X v f en we "WT IT Hmr Fallsi a -m. ui m ' Ifhcnlt'ftlmetoiotl M read. 10 Vau itttWMT ia sen viiiii ansa e aarsav w mum " r tnmes out yw w - Oyer's Hair Vigor. Jpkc ihe scalp healthy. f for Ptw: Tf. 777 -, V 1 7 CiMAMMLUL jJ Dal. nUJ H.-A AU U bath. ',"' . . itU aat tku I t Jul !. nli CI I. " - - ' ' iuttlM i Uw Incident fa writing Hw r nRT0N.-A4rr wt Caeattet. &BBn "Wil CSra.SM.Ke, IIStK. irNE ENGINES s t 4 kVr gRMN MACIIINCRY COMPANY rente im. i bust rvr, KitLKR 2ifoy eomltrttoevarr home-In dlnliHC room trpln room and H ktMe trouble- ntM Ud will not tell or In lure anrMlnc, Trr tiitm nne , sauictTi: b wlltioiu i)Mnu If noi kapi br Mtfipr;l4for Mo. lUrald 80inri, ftUii it.. Biooklyo, X Y. . U Dramatic and Operatic School bmm and 1907 Opens Sept. 1 itW (or DramaHc and Orwrittk Htud placa GrudiiBle. Recog- pnvf 'WAUiog ttioAiricai iraiiagcm M w CaUlogae and (iat ,o( radu- HUClMtr IU0CMI. ti rill Ao4t BvlUtof, StaUfc. Wlthc Water makes tk Skin .mivycs rimpia ana KUKXMMf; Kwwi rrecs ine xnp ir&M n)ft4 nakn Rfaiitlfiil Hair '"''jCuT 'v"u vn uja. laa&ur. 4 T nltt feua-l-ada Ittu rinaM Mtux' kwm to y, OWW KBWV ) rtomaoh, Hvcrt tM- puDdrtdi oc UMiiu.uk. . Vu sua- rautM MfO CHINESE KMCrWee S. c- Cer. MtrrUta PWtTUNO, OMCON. ADVERTISING Piractory k eijBe rVtatW&Taj! aV- P 0LD WWWWIJW W RftTt INfMMk IrM ilMi JThm nr Mods (Jal mc hi flria wrM oC oufa, ltotw of frWndftliry a4 tiwi f lwn And hrwr lmn, kiiota, I wm. XIm firi o th hoy are bmiMl by a kiw, Bjf HMnwfa Jevr a Imtd, oil frlt. Hk4 W drank from th mkm cmiHn 1 It wtt iNMMffnMw water aal WMKiIm milk And XKiiftinlM pi) Jck flat M-trWc; Bttt, whattTor tk. Uppl bai tei, -W gjMird ft togrtier In bt) or bllM, Ami I wtt to you, frl-efld, wbn I think o W har Anmk from the tmamjc&ntetn I Th rich atMi'iho areat nit down to 1In, And thr qtkff to each other in Bprklln(f From fftafluM of crprtal a4 aroefli Brit I gimm In ffclr froldea poUWena they wIm " Tkw warath ol regard to h found In Wo hT drank from tho ane cantMcl tfa Itave (4mm-m! our bknkeU &rv4 enU tnniHinr Ami kar marcfled and fought In all klmh of wtKr, And kuncry and full we have bH ; Had krti,ef bttl and dant of ratrt. But tU memory I cling to and love tb twat W kvA drimk from' tk saia9caBt8 ! For wken wounded I lay on. the .outer Rtope Wkh my blood flowing faist and but lHtl op Upon wMch mr faint nitlrit could ln " ' Oh, then, I remmbcr, you crawled to rcy a)d, And, bleeding no fat it nwmttl botk must nave died, We drank from the aamo canteen i On. 0, O. llalpln (Private Miles 0'RUly). ' FnfrtatUn. l!rea&M tkre ike Ban with soul o dead Who never to klewelf hatk aald, Thta it tot own; niy naUve kndi" I Y?ho9 heaift bath ne'er witska Ww fern'd rAa home k4a footstep he hath turned From wandarlna- oa a foreljrR strand? If mwh thr breathe, fro. mark him "we'l 1 For hha no minatrel rapture aweil : Ilijrh though 'hie title, proud hk name, BoaadleM hia wealA as wish can claim' Deepfte Hm tklea, power, and pelf, The wretch, concentered all 'Jn elf, Living, ehall forfeit fair renown, And, doWy .dying, ehall go down To the vile dust from whence, he sprung Unwept, unhonor'd, and nnwng. Bip. Walter, Bcbtt. ; THE FELLAH'S YOKEMATE. Some Oeimtlena, of the Hnrtln Otri unA Woman. Her lot 'baa improved vaatly since tbeae dark days of jtupwitiUon when, la ordftr to profduate SttraplH, ue (wity