The Madras Pioneer CARDS. L1 . uannAS JEWfcLtii t JEWEinY BEPAiniM OflEGON .tit' I DENTIST .........kMlreMoiint.lul'rIccii rWK(VlU0WiO! KDBCMAKN lonmlte OREGON Mti. OTARY PUBLIC AND ,S. COMMISSIONER OHWION WlYN Y PUBLIC (TLVEH I'M.' I' T OREGON YSICIAH & SURGEON CStelD lrurMor OltKQOK am. YSICIAH & SURCEOH lWllrM Mrt 'iHfket OnCOOfi i.rioiJfni. t M IUUiWI.w, faultier. fmnurf We I'r m II, IUtji'iK. A.u. cidcr. N0.30G1. fist National Bank ffRlNEVILLE, OREGON CSTABLISHED 1000 $60,000.00 iUOW CfcEEK WMI LL UPTOM & M'MEEKIIJ, Props, ("mill Ik 111 ntinriil ln filed with nil liintlnnr roiiuli MBER "imttr mi Imtlll iih tnnn f.k 'owned for jlwiiiiK. PlfMhlprU(, forrr,.tlH p to ... . , nMfnirjrmn.v.i-Bm "mw,Mt 11(1 w),. SCRIP FOR SALE 5"toIUliul.offiovornmcnl 'ClI'Mnni a. i.... In.,,, " I'fovi-inuni, ni '". miiu im (or (Ui.Hr PON LAND CO. r.niMUa.OllliinM MADRAS, CROOK COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY. MARCH 15. 1906, ALFALfA LAND PROFITABLE NO. 3Q Trout Creek Supplying Portland Mar kets with Prime eof. Some idea of fhe vuluo of lands which can be brought un der irrigation Und mudo to pro duce alfulfa may bu had from the statement tliat during tho present season, since the first of the year, about 030 licad of beef cattlo have boon fod on tho Trout crook alfalfa ranches be tweon Doutblt's and tho j,yle & Brown much, for delivery to Portland markets, This nar row strjp nong Trotit creek and including tho lower end of Hay crcuk, probably in all not to ex cued seven miles, contains more prosperous ranches Ihan can be louiid in any other section of equal size in this portion of the state. 11. . J t t a i no yieiu oi annua upon theso ranches is enormous, and in past years when public- range was plentiful, thesn were the home ranches and winter quar wra oi eioeismou engaged in running stock cattle. ttut the shortage of range, owing to the encroachments of the farmer and tho sheepman, has gradu ally brought about changes tin til now this section is turning to the beef industry, feeding beef for tho Poitlaud market. In litis manner they are able to get $10 per ton om of their alfalfa hay, at which ligure tho Trout eivek ranches prove a veritable fe-olu mine. During tho present- season oef cattlo have been delivered or contracted for early delivery by tho following ranchers: II. u. Priday & Co., 80 head; Bid well Cram, 250 head; Willis W. Brown, 200 headjE. G. Holier & son, jod head; Jlarry JJouttut. )0 head: making a total of 030 lead of beef " sold to tho Port and market from that section alone. TEBJHFIOJAlp STORM Fine Particles of Dust Add to DIscom ClUC iinnnrn ion oi uiizzara. nnt nunoco run CpOOK TO RECEIVE BIOS FOR TIES W SQIITHFRN way go; table NO. 10. 81 1MI. P m m. Stl ttTtONl, uinim, "f junta 1 NottT llnlllill No. 1. ,11 Wii.m'.'i Utt.lll. I 1 Mil. 0 Mil. '"a Mil. IU.WR l, Tu." 'A) II. In J W III. M Mil. "'"MiiijLenvo. Xrrl vo 41 0. R. & N. Wants fllntorlal-Looks Llko Eatly Constuctlon. The Oregon Pailroed & Navi gation company is making prep .aratione to receive bids for ies to bo delivered on their icht-of-way on the lino stir veyed from Madras Houthwan tluough Iledmond and Bend says tlio Bullotin. A Bend man recently wroto to the company asking to sub mit a bid on ties, llo received a letter in reply from the pur chafing agent, enclosing speci fications for ties to be delivered on their proposed line from Madras southward; The speci licatlons went into detail as to size of ties, how they were to bo piled, etc. Tho letter asked Im the quantity (his man could fur- nih and when they could bo delivered. Tho rnili oud situation is"rap idly-coming to- a point where something decisive