The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, November 15, 1906, Image 3

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    H. !;-
9 WJ ' Th hair was
,Bg. ' tu co or of early
Sold In a" parts of, the
II'' . I.....
rA,dfor wwy y'-"
"M,tKff "-MM. W. J. UuoWM, Msiiom-
""'?ST ri' i!!5r Co., !weil7Miu
I 4if.i,S.KJtotur'.ri of
mi t m
am u roll. Al AN
,JL. Ootiirh. DliUrair, nil Throat
nitfTroul'u. llirln.i the lilood
fSf.f f IK I" condition. .
g;.l'.'1naiP'drt'" Ht.rnl. Wine
Vr will give you com-
J , nlolo protection
and long service
' You cantanora
'X . to buv nnv other
Every garment
The best dealers sell It
).50&'3.OO Shoes
Jbitfa $4 GUI Edgo lino
WUllnir to Compromise.
"I'd Hko to engago you to piny your
fiddle at my reception to-night," mild
Mrs. Cumup to tlio great violinist
"Voll, I can blay," answered tlio pro
fessor. "What do you clinrgo?" naked the
"Vun huntrot tollnrs; dot'- my regu
lar prlco," snld tlio profesHor.
"Woll," declnred tlio lndy, '"i can't
pay no hundred for Just a llttlo fiddling,
hut If you'ro n mind t' corno I'll giro
you fifty, nnd Just piny half notos."
Toledo IHoda.
Jftftl" WlniWe Soothing
aurlns; the teething period,
Undo Allen,
"What's the uso of carrying on a mud
slinging campaign," queried Undo Allen
Sparks, "when It' ever co much easier to
throve dust In tlio eyc of the rotors?"
Hasty Conclusion.
Tommy pausod a momont In the work
of demolition.
"This Is angel cake, all right," ho said.
"How do you know?" asked Johnny.
"1'vo found a feather In It."- Chicago
ft. U lBUfUl' Job.
Pimm it im moil
Itusr Catalo)
tirtno-t, 10 to 11.60. par Shoes, S3
.)LM. Womtn'f (Mom. tix to Sl.OO.
taw Children's UIimi. S2.flfl to Sl.OO.
rW. L Douglas Women's, Mlssoe nnd
n. u u9B(iu iviiinrii i. jiiiaics nil
Una's shoes) for slyle, fit nnd wear
1 1 could take you Into mv lares
RWteist Brockton, Mass, ,and dhow
dhow carefully W.L. Douglas shoes
l nude, you would then understand
Wtheyhold their shape, fit better,
monger, ana are or greater value
ii my other make.
IVwtf you live, you can obtain W. L.
"iikci, nn name and prlca la stamped
ItOtltHB.whkh nratrfta vnn xralnat hlott
inllslcrlor ihoc.. Tak no tubitU
. AutvourMlr Inr XV I n.iiiii..iiu.
K JL'if ""ft ih'V will not war bratiu.
Prat lor Illustrated Catalairol Pall Stvlra.
-wviw3, upi. ij, urockion, aims.
Rt. Vltim' Deneo and an TlMn. m......
3 pormnnautlr cured br r. Kllna'a (lrt
lroatUo.Ur,ll. H.Kllni-,Jxl. 831 Arch Ht.,Ililla.,l'a.
Am Other flee Ua.
Wcddorly MIbb Oldhnm Is certainly
a Bclf-poBucHJcd woumn, Isn't alio?
Blngloton Yes ; nnd I'm glad of IL
Wcddorly Olnd of It!
Singleton Yes; nt lenst I'm glad
that she Isn't ono of my possosslonB.
Anrtblntr o oiiltfn.
Miss Jarmor Papa says I mustn't see
you any nioro.
Young Spoonall Well, wo mustn't dis
obey papa. I'll turn tho light a little
lower still.
Bad Blood
In tho cauoo of nil humors, eruptions,
boils, pimples, scrofulous sores, oczema
or salt rltcum, as well as of rheuma
tism, cntnrrh nnd other troubles. Tho
greatest blood remedy for all theso
troubles, proved by its uncqualcd
record of cures, is
Hood's Sarsaparilla
In usual liquid form or In chocolated
tablets known as Sarsatabs. 100 doses $1.
No. 45-08
..... yapir,
.",Tm.U hre bee.
uii' oj a uiiirornla tarea-
nking by Mai
On savings deposits of a dollar
or moro, compounded twico
overy year. It is juBt as easy
to open a Savings Account with
us by Mail as if you lived next
door. Bond for our freo book
let, "Banking by Mail." and
learn full particulars. Address
Oregon Trust &
Savings Bank
Portland, Oregon
Sixth and Washington Sts.
Now York City pays $1,00,000 a year
for Its municipal printing, stationery and
No More
Cold Rooms
If you only knew how mnch comfort
can be derived from a PERFECTION
Oil Heater how simple and economical
its operation, 70a would not be without
it another day.
