BUY LOTS IN MADRAS The Comi of Central Oregon M M 8 II I M M B y . " Located n Willow Creek Basin and in the midst of an NSE WHEAi JrJJKlr The natural trading point for Agency Plains and other surrounding wheat plateau districts. GREAT SOUTHERN WILL COME TO MADRAS during" the next 12 months, affording; ample tranportation facilities and assuring rapid development A big Flouring Mill JubL completed Long distance telephone connections. DAILY MAILS, Splendid lusiness Chances are Open in MADRAS MADRAS la centrally located iu tho famous Willow Creek Basin, comprtt)liiK 700 square miles of the finest wheat land In Oregon " Situated on a natural townslte location, with flue water easily obtained In wells from 12 lo 20 feet deep. linn most equable clitnuto iu Oregon, and good roads the year around. All rouds lead dow n hill to MADttAH, and this is thu natural trad ing point of rich wheat belt larger than Sherman County. Buy Lots Now. Price, $50 and Upwards. For particulars inquire of DON P. REA, secretary of townsite company. The Madras Pioneer Thursday April 5, 1906 Timbor Land, Act June 3, 187S. NOTICE P0E PUBLICATION. U. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, February 15, l'JOfi. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of Junes, 1S7R, entitled "An act for tho sale of timber lands In the Mutes of California, Ore gon, Nevada and Wanhington Territory," as extended to all the public laud Mates by act of August 1, 1802, Bennett A, Bageson, of Ashwood, county of Crook, state of Oregon, lias tills day tiled In tills office Ills sworn state went No, aoi, for the purchase of the so 1-1 fee 4, tp i ft, r IB b, w W. And will offer proof to fsho.w.that the land KUIKlit iu moro valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to estab lish ils claim (o said laud before the Register nnd Receiver nt The Dalles, Oregon, on the 1'ith day of May, MOT.. He nntnes as witnesses: Peter P Peterson, Heofge Crockett, C 8 Aft Oriel, of Ashwood, Or ron; C J Hanson, of Albert Lea, Minnesota. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims In this oftice on or before said '.Kth day of Hay, Wort, . MIUIIAKL T, NOLAN, 1 X8-m8 Keglster, Timber Land, Act Juno 3, 1878. (NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Ofllce nt Tho Dalles, Oregon, , March 10, 1900. Notlco Is hereby given that In compliance with tho provisions of the act of Congress of June 8, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory." as extended to all thu public laud states by act of August J, 1892, the following-named persons have on February , HUM, tiled Jn this ollice (heir sworn statements, to-wit: Carl O, Jlagaasen, of Itlcelnnd, county of Freeborn, state of Min nesota, sworn statement No. anil, for the pur rhase of tho bi npJi see 33 and swK nwi ee HI, tp 11 h, r 10 v, w n. Brick Jonsrud, of Jlancroft, county of Freeborn, state of Min nesota, sworn statement No. 2810, or the pur chase of the w ne 1-1, s6 Ul nw 1-4 and no 1-1 w 1-1 eo 33, lp U s, r to o, v m. That they will offer proofs to show that the lands jtoughi arv more valuable for its timber nr stone (ban for agricultural purposos, and to establish their claims to said lands before jho Keglster and Itecetver at the land office at The Dal 1 tin, Oreegon, on May 10, loufl. They liatnfc ilio following witnesses! Eudre if Undersoil, of Hayward, Minnesota) Charlie 1 Hanson, Olaus A Moon and Johif O Hellie, of Albtfrt Wi, Minnesota; Norval O'Hagdasen and Old5 Jlngaasen, of Lerdal, Minnesota. Any find all persons claiming adversely tho abnvr-descrlbed lands aro requested to tile llltflr claims iu tills ofllce on or befdro the said JMly of Ma, 1900. Michakl T. Not an, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Laud Ofllce at The Dalles, Oregon, April 2, WOT.. .Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Don P. ltea, V S. Commissioner, at his ollice in Madras, Oregon, on May !, luno, viz: William H. Young of Madras, Oregon, on H. K. No HttK, for the yfl&wii, sec 17, and else, sec 18, tp 10 s, r It e, w in. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Fred Fisher, Kalph II. Young, L. P Paxton and Otto llolfeld, all of Madras, Oregon aS-m3 MfCHAEL T. NOLAN. Keglster. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, April 2, 1900. Notice is hereby given that tho following named settler has riled notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Don P. Kea, V. B. Commissioner, at his ollice iu Mad ras, Oregon, on May .", lwxi, viz; Isaac N. Helknaii of Haystack, Oregon, on II. K. No 12180, for the wksw!4, neihw and nwse'4, sec 1, tp 12 s, r 1:5 e, w m. He names the 'following witnesses to prove nls continuous residence upon and cultivation of said lund, viz: (I. W. Kidder, K. A. Jenkins, K. Jlantn and Homer Alexander, all of Haystack, Oregon, MICHAEL T. NOLAN, aH-ma Keglster. N0TI0E-P0E PUBLICATION. Depa.tment of thu Interior. Land Ollice at The Dalles, Oregon, April 2, l'JOti. Notlco is hereby ejven that tho follow, lug-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in minport of his claim, and that said proof will beinnde before Don P. Ilea, U. S. Commissioner, at his office iu Madras, Oregon, on Slay 1, 1008, viz; John F. Corwln of Haystack, Oregon, on II. Ji. No 8083, lor the w half of aw quarter, sw quarter of nw quarter, fee 10 and su quarter no quarter, fee v, tp la s. r ia e, w lit . lie nsinics the following witnesses to. Drove IiIh continuous lesidence unou and cultivation of said land, viz; r it irr.T....ruii if ii n...w. w i Bauta and D. W. Harnett, all of Haystack. Oregon. MICHAEL T. NOLAlf, n5-m!i Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. April 2, ltKXJ. Notlco Is her. by clven that followlliif- named settler Uan filed notice of his Inten tion to make final proof in sup- port of nls cl tin . and that said proof w ill bo mudo before the Countv Clerk of Crook county, at Prlnevlile, Oregon, on May II, iwj, viz; jtouen iv. .loruau of Bisters, Oregon, on H. K. No 28, for the s half of tie quarter and 8 half nw quarter, sec 6, tp 111 , r 12 e, w in. Ho names tho following witnesses to nrovo ills continuous residence unon and cultivation of said land, viz: William Vnnhusklrk, Joseph Kesterncr. Charles Jiuchanau and N. J. Lambert, all of rJIsters, Oregon. Michael T. Nolan, oG-i))8 lteeister, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Ofllce nt The Dalles, Oregon. AprI12, 1900. Notice Is hereby given that tin following named settler has (lied notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of Ills claim, and that said proof will be made before Don P. Kea, I'. H. Commissioner, at his ollice in Madras, Oregon, on May 3, 1900, viz: John P. Itamscy of Madras, Oregon, on H. E. No 100R,. for the Lots :t and 4, see S, and It 1, see 0, tp 10 s, r l:i e, w m. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said laud, viz: Thomas M. Iturden, David Ilurden, Joseph Arney and Oeorgo DUlou, all of tfAdras, Ore gou. a5-m3 MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Keglster. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the interior. U. S.Land Ofllce ttt The Dalles, Oregon. April'.', 1900. Notlco Is hereby clven that thu following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make Until proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before D. P. Kea, 11. 8, Commissioner, at his olllcu in Madras, Oregon, on May fi, 1900, viz: Hhermau J. Harrop of Culver, Oregon, on H. E. No 11001, for the ne quarter, sue II, tp 1: s, r 12 e, w in. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence iijou and cultivation of sab) land, viz: J. E, (!rout, Albert Woodard, W. A. Hamley aud Edward Pike, all of Culver, Oregcu. a5-m3 MICHAEL T.NOLAN. Keglster. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION. U, S, Land Ofllce, The Dalles, Oregon, March 10, 1900. Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of thu act of Congress of Junes, 1878, eiitltled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the states of California, Ore gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the public land H(ntes by act of August'!, 1892, the following named crsoiis have on February 5, 1900, filed In this ofllce their sworn statements, to-vlt: Olo (I, llagnnson, of Klcelaud, coultty of Freeborn, state of Min nesota, sworn statement No. 2814, for the pur chase of the s'4 so 1.1 and hwl-lul-lscc22, tp 11 s, r 10 o, w m. Kndro M. Enderson, of Klcejand, county of Frcobnrn, state of Min nesota, sworn statement No. 28i:i, for tho pur chase of tiles' sw!4co27 rttld 8J$ sej sec 28, tp 11 s,'r 10 e, w m, Norval 0, llagnasen, of Haucroft, county of Freeborn, stale ol Min nesota, sworn statement No, 2812, for the pur chase Of tho uel4 see 33, tp 11 s, r 10 e,w m, ' That they will offer prutifs to show that Hit lauds sought are uiori vsluilblfc for the tlifi btror stone therdoii thali for agricultural ptir tM)ses,aud to establish thitlr clhllns to said lauds before the Keglslur ntld ItOchcr at the laud ofllce In The Dalles, Oregon, On May 17, luno. They uam the following witnesses: Erlck Jonsrud, John O llelllu, ('harlie J Hanson and OlnusAM")!, of Albert Ica, Mhiiiesotat Eu dre M Undersoil, of Hayward, Mlunesola; Nor viifd liagaaseti, Olo i liagaasvn and Carl (I Hagaaseu, of U'rdal, Minnesota, Ail)' anil all pcrsoits clulmlny adversely any of the abovc-desorlbed lands arc requested to lllu their claln's in this ofllce on or before thu said 17th duy of May, 1&00. MICHAEL T. NOLAN niSmlfl Keglster, Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. S, Land Ollice, The Dalles, Oregon. April 0, 1900. Notice Is hereby given that Incompliance with the provisions of the act of Goncrc of j June .1, 1K78, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the states of California, Ore gon. Nevada, and Washington Territory,"" extended to all the public land states by act of August 1, 1892, the following-named person have on January 21, 1900, filed in this otiti c their sworn statements, to-wlt: Lorci) E. Allingliam of Klstcrs, county of Crook, statu of Oregon sworn ttatemeut No. 2703, for thu ptirriinsv ot theKJ-jNW. NE4SWU and NW&HKJJ, Seetlon 3. Tj. 11 South, Knnge 10 E., W. n I'lysses 8. Cowles of Madrm, county of Crook, slate of Oregon, sworn statement