to x 3 11 BUY LOTS i N MADRAS rhe Coming Industrial of Central Oregon Center Located in Willow Creek Basin and in the midst of an immense wheat belt comprising 700 square miles of the finest wheat lands in Oregon, Natural trading point for Agency Plains and other wheat plateau districts V a.A v The Deschutes River railway will come to Madras during next 1 1 months affording ample transportation facilities and assuring rapid development A big flouring mill ready for operation. Long distance telephone connections Daily mails, Splendid business chances are open in Madras : ; iyy Lots Now. Prices $50 and Upwards For Particulars inquire of DON P. REA, Secretary Townsite Company, Madras, Oregon The Madras Pionee Thursday June 7, 1906 DOINGS OF GOUHTY COUR oi Grist of Matters Receiving Attentlo During the May Term. Below we publish the report of th county court proceedings for the May t?rin, published iu the issue of May 31 of the Crook County Juurnul, "official paper or Crook county, anu which re pirtwas evidently delayed In trans mission. The report follows: Clerk ordered to draw warrant on general fund fuvor of C. Sam Smith for $40 for money advanced to Mary Vanderpool for transportation ex Venues of self and five Hoover children to Boys' and Girls' Aid Society Portland.- Petitltion for county road by Adam Kotzman et al. Proof and bond filed Bond approved. Viewers ordered to meet June 18, survey, view out and report on same. Petition of W. A. Ellis for county road. Petition and proof and bond uleu. iSoud approved. Viewers or dered to meet May 23, survey, view out and report. Petition of J. P, Hahn et al for private change in couuty road. Peti tion and bond died. Bond approved Viewers ordered to meet May 21, sur vey, view and report. Remonstrance of W. B. Lamb et al against granting F. C. Rowlee a liquor lfcense. ilemonstrance tiled with peti tion and proof. Application for license rejected, not sufficient signers. Keml-aunual report of county clerk approved as apparently correct. Semi-annual report of county treau urer approved as apparently coritct. Semi-annual report of sheriff Appar ently oorreot. Petition for local option election in Kutcher precinct by John Hoffman et til. Election ordered held and clerk to proceed and comply with law gov erning same. Petition for local option election in Laldlaw precinct by Jesse George et bl. Election ordered held and clerk to proceed and comply with Jaw gov erning same. Petition of W. P. Jinpett et al for local option election in Redmond pre bluet. Election ordered held and clerk to proceed and comply with law governing same. Putlllou of '. tolling et al for jocl bptjog jaucUou In PrineYlllei Montgomery, McKay, Johnson Creek Mill Creek and Powell Buttes pre cincts. Election ordered held and clerk to comply with law governing game. Bond of Benton & Grater for liquor license approved and license ordered issued for six moutlis. Bond of Cramer & Stevens for liquor license approved and license ordered issued for six months. Bond of Zumwalt& Miller for liquor license approved. License ordered issued for six mouths. A. T. Cowan appointed road su pervisor of Latuonta district. A.J. Hater appointed road super visor of Laidlaw district. Petition of O. C, Hale for change Id Jenkins road. Bond approved and viewers ordered to meet May 21, sur vey, view out and report. Will Wurzweller appointed stock Inspector for Crook couuty without aalary from county but only such fees as provided by law. Plans and specifications of W. D. Pugh, architect, Salem, Ore., for