You cau quickly make warm and cosy
any cold room or liallway no matter in
what part of the house. Yon can heat
water, and do many other things with the
Oil Heater
lElfe with SnekcIoM Device)
Cirry hJt ?ck M or low as yea can there's no danger,
'"'tie haai fin? r?om to TOoni- All parts easily cleaned. Gives
derW without smoke or smell because equipped with amoke-
SboJMtedofl?"n,ckeUnd iP'
1u.i ery heater war-...)..! t ...
Ut or if wt""td. If toh uanaot get
Mt.Lr,ra,ti011 from year dealer, write to
Brase oil fouat beauti-
oad baras 9
l,8tacy for descriptive ilrcular.
Ifeyb Lamp .x
-n auTiiiaiiiiaii9ii
with ,J!ctlfdl't'tr:
"H uuont,,ln,.t' wi?ovea Lmrer.
u ..Tuo8Uout and nlvli a"
Made el
parlor or bed-
nolil Inrndera.
There wcro somo phases of conntry
lifo with which tho little city girl had
ns yet only ono dny's ncqunlntnncc, but
tho rights of property-owners nnd prop-crty-rcutcrs
were firmly fixed In lKr
"Mother I" she culled, In evident roc
cltcment, tho morning nftcr tho family
had settled for tho summer In Sunset
View Cottage, "mother I Just come
horo and look I Tliero aro somebody's
hens wiping their feet on our nlco clean
grass 1"
fU ISM Thoueands 01 wp.
eftO Wrfw men suffer daily
1 ilaf lianlranfin. hflld
acho. dizzy spells,
languor, nervous
ness and a dozen
Ul other symptoms 01
kidney trouble, bat
lay it to other
Mako no mistake.
Keep the kidneys
well, and these
aches and troubles
will dicappcar.
Mrs. Anthony
Cadre! to, 77 Me
cbanio St., Leominletcr, Mass., nays:
"My sight failed, I bad sharp pain in
my back and bearing-down pains
through the hips. I was nervous, fret
ful and miserable. The urine was
greatly disordered and I began to have
the swellings of dropsy. I was running
down fast when I started using Doan's
Kidney Pills. A wonderful jcbango
came and after using them faithfully
for a short time I was well."
Sold by all dealers. 60 cents a box.
Foster-MUburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
The Inqnlatlre Unrber.
No doubt ninny reuders have heard
of tho austere disposition of America's
greatest living actor, Utchnrd Mans
field. Perhaps tho following convcrsn
tlon, which took place In one of Bos
ton's lending hotels, better Illustrates
the satirical naturo of tho player. En
tcrlng the barber's shop one morning,
he was Immediately recognized as Rich
nrd Mansfield by the barber.
"Good morning," said tho barber af
A grunt wns tho only reply.
"Well, how wns things over nt tho
houco last night?"
"What house?" answered tho actor
"Tho Hollls," said the barber.
"What do you mean, sir?"
"Why, are you not Richard Mans
field?" tho barber asked.
"Ob, no, Indeed," replied Mr. Mans
field, "I Just got out of Jail this morn
"What! You're not Richard Mans
field : and you Just got out of Jail this
morning! What for, pray?"
"For assnultlng inquisitive barbers,"
was the response.
UOWAHD E. EUnTON. A8yer and Chemist.
leadvuie, iiorwo. specimen prices t uoia,
Hllrcr. L-ad. II x Oold. Bllvcr. 74c: Gold. Wei Ztno or
Copper, L Cyanldo testa. M aUlna envelopes and
full prlco list sent on application. Control and Ura
plro work solicited, jlafarenoet Carbonat Htr
Atmrunrlaf n.
"DeRlter hasn't been very successful
with his new paper, has he?"
"No. I think ho oucbt to chantm thn
name or u ; ougui to can it 'Aavlce.' "
" 'Advice?' Why?''
"Well, nobody takes It" Philadel
phia Press
A Good Record.
Out of all tho external remedies on tho
market wo doubt if thcro is ono that has
tho record of that world-renowned porous
plaster Allcock's. It has now been in
use for fiixty years, and still continues to
bo as popular ai ever in doing its great
work of relieving our pains and aches. It
is the remedy wo all need when su florin w
from unv form of acho or pain resulting
irom taking com orovcr-Biram.
Allcock's Plasters nie sold t-y Druggists
in every part 01 mo civwiou woriu.
Far-Reaohlns Bcbe.
The OfDccr You say the chauffeur
sounded his horn Just as the machine
struck tho man?
The Witness Yes, sir.
Tho 0 fllcer Was the victim killed
The Witness So instantly, sir, that
be must have beard the echo of that
horn In the neat world.
Would Seem So. .
