The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, September 27, 1906, Image 8

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The Coming Industrial
of Central Oregon
The Deschutes
I For Particulars inquire of
The Madras Pioneer
Timber Land, Ac! of June 3, 1M8.
Land Offlco ftt The Dallps, Oregon,
Jnjy 10. 10OC,
Notice ts hereby clvon that- it) compliance
yith the provisions of thp ac of Onucress of
Jiinen. 18TH. entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in tho Plates of Califprnfa, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
extended to all tho public land states by act of
August i lfW2,
Kichard H, Vaughn,
Of Bend, county of Crept, stato of Orpgmi, ha
Mils day tiled in this office his sworn fcafpr
ineht No. 2Uy7. for o purobae of the wjg
jieU, seJJ ne4 and iu4 fpi of sec 9, f p 12 , r
ID e, w in,
And will offer proof to show that the lfuul
thought is more valuable for its titnlier or
(done than for agricultural purposes and in
i-stabllslVjhls claim to said land before If, C,
Kllln, t'.S. Commissioner, at hie office in Bond,
Oregon, on Novemlcr 13, MOO.
He names a witnekM.: Clinrlos IlrocV',' Jnhll
Piscmore, Frank Huttcruorth, Charles Ji
Coon, Kid M Nichol, all of Ilt-nd, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely tho
above-described Jamls are requested to f)u
ihelr. caliis in )(! ofllco on or before said
13th day of November, liwf.,
31ICHAKI, T. NOLAN, Rogister.
Notice for Publication.
Department of tho Interior,
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
Soptemljer 4, VJOB.
Notice Is hereby given that John Ilcllrich,
line of the heirs of C'4,herine Uclfrieh, de
K'ancd, of LamoutH, Oregou, has filed notice of
his irilention o mako final five-year proof In
Support of lils claim, viz:
Homestead entry No, 8223, madp May 11,
low, for tuos'gsw quarter Kecli, tpl3s, rile,
vr ni,
And that nald proof will lie made boforo the
J-'ounty Clerk, at I'rinovillo, Oregon, on Octo.
her 8, 1'JOC.
Jfe names Jho follntring witnesses to prove
his continuous residence njion and cultivation
of, the land, viz:
James Holfrlch, li Holfrloh, itobort. J uda and WaBhiugton Territory" aa ex
hnon and Wl! Miller, all of Umonta, ore tended to all the Public Laud States
Michael T, Noiun,
Notice for Publication.
Departmeni of tho Interior.
Land Office at Tho Pallen, Oregon,
ficptember 4, nw,
Notice Is hereby given that Jainon 11. Uee
fun, of Madras, Oregon, ha filed notice of
his intention ,to mako final commutation
jroof in mipjiort of bin claim, vie:
HomeMead Entry No. 13.K10 tnade Bejileim
S, MOI, for, thb cjj ny .quarter, sw quartyr ne
quarter and nw (luarlei1 no quarter of sec 33, ip
10 i, ril p,,w ill,
Aud thdt said proof will It! mHUe uciore J'ou
J", Ilea, U, 8 CommlwIoiHT, at his office ill
Madras, Oregon, on October iK I'JOO,
He names thO followlilg ivithcsKt's to prove
)iin contlituinis rPitldciiclJ iipoii, and cultlva
lion of, thoiaild, lh , .
W H C'rivelh J T Jtlrtf, Jdine.i Ue and Wen
icy Siiiliiier, ail of Madra( Orl-gon.
W-Ul ltflierj
Located In Willow Greek Basin and in the midst of
the finest wheat lands in Orepn. Natural trading
River railway wi
affording ample transportation facilities and assuring rapid development
A big flouring mill ready for operation. Long distance telephone ponnectipns
Pally mil Splendid business chances are open in Madras
Til ' 5K
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
sept. -I, IKOfi.
Notice is hereby given that Edward J. Bald,
jlt, of Madras Oregon, has filed notice of his
intention to make final five-year proof in sup
port pf his claim, viz;
IomeRteaii entry No. hrtST inade August, 8,
11)01, for the ne quarter sue II, til 1)?, rile,
w m. ,
And that said proof will he mado before Don
P. Ilea, V. S. Coinmigsloner, at his office in
Madras, Oregon, on October. -I, l'JUJ,
He names the following wifnussos to provo
his continuous residence iipnn, and euljlva-
(lon of, the land, viz:
Ed Ktiteher. John McTaggart, John F Church
and 0 E llye, all of Madras, Oregon,
Michael T, Nolan,
sWl , Reglstpr, ,
Department of the Interior.
