The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, November 15, 1906, Image 9

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    The Madras Pioneer
v Lost Strayed or tolan, $10 Reward
One Rray marc about 9 years old,
branded CN on right stifle. $10 reward
find expenses of delivery paid for return
to Morrow & Kecnan's ranch. Frank
Lyons, Haycreek, Oregon.
Notice for Publication
Department of tlio Interior.
LandOffico at Tlio Dalles. Orepon.
I October IB, 1000.
Notice Is hereby given that Henry M Madras, Oicboii, haa filed notice
of his intention to tlvo-jear
prmf In support of his claim, vir.:
Homestead Entry No HIGO made June 1,
11)01, for the so quarter so quarter sec 1,
u half lie quarter and swipiaiter no quar
ter ol sec 18, tp 12 s, r 13 e, vv m
And that said proof will be made before
the Register ami Ueeelverat the Dalle;.,
Oiveon, on December 4, JfllHi.
Io names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous resilience upon, ami
culilvatiou of, tho land, vir.:
Frank Hunter, of Culver, Oregon, and
(Seorjo Feulner, Samuel A Davis anil
lPilllam Kllllngbeck, all of Madras, Or.
o?5 n29 ltegister.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1S78
United States Land flice,
The Dalles, Oregon, October 0. 1W6.
Xotloe is hereby given that iu compliance
with tne provisions of the act ot Congress of
Jitlio:t, IWS, Entitled "An Bt for the sate of
Umber lands In the States ol California. Orc
kou. Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
extended to all tho IMblic Laud States by act
of August 4, l&tt. . , ,
Victoria Huston,
of Prlneville, county of Crook, state of Oregon,
has tin dav tiled In this office her sworn
statement Ko. 3111, for the purchase of the
uwliof sec 27, tp 11 s, rioe. w ra.,
And will offer proof o show that the land
vouaht is more valuable for Its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to estab
llsii her claim to said land before the County
Clerk at 1'rinevlllc, Oregon, on the 12th day of
January, 1907. ,", ...
She names as witnesses: John W Collins.
Wade U Huston and Henry Y Huston, all of
l'rliievillu, Oregon ; and A U kibbee of Hay
creek, Oregon. . . , , ,
Anv and all persons claiming adversely any
of the above lands are advited to file their
eialuis In tnls office on or before the said 12th
day of January, 107.
nS-jio ltegister.
Timber lud, Act June a, 1S78
U. a Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
September 4, 100G.
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Qongressof
Junes, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the states of California, Oro
eoa. Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
extended to all the public land states by act
01 August 4, 192.
Myrtle I Wells,
of Parkers, county of Volfc. state of Oregon,
has this dav tiled in this office her sworn state
went No. aiftl, for the purchase of the sc
nwV, Lots 1, 2 and 3, sec 0, tp 13 s, r 11 c, w in,
Aud will offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable tor its timber or stone
thau for agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish her claim to said land before the ltegister
and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on the
11th day of January, 1907.
She names as witnesses: Frank E Dayton,
Arthur 1' Donohueof Laldlaw, Oregon; Ceorge
A Wells of J'arker, Oregon Martin I Conger of
Iluena Vista, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims in thLs office on or before said 11th
day of January, 190".
ns-jio ltegister.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
Notice for Publication.
U. S. Laud Office, The Dalles. Oregon,
JulyG, 1.rj6.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act ot Congress of
Junes, 1878, eutitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the states of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
extended to all the public land states by act of
August I, JSV2,
Amelia Sloan,
of Dutte, county of Silver Bow, state of Mon
tana, has this day tiled in this offlt-e her sworn
statement No. 2975, for the purchase of the
lieJi and n'$ se sec 18. tp 12 s, r 11 e, w m.
And will offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural pusposcs, and to estab
lish her claim to said laud before II. C. Kills,
U. B. Commissioner, at his ottVe in IJcnd, Ore
gon, on the 11th day of January, 1907
She names as' witnesses: John r ItojyflTTif
llutte, Montana; AJM0ttriTiue, F E Dayton
and WllllaniiUjnt, all of Laldlaw. Oregon.
irV-stfu all nersons'clalmini; adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims in this office on or before said 11th
day of January, 19U7.
n8-Jl0 Register.
Timber Land, Act of Juno 3 1878.
United States Land Office. The Dalles, Or.,
September 4, 190t.