Customer (nt book store) Hare you
a work on tho art of letter writing?
Now Salesman No, sir. I should think
you could learn that at any correspond
ence school.
Lucas Cookty. I "
Fbamk J. CHKNjsr makes oath that ho Is
senior partner o tho Arm of V. J. ChrnktA
Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, Coun
ty and State aforesaid, and that tald firm will
pay tho sum of ONK HUNDRUD DOLLARS for
each and every case ot Gatarhh that cannot be
cured by tho use of Hall's Catabbh Cubb.
Sworn to before mo and subscribed In ray
presence, this 6th day ot December, A. D 1686,
Notary lAibllc,
Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken internally, and
aeta directly on the blood aad mucous surfaces
ef tho system. Bend for testimonials, free.
r, J. OlIXNKY 4 CO., Toledo, O.
Hall's ramify 1111s aro the heat
Her Bieasa (or Moaca,
A teacher In a lower West Side pub
lic school recently received the follow
ing letter:
"Kindly exculpate my son Moeee
from being one aggrlgate day absent
Because his mother substantias alck,
Moses had to sojourn in the house per
petual, so kindly 'apology hlai for sot
coming once day to school." New
Yajrk Bus.
He Hopefl Wet.
"So you're a fugitive frota Justice, are
"Thunder aol" exclaimed the kaated
. tumlna. rait with Inrilirnatlfttt. "Ita
a suhurbaa eesstable that's after awl"
Dear Sirs My body broko ont -with a rash or ernptiom
which in spito of all efforts to onro continnod to got worse.
The itching, ospooially at night, was simply terrible, t
would almost disappear at times, only to retnrn -worse)
than over. I had triod many highly recommended, prepa
rations without bonofit, and hearing of S. S. S. dotorminea
to glvo it a fair trial, and -was inexpressibly delighted
when a fow bottles cured mo entirely, removing every
blomish and plmplo from, my body. I shall not fail to reo
ommond S. S. S. -whonovor an opportunity ooours to do so.
Escondido, Cal L. MARNO.
www 1 rTn acne,
There is nothing more distressing than an itching, burn- PSORIASIS,
ing skin disease, and upon the return of warm weather those n M r 11 IX
who are afflicted with skin troubles find the symptoms appear- gL KntUWle
ing and know that they will, be tormented through the hot
summer months. The blood is heated with humors and acrid matter and as they are forced
to the surface the skin seems to be on fire. The treatment of skm diseases with exter
nal applications is all wrong, because they do not reach the- trouble which, is in the blood.
The most such treatment can be expected to do is, allay the itching and burning and cover
up the trouble for awhile, but as soon as it is left off the disease returns.
All food taken into the body contains, in some form, the elements necessary to sustam
the different parts. Une portion is used ior
the making of blood, another for muscle,
one for bone, still another for fat, and so on.
After these different properties are ex
tracted from the food there still remains a
portion that is useless, or waste matter,
which is intended to be disposed of through
the natural channels of bodily waste, the
Liver, Kidneys and Bowels. At this season
ui tnc year, uuwevcx. uxaua wv-waw e
torpid, dull and sluggish, and fail to perform this duty, and tliese accumulations remain m
the system and are absorbed by the blood to ferment and sour, producing burning acids and
acrid humors. The blood cannot properly nourish, the system while in this impure condition,
and begins to throw off these acids through, the pores and glands of the skin, producing Acne,;
Eczema, Tetter, Psoriasis, Salt Rheum and skin diseases of every description.
ECZEMA appears usually with a slight redness of the skin, followed by pustules from
which there flows a sticky fluid that dries and forms a crust, and the itching is intense. It
is generally on the back, breast, arms, legs and face, thougli other parts of the bodymay be
afflicted. In TETTER the skin dries, cracks and bleeds, and is often very painful. The acid
in the blood dries up the natural oils of the skin, causing a dry, feverish, hardened condition
and giving it a leathery appearance. AGNE makes its appearance on the face in the form of
pimples and black-heads, and is particularly disagreeable because of its unsightly appear
ance, while PSORIASIS, a scaly disease, comes in patches on different parts of the body
One of the worst forms of skin disease is SALT RHEUM. It discharges a watery fluid, form
ing sores and producing intense itching. The head and face are the parts usually affected,
and sometimes the hair falls out and a mass of sores forms on the scalp.
These and all skin diseases are due to the same cause burning acids and humors in
the blood, and until this vital fluid is cleansed and made pure they will continue. The best
treatment for all skin diseases is S. S. S., a remedy that is purely vegetable, being made en
tirely from roots, herbs and barks, and acts directly on the blood with a cleansing, healing
effect. It neutralizes the acids and purifies the blood so that the skin, instead of being
blistered and burned by the fiery fluids, is nourished by a supply of cooling, healthy bloody
It goes down into the circulation and forces out every particle of waste or foreign matter,
Iviiilrlc nr friMnnri nnrl rurnci nil skin disposes Tvromntlv
and permanently. S. S. S. does not leave the least par
ticle of the poison for future outbreaks, but entirely rids
the blood of the cause for all skin diseases.
