la l"' ... f.n from it I slowly wtocanw Ebancodurlngthevruole iy?0duco dyspepsia, ca- W w" Vmi tendency w & b"cdca5ing oruptiona, MSy&oi utakothogrcfll Ksarsaparilla 5.7..n chocolated tablets MB,fl Y.bS 100 doses $1. off08 M(r,;?nTom0wlmt rtu.trntej! gUobcsouinuouacrowd. mik9 nny difference" sho i?o! theso cars I take to l,r3r' ..m answered tlie ,1 at the u'no V i authorities ntnlo that they Ici by I'nclOcu. as early as JrtJS Dante nro references J , which .truck the hours, 1 matt bate been used In t the of tbo U, r teen h t Tbo oiucfli ciu;. ......... !' in rvnnl was erected IDT"1""" . r Ikt In the palace of Charles V. la 1301. . Kv recentl dedicated In St. Paul KsUeoit of $7,000, raised by tontrlbutioni oi m SIFIEDADVERTjSING MMbnd Trade Directory rnrlor-Cnr niTerston, "Porter," sold tho fussy lady In tho parlor car, "I vlsh you would open this window." Tlio lfldy In tho sent directly across the car heard the request and drew a cloak about lier. "Porter, If Hint window Is opened," slio snapped, testily, "I shall frcczo to death." "And If the window is kept closed," roturucd tho other passenger, "I shall Btirely suffocate." Tho porter stood timidly between tho two fires. "Portor," romnrked tho commercial traveler, "your duty Is very plain. Open tho window and frcezo ono lady. , Tlicu closo it and suffocate tho other." Puck. Went Sumrnvr. A million or two of pcoplo who hava spent this summer nt tho soashoro aro strongly disposed to spend next sum mer In tho bnck country or tho moun tains. If they persevere In this deter m'nntlon their placos will bo filled by persons who liavo spent this summer In tho mountains and tho back coun try and don't want to go back. It has been a very trying summer, muggy, foggy, 'skectry, damp, moist, hot and miscellaneously plalntlrc, but it has been about as bad In one place as In another. Harper's Weekly. A TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE. ls iij jjji bAddrMi I" Portland of Repr- tuiliun f Jfm. . ErrAIIAt0ll8-Wi urnt lb U.H. r.rWr. it. .1.- .... r... mtAlnff. rMtolMDW. iJCa, inn ma . .. tt.HH Mn lmt.(tfftlintl HH WfllloJr. illbft Co., t'orlland rTnmiT0.V-Arw arl Chemist. lZ5n .rmllcatlon. Control and Urn- am. i you buy MHER mm ivant riDloto itectlor a long rvlce. nd many Good Dolnts f.nblncd In I BRAND CLOTHING l titorA A r any other MI l u wiKtiia k?L'i Mm r.l i v RD WATER ADE SOfT f free booklet showine analysts (titer In 100 titles In the United Pithe amount of 20.MulcTcam (wnetesjary to use in ench case me water and produce clean, Ifto without Injury to the finest I most delicate hands. . fall. I.. .. . KfS??;i',.na ynlr picture 7xH liv. m DOUGLAS iuiMg8n9 I I I I I , nto my large you womV """Kiaasnoes Kr.inH :i' -! nc Detter, M P3, Urockton, Ww. How a Veteran Was Saved the Am putation of a Limb. D. Frank Doremus, veteran, of Rooeo velt Ave., Indianapolis, Ind., says: "I had been showing symptoms of kid ney trouble from tho time I was mustered out of tho army, but in nil my life I novel euffored as in 1807. IlendacheB, dlzzinuts and sleeplessness first, and then dropsy. I was weak and help less, having run down from 180 to 125 pounds. I was hav ing terrible pain in the kidneys and the secretion passed almost involuntarily. My loft leg swelled nntil it was 34 Inches around, and tho doctor tapped it nitjht and morning until I could no longer stand it, and then ho advised amputation. I refusod, and began using Doan's Kldnoy Pills. Tho swell ing subsided gradually, the urino be came natural and all my pains and aches disappeared. I hnvo beon well now for nino years since using Doan's Kidney Pills." For salo by all dealers. SO cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Itoaifh on Iteffifr Tommy What Is tho "height of fol 17," pa? Pa Your sister's beau, my son. Ha is six feet two. Unole Allen. "Afnny a mnn." said Uncle Allen Bparks, "dates all his other reversen from the evening whec hl best girl