The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, October 25, 1906, Image 5

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i ' i "' ' l ,"t "'-i'f ' -
at Madras
I -,.r WHO 0WI"
I It. InlFfCStSi
f UcVion returned Friday
W iackS villi with
rieDallesnnd l'
. ..., ivnrk innre, cheap J
Will take
J Terr,., M-
es c,pects to leave tomorrow
Z Central..., Washington, to
JMy for .month or more.
Llv Lake Lumber w, w...
I"1 ' nf old nccounts
It in , ,4l,
llt the lumber yaru.
limited quantity of
,d5ecllwhent for sale, at $
i Apply 1,15 r,mc" ' "
Ml it
1 Mrs Ktchard Bairil expect to
L-day for their valley home
Br .1. tl iilrn.!
lYamhill, wnere incy ... r
Itr and family have returned
ltl0 Portland. They came up
jj far as The Dalles, and
from that place.
Iwmr to make final five-year
I nn nroof can secure the
Iblanks for notice of intention to
lit the 1'ioneer olllce.
Il Poindexter is the mot pop.
tiry at the countyscat. Under
lament. Courteous treatment,
mmodation and poiuiar prices.
Sanford returned Saturday
r,om Shamko, where he lias
mg alter business matters for
jJl& Company for ten days or
i re held at the church hi
st Thursday eveninj;, by the
Mr. Laimiilucl, of Portland,
wilding elder in the Menonitc
t your ears and hands these
Belter come in and examine
of caps and gloves, we have n
,oeo( both, at the People's
carle Dean was a victor In town'
ay, from her home near Htiy
he has recently leased her
landeipccts to leave soon for
he she will make her home.
ibiMUpptv of li'gul liliniltH for
)tn warrnnty mnl (till olnlin
I, chattel uml crop mirtKHKt'B
ice court lilmikH ttiul JiihIIco
Ju!ciulty. Notary Public-
lodmin came "chug chugginK"
1st Thursday afternoon, with the
r which lie recently acquired
sa Crooks at l'rinevillc. Mrs.
remamtd at Pi.neville, where
inf relatives
mi, an employe of (he U. S,
a! Hayrreek, died last Friday'
(appendintu, Mis home was
a the Willamette Valley and'
i were shipped to Salem, on
or interment.
proprietor of the Madras
has ade arrangements
l Carriers and stage drivers
N Madras to take orders for
per meats to patrons alow
p. Send in orders by mail
meats by return stauc at same
Ith! shop.
I- Rice had the misfortune to
Is belonging to !'. r. Itronks.
I h was driving with his
wan hist IIS 111 tuns Inililno
!l load of Ireight, the horses
i'oiw harness, one of flimi.
breaking n u. wch
H hint. Rice made K00d
rwg over another horse to
leering as a
P'rade a number of bpnuti.
' , hlndsome irames, which
JI'y iree to our cash cus-
rrtlUrn you gifts 10 the vnl.
of your protases for
6 Purchase is punched upon n
alJ your purchases, large
Ccll offer. Come in and
.ancl letus CXpai our
M"ora, am & C0)
Smith and Robert Wil
trw, nnnc . .
. ' owners of ,1C
. , ,rnaii"g Company,
1 last nitiln ...ut... ... .. .
U " "'"! on meir
tou J tUmo,etl hul H'e
mw '"'erests to the
l "d mwwaln the ditches.
S omith and Mr u;
J t IbJ tune is reported to
""0 with ih. . f...
lufi , "uuauons or
U I'arrish and wife, of flaycreck, were
n town last jWurday,
W C. Moore soent seVeral days nt the
countyscat during the week.
Horn, to the wife 'of N. . I'otllsenj on
Monday. October 2&, ifjo6, a sdm
Horn, to the wife of James Hatthornct
on Monday, October 32, 1906, a sou
John H Hrown was a visitor in town
on Tuesday, from Haystack.
Miss Grace Merrill and "Cup" Healy,
of LamopU, were Visiting in town on
Mrs. W. II. Hishop wai in Madras
last Saturday afternoon, from tfie Warm
spring Agency. '
Frank Rodman and Fred McDowell
have been vUiting a't the countyscat dtlr
mg "the week.
rtoVnj to the wife of Thomas i. Hig
ginlmtham, on Monday, October 22,
1906, a daughter.
Sam Compton, the Willow Creek saw
mill man, was in town several days dur
ing the past week. !
A. W. Culp and family, returned Sun
day evening from Hums, where they have
been visiting relatives,
liring in your wheal and get a heater
before winter. We will allow you 85c
per bushel, Iloucks Hros , Jr.
I'etc Mnrnach returned last Friday
from a six weeks visit with relatives at
Salem, whjere he formerly resided,
Loucks Hros,, the furniture dealers, will
take wheat at 85c per bushel on outstand
ing accounts or in payment for new goods.
lame T. Robinson and wife, of Cul
vcr, spent several days in town during the
latter part of the week, visiting the family
of J. W. Robinson.
