The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, August 23, 1906, Image 3

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Fern fcr Jta
Hsy lead-is.
,of 1
-Tlmo of tho Yenr' "
' .Rather, l Very J)o. la
n 11DI
t" . i ...
.. , i i
lloVC Wltu n i
utHiv run dawn sys
"rfNTlsof other nKdicInei
.ironcihrned me
Uit. t-eafloM, IiiU..
illltooknt-ovtrocolu., I
i.n (f.iiiitirowiilitl nopi
Ifiil1etoilo my work'
,Hlwl raliey were n dense.
,l )IM.icliUieil, ii wouia
1,000 Inhabitant.
i t vt- Wlnilow'a floothlnu
tnotir touio (or their children
, old. boy, brnca up! You
dint biarl naer won loir
ibe'i a brunette." Clow
rrh CtBHt be Cured
iirf LiCATlONS. aa they cannot
at ol ib dlxtf. Catarrh. la a
bntknildii uc.antl In orilrrlo
feoii take Internal remeUla.
heart u uten iniernauy, ana
Ibiooa tnittnucouiauriacca,
i not a quacic mtau-ine.
pcttd oi ttio Mat toiiira
Hit tbe lt tiloou jmrl
Rebuilding Operation! In San Fran
cImb. Begin With Vlger.
Has Franeluo, Aug. 14. The re
building of San Franel&eo lias begun in
earaett. There Is Jlttle talk, there is
little boasting, bat there 1b a vast
amount ! work. It may be observed
on every hand. It baa auddenly grown
to largeroportloiu, Jdtie to increased
mvty bnefftt'."'. ingniance companies-.
A'irust to tirlchlcn l&irfrtoj.OM'V.tntl.
nie tnxca tin with her Innocence
Blrnljilit up tho steeps which lead to
Iiainlti (or Tistifytog Against
StiMkrd Oil Company.
FHKVvork ol tho boot man he orcr
You nro n cood boy. Joe. and
minor appreciates It very much."
Joo winced somewhat nt thin oncn ex
prosslou of appreciation, blushed nnd
saiu ;
"I know father with his inmo bnclt
"in i ao mucn, hut I'm
A knock on tho sldo of tho house at
tho open door Interrupted him, nnd ho
turned and saw n ragged tramp out
Jineu in tlio doorway.
urt i .1 . .
yuuiu you neip a roller to some
thhiK to eat, and let me sloop some
where?" naked n volco In tho confi
deneo of ono accustomed to begging his
"Certainly!" quickly replied .Mrs,
Clinton. "Thank God, we always hav
enough for ourselves, nnd some to spare
ror otlmrs. Como In."
Tho tramp, not very old, but with nil
tho marks of n wanderer upon him
boldly entered nnd took the plnce Sirs
Clinton set for him, and ate his sup
per. If appreciation of tho merits of
n cook, and confidence In tho hospital
Ity of tho host, nro In proportion to tho
amount ono eats then tho tramp fully
demonstrated both, for ho ate on aston
lHhlng ntnount of everything offered.
Joo finished his meal In silence. He
did not ngalit refer to his hard life, nnd
when the tramp had eaten nil ho could
hold Joo took him to the barn nnd
gave him a bod In the harness-room.
"Thank you, young feller," said the
tramp ns Joo left him, "your mothcr'i
a dandy cook nnd she don't stop offer
In till n feller's as full ns n tick. You're
In clover, here.'
"Think so?" was Joe's non-commit
in! reply n ho closed the door nnd
Went to the house.
Joo went directly to his room, quick
)y packed his clothes, nnd then went
down tho back way nnd carried them
to the barn. Long beforo day, after n
sleepless night, be .was up and quietly
slipped out of the house for his clothes
As ho was lcnvlng" tho tramp'sald:
"hcre arc you goln. young fcl
"That's my business," replied Joe,
"Look here, boy," and tho tramn's
voice was tender, "let's sit down n min
ute and talk this over," nnd he drew
Joo Into the hnrncss-room. And some
how Joo told him nil
I thought so, for I snw you bring
thnt bundle hero last night, nnd I knew
by your nctlons what It meant Don't
do It, sonny; stick to your parents n
little while longer," ndvlsed the trninn.
