tOO S , permanently. -tf!ul Insist on ImrlM A CfB' h-.i troubled !. ' nd nlo comnlBlnt to una. ... r" who saiu. . . P ' 7 in never euro you of our tbront com- a, (DU i"- ft ..... i.iwtcd patient, fc.' tinny. I nov- S5 !aiaSo or anything of i 0ne war u . .... .1... vcyivI wlfo. I lot01. ... i,Bo nsked our ftfr 111. .,a1 W. . nn wo make 'to ft we tell thorn w forfc-ot they Mnrrlnv n Institution, The hlitorlcal facU concerning wnr rlngon. nu Institution nro probably only vaguely known to tlio majority of peo ple, most of wliom would doubtless bo surprised to loam tlmt tlio Institution, an we know It to-dny, 1b lex tlmn COO yonrsld. Histories of tlio mnrrlnKo coromony dhow tlmt It wns not solem nized in church as n rclIk'loiiH rlto until tho tlrno of Popo Innocent III., A. D. 1103, and wan not considered a sacra inont until 1413. Deafness Cnnnot He Cured by local anpllcatlmis as thoyrantiot roach tho dlwasod portion of tho Far. 1 tieio In only one way ticuroilcii.ii, and that is by conJtltu. tlonal remedies. J'anfni'iiiscausMl by an )n flamed condition ot tho mucous HiiIiik of tho Kustitchlau Tube, Whim tlil tut I inflamed you havo n rumbling sound or imporfect hoar IiiK, and when It U entirely clonal, Doafncis Is the result, and union tlio inftntiitnatiou can lo Uteri out aiiiI th! lube to toted to Iti normal ondltlon, hearing will be destroyed forovcri nliiCAoi(nit o( ten nro caused by Cntnrrfi. which I nothing but mi Inllamod condition of tlio-tntirotn surface. WowIUkIvo Ono Hundred Dollars for ftor cnio ot Dentins (caused by cntnrrfi) that can' tint bo cured by II nil' Caurrh Curu. Hnd for clrculnn, free. V. J. RIIRN'BY A CO,, Toledo, 0. JUU'i i'miiilly 1'itll nro tho belt. fllNtor J.lkeil Hint. "Ilnvo you nny rcnaon to Iwlloro tlmt your sl'stcr llkc mo, Wllllo?" "Courso Alio docfl. Just yestftrdny I honrd her Hiiy, 'Nobody could help Jlkln' tho dear old eny tunrk.'" Cluvoland l'lnln Denier. A Ileep One. Tho Ardent Klcphnut Your beauty Is nkln-dccp, dnrlliiK. MIhh Hippo Oh, you wicked flntlor or! Puck. SM IHEUMAT ffl NOT BE RUBBED AWAY iM the joints arc sore and Bwollcn, nnd the muscles throbbing with the Eitumatisra, relief must be had at once, nnd it is natural to rub the ,m :th liniments, oils, etc. This treatment does cood in a wav. warily relieving Ujc pain nnd reducing the inflammation, but has no itself, because Rheumatism in more than skin deep it tietlood and cannot be rubbed away. Jlhettmatiatn is brought on by in, weak kidneys, poor uowct nciion, uiouihcii irouuics ana a gen wish condition ot the system. The refuse and waste matters, whicl cornea on iuroK which , Whtlo nt work for tho 1'. O. & P. It. II. In tho nwarupy rojflon, I contraotod Iluouinatlam unit wua complotoly liolp loo for iv bout four month and npont nMMdt i Kn nn . I . i. . t... . ... - ovory day, nnd dually Quit thorn and bo ( Z took u fow bottloa and and I wnlirh 175 ponnui, xnoro i a juuy living noar tno yho iu now tnklnir H. 8. (1. for aouto no could . . . u nlntr your medlolno nbout tliroo voolia oa rapiaiy, and u novt I can rooommond H. B. 0, nir uom Jinnumuiiim. VUb, K. U. U. O. LAS31TEII. X wan oovfroly troublodwlth nhonma tlmn. Z had it In my kueoa, loen and ankles, and any ono who ha ever hud llhoumatium knowa how oxcruolntlnii tho pain la and how It lntorroroa wltlj ono at work. I was truly In bad ahap Imvintr boon bothered with It for ten yoara, otr nnd on. A local phyalotan ad vlaed mo to uao O. S. S. Z did ao. After taking two bottloa Z noticed tho aoro noitB and pain wero irreatly reduced. Z continued tho modiciuo and waa thor outrhly cured; all pain, aoroneaa and tn flammnUon tronn. I recommend S. 8. t). to all Ztheuinatio aufforera. J. Jj. AGNEW, 000 K. Qroonbrior St. ML Vernon, O. wan cured Bound and well. My hoalth "0l( lontlia notturnlioraelfinbod, but