The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, March 15, 1906, Image 3

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M;.' T o ' A resolution
tot Booaefw i. n f tho jn.
-UoaW'iV" d dlBcrlmlnai on
mW .:; Introduced touay
wwpo'i" """solution WBr j.
lell?"Vaw. Townsend's
GilW18'.?' nnnronriatlon of
nnlpeblllmBkcflRn appro
lOllW'fln ff tho game pur-
Hbl' . .n.U bill for
. rt, IDS
March O.-To'ltf
,ffl t . nd to bo composed of mnnd Indian
it was J,UUDU J.
7iVtll with nil tho provisions
:i k Harrows, anti n,,D
Ktb fi voto 37 to 86, after
Utnloitbytho still closer vim-
,, ii t
j!.t.1 after wio uibjiuoiw wi
, i tAl hill UIU liuuo" '"""
'b0.L? ho unfinished busl-
Pirtt the ifnateadjonnod over
i"' j a...u. the, actual for-
d Sunday, tho actual for
! until Monday.
rkundav. March 0.
frli 8 Today al
. i.ii innoriimiir ,..-
. ii.- .ttmod bill, and the
1 1MB "" . .
. in tliaf nninr of
iiuuvio - , .
Rfrt tie ffJWi a bpuuch wy
, .hth bMran a fow minutes
.i t. iriii nn pnjutAiinn
. .ainff until adjournment.
We time was occupied by three
th former supporting am
tfooPiHlug It. Bevorldge
j a.t while Ar zona and
IMMwere unpreparod for nop-
1"V- .. . Ait
ibfcbood. It was unjust 10 Keep
Li of the Union an one state
D " . . ... a
ktbe ground against tno roraicer
KDt. which allows eacn tern-
mUt Kbarately on tho question
itart, MClumoer opposi-u uvun
iof Oklahouia and Indian
rr.ud Patterson held that Ari-
New Mexico should do mi
JuKMrate states.
itute will begin voting on the
mti to the bill at 4 p. m. to
the final vote will be
adjournment for the day.
swill have the hour between
! o'clock In which to conclude
supply at Fort Davis is the only avail
able supply.
SS rChard Knew To Ma"V Secrets of
lUU Inner Circle.
Boise, Idaho. March rt Ap0.a..t-
Ing those whose hands wore against the
iern federation of Miners, and
wiose wjio refused to join the associa-
n a Condensed Form for
Dnsy Readers.
Washington, March 7. The Imupb tlon. are not thn nni , ......
JS "U SA-iSL ih. -o! the Inner Circle will bo
hmn!U to tho senate .today'in The ! ir"8' only wore HAPPENINGS OF TWO CONTINENTS
speecn oi uinpp, one oi me JCepubll- "..uoio muruereu outright,
cans supporting the measure without uom&s placed for state officials, but the
amendment, and by resultant remarks poor tools who committed tho revoltlntr
from Ilfllluv ami Tillman, wlm n . iouiumk
posed to represent the views of tie ' L,!! lnn,cr( rcl them
Ulllr' Laek.
Billy went a-huntln?,
A-huntln for a bear;
But the only thing ho shot
Wag a baby hare.
Aldrlch, Forakor, Crane and other
Republicans, who re seeking to amend
the bill fK as to provide for Judicial
review of orders of the Interstate Com.
merce commission, took the position
mat me discussion oi the situation
victims of this committee of
xiarry urchard was amono tho tools
of the Inner Circle marked for de
struction. Had he managed to have
escaped arrest after having assassinated
A Resume of the Less Important but
Not I i.ft IntAM.flna' CTt,An.f
of the Past Week.
The Iowa senate has nassed an ant.
railroad pass bill.
American troops killed flOO native
demonstrated that the friends of thn "-Governor Bteunenberg, he would not outlaws in a battle in tho Philippines.
mnnfttira ri dlvldml anil ttiat l.tti I )ifit? . .... .