No. 2790, for tho purchase of the HK4RKJ and Lots 1, i, 3 ond t, Section 3, Tp. 11 bouth, Katigo IU E, W. M. That they will offer proofH to show that the lands fought aro more valuable for the tlinbor or stone thereon than for agricultural pur poses and to establish their claims to said laud iieforuiion P. ltea, I . S. Commissioner, at his ofllce In Madras, Oregon, on JuneO, 1900. They name the following witnesses: Frank Kodyfelt, liny AllliiKham, H. Htreet and Lorcn E. Alllugham, of bisters, Oregon, and Ulysses . i-owtcs, ot Maiiras, Oregon, Any and all persons claiming adversely an) of the above-described lands arc reuitested to ille their claims in this olllco on or before the said 0th day of June, IKsi, Mieiuiu T. Not ah, M-V Itcglstur. Timber Land, Act of Juno 3, 1878, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U, 8. Land Ofllce, The Dalles, Oregon, March 10, 1900, Notice Is hereby glvun that in compllanro with tho provisions of tho actor June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for tho sale of limner lauds in tho fitates of California. Ore- gon, Nevada nnd Washington Territory." us extended to all the public land states by act of A II Jt list I. 1892. tint fnllnu'lii,.. .....1 have on February ft, 1900, filed in this olllco ineir sworn statemcnls, to-wlt f Olnils A. Mneii. of IJam-roft, county of Freeborn, stale of Min nesota, sworn statement No, 2817, for tin, ptlr. chahu of the iie see tp 11 s, r 10 u, w m, Charlie J. Hanson, of Allwrt tAa, county of Freeborn, statu of Minnesota, fcworn statement No. 2810, for the purchase Of the sJi nw l-l ami iH sw 1-1 sec 33 tp 11 s, r 10 0, w in, John O. Ilollle, of Ilancroft, county of Freeborn, statu of Mln. nesola, sworn statement No. asps, for tho pur chase of the ssw 1-1 sec 20 and the ItU itw . hI'ojo, Iplis, rltlo, will. That Ihoy will offer proofs lo shnlv ihal the laildSMiughUro more valuable forthulftlm. her or sltmu thereon than for agricultural pur poses, and to establish their claims to said lands before thu Keglster nnd Itccelverat the land oftlco In The Dalles, Oregon, on May They numu tho following witnesses: Erlck Jonsrud, Chorlle J Hanson, olaus A Moon mid John O Helllo, of Albert Lea. Minimum.. . i-.. dru JI Kndurso'nof li.f'winlsil SVKor: Any and all persons claiming adversulv nv said 18th .lay of MnyVitWo:,mu or MICHAEL T. NOLAN. UvgUttr. NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land Ofllce at The Dalles. Oregon, Watch 17. lli, Notlco l hereby iflvcn that thu follow lug- named settlur has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof In suport of hU claim, ami that nld proof will bo made In the fot lowing manner, to-wlt; J. I. Kl.r. with JosUh HiiKhus mid J. H. Hiint, Uth of Charleston, Wtxi Vfr glnla, as wltnessus, will aiixar Iteforo Ihu County Clark of Kaunwlm county. West Vir glnla, at the county seat and submit their ten liiuooy, and lu mIiuiwos will apjtonr before won r. ilea, V, H, Commlsvloiiur, nt his olllco Hi ilailras, tirfgnn, to submit their testimony, on ;,iay 1. iDoo, viz: J. H. Klser. one of thu hulrs and for the heirs of llobnrl Jt, hlser, di'irasud, of Hunt. West Virginia. 