" . a I assBh. m m m ..... MJ?wrriur wu nuinars '".V upon Jncuu ' t.t I'm n ! '"v-,. .it !, I'm n m "X" .':: in .t. . I.iSt UWn Into torn- ri.1"" Un who wmmg w ' rtH w: , . t ahoad In the fewlUI??!.rt r"' .. for Jincnii M8 irlt nn.l persewanco, (V iter of hUtory mat i" i II l " ... eood ai ft aon-Ju' ;Pin Bin" " TIT. CPMATHfJ ui"'7. r S SOUTH CAROLINA Raises Pl-RU-J!!., Ex-Senator M. C. Butler. J2SH5ESHSH5SS5i Common1rciiieplmpei,boll,lilvc,momn er salt rlimim, or lomo otlior fonn of rup. (Jons tnit aomottmct thoy oxlat In tho system. Indicated by foeliiijrn of waknai, languor, loi of appetite, or general debility, without canning any breaking out. Hood's HaraaparlllacxpoU them, renovate, strengthens and tones tho whole sfntem. This la tho toatlmony of thouiandi annually. Hood's Sarsaparilla la peculiar to Itself. Accept no aubatltute, but lnaliton having Hood'a and iret It today. Liquid or tablets, 100 Dosus One, Dollar. Ti often Caused by Catarrh (tie Stomach Tcruna Rollovca .Ca ll of tie stomacn ana is xucrorore for Dyyopsla. I Box M. 0. Ilutlcr, Kx-U. 6. Sen Li., mm Routh Carolina for two Lmi la Utter from Washington. E.C, write to the l'cruna Medicine ; ti, u follows: i "I an recommend Poruna for : Ifttpsli and stomach trouble. X : Un vm tulnir vour medicine for : Maori period and I feel very much : tm. it u indeed a wonaeriui , betide a good tonic." MTABBH of the stomach la the cor- ' net same for most cases of dyspop ill. In order to cure catarrh of tho ni tbt catrrh must bo eradicated. ilr a internal entnrrh remedy. Fit. ,,iyu.f tm f.iluwiv. fma cnclly meets tho indications. firt ( On T hi nr. (fa&r (it nljht school) What do ataoi of Dtidapest7 S7 Haired Pupil Iludapest Is a ( tint attacks cattlt. It Is lnvarln. rhuL OldWnahloned Rlmpllcltr. "Our dml wcro a lot of nioHHbackn, weren't tlicy?" "'Deed they were. Why, tboso old clmpa used to actually think thnt tho Wack Crook' wna IndoceuL" LouIh rille Courier-Journal. Off Ilia Guard. Correspondent Senator, nny I ask what considerations have Induced you to oppose tho statehood bill? Eminent Htatesman (flying Into a rago) "Considerations?" Sir, that question la a damnable Insult I Correspondent Then you are doing It without consideration? Do you know, Senator, that Is what the most of us have been suspecting? CIT rsrmsnenlly Cured. XonuorntrrotMOMs TI 10 aiUrflrtdrsutoofl)r,Kllne'll!rtNrr Vr.lUlLHlne,Ua.,:i Arch t, riillsdnlplili, J-, I.arlUK It On. Nell Did you hear Mny'a flnnco rhnp. odizlnn over her complexion? Belle Ym, he certainly did lay it on pretty thick. Nell Yea, but not nearly oa thick as May doe. Philadelphia Ledger. Wot A Valid Objection. Man at the Desit So, sir; I don't want It. I haven't any time to talk to you, either. Caller (with prosptctua of new book) My dear air, that won't be nocessary. I'm willing to do all the talking. Mow's Thla? offer One Hundred Dollars Ilcward lot any ce of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Uatl'a Catarrh Cure. ir r. J. ciik.nkv A CO., Props., Toledo, o. the underilgned, have known V. J. Chotiey lor the laii 14 yar. and bellero hlra perfectly honorable In all builneis tranaao (lons aud rtrmiiclnlly able to carry out any ob ligations made by their firm. wtw TnUAX, wiioicaie UrugKtati.Toledo, 0, Waloinu, Kiham & Wi uvm, Vvnoleaale Urug il.ti. Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous aur- jcsi ui mo ajiicin. rnce mc. per ooiue. Bold by ail Urugglati. Teatlmonlals tree. Hall's family Pills are the best. No Ureat DIfi'rrenco After All. "It lin't coualdcrcd pollto to ask a Chlncao how ninny wives ho hna." "Well, It isn't polite to ask nu Amcr-. lean now many wives he's had, cither." Detroit Free Proas. CASTOR I A for Infanta and Children. Thi Ktad You Have Always Bought Bears tha Blgnaturo Seta Otbar Tovra. "Vfanta to be a police Inspector, does be? Has he anything to recomend him for the position?" "l'ea he'a already rich." HE ATTENDS TO BUSINESS ? who goes straight to work to euro Hurts, Sprains, Bruises by tha use of St. Jacobs Oil and savea time, money and ets out of misery quickly. It Actn Lllte Maztc. Price, 2Qc. and fiOcr 1 6a-W.A.VlsK A CELLULOID