You can get all kinds of feed, including
rolled barley, oats, mill feed, chicken
feed, in nny quantity at J. W. & M. A.
Robinson & Co.'s.
Alf I'arkcy and wife returned Monday
evening from Pnnevillc, where the former
has been acting as n deputy for SherirTj
Klkiiis during the Circuit Court.
The Pioneer olllce is prepared to turn
out all classes jof up to-date commercial
job printing. New stock, new machinery,
new type. Satisfaction guaranteed.
If you have a farm or town property
for Mile, list it with the Madras Realty
Company, Madras, Oregon. 0 like in
Towiiclto Bulhlliijr, MtulriiM, Ort-Kon.
S. D. I'erciva'l and wife came in from
their home in Porter Spring canyon, on
Tuesday. Mrs. Percival remained and is
visiting at the home of Mrs. M. E.
Claude C Covey, superintendent of the
Warm Spring Indian Reservation, was in
town last Saturday from the .Agency, at
tending to business matters connected
with his position.
Charles W. Panish has bought the J.
T. Rice, homestead lying in township
10-14. Mr. Rice expects to settle up
his alf.iirs here and move with his family
to the Willamette Valley.
Our stock, is complete in plows, har
rows and wagons. Wc aie also pre
pared to name you prices on all kinds of
buggiej and hacks, and wish you would
give us a call. Sanford, Sill & Co,
Dopiutiiiuut of tho Inti'ilor.
l.aiid Oflico at Tho Dulles. Ormjnn,
Ocniiirr lit, 11)0(1.
Notice la hereby kIvcii that lluilnilo C.
Dove.of Madras, Or., has illcd nollco ot
ti ih iiiu.iiil.iu to initio final livL-yonr
Iro0t in niiiitxtrt nf his cliiitn viz:
Uoiii!"U'iul Kntry iYu IdXiti miulo A v-;
unihi'i 25, Jill), Tor tho 0 half rsw qiuutoi
mid w iiiilfMo qimrtur of hic20, tp JO r
til u, w 111 ...
And Unit said proof will bo made biiforo
tint KuKtaiiir and Kvcolvor at :ilo Dalles,
Omuon, on Dmtinbi'r l'i, IllOiJ.
Ho niiiiua tho f.illowluK wltnossra to
provn his continuous h-hIiIoiiuo upon and
ctiltt vttt Ion of tho land, viz:
Mllt-H Fox. it J HraiiHtottiT, .John A
Inliiun. Fred Davis and milium 11 Cook,
all or Madras, OivKm.
M it 11 a 1:1. T. No I.A.N.
olfidO Ui'glstur.
Notice for Publication.
Dapartmunt of tlm interior.
I.niul Oflico nt TUu D1UI1W, OroKOii,
Oultibor 17, 1QW.
Notlco Ih liorcly itlvon tlmt Atnrgnrot !on
UOt, widow of HIIhk (-oiiniit, duriMiNOil, or M1
riiH.Ori'eon, Iibk lllod notion of lior Intmilltin
to inula. Haul tlvv-yunr proof In NUpport of her
' Uoniunfo'ml Untry NollMl mtuUi'Oetobiir tfl,
itHW, for tho no inmrter of hoo S3, tp i , r i 0,
W And tlmt al(l proof will bo mailo boforo
I) 1' Hum, li ri OommlMlonor, nt bin olllco In
MuilrrtM, Ort'L-oii, on Dui'omborft, 1WM,
81m imineH tho followlinc wltneiNcs to nrove
lior t'ontliiiiiiim rwlduiira tion, uml oiiltlva
tlmi of. tho liiml, vlx: ,
II J llruiutottur, W H Hnmsoy, MIIci l ox rind
' MiciiAKr, T. Noun,
Notice for Publlcntlon.
Doimrtmontpt t.ho Interior. , ,
Lund OIlloo n Tho DftlU-i, Orojrrfji,
Notlco in horohy Kl-ei. tlmt Jt'iwlo lfrtlw"i
of Huilriu, (irt'iion.liHs llid iiotlee of hur In
teiitlon to nmUo lliml roiiiniutiitloii proof In
milijiortof her I'litlio, vlxt , , .,
lliiiiiontuiiit Kntry No 14:wh miulo April is,
llKrt, forthuiiouiiartof ofnooMpIl ,r it e,
WAiid that wild proof will bo romlo hooru I).
I'. Itii, U, H, t'ommUAIoimr, t hU office In
MAdrnM, urmon, on nocomoori,
HI10 iiHrruw tho followlPR wltuomm to .l'ovo
iHfoiitlniimu roMldimeo upon, anil ouKlvn-
J M llayfu.O K HwMi, jdmo Mhk"m nd
OTorrlilHUf MMrwroroKofi. ;
We want a share of your trade for
l 9 0 6
Out Hlgn Grade goods offered, service and
Low Prices, Merit It
IT. . 1 . 1 . 1 1 i . . . 1 1
every casn purcnaser can nave a varana m
Entertainer a Talking Machine in the
home. We are giving them away. Get in
formed and save our Coupons.
