Gatarrn . H...UI nrirnnni.ll "Oriented" Orientals, WWrtVrtviirfiriwiWwwfl Knowledge of direction seems 5. IHKmMMh 5 ' IridHllpHvA with dm Itllrt.m... ........ II.. Sill fa uumur ui i vuiuo ni BCII001 " 'Pliotf ?u. v: J lj I V .....w.l ft CM oriK'"R .1 .i... ....... . I" - - W coniH Bllu' ponglltutlonBl mo nccine, not by s , a 'iflodwd requlrliW const relatlve position. They do not car I Y? 4 4m it W .. ....nit nnn nuniviiir. iira ..... . i ..... . mam m man mj ' J mv i-.nt ,,, "in xurn 10 t no IaI L.1 W E. J I I .IT a . . iii rati cni i I wtnu" xi a mum in n room lina ... n " ..u.-Hntmi romoay is iit i.i... ii . lr nuSlln ' enst tnmlilnr. thn nflinr itm t.i ?. 3 fomMUrii ilia :. .. u ." 'S JFfc,S wr- tlln til II in lHfir will lin , CwnasSflrsn abs. W0"1' east of the room." 80 they sncnlc of tlio north or south side of n street or of n tree, not tho shndy or sunny side. Even In ruin or mint they know tho direction nt once. An English traveler, wnlklng In tho Ilurinrin forest on a foggy morning to find nil trneo of tho road wiped out by rnln nnd every np nnrcnt moniiH of nunnrini ?.rhinn who removes tho tlou gon0i wns nt a , . ' I v .1.. ..umnnl Minn . .1 ..... .... I uui uia ijuiiuuii 11 OUU ...Hil . riv mn ' """nd deodorize dlschnw. coo. u m.ik. nuns I'nra. i i. . . 1. nnt to bo mensurcu uj 1.. rpi.nrA m 1 rLiiuuiiujr iHliv" . . I innir in Tlln v. ,nin fiin nnvement thnn 2 S,r in the church. Polito. " .. 11. rmi ru nnn viriuvn. lite an , r ; It Is surprising hn i turn, i nnn ncu ui mw. ...., ono scrvnntfl knew nt once. "Thnt Is north," they snld, point ing, "nnd thnt Is cast Our courso lies between," nnd Btrnlght to tho north east they marched unerringly. HAD TO USE A CANE. Weakened Kidneys Mado an Elwood, Ind., Man's Back Give Out. it. A. i'UKli, ttanefer business, 2020 -.. una ncui ' mil. iiowls of helpfulness, , in the coursu ui ""j "-v.. T WV . ... I.I...1 .1 n Irrtlt for WIO oji'"i.'v. iuui . ... . . i 1 1 11.. nut W tl I'll" inn-imu" . .iiiorn but to ones own huctui . 7 ,7 . , '...' 0"D' 1 'f.SSm be cheering und ea- I "K,dney kept mo laid up for a iuiik uiuu uiiu wnon 1 was able to bo up I lind to use a cano. I had torrlblo backaches and pain in the shoulders. Tho kid ney secretions were dark colored. Alter doctoring In vain, I began using Donn's Kidney Pills. Thrso lencc w" iw.i.1 Need of Inforii.Mlon. m'kiraed traveler hnd delivered Ills i.,,r on the manners and customs .,Tui.w! to anawer nutations per- !! lo any pecuiiarm u un imcr which I may not have ached In my airouir. ik- . 1 1... 1 . .pBf,or,"eafrn, - '----- 'boxe. cared mo entirely, and I am dad "Vl"" - t t- I. ,;isisi do to piuia juice w mano 11 In tho Opera, Jtox, kiM Pcachley What funny sleeves . 1 Ui,, Capilcum Ym; 1 navo oeen .vi.. 1. ivm t that town 01 rours. To Make Harnoss Last Longer. t.i.t. i 1 . ...... wviniui v. i.....:.. DUUIDW1UDD . ... . .Inltam in a man. !m P. H VUIM 111 Ull . .w.- . Bold by all dealors. CO conts n box. Foster-Millmrn Co., Buffalo. N. Y. JInrn You Noticed? "I think Dick nnd Katharine will soon ho married." "Why, dear?" "Well, I passed by the old porch Inst night and heard her calling hltn pet names." proper care oi unmans, carringi aTf. i.PHLiim sis liuiiT ucva VAWua Mitli toean nnu winu, soon uo- ..J 1. A ..1 InnlnaMrt anil nnihla lUndttraln. Then, very likely at n. iuu uieliuud kimu nnu r bit. All this Is easily -prevented 1 little forethought and caro on tho oi the owner, i-.vory ono owning 1 n 1 . 11. .1 i.i. 1 .1 t 1 1 1 .. m.r nrpHf yiili . nnu uuuu um . Thtae two thlnos aro ncceaiarv to . 1 1 1 i 1 t 1 urgeii economical use 01 a working It, or a pleasure equlpngo And was she calling him 'dcareat' nnd 'angel- "Qrnclousl 'ducky' and "Well, I should say not She was ;calllng him 'duuee,' 'goose' and 'stu pid.' " "Yon don't menn It I" "I do, and thnt Is always a suro sign a girl Is ln lovo with a man." ml "vrauwilMtflMUItliHWMWVl Tlio Tuiupcmt. Wo were crowded In tho cabin, Not a soul would dare to sleep; It. was midnight on tho waters And a storm was 011 tho deep. 