PLATE When nttil Just rliitit and aatlalaotory to tti wea-er In vrry way, 'a a tiling any dmiltt ev conETBlu ale himself upon. It's on i t Hi pro.lucti of twnitlcth c nlury drnlltt y, l'.ihap you're still using one of Hi' u:d oi en. Uiiioo you lt us show yuu cvilu;o J pUtT WISE BROS., Dentists allliig llnlldltg, Third and Wahlngtou I A. M. to I". M. Hui days to II Main MS DU. T. I'. W1BK IIEDADVERTISING iJrode DlrcUory aisJAitf T .. . . ''lcTTrrt tn.rkt A Co. TIU lln....' &oV;mVn7Kt,.,.r?l,!'fM"l Knit to EJMttki.,.. . : J"aw.wawa. tsr .1.. . sTiTTcKCT; cq. 52!M &r7a,iYli,r '?" '!. I a. (jjJPI'roa Woodard, ClarVe Co iSSS;Uo:!L ian.loa. WU Wi,,f ?.' taiB'i H, r..S9- correct ulothM. Li Nil tu 1 X,lna of Ilctrmt Out Off. "By the way, .Mr. Hanklnson, :ap.i made such a funny remark about you the other evening." "What was it, Mlsa Ilclla?" "lie said h wondered why you were coming here ao often." ' AN B VERY-DAY STKUaaLB. Men and Women of Every Occupation Suffer MlscrloB from Kidney Complaint. J. C. LiRhtnor, 703 Bo. Cedar St., Abilene. Kanaaa, ia ono of tho thou- DUItlia " " ' from kitlnoy trou ble brotiKht on by tlnily work. "I flrat notlcod it olclit or ton yonra ngo," said Mr. Lightnor. "Tho dull rnln ln tho bnok fairly mado mo aiek. It was hard to cot up or ,lnn. h a r d to atraitrhlen. hard In do any work that brought a atraln on tho back. I had frequent Rttaeks of gravol and tho urine w" pasacd too often and with pain. Whea I uaod Doan'a KIdnoy J. ill. Nuncvei, nu w" - -- We dlmppeared and have not roturnod. i am sariainiy gruvuiui, si.i.s t... .ti .taolara. K0 rents & D0X. sla Doll IK n AFTER ALL. o Found n,,,, (ir.M. t !..... Mnry CrniiHlon iohfciI licr jickn;?o of HHtory piipoM upon the table, lore olf her hut iiikI jacket mid threw hei-Hclf upon tlio couch, her llnKorH preascd "Don her itchliiK eye. Bho wn alck of enehl.iK-Hkk of It! The enger nmbl lloim with which Mm hnd begun ono by one had broken iiKiilnst tho Invinci ble ImrrlerH of the Hyatem. Her hlli ItlealH hud faded before day filled to the brim by the emllcHH exuctlon of fifty rcHtleKH Iwya. Kho hud had drenniH of being un In fluence hi the lIveH of her boys, but Koiiiehow who hud no time to Imj nn In lltience. It wuh more tlmn kIiu could do to "got In flio rtMjuIremeiitH of n crowd cd Hchedtile. She wuh Junt tired of it nil. JiiHt then Noruh npepnretl nt tho door, "Somebody to cc you, MIbh Mnry," Hhc mild. Mary roue Impatiently. "Somebody" In thnt particular tono inoatit n niinil or ptipll'M mother. It wuh n mother thl time, n Hhnbby woman, with iiervouw IiuikIh nnd eyes where Borrow hnd lomr mmin n iininr.. She rone timidly um Mary entered. "I Know I'm milking Iwld to come," Hho Btld, "but It'H wore troiihlf wi.'m III. Jim, ho wouldn't linvo lr mo Imr I Wild It'H 11 HWect WOIlinil'H licnrt Him Iiuh, nnd Hhc'll hein uh if alio PHIL It'H Jim Malony'H mother I nm." Mary remembered Jim Mnlonv. Rho hnd worked bo hnrd to belt) the bov. nnd now "It'H tho truth I'm telllnir ve. dnnrv." the trembllnir voice went on. "JIiu'h fn- ther wnH nothoucBt, nnd I wnu des- pernte nfrnld for Jim till he cume to yoc Then, audden-llke, ho Btralght cned up. "'Mother,' ho biiah, 'hIio bellereu mo. and I nln't going buck on her.' "And he didn't, deary. 1 know ho didn't. After he went to Craig & Shly pcii'B, every night he'd look me straight In the eyeH, mid I knew. Then yester day there wuh money lost, and they nmiHcd him. They they knew about IiIh fnther. Jim nent word to ine. und 'twitH thin: "Tell MIbh CruiiHton I didn't iro buck on her.' So I made bold " Mnry'8 IiuikIh cIokuiI iilwut tho flut tering ilugerH. "I'll come with you thl minute," Hho Bitld. "I think tlmt w$ can get him out, and If not, we'll tell Jim that wjs'ro proud of him." I Two houra Inter Mnry returned. Sho hnd worked hnrd, but alio had per suaded Jlm'H cmployero nt lust, nnd the look In Jlm'H eyes grateful, lion cut eyes hnd rewnrded her a Ihou Blindfold. Her glance fell upon tho hlatory papers, and she mulled. Tho afternoon Bcemcd so long ngo! Youth's Companion. A NOVEL DUEL. There has long been Intense rivalry between two expert curvers employed lu a New York