alncobtrln ixpo liaa improved rapidly, and la now nuio 10 mi nu. x can rooowmonu to nil aufforinir fromlthnuiuutlam la now aplondld, llhoumatiaui. l'or two month iTtnues of bodily waste, are (foarand form unc ncia aim irriutiog.poi.jons which are ab- kthe blood, tnaicing it nun, ud acrid. Then instead of his? the different nerves, mus- ioitti and tissues it fills them poison to prouticc me ncuca, ai other disagreeable symp tl tie disease. Khcumatism 7 fforsc in Winter for the cold and dampness arc fcinsu. Tlie nerves become tsditmgwitli pain, tiiemus ; tore and drawn, the joints isd still and the suflcrcr intense arjony : and if the ii not checked it often leaves Kauhtipicss crinnles lor life. itisa annot be rubbed away be driven Irom tlie blooI Beintr a perfect blood tiii great remedy soon "pro icoapltte chanue in the cn- plation; the thin, acrid blood is made pure nnd rich, nnd ns it goes p tie body nourishes and soothes the irritated nerves, eases the throb bing muscles, nnd dissolves and carries out of the system the irritating particles in the joints which nre keeping up the pain nnd inflammation. S. S. S. cures fAVnkr7a -Kiicumatism permanently, nnu in num. Vjgr W JS O tion tones tin the ditrcstion and 8timu lELY VFRPTARI C Intcs the different members of the body I . . 1 nDl'T" to their full duty so there is no cause til.' Do not wastc ti,MC trying to ntb Rheumatism away, but CI the blood With S. 54. ft nn Ihnt llmrnlrl ntul ,1n,,w, nf Wintor Jtttp you in continual pain nnd agony. Special book oil Rheuma- - iuwicai auvice will be given free. . THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO,, ATLANTA, GA et What You Ask For! WERE li Reason tho Good Peoplo of Jaerlc buy Cascarets aa ysluiha Clock Tin!,, tomo'one", somewhere. Ml HiiL T . - n i- isn-veni uox oi Caa- jUMOUtnes to tho Minute, Hour, 3N0 BolcT -xejapaofTen Hours, . men oomo. PeopUTiako a ,.:el ! day. Millions uso "fits g-" Uinon. of Br.Cht wZr- "'V Poteen 5TJCaeareteat tha, rat0 7" f fcilS a true, faithful, loyal servant of Mankind. Over Fiva Mlfljons of Dollars havo been Spent to mako tho merits of Caa carets known, and every cent of It would be lost, did not sound merit claim and hold tho constant, continued friendship, Patronatro and Endorsement of well pleased peoplo year after year. a There Is also a Reason Vhy there areHParasltes who attach themselves to the Healthy Body of Cas' caret's success Imitators, Counterrellers, Subsliiuiors. Theyaro Trado Thieves who would rob Cascarets of tho "Cood Will" of tho people, and sneak unearned pri13' earned and paid for by Cascarets. nd me-T,1S-d'-Tesled a P"i ir. a. . . P&ttitt. '"comparablo 2 "9 Ei.i i rtY clean work EsHW7h;?:arlon-nnocn NtbMK fad,u Dh I'lL ni"111 beaten the I , ''CS3!ibloandIfffiftUn; Plgrtoneat Pjposo means a Dishonest Produot nnd a Drsrcgard of tho Purchas ers' Health or Welfare, Bowaro of tho Slick Salesman and his anclen, "Just as Good'', story that com mon sense refutes. Cascarets aro madoonlyby tho Sterling Remedy Company, nnd the famous lltlla Ten Cent ''Vest Pocket" box Is hero ahown, They.aro never sold In bulk. Every tablet marked "CCC.,T Bo auro you Eot tho penulno. ttT VKK,Vl TO OUR. FRXltKDSl Wo want to lend to oar irienas a ucmuiui fcaronamcled In color. It Is a b10',1' meuoro of gWth a to cover cost ot Cascarets, with whlchotElnty trlnketls loafleo. J .Semi twlay, tnenttentne thli paper. Aooreii SUt Uiik Komdy Cewfjuiy. Calcato New Yuk. Slny 1 he n jnan you enn tnwt? IlcflH Oh, yew. I'npn Bnys ho owes everybody. Judge. OMtend-Hiiy, pn, how do they hiIro iwlltlcnl pIuniM?" J'u Ily itrnftlue. my hoii. uiileiiKO Dully News. ' rinircli What Is your lunch hour? uollmin Hctwcon twelve o'clock and Ilvo inlnuteH Inter. I'onkers BUiteH inuii. YenHt Did ho fall to innko a sue ceH of IjumIiiohh? CrliiiHonbonk