turned him dovra." Hope Deferred. Dlnguss Shadbolt, t I'ro borrowed a good many llttlo sums from you, at one time and another. Do you know just how much 1 owo you? Hhadbolt (with alacrity) Yes j I t'a ex actly (05. DIukurs Then let mt hare 15, will you? That will make It an eren hundred, and it will be ensler for me to rcenoubr. ItealUed I Ilemcir. The angry waves broke upon the state ly veanol. "Isn't tho commotion terrible?" ex claimed tho young man with tho steamer cap and the camera. "O, yes I" moaned the palo young wom an In the steamer chair. "You feel it, too. do you? Wnnld Suit I Mm Defter. The Judges Mr. Twtgglcs, do you w!h to poll the Jury? Tho lawyer (who had lost his cane) No, your honor; but It would afford me Infinite satisfaction If I could club the Jury. Prolmltlr Went All Itlstit. "J. Smith, Famished Geological Struc ture, III." This was the address on tho letter postmarked "Boston, Aug. 27, 1000." "Try Starved Rock," wrote tho cdu catcd railway postal clerk just below the address. Chicago Tribune. Artificial rubles aro now successfully made up to twelve or fifteen carats by M. Verneul, a scientist of Paris. Took Stilno to Illin, PJggmus I see that the champion bootblack la dead. DIsmukes Yes : Death loves a shining mark. American Spectator. Llttlo Olrl I thought you said you wnmi't coining to school to-day. Llttlo Hoy Oh, that waH before I had an in terview with pnpn. Teacher Willie, you may spell "felt." Willie F-e-l-t. Teacher That's right. Now, Johnnie, what Ib felt? Johnnie Mamma's slipper. "Oh, milmma!" exclaimed llttlo Fred, as ho catight sight of n zebra at n menagerie, "come here quick' and bco tho poor llttlo convict ponyl" "Harry," said a mother to her Incor rigible Hon and heir, "did you bring that mud Into the house?" "No, ma'am," replied Harry. "It Just stuck to my shoes and ennio In Itself." "My papa is a lawyer," said little bel. "Ho knows everything your papa papa 1b n minister," rejoined llttlo Ma bel. "Ho knows everything your papa does nml n whole lot about tho here after." Llttlo Elsie What's the meaning of the word "acclimated," Tommy? Small Tommy Oh, It means to get used to anything. Like when n man and woman has been married so long they don't mind It any morel "I'm glad I'm not a fish," remarked llttlo Georglo as ho watched the gold fish svlmmlng around In the globe. "Why?" queried his mother. "'Causo It rnlisf I if nwftit tn linvn in lin tifitlilm. nil mo time," was tno reply. One day llttlo Elmer's mamma caught htm In the pantry helping himself to 8omo cuke and Jam. "Why, Elmer," sho exclaimed, "don't you know It Is wrong to tnko thlngji without nsklng for them?" "It Isn't wrong, mnmmn," re plied Elmer. "Our Sunday Bchool teacher snys tho Lord helps those who help themselves." MIXED THEIR MODELS UP. fctfcfnblePrcoarationforAs- slmilaling UicFoodandncgula ling litcSlomaclB aralBowcls of Promotes Digcslion,CIwcrftil ncss andRest-Contalns neilhcr Opium.Morphlne nor Mineral. WOT TfAllC OTIC. JtepeoTOldlk'&KUELPITaEll Jhmphn. Seta' HxJmntt JlxhUUSalu- Am'tf-Smt JHfitrminl- JUCarixnakJo& JtirmSrvi- CifrUM Sugar hUtfryrtrnFlarvr. Apcrfcci Remedy forConsUpa Uon, Sour Slomach.Diarrhoca ondLoss or Sleep. Fox Simile Signature of NEW YORK. Eh. Ktad Xoa Have Alway, StSS in uso for over w years, mis f 7.7,n; yzJ gonal snpcrvJslon slnco its infancy. TuZtJUtl a nrtrinn to deceive youintlils- . - v-tia ami -Timt-ns-coocl" arc lnfc Experiments that triflo 0. Infltnts and ClUldron-Exporlcnco against Experiment. What Is CASTOR I A Castorla la a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Pare gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrupa. It Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other fotlo ubstanco. Its ago is its guarantee. It and allays Fovcrishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and WIna Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Com-tlpatloa