him BUinuuiiiun
t 1 ,. Atannaft
ri ui .11 i ..
- i ,a rttnlineiorv inilliun uuu u,-t-in.
nroventlnir tho tlotontion oi pom-
lu u'mrm HIHIIlItl iJ.inn uutj.
.mriitoH IMG KUU1UYN Uliu UU-
Uiniil Tfl I 111 11 1 1 IJIU.. IUHV.WUU
1. .! fflll I'll I IN U11U UIUUUIHKU
i. aI aa i u'minur
Hera Are Some HiiKKenllona hr
'Writer on ICdtimlloii.
A writer In nn' American education
al Journals offers eotno Interesting
suggestions for teaching children, says
tho Dundeo Advertiser. It Ih usoIcrb,
ho suggests, to Instruct children by us
ing technical terms or even terms that
would bo doHcrlptlvo to a grown-up.
Tho toliit Is Illustrated by an Ingenious
parallel. InBtcnd of telling a child to .. , . Horen Tln,c" T' .
"sit up straight" It would bo better to iou bc ,s ,n tho tcc-,Ic' r,n out your
J- Inn nl
A.iinu tnnr
ntvi f it n
of tlmo. Jinny "
Pc-r u-na Is a World
Renowned Rem
edy for Climatic
tpn used by doctors und by the
i. ! t.....ui niwl A inriririi fnr 11
O 111 .ll'v
mi vcara.
I.-,. I,nnn iicnd In. Tir. TliirT.
in liin private practlco lor inuny
Willi I1UL11UIU IVOUIKii vinvuvj
1 . ..A,...ln 1 IwlU I f t Ulllt.
of homes.
tell hint to "sit up tall." In tho soma
way If a child shouts too loudly In sing
ing, he should lo told to "listen" uftur
taking "n long miicII," and if he
Izcs what Is meant and docs It, thU
will set tho muscles of tho waist and
check tho llo,w of breath, whllo tho
child will be unconscious to Its ac
tion." "Such suggestion as tho following do
far nioro good than scientific terms In
procuring tho right touc-productlon
from the child. Do not sing in a
growling tone. Do not sing In a scold-
lug tone." "A fish horn tone Bounds Made his heart yearn again, musing so
How many soever they bo,
And let tho brown meadow-lark's note as
ho ranges
Como over, como over to me.
Yet birds clearest carol .by fall or by
No magical sense conveys.
And bells have forgotten tholr old art of
Tho fortune of future days.
"Turn again, turn again," onco they rant,
While a. boy listened alone ;
terribly descriptive, but wo Imagine Its
vividness would be last on an English
child. Sing with a pleasant face. Sing
with a smile. Ring like the sweetest
bird you over heard. Sing n kindly
All by liltnuelf on a stone.
Poor bells I I forglvo you ; your good days
aro over,
And mine, they aro yet to be ;
tone. Sing n sweet, loving one. Make No lutein, no longing, Hliall aught,
fids ihe Is Hkly to cultivate.
n mniH iiclui u.
inn MnmtTiiiu aiuinci
a r . f r t I
ce ueo. t. Law. oi orazn, ma..
u.. ii t-.t i a nn
urn urti. i.nn. ui luun
II. I 11.. ilil. 4 1 !!..
Squire," by which he is known
lar nnu wluo, Hav
ing already married
some 1,400 couples.
Ton years ago he
was Deputy County
Treasurer. "At that
time," said Justice
Law, "1 was suffer
ing from an annoy
ing kidney troublo.
Mr back ached, mv
&s i in i IP ri bt nifvrir n rn tiia mn .
. - ""r) ' waiu I'UH-
ol the kldtiey socretions woro too
cIDoan'a Kidney Pills cared me
-vbuuwj WMpiniUk
bj ill dealers. 60 cents a box.
Ifllt r . m
Hn P titriirt .
VIII. IVI..j -'. -
r.T.r"".-1 n jviuiicn pricrai uuin.
I! I'.I.r. . ""t : i ewo; .i no or
'7 w-uiiiii ii-fiin, AiAiiinirrnviiInTVH
your lips sing to you. Whisper aloud.
as though you wanted Homo friend In
tho furthest ciyncr of the room to
hear you." It Is to be hoped that
after all thin there would bo no dan
ger of tho children learning to sing In
a maudlin tone.