S. S. S. tones up the system and regulates the
Liver, Kidneys and Bowels so that they will carry ofirS
the natural waste and refuse matter through the proper
1 1 ' j J 1 I !a. J- -L 1 1 J 1
cnaimeis, msieau oi iea.viug it to ue ausoi ucu uy uajg
blood. Nothing equals S. S. S. in the treatment of these troubles and for building up the
general health. Write for our treatise on skin diseases and any medical advice you wish.
We make no charge for either. ' THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, GA
Color more soods brighter and faster colors than any ether dye. One 10c package colors silk, wool and cotton equally yyeM and ts
auaranteed to give perfect rea tills. Aak deajer. or we will send post paid at 10c a package. Write for free booklet bow to dye.
bleach and mix colors, MONROE DRUG CO.. UnleavlUe. Missouri.
(North Beach) and Beautiful Oak Book
Case to every purchaser of the 8necial Edi
tion of the ''Library of the World's Best
Literature ," 46 volumes, silk bound, (2.10 per
volume : ta on delivery of set and 15 per month ;
easo and books delivered free. Particulars by
writing j. p. MILLAR & CO..
Columbia Bids;.. Portland, Ore.
Moderation In Bzerctae.
It Is better to be lazy than dead, and
It Is probably Just as comfortable. For
obvious reasons the prescription to take
moderate eiercleo Is misleading and
unsatisfactory. Most of ns are consti
tutionally Incapable of exercising mod
erately. Wo begin violently and end
Quickly. And what Is moderate exer
cise? One philosopher who tried It for
twenty years arrived at this conclu
sion : "Keep a pair of Indian clubs in
your bedroom. Look at them frequent
ly. Exercise by tfielr suggestion,"
This has tho merit of moderaUon. It
la the same as to walking. Smell the
morning, look down the long way that
separates you from yonr business.
Then take a car.Detrolt Free Press.
"I understand that Europeans aro be
coming apprehensive because American
millionaires are buying so many works
ef art"
"I hope the feeling will rtow" an-
swered Mr. Dustln Stax. "It would
be a sweet relief to find Europeans coy
about selling things to American tour
ists." Washington Star.
Portland Trade Directory
Names end Addresses In Portland of Repre
sentative Business rirms.
CKKAM 8KPAHAT0118 We gnarantee the U.S.
Beparator to be the best. Write lor free cataloc
11 axel wood Ca, Ftnh and Oak.
PIANOS Jt OIIOA.N8 Many One Instruments re"
vert to os account sickness or removal of buyer
write for description of p'.anos now en band,
terms, eta Write today. Ullberi Co., Portland
GASOLENE ENGINES 3 to i horse-
jovror iuUy warranted, 3123. All alzes nl
styles at lowest prices. Write for cauop.
Portland. Oregon.
111a Occupation.
Directory Canvasseir What Is your
husband's occupation, madam?
The Lady Oh, ho unmakes history.
Directory Canvasser Unmakes his
tory! The Lady Yes. He writes historical
Modern Metfeoda.
The Contractor What In thunder Is
the matter, with that new hod carrier
you hired? He's let another hod of
bricks fall to the pavement
The Foreman Oh. ha
v v ,vHtuvu AAIO ,
trade by mall from the Hod '
correspondence Institute I Brooklyn !
A resident of a small town In south
ern New Jersey was brought before tha
Judge on the charge of Intoxication. A
fine was Imposed, paid, and the maa
discharged. A few days later the same
man faced the Judge for drunkenness
again, but this time refused to pay tha
fine. The Judge became furious, bu
coolly replied tbe citizen :
"Judge, there ain't no law that says
n feller can be fined twice for the same
drunk, and. your Uonor. Ton can't
prove that I've drawn a sober breath
sinse." The case was dismissed.
Th Proved Remedy
to OvSP SI. Vaara.
In Central Oregon, at Cost of Reclamation
Under the Carev Act has 75,000 acres
now "under" water.
11ofo7LTry TiZd" Ver "Ck M'Ma ,o, one second
fOOE fiVtM MJKh 1AA . r i
ttZ ., b w each purchaser at actual
cost of IrrigaUoa. ea kai, One-fourth cask; balance
U X V Y WeaU at 6 per cat Maiateaaac.
cr l Per ere per aaaua (or each irrigable acre far
0 MltU" 68 30,000 acre, having bee .old.
Aral I a m mm jai u
m McKay Bldt, Ptrtlaitd, OretH
tffke fw ik ef land, lex A, IVdcKi.
Creek CwMy, sVce