'Tls a fearful thing ln winter To be shattered by the blast. And to hear the rattling trumpet thunder, Out away tho maat," 80 wo gathered there lit silence, tfor tho stoutest held his, breath, Whllo tho angry waves were rolling, And tho breakers talked of death; And as thus wo sat In dnrkncxs, Each ono huay In his prayers, "Wo nro lost," tho Captain nhoutod, As ho staggered down the stairs. Hut his little daughter whispered, As iilie took his icy hand : "lan't God upon the ocean, Just the simo as on tho land?" Then he klsxed the llttlo maiden, And wo apoke In better cheer Anil wo anchored safe in harbor, When tho morn was shining clear. Nathan Parker. W111 Familiar. Redd Aro you faiulllur with yacht ing terms? Grcctio Oh. ves: I tried to hlro ono. 'once I Yonkcra Rtntcsnmn. ObHmtlon has shown that no oil .1 1 fat .1. 1 . . 1 f 1 1 if.ii..u iif ii a iru ni i t n i. "iiriiai ipninnr in lim n t. nnn rnai am 1 uu.unii tv 111 iiuu ain. iiiimun m duuiu us firvtno' ciiftnt m atin nni vim an . . 1 . w" - - vi 1 hjl vhvv v nun fw imu u v fitirintv inn lA Ihlnn tiHnl M r 1 . I T AM i " ' 11 r.nrnin iiHriiinn 1111. Hmetlmes need, easily becomo ran- nr wintA af iinnlnlnlhir .nl.l l.ttvt ., ... " r '.. miner, a an e men and otliorn .1.1. 1 1 .. . . ... leaonine iqiiioci. invarinniv nto mil nirnsiai 1 v riaan rinvttABai 1 h tm spinaiea greased with iioaton f -- vuiavfiuii W aixacnini. iiv inn vnv in varw , - . rn innaviAv . iiAatM. nil T4 1 i " w " v A V aing ..if I . if .... ... " n 'I vWMB HJ V s&uua corrode, and is more economical in -"I-'V TUW HIU tll.UI CLUIlillll V III n I am oinigemont will do well to aek for out. wm. mm I A UJ U J 1 All.l.W MIU' . tan vi mail It STAND FIRM WhenyouLuyan OILED SUIT 0R SLICKER demzind Tts the easiest and only yoy to get tho best Sold everywhere ... I . . .. Miimng oy Mail we pay ar INTEREST m14!'?' Joposlts of a ,11! tooi .e! Just as easv S Ben. n 11 you llved noxt 11 Pft"lculurs. Address inland, o naW8hlnEtonf-. Tho Grenfcat flrnport. New York Is tho second great Boa port of tho world. In 1003 over nine million tons of Imports and eight mil lion seven hundred thousand tons of exports wcro cleared through New York Harbor. London Is tho greatest Bcaport, exceeding New York In Im ports, though not In exports. Antwerp and Hamburg nro third und fourth, re spectively. CITO Vltim' Daure. una Ml Kerrnai D 156 ri I O prmmiantly curnl br Dr. Kllna'a (Ireat Narr. ilnilorar. Honil for t'UKIC 3lrll l.ottla and lLKIIur.ll. Ml ArcbHU,i'lilla.,l'a. Soiuerrliat Dlffercnl. Miss Elderlclgh How perfectly shocking! Youugbach What's porfectly shock ing? Miss Elderlclgh Why, didn't you seo old Wcddcrlelgh kiss that doll faced Miss l'cachly Just now? Ho kissed her as affectionately as If sho had been his wife. Youngbach Oh, much more affec tionately than that I should Bay he kissed her just as If sho wasn't his wife. t , You Can Oct Allen's Foot-Eaae FREB. Write Allen 8. OlmiUd. La Hoy.N. Y.. for a free oi AUon'i Koot-Kaie. It curca Sweattnir, tiotiwolloii, achlnir Jeet. It inaMi bow or tlsht iboea catr. A certain cure for The Gront Old Man. How seldom, friend, a good groat man Inherit" Honor and wealth with all his worth and pallia! It Kounds like stories from the land of spirits., If any man obtain that which ho merits, Or. any merit that which be obtains For shnmc. dear frlond. renounce this canting ntraln; What wouldat thou havo a great good man obtain ; Place title Hnlnry a elided chain Or throne on corses which his sword hath shin? Greatness and goodness nro not means, but end I Hath he not, always treaaures, always friends. Tho good man? Three trcaaures, love and light, And calm thoughts regular as Infant's breath ; And three firm friends more auro than day and night Himself, his Maker and the angel Death Samuel Taylor Coleridge. HER LITTLE MAN. corns, InKrorrlntflialU and bunions gUlf tell u. vc Alldruo Don't accept any aubstltuto. No Uae. "Do you notlco what a lot of women aro going In for