Mothers will And Mrs. Window's Boothlni
Byrup tho foet remedy to um for their chlldroa
during tho Uothiug period.
A Luntf-Lririfed Ueer.
A huge, finely mounted nntlercd head
hung Just above the sideboard In the
dining-room. This trophy of some
huntsman's skill was fastened so (irm
ly to the wall that the glistening neck
seemed to bo coming right out through
tho plaster. Hobcrr, who wns seeing
this decoration for tho first time, eyed
It with lively curiosity and very evident
uneasiness. It looked almost too life
like for comfort
Finally the boy, asking to be excused,
slipped from his chnlr, tiptoed Into the
next, room, and then, dualling with em
barrassment, returned to his place at
tho table.
"What's tho trouble, Robert?" asked
his host.
"I wanted to see," explained candid
Robert, sheepishly, "If that animal's
legs were really as long an that, or If
he wcro standing on something In an
other room."
Oewsro t)I Olntmcnta Tor Catarrh that
Contain Mercury
Aimercnrr will suralv ilontrov tho unit of
smell and completely uoratiKo tho whole cy
aught discover ;
You leave tho story to me.
The foxglove shoots out of tho green
matted heather,
Prcpiirlnj; her hoods of snow;
She was Idle, and slept till the sunshiny
0, children take long to grow.
I wish and I wish that the spring would
go faster,
Nor long nummcr bide so Into;
And I could grow on like tho foxglove and
For some things aro ill to wait.
I wait for tho day when dear hearts shall
While dear hands nrc laid on my head ;
Tho child is a woman, tho book may
close over,
For all lessons aro said."
I wait for my story the birds cannot
sing It,
Not one, as he alts on tho tree ;
The bells cunnot ring It, but long years,
0 bring Itl
Such as I wish It to be.
Jean Ingelow. 1
KroKH tit Hcliool.
Twenty frossles went to school
Down besldo a rush pool
Twenty little coats of green ;
Twenty verts all whlto and clean.
"We must be In time," said they ;
"First we study, then wo play;
That Is how we "keep tho rule
When wo frogglcs go to school."
Ill Vlalfs to the ISnrl.
Tlioro Is a woll known Kngllsh bishop
who writes a very brtd hand. This bad
hand caused a sad error to hnppcn
fiomo years ago. A young clergyman
had written to tho bishop to Inquire
about a vacant curacy, and tho reply
that tho young man got Informed nun
that tho Bnlnry was small and tho work
dlfllcult. Utit there wns one mitigating
circumstance. Tho Incumbent, among
his other duties, would visit tho earl
every morning and snend two hours
there. Tho curate would nave rejected
the post but for the dally visit to tho ,
earl. That attracted him. There would,
no doubt, he told himself, bo many
fashlonnhlo dinners to which ho would
naturally bo Invited. Ho would mako
many friends among the rich and
iwwcrful. These friends would bo able
to help him In his career. The earl,
perhaps, had daughters. One of them
who know87 stranger things had
happened. And so tho curate accepted
the dllllcult and poorly paid curacy to
discover on his first visit to the town
that, ho bad misread tho bishop's letter
and that his dnlly two hours' visit was
not to tho earl, but to the Jail.
Chcerfnllr Admitted.
Miss Gabbell I'm stronger than you
arc, anyway. I can step up to a horizon
tal bar and chin it sixteen times.
Miss Cbilllcon I have no doubt of it.
I believe you could step up to that or
anything elso and chin it all day long.
Weak Lungs
For over sixty years doctors
have endorsed Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral for coughs, colds,
weak lungs, bronchitis, con
sumption. You can trust a
medicine the best doctors ap
prove. Then trust this the next
time you have a hard cough.
" I had n wfnt cough for orer 7eV'n5
nothing eemed to do me nr Rood. I tried
Arer'i Cherry 1'eetornl nd wa toon cored.