Notice is hereby given that iu compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands In the states of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
extended to all the Public Laud States bv act
of Augubt 4, 1892,
Martin I Conger,
of Duena Vista, county of Polk, state of Ore
gon, has this day filed In this office his sworn
btatument No 31G8, for the purchase of the aVt
swJi and Lots 0 and 7 sec 0, tp 13 s, r 11 e, w m.
And will offer proof to show that the land
bought is more valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural nurroses. and to estab.
lish his claim to said land before tho ltegister
Hnu jiecejver at i no i;aiies, uregon, on tne
11th day of January, 1907.
He names as witnesses: Frank E Dayton
nnd Arthur I' Donohue. of Laidlaw, Oregon;
lleorge A Wells and Myrtle L Wells, of 1'ark
era, Oregon.
Any aud all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims in this office on or before said
11th day of January, 1907.
I18-U0 MICHAEL T. NOLAN, ltegister.
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1678.
U. S. Laud Office, The Dalles. Oregon,
September 29, 11WG.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
JuueS, 1878, entitled "An act for the tale of
timber lands in the states of California, Ore
gon, Nevada uud Washington Territory," as
extended to all tho public laud states by act
August 4, 1S92,
William M. Stroud,
of I'rlnevlllo, comity of Crook, state of Oregon,
lias this day filed in this office his sworn state
ment No. 8313, for the purchase of the s'j nei,
jiw!. se and upu sw of sec 25, tp ll s, r IU e,
w in.
Aud wilt offer proof to show that the land
bought is more valuable lor its timber ar stone
thau for agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish his claim to said laud before the County
Clerk at 1'rineville, Oregon, on the 12th day of
January, 1907.
He names as witnesses: John W Collins, W
II Huston, Charley Stroud, Fred C Stroud, a1
of Prlneville, Oregon.
' Any and all parsons claiming adversely the
above-described lands ore requested to file
their claims in this office ou or before the 12th
llay of January, 1907.
118-110 JtcgUtor.
Notice for Publicatfon.
Department of tlio Intorlor.
Land Olttco nt Tlio Dalles, Ort-gon,
October 16, lflhrt.
Nollco Is hereby given that Frank Hun
ter, of Culver, Oregon, Ima filed notion of
his Intention to make final five-year pr ot
In tuppnrt of his claim, vitl Iimiestend
Entry Ku H72I made September U, J0OI,
for the ?v quarter, of sec 17, tp 12 , r J!l o.
N And that said pioorwlll bo made befoie
tlio Register aud Ueeelver xt Tlio Dulles;
Oteiion.oii December 4, HKM.
Ho names tho following wltnouea to
prove hl continuous res. tlenco upon, nnd
cultivation of. tho laud, viz:
tlt'Oigo Feulner. Samuel A Davis, Hen
ry M Davis nnd William Klillngbcck till
of Madras. Oregon.
MlCtlAKI, T. Nolan,
o25-n2fl - ltegister
Department of the Interior.
United States Land-Office,
The D alles, Oregon,
October &. 1P0I3.
iYotlcc is hereby given that lleiben ll.
Meeker, of Madras, Oregon, has filed no
tice of his intention to make final commu
tation proof In support of his claim, viz:
Honavtead entrv ATo 1893(1. made Nov
ember 10. 191W, Tor tho sw quarter so quar
ter of sec 127, tp 9 8, r 73 o, w m
And that said proof will bo made before
tho lJeglster and Ueeelver at Tho Dalles,
Oregon, on Deceni''or3, ilrOfl.
Ho names the following witnesses to
pi oo his continuous residence upon, and
cultivation of, the land, viz:
II. M. Blackerby. Frank Stanglnnd.
Hiram Links and -Wesley Uili, all of
Madras, Oregon
MlCHAKl, T.,
o2oii29 Hegistur.
PeVartruent of 1,10 Itcrlor
Liuul Ofllco Rt TJie Dalles, Or..
Oeiober 13, 1000,
Nmlce la liereby given Unit Kred W.
Hull, ol Madras, Oregon, 1ihh llln
noiK-u ol lilrt Inleiitlon to mnko llnal
tlv,-yer pi oof in mi port of lila olitlm,
iiomesttnd I'lilry No pool mde
November 12. lolll, for tho half no
HiinrlPf nnd L'Ua I nnd 2 of mc o, tp
12h. r 13 e, w in
And Unit bhIiI proor will be liinde
l-elon Don V Hf. U 8 Cotntulsnloiir.
TMilsolllue In' MudruH, Oregon, on
December 6, InOtt.