Yes. I bellovo thiitlH why ho failed. Yonk , ers HtntvHiiinn. I Nell Old Mr. (lotrox Hnyn he would uiv ior mo. jioiio no cnrerul. Ho may bo Htroujjor than ho looks. Phila delphia Itccord. "Do iikui dnt thinks ho knows It nil," snld Undo -Kbeii, "Kinenilly turna out to Ihj n victim of misplaced confidence.' - WnshhiKton Btnr. First Vermiform Appendix Peoplo nro trying to Ket rid of uh. Hecond Vermiform Appendix Yes; but we nro still In tho inujorlty. Exchnntfc. Kind Prlond Pardon me, but I ought to tell you that Jones linn run nwny with your wife. IIunband (lored) Hut why run? Punch. "In Sweden n plumber is called n , vnttenlodliiKscntrcpenor." "Ho Is, ch7 I'll bet ho chnrges for the time whllo ho Is being cjillel It, too." Exchange. ' Uelln So who's engaged nt Inst I Sho HceuiH likely to lcnt us nil In the mnt rlmonlnl race. Stella Yes ; hIio Is on hor UiHt lap this time. Illustrated Hits. Knto Mllllo says Jack tried' to kins her nnd hIio culleil him down hnrdl Do you believe It? Tom I believe that ho tried to kiss her, yen! Detroit Freo I'resH. ' Peppery You don't mean to Hay that you absolutely do nothing? Cholly Aw, I don't oven do that My man nttends to ev'wvthlnir. you know. Phlldelphln Press. Pat This Is n great countrj. fary I Ann. Mary Ann How's that? Pat Shiiro th' pn-aiwrs sez yar. can buy a folvedollar money order for threo clnta' Washington Lift. Wnlter How did you order your beef, sir? Grufllclgh Personally, con found you ! I Hupposo I ought to hnvo orderwl It by ninll two weeks In ad vance. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Customer (In restaurant) Wniter, I wish you would bring mo n medium dono iortcrhou80 steak smothered In I mushrooms. Wnlter (to cook) Choke I ono with tlie toadstools! Mllwmikeo Sentinel. I "'Tho rolling stone gathers no moss,' " quoted tho man who had never , Iteen outside his homo county. "True," rejoined the Rlobe trotter, "but It ac quires an enviable polish." Chicago Dally News. I "Brown claims to havo tho most ro mnrkublo auto In town." "Why so? I I don't sea anything Krent nbout It-" "Well, he snys ho'B had It n year, and 'thero nro still two of the orlglnul parts left." Judge. I Tho Lawyer Hy the way, what shall wo charge Jenlts for our services In that caso wo won for nun aooui thirty thousand? His Partner Great Scott, man ! Isn't ho worth more than that? Brooklyn Life. Gentleman With Grievance This 'nuto breaks down every ten minutes. Conscientious Dealer What of it? Gentleman With Grievance ou said there were none tetter! Conscientious Denier There nln't I Puck. "Oh. Johnny," said tno Minnny ' school teacner, you money from the plate. ny i ou t"y to do such n tlilnV "I thought you said It was fer the heathen, nnd maw says I'm one. Exchange. First American Millionaire What In the world nre you Rolng ovor to see nil tho English cathedrals for? Second American Millionaire I'm putt ng up nn automobile stable, and I'm looking for something hnndsomo In design. Life. "Woodby declares his grandfather descended from one of tho greatest houses In England." "Ah, yes; I did hear n story nlxnit tho old man fall Ink' off n roof ho wns repairing onco for Lord Somebody or other." Phila delphia Ledger. Fanner Green Sny, Neighbor Jones raised such a big pumpkin tlmt ho cut It In lmlf and made two cradles out of It for his twins. City Honrder That's nothing. Down In tho city wo often lmvo threo cops asleep on n single beat. Exchange. "I supposo you will marry when you grow up," sll the visitor, pleisantly. "Xo " replied tho thoughtful little girl, "mi'mnm says impn Is more care than t il dron bo I guess the care of my cl ldrcn will bo enough for mo wl limit thi eZo of a hushaml."