BUY LOTS IN MADRAS The Comma industrial oncr oi ..Central Oregon ,a Located in Willow Creek Basin and in the midst of ah IMMENSE WHEAT BELT The natural trading point for Agency Plains and other surrounding wheat plateau districts. FAT SmiTHFRM WILL GOME TO MADRA during the next 12 months, affording ample tranportation facilities and assuring rapid development, GR .-a 4i A big Flouring Mill just completed Long distance telephone connections. DAILY MAILS, Splendid Business Chances ire ipen in MADRA! !.I ft fvlADRAS Is centrally located In the famous Willow Creek Basin, comprifihiK 700 square miles of the finest whent lnml In Oregon. Situated on a natural townslto location, with flue water easily obtained in wellH from 12 (o 120 feet deep. Has most eqimblo ollmuto In Oregon, and good roads the year around. All roads lead down hill to MADIIAH, and this Ib the natural trad ing point of rich wheat belt larger than Sbaruian County, j Buy Lots Now. Price, $50 ana Upwards. For particulars inquire of DON P. REA, secretary of townsite company. EES mm The Madras Pioneer Thursday March 8, 1906 1 You have only to stop at Hotel Poin dexterto be convinced Unit it is the most popular hdstolry in Priuevllle. Courteous treatmeut, good accommo datious, and popular prices. A. M. WILLIAMS & CO DEALERS IN , Dry Goods, Clothing, Furnishing Goods BOOTS AND SHOES (.HATS AND CAPS ' THE DALLE8 0REC0H J. W. BOONE 1 Dealer In home-made Harness & Saddles Try our make o White HivcrTrco Stock Saddle. The best In tho market. I ?R I NEVILLE OREGON 'ftl'uS B. S. D LARKIN, Prop. Madras, Oregon FOR REPAIRING FINE SH0ES , COMPLETE Line of harness and sad- ;dle1fixturbs x The best jinaH'ty. of Repairing - t " R. T. JONES Good Rigs and Good Horses Transient horses given the best of care and good feed AT THE SIGN OF THE MADRAS FEED YARD Madras, Oregon. Supremo Judges.... JtS Ucan CONTEST NOTICE. 3 Department of (he Interior. U. G. Land Ofllce, The Dallee. Oregon, February 9, 1900. . A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in this office by Samuel K. King, contestant, against homestead entry No. 13,143, made December 23. 1003, for east half northwest quarter, east half southwest quarter sec 31, tp 11 b, r 13 e, w ui, by Alonzo Brandt, coutestee, In which it is alleged that said Alonzo Brandt has wholly abandoned said tract that he has changed his residence therefrom that said tract is not settled upon, and ( 8lirvoy'or c Aa..VBH OFFICIAL DIRECTORY UNITED 8TATE8 President Theodore Itoosovolt Vlcc-Prcsidei't Charles W Fairbanks Secretary of Sia'lc W I. Hoot Secretary of Treasury Losllc,.M Shaw Secretary of Interior E A Hitchcock Secretary of War W II Tuft Secretary of Navy J Ilonnparto Secretary of Commerce Victor II Metcalf Postmaster General G H Cortelyou Attorney General Wm II Moody Secretary of Agriculture James Wilson STATE Governor George E. Chamberlain Secretary of Statd K. I. Dunbar Treasurer -. C 8 Moore Attorney General A M Crawford Sunt. Public Instruction J II Ackermau State Printer.... J it Whitney Dairy and Kood hommlsstoncr J V Ralley U S Senators ; i 9 )V.,1'"1,',,n I J M't(jCHrIii Congressmen , j "'"Kpr Hermann 1 J.V Will mifcon K A Moore T(i Jlalley 8EVENTH JUDIOIAL DISTniOT Judge... W LPradshaw Prosecuting Attorney Frank Munefco CROOK COUNTY Judge W A Poll Clerk.. J J Smith Sheriff. O Jam Smith Treasurer O CGray Assessor i J I) LaPolletlo ADMINISTBATQE'S NOTICE. Notice Jo hereby given, that I tho undersigned, have beeu.