. - , , m j u uiii i ? v iiiuu iuuv Lii nnmv inn w uni. I Li'iwn . u . r t n .
not ha accented inlLnt " uo , .. " DSU c"w 'n nve-story
M - I nan Ltl llHVHTPMIVarl flAnM 1 - 1 ..1. I milinint. ffl tl an1 n IrtnM n ( .7m Ann
" T'-,. I
Ilio confession of Btevo Adams, It is
&t&D, March 8. Tho house
I the Indian appropriation
itben proctoded to Undo itself
t lit till to abolish the grade of
a general In the army. The
i in adjournment for lack of a
a after members hnd been locked
till for ball an hour and tho
tit-arms had been scurrying to
idotelaln tcarcb of mem
Ike vote to consider tho hill
JuoTerwhelmlni: sentiment
k (sd, as it Is the imndini! bual-
iwer can oi committee, it will
wM reached and passed in due
Wedneiday, March 7.
uwon. March 7 Pronfilont
Kit today eent a meieaco to con-
MMnncIng ,ia signature to tho
"wiauon recently naaseii In.
the Interetatn linmtnnrrn
ion to mitn
Nt o railroad discrimination.,
JWfdlM In coal nnd oil. Ho
""Hat ha bai signed It with
"oj oecsnie It may nchlovo lit-
fSD,SU,,ch 7-With six sot
uj I peimlulon to print two
,a toe Record, nnnn nf
EMme fU,bJoct' 1,10 h
Puaieneraldilmt nn t..
IJttWonbHI, and tomorrow
1"' Ult mMatirn 1
uji jor niuunu
tfca hnn.n i. . ..
' Joint resolution permitting
j government coal at Fort
hhi'ui:: ,MW' "nauBoluto
SJ?11?"0". l'oro tho coal
Tuesday, March 0.
Washington, March 0. Tho house
began its eocslon today by passing with
out discussion or opposition a bill for
tho rllof of tobacco growers by permit
ting them to soil leaf tobacco without
paying tho tax of 0 cents a pound here
tofore charged. Tito rest of tho day
was devoted to tariff discussion, the In
dian appropriation bill being the ve
hicle to carry tho debato.
Washington, March O.The question
of tho enlargement of the medical de
partment of the army occupied tho ma
jor portion of the timo of tho senate
today. The question arose in connec
tion with tho consideration of a bill for
the displacement of contract surgons by
physicians who shall bo given tho rank
of array officers in tho reorganization of
the medical corps. Hale criticised tho
An agreement nn "Mnrarm fa ohnnf
said, shows that the members of the be reached at Algcciras, the kaiser
inner Circle were suspicious of Or- D ng n
m,b,uuu uuvho imu heen shadowed umneao government reassures
for a long timo beforo he went to Cald- , nfltionB "iat there will be no npris-
well for the purpose of nlaclncr tho ,ng flgamBt ,0relgnorfl'
bomb which killed ox-Governor Steu- ,u UarIman ,ineB wil1 be quipped
netibera. Ronton umA w , ?ith. the block signal system from
I I imalin In I ra in.u ..
anon him. and It l Ba,i i.f .u,... "v"
. f c, v tTJiUfciiUl I mi.. 1 ... .
he succeeded, as he did, or fslW. to , "SrL"?
nuum ,JaTo ueon auueu to the liBt o( than 30 dental surgeons in the navy.
vuoih inai nave been put out of the
Billy went a-fiahlnj:,
A-fishlng for a whale;
But the only thing he caught
Was a wlcgle-tall.
President Roosevelt baa been asked
to step in and attempt to settle the dif
ferences between the coal operators and
uni nn u wuiemiK weuKC i0r an in- It In ha avm iht tl. i
git . . j mv vuuibcoivua ui
crwwo o. wio Briny, im ho r pari oi a rw,r,l -n,l ni .ur.
rr wt.inK " "no.
Tho nowa that Adams had added his
Crimes within crimes was the system
which the Inner Circlo carried out.
When dupos of tho Inner Circle had The house committee on elections
performed so many deeds for tho Inner haB fftVOrahly reported a bill providing
Circle that t1. tn 4 wu-J for the election of senators by direct
... ' ' I vote oi the people.
onrn nHlnllw i L it. ... i
uuk i vno way, ana
general plan of the general staff, which
he charged with a purpose to increase
the army's Importance, InMiia remarks
the eenaotr said the general staff vas
disposed to encourage an invasion of
China. Caner and Gallinger spoke in
somewhat the same vein of objection.
while the bill was defended by Warren,
Blackburn and other senators. The bill
was not disposed of.
confession to that of Orchard has been
conveyed to Moyer, Haywood, Petti
bone and 8t. John. They were told by
their attorneys, but it is impossible to
i earn now tho prisoners took the news.