I recommend It to all my frlend wlienerer
they hre ft eirtjjh'-illli M. Mxtxks,
Washington, D. O.
tfada hr J. O. Ayer Co.. Lowell, M.
io sianaCMiturera or
Best fa AmerlM
We make ttictn
. w m - -
ur ,i nnt (abn nrilorft and peddle our Rubb
Stamps. Seals, Etc. Wo manufacture emr
own goods Our equipment Is tho newwrt
fndbeft money can buy. Wrlto today for oar
"Ilubber Stamp Catalogue."
Portland. Orexea
Ltt Wo rcmovo your had teeth and broken
off old roots absolutely without 4 jpftj"-
mitXn ad Estlmetea fre. V orlc tho Ilest. I'rlcea
1.160 per tooth; Sold and Knamcl FilllHff, M
arid up; Best Ilubber l'lates, 8 per act; goo
set, W. I'alnless Extraction, 60c.
Third and Couch Streets, Portland. Orac .
Ayer's Pills keep the bowels regular.
Ail vegotaDio ano kbhiij
Blood Humors
Commonly cause pimples, boils, hives, ecicma
or salt rheum, or some other form of erup
tion; but sometimes they exist in the system,
indicated by foelings of weakness, lamruor,
loss of appotito. or ecneral debility, without
causine any breaking1 out.
Hood's 8arsaparllla expels them, renovates,
strengthens and tones the whole system.
This is tho testimony of thousands annually.
Accept no substitute, but insist on having
Hood's Sarsaparilla
In usual liquid form or in chocolated tablets
known as Sarsatabs. loo doses si.
loin wub miwriiiK n luruiiK" wjo mucous .mister limiirog, grave anu stern,
surfaces. Such artfclessumld never bo uicd 'Cnlloil thn p1bho In thulr turn
xcpt on pruncri pilous from roputahlo ptiy- , ! : classes iu tnetr turn, iho ilftmeu?,! thov will do i ton inl.t Taucht them 'how to noblv strive.
to tno good you can posslory dorlvofrom thorn, likewise how to lean and dive
Jlall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by Y. J. , , . leap ana uno,
eh...... a, i ti...i r :.... from llin Rent unnn tho loir.
v., u.v.iu, v., .viiinui iiu iiiviutjr,
iand W taken lntornally, acting directly upon Showed them how to say, "Ker-chocl"
tho blood and mucous mrfaccs of tho system. Aln hnw o .tn,ii. n Mnn
In buying lull's Catarrh Cure bo sure you get i,1 "0,w t,Ii0(ISei n "'"w
ihe gdnuInD. 1 1 is takcu4nternally, and inula 1' rom'tho sticks that bad boys throw.
iu i uiouu, utuo, uy jr . u.'unouoy ci uo. iou
snunlals free.
Bold by l)rugtist(,-prlco7&c. per bottle.
Uall'sf amUy I'lUs ate tho best.
i oi'i'iivniitiiL. i.unirni a nil 1 1 n.
lltiff envelope nnd
I'nnlrnl a. n.l Tlin.
...In" ' -'"v.. inMH.CLU. rL
fnin.J.irV "eion: urge
J?ffl'ent salennaiij prompt re-
Amprl..n II...I.
Cotsaktito tserckatis
"Mr. Jeektll,'" said the man with ithe
heavy gold watch chain, "this is my
friend, Col. Bunker. Lie Is Senator Lots
xnun's right hand man."
"Delighted to mpet you, Col. Bunker,"
aald the other. "By tho way cr Sena
tor Lotsmun hapiens to bo left handed,
you know."" 3hlcoKo Tribune.
riTO R. Vitus' Danre ana all Nervous Dla'ann
rllO perroniiently cured by Ur. Kline's Orrl
Wervn llesiorer. Hend for KltEI'l 12 trill bnttln ond
'fifi-iiiu.fijr ii Ji.ivnu.ixi. yji iirciinu. I'Ulia.,!'.
A Vrr liuckr Thlnir.
"There does soem :to be 'something in
Ihe belief about the luck attached to.
my left hind foot," Temarked the rab
bit. "Yes?" asked the robin.
"Yes. At any rate, I'm suro If 1
hadn't had mine with me this monilng
I wouldn't have got away Xrom thut
doc" Philadelphia Press.
Twenty frogglcs grew up fast;
Itullfrogs they became at last
"Not one dunco among the lot;
Not ono lesson they forgot;
I'ollshed In a high degree,
As endh froggie ought to be.
