at Madras. pounds ol the ?torc. i' ' M,n!c5m m - - &, SHI Co., nrr.veu ... i week for cut price h . A. Kobin Lford nnd H. S110 . rnuntvieat. the fitori w - . f -I -i. r. ' .Vtlinf! Mn Jo' M$,uruay for I if mmo i m v. f5ili&Co' Llirf'mHW I for you. , ... ...l, lias lieeil Vlhil' r V Wilson, - L' ' .!.... toliirurd elld the past Tuesday motninj,'. Le(dy, an attorney from win , f.rant county, was m Lday du.ingth week. . ,.i ii.ft Ssiturdnv forUcnd, whrrc ne expre.. vu Ltal ek domfi dentin wWf. Lcddemano and wife were' Vis I tfee delightful 1'nciay .from Saturday unui jon. Ufittradein l'oril;ui ior ev . LPast,ielutiitdto Madras on n.mett f-r fHrmltii? runl Umk Fr for 'llu 'l !; , . ,.t ( r..(.ll I'lllllllV. 1. 0. , Culver, Oregon. . i t ...!..... fli .fit. I ail orocu. ' 0 on band. UUotitllc lllm- ... ir Jlyrtl lovtland returned op tf l l I. frifti i rnrr.'ii rt. u ns ' . ! I. uhcrc sue las ween vibiunj; f 11 " " ' ........ niAAf rvm tnrtir ltt LI. AL Lllb 1 l"VV 'H Hotel Pomdexier is the uio-t pop- .. .L. -.,, lt,U. . r, ......... I.-. -.I..,..,! ," ' ' ' - t ,u ......... Kmn!i nrnnrietor nf '.lie Madras nil earners ana iwi'c anvers .nt ftf Mitfit In I 'il nrftf.r Inr defer meats to pations alonjj ites. Send in orders by (lie rr uv man ;inn wtmvt mrvir txt , 4 Summers, owner of rjbout jo , ... , Hidras several days during the .t. ... ttbupldce. While here he in- Jnambtr ofnpu nlmiiM :m,i . Mi (l I.CII' -i .-. uvvwiiiiiiuuaiiuii ui iiic r. KcJ, who h.15 been spending month VKIMn i .Mi'..,-... -I l!) Alaska, is exfKte(l home by Wandsiattd in .! letter that h uff hflm twt I u. ii. .i. t . int. WIH VI u,hiK ,MS Dscnce lie v is .hoare rejiJint. u( n.-ilrKvin hW J. I. Cas,e threshing ma- ' e'.".isca ol McTnf'KArt ' u" "U-.IMH I lircsliniL' " atnved at Shrmiko, nnd Of thl. vuuiuiniv leu liiPCfinu .. : ' .--.ko ior tuc purpose of ( out. They have a number of n tuc Ona Pr.-iirl,. i-iuuiiiiics. and fviiKft . "'" next two weeks. a itirivr.-ini ... i - . . . " '""ik on me iroin Lti n to t it i i ' 1U flA . ... I.. 1 r--tWV.a .VI r I vnm.,.u.. I. tup over ih n mutt. r""i nrojnpfiR r,.r .i.. i ii lri , , - iiuv ilic PCKIfl 14 m MnP for tl,c "51 freight im.i.i i... - ,Jys that it ....ii .i ii "ill u aw irniii '"aaras. liumi ... . Valley districts. Alt t.... "i lilt; H4 Mrs. j 1 Prnt Shaniko spur. . ilarru II en ... . . . . . .Jill :iir HUM la. -"way morniiic. from Sl.n... tl W - tltli . " ...... . ""'0111 has been I 1,. stock of general "v w l ie tut r o fcr remnJ. " ' ... Onm0rt,' ui L l" ,ms I"ncc- .Mr, ".WI4 j 00tls, and will i.i . hniii . iciurn 10 ,tu,ta the ' "ir. Si h4 IUIU IMC fl(ftlilla. t0 ,1,e popuution L, A Young Was a visitor at Shaniko during 1 tie week, Howard Turner was a visifor at Shan iko during the week. Howard Vv. Turner 19 looking after matters at the countyscat today. f you liiivt piHuKied to huII, bring tlicni to liunib'H UuhIi Hloro, Examine our "Zenith" sewing machine. J, W. & M A, Robinson 8c Co. Miss Lulu Osborn is now at Hcnd, where she expects to spend the summer. Nfrs. Lena M. Lamb npd Mis Ma- Jackson were visiting in I'rineyille during the wctk. Miss Lizzie Conroy has rcltirned home from The