can bo ex pe'eted. It has been known for some time by the Bulletin that this company was about ready to recolve bids for ties through this country, Every weok now reports reach Bend bearing marks of authenticity, and all iudlcUto that construction will be commenced at a not far dis tant time on a railroad headed for Bend. F. S. Stanley, just out irom Portland, expressed himself as believing that grill ing on tho proposed lino through this region would soon bo coin moiiced,nd that when tUo'rond from Null-on west is finished to A peculiar ieaturo of the bliz- f.nnl wliir1i In a In1 lno prettieflt lumnli nf full .t ... w . iuii iirrniv linn i r i Anrin it niii muuu Hiiirenorses seen lor maiiv fi, rHonn f , nn n .1 ..8 1 . , - r w -wj una uaill "M7 waBrea 111 me norso cles of dust in tho air. civinc it " a" ' I : lir v - 1110 appearance of a fog and ob yitsoiucill OI UIO X5,'ljawin nniiritiir nhl unfa nt n liafnnnA Sheep & Land Co of Haycreok, a quarter of a mile. When this vrtgon, u. o. a., nad collected dust first made its appearance in . u ne 1U or w nead of lit- the 8trong gale of Saturday it ..v,ou uiuuu iimreBanu inree wnn thmmlir. tn ho fn.v finn ... M , . . i n" ' wm uuu siauionsoi tills popular breed 8now. which it closelv reaem- IiIp1 in imnoftrnnno nt rat "Rv r.Edwards has been quite ac- i,n0r u T.nn tiveoflatoill attending the most COvrtin rrrnnnrl nml nil nhioot noted auction sales, buying sin - fivnoRfirl tn it. nnfi it. W!, fftn,i glo top notchers, but it was not to bo a fine yellowish dust of a suspected by anyone that they aandy nature. In fact tho bliz- U0UK 11 Ior exPrr an(I "e .aid, in addition (o its othey.dis has been able to secure a collec- agreeable features, was a verit tion of the best horses in Eng- abi0 dust storm. It has not land, in a quiet way. been ascertained over what It IS Stated that his Company Ltratnli nf nnnntrv t1iPB nnnrli. is largely interested in thor- tions existed, but the writer has hliols "55? 1 knowledge that he oughbred horses, with this col- 0,lzzrd and duststorm were m lection as a foundation. His full blast in the territory from shipment was much admired by Shaniko to Madras. all who saw it, and old time ti,q Wiirin rtT title Altai a tt t horsemen were unanimous in U .7i t i n ' their onininn iht l S hS kn0' although the theory has; never seen a better lot of shires been advanced that it blew up leave England1 for America. - from the sands along the C - The shipment will be for- lumbia. It covered the ground warded to Liverpool in a few tn o lontii nf -nmnoMTr nn Mnmli 1. l.tvwmnni T7.rrin,,ri and was of a very different D r a1 -, . coior irom me sana or sou m this section of the country. t : Our New Announcement Next Week LENA M. LAMB, Prop. Palmohn Building, . MADRAS, - OREGON 4 t ! Gazette. TO RECLAIM HORSE HEAVEN HOMESTEADS IN RESERVES St. Puul und Seattle capl tails t will try to irrlgntu n largo tract of land In the lloro Heaven country In Wash- tiglon by menus of nrtcMnn wells. Tun tlioiiHnuil ucrea have nlready been Representative Lacey of Iowa, chair man of the House committee on public lands, has introduced a bill in Congress designed to meet one of the orincinal ob -1 1 I... .1 I in nrn " jr u.u.u u..u -iu.wii more jcctions raised by Senator Heyburn of uivvo ueeu L-uiiiiuuieu ior. I .i.. , . . , TlllH la I Mil flrtit 4.