Is'ow they sit on other logs,
Teaching other little frogs.
t)frff(1.. .. -l , ... ... .
JWUS and hotie.4 nrn tlirnU,! I :n. it.- .
TI.mi !. M iiuu I IV I 1 II II IV1LU L11U liUIDU UL
,- mv; oiuicrer is nnf tn. ...... t.i:..: h.ih. -
-rt"i-ailon. in nti r(Tr,rh i. ,:t:..r t fit u ... . .
Miudiinn m . . j a r
tcaolrtw UUJ1Jlcsu- Sucl1 treatment will quiet the patti tempo-
tiiAii i i t;H.r'llve cuccc on mo real disease because it
we moot., where ihe cause is located. Rheumatism is more
bvrn;':,:...i s ro..lcu n"d grouutlcd iu the UopA nnd can only be
.r til LI II I HI I I rAfltttlnH
mtii4! . - ui uric iiciu in n nn i. iimiiirnr nimtir nv
"uiiuri 111 1 in a . ... -
v. . " 'j oitiii oi roiimf til n t iff Tutimli tli mttirn nirnAt
: Hie Jimivalci iri.i . t a r . .
nil.- . uiiu jviuiiLTVH. tmvf iniinri in rnrrv nir i mii
hlch n!,fir I!lctact with the dllTcrent acids of the body, forma
. "'"I la nbsnrlin.1 i..i it. i . . i ...... ... .. J ' . ..
iKheutint; u luc oloot n"1 aisinoutca to nil parts ot tne
symptom, '.U iGiC,t3 P,3scs3lon of the system. Tlic nclics nnd pahta
J "flOIUS. niUl tllnilrrll t. t . r 4 t r 1a
- "tuimcnt- .:it . .7 "r "
never l,"'l.attnck.of inditjestion or other irrctrulnritv. Rlicuma.
tr.Ut-' "'"""producinir
tiau . - ivjiiiL. iti lnitir rintriitii iim m-tAr
o.i 'r " Jieaitli iimlr.r,.,:.,.i .1 1 t ,i . 1. "
StheJ.P.P, C.'.1 for. We. S. S. S. thoroutrhlv rlfntisni ihe hlnnd nnd I
" V11LI1I.1I In.i 1 ... . ' f J t -
thesysto . ,,cuirni"iT thencids nnd cxpclliiiff nil foreign
' w. It warms nnd invigorates the blood so that instead
oi a weak, eour stream, constantly deposit
ing' ncrid nnd corrosive matter in the mus
cles, nerves, joints and bones, the body is fed
and nourished 1y rich, health-sustaining-
l)lood Which mttin1fff1v ntiil rfrttintinH v
f 1 . Til. it. - .-- T . .
Y 1 1 n M . L LI .1.11 II IPIITTIBTIBIII X 1 rf IO .11.11 TlflUtHl
,ct IABLE f' both purifying and tonic properties
.'I contains t . J1!?1 wliat ,a "ceded in every case of Rhcu
of i,,v5r..?Ptfahi. nlka or other mineral intrredient. but ia
Vnii "ymsr. liealinn TfMnf .1 - i. l.-Lt- ...i
ftbablooddiff om R lcumati8i do not waste valuable time
r ca5ft "'r1186 ftway, but beirin the use of 8. S. a. nnd writo
IfCdfr..., .U Our phvsicinna xvlll -N
" - . TW VWll MV I.IW4VVI4 w
umi win send our special treatise
KnRllah Country Geutlenien I.trcd
AVcll nnd Und Curluun Cuatonin.
An account of hosidtulity in 1029
gives a good idea of tho manner In
I which a country gentleman of tho
IKjrlod lived. Dinner and supper wcro
brought .in by tho servants with their
liata on, n custom which is corrob
orated by Fyncs Moryson, who says
that being at n knight's house who had
many servants to attend him they
.brought in tho moats with their bonds
covered with bluo caps. After !waslii
'ling their hands in a basin they snt
down ;to dinner nnd .Sir James Prlngle
stud grace.
