air Your Sick? .j I hflH flO 44 "Aded of late, but l y did not like to speak f By the way, Aycr's j Vfoor is a regular hair i f a perfect hair re u keens the scalp Lin and ncamiy fUe anuin"" SARSAPAKILLA. PILLS. CIIEBRV PECTORAL. iers BUSY SILL QnECNE; Copper AtrenHi-on Cnrrcr of the I KiK of Mexico, tiio man who own the Cnnnncn mines in Moxlco, where the rnco wnr , botweon Americana rind ftexlcnn rnKed for novornl dny, In known ns plnln lllll ureene in Arizona. New Yorker cnll mm uoi. Greene, but bin trntliful blor? riplier write of blm n Wllllnm n Grecno and refer to lilm n jirenldent oi wio uroono uoimolldntcd Cojijter vijiiiimiiy. row men imvo bnd enretw nn ndventnroii nn IiIh. TIio Knnt wn too low for blm nn n youth, and he went cow punching beyond, tbo Mix ... I rtii. . . . Houn. j.nai proved to be a rather mild occupation In time, nnd ho tho daubing anil wldo-awako younRntor organized and led noveral voluntary expedition ngaliiHt tbo Apnchc. Grecno ban aH WILLIAM C. QHMWE. Utr of itrane and irieoctf," i I Sl wWU h. t tb. Co. I Dillon. II. w If the jtim JldSTlooklnj at the picture they w.n-.vtn, Home Tiff,' when he 1 -IlIYAk' m- - - .... . 1 . Kvlilnd him eay aietlnctr, i E, kat la happening- t your hoata, r' " ... .1.1.' IT. turned nnd I - ' .1. .1. . attAb. BTiH I tUUIljr flUIdlM in fll. .. 1 ( f io li was m vv, - - iviuiici an nm " . ., I i'nMimini ttlun ... sobod oer uuu. , uouy. no nas been itliUiir u ul "- ' "u uttjuiucu or murder. He lit 1 mm .. . . L I IfT. .. .. " mnu owner in tho Solith i . . r i r n mmai. i . . n:r: .r i. in t fl"a p" few Breat. , wtVl. TOtucMt brother h.d elop- ,U ,H0 wonu' " ,B worth to hlrJ Slrl and Bone to St. r?fwv' i,i.4i.wn nlc. too. at the ex MUlnm Cornell Oreeno wn hnm in Lest wleo be beard the olce. How tho Kmplro Kiate In 1851, which makes tnplilo tsat, ru iih imu uu. ji received a common school lt W ,ucallon nt mmva. Wctcbestcr Lttriotkia telli It, doei ha? Vhf, J" ' mree years he pardbud, that's the axplonatlon." worked for a tea bouse, but ho wns dls- EpTribon .iiinm-u nun resiiess. He Jumped nt hb unmix- ui ko oui wun tne nrst sur- iew adminlitratlon and Jobbing veylng party of tho Northern Pacific bnildlng orecteI by tho W. L. Itallrond. In 1870 he left the survey to klubweW. aa pari o ivs raara- locate upon land where Farco, capital BiinfKtorlng plant In Urocarton, of fiouth Dakota, was built. He took . til dedicate June iv. Tiie brightly. He Is a good talker nnd has a marvelous head for business. Ills for tuno was not mndo throuirh l.r.r in,.i for ho studied mining as f. science. Ills J I'lsnnuiiHions inciudo 1,700,000 acres of land, 100,000 head of cattle and some of tho most productive mines in the world. ANCIENT WATER VILLAGES. Hello of Old diatom. Prevnlllnw In lie "Nnreemilil." Ono of tho most Interesting regions In the "old fatherland" is the so called "Hpreownld," tiio forest of the Spree, situated not far from the German cap ital, In tho province of Ilratidenburg. Uacb vlllago Is a little Venice, every house a little Island, and these lsletn aro connected by brldires sufflplpntlv raided to nllow IwntH to pnss under them. Most of tho liouxcs, with their narns nnd stables, rest on ullns. nid there Is generally a strln of artifleinl terra flrma either In front or nt the rear of every building. By menns of these land strips and of the bridces the slender land communication Is knt throughout the district, but most of the business and nmuscment are carried on through the canals, which not only form the mnln highways, but penetrate and cross nnd recross the whole region. It Is on theso lagoons thnt nil trafllc Is conducted In boats during the period from spring when the last vestiges of frost nnd Ice nro disappearing until the end of nutumn. You spe the letter carrier shoot tip and down the canal.1, performing his duties In bis frail craft; the police glide leisurely along the banks, watching everything going on; peasants bring the products of their toll to the nearest towns; children go to nnd from school ;' young mothers. dressed In their, Sunday clothes, are rowed to church, carrying In their arms small, queer looking bundle from which two lnrse eyes In a tiny face stare nt the stranger In wonderment baby Is going to bo baptized, nn Im IKtrtnnt moment with this strongly re- llglotiH people. Technical World Mag azine. The "lVoinnii of Tact. A woman of tact is one who feels that the story told to hurt your feel ings Is essentially bad form nnd Incon siderate of the feelings, of otners. A omnn of tact Is the woman who Is courteous to old people, who laughs with tho young nnd who makes her- v: liGJSEATEST Majajajaja; Hlw W l'1!'