(byt'h'eCJounty bourt of the State of .Oregon for Orodlt County, duly appointed administrator 'of tho Estate $f A . N. yibbe'rl decease., pud have duly qualified us ouch. AH jieieons having claims against fculd Estate are hereby In o tithed to present the same to me wrth proper vouchers, at my residence hear Madras-Crook County Oregon, within. nix months from tho (la to hereof. . Dated this day Jf Jjihuay 1000. . ! J. I j. tytfrBHHON, 1 Ai)mInriprVthe instate of A, V, Vlbbert-deoeftfjeU, cultivated by said party as required by law; that said alleged absence was not due to his employment In the array navy, or marine corps of the United States in time of war. Said parties are hereby untitled to appear, respond and offer evidence touching such allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. oi) April 4, 1900, before J. J. 8mlth, County Clerk, at his office in Priue vllle. Oregon, and that, final hear- ! ing will be held at 10 o'clock a. m. on April 11, 1000, before the Register and Receiver at the United States Land Oillcp In Tho Dalies, Oregon. The ealtf' contestant having, in a t?roper a'ffid'avit, filed February 1, 1000, set forth facts which show that after dub 'diligence personal service of this notice? can not be made, ic Is here by ordered and directed that such no tice bo given by,,due,and proper publi cation. " Michakl T. Nolan, P-o2(J-ii30 ; - Tester. Boundary Kutbfter'lPretlricfNo 23 Commence at southeast corner of town ship 12 miles, north to.lntersectlon, wjt,h ,Desc htjtes river, thenrijljip the Deschutes river 'tq whrc the South Jme of townshlr) it, range '12 east, crosses DeschufeT nve?, thence cast 14 miles to place of beginning, ( M n Powell Coroner f VimtnfttMt'rltin? ' j 3S8t'carn KUTCHER PRECINOT Justice , FJ Hrooks Constable.... J m Mayes Road HupervifcDr George Dillon COURT DIRECTORY FOR CROOK COUNTY cincui'r couitTi , First Monday in May; third Monday in October. COUNTY OOUItT: First Mo'riclay In each month. ' COMMISSIONERS' COURT: First Wednesday In .Januray, March. May. Jniyi September and November OHUflOH DIEE06ky, . . MADRAS DteTRIOT. ., " First Sunday, morning and' evening, Methodist Kidscopal, llov, J. K. Craig, pastor. , .. (;' ' Secoinl ,KiHdav, morning' and evening, McnnoitM Hretlireh-UevcAn, pastor. Third Sunday. Morning and Kvcnlng, M. jCJuirp.h, UeV. J, K. Craig, pastor ttliviny Bcliool at 10 h. in. enoh HiuidaV, 11 south, range 14 east, thence north j Mr8-r' K Tficlval, siiporin'enilent. liles, thence west 6 miles,, tfie'nce j Y. IV H. C. K, oVery Sunday evening. , .. M5THOntHT ItlM. DIHTItlOT. Cerman M. R. ClwrchV! Jlcv, j.. O. Jtoohrhig, pastor. Suwlnia school at.B0 aji- H.J)6mbrowo, aUpcirlritendon't, . Woachlhg oervlces as JOiO 6. m. and 7.30 p.m. German school and Catechism conducted by pastor Saturday at 2,00 p. 111. Kpworth hunguo. Sunday evening at 0::M) Everyone