The Madras Pioneer rubllshcd ovcry Thursdny by THE PIONEER PUBLISHING CO. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One year ..u..n.u..$t.50 Six months,,! ............w. .HC Thrcu months .60 ADVEUTISINOplATKa ri.icA.Tiox ISntorert ns second clnss tnftWr Auorust 29, lPOt.nttho Postollict" nt Mqilrns, Ore., imdor tho Actof Coijkicss of .Mnirli B,187. THURSDAY 1 June i., ico6 . CLEAhi up. Too much cni'H cannot be taken to prevent the introduc tion of any contagious disease into our little community, and with smallpox reported on both sides of us, especial vigilance is required. Ono of the most im portant safeguards . against the occurrence or spread of in fee tious or contagious diseases in any community is the adoption oi strict sanitary measures. 'Madras was denied incorpora tion by the county court and for this reason has no local pre government which could scribe or enforce the neceasarj sanitary measures, and it is therefore all the more incmn bent upon ever' citizen of the community to do his or her duty in that direction. A thorough cleaning up of the town and the free use of a liberal fjuantiiy of chloride of lime, which can be had at any drugstore, may save us from the visitation of some dreadful epidemic of disease. Old clos- els, places where drains empty, and all garbage heaps of every kind, should be looked after at ,iti once and treated to a liberal sprinkling with the chloride of lime, as these talaces are a con stant menace to the health of the community. ( This matter of the adoption of these sanitaryj precaution's is important, and. should not longer be delayed. t Death lurks in those places , where disease germs breed, and these unsani tary places are a menace to the life and health of everjT resi dent of the community Aside from that, a purely selfish busi ness view should prompt the adoption of these simple sani tary measures, which may prevent an epidemic of some contagious disease that would paralyze business in the town and retard its growth for years. I The old saying that "An ounce of preventive is worth a pound of cure" was never better ex emplified than in dealing with epidemics of contagious dis eaes. v. - RETIRES GRACEFULLY. f n i i i . i ,t mac was a. weait nine piece )f by-play, between -the county court and the sheriff, last week. when the oidr of Judge Brad- .shaw enjoining the county ofli- piala from letting a contract foi a new court House was not served by the sheriff until after the court had rejected the soli tary bid which was presented. The injunction of the court was in the hands -of tlje, sheriff be fore noon on Friday, and the immediate purpose of the order of the court was to prevent the Jetting of a contract on Satur day morning, whim the "bids" ,were to be opened. On Satur day morning tho court met and at 2 o'clock in the afternoon the solitary bid, for tho contract .was rejected,, after which the flherjfgp Iju.By and served the injunction on the members of tho county court, enjoining them from letting tho contract These are tho facts hunt Idee' over the county by tho Prihe ville papers, to show how care fnl of the county's interests the county court, is, and how un necessary the injunction sui was. These old tricks of theirs have fooled people so long tha it doesn't appear to have becur red to them that anybody conk see thr.ough their Uimsy pre text. Nobody doubts that tin contract would have bken le but for the proilpt action of the eniolnins taxpayers-, .lust as everybody knows that the de lay in the service bf the injunc tiori was merely for the purpose of letting the county court re tire as gracefully as possible from a very discreditable per formance. The injunction an swered its purpose, and the horse-play between the sheril and the county board didn' fool anybody. BuIlDINGATA PREMIUM; , If tho county court had sought out tho most inoppor tune time to build a new court house,-it could not have used more unerring judgement in th selection than to have chosen fhe present time for the pur pose. Builders all over the Pacific Coast are meeting with difficulties, in securing labor ana materials, owintr to un tremendous demand resulting irom tne destruction ana re building of San Francisco. Structural iro,n, building hard- i a -. l 1 I2 ware ana m iaci ouiiunig materials of all kinds have greatly advanced in price un der the stimulus of this unusual dema;id, and it if even predicted tnac tne re building of San Francisco will be retarded by the failure of the supply to equal the irameciare demand for these materia's. f M I . . i . v linn mmn lloan W - n C" sion by the government of the plan of admitting all building materials duty free, in older to relieve the situation. The same condition exists with regard to stone masons, brick masons and carpenters. Labor of this class is all flocking to San Francisco, where it has the promise of years of steady work at good prices. It is reported to be almost impossible to get stone masons in this state at all, and at Prineville now it is renorted that three stone ma sons of ordinary ability u who are working on the new Prine- vill Hotel building, are de manding and receiving $C per day for eight hours labor. These are not theories but actual conditions which any person bidding on the con struction of the new court house would have to take into