and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Pood, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTOR I A ALWAYS Bears the Signature of EXACT COPY OP WRAPPER. II v r r a Ik M You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THC CCHTAUR COMMIir. Tf MOAY STflCCT. BEWTOBK CITY. We Trust Doctors No. 42-08 If you arc suffering from Impure blood, thin blood, de bility, nervousness, exhaus tion, you .should begin at once with Ayer's Sarsaparllla, the SarsaparliU you Jiavc known all your life, Your doctor knows It, too. Askhlmaboutlt. Tow mail look wU sfltr Uio condition fC yoHr liver find boweli. U nlsis thera i dsllr txorbed, osutlnK beaoli, blllouinfM, nu. nrn from iloinif Its belt work. AW l'l Isare liver i li. Actmiitlr. ell vegeUblo. ii quit oae im wou Tlio dote one pill i Alts uunanuwi 9 HAIR VKKNt. AQW CURB. CW&m i'BCTOSAU tiers aiun I'onecl for I'Icturea of "Women, Women for Tltono of Men. It In nn IntcrcHtliif,' fact that artists havw used women an models from which I to imlnt men and men as modelH from I which to represent women, says the Strand Magazine. Ono of (lie most striking Instances Is tho well-known picture, "Napoleon on Hoard tho Ucllerophon." A woman friend of the painter was tho model ' for the "Llttlo Corporal." Landseer'a famous picture, "Tlio Naughty Hoy," was really painted from a llttlo girl, llttlo Lady Kachel Hub- Hell. As n matter of fact, tho child's mother had taken her to have her por trait painted. When, however, she ar rived at the stmllo sho refused to poso In the wny the artist suggested, and he came so sulky and naughty that ft was Impossible to do anything with her. At length her mother put her In the corner as n punishment There sho turned with such a sturdy, defiant look that she Impressed Landseer, who sketched the recalcitrant llttlo one us sho stood. A sense of chivalry toward the child caused him to chango tho sex of tho subject, so he added tho broken slate, the rumpled hair and tho undone boots. while keeping tho disheveled dress, and gave a title to the canvas which lins. re moved it from any suggestion of por traiture. Wllklo's "Wind Fiddler," which cre nted n furdr when It was exhibited at tho Itoyal Academy, furnishes anoth er instance, for the artist actually sat to himself for tho figure of the old woman. Wllklo used to say that ono day Ban nister, tho actor, called and was shown In whllo ho was sitting on a low seat, dressed as n woman, with n looking glass beforo him, performing the part of n model for himself. Wllklo was not n man to be In the least discom posed nt behig found In such n plight Ilaunlstcr gazed on him for n moment or so, and said: "I need no Introduction." "Truly, no," said Wllklo. "I know you very well, but, you seo, I can't movo lest I spoil tho folds of my pet ticoat I am for tho present an old woman." On ono occasion Guldo painted tho hoad of n Madonna, using his porter as a model. Home, tttveet Home." Probably no one would hnvo been more surprised thau Sir Henry Bishop himself could he hnvo foreseen that a slnglo melody In ono of his numerous operas would nchlcvo such celebrity that at the present dny It Is still Bung by lending prima dotinas nt fnshtonnblo jconcorts, Jangled on street organs nnd j loved by n vnst public that knows noth ing of imulc, properly bo called, ns tho 'purest representation of tho English I spirit "Homo. Sweet Homo." Clarl, tho Mnld of Milan," tho oporn In which this favorlto song occurred, has long 'been consigned to tho Umbo of forgot ten musical works, but "Home, Sweet Homo," survives with undiminished 'popularity nnd Is likely to survive whon ninny nioro pretentious compos! tlons hnvo followed "Tho. Mnld of Milan" Into oblivion. Cornelt Mnga elno. ' The lSvl! of n (Jooil Nttme. "Mammy," snld Pickaninny Jim, '"why didn't you nnmo mo Goorgo WnHhtngtpiv,?" "Sonny," wns tho nn swer, "I lsn gwlno to nnmo no mo chlllen George Washington. As soon no doy liynhs dnt Btory 'bout