Tho 'Viands seemed to lmvo boon
plentiful and excellent, "big pottage,
loug kale, bow of whlto kalo,' which is
cabbage.; "brach soime." nowdorwl
heef, rottHt and boiled mutton, u veni
son pie In form of an egg, goose. Then
they had cheese, cut nnd uncut, nnd
.apples. But .tho -close of tho feast wns
tue most curious thing about It
I Tho table cloth was removed and nn
tho table were put a "towel the whole
breadth of the tablo nnd half tho length
of it, a basin and ewer to wash, thon
a green carpet lanld on, then ono cup
of boor set on the carpet, then n little
long lawn servitor plaited over tho cor
ner of the table nnd a class of hot wn
tor set down also on the table, then
bo there three boys to soy grnee, tho
ilrst, tho thanksgiving; the second, tho
pater nostor; tho third, prayer for a
messing or noil's church. The trood
man o.f tho house, IiIb parents, klnfolk
and tho whole company then do drink
hot water, so at supper, then to bed, tho
collation which (Is) a stoupo of nil."
Scottish llovlow.
A Loftr Dentil.
Asama is a volcano in Japan. A
young man of that country grew de
spondent the other day and threw him
self Into the crater, leaving this letter:
"Suffering a feeling of despair Impels
mo to throw myself Into the crater
of vehement Asama, thus winning a
splendid death and ascending the
mountain's smoke to a lofty life above
the sky."
A Well Known Remedy.
One of tho oldest safest and most fuvor-
abl known remedies in the world todav is
Brandrctli's Pills a blood purifier nnd lax
ative, jseing purely vegctnuie tney can uc
ut-ed by old or young with pi-rfect afety
anit wiiiic otner remedies rcnmie increased
doses nnd finally cense acting altogether,
with B nndrcth's Pills the snnie do e al
ways lias the same effect, no matter how
lo g they are taken. Ono or two pilU
taken euch night for a while is tho best
thing known for nnv one troubled with
constipation, indigestion, dyspepsia or any
troublo urising from an impuio state tf the
Brandrct i's Pills have been in use for
over a century and are sold in every drug
and medicine store, pln.n or sugar-coated.
Losrical Inference.
Mrs. A.'s little son suddenly asked,
in a rather startled voice: "Mamma,
is there bay rum in this bottle?"
"Mercy, no dear. That's mucilage."
"OUI" said the boy. Then after a
minute of silence, "perhaps that's the
reason I can't get my hat off." Pitts
burg Press.
Li J wv v.s .J " r-n
T I tmmm
(North Beach) and Bcauflful Oak Book
Case to every purchaser of tho Special Edi
tion of the ''Library of the World' Best
Literature," 46 volumes, silk bound, 12.10 per
volume ; 15 on delivery of set and 15 per month ;
rase and books delivered free. Particulars by
writing J. p. MILLAR & CO..
Columbia Bide., Portland, Ore.
Why be content with 4 percent
for your money when yon can
keep it under your own control
and have it earn
Principal guatantecd by Bank
Certificate of JJi posit. Yon se
lect the Bank. Fullest investiga
tion invited. Writo today for
Pacific Coast
Securities Company
Portland. Oregon
Consider the postage stamp; Its usefulness
lies In its ability to stick to one thing till
it gets there. Write for particulars.
528 Lumber Exchange, Portland, Oregon
s c
on Rheumatism.
m trm mmBmm fit A
'00 .7ir:j7r'" awic,
CniiNo nnd KHVot.
1 Llttlo Johnny Smith suddenly asked,
In n startled volco, says n writer in
Everybody's. Magazine, "Mamma, la
that bay rum In the bottle on your ta
ble?" "Mercy, no, dear I" sho replied.
"That Is mucilage."
"Oh!" said llttta Johnny. Then,
aftor n moment's pauso, ha added, re
flectively, 'Perhaps that's why I enn't
get my hut off."
It occasionally occurs to a nionn man
that whon members of n woman's lodge
go out of town to "put on tho work," It
. Is partly to get out of tho work at
bom. i
To Break In New Shoes.
Alwavs shake In Alln' Fnnt.Fn ii1.
It cures hot. sweatinr. achlnp. nvrollen f.t
Cures corns, ingrowing nails and bunions. At
all druggists and shoo stores, 25c Don't accept
WuJX,,,ut0- Sample mailed FREE. Addres.
a. uimiKja, u HOy, t, Y.