Land Ofnce at The Dalles, Oregon,
September 1,
Notice is hereby given that Isaac Sprier,
of Madras, Oregon, has filed notice of his
intention to make ilnal commutation
proof in support of his claim, viz:
Homestead Entry Jfo, 17335 made Au
gust 7, iQ02, for the e half nw quarter and
w hair no quarter of Sen Tp 10 s, r 13 e,
w ni,
And tliatsald proof will be made before
the Kegister ami Receiver at The Dalles,
Oregon, on October 8, i30(i.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous resilience upon, and
cultivation of, the land, viz:
13. C. Dove, A. Larsen, K- M. Smith and
E. Doty.all.of Madras, Oregon.
Michael T. Nolan,
sC-oI Register.
Timber Land, Act Juno 3, 1876.
Notice for Publication.
Department of tlie Interior,
U, P. Land Offlco at The Dallea, Or.,
July 31, 1000.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress, of June 8, 1878, entitled
"An act for the sale of limber lands in
by oct of Augusts, 1602,
Sarah A. Wright,
of Prinevlile, county of Crook, stato of
Oregon, has this day filed in this ollice
her sworn statement No. 3028, for tho
purchase of the se quarter tie quarter,
Lot 1 of sec 2, sw quarter nw quarter
and nw quarter sw quarter of sec 1, tp
12 s, r 10 e, w m,
And will offer proof to show that the
laud sought Is more valuable for the
timber or stone thereon than for agri
cultural purposes, and to establish her
claim to said laud before the County
uierK ot urooK county, at tue court
House In I'rjneville, Oregon, ou Nov
ember 0, 1000.
She names as witnesses: L. K, AI-
Hugham, Julia i-ytlo aud Hector D
fitlil, all of Prluevllje. Oregon, aod
(luy A. Allingham, of Blstere, Oregon,
Any fend nil persons claiming ad
versely tlie &bove-decrlbed lands are
requested to rile their claims In this
oflice on or Ueforo said gtu day of Nov
ember, loOO. . ,
dnl iiihtikh't NolAm, Register.
Lots Now. Prices $50 and Upwards
' rJ "CK-"
DON P, REA, Seoretary Townsite
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
Department of tho Interior.
United States Land Oflice,
The Dalles, Oregon, July 1(5, 1900.
Notice lj hereby given that in compli
ance wt the provisions of the net of
Congress or June 3, 1878, entitled "An act
for tho sale of timber lands in the States of
California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash
ington Territory," as extended to all tlic
Public ajid States by act of AuSllst I,
William A. Wilt
of Sisters, County of Crook, f-tnte of Ore
j gon, has this ai' fi,l'l ' tills ofjice l.
sworn statement No. 2iW, for Die purchase
of the se quarter no quarter, no quarter so
quarter, and w half sc quarter, ecu 31, tp
ii s, no c, w nt,
And will offer proof to show tlmt the
land sought is more valuable for its tim
ber or stone than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish tils claim to said
land before the Heglster and Receiver nt
The Dalles, Oregon, on the Kith day of
He names as witnesses K. II. Graham,
Clara Graham, Jf. J. Wilt, and A'ancy
Wilt, nil of Sisters, Oregon.
Any and nil persons claiming adversoly
the above described lands are requested to
file their claims in this oflice on or before
said of October, lHOtl.
aO-oii Register.
(Isolated Tract)
Public Land Sale.
U. S. Landi Office, Tho Dalles, Or.,
August , VM.
Notice is hereby given that directed by
the Commissioner of the General Land
Oflice, under provisions of the act of Con
gress approved June 27, 1905, Public. ATo,
803, we will oirer at jniUHc sale, to the
highest blddtt at ji o'clock a. in,, on the
2ist day of September next, at this oflice,
the following tract of land, to-wlt:
Tho SE quarter N W quarter of seo 8, tp
13 s, r J!l c, w ni.
Any persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are advised to file
their claims, or objections, on or before
the day above designated for sale.
Mlt'lIAKI, T. Nolan,
Anna M. Lano, Register.
Receiver. n;ii-s20
Hlue Print Township Mats corrccltil up to
date showing namt-s of all entryiiieu, vacant
laud rivers brill creeks, CO cents each.
ForxccurliiK title to nil kind of Government
Unit market prices. WHte us for fniibH.
All kilidS of
mi tt Land Officii biisnt;(s a pccjalt)'.
riVU years' ex erii'lict. Itcferuiifbt
A toi, uankeYs.
j iventy.
an immense wheat Ijel comprising 700 square miles of
point for Agency Plains and other wheat plategu district?
to Madras
23 r29W W9Jfc
'l imber Land, Act June. 3, 1878.
Department of the Interior.
United States Land Oflice,
The Dulles, Oregou, June 35. IfXM.