welcome. i' AfiKXOV I't.AI.V'S DISTHHJr. ' Irst and second Sundays, morning and evening, V. E. Fulglmm. Fourth Sunday, morning and evening, Rev. 11. A. Cain. Wlllinm lirnnstettcr, siiperiutemlunl of Sunday school. Sunday school every Sunday afternoon at 2.3). Preaching by Rev.W. E. Fulglmm and others at Irregu lar periods. OPAL PHAIItli: DIHTItlOT First and third Sundays, moridng and ovening, the Rev. Ii: A. Cain, Mcnuonlto Ilrethren. The I'.ov. .T. K. Craig makes tho follow ing apiiolntments for the country districts: Second Sunday, 3 p.m. Culver; 11.30 a. m., Falrvlow SchoolhouHo. Third Sunday, 3 p.m., at Mud Springs Schoolhoiifcc. Fourth Sunday, Willow Creek, li a. m.; Red Rock Schoolhousu. Timber I.aml, Act Of Jure 5,'1S7. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. 8, Land Ofllce, The Dalles, Oregon, March in, I'M. Notice Is hereby given that in compllanco with the provision of the act of Congress of Junes, 1K7M, entitled "An act for tho sale of tlmbor lands In the Slates of California, Ore gon, Noviyland Washington Territory," ai extended to all tho public laud sft(es by act of August I, mil, the followIUK-imiiRMl persons have on February fi, 190(1, filed In this olllce their sworn statements, to-wlt : Olaus A. Moon. f' .Ilam-roft, county of Ftvoboni, state of Mln. ncm;iu. onimi niu,ciliuill .Ml, n!7, OT lie JlUr choso of tho nvk sec a'i, tp m, r Id e, w ra. Clwrlle 4. Hanson, of Albert U-a, county of .Frcnborn. llnnesota, sworn Btatemunt No, am, for tho pwrcimse 01 me vs nw ui ana 11 w 1-1 see 33, tp 11 , r 1(1 e, w m, John 0, ilellle, , , of Jlanoroft, county of Ficoborn, state of Mln". nesota, sworn statement No.ssio, for the pur eliftsu of tlm nVt hw 1-1 seo it; ami the uU uw l-l eeW, tplls, r 10 0, win. That limy will offer proofs to show that the lands sought am moro valuable tnr 11, i. .i. ber or stone thereou than foagrloultural pur- i t . a iniBuiiBii juicir claims tosald lands before the Kenlstur miiu uuii'U J ineiiOIHS. OreL'Oii m XI... is, im. ' TliuyiiHiuo tha following JoilHrild. (Mm rlli, .1 ir ,r -v - - .!, Wilms a iiiuu nun JuhhUlIoiIle.of APiert U'n, Mllincsolat Ku- ... ... i.numruii, 01 llttyWBrir.MllinvH0t8i Nor val Q IIAlrilnlinn iitiil !..! n 11. ... ... . dnl, Mlnuesoa. ,. 1 Any and all rsons clalmu adversely any .of tlie.uboye-disjfrlboilf lands Vn reipiesnd, to ... :, nnuii" in' hum ouiconiiir before tin fclU jhim 4uy vi lifay, JtwSr. J MICHAEL T. HoTaN, lU'ginttr. TlmUir Iinil. Art June 3, 1x7$ NOTICE F0U PUBLICATION, , . U. 8, Uud Oillcu, Tli Dalits, Orygoiii March Ul, 1'Wl. NotlcD Is hereby given that In couiplUncc with the provisions of tho net of Congrwuof JlliloS, lB's, omllk-d "All not for lbUli'Of timber lands In thy Motmt of California, Ore gon. Nevada, and Washington Ttirrltury." extended to all the public land mates by art of August 1, 1SW. Helena M. Curry, of Wasco, county of Hherumn, Mate of Oregon. Imi this day filed In thlsofttce her som statu meut No. 2.TS, for tho purchase of tho IU 1, ?, 3 and I, of see 2, tp 13 s, 1 10 C, W tn. And will offer proof to show IhnihoUiHl sought Is moro valuable for Jta. tlniUur'or stone than for agricultural purposes, anil