(rrl In Irrlrrnl.. I " I j.e r.c.rt'.c Th hill mnAe .U. nrtri) frnnlu l,l Mm I'lirilllr, Vl. 11 tirnul liti I ... nHrr Hip hnmiprirt nuj nf ncrrinl iiiuiioi nrieamn wens, iimiouijii me tUral lands that mav be einhrafed in for inn una uoen 8Uccefc8luiy used in est reservations, and closely follows the notn wxai anil Wyoming, ana other recommendations of the Public Lands vuml nrld reuioua. Commission, as indorsed by President Tito outcome of this effort will be Roosevelt. u-ittched with firunt Interest by the furmern of (he ceml-arlil recloue ol the NorlhvvtHt, nnd eHpecially In IhoHOfc'ec- tloi: where the only possibility for Irrigation Is from iirtesiuu water. If P. C. Itowlee, former superin tendent for the D. I. & P, Co. ai Redmond, has resigned that po It cau ho Huceessfully done, and eco- sition and will be succeeded by niimlenlly, large wpotlonh whicn huvo (J. M. Redfield, the company's lieretofon, been depomlent upon the ohief engineer. Mr. Rowleo will seafcoi.swmunqueHiionaoiyueurougiii (ev()te ,,is elire time t(J hiJ under rrlKHtlan wherever It can be rmoh ad ,he arRe tract of irri t one, i iih in meuimiiy iiie-irnBa- uled )and owned individually linn .imJi (itiil itiliftti avtkiiriiiiorila liitA 9 . h .v . ...... . Q Jolui8lon neal. 3en(1 demuiiHtruled wliut can be douo and J the moat tcouomical methods, ever foot of laud Miticeptiblo of Irrigation will in time be under ditch. HEADQUARTERS I MADRAS, OREGON j II f M'TAGGART & BYE SEEDS Turkestan Alfalfa, Garden and Flower Seeds-r-Cheaper than you can buy them elsewhere. HARNESS Special For Two Weeks Working and Drive Harness, Collars, Hames and Everything in the Harness Line. BARB WIRE $4.50 PER GWT. A gopher in tho Trout creek region digs into the earth and discloses a valuable coal mine. F. M. Loveland, in borinc for a well at Madras, taps a cavity which L'ives forth an inexhaust ible supply of hot air. Mr. Love land has been badly outdone by this little animal and should go to theso little creatures for wis dom -should "consider the 111 lies of the field" or something of that nature. What a dillei . . .1... ...!!.. enco nouveon me iiuuo iuiui-ib of man and the apparently un directed work of tho busy go pher. And now the Madias Pi oneer has the effrontery to sug- irRt that the Bulletin nnd its B. S. D LARKIN, Prop. Madras, Oregon FOR REPAIRING FINE SHOES COMPLETE LINE OF HARNESS AND SAD DLE FIXTURES Tho best quality of Repairing h KIN D8 FOU SAI.K .VSONAULK. CULVER HOTEL AND FEED BARN r-KKHY 11KKP, Manngcr.l GOOD MEALS CLEAN BEDS NEW BUILDINGS neighboring contemporaries bot- chain ANnnAV ok At llo un a supply for their use. whcesmcaj Sih.1i notion would not only be ..mviao hill fnn N I. HH t 10 lielltl UULVtll UfltUUM III! " fMW ' --j country does not need not air in advertising its great resources. But we have wondered for a ontf tiitio where nil this "hot air" unlimited front. It is now Mainly evident that Alliums is tho guilty putveyor. JNo won der tho Pioneer would Hko to uet rid or tue stutt now tnai us , ..! 1.1. .. I .. secret possession oi iuo HiiiJiny has been discovered. Bend bulletin, BARB WIRE $4,40 Gwt. LOUCKS & WILSON GllAtN MUL1.8, wo want to sell tlient right now Ht A dlsoouut Sanfortl t a r i-1 r fv x-n i r s- y-N k i tAbltKIN UhtLjUIN X I BANKING COMPANY? SHANIKO, OREGON 1 Capital Stock, $25,000 Deposits, $25p,000 Capital Stock, $25,000 Deposits, S250,ogo J. W.PEENOH, Pres.! H. A. MOOEE, Vioe-Pres.5 F. T, HIJEIiBURT, Cashier FOREIGN EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD I t t HDrafts on. -11 Iarts of tlxe "TCwlia Z Cornett Stage & Stable Co MADRAS TO SHANIKO DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY Speolal attention tven to carrying Express Matter. Fare $4.50; Round trip, $8. Agent at MADEA8 HOTEL. ... -i ,i. . i i . .i. i in .in i itr-",".,i i 1 .. i ' '!'.' i . ".' i i The - Madras - Pioneer $1.50 PER YEAR : ! 1 - if - -in r, n - 1 1 -i - ' ' ' -iuKjj-aaBa-i-i t $ I nuke junction Willi this onet SlHt