"I rnn away once, did Just ns you aro
doing now; went to sen In the navy,
was gone three years, nnd when I got
back my mother was dead and tho home
broken up, nnd I hnvVn't had n home
since. Don't go for n month, anyhow,
not till you hear from your friend
Somehow Joe promised, nnd went
back to his room, nnd when he went -to
the barn to look after the stock tho
tramp was gone.
The very next Saturday night,
f-A't willing,
And ns wo prny that ho "wll! keep
Our baby snfo from ov'ry HI,"
Old-time belief comes bnck again,
And old-time thoughts their trutlis'dl
Our bnbyi tender womon smile,
And men forget the ways of sin
A little child links heart to heart,
"Our baby" makes tho world akin.
Chicago Tribune.
West, Home's Best.
ftp II 13 spring bonrdcni were begin
II nlng td come to tho Trovoso Cot
tge, and Will I'rcsslcr and Joe
Clinton watched onch new arrival with
Increased interest for there was it fas
filiation about their manner and drcs
that wa very attractive.
'Tho year beforo Arthur Ooeffrev nnd
Mason Do Long, two of tho boarders
nt tho cottage, became quite Intimate
with the country boyn, and had tilled
their minds .with Ideas that made Will
nnd Joo very much dissatisfied with
tneir lire
"I wish I was nwav from thin," said
Will ono tiny to Joe, when he enmo
over oil an errand for his father. "I'm
sick and tired of this kind of a life."
"So am I," replied Joe, "for It Is cot
ung moro ana moro slavish. Uy tho
id Irene ol I to leit phyilcl
lcrrt(ti,aoil li a regular pre-
1 l
on the wucotii itrfce.
r.uai ios oi mo iwowk rtMiiiMiie
ti men woniieriui rraiiita in
fad for ttitlmonlala (rr.
SIX & CO.. 1'rot.j.. Toledo. O.
jnuiiroina mii.
Ijti Initrurtlona.
It Ifoaa Ye.;on, I told yoa
1 7 iurp thu mormnc.
rl called jt m ahnlrp aa I
t I eoolda t take j.
Tut im lit Tttrvuue rU'M
alirortdtr Dr. Kllna'a rirr.t
(.!4fniKl;rjlr1l buitH and
SallM, author of "Self
rworta, left an eata'o vci-
f "EH, MiUged MEN
mpuiet in Dlnin cover.
Itimitnm tl.ut In
" nd luccess In Hfo.
Portland, Ore
Jf 'Savin or
h Household
LWimmi t.n
Lfwku li.,..- .....
way, I got another letter from SInson.
mid ho says I'm very foolish working
my nro out here for my folks for notb
lng when I could come to tho city and
work for some ono who would pay mo
good wnges."
"Arthur wrote to me, too," said Will,
yntid ho says we could get good posl-
tioiiH easily nt good pay, and sec some
thing. Ho goes to the theater, or some
other place of amusement even- nlirht.
nnd hero wo tay nnd slave, and never
sc niiything. I wish I was away, for
l liatc farm work worso and moro ev
ery tiny."
"You don't hnto It worse thun I do,"
replied Joe.
unit day tlio next week Joo heard
Romo ono calling, "Joo! Hello. Joe!'
mid bo started up from behind a hedge
wnertt ho had been, and hurriedly
dropped n letter to the ground and put
ins xoot upon It.
"Oh, Is It you, Will, I thought why.
whore nro yo going?" lm asked, ns ho
noted Will with a canvas-covered tele-
Kcojxt in linnd.
"Haven't tlmo to explain now; Just
let me leave this here, and I'll Ihj over
nfter supper nnd explnln ;" and ho was
lint night ns Joe was about finishing
his supper ho heard Will's whistle, and
went to tho door to greet his friend.