U iinmea toe following wltnes"e! to
I iovi Ills coniinnoiis resilience upon,
Htitl cultivation of, thf land, vir.',
J II Homey, O C Hlo and A
Otlton. all of Jtadras, Oregon, mid I)
W s m, of Culver, Oregon.
AUomaklT. NpiAN,
nl-l'O leister
Department of the Interior
Laud Office at The Dalles, Oregon.
October 13, HM).
Xotlcc is hereby given that David II Itogcrs,
of Madras, Orttgon, has filed notice of his in
tention to make final five-year proof In sup
port of his claim, vir:
Homestead Kntrv No Sllf. made July 23, 19W.
for tho sWse4 of sec 19 and uneK of see ;to,
tp 12 s, r 13 e, w in
Aud that said proof will be made befqre 0 r
Itea, U S Commissioner, at his office in Mad
ras, Oregon, on December 4, 190t3.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, nnd cultha
tion of, the land, viz:
Oeorge Osborn, W 11 reck and Oeorco Hod
man, all of Culver, Oregon, and D W l'cck, of
Madras, Oregon.
MichaelT. Jsolax,
ul-29 ltegister.
Department of the Interior
Land Oillcc at The Dalles, Oregon,
October 13. 191V,.
Notice is hereby given that David Jf . Put
man, of Madras. Oregon, has Hied notice of his
intention to make final commutation proof in
support of his claim, viz:
Homestead Kntry No ll&ll made October 21,
IWfi, for the s'4seH of sec U, swj-isw, of sec 18
and nw'nu fa f sec '21, tp 12 s, r 12 e, w m
And that stud proof will be made before Don
V Itea, L' S Commissioner, at hi office in Mad
ras, Oregon, on December-1, 1WJG.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upou, and cultiva
tion of. the land, viz:
Fred Kllllngbeck, Frank Flsch, C E Jarrett,
and I V Limbaugh, all of Madras. Oregon.
Miciiaei. T. Nolan.
ul-29 ltegister.
Department of the Interior
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
October 10, 19o0.
Notice Is hereby given that William Clifford
Moore, of Madras. Uregon, has tiled notice of
his intention to make final commutation
proof in support of his claim, viz:
Homestead Kntry No 1311 made September
28, 1901, for the sc'seK of sec -1, wf$sw'4 and
swf4nwf4 of sec 3, tp 10 s. r 13 e, w m
And that said proof will be made before D V
Rea, L'K Commissioner, at his office In Mad
ras, Oregon , on December 4 , IDOfl.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous resldeuce upon, and cultiva
tion of, the land, viz:
J K Campbell, May Jackson. Mllo Oard.
and W II Hannun. all of Madras, Oregon.
Michael T. Nolak.
nl-29 ltegister.
. r: '
Department flftlTS" Interior.
J-ajidOfflcc at The Dalles, Oregon,
October 13, 1906.
Notice Is hereby givpn that inillam
II Cook, of Madras, Oregon, lias filed
notice of his intention to make final iive
j ear proof In support of bis claim, viz:
Homestead entry A'o. MWH made October
23, 1901, for the w half nw quarter of sec
13 and e half ne quarter of sec i4, tp 10 s, r
13 , w in
And that said proof will be made before
the ltegister and Uoceiver at The Dalles,
Oregon, on December 12, 1908.
lie names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon, and
cultivation of. the land, viz:
U C Dove, Miles Fox, W 11 Hannon and
G J Hardy, all of Madras, Oregon.
Michael T, A'olan,
o25-d(5 ltegister.
Department of the Interior.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
October 10, 1900.
ivotice Is hereby given that Charles K
Jarrett, of Madras, Oregon, has filed no
tice of his intention to make final five-year
proof iu support of bis claim, viz:
Homestead Untry No 9984 made Sep
tember 3, 1901, for the no quarter of sec 7,
tp 12 s, l 13 e, w m
And that said proof will be made before
tho ltegister and Receiver at The Dalles,
Oregon, on December 4, 1900.
Ho names the following witnesses to
prove ills continuous residence upii, and
cultivation of, the land, viz;
George Feulner, K. V. Jenkins, and
George II. KiUlngbeck. all of Madras,
Oregon, and Fiuuk Hunter, of Culver,
o25-u29 ltegister.
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior.
Land Ollice at Tlio Dalles, Oregon,
October JO, i06.
Notice Is hereby eiven that Samuel A
Davis, of Mndras, Oregon, lias filed notice
fit bis intention to make final five-year
prooi iu Hiipi on or uts cihiiii, viz:
7oiuestead Kntrv No 9181 made June 20.