who presided over th watara of Fatn r Nll. be was liable to be given as a aecriffee to the iood coatora which wu until quite recently commemorated at the annual cutting of the Kbaleeg at Cairo by tlie erection of an earthen "bride," which waa swallowed up by the rushing water, saya the Fort nightly Review. Albeit the fellow'a linen have never been cast In pleasant places, very early In her existence .does dr rauHd of drudgery begin, for whllo atlll a tiny child ahe allotted a varie ty of taaka. In tlie clover season one mm neawint baby glrlH imtted as aenti uet imr the horses and cattle tethered In the vividly green berseeni fields; .mere children, plsced In authorltj near a handily creaking water wneei, roi jlow with twldlliw atone the wiry little donkey or grfut, ugly buffalo liarnwa eJ to a wooden prop which Is attached to the cogged wlwl of ,the sakeeyeh. The little mltaa ty voice and whip urge the weary blindfolded beaatH to keep jogging along In Uw worn circu lar track, that tlte stowlj revolving earthenware pots cease not to pour tlie tertlllalng water Into the trough. The same little maidens, their hair nrallv nlalted and tlie wiem and braids decked with coins, are often aeen tending small nerds of goats. At times, too, tliey are sent to forage, for rare windfalls ef firewood (rare, be cause in the delta wood of any sort Is umaV whtnh- if the? And. thav carry pvnivw f f , " uotiewanl rocos tse ejas on txwr lieathi, t strlnfs of, mm ana giaas bracelets oa their 'fat. little necks and aria gilsteulng In the bright sunshine 5 While those Wl dwell In woodless nrovinees are employed to - nurs, which, mixed with chopped straw, la pounded Into round cakes ana; wsej dried In tlie nun forms the ataple natlve fuei oalled MgsHeh,H Active llttlensaM ens carry diminutive Hods -or basketa of mertarorbrtoka wlwn bufWlng oi. eratlons are In nrogrees, or sre set to tostrof oaitJfptlkws at seasona wImhi these pests threaten destruction to the mala or other erem Mhould jtbelr villkge be within esy' dkUnes at a rallw)', girts or teaoer as are sent to hawk, goolafcs of wM wntor, hard-boiled eft or fresh tot4, figs or orxn, W wa oown uw eww trysMe sUUeaw; and these beaoJK, ttpum to sH trajrelets througho ths Delis. Tbs bbjaffsf gtrls In time of ha harvest will Join with the eMer wowen in field Ubor, Which is yV fs VbMinc, as In many districts not serif -. ot fmtim MWraw Who lMVe tin Sjatmrl wttl, preMi ut Iwrrtwt Umm rrom villa) to llla, and "M ad4 a fw mom billing; to the me&mt fam- lly eht " Vm JB-tan rl(l Knev appW that torotttly to th r1tiratl btjte ot artfeUB nmw than tttwt of tba tltlaga maldim fjrrchlng watVr from the'rlvw , or tlw Wen. Th Kth. elaetk, wwU-j P"w om nongn w aprsaa a dreioped nirnr of tlm' pAMnt dameel wl; atrd mioccM bora to (kmbtUtm wt mem ainuwlartr wH In lta homly to b looked for w long fW'tbh anowy nlmplWty, draptMl In Ha looee dark blue plnmaged bird remalna a ahlnto; mark Krmt, Ums bwiutlftilly molded rtl.; r r3r coring rlfteman. Ontury. en ware pitcher poised upon her shapely head. Her long veil of coarse erene. it Is true, J half drawn" to conceal her face from prying eyes, or: when she wears no'vell anil offri. rwlnr in tiw' exlseodes of nVvl,i ihnr. the biirko' m2Li W,ir Mr. ossk. I teld the lajrformed by gathering a fold of Mr b Q u AtLtt to dongh- head