-Chlcugo 13 veiling Post l'atleneo You'ro quite lamo to-day? I'nt -Ice Yes, Will stood on my foot fur two minutes last night. Pntlcnco Ami you Uoweil It? Patrlce-I didn't know It. Pntlonco-Dldn't know ho S stmll on your foot? Pntrlco No I didn't. Ho was proposing t tho tlm'e. Yonkers Statesmnn. pn " said little WIIHo, "what Is .tho dlfferonco between a magnet and a nngimto?" "A magnet, Willie, s a mo talllo Hubstnnco, generally of Inm, which will "ttract certain metals, but not gold or silver. A mngnnto Is n me tallic substance Invnrlnbly of brass, which will nttrnct gold nnd silver only," JlrW A , ... A hugo touring car toro past with v tiro straniwd so- curely to Its side. Two Htreet gaml is irimnl after il nueuuy. u what's that round thing n-lmngln' on ... ' Mf.(M,! ,1,,,,'t vo know? That s n Ufa preserver, on when they's In dan- gor o' runnin over euywiuy ii'" jj n.mws that overlwnrd to 'em.' LIr plucott's Mngiwlnp. Is It Your Own Hair? Do you pin your hat to your own hair? Can't do It? Haven't enough hair? It must be you do not know Ayer's Hair Vigor ! Here's an intro duction! May the acquaint ance result in a heavy growth of rich, thiols, glossy hair! And we know you'll never be gray. I Itilnk tlmt Ayr r'i Hair Vlor U th moil wonderful Imlrgrower tlmt mi nrer made. I hare utnl It for noine time nnd I enn truth fully t that I am greatly (ilentrd with It. I ehiwiilly reivitmn-nd It n nuplendld prepa ration." -SI mil V. JIJiot'K, Wayland, Sllch, bHOBBBl litA br J. O. Aror Co., Lowell, Hail. iid somuuiaQiurera oi SARSAPARIOA. PILLS. CHEERY PECTORAL. yers Ifo Baalneaa. Tlio friend of a young physician itnrtcd for a llttlo western town and promised to telegraph If tlio settlement appeared to bo a good opening In the medical lino. Some' weeks later the physician received tho following mes ingo: "Come nt once. All's well." To which tho physician responded : "What's tho uso of coming It nil's ivcll? I had better locate where they're til sick." A OUAJtANTKKD CUttR FOll TILES. ftchliiK, HI nd, IllePdlnK, Protruding Tllea. .Dniir- SIhW arn niithnrlzrd to rdutid morK'jr If I'AZO I.S'l AliJJ'T fails to cure lu to 14 daya. Kc ( A Good Club. "Tho weather man said it would rain to-day and I am glad I carried my um brella." "Hut it didn't rain at all to-day." "I know It didn't but I met the weather man on the street and I used tbo umbrella to swat htm good and bard." Philadelphia Press. For forty years Plso's Ouro for Con guru ptlon has cured coughs and colds. At druggists. Prico 25 cents. From PItr (o Pork. rasserby Is that your pork down there on tho road, guv'nor? Farmer Porkl What d'ye mean? There's a pig o mine out there. Passerby Ah, but there's a motor car Just been by. London Punch. You Can Oct Allen's Foot-Easr FREE. Write Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy.N. Y., for a Xreo sample of Alton's Foot-Ease. It cures iweatlr.c, hot swollen, aching feet. It makes new or tljcht shoes easy. A certain cure for corns, lncrowlngnalls and bunions. All drug gists sell it. 26c. Don't accept any substitute. Sccuiiil-llniid. Ascum Why, I thought Crlbber one of the wittiest comedians on the vaudeville stage. Apparently you .didn't like the sort of Jokes he uses. Rcedit Oh, but I do. That's why I couldn't laugh at him. Ho and I seem to read the same Joke papers. Philadelphia Press. TO CUIIE A COM) IN ONK DAY TakeLAXATIVKimOMOQulnlnoTahlets. Drag- gluU ri-fmid money If tt fnl s to cure. E. Vt . I UO VE'b signature Is on t aob box. 25c Too IlcnlUttc. Mrs. Gaswell Is your niece still do ing art work? Mrs. Sudden-Clymcr Yes, indeed. The other day sho painted a bunch of golden rod so lifelike nnd natural that it gives me the hay fever every time I 'ook nt it Chicago Tribune. Ilndn't Durnt Much. Elderly Relative (to schoolgirl) Amanda, you aro looking pale. You must not be too ambitious. Tell me the truth, now ; haven't you been burn ing tho midnight oil? Miss