science?" "Yes. My wlfo's got tho fever, too." "Whnt's her lino?" "Mechanics. She's an Inventor." "Indeed? What has sho Invented?" "Why, sho's Just perfected a stair step that makes me register tho tlmo I get homo ln tho morning aa soon as I put my foot on It." "Can't you bent It souio woy?" "It's no use. Sho'a nlwayfl nwalto any wny and waiting for mo on the up per landing." Clovelnnd Plain Dealer. Stat or Ohio, Cit or Tout do, f!.iiNTr. I Fjumk J. Uiiknky makea oath that he la senior nartner ol the flrmo! K. J. Chunky A Co., doing bu.lneni in the City of Toledo, Coup. . ty and Htnto aforoiattl, aufl that aald Inn , will pay tho sum of ONK llUNDHKD D0U.AK8 for eured by tho u.o of Mftftpffiffffifr, Sworn to before roe and subscribed In my presence, this OtU day of Decern tjor, A. l) 1881I, j Notary 1-ubllc, llall'a Catarrh Cure la taken Internally, and aots directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Bend for testimonials, free. V. 3, OJIKNKY A CO., Toledo, O. fold by Druggists, 78o. - Mall's Vamlty l'llls aro tho best Uoort impreaaloa. Qunnor nluffem certainly has n con alderate wlfo. She collects all the ex pensive cigar bands she can And. Quyor I don't Bee anything consld rate In that? Does she wnBte her time docoratlng plates? Gunner No, she gives them to Bluffwn and he etlcka them around his togles. Then he makes the Impression tbat he U amokltur 10-cwt clear Trench Wire with Anr Money I)oe Not Want Him to Work. Frenchmen would sink Into Innocu ous desuetude, flays tho Itoston Herald, were It not for their females. Paris, In particular, Is tho paradlso of tlio Incompetent nnd lazy good-looker. And, reully, when n young husband brings a lump sum equal to his wife's dot. our American Ideals mny remain shocked at his contented IiizIiiohh, but wo find It hard to criticise with logic. Pretty little Agnes II , for exniri- pie, had a $120,000 marriage portion from her mother and sho was engaged to Paul G "Do you give her only $20,000?" ask ed Paul's mother. "Make It $50,000 and I will give Paul tho Bnme." Agues' mother remaining obdurate, iTtnd Paul's refusing to make an mi- equal bargain, the young folks started Ufa on $20,000 nch In gilt-edged bonds, producing the Joint Income of $1,500 nnd here comes the point. Puul had promised Agnes not to work. "If I quit father and mother It will not be to Hvo my dnys alone," she Hnld, while to Paul she murmured: "You will rnther be with mo nil day than to go out and make money?" After marriage It was up to Paul to' mako good. "Hut we have only $1,500 a year," ho argued, and being tempted of the devil ho nccepted a congenial nltuatlon nt $25 per. And IiIb youug wife fell sick of It. His own mother wns unensy nnd his mother-in-law scolded. HIh congenial occupation ought to bo to Jolly Agnes. Agnes grew anaemic, plnod, had head aches and emotional anxiety. In tho end they hnd to spend $1,200 In traveling to get her health back. Paul no longer works, and nil Is well. No other country has anything like this proportion of Incomes from long family accumulations, where breaking into capital Is considered n crime. Ono consequence Is thnt women quite iib frequently nB men mny havo their own rovenucB. Now, ns Jules Simon pointed out, tho French married woman wishes, above all, Bocurlty for tho enjoyment of her "llttlo man." Sho fenra chango and Is an enemy to enterprise. A French girl with $20,000 mnrrlago portion will cor talnly profor a husband bringing the snmo or more on condition that ho bo "serious" say at once, obedient By having n Btiro Incomo of her own of, say, $750, Bho will Just as certainly prefer an obedlont young husband earn ing $10 per week In n government olllco with short hours nnd a moderate poiiBlon, to n hustler who might double or qundruplo her capital. And If she has $1,500 per year Bho will still moro cortnlnly prefer an obedient young hus band earning nothing to a wonder of enterprise who 1b nlways at his ofllco! This explains tho Immonso vogue in Franco of thoso