. y7y--i.-'- - --nnirvfii-'-i-Tf u-tf'r'7-??' 1111 " 1 - 7 The Madras Pioned Published every Thursday by i THE l'lONKKK PUULkMllNO CO. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: .$1.60 One year .six months.,........ ............ Tliruu months CO ATVKUTISINO ItATKH ON APPLICATION Kntered ns second class matter August 2!t. 1004. at t hi' Postolfico nt Madras, oro under tho Act of Congress of Alnich 8, 1879. THURSDAY April it), 1906 - Fred Fisher for county com missioner. A vote for him is a vote for fair treatment for this end of the county by the bounty court. Don't torget the primaries will be held tomorrow (Friday) afternoon. If yoll haven't reg istered yen can come in and vote anyway, as you can regis ter on the day of the primary the same as at a general election. The primaries of Ivnteher pre cinct will be held in Madras The polls will be open prompt ly at V2 o'cloik and will remain open until seven o'clock in the evening. This will give voters residing out of Madras an op portunity to get in a good long inorning's work, and then get in to the polls to vote in the afternoon. This is a duty you owe to this end of the count', and no voter in this precinct should fail to come in and vote during the afternoon. law is on trial, and it should be given n fair test. If yoll keep away from the primaries bo J, R. WHITNEY FOR STATE PRINTER The underfigm'cl antumnr,'n himself as a Renubllonii oandi- banse you have no 'interest hi (late for renominnlion for Suite ' . I 1 11.;. 1... tne uewsuMi vote-in at the 1)11 1 politics, you are turning over to rrihttT, suWeiK ' thosn who make nolitics a bind- "f tlie iMinbllcmi 1906 V candidates for the various of- 8Umo courttjHy thhl has neen nv ' 0 0 1 I lAklT FlF A 1 1 D 0 T 11 ft lires to bo lilted, and tho pri- corded to state, ollicers gener , J lilllll4lll UL M U M H T III F 1 mary law is a failure. If y oil ally, that of a renotninatioti. ( v yillkklllll mm are a good citi.en you have an would be greatly ponied I r , THE IMPORTED BELGIAN STALLION !..... 1. J. It. YY1IITNKY. ii.ipresnu neipiug to nounnaie .,,, n, ,, hid ut;o 1 men iui uiiiucj mill 11 jn a duty you owe your community. In this community the duty imposed upon you hna nddi tional 8igniticance of a local nature. This end of the count,) has long wanted representation upon the county board, in order yourseii and w. h. KIHU lOr UUUNIT inCAauncii 1 To the UM)Ub'.ican Votera ol urei on tlie Kepuoiiean uruci subject to tho deoisioii of the re publican Votu$ of Crook Conn tv at the primary notniimiwitf 9 3 Crook 'County: I hereby an iiounco my candidacy for the y nomination for County Treat-- fc 3 I88O 2O260 Haystack Livestock Breeders Associah Will be kept at the Leach plafce, three miles west of Larnont on the Prineville-Gulver rdad, except Fridays and Saturday when hb wili be at the S. S. Brown falaee. ys THE RAILROAD. The railroad news of this week has the ring of truth to it, and it now seems not only probable but quite certain that the much needed transpor m i tation lacilities lor this section i 1 pi Oregon will be forthcoming at once. Not only is there much promise for the future to .le derived from Mr. Nelson's methods of railroad building in the past, but the fact that his representatives are here secur ing right-of-way for the line and are willing for these right-of-wav contracts to contain a 1 clause whereby title reverts to the grantor unless actual con atruction on the Deschutes road is oeguu wituin a named pe riod, is an additional guarantee of their intention to build at once. A railroad from any direction would have been a boon for this community, but no other road could promise as much as does the road up the Deschute.