down-town restaurant Tho two men worked side by side, and constantly each bragged of his own ac complishments. At last, Biiya a writer In the New York Tress, tho muunger decided that In some way peace must bo established. "See here," ho Bitld one day, "yliy don't you two light n duel for su premacy Y" "Aim! Nnmo zo nrms!" they both exclaimed. "Hum Bundwlchcs,' said the innnnger, with u smile, a very cruftj', commercial grin, by the way, for he had received four orders from societies for nearly two thousand hum sundwlches, and was worried about tilling them. It was de elded tlmt tho carver who finished tho flrat thousand ham sandwiches, which Included slicing tho brcud, buttering It und slicing tho hum, was to bo declnrcd tho winner. Tho manager Invited a dozen of his nitrons to witness tho contest between tho skillful curvers. uen tney entoreu the kitchen they were confronted with twenty-llvo largo boneless hums uud bread plied up In uncountnblo tiers. At the word "Go!" tho spectators crowded round to watch tho freak con test. Ah tho sandwiches piled up with tho regularity and uniformity of a ma chine, they could not help ndmlrlng the skill which enabled tho carvers to slice tho bread with a single sweep of tho knlfo. butter It evenly with another sweep, and slice tho ham so that It fair ly dropped Into position on tho bread. After watcltlmr for a time, tho specta tors left, to bo bnck at tho exciting fin ish which tho manager predicted some hours later. piorro wins I" exclaimed tho tnnna- gor. "Ono thousand perfect hnm sand wiches In ten Hours anu seventeen mm utoa itslm: eleven largo boneless hnms. Francois, nlno hundred and thirty-two sandwiches In the saiuo time, "itoro nre two hnlf-eirgles for you both. I'll Kpllt tho money, and If thero nro any more quarrels, you'll neeu uio monoy to tide you over whllo you hunt another Job." AVhut tho Droaa Needed. ... i....i..u rviiiu now i-iiwii nf mine AUKS AUKIV "w" " dooBii't glvo mo tho graceful flguro tha . .. . l It ....n. .til T miiaf lllivn tailor ciaimeu iv uiu ..., It nltorod. . ua iMiimnlelirh Why don't you M!"" " tnko It to Pnddoin & Co.? Mlsa Anglos Aro tnoy your Minora i Mtsa Plumnlolgh-Oh, no; Uioy'ro .up- holatcrorB. Tlt-Ult8. Whoti n woman buys glasses, she usually says It Is duo to astigmatism, But It U oftoucr duo to oldageUm, j RHEUM A TISM ALMOST AS COMMON IN SUMMER AS IN WINTER. While the damp, cold, changing weather of Winter intensifies the pains and other disagreeable symptoms of Rheumatism, it is by no means a winter disease exclusively. Through the long months of Summer its wandering pains and twitch ing nerves are felt by those in whose blood the uric acid, which produces the disease, has accumulated. Rheumatism is a disease that involves the en tire system. Its primary cause results from the failure of the eliminative organs, the Liver, Kid neys and Bowels, to carry out of the system the urea, or natural refuse matter. This coming in contact with the different acids of the body forms uric acid which is taken up and absorbed by the blood. This acid- causes fermentation of the blood, making it sour and unfit for properly nourishing the body, and as this vital stream goes to every nook and corner of the body, the poison is distrib uted to all parts. The nervous system weakens frofn lack of rich, pure blood, the skin becomes fe verish and swollen, the stomach and digestion are affected, the appetite fails and a general diseased -condition of the entire system is the result. Not only js Rheumatism the most painful of all diseases, with its swollen, stiff joints, throbbing muscles and stinging nerves, but it is a formidable and dangerous trouble. If the uric acid is allowed ' to remain in the blood, and the disease becomes chronic, chalky deposits form at the joints, and they are rendered immovable and stiff, and the patient left a helpless cripple for life. Every day the poison remains in the system the disease gets a firmer hold. The best time to get rid of Rheumatism is in warm weather; because then the blood takes on new life and the skin is more active and can better assist in the elimination of the poisons. With