1 It 0 I' It I K T O It
Oniric a Conii.oto Line of DriiRK, McilirlnuH, ChcmlcRlH, Hoiischold Itcmcdles,
DniKKltta' Bnmtrk'ft ami I'hoto Hiippllun. Country Mall Order I jclve my personal
Attention, A QrHilimto In chnnre. Hfc il el Ivory giiHrnntced. Your prescription
my specialty. Htryclinlnc nnd Text DcKtroycr, Ktook.KoodH and Dlp of ill klmla.
Aifanuy for Knxtman Koduk. lloth 'rhOne. WHOLKSAI.U AND ItETAIL.
Carries a nice, clean, fresh line of drugs, sundries
and patent medicines. Prescription work a spe
cialty. Mail orders given prompt attention. You
can get your medicines at any hour of the day
or nighf.
FRED J. DAMON, Madras, Oregon
Perfecr ir
Follows every "Universal" stove or range placed in a
home. There are few things that affect the contqnt
, ment of a wife so much as the cook stove she uses.
A beautiful and perfectly operating stove adds charm
to the work of preparing the meals. The
"UNIVERSAL" has a' world-wide reputa
tion for being that kind of a stove.
Sold by
Madras, Oregon.
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior.
Land Of lice at Tho Dnllex, Oroiron.
Octotor 111. inort.
Notlco l hereby rI von that-oenNivH. McKoron
of Mmtrnx. ()reK"ii, Iiih ilh'il notleo of ltl In
tuntlon to iiinku Dual commutatton proof In
Ntiort of hU claim, vU:
llomuHtend Kntry No 1W.H1 rnailo Oetnlior ll.
won, for tliu tij nw ((iiartor and I-otn :i and 4 of
nee I, In 11 n, r it 0, w in
And that ald proof will ho m title I'efnro lion
I' Ilea, I' H CommlKKloncr, at ti Ih oflico in Mad
rKK, OroKOii, on lieconilior 1, loot),
lie iiaiiion tho following wlttu'Nsos to prow
hU routliittiiiiH reliloii(!0 iiihiii, and oulttva
tlun of, tho Uml, vlx 1 H
tualtor rarrlh, of Hayt'rek, Oroiron,
wiHoy Htimnor, 0 V lullti and A 8 I'hlllliiii,
all of Madran, OroKon,
... M It'll aki. T NoUN,
fftynto , , . Ht'Kl'tor,
Dupaf tmuiit of the Interior.
Land Oflico at Tho liallos. Oruxon.
mNollro Ih hend.y Riven that' 'chaVArba
of UU Intention to make llnal isiiim u atlt n
prwiriuitipportof hie elahii, vU: "",,,ttu""
,,Jti,,,JJ ytt,lKnryNoi2o! Fohrtiary 7,
llw, fortlui i aw iinartor. ne uuariur
yiTrrt" w ,,M",rr V'"5t ot"o i " p
'ul y.'i1"1'1 ''"i'' wm bB ,l,' before Don
l Itta. V H oommlsHloner, at lilx ofm-u n, i H,j
ra. Oh-boii, ou Dffyinbor ft. linm,
He lHiiiU8 the followltiK wltnessea to nrove
of She Und0l!ur;W,,lum'c ",,ou lUlAlon
ailMuiiny;iiffe,lM' Jf " 'Wnkorcou and
o r Maim, all of MHdraM, (iremi.
a.V,-m' .JIIflUKI. Tonoun,
t,Jft,"-J nutir.
$ r
Chopped Barley, Wheat, Oats knd Bran
Also the new
Madras Breakfast Food
Which is giving excellent satisfac
tion. We can supply you with any
JH- A, -Ar Jr Mm- -Lr JT tJt -fir -Jir -r -Jlr -f Jfa-
Clay pool Broth ers
Clotliing, Boots
Slioes, Etc
Pronapt A.tten.tion to IVIail Orders
i ?
i t
The best in Shaniko
"Good Stock. Careful Drivers
Best of Hay and Grain Fed
At Very Reasonable Prices
D. A. Howell, Shaniko, Or.
jOk. A..Tftf yfJf i8t.iftt.rfkA jfkjTfcjPcifk jijSi-tSk-aak. tefLvh. jrt.jCt ta
' ' ' ' ' 1 ' 1 1 I J l I'll
First-Class Wines, Liquors and
Cigars. High grade case goods
Corner Fipth and e Streets
i r i
Shanik6 Warehouse Company
IfS flFNPDil CTflDAnD a Kirk r--... . . 1
i .
Bpecial attention to Wool din? and Baling for Eastern ihip
menu. DjialorB.b lUnckaulth Ume and Buildera' Slatcrial
of all klnda. Bulphur, Wool and Rrain Sacka and Twine, Grain,
Flour and Feed. Highest price paid for Hides and Pelts. Stock
ards ith all the laiest and best facilities for handling Stock.
Hark Goodabare of
Large Rtid Commodious Warehouse. Consignments Solicited.
l'rompt Attention paid to those who lavor us
with tbeir patronage.
. I
' 'J