It was learned, howover, that all four
of tho prisoners, since they heard of
Adams' confession, have displayed
considerable concorn, and for the first
timo since their arrest havo lost much
of their assurance.
Of all the men under arrest, it ia
hinted that Petti bone is the worst. He,
so the story goes, was the chief con
spirator, the man who planned tho
The Port of Portland commission has
voted the Hill company right to bridge
the Willametto below Portland accord
ing to the plans submitted by the rail-
roa i company.
Billy went a-rldlng,
But the horse did kick I
Billy lost his balance.
And in the mud did stick.
Miss Susan B. Anthony is still
The Algeciras conference is talking
oi compromise.
The government has evidence of re
bates given the sugar trust.
No successor to Premier Bouvier has
yet been named in France.
Frantic efforts are being made to
save Zion City from bankrupty.
Frequent robberies bave.cdaeed the I
closing of money order offices in Po-
Monday, March 5.
Washington. March 6. President
Roosevelt sent a message to congress
today, accompanying plans for coast
defense prepared by a Joint board of
aranv and navv officers, in which he
emphasizes the necessity for further de- aMassinations and paid out the money. jand
feiinea rand reviewa the history al the Certain testimony Riven before the
defensive works In this counky. Tho rand Jury went to show that Haywood, inree officers oi the Mutual Reserve
oraaidant calls medal attnttaat ia tkml who received to a day as secretary, had J-iio insurance company nave been
recommendation of the bouiJlMMtao prior to his arrest been indicted for ateallng.
entrance to Chesapeake bay me aM$WSSfm st arouna uenver at tne Two officials of the Standard Oil ha
to the list of places In the UnlVwi e' ay. aois money is do- called on President Roosevelt and seem
Btatea to be defended. lie save the Mhtmki .10
insular Ions cannot .he lonner I aaSBBSlna
neglected if tho United States desires
Straightway home ran Billy
With a broken head;
And his mamma spanked him
And put him right to bed I
to hold thnm. Defenses are recom
mended for Manila bay, Pearl Jiarbor,
GuantAnamso, Guam, San Juan and
Honolulu, because of their strategic
situation. Defenses aro recommended
for the entrances to tho Panama canal.
Washington, March 5. In the son-
ato today. Noleon continued the discus
sion of tho statohood bill, urging the
passage of tho measure as reported
from tho committco on territories. Tho
remainder of the session was devoted
to the passage of tho hills on tho calen
dar, among thorn being ono providing
for compulsory education in the Dis
trict of Columbia and another regarding
tho selection of officers in the revenue
cuttor Borvlco. Two others of import
ance to the West were:
Providing for the issuanco of patents
for lands to Indians 011 tho Colvillo
reservation, stato of Washington, un
der tho Moses agreement of July 7,
To confor jurisdiction upon tho Cir
cuit court for tho Ninth circuit to de
termine in equity the rights of Amer-
can citizens under tho award of tho
Oohring eca arbitration at Paris, and
to render judgment thereon.
Washington, March 6. Legislation
0mny. Au uiouoy id uo- called on President Roosevelt and seem
o, bvek,bH. a .part of the anxious about mvestigation of trusts.
'mmAi -ojdea Armour.-head of the Ar-
President Roosevelt Could Go tolKiel
on American Warship.
Berlin, March 0. Professor Albrecht
Wirth, of Munich, today contributes a
signed article to Der Tag on tho possl
bility of President Roosevelt and Era
peror William exchanging visits. Pro
fessor Wirth has connections with the
foreign office, and his suggestions there
fore have n certain interest.
"Congressman Nicholas Loogwortb
and Mrs. Longworth are expected in
Berlin in May," ho says. "This is not
the first time that the president's
daughter haB represented the United
States diplomatically. Her journey to
East Asia had official character, which
was expressed by her accompanying a
member of the cabinet.
