I: for The Term of His Natural Life By MARCUS CLARKE CnAPTBll II. In the breathless stillness of n tropical nfternoon, when tho air was hot nnJ heavy, nml. tho Bky brazen and cloud less, the shadow of tho Malabar lay (solitary on tho surface of the glittering cen. The sun had just got low enough to peep beneath an awning and awaken a young man, in an undress military uni form, who wns dozing on a coil of rope. "Hang It!" said he, .rising, with tho weary sigh of a man who has nothing to do. "I must havo been asleep;" and then, holding by a stay, ho turned about nnd looked down Into tho wnlst of tho ship. Save for tho man at tho wheel nnd tho guard at the quarter railing, h.e wns alone on the deck. On tho forecastle. Bomo half-dozen soldiers were playing nt cards, or watching the fishing line hanging over tho cat heads. So far the appearauco of tho vessel differed in nowise from that of an ordi nary transport. Hut in 'tho waist a curious sight presented Itself. It wns ns though one had built a cattlo pen there. At tho foot of tho foremast, nnd nt the quarter deck, n strong bar ricade, loop-holed and furnished with doors for ingress nnd egress, ran across the deck from bulwark to bulwark. Out side this cattle pen an armed sentry stood on guard; Inside, standing, sitting or walking monotonously, within range of tho shining barrels In the arm-chest, were some sixty men and boys, dressed In uniform gray. Tho men and boys were prisoners and the cattlo pen was their exercise ground. Their prison was down the main hatchway, and tho bar ricade, continued down, made Its side walls. It was tho fag-end of the two hours' exercise, graciously permitted each af ternoon, and the prisoners were enjoy ing themselves, It was not, perhaps, so pleasant as under the awnings, but that sacred shade was only for such great men as the captain and his officers, Sur geon Pine, Lieut. Maurice Prero and, most important personages of all, Cap tain Vickers and his wife. 1 That the convict leaning against the bulwarks would like t'o have been able to get rid of his enemy, the sun, for a moment, was probable enough. His com panions, sitting on the combings of the main hatch, or crouched in careless fashion on the shady side of tho barri cade, were laughing and talking, with merriment hideous to contemplate; but he, with cap pulled over his brows, and hands thrust into the pockets of his coarse gray garments, held aloof from their dismai -joviality. The low-browed, coarse-featured ruf- fians grouped about the deck cast many a leer of contempt at the solitary figure, but their remarks were confined to ges tures only. There are degrees In crime, and Rufus DaWes, the convicted felon. wlio had but escaped the callows to toil for all his life in irons, wns a. man of mark. He had been tried for the rob bery and murder of Lord Bellasis. The friendless vagabond's lame story of find ing on the Heath a dying man would not have availed him but for the curi ous fact sworn to by the landlord of the topaulards Inn, that the murdered no 1)leman had shaken his head when asked if the prisoner was his assassin. The vagabond was acquitted of the murder, but condemned to death for the rob bery, and London,' which took some in terest in the trial, considered him for tunate when his sentence was commuted to transportation for life. The young man on tho deck caught sight of the tall figure leaning against the bulwarks, and it gave him an excuse to break the monotony of his employ ment. ''Here, you!" he called out, '"get out of the gangway!" Rufus Dawes was not in the gang way was, in fact, a good two feet from it but at the 'sound of Lieut. Frede's voiveMie started, and went obediently toward the hatchway. "I'll make some of you fellows smart, if you don't have a -care," went on the angry Frere. "Insolent blackguards!" And then the noise of the sentry, on the quarter deck below him, grounding arms, turned the current of his thoughts. A thin, tall, soldier-like man, with n cold blue eye, and prim features, came out of tho cuddy below, handing "out n fair-haired, affected, mincing lady of middle age. Captain Vickers, of Mr. Frere's regiment, ordered for service in Van DIemen's Land, was bringing his lady on deck to get nn appetite for din ner. Mrs. Vickers was forty-two, and had been a garrison belle for eleven weary years before sho married prim John .Vickers. The marriage was not a happy one. Vickers found his wife extrava gant, vain, nnd