professions callod "of porfoct reposo." Tho phrnso refers to roposo of in I ml In that these professions seldom tempt men to risk capital In In vestments; but reposo of body Is no Btrnnger to tholr walks. Thoy aro army olllcor, government functionary (ono Fronch voter ln ten Is n govormnont functionary), barrister, doctor, en glneer and university professor. Englneors, either of civil or military specialties or of private enterprises, are quoted high, but rathor special. Often they are men who work. Sometimes they havo opportunities to Invest money advantageously. It 1s a trlllo too tin contain, too energetic, too masterful. Tho mass of yoting Paris doctors, LINCOLN'8 WEAPON. I now Ha Employed Itlcllcsle for Hl Client' Heneflt. Wit and ridicule were Lincoln' weap ons of offense and defense, and Uo barristers, functionaries, professorB probably faughed moro Jury cases out and nil army olllcers can be depended 0f court than any other man who cVor on to make model French husbands. I practiced nt tho bar. know the case of a young doctor whose j j onco beard Mr. Lincoln defend n ambition Is to write n book on French mm n uloomlngton against a charge watering places. To my certain knowi- ot pn8aing counterfeit money," v ico edge he has threo fine girls with nmplo marriage portions chasing nftcr him. Tho mother of one said the other day: "I told him I would make Berthe's portion $05,000 and pny my own ex penses If he would ngrcc on his word of honor that I should go with tucm "A dream of happiness I" her gossip J Jt pcj. Grcene7 What did that J. renlled. "Your daughter pigeonholed: a swell son-in-law, with nothing to do, nlwayB beside you." "And tho relations, irfy dear think of his relations! (Sho referred to his professional relations.) Wo would flit from ono watering place to another, hotels nt half price, douches and In halations for nothing, Jump Immediate ly Into tho lcst medical sets of Vichy, Ilourboulio, Urlage, Contrexevlllc, Vlt tel. Plombleres." "Whllo he Is writing his book?" "Exactly, my dear! Provided he doesn't write It too quickly! If be mar ries Berthe I'll see to thatl" Sho need not worry. The young fel low will see to It himself thnt book will bo his life work; that und the dally Jollying of Berthe. President Stevenson told tlio writer. "There was a pretty clear caso against the accused, but when the chief witness for tho people took the stand ho stated thnt his name was J. Parker Green, and Lincoln reverted to this tho mo ment he joso to cross-examine. 'Why JOSIE'S ICE-CREAM. i i Bland for7 John? Well, why didn't the witness call himself John P. Green? That was his name, wasn't It? Well, what was the reason he didn't wish to be known by his right name? Did J. Parker Green have anything to conceal,, and If not why did J. Parker Green part his name in that way?' And bo on. Of course, the whole examination wns 'farcical," Mr. Stevenson continued, "but there was something Irresistibly funny In the varying tones and inflec tions of Mr. Lincoln's voice ns he ran;r tho changes upon the man's name ; and at the recess the very boys in the street took up the slogan and shouted J. Par ker Green!' all over the town. More over, there wns something In Lincoln's way of intoning his questions which mado me suspicious of the witness, nnd to this day I have never been able to rid my mind, of the absurd impression that there was something not quite right about J. Parker Green. It was all nonsense, of course, but the Jury must have been affected as I was, for Green was discredited and the defend ant went free." Avoiding Temptation. For the Children To succeed these days you must have plenty of grit, cour age, strength. How Is it with the children ? Are they thin, pale, delicate? Do not forget Ayer's Sarsaparilla. You know it makes the blood pure and rich, and builds up the general health in every way. The children ennnot ponlblr hare (rood health unleaa the bowels arc In proper conill' tlon. A slngKlh Mer cle a coated toncne. bud breath, constipated