court house examined and approved and bid? ordered advertised on same in Oregon Journal for two weeks. Bids to be opened Juno 2 at 10 a. in. as per notice attached. Gome to the Grizzly Store AND SEE $1 DO ITS DOT! General Mt-eha'ndls, Pry (ioolD, Gro ceries nud Jf ardvvore. EXOIIANGE IN FA KM PKODUOE New and enlarged Mock with the open ing year. Wu also have a new line of ROYAL CHINOOK SHOES "We can surely lit you out, LEWIS & FOGEL Qrizzlip - Oregon CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Onico, The Dalles Oregon, May 11, 1600. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in this ofllcu by George F. Peters, contestant, agaitut homestead entry No. 13,091, made July 28, 1001, for Lot 2. Sec. 13, tp 13 s, r 14 e, n half se quarter, so quarter ne quarter, sec A tp J3 s, r 13 e, w in, by John J. Heed, contest e, in which it is alleged Unit said John J. Keed lias wholly abandoned said tract for more than six months since mak ing said entry; that mid tract is not culti vated and improved by said party as re quired by law; that said alleged absence was not due to his employment In the army navy or marine corps of the United States In time of war, Said parties, are hereby notified to ap pear, respond and offer evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on June 30, 190(5, before J. J. Smith, county deik, at his oflieo in Prinoville, Oregon, and that final hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a. in. on July 7, 1900, before the Bogiuter and Heceiver at tho United States Land Oftice in The Dalle, Oregon. The sail eonti'f-taut liavhiL'. In n twiner allidavit, filed April 10, 1000, set foitli Tacts which show that after due diligence per ianal service of this notice can not he made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice he given by due and proper publication. MICHAEL T.NOLAN, m21-J21 Kuglsler. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of tho Interior. Laud Ofllcu at The Dalles, Oregon, April 80, 1000. Notice Is lierebv given that tho .follow iiiiMiamed settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof In sunnort uf his claim, and that said proof will be made before tho County Clerk, at Prltie vllle, Oregon, on Juno 8, 1900,- viz: David V. Peck. of CulvCr, Oregon, on H E No 9121, for the I n half 6e quarter, and s half lie quarter, sec 19, tp 12 s, r 13 e, w ut. Ho names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and iiuvauon oi sam ianu, viz; D G. iloirers. Fred Klllinubeck. Frank Loveland and Goorgu Hodman, all of Madras, Oregon. ' Itcglutjor. Timber Land, AH Juno 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. United States Land Olllce, The Dalles, Oregon, May 15, 1900. Notice U hereby given that In compll ance with tho provisions of the act of Congrc3sof Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands lit tho States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash ington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4. . boiomon Jtuoerg, of Prinoville, county of Crook, Stato of Oregon, has this day filed in this ofhee his sworn statement No. 2900, for tho pur chase of tho s half se quarter sec 21, and it half no quarter sec 28, In tp No. 11 s, r 10 e, w ni, And will offer proof to show that the laud sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes and to establllli his claim to said land before tho County Clerk at Prinoville, Oregon, on the 70th day of August, I'M. Ho names as witnesses: J.. E. Ailing ham and Frank Bodyfelt, of Sisters, Ore gon, Clarence II. Cook, of Itmland, Ore gon, and August Urede, Prlnevtlle, Ore gon. Any and all persons claiming adversely tho abovc-descrioi'il lauds are requested to file their claims In this office on or before said 10th day of August, llM. MlCIIAEb T, NbhANj J7-t2 . Hauler. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1K78. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the lntoilor. United States Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, May IC, 1000. Notlcoiis hereby given that In compli ance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June , 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lauds In the Slate of California, Oregon, Nevada, and WaiJi Ington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 1892, August llrede, of Prinoville, comity of Crook, State o Oregon, has thin day filed In this olhcu hi sworn statement No. 2007 for the purcharo of w half sw quarter, tie quarter sw (iiiar ter, and fw quarter mv qtuiler, of hoc 3 tp II, r 10 c? w in, And will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for It tini her or Mdue than for ugi cultural pur poses, aud to establish his claim to said laud hefote the Coiiniy Clerk at Priiie vllle, Oregon, on the 10th day of August 1900. He names as witnesses: L. E. Ailing ham and Frank Uodjfelt, of aUtors Oregon, Solomon Kuhori:, of Prlnevllle Oregon, and Clarence II. Cook, of Bos land, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands ore lequesttd to fllo their claims In this office on or before said 10th day of August, l&Od. MICHAEL T. NOLAN, J7-2 Horsier. Timber hand, Act Juno 3, 1S78 NOTICE POIl PUBLICATION. I). H. Land Office, The Hallux, Oregon, April n, luotf. Notice in hereby given that In compliance with the provfNfnna of tho act of Congremof Jiinotf, i7, entitled "An ni l for the tale of timber land In the Mate of California, Ore roii, JNurudu, and WiUIiIiikIou Territory," an extended io an tlie public land Mntei lv net of Angina I, ISitt, the folloivlnK-iiamud perooux nnvoon January at, iws, tiled in tliht olllco tlielr sworn Matemcuttt, to-wtt: Loreii K. AIlliiKhain oi MiMeri, county of Crook, Mate of Oreaon sworn Htatement No. 2TU5, for tho puri'liiuv of die aud NW81 Beetlon 3, ip. it soutu, itaiiKe 10 Is., . jn., UlyxneH a, Cowles of Madrax, county of Crook, Mate of Orrnon. sworn Htatement No. 'XW, for the purchavo of tlie K8K!4 WKE4, and LotH t, 2, ;t and i, Heetlon 3,'J'p 11 South, Itnugo in y y. j. That they wfll offer proofs to hUuw that the lands KoiiKht are more vahnOiIo for the timber or Mom) thereon than for UKrleultural imr poen and to estahihih their claim to xald laud before Don l itea, V, ti. CorilmlMloner. ut olltce in Madras Orexott, bit Jul'ni , lOotl, , jiey name tlie followlilB wltiicin.eK: Kratilt llodyfelt, (iuy AllhiKham, II. Hlreet and Unvn K. AlIIUBham, of BUtcrii. Ofegoil, and fyiteii B, Cowlen, of Jtadrai, Oriioil. Aiiy and All perKoim eUliahn; Advemdy any of the atM)ve.lecrll)cd liililht are iuiiui'Mud n tile thulr datum Iu thin oOU'v oil or before htlialdtith day iil Julie, IfKXl, . . illfllAkl t, NtJUir, "'J7 iisil6r, NOTICR FOR PUBLICATION. Department of tho Interior. Land Ofllcc at The Dalles, Oregon, .May 20, im notice Is hereby clven that Kdmutid llealy, of Culver, Oregon, has filed nolle of his Intention to make final llvo-jcar ptoof In support of hli claim, vlx: Jloinv slead Kntry A'o. hitSi, timdo .May , 900, ior uie se i-t sw n, sw t-i ncj-i, sec , no quarter i.w quarter and nw quarter no quaitcr.sec if, tp l'l s, r .'I o, w in, ami that said proof will be iiiadcboforo Doit I Hea, U. S. Commissioner, at his ofllcu it .Madras, Oregon, on July 7, iWW. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon nud cniltlvatlrm of tlm land.t lr. nillhun S. Hale, of Culver, Oregon .lohn II. ilrown and Ivan Hale, of Hay stack, Oregon, mid J, C. Wilson, of Mud ran, Oregon. - Miuiiaki. T. Nolan, W3I-J28 lfeglsk-r. N0TI0E r0RPUBLI0ATI0N. Depaitmentof tlio Interior. Laml Ofllcu at Tho Dalles, Oregon, May S0, IWHi. Notice Is hereby given that Joshua 1 Halm, of Mailt ns, Oregon, Iia filed ludleo onus intention to make final coiiimiitu iton proof in biippott of his claim, viz: Homestead icntry JV. .m, made A'ovembur , Ml, for the tie (piarter sec 'SI, tp 11 s, r 18 e, w ut, And that said proof will he nuiilo boforu "on v, jha, U. S. CommlHsioiier, at hlsonicoln Madras, Oregon, on July 7, He names the following witnesses to prove ins continuous residence unon mill cuiuyauon oi tlie jnmi. viz: ft -. . iieuryuroii, l-ranlc Os Mm. Fralilt A. oiniin ami Conrad Htrnsser. oil r ntn.t, rtts, Oregon. MlCHAEIi T. NOIiAN. ",8'-J2" ilealser. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Deimrtinuiof tllu Ulterior. Land Ofiico at The Dalles, Oregon, Mav 'U. llioii. Notice is hereby ulvon that Oluirhu n. iv me, or .Miulrus, Oregon. Iuih filed notice of his intention to make final coinnuitn. tion proof In support of his clalhi, viz: ilomoitdiul entry No, 12,079. inadu Feb- rtmry 5, moil, for the He quarter sea ill, tp 10 h, r ;!) e, w in, And that said proof will ho inmln in.. fdre Dou P. Ilea, U. S. Commissioner, at Iil office In Madras, Oregon, on July 7, Ho itumes tho following wlfneHse tn prove his continuous residence upon nud IHTUUI1 oi mo IIUUl, VIZ! BethUlo b. DoVc.Jaliu's I). Miivnn. fiorii. uel HnboUtlch, nnd ilosbou llaril. uti ,r MHdi'(ls,Oh'Koti, mm raB. ....... wunuK tun I'uuLirAiiox Department of ihr IntrtLr. Notice Is licrjby clvrn that Ceorte uiiungoecK, or iaurft$,urr3, notice of his Intention to tutkt (ul year proof In support of hUclilv,tit; JloiiifstiM(l Knlrv AO VS$. uii 9, 1901, for the s lilf r owttttui I Jon 1' Iti.n. I ' S. t iimmilJluliff. It Ho iiunifs tho following w,tts iriuiii inn i.iiii biiiiiif tin imihhv -l cultivation of the auil,vli: Charles Wliltsett ami Frank IlcuW. of Madras, Oregon. Ml(llAKi.T.iVUJ ...... H.r .in. Illill'ICil . . .... . TimiH-r i.uu. (itii-.'' NOTIOIC I-'OII l'UM.ICATWN. i. . ..... I riM. Iflllfful Ml Irf 1JIL1U ltU'rr . . . . . ........ t.A In fB!Dn " " . . -., ii.iil.ina lit Allifllit 1. Ih'l " i t Ijrun, haii tliU dav lift in nil wiiTO" "v r , . . w. . . .... (bii MiVi ji. imiv mint tiutcii in ut . w t'HlltUIUh Hill ! , Ml ftfa Madrnn, Oregon, n Vwt lit! IDI1I1U n t. tl.M liiu J. II. I'UtCrMIII, OI 'IR'inw, "?,; nKot ttnii wiiiiAin aii'.w im, "f : ri..fW( Allv Htiil nil nerl ' cUlnimi Vj m niui vii.iiiiMcri nun a"" ' - e ti:a .. .. 1 ... k. I Ik m 'iff I fn UU VI ry"" fill V fll .ItllV. . .. m vn iv ' ' II I IIAbli ! lAtSi ...A It.A. nnniBiniA PH I Urn 11110 lllffllllf-1 uvv"a- RAILWAY CU. TIME TABLE HO; ! lvttcclivo j onvo,. Arrive, Hiiltli Ilntiiid Kn, 1. Pally STATION. ,0. 1. pllf I'M'., a.trip.m, s.irtp.m,1 2.110 p.m., iM0p.Hl. 0.12 p.m. .IH p.m. -. p.ui.l a ail ii. in ;i,IH p.m. a.r.) i.w p.m. .' .1 n II o! IjHSSJ IfA p.m. k.lip.iu. 6,'it p.ta. n.uii p.iii Klaadyk H""l' Jo jlrlmiftl'l pi.Mi tr,.pit (ir'-iV7 IKiurton LFtllt Wilcox mrO.B.I 10.23 jl.W.'"1 J.'JO.!".! i . .ii ' - - . . .lii nakn' rratwfiiW oilier mi A.L W " ,..if . 1! . ... ,.MtH OKI -I. t