.. OF ALL TONICS t The ingredients that enter into S. S. S. and the method of com bining: and preparing them so that thev build up and strengthen every part of the body, make it the greatest of all tonics. S. S. S. is nature's remedy PURELY VEGETABLE and while it is restoring the lost atioe- tite, overcoming that tired, run-down feeling, and other ailments common to Spring, which warn us that it is necessary to take a tonic, it is purifying the blood of all poisons and waste matters so that it can supply to the system the strength and nourishment it needs to keep it in perfect condition during the depressing summer months that are to follow. AN EFFORT TO PULl. THROUGH THE DAY. I have used S. S. S. qnlto oxtensively and unhesitatingly recommend it as tho best blood purifier and tonlo made. I am a machinist by trade and at ono time my system was bo run down that by 10 o'clock every day I would be com pletely exhausted, and it was with the greatest effort that I could pull through tho balanoe of the day. Since taking S. S S., however, all this has disappeared. I am a strong, vigorous man, abundantly able to do my day's work, my appetite has been whetted up so that I can oat anything, my sloop is sweet and refreshing, and I know further that It has purified my blood and put it in good condition. I cannot speak too highly of your great romedy, S. S. S. 817 W. Broad St., Columbus, O. A. B. MONTGOMERY. SHE FOUND IT THE BEST SPRING TONIC. On two occasions I have used S. S. S. in the spring with fine results. I can hoartily recommend it as a tonlo and, blood purifier. I was troubled with headache, indigestion and liver troubles, which all disappeared under the use of S. S. S. My appetite, which was poor, was greatly helped. I can eat anything I want now without fear of In digestion, and my blood lias been thoroughly oleansed of all impurities and made rioh and strong again. As a tonlo and blood purifier it is all you olaim for it. 771 E. Main St., Springfield; O. MRS. G. WIEGEL. n included open house from 1 1 morntotDDtll 8 In the evening. fiuiunilcal program and re-1 iDUti vert nrved all day. tFlf- ttbonund iuritationa were sent out tor over 11,600 retail dealers In Nted EUtM who bandied the 17, jluihoea. Mr. Douglas flays I urea urge factories, also the biildisfiait dedicated, will al to open to Inipectlun and visitors Miirrw n!re will to welcome. li Jobbing house Juat dedicat- Uttiblebnrrr orders for Douglas WMihipped the tame day they ted. Tbe new building is 200 , 60 feet wide and two etorioa Tee Jobbing department occu entire lower floor and tbe new ol the Douglas Shoo company oc- tti entire recond floor. In the lldiw (here will be enecial offices Mby the Weatorn Union and Telegraph companloa ; also by VIKW OF TUB GREENE MINES AT CANANEA, MEXICO. government contracts In Colorado and self agreeable to all women In all con- Kansas and then drifted to -Arizona dltlons of life. A woman of tact Is and prospected around lrecott with one who makes her "good-morninc" a Utonie bits of success nnd not n few fnll- plensnnt greeting, her visit a bricht tires. The young adventurer acquired spot in tbo day and her "good-by" n land lu the San 1'edro valley nnd went J hope that she may come again. A wont- farming. He became an expert cow an of tact is one who does not niwnys e!reboneflmnn!i. .n,i i,. i. puncher and In a few years was known gauge people by their clothes or their l." r n ............ . . . I I.... ... . . . Kwriw mailing department. The "H " weamiy rnucucr ana cniuc reuwr. huht, m nuu nirunuiy condemns bad Kwiioiuiia new cdminiBtration ' u,u l,,,a " "n" nu.vim; "i mi-u-hwiiiu, lie nirki tbe establishment of a ! there bits of mining property. i no to-date wholnaalfi tnhiiim, heard of the La C'ananea mines, was l . . ......... ...... uucoice Daiiu!nv. una tncvv were rien. nua aecuieu to uikc Dooglu haa long considered the "yt'r- fho mines, not long before be- 0III,r oi a obblnir houso. not Imr rejected nnd ridiculed by promot Pnrpoeo of snnnlvtnn )( I i.m nrivoil tn lm IwnimiznH. mill wltllltl "ii norea more readilv. but that ii mmimriitivnlv fow warn Col. Greene A POSSIBLE POPE. The nl)ove picture of Cardinal Merry Del Val was sketched from life on the last birthday of King Alfonso of Spal when high mass was celebrated In the dealera thranirlmnt !,. .. ..n..., i.. i,iu .,,1111,,,,, tm, im,, "iitlonnl Spanish church nt Rome by the p. . n w 1 nun iiiniiih .-.. nanillng the W. L. Tho orKiinlzatlon of the Greene Consol Idated Copper Company was a later de velopment. Dining his rumblings over plnln nnd through mining camps, "Hill" Greene met with a variety of experiences. Ho was in the Apache country when word Spring is the season when most every one needs a tonic. It is nature's time for renewing and changing; and as everything puts on new life, the sap rises in vegetation, the earth thaws out from its winter freezes, and all respond to Spring's call to purge and purify themselves, there is a great change also takes place in our bodies. The blood endeavors to throw off the poisons and accumulations which have formed in the system, and been absorbed by it, from the inactive winter life, and calls upon every member to assist in the elimination. The system is often unequal to the struggle, the appetite grows fickle, the energies give way, the spirits are depressed, and a general run down condition is the result. Then the body must have assistance it must be strengthened and aided by a tonic, and S. S. S. is the ideal one. Being made entirely from roots, herbs and barks, it does not disagreeably affect the system in any way as do most of the so-called tonics on" the market, which contain Potash or some other harmful mineral ingredient to derange the stomach and digestion, unfavorably affect the bowels, or otherwise damage the health. S. S. S. tones up the stomach and digestion and assists in the assunilation of food; it rids the system of that always-tired, worn-out feeling, and imparts vigor and tone to every part of the body. It re establishes the healthy circulation of the blood, stimulates the sluggish organs, and calms the unstrung nerves which make one feel that he is on the verge of prostration. S. S. S. gives an appetite and relish for food that nothing else does, and by its use we can find our selves with as hearty, hungry an appetite in Spring as at any other season. It acts more promptly and gives better and more lasting results than any other remedy, and is absolutely safe because of its vegetable purity. Dyspeptic, irritable, nervous, debili tated people will find S. S. S. is just the medicine that is needed for the purification of the blood, which, from its diseased or impure condition, is causing their trouble, as well as for toning up and helping the entire system. When you take your tonic this Spring do not experiment, but get the best the tonic with forty years of success behind it, and the one endorsed by the best people all over the country S. S. S., THE GREATEST OF ALL TONIOSm It is necessary at this time, when the system is depleted and weakened at every point, that the right remedy be used one that is especially adapted to the condition, and S. S. S. has proved itself to be this remedy for many years. If it is taken at the first sign of Spring the system will be so built up and strengthened that the disagreeable affections of tne season will not be felt as wmrn:stvM9r Natnrnllrs Her Where did you ever write such beautiful love letters? HimIn a correspondence school, CASTOR I A Tot Infants and Children. ;he county as to the advisabil- Jty of such a move, and in fact without giving any opportunity learn to lo get aft expression from the people in the county on so im portant a matter. Tlte Call for b ds was published in the clas sified ad department of a Port- Thn tflnrl Yn.i Uoun lu,r UwnM ium "aMJ were 11 was on,3' ... mnu .uu iiuic nmujo uuuiii l)y