"Como In, Will," he said, cordially.
"No, thank you, Joe, I was passing
and only ran In for a minute to seo
"Como In nwhllc, Will; come, and
have n cookie," urged Mrs. Clinton, bos
pliably, bh sbo took a plato of tempt
ing! cakes from tho tnble.
"Thank you, Mrs. Clinton, but I hnvo
Just had supper, and I'm not a bit hun
gry:" said Will. "Walk down to tho
roai with me, Joo."
Jee add Will went out Into the dark
newJ, and when they bnd passed tho
bari Will mopped and said:
"I'm going to-morrow, Joe, and I
hnvgy my clothes In that telescope, but
I dlin't wnnt your folks to seo It "
"doing whore?" gasped Joe, nt the
thought that wnx in his mind,
"I'm going to tho city, for I can't
Htnud tills life any longer. My clothes
nro lere, May I put them In tho bnrn,
and get them twrly to-morrow?"
"What will jour folks say?" Inquired
Joe. 4
j"I don't, know, but I'll be gone, nnd
1 won't be back la 'a' hurry, either,"
aiUwered Will, "doed-nlght,"
JW was up earlier titan usual and
fttole, down stair to see Will beforo he
went, and met him cowing out of the
.?"Mr flA i 1 -
i 1'wiiaaC Harm tlecope iH jiHiul,.
33-Qg I
t . . .
a r
"11 go, too," aald, Joe, aa they shook
IwiuU, "but I'll stay till I milsh that
m-MA at earn, iumI ikm I'll eewe."
''II. 'I . . 3t JL.
week. Will camo back nnd hurried
find Joe.
Don't go, -doc, the city isn't what
those fellows said It was at least
didn't find it so. I bad n little back.
room whero I could scarcely breathe;
worked from 0 till 0 In n dark shop for
$-1 a week, and It took more than that
for my board and washing. Got tho
lioorcst kind of eating, not as good as
wo glvo' to tramps, and nnd I got bo
homesick for mother's plea nnd dough
nuts thnt I couldn't stand It So I
enmo right home, nnd I'm going to stay,
too, for I found out that nobody cares
as much for a fellow as his own folks."
"I'm going to stay, Will," nnswered
.No one but Will and tho tramp and
Ood know how near Joo camo to run
ning away, and ho nnd God know ho
wns often glad bo hadn't Christian
S!eei nud the Insane.
It Is comirionly supposed tlmt tho
greatest depth of sleep occurs nbout
tho end of tlib first hour. This, how
ever, is not invnrinoiy tno ruie, ac
cording to my own observation In tho
Cook County (Chicago) Insane Asy
lum, mnde some years ago, when I
spent two buccoshIvo nlglita In hourly
testing tho depth of sleep by light,
sound and touch. A majority of tho
ten case8 I had under observation
showed tho greatest depth to bo at
about H a. ni. Moro recently Drs. Santo
Do Snuctla nnd N. Neyros, nt tho Unl-
orslty of Itomo, tested tho depth of
Bleep In four normal jwruons by pres
sure upon the tomplo, Ono of theso
showed tho greatest depth of sleep in
tho recond nnd fifth hours, whtlo tho
others showed the greatoat depth bo
twwn tho first and second hours.
Talking In Bleep Is moro common
than is generally supposed. Armstrong
and Child fouud in 200 students, be-
tween the ages of 20 and SO years, that
it i&r cent of the men nud 87 per cent 0Hjf
the women taweu in ineir sieen,
ait meet at, theta eould aaawer quw?
Colombian Army Officers Detected in
Plot to Secure Control,
MlMr Ml Am, BrerrtfetM;
Mir Tettelted eee
Lacking but a few days of 00 years
Faaaraa, Aug. 18. AH alleged plot Rge Russell Sage passed away fti as
tuepart oi Bromineni uoiomv,ljimrv',,'Tf -"""VJHig isi-
lo- nverlhrow wv-'", ton oy mjui brleht young hum SM.ltk
dor's government lnctur,n8
bWlWtv 's''Jt Montorey.