Dalles, wfjerc she lias been for some time. Frank Rodman returned from I'rine villi on Friday morning. Mrs, Kodman is visiting relatives at Hcnd. Charlie O'Nell, of I'rinevillc, was in Madras' Monday and Tuesday looking after, business matteis for C. VV. lilkint.. Come in and examine our new line of gents' ready made clothing. More will be here In i few cjays, at the People's Oig Store, Miss Lillie Read, who has been spend ing the past two months at Hood Kiver and Valley points, returned on Saturday allci noon to her home at Culver. Postmaster Fred Davis conducted ex amlnatiotis for Ii. F, D. carriers at this place Inst Saturday. There were two applicants, Gilhs Uizney and James Hurt. W. D. Mcflhee and wife returned fiom Portland List wpek, and have been spending several days at their homestead in to 14. Mr. McGhec left vestcrdav for Lukevicw. Anton Uatalgia. returned Sunday even ing froin Shaniko, where he has been working for the Shaniko 'vatchouse for . some tirvje tiast.. His daughter. Miss Haitis, drove into Shaniko for him. . 3iTr. C. Covty. figent at Wrmspring Inniai. Kcservation, with Mrs. Covey, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Chaloupka, came Into the city yesterday nnd left on the Spencer this afternoon for Portland. Chronicle. V. F. Hf.mmi'r, of HnyMtneU, In town toilny, on IiIh way In. me from Albany, wIuto ho pnt tlio pant ton dayri looking after bunlni!B tnattorn. Ho wn formerly county clerk of Ijltin county, of which Albany la tlio cotirifyHoat. 0 M. Cornutt in In town today look ing alt-jr litiflnexs inntterfl. He linn recently returned from u two wpeku Htay ul bin old home in Nnuttifuwiprn Kciitnuky, wIiith hn hud an enjoyable vltlt with old friends and nniong fa miliar nciuieB. Mrs. Lena Lamb will shortly begin the construction of a neat residence on her property just southwest of the townsite, Frank Hodman is also contemplating building a new residence c n his lots in Madras, which are located in the same block a the George Loucks cottage. The telephone rate between this place nnd Haycieck, over the Summers line lias le!i) reduced to 25 cents. In using the long distance phone, the charge will be the regular toll, with the 25 cents added. Heretofore the charge from this place to Shaniko has been $..oo, but it in now 50 cents. 0. W. Hoffman arrived on today' n'Mgt for u visit with hie fntlior, .lolin HoU'iunri, Sr., Mini oilier memhera of IiIh family. For three .yt-ura punt he hf.R linen nttiMiilliig tin Ohio college, ftlid thin Ih IiIh llrnt vlcitto tliiH mnioii. Ho oxpcolH to remain horo Huvoral moiitbo, retiirtiiug to college In the Full, whero hu will oomploto IiIh doihho In coo more year. Jack Clingan returned last week from the North Yakima country, where he has been living for some months past. Jum prior to icturning he spent some time over in Columbia. Jack says that the crops in this locality nre the best he has seen since he left Ilritisli Cdlum- ,bi,ij that is, they have been damaged less by the heat. In some of the wheat sec tions he passed through the crops were practically burned up, while in most of them the damage was fully 50 per cent. T, G. Condon, manager of the Shan