accident th lat it was discov Bears the Signature 0 yjSZZZZu Krd by interested taxpayers in 01 V j-c&ccsuk 1 his county, and all meution of he purpose of the county couri HtlOM ffl eht lut nl,lA t.t.i (orimmedUto uae with greater Mvbnildlnff i i"PK,Ma convenient nf .nv 1 - -'J NWBtttea, o were tho oxpros Ppredation by tho ninny per- cu,no tnnt 1,10 ""J""8" wcr0 on the 0 Ttaltexl It (or Inapectlon sin- ,,,llnIg- Tho erstwhile tenderfoot got 'U highly congratulatory na. 11,0 "hoya" together, aud said: "Let's after them." A whirlwind bunch of uu-, . - "tuiy no won at I naes to which it U human devils a-norse soon was on tne E1M11 ta the fllm hi conBtruc- red uicu'h trail. Tlio expedition was a re good for amuck agnlu shortly, however, and Grecno nnd IiIh cow punchers knocked olT work a sec ond time and had a hurrah time nf It. Then Hill Grecno got married. With n loyal wife and threo or four curly f-i,. - niui 111 COnBtniC lvu iiiuun nun. .niu 1, J. a,roH iamoatBatlafactory, success, and the Apaches we ""wrai well as tho firm. a week or two. They ran ai Jta .that your flying nincblnt prior It hi, fi the Dover litft t I" '"J" ' "in" vuiij- iert terra flrma bonded little Greenes, tho prospector Plnt; It doesn't kill WTURED 'Dili WITH QRAVEU. s3SD,"n,8,.K,dney p' Noli - "iu d nne 1- a ht a r " 1 "rmoa. 0- V,,rRoa AJk Wm wntU tbo superintendent gnl - ! onyos reservoir wun uwuuvu 1 1 Bllfferml a Inn.. I 11. n...kA.. , .1 ! CAUD1NAL MUlltV im. VAL. settled near Tombstone. Ills cottago was on n mouiitaluslde, and one brlglit morning n mining superintendent In formed tho lowly squatter that ho In tended to release tho water from the reservoir on tbo heights above. Grecno told the visitor that If this was dono his cottiiKo would bo swept nway. A tart exchange of compliments ensued, and Hoped away. Tho and sure enouch Bllffflrnil a ln.. i ..... n liluliiiii nf Sn1uriin A ttt.rwt. iwl lilu mt , " no with my into tho gulch. With It was n llttlo nenco Cnrdlnal Merry Del Val gavo tho uatK,nnaioltdmcp. f nn nf tin, iutn nf tin, fnniilv bcncillction. Tho Siinnlsh elmivli in,i. By and llBtlcas and There wns n funeral lu a day or two, lotted to Santa Maria Di Monserrnto nnd after the baby wan laid to rest Col, Is n pretty little building, known to Greene reached for his rifle nnd went most English people lu Romo on nc scouting for a certain innn on tho count of Its nearness to tho English mountain top. llo "got" him and ro- college. At tho last conclnvo Cnrdlnal turned home. Ho wiib arrested on tho Merry Del Val was considered n likely charge of murder and waa acquitted candidato for tho pontificate, Ittt Ik 'flllMt ttllttl tint AAt1 IaNV(I fllA I -'" ii 11 jurors uox. Pn B,d ,l(tlo WUHo Skulebngger, Tho foreman of that jury now holds tencllor tolll lI8 to bo ,)r0pnrel to-mor-r $10,000 a yonr job on Col. Grecno s Q te w!mt metcr tho .0nnpg0 of aierrit Aiaure re rnciuc uaunaui, which, tj1(J jjght IJrlgado Is In." runs rrom m raso hou nines souniwesi Khy. rcptcl old William Skulebac. into uiu wexico. 11 is tom ui.u urom gCr 'thnt'B easy. Gas meter, of course." u inter years khjkuu ui vvif unu ut QUthoIic Ktanunru nnd Times, tho hvolvo nion and mado them comfort- . HU0 Tho reason a good many of us do Col. Greene la nrenossesslng physical, not show bnd tasto in dressing, or do thed all the time. mat from my ub ual wolght, 226 to J'0. Urnlarypaa ages were too fre quent and I had to P often at n,ht. I had head. cliM and ,11.... feln.-L... .'Pel also, but tnv .WtuZff M1 Chollc. than 1 10"8 LM b,8 a !fnl..n!i,aIeneye- had an ilLwOow'-KldB.; k. 'llda.1 am a Pills ""wta 0c I J? Mnt box. ly. Ho la tall, slnowy and bronzed. Ho ridiculous tilings, is uecauso wo navo "itfalo, N. Y, wetwa a mustacho and his eyes twluklo uot tbo mouey to spend. 11 is esummea inai some z,uui,uw.- ,. j i ,.i:..:..i i .. 