A'otlco N herebj given that In compli
ance with tho provisions ol the act of
Congress of June l, 1878, untitled "An act
for the sale of timber lands in tho States
of California, Oregou, Nevada, and Wash
ington Territory," as pxtciidcd to all the
Public I,nnd States by act of August I
Aline V. Harrison,
of Centralia, county of Lewis, state of
Washington, has this day filed In this
o()ce her sworn statement A'o. 25158, for
tio of Lot 7, m quatti-r sw quar
ter, and w half se quatter of hec 15, tp 12 s
r 10 e, w in,
And will offer proof to show tiiat tho
land sought Is more valuable for its timber
or stone than for agricultural purposes mid
toestabliBh her claim to said land befon
the Register and Receiver nt The Dulles
Oregon, on tho KHIi day of October, IKW,
She names as witnesses Laiichlln Me
Nell, Catharine Mn,Vell and JVeUlo L
Ilalvorsen, all of Centrnlla, Washington
ami Kdwin Uraham,)f sisters, Oregon.
Any and all persons elalinliiL' ndverselv
i tho above described lands are requested to
"l0 their claims in tills oflico on or before
i a'd Kith day of October, KW
MichakI. T.
"foil Reglsler.
Notice for Publication.
Department of lite Interior,
Land Oflice at The Dalles, Oregon,
Pcptcmber l, loufi,
Nolico Is hereby bIvcii that William J
Itlchard, of Madras, Ori'Kil, ban filed noflre
of his IntentloH to make llnat llvc jcnr proof
in support i iiih claim, viz:
Homentead Knlry No, WOO, made October
1'JOI, for the ?5 w4 of t:cc5 and nnwof
rvvn, ip li B, r lil C, IV III,
And lia cald proof ivlll ho made Iniforo Don
1'. Ilea, V, K, CominlMloiier, at his ofilro In
Madrai, Orcgon.m Ocour5, lwirt,
Ho names the foowij: witnesses to provo
)iiioniinuoiis reMounel) iiK)ii, ami cultlva
lion of, the land, viz;
. , . V. ' ' I'cioeri Jenkins
anu u nnriitti, all of Madras, OrcBon,
Notice for Pttbllcntion.
Department of tho Interior.
Land Office at The Dalles, OreKOii,
. Boptomlicr , !!,
Notice Is hereby Khbn that I.yle 1'. I'axton,
of Madras, OreKon, Un illcl notice of his
...ihi.m.ii inmaiie iinni commutation proof in
support of hU claim, viz:
HntheMead entry No 12,722 mado June 8, Ifsrt
for the se ,,uar(cr mv quarter, siv quarler ne
liiartiir Mtnl ij .juarteof sec lu, tp in a, r ii
e, win,
And (hat said proof will Imj hIk.Io before the
t'Klster and Uccclvcr at The l)nU.
OrtKoiil oil Octolxsr iy, ijujo, '
Ilenaini'SthMolloHfliiB witnesses to prove
',"C0ht.,,:n?.U,,rt'4't',t,,t, '"! cultlva-
iUU! ?J'Jb l?'"l. vlti
. W II Hioiiehoclu-r.
during next 1 2
Company, Madras, Oregon
Timber JJind, Act Jiiiio'.i. 3S7S
II. H. Unit Oflico, Tin) Dajlc, Orritou,
AugtlM 2.', 1W5.
Notice Is horoby idvcn that III compliance
with the provision of tho art of CniiKTussof
June a, 1K7H, untitled "An act for (ho sale of
Umber land In (he it-" "f 4lfprna, Ore
gon. Nut aia, and Waililniftnu Turtllory," as
oxifimhid lo oil III!) public land tAjjbyrt
of AtiKiist 1, 1K, tho loloiTliiR-imciI persons
have tiled In this oflice thulr MtrOrn stale
meats, to-wlt:
John William Flmpfclin,
of Itock Hprliiirs, county of Kwect water, staid of
Wyomlnjr. sworn statement No. !Uit, Mm All
Kiil 13, liWrt, for the piirchaw of thb fi'j 8WJJ
and Ki HK'i of K-ctlon I). Tp 12 K It U Ji, Y M.
Jacob Toepfer,
of Palrnisc, county of Whitman, stato of Wash
ington, sworn statement No, rwrrt, (Hid AiirusI
l", 1I, for the purchwe of tho K HWJi, XKW
HWJ and NW! HV.'i of Kpclon H, Tp 13 H, It (
K, w JI.
chftrto Renin.
of l'aloiio, county of Whitman, state of Wah
IiikIoii, sworn statement No. nm, filed Auk""!