011 II E. Uo. :,W0, for tho o. ttw l- sen 17. tjt ibx, r 1 I U, IV III. He (minus Miu following vHnussos to prou his rriutirtuoiis ri'shleiitu iifain and culllvntlon of sold'Uhd, vlx: Lyle I Paxton, O L Pax hh, Earl Cromer'niul Kred Plshur, nil of Kadros, OrcKon. MIG11AUL T. NOLAN, ni2a-a2fl Hegister. NOTICE FOK PUHLTCATION. Duparlmcntof thu Interior. Lund OfiicoatTlio Dalles Oregon. March 1, 1WW. Xotlto Is hereby given that the follow-liig-nanied settler has filed notice of hit Intention to make final proof In mippottof his claim, and that sub! proor will bo made before Don P.ltca, U.S. Ooiumlssldiier. at Ills olllco In Madias, Oregon, on April 6. li'OtJ, viz; Josunh W. Cook. ,.'.(?lh.'ri!,(!r''m'.0, ,f K- N'o.OliSI. for the ..;j.. v4ni,., .s wi kUe I, tp 12 S, r 13 0, W III. lie names tho following wit prove IiIh continuous residence ujion' and etiltlvatlonof said land, viz; (),lam,iil,lif,iMt,,,'ilu' w M Mellaril, KN uiiiiiin, a!) of Madras, Oregon. (I21-J25 Michakl T. Nolan. ItCglhtl'C, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, Department of thu Interior. Land Olllco at Tho Dalles, Oregon, ' March 1, 11)03, driitixi. iti..l .11.,.. . . . .... 1 , 1 i, . n iionco ui per intent tin to moltu ilnnt of her claim, and that Kithl proof will be made before Don P. Ilea, U. S. Commix, dinner, at IiIh ofhco In Matlnw, Orouoiit on Anmi ItiitUtiot. of Madras, Oregon, 011 II, E, No. lt,70, lor the co l, tp2H, r 13o, wm, Nho iitimeH the foiintui HIV lulillOJIK,', i.. w...f.Tli,n iTiviiunoun im provtt hor coiitluiiomi reHldoiuio upon nnd 0 iltlvatlonof8aldland,vlz. r HoV nr.:. L W '"' ! J II r, -M'f iiV0UMt m J25 Michael Nolan, IteKlstef NOTICE FOR PUBLICJMOX. bepnrluieut of (lie Iaitrw. I .Mil 1 1 1 1 III nn l 'I I1M II March 1 ivti liiK-namcd h tiler li tw iwMfi If ivil v iiiiinv miftf f-'-n - her claim, and Hint miIiI prf in i.H.fia imriini II If ltd 1.. ?v 1IU Aptll5,l0. viz: Mvrtle E. I!nl, I J I -llBIIIH. WIL-KI'll. iflt t , ....I J I I s.l t tut tU t SUv immiM tho following 4 1...- tt.wiiittiiAiitf nt i wire uwu oultlvatlon of Ul Intnl. W- It ii Harnett. H II Cook John Cat H. - , . ... sit ji f'ilrf IirjL4ft VOTICH FOR FUD1.ICATI0N. Land Ofllce at Taomiiw.' April , ( .1.., ll.Ml.U I, ..,.11111, 1,., I antl itr lilts 1 I'll II""" " " a ...:. .....K.. M1101 iirnoi lit .",-- ... .. .....1... .....I IITillL It I'"'.. ueru niiu,iiuu mv " iMctt beftire tho Count)- I'M'? lt Oregon, on May 8, 1WW, tit, 0 w....! Il..lrli-ll .1I1LIIU JIV. ...w- A . ... r 1 4 ... .11 nr 1 iBiuuti . . M"""."..rr fir tlie f w HUH, .Ml i. i. ' --:',' 8W nnarter ana ho quanv wa wt mm - ii...ifa n...Y...;7..s!ii'iiw m provo nor win.n""", r..i,. ....Itl.,,. )!.. nf mild llllllli JJ. 1. llelfricli, i' '.",1 ( JennliiRH and It. v, - ntoiiiR, uieKo,.. UU'IIIO Timber, Act J''n;J0!i vprnifl FOR PUBLICATION una . . . -Aflll III .. . . I ..I. .Jill I III I II ' lift HIWl'l""" ..4 r.riici"- lllnn 1 inn IMIIIIlt;!! ... ...11 11 .. . . . . ,,l I illH'i" . , 1 . ...... iiiiitfiiin mw mill, .uvnu ii iii' ' - , .imImkDTivi Sxtomle.Uoalltl.OI.bllPlno Allfc'lUt 4, IKv, 1'iuiir 1 t 1 w iv 1 anii p - ----f - - . , A 1,11 IUVI" iihh linn uny nni , , , ..i Hltlt ikl. Ill II fli I .1' - I " ikll I 1. .. ...111 uroiii ' . ... in tun nn. fur I'" I'M. Illlll 111 tTflM'"-" ' .i.... il II" ' rotho Itt-KlKter .nU 1W ,n or pose " ho jaw to naties, iirvipji'i v .!.. I A l"T He names as wl f A lie names as wih'-"-" . . ArtW"' tleoritu Croekelt, 0 ri Wot":?m ........ ri 1 iirtiikiiiil. ill di t 1 Wfl,l """ --r j,lidrVU .till' U11II nil UUinwi"" ..,..llU I ' s ... . 1 1....! Iii Kim niv - . f,Hi ...lal,-In tills OWCO 00 Of day of May, v. HOOV their iiW-wlt .... ..,Wf '(