Jiio largest gns-lioldcr In tho world
Is claimed by tho Consolidated Gas
Company at Its Astoria plant, Long
.island. These holders are H00 feet In
diameter, with n lift of 200 feet, and
each will hold 10,000,000 cubic feet,
The director of tho Berlin observn
tory says tho Conrrlercs colliery dls
aster was connected with atmospheric
conditions, and that tho crust of the
earth In tho eastern hemisphere Is In
a dnngerotfs condition. Ho predicts
other disasters.
A Munich professor has Invented
remarkable ulckroom clock. When
button Is preswd, an electric lamp be
Hind tho dial throws tho shadow
the hours nnd hands, magnified, up the
celling, so that nn Invalid can seo
from tho bed without craning his neck,
According to tho census returns pull
Jished In Hanover, Germany, the re
cent census shows thnt several villages
In the uiirgdorf district have very
small populations. At Keerbuscb, for
Instance, there aro four Inhabitants,
two men nnd two women . Other vll
Inges hnvo populations of 14, 18, 25 or
20 inhabitants.
Since Yucatan, where the Mayas
built their strange cities, Is n coral
limestone formation, It would, says a
writer In Itccords of tho Post, hav
been a barren desert but for Its sub
tdrrnnenn rivers, nnd the cenotes, or
water caverns, which give access
them. The Mayas noted the courses of
the underground streams and built
their towns round the cenotes. Many
cenotes are now found surrounded by
ruins, nnd glvo Indications of the meth
ods employed by tho Mayas to reach
their cool waters. In Uxmnl a cenote
nlKiut -10 feet deep Is Inhabited by
peculiar species of fish. At Bolanchen
there Is a cenote having five opening
In tho rocks at the bottom of the cav
era. Ladders mnde by tying tree trunks
together lead down a total distance of
1,100 eet, but the perpendicular depth
from the 'surface to the water is not
over 500 feet
Tho Simplex pile, which has been In
use for some time past In England and
elsewhere, has lately been Improved
Its principal feature Is a cylinder of
strong metal tubing, which, in some
cnses( Is as much as two feet In dlam
eter, pointed at the Jower end, but hav
ing tho pointed end so constructed
that, nfter the tube has been driven
home and filled with concrete, it opens
on binges so that tho tubo can be
drawn upward, leaving tbe shaft of
concrete in the ground. As tho con
erctc is filled In from above nnd pound
ed down, the tube Is gradually with
drawn upward, a couple of feet at
time. Just above tho pointed end tho
diameter of tho tube, for a short dls
innce, is n little euiargcd. ine conse
quence Is that for tho greater part of
its length the tube does not press tight
against the ground, and thus the
operation or witnurawing it la more
easily performed. After the tube Is
drawu up the ground eventually settles
tightly round tho concrete shaft
Voracity of the Dlnck Ilnaa.
'The. bass Is llko n 'roaring Hon going
nlKMit seeking whom he may devour,' '
says W. E. Median In Field nnd Stream
have seen u -good-sized specimen get
Into n school of minnows and eat nnd
sum until ne couiu not get any more
Into his capacious lnsldes, then go off
by himself, throw up whnt be had cat-
en, nnd begin over ngnln, nfter which
he would keep on killing the poor inno
cent minnows, apparently for the mere
pleasure of killing. Very young bass
will attack minute water life which
flourishes on water plants and get nwav
with every ono In sight, adopting the
same methods ns their elders. To Illus
trnto the extent of the cannibalism of
tho black bass, hero is the experience
of a superintendent of one of the fish
hatcheries in Pennsylvania :
Tho superintendent made an actual
count of 20,000 young bass about an
Inch long and placed them in n fry
pond by themselves. He gave them food
six times a dny. nnd, according to bis
statement, each fish nto on an nvcrago
three times Its own weight of tho pre
pared food every twenty-four hours.