covering Into a corner- of ber,Bts yea'd eouah up liberal 1" raoutn. xci tm very poor are not ai Wty8 punctilious Blxmt keeping their r raw jimaen rrom strangers ami. so sometimes, one eeca the Jndlgo or green Ish'bluo tnltoo designs on tlje forehead or below tho under lip. On reaching tho rlvcr,( where her ahadow Bccma to kiss iho rliiplc, tho modern. Rebcknh tucka tho aklrtK of her ralhient between 1 ...i.. i and nil her water jnr (balass), and 1 c P"1 f At the close, of the exer then, with a last feminine touch of ad-l liW crowded alnmtjher, .to Justment to-tlw folds of her dress, she tulatlons, raises tlw heavy burden Into position I TT l f?S 708 and h if a-Hr ttni, nJi,in n wouldn't get It. Battle'- askff ooe, Its .. ... '.' - . ...j. . r 1 1 ..... .... ... . . . j iiv 1 . . '.V. 1. iimniri vtnronra mi n.ra. nui her hHlance, having made tT practice from early childhood of carrying all burdens on lier head and having thus acquired n naturally upright carriage and Htntuesoue gait. t t 4 e , A CUP OF TEA. I ' i Buying a cup of tea may be a trag edy pr n comedy, &uch depends on tlie.HCx of the buyer. Thin Js the way n num buys It, saya a writer In tho tondon Sketch. He slides sheepishly into tlie Hiion, takes the seat in tlie draft of the door that evep-body el has avoided, and Rays to the waitress. with n rtlfHfWir tmllo I "Oh, would you bring me a cup of . I tea Tlie altreM. who returns the smile I Or docs not return It, according to the rule of the establishment In regard to, tipping, brings him bis tea, slams It down, scribbles out a check and sails away. Tho man tastes the tea,, finds that It Is bitter from long brewing, slips out of his seat, pays tbe bill and hurries away from the shop. Now let us see bow a woman buys a cup of tea. ; Qhe marches jnto the shop with a little boy on one side of her and a lit tie girl on the other. ' , ' , . "I v?ani a;tb!e for three," she says; In tlie manner of one abdut to ,order a uianer at ten guineas a neaa. "Yes, madam' replies the meek: at tendant "Will yob kindly step this way." "Mummy," says the little boy. when 'at. last the party la seated and the at tendant Is waiting to take the two penny order,- "mummy, why lyu that lady got a turoed-upj .neee?" x "Want a scone," complains tbe little girl "A pot of tea for oe," orders "mum my," "and would you mind bringing an extra cup, so that my little girl can Jiave some mllkl", ' ,, ''Ope tea and one milk?" asks the at tendnnt "Iso, thank you, I thought I gave my order quite distinctly. I want a pot of tea for one aud an extra , cup. That's all." "1'ea, madam," saya the meek at tendant, and drags herself away with the firm Intention of becoming an ac tress, let the stage be what It may. "Just one moment' saya "mummy. when the tea Is brought "I should like "to .tnnke sure that this. Is not too atrongv Yes, it Is much too strong. Will JVM let me haye, a pitcher of hot water, lilease? And I don't think, you have brought Quite enough milk." Half- au hour later stye marches proudly from the shop, having paid exactly the same sum for these prlvl- 'leeeaas, the wretched man who could not swauow & mouinrui, ana woo sac In a draft. Gea. QniBt'a Jeke. Secretary Taft, in dlsctisslng a cer tain .hoax, said: "It reminds roe of tbe story About Sic Ulchard Owen, the famous Snglish scientist