"President Roosovelt himself is not
permitted to leavo American territory,
but aa nn American warship is Ameri
can territory, and as President RooBe-
volt has already proved in practice,
why cannot tho president give another
example by visiting Kiel? Emperor
William could then choose a return
y unanimous consent and under bus- visit in the same form, going on a war-
1 Jamie
pension of tho rules occupied the atten-
tlon of tho house and resulted in the
passage oi several bills, somo of consid
erable Importance. Tho adoption of a
resulotlon of Inquiry as to whether
any crlmimu prosecutions nave ooen
begun against individuals In the north
ern Bocurltics company lurnisnea tno
text for a speech of criticism by Will-
ams, tho Democratic leader, Ulrocied
gainst the administration. Brief an
swers were made by Jonkin, of Wis
consin, and Grosvonor, of Ohio,
probably i a fit 0f b-
' wuay ntrm n..,1 ...
1. - w 1V till
MI.). I
' joint
fWff"0" PPolnR an
of UnlUd"su
HVeZn;? 001 ' People.
Hue. r.'l'tlon, andln
PrevlonBlyh rT 'solutions
irjt'cod by
Bmooi K Pfln
,a'ce la B.i. . -
?.B M" 1 bill per-
la lU),;r' ' ncan Ml ng
MOM Will A,,,8blll
Tt Will put AlMrl.
Test Vote on Philippines.
Washington, March 0. Senator
Lodge, chairman of tho committtoo on
Philippines, has decided to make a mo
tion that tho Rfinate dischnrco tho com
mittee from furtlior consideration of
the Uvlff bill and it bo taken up for
consideration. Undor tho rules a mo
tion of this character is debatable. Tho
senator proposes to make an argument
in favor of the hill and ask that action
be taken by the senate concerning it.
He does not Intend, however, to precl-
pate a continuation until after the
statehood bill has been disposed of.
Prospects Are Not Bright.
ship to wators near Washington. Thee
visits would add much to the mutual
friendship of the two countries."
Trade With United States.
Mexico Citv. March 0. During the
first four months of tho present fiscal
year, Mexican trade with tho United
States showed an increase in imports
of over $1,000,000. Exports to the
United States woro 150,801,250, n gain
of more than $13,00,000 ovor tho corre
sponding period of the previous fiscal
vear. Exports to Uormany wero more
than $0,000,000. and to Gieit Britain
nearly $1,000,000. Imports from Gor-
manv fell off more than $1,000,000,
while Gront Britain ami France both
sold less hero thnn previously.
Village Falls Into Lake.
Rome. March 0.- The village of Ta-
vernola, built on tho perpendlculnr cliffs
nlovo Lake Isco. In tho province of
Breed, was almost entirely destroyed
this mornltiK by tho rocks suddenly
giving way, apparently because the lake
had oaten into tuo uaso oi me ciw.
The disaster was preceded by a loud
roaring noiso which enabled tho 1,000
Inhabitants to eacapo. Ono usnerman
About S00 feet of rock and
iiasei'-eta eeetett eewee tuse dogging
e house coram i ttee r .e.,jhi!i t' A.ssfejtet.
marine and fiaheri'ei ' hw CxWVMMih 1 vlfjr
aa . u u unto .ui wuuaiucuu vvuafr cm;
tion shall be taken on the Bhip subsidy
Chinese crews on tho Pacific Mail
steamer Manchuria have been caught
smuggling arms and ammunition out
of San Franciso for Boxers in China.
It is not known how long this has been
going on.
France looks to America for a de
claration in her favor on the Moroccan
Tho War department says it will not
discontinue the purchaeing agency at
Portland as has been reported.
The next steamer Bailing for the is
land of Tahiti will carry relief for the
sufferers from the recent tidal wave.
Alio New York legislature will now
Investigate state -banks, aa they are
through wtih the insurance business.
A son of John Bozuffi, an Italian
banker of New York, baa been kidnap
ed and is being hold for a ransom of
Tho Chinese boycott is just being
felt in tho United States. Exports for
January, 1000, show a falling of! of
about $780,000.
The property of the rope trust, lo
cated at Boston, is to be sold by the
sheriff. Failure to pay interest on
bonds issued is the cauee.