They were placed In a pond on July 1
and on Oct. 1, when they were taken
out, there were only 11,000 and the
record showed thnt less than 200 died
from sickness. It Is reasonable to sup
pose, therefore, thnt in addition to tho
food given them by tho superintendent,
there were nbout 0,000 bass devoured
their stronger nnd more fortunate
Almoftt I.Ike IIiinhIh,
Among the wilder tribes of tho Cau
casus every child is taught to use tho
dagger nlmost ns soon ns bo can walk.
Tho children first lenm to stab water
Without making a splash, nnd by lncos-
snnt practice acqulro an extraordinary
command of tbe weapon. Nashvlllo
If a mun works pretty hard, we have
noticed that ho mentions It a great
Tho fewer friends a man-
from a newspaper office. Your verjrj-y,
murder cases will have to be made
'bright' It is a foregone conclusion ,
that domestic tragedies shall, bo side
splitting. I really am not sure that in
time America will not get a comical
funeral service, with a low-comedy 1
undertaker." Jerome K. Jerome In the !
uren rcrman Csta Psrr,
rboebe was the 4-7ear-old daughter
of a missionary to Persia, born In that
land of Oriental ease and hospitality;
and her little mind was Imbued with
such Ideas of mutual compliment nnd
her little tongue so glvffi '.to graces of
speech that ber i$cw England grand
mother bad many a shock.
The morning nfter tho little girl ar
rived at tbe grandmother's home tbe
old lady was brushing out Phoebe's
curls, gloating over ber after tbe fash
ion of grandmothers.
"My little pboebe-blrd !' she said over
and over again.
"Wby do you call me phoebe-blrd?"
asked tbe child at last
"Here in America we bave a bird
that says 'Phoebe! pbcebel'" explained
ber grandmother.
Tbe child smiled, and her mother,
standing by, knew what was passing
in Phoebe's mind. Not so tbe grand
mother, wbo finished ber task reluc
tantly at last and then stooped down
for a kiss.
"In Persia," said Phoebe, In ber most
caressing tone, "we bave one old cat
wbo say 'Dranma! dranma!'"
good. fefttpilM he ted made ta Mm Nfo
his marriiwje to this esuma&M woat
wa by lofiff oM the bent What
ifloirtA afce Mwiessed. Her efcriiM
deeds were many. With ber Mr. Sagrat
ixxrie life was a very happy oae.
to Bdaat Them.
" woman oc BCCTK, w
V Mra who thresgh the
AS long S3 you Ca'tea, through the
'I am ftfty-eeTen ywtrt oM,M 1r' arB""
titlr my hair w Terr pmt. Bnt In it..
little priac-
eentlr my hulr w rtty pni
wmV ATm'i Hair VI?or rent,
color to ror hIr ao now there l not a(rrr n the
Amir Ml uo mvvut M I ... "VW , V
CimW, Cal.
Xada br J. O. Ay er Co., XioweU. Has.
Also lunnaotarKi oi
Where lie Excelled.
Church What degree did your soa
get at collegc7
Gotham S. S.
"Never heard of such a degree."
"Oh, yes you hnve. Short stop."
Yonkers Statesman.
You Can Oct Allen's Foot-Ease FREE.
Write Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy.N. Y., for A
free sample of Allen's Foot-Ease. It cares
rireatln jr. hot swollen, aching-feet. It makes
sew or tight shoes easy. A certain cure fo
corns, lnerowing-natls and bunions. All drag
gUtisell it. 25c. Don't accept any substitute.
Caller Don't you consider Prof. Jones
by a man of much practical wisdom
not at all conceited or opinionated, you
know, but full of accurate knowledge and
plain common sense?