1901, for Iho w half se ntiartor of sec 7. no
quarter uw quauer nuo nw (pinner ue
quarter nee 18, tp ;B 8, r JB e, w in
Aud that said proof will be made before
the ltegister nnd Receiver at The Dalles,
Oregon, oil December 4, 2906.
He names the following witnesses to
provo ills continuous residence upon, aud
cultivation of, the laud, viz;
Frank Hunter, of Culver. Oregon, and
George Feulner, Henry M Davis uiid
WlllUm Kllllngbeck, all of Madras, Or.
MiciiAi'L T. Nolax.
025-11211 ltegister.
Department of the Interior.
Lund Oillce ut The Dalles. Or.,
October 13, 1000.
Notice is liereby given Unit Ernest
M. Smith, of Madras, Oregon, has tiled
notice of hi Intention to make dual
live-year proof in support of his claim,
Homestead entry No 0823 made
October 14, 1001, for the half nw
quarter and w half no quartet" of ?eo
23, tp 10 s, r 13 e, w tn
And that ssld proof will bo mini
before D I' lvea, U S Commissioner,
nt biH office in Madras, Oregon, on
Ueobtiibor 6, 1000.
He names the following wltneflsea to
prove Ills continuous residence upon,
iikI cultivation oft the land, viz:
BC Dive, John A Coulter, J A
Islnim and M D Fox, ull of Madras,
Miohakl T, Nolan,
nl-20 Register.
Depirtineiit of the Interior
Land Offlco at Tho Dalles. Or.,
October 13, lOl'O.
Notice Ib liereby eiven that Lucy I'.
Wliitlington, of Madras, Oregon, bus
tiled notice of her intention to lnuKc
t) tin I live-veur proof in support of her
ululm, viz:
II .niPHi-Hd entry No 1000S made
November 30, 1001, for tlio e hnlf no
quarter iiifl e half so quarter of see 11),
tp 10 t, r 14 o, w iu
And thin, said proof will be made
before D P Itea, U S Commissioner, at
his office in Madras, Oreiron, on Dec
ember 5, 1000.
She immes (he following witnesses
to provo lier continuous residence
upon, and cultivation of, Hie land, viz:
W 11 Htonehoeker, William Lee,
John I,ee uud 11 it Young, ull of Mud
ras, Oregon.
Mioiiael T. Nolan,
nl-29 ltegister.
Notice for publication.
Department of the Interior.
IjuiilOlllce at Tho Dalles, Or.,
October 16, 1900.
Notice Is hereby given that Marlette
Spring, of Madras, Oregon, lias tilled
notice of her Intention to make final
commutation proof Iu support of her
claim, viz:
Homestead entry No 14221 made
Februury 24, 1005, for the no quartet
se quarter of seo 9, tp 12 s, r 13 e, w m
And tliiu. said proof will bu made
before D P P.ea, V 8 ConimlKlorier, at
bis office in Madras, Oregon, on Dec
ember 5, ItiOO.'
. ' Sue names the following witnesses
to prove her continuous residence
upon, and cultivation of, the laud, viz:
E N (Jlllam, D C Jenklus, It V Jen
kins and C YV Spring, all ol Madras,
Michael T. Nolak,
nl-29 ltegister.
Department of the Interior.
Laud Offlco at The Dalles, Or.,
October 13, 1000.
Notice is liereby given tliut Kumh E,
Adams, of Lumonta, Oregon, bus filed
notice of her intention tj make final
live-year proof In eupport of uer claim
Homestead entry No 13860 made
October 14. 1004, for the e half so quar
ter of sec 20, uw quarter hw quarter
and hw quarter nw quarter of see 21,
tp 12 a, r 14 e, w in
Aud that said proof will be made bo
fore D P Rea, U S Comminsloner, at
his ollice in Madras, Oregon, on Dec
ember 5, 1000.
tibe names the following witnesses
to provb her continuous residence up
ou, aud cultivation of, the land, viz:
Liwrence Hunt, W II Laugfbrd,
John Dobbins and W. IMley Cooke, all
of Haystack, Oregon.
MiciiahlT. Nolan,
ul-20 ltegister.
Department of tbo Interior,
Land Office at The Dalles, Or.,
October 18, 1000.