the proper remedy to force the acid out of the blood, and at the same time build up and strengten the Liver, Kidneys, Bowels and other organs of the body, Rheumatism can be per manently cured. Bxternal applications relieve the pain and temporarily reduce the inflam mation, and for this reason are desirable, but they cannot have any effect on the disease. The blood is poisoned and the blood must be treated before a cure can be effected. S. S. S., a remedy made from roots, 'herbs and barks, is the best treatment for Rheuma tism. It goes into the blood and attacks the disease at its head, and by neutralizing the acid and driving it out, and building up the sour blood so it can supply nourishment and strength to every part of the body, :l cures Rheumatism permanently. S. S. S. is the only safe cure for the disease ; being purely . vegetable, it will not injure the system in the least, as do those medicines which contain Potash or some other mineral ingredient. S. S. S. tones up every part of the body by its fine tonic properties. St While cleansing the blood of all poisons it builds up the jH appetite and digestion, soothes the excited nerves, re- j duces all inflammation, relieves pain and completely ak cures Rheumatism in every form Muscular, Inflamma- B tory, Articular or Sciatic. If you are worried with the Hb nagghig pains of Rheumatism, do not wait for it to be- N come chronic, but begin the use or fc. b. b. and purge the blood of every particle of the poison. Write for our book on Rheumatism, and ask our physicians for any advice you wish. We make no charge for either. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, OA. Last Hammer I had a severe attaok of Inflamma tory Rheumatism in the knoos, from which I was unable to leave my room for several months. X was treated by two doctors and also tried differ ent kinds of liniments ,and medicines whioh soemed to.relieve me from pain for awhile, bnt at the same time I was not any nearer getting well. Ono day while reading a paper I saw an adver tisement of S. S. S. for Rhenmatlsni. I decided to give it a trial, which I did at once. After I had taken throe bottles I felt a great deal better, and I continued to take It regularly until I was en tirely oured. I now feel better than I have for years. OHAS. E. GILDERSLEEVE. 618 82nd Street, Newport News, Va. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Color more sooda brlf titer and faster colors than any other dye. One 10c packace colors silk, wool and cotton equally well and la t-uaranUed to sive perfect results. Ask dealer, or wc will send post paid at 10c a package. Write for free booklet hovy to dye. bleach and mU colors. MONROE DRUG CO.. Uoionvlile. Missouri. Sid Light on Hlatory. Tha army In Flanders had begun to wear dreadfully. "We don't like to do It," explained one of the officers, "but, of course, we'r got to back up Gen. Sherman." Mothers will find Mr. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup the best remedy to use for their children during tho teething period. It was declared at Edinburgh recently I that more .hshermen were arownea irom the custom of wearing long boota than by all the storms. Spider Thread Made la France. Thread made from the spider's web Is lighter and stronger than that which comes from tho silkworm. In France there Is a factory used only for the manufacture of spider thread. GASOLENE ENGINES 3 to 4 horse power fully warranted, 123. All sizes and styles at lowest prlcos. write for catalog. RCICRSON MACHINERY COMPANY Portland, Oregon. The Watch-Dog in your Vest Pocket YOU can buy Health Insurance now. Several good "Accident" Companies sell it. Sixty dollars per year will bring you $25.00 per week, for every week you aro Sick. But, your time alone may bo worth far mora than that. And $200 per week might not pay for your suffering. That's why "Cascaret" Insurance which prevents Sickness, Is worth ten times as much money as other " Health " Insur ance. Yet "Cascaret Insurance' will cost you less than Ten Cents a weeks That gives you a "Vest Pocket" Box lo carry constantly. a "Indigestion" means food eaten but only partially