- and the Willow Creek gorge that fair and impartial consid- election to bo held on April 20, oration might be given to all 1900. netitions from this end of tlie W. F. KlNQ, Prinoville. countv presented to the countv court. With this end in view WH. JOHNSON FOR COUNTY CLERK Fred Fisher was prevailed upon 1 ,ereby announce myself as to run for county commissioner la candidate fir tho Republican He is qualified in every way to nmiinntion for iho oHioe of make us an excellent cotnmis- w"y Liieru snnject 10 me ue- niRinn of iliw Reitiin liean voters sioner, and every man who is . , A , tlpilllI11... nterested in the matter of get-Lecti..n8 to be hold on April 20. ting representation for this end h 000. Your support will bo an- of the count' upon the connty predated. rnurt slinnlrl i!.lr it nnita. trJ VV ILLTA 31 (JOHNSON. go to tne primaries next Friday q W ben or nnyuy SURVEYOR. ittemoon, and vote for Fred . n , i A ISher. II the republican Onntv: I liereliy aimnunnu myHMlf I Vf voters in this end of the county I.ltte for 1 he Democrutiu m.inlna ! a ... -t bPMl 101 iiic Milieu il in nm vrwn will stand together and give ni'Orook ommtv, Huiijwt to the deeix I y nm a solid vote, his tion is certain, and el ollow in .Tune Fisliei'q elee. 1 iihvo nuu iM.nHKU-ninio ex i.TH-m'.Mii onow in dune. Jjisneis eiec- ,,,,, , Hl BUl.vevinl, an,i ml nmti u tion will give us representation gineeritn.'. if nominutwi mni eh ct- upon the county board for four Crou ,., (l ,)r(7mlt alui Vm..iUnt Veai'S, SO VOU Cautailbrd to Stay jaUialiilatratlon of tlio surveyor's ollii-t'. SEASON BEGINS THE 'FIRST OF DRSCUIITION: HrMllnnt In n v.ry luriro, htmvy lonn:l, lu-iivy clirMloil 0r Orf. ri.M...i . .. lu-Krly un.l ruB.l, w.'ll (iinimcl 10 trutiHinlt imft oluiruolnr to ti!n foal. Color blJ WuIkIiI 2000 poluiilM, Inoro or Iuhh HcoonlliiK lo txitnlttlnu. a n:!:S:. 8IbI ftMrvloo, $10, utiu nt 1 1 111 0 of Hnrvloo. ui ict) $25 due wlinn ftml hiiuIm. BnnHnn 320 ) 'i nt niul nf Mfto jmynlilo If umro In ill)iH(ii i'f, or inovtd fj)!',?' . . III! county. MitrcH rrom tiisiinico win uo won ouroo nir hi cobi or a-od only but will noti rt'HIOtll 1)1 Illy III OltHl) HIHlUII'lll. llltltD, Hi'llovliiK tlutt fHrincrHnhoiilil not rely on tho Brain market stnnej llie nlmVo oohitit, ! Of tilt) uboVO tVIIII Will ..... 1 - ..... brciiiiluil to fui'llltntf thu bri'iliiB of Improved clock. Horne tliein to pmlltklily nmrkt't tlivlr HiirpliiH product) nt lioiut. G. Sorinerer. Pres.: Jas. T. Robinson. Sic: T. :L l oou t.a DlKKOTORS: J. II. WlNDOM, W. B. IlKr.FItllOir, U. II. OSDOItN, J. Li. WlNUOJI, S.S I ADDRESS: and give ni'Orook cotintv, subject lo ihetlet'lH j y "TT TT is 1101111111 ion of the Peinocnitlo electors of the j & 9 iiuuuim culv Ml tJe ,,rimary noiiniiiillnn; P B fl lection will election to b held 011 April 20 j Vf ---- away from the primaries be cause of some work you had planned to do on that day. You had better lose the after noon's work than to lose ihe opportunity to get representa tion upen the county court, so important to this growing sec- lion. The primaries It. W. HULL, Madras. SI. E, HODGES FOR SHERIFF. To the Republican voters of Crook County: 1 desire the nomination to the olltce ol Sher iff of Cronk Conwy, and sub mit herewith my name lor voui consideration at the. primary will be election April 20, IUO0. I ask CULVER, OREGON held from noon until seven at 3'"hr hands a carelul consul- o'clock p. m. tomorrow (Friday). auou 01 mv """iicatioiis anu III III ) will IIIIIIIUI1 L. Illli VilllilWIC and woVtliy, respectfully solicit your support. S. 15 HobQES, Prmeville. PARRISH-BANTA NUPTIALS A pretty wedding took place at the home, of Mr. and Mrs. Rolando Parrish, near Bay- creek, on last Wednesday J, H, HANER FOR COUNTY CLERl To the Republican electoro o "ul"rou,v nM,.i, n t 1 1 evening, April 11, when Charles " , , ' w.rai-nsii ana Miss Myrtle B. Rnpublicai nomination for the Banta weie united in marriage, office of County Clerk under the direct primary law, subject to the decision ol tho Republican electors 1 this county. J. 