to cstalA llsli her claim to said land bforu tliu JtngUter and Itfielver, at The Dalle, Oregon, on the ttlh day of March, Pjuu. " Hhe names as wlfnessw: , V. Alltigham, V. II Hpurlc, of I'rlncvIII. Oregon; Hlchard i Gorman, Michael O'Connor, of- The Dallcii, Or. I'Kon. Any and all persons claiming adversely tli alivo-duscrlbcd lands nro rciiictcd to lie their claims In this ofllce on or before said 'J-Jtn ilft) of March, MlCIUKL T. NoUK, jaS'maa Iteghtcr, NOTICK FOR PUHLK3ATION. Department of the Interior. Land Ofllce nt The Hallos, Oregon, January III,' IIHsl, Notice Ir hereby given that the following named settler has II led uotlcoof Ins Intention to muku lliml proof lu support of Ids' claim mai sain proof will Imi modo lieforo the Hcglsterand Itccolvcr nt The Dalles, Oregon, on March III, 1'jon, vl. Antone Machctle, ', , of HaycrcoV, Oregon, on If. K. No. hil.ll, fp'f the vx4 sejeell, uU nek heu'X and iiwll mv!l Keoai, tplla, rite, win. He names Hie following witnesses to prove Ills continuous residence upen and cultiva tion of said land, vlx: John I, Allen, Edward Kutcher Edvrd Jl Ucan, of Hiiycreelc. Oreifoni Prnnk O Osborne'. of Mii'drao, Orcgvni, , a, MICHAEL T. NOUN, 18-niS HegUter. NOTIC1C FOIt PUIHJOATION. Depaftmelit of tlio Interior. iLniid Olllce at Tho DjIIos, Oregon, r March 1, 1005. Notlgo is huitiby given thnt tho follow-Ing-niimed settler lias Hied notice of her Intention tii mnlt'o liual proof lit Hup,purt ofher claim, and tlmt said proof will bo ijliiilehufore Don P, Rea. XlA Coinnils- sloiier, at Ills odice In, Madras, Oregon, on Anrji 0,1111)0, vlzt Anna iiuikmiiv. oiMMrns, otcKou. on JP. v.. v. ni.7rtv. in tlili M iiwk see i, tp II s, r, Yi e, n I1 8 i ,. 'Sim ,nnmes tlio ifoUo)7ing wUi'iCHflca to lrov jiqr cony nuous'mldonqo, upon and fotltlVatloi, of vfxj K J A iiomrooK, j. w.t.of.1;, PWIIllll BlldJW " y. I1 oi Ma'di,); Wi'boi j. M.I01IABL T. NflLANf W Register I I IM HS I iMIII VstKfTfirf heeii filed in lliUofflrtt iignlimt honiftlrad lrj east 1 I, cut 1-2 soutlitHt ip 10s, r 11 v, win, Ljl (IfCeanud, eontwie?, ip leired thut llltfO H jiliivi:ilH7iii" .v"' , ................ I lilt Mill D VllfrlJ llll.ll, time resided ou taU I'M heirs have net culli" entry man l.dead Hull wife or children of "J . . . . .. i.i.. i...ira trim neirs: unit utamn- iu.m. ..I,,... tiHfitii tn i . .1.1.! IDU itnnvvii in mis i""-i - 1 .lua f.1 nuMenoo w " - tm.iit. In the r.rini'i corps oi iiiu war. . . i nflui in if IIIU IL' VUJ mill oner cviurmv L-ation Ut 10 oWK a. " - . . ... I I OinllU. infill imrnru u. u. um."-i i.i ,.iilc In I'linevi"-' . i..,i..;i aiil tlmtlinai neii. " " .I..I....I, u hi. on APU' II Uiwun ... " . .i... i.,..u(rniiJ Ileceu Ml States Laud Offlc i Iri'L'on. ri'i... eoniCT"""' ..III. lull l. u "' I ' - . ,i. .vt m,.i forth fuillH W'u " .... ... rviiranusi due uiiigeuue rr it,.,. Kill flflL LiV i .til illrttfiteu irmr!ii uuw - " .. .ad n Midi"'1' ml no Ids Ihefort his WOO of n!'j . .... unit 1 LiumUinB""j( Notice is I'fifW W i 4iir nam rv t'.iiiinit " - a " . ti..n ll. Ok , ofllce in MMUM,v.- .. on H tr...inii iirvKV.i - .lit V ... .i rtwUIW"-' - 4yWM a.."-. - M .a 'n r Ian) Oljii (181-J25