Notice is liereby given Hint Nancy
11. Noble, of Madras, Oregon, lias filed
uotlce of lier iuteution to nialco ilnul
five-year proof in support of lier claim,
Homestead entry No fl00 made July
12, 1001, for the s half nw quarter see
25, tp 12 s, r 12 o, w m
And that said proof will ho made
before U P Ilea, U S Commissioner, at
his office in Madras, Oregon, ou Doc
ember 5, 1000.
She mimes the following witnesses
to provo Iter continuous residence
upon, uud cultivation of, the laud, viz;
WmorN GUlam, William .Killing
beck, Edward It Pike and Fred L
Killlurbe(ilc, all of Madras, Oregon.
Michael T. Nolan,
ul-20 ltegliter.
Iifjpnttmiint of tlio.lntcr!or,
o V ull of Madras. Anytm.
Notice for Publication.
Department of tlio Interior.
Notice Is liereby given that jcmaB. M,'or,0""Kntrv iu 13PM in ado October 10,
1' Ken. V B Coi.imlHlonur, at ills ollice In Mml-
liUiontlnuiiu relIenco til-on, ntirt citltha-
"Mallei1 ra? ' -rcok, Ore.n. Mot
WMlevSiunner.CV PiillUKaml A 8 llillllp".
nil of Mailms, Oregon, (m T N0UK
oavn.-J mMvt.
Department of tho luteilor.
UmlOtoco. I TIWl)0u
Notice Is hereby given that llethule C.
Dove.of Madras Or., has lied ;
his intention to mnko liiuil llve-joai
nnuit In support of hW claim, viz:
1 HomiMieaA Entry A'o. Ptrtf ,,im,"A,V, :
ember lWl, for the o half sw u atter
mill w liuifse quarter of see 20, tp iu s, r
ia.!id tiint s.ild proof will bo ina.lo befoie
the ItegUter ami Keeelverat Iho Dalles,
Oieon. on December Jii.lWW.
He loimes the followbn; witnesses to
prove his eontlnuous tealdoiiee upon and
cultlvntlouof the land, vir.:
.Miles Fox. H J Uranstettor, .lo in A
Isliain. Fred Davis and UMIIaut 11 tiaik,
all of Madras, Oreijoii.
MicitAicr. T. Nolan,
olSdO UeKlster.
Notice for Publication.
Depnrtmunt of the Interior.
' i ..1 .t Tim flruirtlll
Octolwr li. IK.
Notice U liexehy Rlvn tiiat Margaret Con
net, widow of atlas Connot. doceawil, of Mail,
rtw, Orenron, hai itUsl notice of her Intention
to make Dual nve-year proof Iu support of her
claim, vli: . . ,
Ilomtnli-ml Kntry No I1MU nmilo Orlotxr IS.
riatt. for the lie quarter of ec S5, tp V a, r U t,
Ami that salt! proof will It mil Ittfore
I) 1' Ilea, l' S ConiralMilonur, at ltU otllee In
Madras. Oregon, oil l)ecinlr S, 1W8.
Khe name the lolloivlng wilii to ttrpve
her cnnUnuoilK roldeiiet mou, and olilltra
tloaof, the laud, vir:
II J riraiwtetior, W JI ltamey, Mll l ox and
C U Pox, allot Madrws, OreRon.
michakl T. Noun,
oi5-n3 Uoglnter.
Notice for Publication.
" Department of tbo Interior.
Land Ollice at The Dalles, Ori'Kon,
Octol er il), iX5.
A'otice Is liereby Riven that George
Feulner, of Madras, Oregon, hai filed
notice or Ids intention tn make final fivo
jcar proof In suppoit of his claim, viz:
iouiestead l-.ntry A'o U?2.1, made Sept.
it, i'.Di, for the s half ne (puner and s half
nw tpiarter of see 17, tp 12 s. r 111 w in
And that said pro .f will be made before
the ltegister and Ueeelver at The Dalles,
ie names the following to
prove his eoiitiini uts residence upon, and
cultintioiuif, the land, viz:
Frail); IJuuter, of Culver, Oregon, nnd
.Samuel A. Davis, fenry M. Davis nnd
William Kllllngbeck. all of Madras, Or.
MlClIAISL T. iVof.A.V,
o25-n2fl ltegister.
Timber Land, Act .Juno 11, 1878.
Notice for Publication,
U. H. Land Ollice, Tim Dalles, Oregon,
October 0, 11M.