000 worth of gold has been found during ,,u" uccu ivepu utit the last ten years. Mothers will find Mr-. Wlnilow'i Soothlnt; Byrup the belt reroedjr to use for their children during the teething Frlod. Anil Donbtless Will. "Eat, drink and be merry to-day," said tho fool. "Why ao?" asked the sage. "For to-morrow the price may go up." Louisville Courier-Journal. A" . r- n tne county papers. So juietly was the county court, ayinfl its plans for the con Itruction of a new and expend live court Jionse building at rinevilie, that even in. that own prominent business men ; tnetv nothing of, the intention f the court. When, this in- mtiop was discQvered, the date 0MPANY, ATLANTA, GA HOWAHD E. BUKTOS. Assayer and Chemist, LeadYllle. Colorado. 8recimen nrlcM! (InM. Silver, Lrad, II ; Oolo Hll vcr,"5c: Gold, 60c; ZIno or Copper, ai. Cyanide tenia. Mailing envelopes and full price list sent on application. Control and Um pire work solicited. lU-'ference: Carbonate Ra tional Uanlc GASOLENE ENGINES 3 to 4 horse power iully warranted, t!25. All sizes and. stj les at lowest prices. Write for catalog. REIERSON MACHINERY COMPANY Portland, Oregon. THK DAISY FLY KIT.T.KIi destroys Ml the nies ana snora comK rttoevery liome-ln dining room, sleeping room and all places where dies are trouble some. Clean, neat and will not soil or In jure anything. Tfw ttmm An.. ind you will never be without them, ifnotbenthv F.ear?t8fJ,tpre'ldror :0c- Harold Sotuers. i uriuuD uve., urooKiyn, nr. y. t t cKT ti Dr. C. Gee Wo WONDERFUL HOME TREATMEKT BAKING POWDER ii the wohdcrful raising powder of the Wave Circle. Thousands of women are brinjing greater health and better food into their homes by using K C Baking rowder. Costs just one-third what you always pay. II you have never used it you don t know what youVc missed. Don't wait 1 All grocers. 25 ounces for 25 cents JAQUES MFG. CO. Cklcago Tha artlttlo Book of Preaaata irra upon request. liiHa DR. W, A. W18K A CELLULOID PLATE When nited Just right and satisfactory to th wearer In every wy, Is a thing any dentist can congratu ate himself upon. It's one ot the products or twentieth century dentlstiy. I'erhaps you're still using ont or tu old ones. Buppos you 1st us thaw you a ccllulo-d platsT WISE BROS.. Dentists Falling Building, Third and Wathlnaton wk i.M.wir, m, Buudays to 11 Ualn DR. T. P. W18K bTbts wonderful Chl liesa Doctor la called sreat because ha cures n teorle. without opera- uu thai are Klven no to die. 1I cures with those wonderfl! Clu ness herbs, roots, Uudu, barks and vegetables that are entirely un known to medical sel- ence In thlaconuirv 'T-i. i . .."TrTTJ . harmleis remedies this famous doctor knows theactlou or over 400 different remedies which he successfully uses In different diseases H juurantees to cure catarrlu asthma, lung, throat, rheumatism, nervousness, stomach, liver; kid neys, etc. j has hundreds ot testimonials. 5;,h,l,r?tim'?dera,!r. l-'all and see him. I'atlenU out of the city write lor blankr and c.rculars. bend stamp. CONSULTATION i'llEK. Mints THE C. GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO 1625 first St.. S. C. Cor. Morrison Mention paper. PORTLAND. OREGON. CLASSIFIEDADVERTI5ING Portland Trade Directory Names and Addresses in Portland of Repre sentative Business Firms. MAUIO LANTKHNH-Welster Co., Portland. Lowest prices on Lanterns and elides. HOlLSKb of all kinds for sate at very reasonable prices. Inquire 27 Front Ht. CIIKAM SEPAKATOns We guarantee the U.H. Separator to be the best. Write tor free catalog. Uatelwood Co.. Fifth and Oak. MEN'tJCLOTlIINO - IlufTum k Pendleton, sole agents Alfred lienjamln & Co.'s correct clothes. Kverylhlug In men's furnishings. Morrison and Blsth streets. Opposite ostorace. rouwilV tOOU-If you want your bons to lay more eggs write us for free particulars about Ptf. 1UNA l'OULTUY FKKUa-Aciae Mills Co. UI VI la 11 U i V CUII, PIANOS A OIIUANH Oldest plsno house on Pa clflo coast. Organs and Pianos on easy paymtuts. Write ror list. Let us quote you a price. AtltaA Ullbert-llamaktr Co.. Portland, Oregon. WANTKD Men and Women tolearn Berber trade In eight weeks t graduates earn Irom IIS to in weekly expert liMiructorsi catalog freet ilol.i System of Colleges, as N. fourth st Portland. TKLKQltAl'lIY TAIIOIIX VII VV- nnm. plete course and iosltlon secured when graduated T his offer xood only for short time. Write fur par ticulars. PACIFIC TKLiaiHAPH INKI'ITIl'ru orand Theatre Building. I'ortland; Oregon. P N. tl. Na. 27- XTTHKSt wrlUar to Reiver Ma .H yU 1 1 inuH swia tPr.