Amanda (her paleness all gone) Why, yes, auntie. But but not much; we "turned the lamp down very low Indeed. Detroit News. Thorough. "I hear," said ono financier? "that Mr. Rockefeller Is bathing his feet In tho early morning dew to benefit his health." "Yes," replied the other. "Having gotten all there Is out of oil, he Is going to try water." Washington Star. riTQ Permanently Cured. Kofltsornerroosness il 10 aflerflrstdaysuseofDr.Kllne'sUreatKerv8 Itestorer. Send for I'ree 82 trial bottle aod treatise. Dr.It.U. Kline, Ud.,MI Arch St, I'blladelphla, 1'a. At the Hotel. Guest Didn't I telegraph for the best room In the house? Clerk Yes, sir. Guest Why didn't you save It for me? Clerk I've already given the best room In the bouse to fifty people to night and I thought you wouldn't like to be crowded. Cleveland Leader. Mothers will And Mr. Window's Soothing Syrup the best remedy to use for their children during the teething period. Xlo'dern Adver(lalnsr First Actress Have you had your diamonds stolen lately? Second Actress No; I quit that sev eral years ago. First Actress What's your game now? Second Actress Running down prominent citizens In my auto. VwK Uwn n,u l,l tfan MM lVB w"mh uium 4sobtTa jssu - so r J m time, poia Dr nru(rtriii, m Ismm T i r i il ii I r lr CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Portland Trade Directory Names and Addresses In Portland of Repre sentative Dullness firms. 1MIOTO HUl'I'MKSt Kodnk dpveloplnir nnd print ing; write for prices. Woodard, Clarke A Co.;; MACHO I.ANTKIINH Wclatrr Co., Portland. Iym-cit prices on lanterns nnd Slides. ELASTIC IIOIKItY Siippor.ers. Ilrnces; Knit to Kit; free measurement tilnnks; W'oodard, Clarka. HORSES of all kinds for sale at very reasonable prices. Inrjulre Z7J ront St. TItUHSEB sent on npprovnl j we guarantee fit In most dlfllcult cases; Woodard, Clarke A Co. SWEET PEAS fend 10c for pekg. asitd FalrOold Medal t-as, J. J. Jlutu r, 163 Front street. AIITIFICIAI, EYES ; eyery shade nnd shp; av sortment sent on approval; Woodard, Clarice Co CIIEAM SEPAHATOItS We ROaranteo the U.S. Separator to be the best. Write for free catalog. Ilazelwood Co., Finn and Oak. MEN'S CliOTIIINO nuffum Pendleton, sola agents Alfred llenjamln correct clothes. F.vrry thing In men's furn sitings. Morrison and Slxtb streets. Opposite poatomce. FIIEK .AND IN Oil BOON under the Carey Irrt- f atton act. Deed d.rcct from state. Write today, iooklet and map Irre. II. H. Cooke & Co., 231 Alder street, 1'ortlui d, Oregon. POt'I.TIlY FOOU-If you wai t your hens to lay more eggs write us for free particulars about PIT Itl.VA POCI.TUY J-EEU& Acme Mills, Co., 1'ort.and, Oregon. TAILORS Colilmbla Woolen Mills Co.. Portland, Ore. Latest style clothes made to measure cheap. Ourseif measurement system-Insures penect tit. Write for free samples and prices. PIANOS & OROANB Oldest piano house on Pa cific coast. Organs and 1'lano-, on easy payments. Write fur list. Let us quote you a price. Allen A Ollbert-ltamaker Co., Portland, Oregon. Oregon Herbs Specific for all Kidney and ISladder troubles. Cures itAUKVtCIlK. Price Soc. Trial size sent by mall for 10c In stump. Send today. KOJ Third tSU Human Holr Ooo is Switches, Po-npodours, Men's Toupe sand Wigs; best quality; lowest prlcesj send for tree price list; mail onlJ-rt a specialty. Par. s Hair Store, 304 Washington Pit. Est 183. WANTED A bright man with team in yourcoun ty. Steady work and good wages to right man. References required. For par ticulars address KOCH V. T. CO. BoxX Winona, Minn. Make sure a yield of oaantltr and aualitv. When your father planted Ferry's, they were the best on the market, but tbey have been Improv ing ever since. We are experts In flower and vecetable feeds. 1000 Heed Annual, beautifully Illus trated, free to nil applicants. 