Scaluiora' l'otbotlera.
They were walking past a beautiful
plnk-nnd-whlte house In New York
whose door cap was most exquisitely
carved. The sculptor pointed to IL
"My work," he said. "That's the pot-bolllng-
I do while I work on my mas
tcrplecc. It is nothing unusual with
sculptors to do such work, Two of the
finest pieces that were sold to tho
Metropolitan Museum last winter were
done by a man whose regular business
Is to mako door caps.
I am desltmer of book, macraxlnc and
catalogue covers, business cards, letter
heads, bill heads and advertising cuts; can
make tho print of your store look entirely dif
ferent by removing poles, etc., from print.
Wonderful Hone
This wot derfut Chine-e
Doctor Is called
ST' at i cause he corf a
lole w.tliout npvia
tlnn -ha' art. even tin
ti ill -. H cures wl b
Ih wiiiulerfu h
n heib . roo a. buds.
barks nnd vege aMm
hHt lire entlrtly un-
kn wn to m ill a' s t-
ence In Ih.s conn ry throuKli ihr nae ex ibnw
barm fut rrai-dlc-i. Tills lam ui doetttr knows
hear In' o over 100 ilitterrnt rrmedl'S, wnleb
lie u? ucc. sifu ly In differs .t d.aeas. II
ciiHfun era toe reca mrib, asthma, lour, tnroat
rh umatlsm, nerv ua es. stomach, liver, kld
ners, etc : hai humtre s or tratimonlala.
Ctiarses niodratt-. Call and e him. lenLs
ou o the cUy writ- blank's and circulars.
S.ud stMiiip. LONaUI.TATiON HlKJi
The. C. Gee Wo Oiinese MedTdne Co.
1 62'4 Tirst St., S. C Cor. Morrison
Mention paper Portland, Ores
In this locality (or elsewhere) a hustler to sell
our trees, etc. (Experience not necessary for
success.) Address
Salem, Oregon.
"When you buy
you want
and long
These and many
other good points
are combined In
iou cejTt afford .
to buy any other ,
fit. Ml
I A . J I
Portland Trade Directory
Namea and Addresses in Pnril.n.i Ar
- v. . ... fa
scmaiive uusiness firm.
CRKAM BKI'Alt ATOH8 Wk Kuarantee th U.S.
11 tavail wnA.1 n a."m I. h, w"
" a. ItlU BUU VMS,
SasssK.sssssmKX?a SaW M.k
Tho Kind You II ownysBoii?h
turo ot CJIms. H. Flotclior. and li
personal supervision for over ad Vnrs" Allmv
hildrn lPorleiico ajralnst Kxperlmeut.
What is CASTOR I A
?',!MU,n8 wolthor Opium, Mornhino
NUUSinilCO. ItH UCrO IS its flinmnrn .r
luiuroirs x-anucca Tlio Mother's Prlond Vi"1"
The KM You Have Always MM
f JMa Ji TJ 1111
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3.50 &3-00 Shoes
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w.L.uougias$4GillEdgs I'm
Ta Shot fUnlm
KiiVi!" i11 Job.
ttne House is iba most
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uaimuiuasqHaii&aatMTBrice e m
m " nana I
s?i lit .UuMSlaa Women's. Misses and
...... u.. a .IIUVi mr siyie, in nuu vreiar
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factories at Rmrktnn Mma -......
you how carefully W.L. Douglas shoes
Ml in.iln . n . . ..l.l a.. a . .
vuu wuuiu iiicu unuersianu
WllV thev IlOlll tllilr flf
waar longer, and are of greater vaksa
than any other make.
ni4r.evi!r yow.'ivo. you can oeUh W. L.
USllfflU .kiufi III. n. . J . .
on the bottom, which protects you agaiaat tilaia
Prices and Interior shoes, Takm ho Mubiti.
tut: Ask your dealer lor W. L. DouKlvai4fteii
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Wrlto lor fllustrated Catalog ol I'aH wVlkl
W. L. DOUGLAS, Dept. 13. BraTigJ
P. N. U,
WMKN writliigr taaYrHsera la-..l
WBHlllIB this ll.r. ""