Mrs. Lapsling Yes, Indeed; I think
he's one of tbe most saponacious men I'
ever met
The Kind You Ilavo Alwavs Bonclit lias linrnn t,li in.
turo of Clias. H. Fletcher, and has been made under his
personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow no ono
to deceive you iu this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
Just-as-grood" are but Experiments, and endanger tho
health of Children Experience against Experiment.
What is CASTOR I A
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothlntr Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, .regulates the
Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Me Always Bought
Sears the Signature of
Use For Over 30 Years.
How to Exercise the
Your Intestines are lined inside with
millions of little suckers, that draw tho
Nutrition out of food as It passes them.
But, If the food passes too slowly, it
decays before It gets through. Then tho
little suckers draw'Polson from it instead
of Nutrition.
This Poison makes a Gas that injures
your system more than the food should
have nourished it.
You see, the food Is Nourishment or
Poison, just according to how long It stays
in transit.
They do not waste any precious fluid of
the Bowels, as Cathartics do.
They do not relax the Intestines by
greasing them inside like Castor Oil or
Glycerine. . -
They simply stimulate the Bowel
Muscles to do their work naturally, com
fortably, and nutritiously.
And, the Exercise these Bowel Muscles
are thus forced to take, makes them
stronger for the future, Just as Exercba
makes your arm stronger.
.urrftm ri f. i r it inan ra it
. m m a 1 1 u i j ivjut
lor T woyr!
(called f I I 1 use
The usual remedy
this delayed passage
Constipation) is to take a
big dose of Castor Oil.
This merely make slippery the passage
for unloading the current cargo.
It does not help tho Cause of delay a
It does slacken the Bowel-Muscles moro
than ever, and thu3 weakens them for
their next task. v
Another remedy Is to take a strong
Cathartlo, like Salts, Calomel, Jalap, Phos-
riiukt win be new
l o( Airfoil froau SpUabr
taara nortuUtr- ha). la with hi
t- T"itmms:: tw ar
' "ifi::im
SSkaMBifcAslffHR a ft
4 '
17 u M. I Jttmlan raUwayi o mi iroy,
t nhtin Ae. IS.'
mbsIob. sb Van Nm av-
7; mWred at aa ildlWra
l ltOO.WO. Aeordirt 'th, UrM
hi theeeirMt, H will be
phate of Sodium, Aperient Water, or any
of these mixed.
What does the Cathartlo do?
It merely flushea-out the Bowels 'with a
waste of Digestive Juice, set flowing into
the intestines through tho tiny suckers.
But, the Digestive Juice we waste in
doing this today is needed for tomorrow's
natural Digestion. We cannot afford to
lose It.
That's why Cascarete are the only safe
msdlolna (or the bowels.
Cascarets'are as safe to
constantly as they aro
pleasant to take.
They are purposely put up llko candy,
so you must eat them slowly and let them
go down gradually with the saliva, which
is in Itself, a fine, natural Digestive.
They are put up purposely in thin, flat,
round-cornered Enamel boxes, so they
can be carried in a man's vest pocket, or
In a woman's purse, all the time, without
bulk or trouble.
Price lOo a box at all'drugglsts.
Be very careful to get the genuine,
made oph by the Sterling Remedy Com
pany and never sold In bulk. Every tablet
stamped "CCC."
tordHMaataUd ii cetera. It Is a BMty far fee
drawls r. uUe. Taa casts la slimp h akc as a
sMucre of rati faith aad to certr watalCmafrts.
wit wuca (H dUKty trikt U
S4 W-4ay,
I j,, TVltuw, , inf. rmFti
York ia 189T. ' Tw yM Mr be
iried MkM MaraWrxk' OHvka Slcewan,
4amter at Jeiipk Siewit, a aairetaairt
AT i.
nbout in ewmL w
is tbe ptte of tiirV f to
aalato tat Uw aliey.V Jh
trut eaat be bW nymyUI Sh4
Vfkm tr Us tattwra at
tjeOwr Umt ? Mttsla.4
etw to tooaOax tar H
1 .S.MfS'
Jf ft,
- n h