Notleo is hereby given that iu compli
ance w illi the piovlsions of the net of Con
gress of June :), IH'H, entitled "An act for
the sale of limber lands iu the slates of
California, Oregon, A'evada, and Wash
ington Territory," as extended to all tlio
public laud states by act of August 1, lb'J,
Alexander Thomson,
of Prlneville, county of Crook, state of Or
egon, has this day filed In this ofllco his
sworn statement iVo.lJWO, for the purchase
of swojinrter no tpiarter and nwipuirtur
i fptarter sec 28, tp 11 s, r 10 e, w in.
And will otfor proof to show that tho
laud sought is more valuable for Its timber
er stone than for ngilcultural purposes,
and to establish his claim to said land be
fore the County Clerk nt Prlneville. Ore
gon, on the Hth day of January, IU07.
He names as witnesses: .loliu W Col
lins, Wade II Huston. Henry Y Huston,
all of Prlneville, Oregon; A (S Kibbee, of
Haycreek, Oregon.
Anv ami all persons claiming adversely
the abovc-dcserlbcd lands me requested to
file their ohiliiis In this officii on or before
tbo Hth day of .January, 1W7.
"8 J 10 ltegister.
Timber Land, Act Juno I), 1878
Notice For Publication
U. S. Laud ollice, The Drtlloi, Oregon,
October 0, iDOfJ
Notice Is liereby given that In compll
iiueo with the prviNons f the act of
Conirressof Juno II. 1878, entitled "An act
f'ir,.t,1,,6a,(! f timber lands In the states
of California, Oregon, Nevada uud Wash
iiiKton Territory," as extended to all the
public land slates by act ol August i 1812,
tii Floicnuo 11. Collins,
of I'rlneyllle, county of Crook, stato of
Oregon, has this day filed iu this ollice iter
sworn statement No, 11112, for the pur
chase of the s M niv 1-1, no m sw M and
Lots !1 and 1, see 5, tp 12 s, r HI u, w m.
And will offer proof to show thai the
and sought is morn valuable for Its tim
ber or sioiio thau tor agricultural purposes
and to estnbllhh his claim to said laiid bo
fore tho Comity Cleric at Pi lnuvllle. Ore
gon, on (fie 11 h day of January, 11)07.
rilie names as .witnesses; Wade 11 Hus
ton, Delia Huston, L 11 Lafollette, all of
I'rlnevire, Ortgonj (leorgo Clockelt, of
Ashwood, OiegOn.
Aliv mid nil immniia ln(,,.ii,.. i..
r v v,v,'i,',,,i' in .una on ce ou or ie
torosiild lltli day of January, 1907.
Mint i a im . e wii i it
uH-lli llegBter.
Department of tlie Interior.
Land Offloe at The DaIIw, Or.,
(tel. 18, IftlO,
Viitlnn la licrebv irlveti that AVIIIIain
0. Latlilitit ,f MrtdraM, OreKou, baa,
tiled tiotliHi of hi" iiittiiltlou to make
tlnal coniinutauoii yrooi in support or
his claim, vlrt
llomcHteail entry No 18123. made
December 10, 1003, for the hnlf ne
miiirtcr and u half no quarter of see 21,
tpOK, r 13o, w m,
And that said proof will be made
before l. Ki 8. Comtnleiloiier,
at lila nffico In Madras, Oregon, on
November 20, 1800.
Ho tiamea tho following wl,tne8tH'8 to
provu his oontlmiou.4 realtlutiou upon,
and oulllvMtion or, the land, vki
P. N, Vlbhert, It. T. LHraon. Oenrgo
Monner and Wllllntii Brownhltl, nil of
Madras, Oregon.
MlOllAl'.Ii T. NofiAN,
ol8-nir HeglHter.
v...... v iC ",oa
UIIM. Mini 7'.ivrniA t
Notice for Publication.
Department ot tlio Interior.
Laud Office at Tho Pallum, Oregon,
October IS, ifjuo.
Notice U hereby Klvon that Wllljnni J.
Itlchardu, of Madras, OrcKon, baa fltod notlru
of hlii Intention to make final five-year proof
In upport of his claim, vli
llomcntcnd Kntry No. 0S00, laado Octobers,
iwi, for tlio t hw! ui mo a nnd u) nwjj of
acoS, tpia, rUe, win,
And that said proof will bo mad l.foro Don
p. Ilea, l H. CommlRaloncr, at bis office In
Madra, Oregon, on NoremlKr , 1900.
lto nnnic tlio folloivltiK wIIUomm to prove
hit contliiuou rcildeiiCG upon, and cultiva
tion ol, tho iand, vl:
r.lincrdllm, II II Cook, Dolticrt Jcnklnn
and u W llarnclb all of Madra, Orcgim.