That a man who has made homestead
entry, paid the fees and actually lived
tboreon about one year, and who enlists
in the United Btatea army or navy,
Berving four years, during which time
he is unable to visit his land, does not
necessarily forfeit his claim, ia a de
cision Ly tho Washington land officials
Japan has sent a warship to Chinese
wators to protect her subjects.
Rogers will answer questions at tho
Missouri oil hearing without further
The French army is in readiness for
war should such an event come from
the Moroccan dispute.
The Steel trust is about to absorb all
the independent companies. The deal
will involve about $17,000,.
Hovr Tom Blade It Up.
Ono day little Tom played with his
ball In the parlor while bis mother was
out, nnd he broke a pretty vase. When
his mother came homo she asked Tom
how be came to break tho vase. Tom
explained to her exactly bow ho bad
broken It and snld thnt he was very
sorry. His mother said that she would
forglvo him this time, and bo promised
thnt he would not disobey her ngnin.
Tho next day Tom, who hnd been
thinking all the day before how to re
place tho vnse, thought of a plan, no
put on his hnt and coat and started to
tho grocery shop.
"Want a boy to work for you?" he
"Yes," replied Mr. Martin. "I wns
Just going to advertise for one."
AH right," said Tom. "I'll start In
right now," nnd In a fortnight Tom
had earned enough money to buy a
vase exactly iiko tne one ne naa Drok-
en. urooKiyn ungie.
Examples In Roman Numeration.
Prefix 00 to greasy nnd make a
smnll napkin.
Prefix 1,000 to tho first man nnd
make n wouinu.
Prefix 50 to the handiwork of Noah
and moke a bird of which poets lovo
to write.
Prefix 5 to chills and fever nnd mako
Prefix 100 to a kind of monkey nnd
got n woman's garment.
Answers D-olly, m-ndam, 1-ark,
v-ngue, c-npe.
rrf- u 1. ii I nnta,anis WBB Killed.
WMUuigUHi, umnm u. . swallowed un
recardins: the statehood bill, now pend
lng In the senate, was held at the white
house thla afternoon, the parties to It
: w . -
Tactoban Is Burned.
Manila, March 0. Tactoban,
being, besides the president, Benators Manila, Marcn o. - xwv imu, iuo
LonofXims, Burkett of' Nebraska capital of the island of Ley to, bu bjw
and Warren of Wyoming, all .supporters SJJ
II IBConceaeuHiaswie uih uv v. , - .
. i. .
wi me measure, iv is , ,. t, ,iia,inf
nrosneeta for the enactment of the meas- ated In n important homp district
ure. into law ere ot bright, and the A I3fltance
eoaferenee was held for the purpose of stroyed. Government asaiatance
eoasiderlHg means te save the bill. 1 be rushed.
Ex Governor Hogg, of Texas, is dead.
The War department says it will send
no more troops to the Philippines for
the present. Those now on the way
and already there will give General
Wood a command of nearly 15,000 men.
F. Samuels, secretary of tho Ocean io
Steamship company, cays natives on
Tahiti and nelKhboring islands are not
suffering (or food as a result of the re
cent tidal wave. He Bays the cocoanut
groves are on the highest points.
Why We Sar "Hello."
Long, long ago wolves wero numer
ous In all parts of tho world, especially
in Englnnd. Wolf hunting was a favor-
Ite sport with tho gentry, and to kill
wolves was regarded ns tho sacred
duty of all Englishmen. In fact, an old
law reads: "All barons must hunt nnd
chaso a wolf four times a year."
French waB tho language of the .court
at that time, so the burly old English
hunters used the cry of the French
wolf hunters, which was "An loup t Au
loupl" ("To the wolf.") These words,
heard at a distance, Bounded like "A
loo," but the English, who always put
aa n on wherever they possibly can,
put it on the words "A loo," and when
wolf hunting shouted "Ha-loo." This
form we use when we call "ITello," as
no word has been, found that carries ee
far or so well aa hello. For this rea
son It is tho accepted form of tho tele
phone companies tho world oyer.'
Washington Star.
The Unreachable Coin.
Place n boy with his back against tha
wall, his heels standing firmly against
It Lay a half dollar on tho floor In
front of him, about n foot distant from
bis toes, nnd toll him it is bis if he
can pick it up without moving bis heels
from against the wall. In vain will
he try to get tho coin under the condi
tions prescribed.