bowels. Correct nil these br ttiTinn inau iiuuiduojciiiiajii All teKGiauie, sugar coaieu. Tills. by J, a. A7or uo., ixsweu, alu. also jacau&etarers or 9 HAIR VKiOt. AGUE CURE. CHERRY PECT0BAL. u jLiiers It was next to the very last day of Bchool, and Miss Barton's kindergarten was all excitement, says the Chicago N'ftivH. for there was irolnc to be a par ty. "What is Ico cream?" asked Joslol, Slopay Let's go up this side street; I see my tailor coming uown me ave nue. Dlggs Why, I never knew yon to go out of your way to avoid meeting a creditor before. Slopay Yes, but I happen to have money ln my pocket this time, and I might be tempted to pay him. Czlewskl, timidly, of a little boy ln her room, whom she met on her way to Bchool Unit morning. He stared at her scornfully. "Huh!" ho snorted. "Huh!" Josie Czlewskl shrank Into herself, abashed. Evidently It was an outrage ous thing not to know about Jce cream, and she was sorry she had asked. But still she wondered. She had on her old, faded plaid dress which she had worn most of the year. Some of. the others were dressed up ' because of tho party. Josle's sinking I of the heart, which had been coinci dent with the appearance of these en viable garments, was almost forgotten In her excitement over the Ice cream. At the NlBht School. Teacher (of rhetoric) What do yon suppose the poet means when he speaks of "the athuff that dreams are made of?" Shaggy naired Pupil I guess hi rneana a cut of mince pie at bedtime. No Settlement There. "Mrs. Splnsh has gone Into settle ment work." "I know one person who woOldn't believe it." "Who's that?" "Her dressmaker." Detroit Free Pre3S. Cnnjfhf. "Tommy, yon ate those pcacies thai were in the psntry." "I didn't! I never touched' em!" "O, well, It doesn't matter. They wer green, wormy, and of no account, any. way." "'Taln't so. They was splendid !"- Chicago Tribune. $3-50 &$3.0 Shoes BEST IN THE WORLD W.LDouglas $4 Gill Edgalir.8 cannot oe equaiiedsianjrpnce. To Shne Dtaltrti W. I- Uonclas' Job bins Ilonn U Ihi molt complete In tills rountry Stndor Catul J HOWAltD C BtmTOK. Aesnyer arS Chemist, Leadvllle. Colorado. Specimen price: Gold. Ico cream must be theift!"Prlc r. DR. G. GEE WO Wonderful Home Treatment Thl wonderful Chi ne e Doctor is called Kn at In cause lie cur's people without opia tlon that are E Ten up to dir. He cures wl h thote wonderful Chl-ni-e herb-, roots, budx, barks and vegetables hat are entirely un kn in to mcillcat sci ence In tli.s country through the use ot those harmltss rrmrdles. This fairuuj doctor knows thearilunoi over S00 different remedies, he usa4 successfully In different disease u lie Kuaran cs to cure catarrh, asthma, Iuiik, throat rheumatism, nervousness, stomach, liver, kid neys, etc; has hundrels of testimonials. Charges moderate. Call and see him. I'a lents out or the city writ" fur blanks and circulars. Bend stamp. CON8DLTAT10N illliK. Address The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. 162 rirst St., S. C Cor. Morrison Mention paper Portland, Oregon inaalnr. "Yes, I took my friend to Niagara Falls."" "I don't suppose he was enthusiastic even nbout that?" "Ho wasn't until he learned that one side of It was Canadian." Philadel phia Press. She knew what Ice was like. Nobody H6V'y oniilil iwir lr lm nronm miiRt h the full price list sent on application. Control and Ura- - plro work solicited, ileferencet Carbonate xay delicious acme or one Binauuest ureams, . uouai jjanic judging from the raptures about her. She was nfrald to display her ignor ance again, so she waited wth Spartan repression. You imiBt bo patient," Miss Barton warned them, when the Janitor carried in the Ice cream. Josie Czlewskl watch ed with eyes that grew bigger and darker. The sawdust-covered ice ul- lnost started the tears. Was that Ice cream? Away with dreams! But no,' a delectable, rosy, paper- Bhrouded block of something appeared. This was Ice cream! She pressed her hands tightly together, and when the wooden plate was put Into