consideration. It means that the b,id would have to be a good many thousand dollars higher for the construction at this tinje cf such a court house as is planned, than would be required under normal con ditions. These altered conditions put a new phase upon the court house oueslion, irom tnat wuicli was preseuted a year ago, and many of those who at that time were willing- that Pmeville should have her new . court X X t 1 house, now say ,thatj they dp not think the necessity for a new court hoiiso is so pressing that the taxpayers of the county should be required to pay a premium over and abovfc its natural cost, in order to have the now structure at this time. And they say that to build now would be in utter disregaid of economy Or good business judgment. AN EFFECTIVE MEASURE. We -learn from the Orook County Journal that the plans It lor tiie new court uouso are to bo returned to the Salem ar chitect, to lie altered so Unit the pvice will not exceed $2,0tk), "without changing the general scheme of the building". The bid presorted by the Portland firm of contractors on Juno 2 was fqr $05,000, and if we can have just as good U new court house for $42,000, the injunc tion suit was not unavailing, even if the county court should over-ride the protest from tax payers from all over the county. It is not every any that tho taxpayers of the county can save even $2tf,000, which is the difference between tho original plan and the substitute which is now proposed. Those o'f the farmers of this locality who can attend tho Farmers' Institute at Bend on ho 10th of this month, should do sb. A oordial invitation has been extended to them to par ticipate in these meetings, one nf which is held evorv month or so, and the benelit to be de rived from this interchange of ideas on subjects o'f common interest to all who are engaged Grand Geleb July 45 1906 MADRAS, OREGON n OUTLINE OF DAY'S Procession in the morning. On. arrival at grounds mtlsicai and literary program and oration. Basket dinner at noon. Sports, games, races, and baseball game in afternoon. Dance and fireworks display at night. ' . Ample provision for caring for a or those who bring basket dinners. enjby a good time. Watch this space next week for a I The Bend Livery Livery, feed and ThlB-cnmpiuijVhaH'largo ntublt; at both Bund mid I'rlnevillo, tlio luttur known us the ilurhllloii Htublw). Pilcoa reaBonublo and tho llnuHt ser view In Crook county. , , J. Frank Stroud, Manager, bend, Oregon; at twf: ni Horseshoeing-, Blacksmithing, Wagonmaking F. J. BROOKS, Madras, Ore. WE SELL .Agricultural Ispjinwls, Machinery and Barbed Win Sn irrvienltural pursuits would certainly not bo inconsiderable. Mr. A. M. Drako, of Bond, who Is' one of the pilomotors of. those farmers' meotings in tho irriga ted district of tho county, bus requested us to extend an invi tation to all of tho inruiore ui this vicinity, to come to Bond and participate with thorn. A most pleasant and profitable day is in store for ill who can avail. thomselven of tho invita tion. Tho Crook County Journal refers lo tho bids "offered the court last Saturday by different contractors in Portland and Salem." The tteviow says there was but ono bid, which everybody else in tho county knowa to bo tho truth of the matter. The Journal evidently intends to earn that $300 paid it by tho county court. For Sale. Two KddmRS and four mares will weigh over 1300 pounds each. Arcs from Ihree to nine years. For prices, wnto to or call on A. N. Warren, HnycrceK Oregon. J2t r J ration t J? PROGRAMM large crowd. Tables provided Everybody invited to come and detailed announcement; o z & Transfer Co. sale stables ,1. n QTAMn t MMMBaBJ m till GREftN i HOTEL H K. RODMAN, Probdel The most poptllar llomb in the town. TliU it, 1 If volt want the best himils. the i..i:.p,?C( to ' courteous attention. T r Vr 1 e r ' j 1 r a t q, j a J 1 crs"101 I llllHllll'll'l.illll'lllt,m,l,(ltil'IHIltlM M,tH,i,it ,., ' ' "''"''"''''Mivw, JUIVJiJhLY & FEED b 1 AJbLE j. w. 11 v iinvj ton. Manager in connection witn noici, nrt tia t,m r,, i notice. Trnnsient slock well fed nnd earrd for n,,. n ! vcrv reasonable. Uuf!MJ(i MADRAS, OREGOfr S3 C. E. ROUSH PROPRIETOR MADRAS MEAT MARKET Keeps Constantly on Hand the Best Fresh and Csr'rt U Artfl niui hlnhnnt mnrM nrlnA for fat stock, buttor, 'OQgt and farm produce Ocjk Wfk k.j4Jk jAcjk jflkjW VJW Vi n V VjW sfk AAAAA THE WHITE ELEPHANT CRArviEH & STEVENS, PROPS kirs.t-dlajfa Wines, Liquors and Cigars. High grade case goods Corner Firrrt and E Street. MADRAS', ORtdbN -gt mTyrvr-gr gOf( ryr fgrni U W"tf C 'w' VTT W l . V . fr 1 I Jt W, French, Pras. H.A. Moora, Vlca-Pros. F.T. Hurlbort,CMW EASTERN OREGON BANKING GOil FOREIGN EXGHANpE BOUGHT AND SOLD DHAFT8 ON kil PARTfe OF THE WORLD Capital Stock, $23,000 DcpoaltB, $230,000 The Coach Stallion "COACH AND "PRINCEi" Roan Perclieron VIII mnko tho .oii frort) April 1 to July I, Mm U ( illv..r fvml II ivhiuiilt vlolnltl'H. WHI ' hi lrtm Minima, Krl.lay Mini HntunLiy) Ht Mi'l r' 7',' pfir Hullo, Mon.lny anil Tiit'H.liiypit O, f ""fe a ifoby OulvKr, 'WoilnomJrty ami TliurHiluy, 'IKUMS, ?" ' flcnsoU; $5 cIiikIo service. J. S. McCOIN, Owner. MADRAS TPSHANIK! ualiy UAUC(JI v tention given to ,,v:,iPD mttr.J;re, $4.50; round trip, Agent t Madras Hotei QdmetiStage Stable W6 6an SUpp, Ym j Madras, Oregc SHANIKO, - . r t