11. Hankk, Piineville. Rev. J. P. Jinnett, of the Piine ville M. E. church, performed the marriage ceremony. A dainty luncheon was afterward served to the friends of the WTT.T.TJ3 W RRflWM MR SUPWFP . " iumu in uxiunii lull IUIUUM.1 nt'lrlu . '1 tin rrrnnm tili n.ii rvofli.l , . x, . , , h . To the Republican Voters of M.l,lv A. ft A I AC IJlUlU HI I f l..,.,r fl,...k.... I 1 1 iMl'ht ft II. honor of the happy event. Mr. noiu.ee myself a candidate for and Mrs. Parrish were the re- the Republican nomination for Not only is the Deschutes load c.pients ol a number of beauti- """ the most practical because tUe presents. 'k I a most economical to operate and ihe Sr00,m l a Pperons ew ut the pritP,s to be hoid therefore the cheapest road for uun ,a,,uutI 01 u,e "aycreeic 0n April 20, 1000. the shipper as well, but this neighborhood, u here ho and his Wilms W. Buown, Ileisler. uiiuR viu in iiih mi tn e rusiue. Both he and his bride, who was B Johnson for Sheriff a resident ol the llavstack county. road will be the most diiect to the markets for our product, of anr 01 tlie loads projected into Central Oregon. Mr. Gordon is meeting with much encourage uient and the most liberal treat ment from those across whoso Jands he is asking a right-of- way. J.11 tuis immediate, section Political announcements nubllbl.etl the right of-way is being donat- l,y, thi" ,I"iper ,u,e lu,la ,T,or Bf re(i"l?r ,,fa, , J . . h , udvertisiiif,' raten, auti all matter nub- eo, tne aeeus reciting merely a iineij nniier tiiia iieadiugcooies with- nominal consideration, To the Republican voters of neighborhood, enjoy a wide Crook county: I hereby an- popularity in this section of the "ounce myself a candidate for nomination to the olhco of Sher iff of Crook county, subject to tne aecision 01 iiih Jtepuolican voters at the primary election on April 20, 1000. B.F. Johnson, Prinoville. CONTEST NOTICE. Department of tlie lntt-rlnr, Undid States l.mitl Ofllee, The Dalles, Oruison. April 6, IWM. A siillt'-lLMit context iilhtlavlt liivvniK Deeii filed in tills iilllco by Maitln V. Turlo, cniitcitmit. aahiMl DcKert Lit tl entry No. Mo, iniule Febnmry 15, 1001. for an quarter c !W, tp 1& f, r 11 e, w in, by 1'r.iiirl M. H.-in-llcliI, contcstcc, in which II iH iilk'Ki-d that Haiti tltvert Imid entry was ftuiiiltilent mill illeKiil fioni ItH Inception ; ibat n:iIi1 entryiniin bus notinnile the iiiintml expen tiltintx f SI.W) iier iiere upon .said bintl u lequlreil by law; that first nuiiiial proof' inmle upon said land on June in, l'.iOo, was fraudulent; that there was collusion iiutl fiuud in the liling of iaid diuuit laud entry. Said parties arc licieby notified lo ap pear, respond and olTcr evidence touching Mild nlle'Htlun at 10 o'clock a. in. 011 May T., UKM, before 0. A. Joiich. a notary pub lic, ut herolllcu In liend, Oregon, and t!iat final liearint; will be held at 10 o'clock a. in. on May HO, 11101, before tho JtouMter and Receiver at thu United States Land Ofnce lu The D.1II03, Oregon. 'Die sai l conttant havliif, In n proper allldavU, filed April !J, 1900, set forth fact which show that after due dillueuee pur- 1.01111I service of this notice can not m- iinidc, It U hereby oidered and directed that hucIi notice bo Hlvca by due and projier ptiulicatlou. M1UIIAULT. NOLAN, 10-"I7 HcKlster. flNOUSlCEmEriTS in that clnsa. A DUTY YOU OWE. Don't lorgec that it is your duty to go to the primaries to morrow (Friday) and help to A. S. Collins for Sheriff. CONTEST NOTICE. Department of tlm Ininrlir U. 8. Land Ollico, The Dalles Orpcon, A Htifliclent contest affitUvit liavin heen Mack Cainpbell, contestant, asalnst honii'stead entry No. 11.418, mnde August 2'J, 1WCJ, for w l-l sec JI2, to 2(1 s. r 11 aw I, the undersigned, respect fully submit my name to the republican voters of Crook countv as a candidate for the H". v b byuirani K.simw iCOUlOnleC. '1 iw, ivii. nnf man fni- ll nf ..!!.. P .,1 tw ...,.... i,. Wllloll It S IlllOt'd that llliaill K. Miai iiuiiu.iu.u f,uwl. .... ut miHtij ui oiieini, Buoieuu tu your lius wholly abandoned said liomeKfen.r r, the ofhees to be lilled county, decision at the coming pri- ",,1n,1l" fix montiiH last past and bn y . . iT. i railed to nttUiiiit mui i.. state and national. Tho direct manea. My precinct is MclUiy tho same ttfl m,iri by 'iaw ana my post oince rrinevi o. aunKwi aoseiu o is not due to h 'a u nrm,n ,JP,."yjI19lt 1' u, . iy, Jisivv or nnuiiiu Hands of scheming politicians M?EZZlWti& FRED FISHER FOR COMMISSIONER S'aSIl' lAT'T jiotninations to their own pri- ,tr,llhHf(in 7f.fln,m.JoHUU00'tb0 r :ii' '..S?. rate ends, and places in the 0f Crook County: I hereby an- aifonoulK hands of the people the right to nounce myself a candidate for .booro tijo iteiris'ter 'and Jteceiver at the chooso for themselves. Each the Republican nomination for 610,1. "1C0 ,n i,o voter has a voice in Ihe naming 1,10 01,,c2 county bonimis- Thosaid cnutotant i.aviiiK. in a proper ,tho highest to the lowest, and it tllH wimaries to be held Anril . I- nroby ordei"." and ffl is a privilege, which should be 20,1000. ,t , . BiKJlTubiiS exercised. The direct primary j Fped Fisiibr, Madras, I MioIuoiT, Nolan, , JiiegiBter. NOTICE KOIl PUHLICATION. Iiepartnniiii of the Interior. Land uflieeat Tho Dalles Oregon. April it;, iio;. Notlcti Is lim eby fjlveti that I he f.dfow- iii-iiuiiieil settler has filed notice of Ids Intention to make final proof In support of ns claim, ami that said proof will be made before the Hejnster and Ilecelvcr at Tin Dalies, Oregon, 011 Juno 1, ISiOt!, viz: ' Aificd II. Parkey of Madras, Oregon, on IIIC. No 10763, for the o half no quarter, and e half so quarter sec 29, tp (Is, r 111 e, w in. He names the following wHikmhos to lirove Ids eontliitious rejildmiee upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Claude . Ilainsey, tilllaiii Ilannon, John IC. Kvick mid coro V. Dillon, all of Madras, Oregon. MlCltAIU. T. Nof.AN, licgUlor. nifTrlflcIlM n01l...ll ma t' - ivwsiut'Hl uuaruiT Willi mm hoi Madras THE Tho' Place to Oct n ilood Aleal J or Comfortable UcH t! ti With theBot licit of Attention lltw Keucni' W. C. Moore, MANAGER Livery and Feed Stable 5n connectioh Good Ttigs furniwhed on short notice. M siont Htock well fed and given tho beat of attention. J. W. LIVINGSTON, Manager. nin-ui21 Timber Unit, Act June 3, 7rt, NOTI f! 13 FOH PUIILIOATION. Lund Ollico nt Tho nnllen, Oruon, Kuoriiury IU, I'jOfl. Notlec U lierphy given that In compliance Willi tho provlHlonH ol the tict of cun Juno :i, 1H7U, entitled "An net for the unto r tlinbor IftiiiiMln tho Htntes of Cullfornlii, Ore Kon, Novailu, itnd WnsliliiKtou Torrltorv " w extonded to all tho public liirul utatus by act ol August I, mi, I'ctor I', Poterdon, of Anhwoo.1, county of Crook, Mnto of OreKon ha this day jilcd In il,lH olc hh sworn statu! mkntNo.SHi'j.lor thu nnrelnine of iin.u. i. eo 3.'., tp it h, r 111 c, w m. And will offer proof to hIiow that tho im houkih is moro valuublo for Its tlml.nr milliu IIIH II Kir llurlni.lt. ....I Vy, ami to oxtubllHl. I,U elulm (okhI.1 lu,l( before tho IluKtor ami Kecclvcr ut tho'Iho Dalles, Oregon, on tho iiltii ,.t ltiort. . ' llonamoiMwItneuw: IhmnottA Ilagwcn, JIbow Crockett, C a McOrkl. of A.bwoo.l, Or eion ; C J If hiihoii, of A I hurt U'a, HlnueotB, ... ,.uf.u, eiaimintf HilrerMily the bove.leHTlbcd lamu are rc...c-tod to e thvlrclalmii lu this ofilco on or before .al l Mth day ol May, 1000. " rnn-mu Michael t. Noun, Iteutcr Whits EEephan CRAMER &. STEVENS, PROP'S, Pittc;kft!noo THftrJ0fS and Cigars. HIGH GRADE CASE GOODS Oor, Fifth and E Streets MADRAS, OREGON K" v . . rn SuOBly PBOPBIETOR MADRAS MEAT M AW z " " "" n .j unit ounsianiiy on mm m nesi tmn m - ; a m I I irr IVICIUI - And Rays hloheat markat prlo. for. fat Blook, butter, ae and farm product