... I'.nsl, for Urn purchaso of tho N)J HV i.i and
Mr; l-l HW 1-1 of Hccl0i l7,TpI2H, U 1 K, W M
Joseph K, llalloy,
of I'alotwe, counly of Whlimrtu, statoof Wah
IliKlou. No.UffM, nicd Alixiiht I.',, I'.KH, for Illli
piirchami of Hie HK i. HK 1-1 of 8(ielon IK, NW
HX Mnl MocllonaiaiidNMNBl.liif Hcc
Hon J,Tp 12 H, It 10 K, WM,
That they will oner proofs In show that the
lauds mmikIiI are more vauaie for tho timber
or stone thereon than for agricultural pur
m' and lo esfabJMt their claims to said
lands lieforv Dm ItuKlsler and Deceiver at the
laud ofllco lu Tho Dalles, Oreifiiu, on Novpm.
iter 10, uk,
They iiaum thft followluc witnesses' John
W Klmpklns, of Itock Hprlnes, WyomltiKI Jacob
Toepfer, Charles Henry and Josttpli I' llAlley,
oi i-aiouse, Washington; I. K AlUliKhniu fthd
a it Kasttvood, of l'r Itiuvlllu, OrcKOn,
Any and all tiersons clalmliiff adversely any
of Din above lands aro advised to flle their
claims in this office on or before the said Mlh
day of November, 1W,
ii itcltor.
- Dopartmont of tho Interior.
Land Oillco rtt The l).illci. Oregon.
HKiitiiinlicir i! ftinri.
Notice 18 hereby glvon thutKiiliiia K.
of liiir Intention to iniiko final Hvo-year
prinii iii nupport or nor cihiiii, ym
llonieatead Kntry A'o 12m inftde Jop
tomber ii, ii 103, for 80 duorter W niiHttor,
Heo is niid thtt .ii half ne . quarter
imi mi .ju.iiier ii w iiuaner or see in i
h, r j t, w in,
ii 'Si if m Binl(I t00' w,n ,0 vml Dororo
i . ivrii, u. a, uoiuiuiHHioiier, ni ui
en in Alndnu, Oregon, on October
It 11KK).
Him ndiileH the following wltneae to
lr'vt)(!r contlniipim ruHldenca upon and
iiiiniiuwii in me mini, viz: .
(). (I. Collvnr. Ki-milr llrilTiiiaii nm! Ilav.
Id Hnriiutt, all of Culver", Oregon, and Ul
tuor (lillam, of Maiirits, Oregon.
Mlcliaul T. Milan.
8(1-0 1
All partlea kuowinif tiietuMlvM In
dbtd to us ivlll pImm eeme In and
settle up at oBce. We uetxl the rktiflsy
hd must eolleot all otitsUndlne
nuiiii'i run ruuiiiiii
iiiurvi nprcuy JiTf mil
with !ic iTorWom of ik irtii
f . U.t i ' '
Jiiiiii.'I, IS7K, t-iiililei "An utln
Kini. .iH.nii. iiii ii luiimzwa i
AiiKiiii i, im,
iicttof n.siin
has litis dsv flltti In thb oit H
NW llimrlt-r Slid WUSKflUltUIN
Tn 12 s. r 10 u. w in.
Ami trill offor nnwf lA IUT
liefotu I hit ronnly Clerk ol tract
at the l oiirt llouif, In frlneil
on tin-'Jih ii vol .Novtmwr.iAt
no names as wiinnw' .
a.u ia.i hii ilisiam oiiimicr au
iMiir.iitisifriiisiii la-iiua aiw irf"-
iiHirriaiiutiii uiiit vt -
fit ii mav nr .Nfii'ttmiuir. ivri.
iinnrimiiii ui iitva--".
l.nn.1 OlllcoatTiie
Notice l hcrclir Mt?w5r.
I III IMV -V , ' ,
act of Augiul l.J.R.
..... I.. ,.i Puiflt. mill "I V
11 111 IB 111 -- ll
L Hfj ir i f, Hut imtp ittM wKn
Bcctiou ai. an.iw ' '.' Vt u
.11. 4Mf'l 11 .IU Ml
r to .. wm, i slid i jffim
l,c r or sioiiu. i ''..ii i su is
I ' . ..'..If I Kllll. lJPtw ....
i.ui.nipn in llei ill ow"' "
ii . ..nniM ks wlin",J";A
Hlslcrs. OrMoil, V.,hWl
Nichol. lllrl'"'.":.' A1
" a v and all WV.1'
ii mil ; - . i, i , ,Me 00 VI "'
I U ilMM IIIflllLU irr.
. .iimIbIhW'
iii-nnriiJH". -' .i.rii
ii..l(,.,l Hmles
. ?;.:, iuio ei tw .1
...... ----,.1.. .....iiin.1 '-nt --.t. rfi
lllllBCr laii'is u'uhiDia'Tm.M
HA. fort 110 pnrF""5 iHl,
uiii oner i'iv"'.:; i.., ma
1Vt' names M wllSfS'
VH" nl
.111 or
rtHJ ? VaT'l IdHIIl
Mii. Miilmiii
ifi.n. ArvHun. !' tsfu!
It All UI I IP I'M1" "
MM, T M t.;i
Mo" Iteslstcr.