0. M. FERRY & CO., Detroit. Mich. MAMM Of "WATERPROOF OILtD aOTBTRG. r5LICKR5.P0MHEL 5UCKBS AHD HAT5. FOLLOWING OUR SUCCESSES AT PHILADELPHIA CHICAGO AND OTHER EXPOSITIONS WE WON THE " k HIGHEST POSSIBLE AWARD ATTHt 5T.L0UI5 W0KLD5fAlR AJ TOWER CO. W-Zr i ...."tfaGll AND' AtSs Engines Many croipectlre parchitert of enzinei and boilen ire under the impreiiioo that because the I I Atlai Throttling Engine i of such hlin grade, I and because it is titled with abalance tiItc and a main bcarinz. such is onlr Corliss engines of I I other makes contiin, it is necessarily of such I price that it Is quite out cl their icich. This Is I not true. An Atlas enrine Is no Metier In price I than any other engine, except, pcibsps, one that Is made entitelr In a foundry. I For rour Information, therefore, we eire for I Ithe present an approximate price upon a 12x16) Throttling Atlas Engine, range 43 to 6o j norse power of S350.00 I This Includes engine complete with band wheel, j Igorernor, throttle ralre. and all regular lna raines and represents the price delirered f. o. b. cars factory, or, tt In stock at our Agencies I I at any of the following points. Norfolk, Va. Anderson, S. C. Augusta, Ca. Montgomery. Ala. Des Moines, Iowa Shtereport, La. Ft. Smith, Ark. New Bern, N. C. Jacksonville, Fll. Athens, Ca. Minneapolis, Minn. Omaha, Kcb. New Orleans, La. Creensboro, N. C. Memphis, Tenn. Birmingham, Ala. Learenworth, Kas. Joplln, Mo. Little Rock, Ark. Atlas Emcine Works l&lUncasenrleiinallciUM INDIANAPOLIS P. N. U. No. 8-06 WHEN m-ltlncr to advertisers ploaso mention this paper. mil 4 gz2-j2Tm. i fffamMimnnVftfilifirvyt &y.?!t.'"TN i,iUi'Vrim.kVHwar?t 1 Jffiitil-nnni. mishiViM fUsaaSsVaUUU ffl'.l'N v. TheWinning Stroke If more than ordinary skill In playing brings the honors of the game to the winning player, so exceptional merit in a remedy ensures the commendation of the well informed, and as a reason able amount of outdoor life and recreation is conducive to the health and strength, so does a perfect laxative tend to one's improvement in cases of constipation, biliousness',, headaches, etc. It is all-important, however, in selecting a laxative, to choose one ot known quality and excellence, like the ever pleas ant Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., a laxative which sweetens and cleanses the system effect ually, when a laxative is needed, without any unpleasant after effects, as it acts naturally and gently on the internal organs, simply assisting nature when nature needs assistance, without griping, irritating, or debilitating the internal organs in any way, as it' contains nothing of an objectionable or injurious nature. As the plants which are combined with the figs in the manu facture of Syrup of Figs are known to physicians to act most beneficially upon the system, the remedy has met with their general approval as a family laxative, a fact well worth con sidering in making purchases. It is because of the fact that SYRUP F FIGS is a remedy of known quality and excellence, and approved by physicians that has led to its use by so many millions of well informed people, who would not use any remedy 'of uncertain quality or inferior reputation. Every family should have a bottle of the genuine on hand at all times, to use when a laxative remedy is required. Please to remember that the genuine byrup of Figs Is for sale in bottles of one size only, by all reputable druggists and that full name of the company California Fig Syrup Co., is plainly printed on mo ironr, or every pacgage. ueguiar price, 50c per bottle, nn n 1 1 iiiii m 1 1 11 11 11 r i n tm mxifiii wnf 1 11 iMininnmMini m f Kt'FRNiA Ffc Syrup fffi Jfcra f rfcrvtiaco. Cl. bv... . ...tX- v-4 i' :.. yJ-r-o!Ai M mm r. . ar,-iritmriJiit-nf'MiHirT Y:- i 1: 1 l.vtvlv.''.?.. w - ' 1 . uiJvlx'ifif 1 t