A footman ' eetue to 'Pem broke lodge, Sir Richard's residence, one morning, with a large bone wrap ped jn a, cloth, and wKh' a note from te master, Lord John Russell, asking If fMr Rlehsrd woW please say what;' "It- required bet' a fiance from tlje scientist to coav4ne him thajt the bojie. Was , notWng'bet'a Immb txxie from an ordinary pig, He sent a message Wok to that effect, aud, meeting Lord John tlie pext day, said; - ' 'Why on earth Otd you seed me a pig's, ham bone yoetorday r ' " 'I'll toll you,' said the oUier. 'Gen eral Orant, yon knew, Vs.a iarst r, 1 Ua made me a winw or wwtt put IMWtod to he tttat nsre ilsUeaey, a fVias-1 hr bear's, hem, lt, as I had my doubts,' I sattt on SM "Why do they Jill Uisis tonttote' Sons deotsi parlors r Mnssel SaUtk ef his friend. inur, Prhr 1 1s name from drswlnrroesB," ni' n i l uu ' mi I ' In ii 1 1 i nf I sal at -sFF'X . aUBaaVnaaHaBBaBBBaff 11. lw . mtAmm. .1. .'al i JBK. bbbbbbbbbv . v T tan N VStaiaaaBBBBBBBBBnasr .waLaaaaaaBB raviJr' r.w-tama . Trr KlmM ht'TTUmmi! We have In Amrlj two ld4a f pit. the white tad Of brwn. Of Um fomr, I cn Mtr r iht It dM not enoonrage the adyanao of Am ptychologiat InraaUma e Ma MMglioida on rwrt lake laleta in initok and la Xerada lur rultd hf mflto drtion by evry MsHMtrr KeWHHietf "Mr, Setceb," m!4 ike reformed avert, we want to buy a tbeMB ervil- tiers for the waifs' r the waifs pleais. Caa you gin ss semetklngr' "wr4 the merehant. Here's ht. VlfcH' ,M ail Tftrrem J0kmmm MrmowUr evrcd kr Pt. KXm'i rt ma KMtorer. and Tot rxKK ft IHt kHitW mm ttMl. Vr. It. X.KIlBr, lA.,m Arch St., MH .,!'. Well Vr in the CUlIc. The principal of one of Washington's high schools relates an Incident In eon nectton with the last commencement day of the Institution mentioned. A clever gin naa taken ene or me prm- tbre, were no mmnv, shntamt. "when ants?" 4 t . ''Ob, no " cheerily exclalmedHattle. - "Itocause I knew that when It cams' to English composition 1 bad, 'em all tklnned alive I" Harper's Weekly? . XetJMNwill Had XrvWteitew's SeetMag Byrup the bett Teme4y to nee for their asUfeea dwriag tseteetklBg period. , " ; Where He' . ' Mrs. McSesh I wish all the saloons la crsatlen were In the bottom ef the ses, f . Mr. McSosh Gee, yea gotta mean die-; p'sltion! Wanner get nse drown', eh? ' Cleveland Leader. Catarrh Cannot fee Cured rj-v the seat m th rft . ctarrM u . Ar yZ murl'lnrraf eIe.0 IUU' Catarrh Core Is take Internally, and seta directly en tbe blood Hninucousiurfaeef. It wm prcrlbed by one ol the iet phynlcUns In thlf eon n try (or yean, a.nd Is a rs;(ila,r pre knows, mW4 wftk tb tmt tiood tAiri- TbeperleeteomWsitlonotthstwotngTedleBie la whet prodime inch woaderiul rjMalu in f1. J. CHENEY & CO.. Propt, ToUdo.O. Sold ty Jrueglst, prlee 75c Bll' rsally ;'11U axe the beat. 1 AcfclcsTeiaaeait. Blch Uncle Leonard, have yes ever scceeded in carrying eut ess single par pose is all your life? Spendthrift Kepaew (deeply hurt) TJaele,. I have! Six years, ago I fanned a, resolution that I would cut loose and have a good time, and to-day I owe -$13,-00. 