ild) Warehouse, was In Madras yesterday looking after business matters connected with the warehouse. He says that the impression lias gone forth that crops in this locality are completely desttoyed, and that he was very itiuch surpused to find that the damage Is not by any means as great as has been reported away fiom hcie, On his way in he passed any mum bcr of pretty fair ciop, nnd most of those he passed will make much better than half a crop. There is no doubt that the reports of damage to our crops has been gteatly exaggerated. Mr. Con don left this morning ior the territory south of Madras, Cow and Calvos for Sale'. Milk cow and two heifer calves far sale. Inquire of M, Uraun, 3 miles from Mad HIssslSHnMn We want a share of your tracfe for l 0 6 Our j-jlgn Grade goods offered, service and j-ow Prices, Merit (t. v CENTRAL OREGON'S BIG DEPARTMENT STORE Every cash purchaser can have a Grand Entertainer--a Talking Machine in the home. We are giving them away. Get in formed and save our Coupons. imsESSTZstS SANFORD, r SILL & CO. Will occupy the lrgt? and commodious store building buijt by the Madras Milling & Mercantile Company as soon as it can be moved to their lot orj Main street, They .will be beUer able than ever to care for their large and growing business in this ' . Jerri tory. Watch their acj. , f WE HANDLE THE FAMOUS f r tl I Particular Attention is Called to the 0 j The Bend Livery & Transfer Co. V LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLES This company Huh largH Btnbles at botli Bend nml Prinevilie, tho latter known u the Hamilton Htublus. I'rieea reasiouablb uud the II nest ser vice iti Orook county. J. Frank Stroud, Manager, Bend, Oregon. I Af-iBrAWAinr iJh- Jtr -.1V fjr -A- -r ft , V yt -M, . t. Claypool Brotfoere GENERAL DEERING BINDER ' The Best Binder on the jYJarket WE SELL THE BEST AHR SAVE YOU MONEY IN THE TRANSACTION 9 FRANK IRVINE I GENERAL MERCHANT 4 63 l12 At the Pioneer Office MADRAS TO SHANIKO Daily Except Sunday. Special atteh tentlon given to carrying express matter. Fare, $4.50; round trip, $3.00 Agent at Madras Hotel Cornett Stage & Stable Oompaiiy Clotliing, Boots Shoes,. Etc Prornpt Atterxtiori to Orders 6 PRINEVILLE, OREGON The best so Shaniko Good Stock. Careful Drivers Best of Hay and Grain Fed At Very Reasonable Prices D. A Howell, Shaniko, Or. A. E. l'ROPRIETOK P0ST0FF1CE PHARMACY rrrle Comp.eto I. Jne o( Pruirii, MedleJues, ChomtcaJs, lIouRelioUl Itunioitlos Prussia' Sundries nuil Photo Suppliiis, Country Sluil Qrdem 1 give my jiereiuiint atteutloti. A Grmtuatu in charge. Enfe Uotivery guuranti-cd. Yourpruneriptluu my specialty. Strychnine ami Post Destroyers. Btook Foods nml Diiw o( all kluils. Au'oucy for Kftnttnan UoUftks, Uoth 'Phones. WH0L.KS.1LE AND KETA1L. THE DALLES, OREGON I ai inc. ulu t i and ; ! Horseshoeing, Blacksmithing, Wagonmaking I F. J. BROOKS, Madras, Ore. : X WE SELL Agricultural Imptoenls, and HacMneiv I 0 0O.i0OOO Z. F. MOODY FORWARDING MERCHANT Uu 4 CommoUIout Warehouse. Consisnminti Bollelita. 11MM1M. l... .1.... . .. .... ' """I'l HBnMuH Pl I? Ifl00 THO UYOf U il. ... .i . t t c v.1 i kit tnrniiLi . - ras on Agency Plains, aa .I. i