digested. "Constipation" means food retained In the body undigested too long, till It decays. It then supplies the poisons of decay to the system, In place of the nourishment it might have suppllod. Isn't that a tremendous handicap worth insuring against? What does It cost to Cure Constipation or Indigestion, with their train of small and great Ills, and to Insure against a return of them? Not so very much. Ono 10 cent box of Cascarejs per week, at most, perhaps half that. Ono candy tablet night and morning, taken regularly for a short time, Is war ranted to cure tho worst case of Constipa tion or Indigestion that walks the earth, a One tablet taken whenover you suspect you need It will Insure you against 90 per cent flf all other ills likely to aUack you. Because 90 per cent of the ilia begin In the Bowels, or exist through poor Nutrition. Cascarets don't purge, don't weaken, don't irritate, nor upset your stomach. No, they act like Exercise on the Bowels, Instead. They stimulate the Bowel-Muscles to contract and propel the Food naturally past the little valves that mix Digestive Juices with Food. They strengthen these Bowel-Muscles " by exercising them. The time to take a Cascaret is the very minute you suspect you need one. When your tongue Is coated a little. -When your breath is not above suspicion. When your head feels dull, dizzy, or achy. When you have eaten too heartily, or too rapidly. When you have drunk more than was good for your digestion. When you have a touch of Heart', burn, Cas-belchlng, Acld-rblng-ln-throat, or a Coming-on-Cold. a a Carry the "Vest Pocket" Box where It belongs, Just as you would your Watch, Pocket-knife or'Lead-pencll. It costs dnly JO cents. At any drug gist. Be sure you get the genuine, made only by the Sterling Remedy Company, and never sold in bulk. Every tablet stamped "CCC," XST TREE TO OTJR. FRIENDS! Dr. G. Gee Wo WONDERFUL HOME TREATMENT Tills wonderful Chi nese Doctor Is called great because be cures people without opera tion that are Riven up to die. He cures with those wonderful Chi nese herbs, roots, buds, barks and vegetables that are entirely in known to medical sc ene la thlsconutry. Through the use of thosi harmless remedies this famous doctor knows theuctlou ofover J00 different remedies which he successfully uses In different diseases. He guarantees to cure catarrh, asthma, lung, throat, rheumatism, nervousness, stomach, liver; kid neys, etc.! has hundreds of testimonials. Charees moderate. Call and see him. I'aUents out of the city write for blankr andcrculars. bend stamp. CONSULTATION i'UEE. Address THE C. GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE GO 62)i First St., S. C. Cor. Morrison Mention caper. PORTLAND. OREfinN. W. L. Douglas $3&$3SHOESLTn W. L. Douglas $4.00 Gilt Edge Line cannot do equalled at any price. gyftiq 1 1 1 Capital 2.500.000 W. L, DOUGLAS MA KES A SELLS MOHK MEN'S S3.SU SHOES THAN ANY OTHEn MANUFACTURER IN THE WORLD. $1 R finil REWARQ to anyone who can $ I UjUUU disprove thla statement. If I could take yuu Into my three large factories at Brockton, Mass., and show you the Inllnlt care with which every pair of short la made, you would realize why W. U Uouelas $3.50 shots cost more to make, why they hold their shape, fit better, wear longer, and are of greater Intrinsic value than any other $3.50 shoe. W. L. Oougimm Strong Mad a Shemu fai Mm, $2. BO, 9Z.OU. Baya' Sekoel A UrUMShoaa,$'Jt.&0, S2,S1.7.$t.8B CAUTION, insist upon having waiJOoug. las shoes. T1U0 no substitute. None genuine without Ms name and price stamped on bottom, fatt Color Cyelcts und 1 thty mill not uaar brattu. Write Xor Illustrated Catalog. W. In DOUGLAS, iirocktou, Mas. We wast to send to oer frteedi a bcaatlrnl rraneh-daslnied. GOLD-PLATED BONBON BUX. iiird-BiaeIed hi caters. It Is a beauty tot tbe dretttug table, tea cwti la stamps is sked as a Matsre of goedfajih tad to c&Ter cost ol Cucaret. with wbtouHe-iUKty triaket la Uaiea. 720 Send to-day, asaUMtB thla paper, AcUreM Staling KflMC Ceaaaay, Ckicae flaw Tk. P. N. U. No. 19-6 WHKK -writing- to adverMsaraj Mention this paper. plaavs j Fetter-Mllbura Co., BuaTalo, M. ,