't , THE KING BLOOD PURIFIERS ' . No other remedy has given sudi perfect satisfaction as a blood purifier aad tonic or Is so reliable iu the core of blood dis eases of every, character as S. S. S. It is known as "The King of Blood Purifiers." and the secret of its success and its right to this title is because "IT OWttS DiSCASE." It is an houest medicinej 'inade efatirelydt purifying, healing robtsj herbs and barks,. which are acknowledged to be specifics for diseases arisinrrfrom animnnreorTJoisonfed condition of rlir "hi rwl. and possessing tonic pfoperties that aefgently and admirably in the up-building of a rua down, weakened or disordered conditiosf of the -system. One of the greatest points market which does not contain oyaibu. Ana lucuuc juiuiuucum -u.u. utz ias.cn WllU AUUIULC SICty Oy Uie YOUHgeSt OPTSfJLj or the oldest member of theslmily, and persons who have allowed their systems 'to ''tret "L. xi. , i jil? r. ,1 t -i . mi ZT' suuu tunmuuu i.ua.u iuuaL jucnuiucs are rcputsxvc 10 tne scoinacu will una tnat o. o. o. while thorough is gentksand pleasant in its action, and'has none of the nauseating effects m. we uiuwcui, jLuiucxusannn&t.uiC3. siiiu ,i;uuux;iuiU) .UUCUCU M.5 UiCKKi punnerS. . As every part of tlfcHxidy is dependent on the blood for nourishment and stren Ai..vajiai.y wai, luu ViMl uuiUi uc - i. f i3 9 e 5 unconiammaica we arjr iorcmea against dis ease, and health is assured ; but any impurity, humor orrpoion acts injuriously on the sys tem and affects fche general health. Pus tular eruptions; pimples, rashes and the different skin affections show that the blood is in a feverish and diseased condition as a result of tori much acid or the presence oi some iritating humor. Sores .blood,, ana JJieumatism, UaUrrM, fecrotula, Contagious Blood EjMte., areall fjr4ri smat'sd bleed diwders that continue to grow worse as long as the PB&Sv -' "3 Bit all blood diseases are hot acquired; socne persons jjHBBPrfth an hereditary gif ia the blood and we see this great affliction manifeStedHHPy, The ikk Mi'-i rXyi.P iKl V3.5:0;16" I?akr1amB,leclc " 'MlaMfthr3i and as?tge uubi. nasi uwta. in in lueoq since In all blood troubles S. SS. title of "JONG OF BLOOD PURIFIERS." IttHh into the circulation unci remoy all poiaonshumors, wwte or foreign matter,' aaMthis stream of .life' pure aad hsMlihi 5 1 ItaLa hfcaaaU if I tlsaMi all T fl ' 1 -.a -m KCt - J aaaaaaavianaaaaBaaaaaBBnaya fau' O. swma VaataaaaarjBBBaaaaaBB?aaVsBraataaaaa n aaraauHaaaai ) si . r nMAvi Dunasi nrci. a. 11 1 1 avaaaBaMaMaaaaMMaMaaMaasa .aar: ' "vess me aiaoa aucaJtirv meaicaiaBBaBBBaeaaBBaanKaBaBBBBBV, aan v s i j i i i lj. i -r i - . laaaBBaaBBBBBaaBBi More Converts Every Every CCS'j the test quality, nnd makes nenitniui dakiqe. - JAfJSS CMtsge, iu. Deal mm tk Ceari'a Datr. A. O. Jewett, lawyer, pollUeiaa and mas saresitlc wit, was once trying a case In the supreme court In Belfast, Me., bis home city. The judge presid ing, before betne called to the beach, had tried ssasr eases against Jewett, who did net entertain a very high opla- jloo of his ability, Jn his closing argument, Jewett,, la ' n m . t . .J 1L. L uenance or use ruiee, ol uw yuurw buui ed In to read seme law' tbe jury. The eourt pounded M the bench and said: "Mr. Jewetti yon; mast not read law to tbe jury in your closing argu ment" Jewett" kept oa reading, with out so -much' as a glance at the court The court in thunderous tonesfprdered him tostop. . Jewett who had by 'this time read all he Intended to .read, turned -ealmly to the judge and Bald: "Old your honor address me?" "I said," roared the