nofboln' nblo to tell a Ho doy 'ponre to git curious to nnd out whotuor It's bo or not, an' dey Btnhts In sporlnicutln' ns booh ns dey kin tnlk." Washington Stnr. Mcu hnvo no uso for womou who wear greasy ribbons lu their hair. ForetUoajfht. Grandma Tommy, Is there anything you Hko better than a piece of pie? Tommy (with his ' mouth full) Yes'm. Two piece. MotlicratTlH Und Mr-, "inilow'i Eoothln Syrup the best remedy to use (or their children during the teething period. Oris of Ilia Gloomy Bloods. "Honesty Is the best policy, to be sure," moralized the professor, "but In tb cass of too many men It Is a policy that has a surrender value." To Break In New Shoes. Always shake In Allen's Foot-Ewe, a powder. It cures hot, sweating, aching, swollen leet. Cures corns, ingrowing nails and bunions. At all druggiits and iboo stores, 24c. Don't accept any substitute. Samplo mailed FREE. Addrcsn Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. Treapaaslnir. "I tee they're dlscharced that clerk who Mved so much money out of his small salary. Didn't they- know he was grafting all the time?" 'Tos, bat they suspect now that he got some of tho graft that rightfully belonged to tho bigger officers of the company." TITO St. VUiw Dance ana all KetVons DlsaJ rllu permanently cored by Dr. Kline's Or-t Nerre ilcatorer. Bend for FREE 2trlit bottl and treatise. Dr. It. ILKllnr.Ld. 831ArcbSt.,PbUa.,PM. A song called the "Hymn of Apollo," written 2S0 years B. 0., has just been sung for tho first time In England. A Correction. Mr. Stoplate I believe I must say good-night MJss Tersleep Oh, don't! Why should you? Mr. Stoplate Why, really ah It's getting rather late, isn't It? I Miss Tersleep Yes, altogether too Into to say good-night Say good-morning. Cleveland Leader. In cutting a canal at Bordeaux a burled statue has been discovered of Anne of Austria, queen of Loula XIII., who diei at Paris in 1CGC. $100 Reward, $100. The readers ol this paper will bo Pleased t learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In aU lt Biases, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarxts Cure is the only positive cure known to tea meulcal Iraternity. Catarrn beingaconstlta tlonal disease, requires a constitutional trefV mont. Hall's Catarrh Uureli alien Internally, acting directly upon the Uood and mucoua sunaces of the system, tLereby destroying thsr foundation of the disease, and giving tno pa tient strength by bonding up the constitution and assisting nature in duing its work. Tha proprietors Save so much faith In its curatlva powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars lor any case that it falls to cure. Send lor 111 0,Addr.nIa F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, CX Sold by druggists. 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. At WHkesbarre. Pa., In one day recent ly 42T foreigners were naturalized. 1 M 1 W Makes the Load Lighter An ounce of grease is sometimes the only difference between profit and loss on a day's teaming. YOU know you can't affcrd a dry axle do you know as well that Mica Axle Grease is the only lubricant you can afford? Mica Axle Grease is the most eco nomical lubricant, because it alone possesses high lubricating prop erty, great adhesive power, and long-wearing quality. Hence the longest profitable use of your outfit is to be had, only when the lubricant is Mica Axle Grease. Mica Axle Grease contains powdered mica. This forms a smooth, hard surface on the axle, and reduces friction, whUe a spe cially prepared mineral grease forms an effective cushioning body be tween axle and box. Mica Axle Grease wears best and longest one greasing does for a week's teaming. Mica Axle Grease saves horse power consequently saves feed. Mica Axle Grease is the best lubricant in the World -use it and draw a double load. If your dealer does not keep Mica Axle Grease we will tell you one who does. Mir.A - W B SSF- GR& Standard Oil Co. s 1