Freak Xecktfea for Bora.
Don't put up with shabby ties, boys.
You are never too younir to think a bit
about your looks, and though most.
folka detest the boy whose heart is in
his clothes Instead of the place it ought
to be, it's worth money and a reputa
tion to keep clean, and neat When a
tie gets shabby throw It In the waste
basket and begin on another.
KilentennnMn Kaiaer'a rjcxlrsnard Tm
Over Seven Feet Tall.
Undoubtedly the tallest soldier in tho
world is Josef Handel, who hasj recent
ly been made n lieutenant In tho Kai
ser's famous bodyguard. During tho
past year nnd before he became a sol
dier he was exhibited under the slmplo
name of "der lange Jpsef" In the Berlin
L'anopjtlkon nnd other places of Inter
est In the large clles of Germany as
the tallest youth on earth, a distinction
to which be is easily entitled, says the
Cincinnati Enquirer.
Handel Is not 22 years old, yet he
stands 7 feet 8 Inches In his stockings.
Though he was earning a big salary he
did not hesitate a moment when the
Kaiser called him to his bodyguard In
Potsdam. He would never have been
given the honor If the Kaiser's physi
cians had not pronounced him perfect
ly proportioned physically and of sound
health. A remarkable fact Is that Han
del's parents, who live In Leipzig, are
people of ordinary size, as are also his
brothers and sisters, of whom there
are seven. Handel makes a pictur
esque figure in his guard uniform and
the high helmet makes him look a veri
table Goliath. Frederick the Great
would have given his best pipe to have
added such a giant to his guard of tall
Proof of Inasnlty.
We come upon the auto standing
upon the brow of the hill.
"Hello," ho says to the chauffeur.
vvcu nut
"No, sir," he responds.
"Out of gasoline?"
"No, sir. We have plenty."
"Tire punctured?"
"No, sir. The tires are in perfect
'Lost your way?"
"No, sir. The country hereabouts is
very familiar."
'Dropped somethlnir from the auto?
'. " "No, sir. Nothing of the sort"
rriMW8are,.you standing here?
Why are yoa aet- sewetlwr down tho
am ara; aeyoaanaey
BDeed?"" 1
"I do not care
owner of the machine, TOs)$M2
silent until this moment "I hadBp
auto stopped here so thnt I might enjoy
the magnificent view from this eleva
tion." With a frightened glance at hiH, we
turn and hnsten to the nearest town, to
warn the officials that an evidently in
sane person Is at large in an automo
bile. Kansas City Independent
Jefferson Was n Child Actor.
On the death of his father, at Mobile,
Ala., young Jefferson and his sister
were engaged by the local manager to
play children's parts, sing comic duets
and appear in fancy dances. In addi
tion to this, he snld: "I was to irrlnil
colors in the paint room 'assistant ar
tist' I was called on tho bills and
make myself generally useful, for
which services we were each to receive
?6 per week."
At 13 years of age he was the chief
support of n widowed mother whom
misfortune had reduced "from leading
lady to landlady." In reviewing the
hardship of his early life, one cannot
but feel how much ho deserved the suc
cess which crowned his la'ter years, nor
is it to be wondered that onco achiev
ing success, ho never Jeopardized it hv
experimenting with now plays so long
as tho old ones showed every evidence
of popular favor. In this rough school
of experience, then, where ho Indeed
made himself "generally usoful," Jeffer
son learned tho art of acting, and, aa
well, the art of painting. Francis Wil
son Jn Scribner's.
Knar Way to Carve,
Freddy lived In a boarding-house
near where they had been excavating
for tho Bubwny. One day when he saw
his mother struggling with n particular
ly tough stenk the boarders were con
vulBed to bear him pipe up :
"Mamma, why don't you blast It?",
New York Press.
Falae Proverb.
Psrnlth You can't eat your cake aw)
have it too, you know.
KJones The dickens I can't I Yes
ought to try some of my wife's cake
you can eat It and it'll stay with yo
for four days. Cleveland Leader.
That'll Do.
RtflM Manager That earret-haired
"supe"- Is a perfect immpkln bead I
Low Comedian xes. wi a veteta
ble supe. Cleveland Leader.