her lap, she stnred at It, too happy to eat. But she soon Joined the others, whose spoons worked with clocklike rapidity. Never had Josie Czlewskl Imagined anything like tho taste of It On a wooden chair Miss Barton was piling more of the paper-covered rosy slabs. Josie felt she could eat mnny, many moro slabs. But alas! the wood en chair was empty. She glanced at It wistfully and started, for the paper on it was coated with a layer of melt ed Ice cream from the burden It had carried. She tiptoed toward it She gave ono furtive glance nbout the busy room, nnd then, quicker than It takes to tell tho shocking fact, Josie Czlews kl bont over, and with her llttlo pink tongue Japped up the equally pink melt ed lee cream from the chair. Miss Barton'B eyes beheld tho scene. Sho wavered, and then deliberately turned her bnck on it. Did you hnvo n good time, Josie?" the tcneher asked the llttlo girl who had learned thnt afternoon what ico cream is like. Josie turned starry eyes up at tho teacher, "Yes'm," she breathed, fer vently, "oh, yes'm!" Aid to WelKht. A young mnn who wanted to tret on tno police force, but was six twunds nn dor weight, applied for advice to it ran who mm oecii on thov force several years. It is tho easiest thine lu tho worlil ." said tlio experienced one. "Just boforo you go in to take the physical examina tion eat a lot of bol ed cabbneo nntl drink all the milk you can. Water used to be tho recular thine, but lr in not so heavy ns milk nnd tlio stomach holds less of It. Milk and cabbage aro tho heaviest fooda In tho world. You can Increase your weight hvo to ten nnn nil a within an hour." Tho candldato followed tho niK-i and passed with two pounds to spare. Camd'a Currylntc Citimclty. A camol can easily carry a weight of ono thousand pounds on its bnck, about four times as, much as n horse can carry. Tho camel begins work at tho ago of 4 and is useful for half a con tury. Tho horso, as a rulo, la nearly played out nt tho ago of IB. Investigate and you will And thnt Joalousy sonda moro pooplo to Insane asylums than nny other thing. It will oven do up drink In making a record. - An ugly woman is uglier thau an ugly man. , f tr- 5 ' ft? m SHOES FOE EVERYBODY AT ALL PBICE3, nnB Shoes. . O to Sl.SO. Ears' Shoes. 83 to$L25. "Women's bnoes. $4.00 to 51.50. lsa;a' & Children's Shoes. 2.25 to Sl.OO. Trv W. L. IoikIu3 Women's, MUsea and Children's shoes; for Ktjle, fit and wear . they excel other makes. If I could take you Into my largo factories at Bvockton, Mass., and show you how carefully W.L. Douglas shoes are made, you would then understand why they hold their shape, fit better, wear longer, and are of greater valua than any other make. Wherever you live, you ran obtain W. I Douglas shoes. His name and price U stamped on the bottom, rhich protects you against high prices and Inferior shoes. Take no ubstt tuts. Ask your dealer for W.L. Douglas shoes andfnslst upon having thctn. Fast Color Eyelets used; they will not wear brassy Write lor lllustrate-1 Catalog ol Fall Styles. . W. L. DOUGLAS, Dept. 13, Brockton, Mass, CLASSIF! ED ADVERTISING Portland Trade Directory Names and Addresses la Portland ol Repre sentative Business ( irms. CIIKAM BKPAllATOIta We Kuarante the U.S. luralor to be th bent. Write lor Iron catalur. Uueiwood Co iiah and Oat PIANOa & OllOANS Many nn Instruments re vert to ns account sickness or removal of buyer W rite for descr pilou of p anoa now on hand, terms, eta Write today. Ulloert Co., 1'oriland P. N. U. No. 44-06 WHEN wrltlnp; to advertisers pleasoB mention this jmpar. I Every trarncar in Belfast has -written In large letters just over the step nt each end of the car: "The lifeboat rule Is wonv en and children first." turo of Ohi ir i ys """But "as borno the signn- ilJS 1 ndo undo? to iicatux or UUildren-Exporionco against ExporlmeuU c What is CASTOR I A The Kind You to Always Bought a t)on 4.1. as 1 a J ....... vuu MXunuxU UI. In Use For Over 30 Years. T "MTUW MMWW. TT MUBItAY ST(T. HtW VOI.K e,jy.