MlcitAr.LT. Nouk,
ois-nlS lti'Blner.
l)oprtmelit,o( the Interior.
Land Ofllce nt The D.illos Oregon.
October 18. 1HHJ.
Notice Is hereby given that Ktuma i',.
Pike, or Citivor, Oregon, low filed notice
of her Intention to make final live-year
proof In support of her claim, viz:
Homestead Kntry No IUMI0, made Sep
tember at, t03, for MMpiarlor nw tpiarter,
see fS and the n half no quarter
uud nuquurtornw quarter of sec 22, tp il!
s, r J3e, w m. .... ...
Ami that said proof will be made before
D. P. Ilea, V. ii. Commissioner, nt his
ollice hi Madras, Oregon, on iVuvrmtbur
"0 100(1.
" kw names the followlnc witnesses In
,.rovu her coutiiiiinti residence upon nnd
cultivation of the laud, vIk:
-O. O. Oollver, Prnnk lloifman nnd Dav
id Harnett, nil of Culver. Ori'Ku and Kl
mor (llllatu, of Mndrai, Oregon.
Michael T. Xolnn,
ol8-ul5 itOKirt'.or.
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior,
ijiml Office at The DallM. Oreison,
Octotwr 10. lwrt,
Notice U hereby- kIvcii that Jnmca ll. lice
on, of Madra, Oregon, hai filed notice ot
hU Intention to make final commutation
proof iTTnupport of bio claim, rj!
Homentcad Entry No. 13,810 made Bcplcm
21, tool, for the e mv quarter, w quarter ne
quarter and nw quarter quarter of eo S3, tp
10 1, r 1 1 c, tv in.
And that xald proof will lx made before Don
P. Itea, I'. 8. CommlMlouer, nt bin office In
Madra. Oregon, on November 1W, iW,
Huiiamctho follonliiK wltnce to prove
hU contliiuou reildcuco upou, and cultiva
tion of, tho laud, vir:
v ftCrUwcll, J T nice, Jarncn Leo and Wc.
ley Sunnier, all of Madras, Oregon,
XiciuetiT. Nolak,
ol8nl6 ltcglitcr.
Notice for Publication.
Department of tho Intorlor.
Ijind onico nt The Dallcn, Oregon,
Oct. 18, nwi.
Notice U hereby given that Kdtvard J. llald
ucr, of Madras, Oregon, ha tiled nollco of hl
Intention to maVo flna.1 t!vc-) chr proof In sup
port of hi claim, vli;
Hotnvntcad entry No, VOU rqado Augtmt t,
1101. for the nu quarter nco 11, (p It a, rite,
w nt.
And that ald proof will bo mado beora Don
P. Itea, U. H. C'oininlMlonor, at ht otllee In
Mail ran, Oregon, on November 'JO, 1P04.
lie mtine tho following wUiiomo to prove
hU contlnnoiu rculdcnce uion, and cultiva
tion of, tho land, vlx!
Kd Kiitcher, John JfcTaggart, John V Church
and C K lire, all ol Madras, Oregou.
Mioun,T. Nouk,
ois-nlS Itcgbitor.
Tlmher Uud, Act Juno a, 1S7S.
U. 8. Unit Offlco, Tho Hallo. Oregon,
February 17, 19u.
Notk-o U horoby glvon that lit compliance
with tho provUIonaof tho ant of Congrew of
Juno 3, l78, entitled "An act for tho mile of
timber land In tbo atatoa of California, Ore.
Rim, Nevada and WmdiliiKtnn Territory,''
extended to all tlio.puullc land lilntun by act of
Auguit i,
Uticlitlit McNoll
of Centrallo, county of Lowbi. atato of Wajli
Ingtou, ha thin day tiled in this office hi
woiniitatuinmit No, "iWI, for the purehao of
the YtwV., ' w quarter o( neo Vi and nw
qiinrtcr Uw quarter ol ca III, t lis, r 10 0, w
And will offer proof to ihow that the
land nought 1 moro valuable for tliu tim
ber or mono thereon than for agrlcultiiral pur
iK)e,andtoetabllh hl claim to aid land
bi-foro the ittglnter and Ueeelver. ot tho land
offlco iu Tho Dalloa, Oregon, on November il,
lie namoii aa wltiiouo: U K. AlUngham. of
Prlneville, Oregon, Nettlo Halvortou, John
(mrry, 1'rank Hhoppard and Kat MoNoll, all
of Cuntratla, Wanhlilgton, and Joo tlraham, of
HUtor, Oregon,
Any and nil joron elalmlng advorely any
of tho abovi'-denrrlbed land ro roquoited to
file their claim in till offlco on or buforo Iho
tald 'Jlit day of November, 1900,
0I-U14 Iteglator,
Notice for Publication.