judge, "you must not read' law to the jury la your closing .argument I will give the law to tbe jury. What do you suppose tbe court to here for?' "What Is the court here for?" re sponded. Jewett is high falsetto. "I suppose you kBeftvir, to keep order with the aid of the sheriff, sir, with all due respect to' the sherlsT, sir." Boston Hera ML AariMBs; bat FrUadly. Tfes astesieh nee. Your esfageaaent wW Miss Welloph , is" broken, is it? Are the relations between you still friendly?" "X should say not 1 The relations be tween as are her' relations, and they're my bitt&r.6Bfialts." ... ' OF . 4 in favor of S. SS. is that it is a ojiineral ingredient of some kind to derange ordairiagc tfc3S .CUl JLAUiXl vcuua auu uoisuus. oo ." Geatlemen: . S. koaae. I myself have friaimsd to be. It thoroughly ok parities, woreases aad bailds an taa wjuj awe reswis. At promptly ree)0fttaaal Ute. aad oleaxs tae skin of all. eruptions. It i tV7 ' mam aau aam 1M 8. Stk Bt Lsnasum, fa, P.X. TKOlCVfflOir and 'Ulcers are the result of morbid unhealthy; matter ii thv uina inc caijrc acHHnt-Uy anected. has provr4tselfHHHmedy and has ;well earned e S. S. pujuaai rated blood, alproMrM vtaauvu. na vvoa wuaifs smm nq eqaau, ana it will ectallv hniy''tA 4a ' i? l and all n(U MrA Year kr k mrt Tr that comes, moire hotttwire are divine ur their earhorbitsmt priced Bakinjf Powder nd titrning fo K G. the hontnd rlUle. vkick Jtec stood so well of Ters. They r fiad" , ing out thnt K BAKING W POWDER costs one -third the, price of -na-trden guivwhexe near K C better, purer, more j ounce v MFC CO. Km. T ...., la 4Um, T. J.U u-1 . ' V' Then old Vesuvius Recked his rsge,. And straightway called a trace. There's too much competition new," He mattered. "What's the use I" HERITAGE OF CIVIL WAR Thousands of Soldiers .Cohtracteel'i; Chronic Kidney 'XrotHjtoWhlto' In. theSftrvlM. ' The eperieae of Capt. of Co; E, 17th Ohio, aoA Hast Second street. xvafKOB, will interest the sanda of veteran w came hack from the; Civil war suffering'tor tores wi th kidney. rt a m 1 1 M I TlhiV.' Elv sava: "I . eo- tracted kidney trouMtv 4 durlngthe Civil ana tne oeosswwH tacks finally de-re into a ehronic ease. At one tinsel 1 to uee. crutch and cane, to get My back was lame and weak, ami the aehlng, there was a dis4rse4sie- bs toatioa of the kidney eeeeruoets. -,lsymm in a bad. way when I , beeaa. ;miii Dosn's Kidney Pills in 1901, btrth remedy eared me, sad I, have been well ever since." ' ?: Sold by slK dealers. SO eenta a be. Fdeter-Mi'ltu).yCo., Buffalo, K. Y.' jua tiooK iieaaea. "Why does SmitbyV'slt hits aunt so often?'' t .V,, "If lie dldn;t he might; have o his 'uncle.' " Houston : Pest the only blood remedv on Kev S. to used an taken and al tne appetite, improves the' iHarasslaM ' auni liuLanv, t v.. - X TlT t ay aearty eaaorssaMat. .; ---r- mmWtmmkl K3HI war,- laUa'jii IBS'. P: irih. it is ri lOniT JuaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Nothmflf reaches iiihia-ifWI Ui S.; it removiMt mrmrv mt-imA x -Li'.: .1 tr-m. .auia snenfftlUHUi rba aad anil' aonnll a- il,aesSrwrL QCMW. at a m vt T;J saiT vr, viwuusTOs re curea m xne Diooa tnat no .trace of tfi W aa,aJ S ' a.' 1 Ifthri va rrfiean mini .mi fm IfBl asm 'mm fsW -'1 Wwm ass"! jf7aj . t l aBBBBBBBBBBmBBBBBaf . f aaaBLaaHstssaV 1 -i.. : - : I I L ifcMafajsjsjsire