Popnrtmouiot the Interior.
Und Offlco at Tbo Dallo. Oregon,
October if. luw.
Notlco I hereby kIvoii tbst Jesilo Ijartley,
of ilBdru. Oregon, hai filed notlco of hnr In
tention to make ilnul commutation proof in
mpport of hor claim, vie: , . . ,..
rioinentead Kntry No li-W inado April H
loos, for tho quarter of oo 6, tpU ,t J i
And that ald proof will bo mAdd beoro ;
P, Itutt, U, , Cominliilotior, at lib) of tic l
Miidnw, Oregon, on PocomUiM, lV,
, Hho naino tho iollnwliiK wltuee,to yroo
bUcniitliuioui rcnldunru upon, and cultliu
tlou of, tho land, vim ,
J M jlaye, o K ltouli, jamo Magilow and
w ( Torrlll, all of Madra. Oregon,
oM-nM Koltr.
tor .1 JUn
'fit tli m,.
Aiuj wtU Jta 1
f ie and oi,K to J
?l l'ri0SCH..n7.1'h ,1. lJ
iii khi, i i i- . wrjiiM un
of JaiiimryM '80"'
Hho nainai . ,
atraugo, h n o
"n-rluo'v lftan7r.N?
Blstors, Oregon. ,EB0
"y and all
Notice for Duke. ..M
department of thQ
Lnnd OracetTheli-3
A'otlco (s hereby glv,,ui!!
Colhim. of xXijrZ u
"dice of hi, intention' to'S innAl 1.. ."""I
, , "",","Mppoitofli!SC!,i
.. lloiiietead entrv v c...
im for tle u c3
iuimliirau . " CM
And that il,l
the 1
Oreeon. nn Vnmi...
He uatiics the fplloult S;J
orove hi pni(r,,,,..
Cllltlvilllniwif .t :
' " v, iv iouu, jn't
C V Maimlu, Jwiitt WoxLI
Notice for Public-ii
1 .1 n. ,hl .1 IL . ,
I'ui'Miiiucmgi IBtlDlHll
Liml Ofllce at The Dxvi
.. .... . . .
.oiire n ncreayfiiuaumt!
1'iubler, of llawUtk.Of..h,R
of hi intention to mat fnn
proof In mipwrt of hicUlm,vlfll
liouiwdeatl entry .Yo Wt, n
21. pm for the hilf
hiif se ipiartir.Mci,tpi2t,fi(
Aim mat sain nroor mil me
the IteuUtcr and ltceeir it 1
.... .-...:. M.
urrKUiii on .lovcmueriw, ,.
iienitiitcs tne loiiowirj n
prove Ills continuum tfjMtict i
cultivation of, ihcisdo, nr.
II HCookanilEAJfntlnu
Oregon, and K Hauls gcd 1 L 1
iinyniack, uregon.
Dcpartiuctitct Hie Is
Tim IlillrtC
Notice Is hereby l jf n tt 1
4 V JUKI , .
or Iltuit, Wt VlrKinn.cDe rf J
I I... .1... I,ulri n Xlbhnl F.
llllll nil mc livu v. - j
ccand. of Madras, Orr;on, wl
. f . . .i. 1a.iIiam In Mtkl fl.lll m
uniitim i'), r.i,' . i
...i.i.n. icioi. fur thee hill t I
. ... in a il i w hi VI
aec lit p mm ".-.iii u.
a ...I n,n( mill uroof Kl
fo own: JDKIwrnllUfP
Lountv CicrW of K" 1
,wo,a u mo ""i-;,
fore v. r. .oca, w. j--v
onicolli JilKirauors,'--
prove ni coum -v- ;
cultivation of, IM
aim""" - - i
. . . -i i.(isiiiy
.n-rifie cm WI8UCA1
with ih L'jo&r.. i a
June 3. iti,entme . ClSfc
i 7i...i...r In ill "'.'r r..
ju.ry 1W7. ,,,!
Ilo namr ,7, jtf00d( iu
p.B, W-fcftt
1 AnMrffiVSffl
'.' i 'f-iiuarr. l'.,..giJlf1
ll")""" nv-- i