snappish, and she found liiui harsh, disenchanted, and common place. A daughter, born two years af ter their marriage, was the only link that bound the ill-nssorted pair. Vickers Idolized little Sylvia, and upon tho rec ommendation of a long sen voyage for his failing henlth, he Insisted upon bringing the child with him. Mrs. Vickers fol lowed her husband with the best grace she could muster. When fairly out to sea she employed the Intervals between ecoldlng her daughter and her maid, In fascinating the boorish young lieutenant, Maurice Frere. Fascination was an integral portion of Julia Vickers' nature; admiration was all she lived for; and even In n convict ship, with her husband at her elbow, she must flirt, or perish of mental inani tion, There was no harm In tho crea ture. She was simply a vain, middlo nged woman, and Frcro took her atten tions for what they were worth. Run ning down the ladder, cop in hand, he offered his, assistance, "Thank you, Mr. Frere. Theso hor rible ladders'. I really he, he! quite tremble nt them. Hot! Yes, dear me, most oppressive. John, tho camp stool, Pray, Mr, Frore oh, thank you! Syl via I Sylvia! John, hao you my smell- Ing salts? Still a calm, I suppose" These dreadful calma!" Vickers, with a bow to Frore, saw his wife up tho ladder, and then turned for his daughter, Sho was a dellcato looktpf child of six years old, with blue eyes and bright hair. Llttlo Miss Syl via was privileged to go nnywherc nnd do anything, nnd even convictlsm shut its foul mouth In her presence. Run ning to her father's side, the child chat tered with all tho volubility of flattered self-esteem. Sho ran hither nnd thither, asked questions, Invented answers, lnughed, sung, gamboled, peered Into tho compass case, felt In tho pockets of tho man nt tho helm, put her tiny hand Into the big palm of tho officer of tho wntch, even ran down to tho quarter deck nnd pulled tho coat tails of the sentry on duty. At last, tired of running about, she took n little striped leather ball from tho bosom of her frock, nnd, calling to her father, throw it up to him. lie returned It, nud shouting with laugh ter, clapping her hands between each throw, the child kept up tho game. In the midst of this mirth tho officer of the wntch, glancing round tho fast crimsoning horizon, paused abruptly, nud, shading his eyes with his hand, looked out Intently to tho westward. Frere, who found Mrs. Vlcker's conver sation a little tiresome, nnd had been glancing from time to time nt tho com panion, ns though In expectation of sonio one appearing, noticed tho action. "Whnt is it, Mr. Rest?" "I don't know exactly. It looks to me like a cloud of smoke." And taking tho glass, ho swept the horizon. "Let mo seo," said Frere, and ho looked also. , On the extreme horizon, just to the left of tho sinking sun, rested n tiny black cloud. Tho gold nnd crimson, splashed all about the sky, had over flowed around it, and rendered a clear view almost impossible. , "I can't quite mnko it out," says Frere, handing back the telescope. "We can seo as soon as the suu goes down a little." By and by Captain Blunt appeared, and taking tho gjass from his officer, looked through it long nnd carefully Then tho mizzen top wns appealed to, and declared that he could seo nothing; and nt last the: sun went down with a jerk, as though it had slipped through a slit in the sea, and the black spot, swal lowed up In tho gathering haze, was seen no more. As the sun sank, the relief guard came up the after hatchway, and tho relieved gunrd prepared to superintend the de scent of the convicts. At this moment Sylvia missed her ball, which, taking advantage of a sudden lurch of the ves sel, hopped over the barricade, nnd roil ed to the feet of Rufus Dawes. Tho bright spot of color rolling across the white deck caught his eye; stoop ing mechnnicnlly, ho picked up tho ball and stepped forward to return It. The dotr of the barricade was open, nnd the sentry did not notice the prisoner nass through it. In another instant ho was on the sacred quarter deck. Heated with the game, her cheeks aglow, her eyes sparkling, her golden hair afloat, Sylvia had turned to leap after her plaything, but even ns she turned, from under the shadow of the cuddy glided a round white arm; and a "shapely hand caught tho child by the sash and drew her back. The next mo ment the young man in gray had placed the toy. In her hand. Maurice Frere. descending the lad der, had not witnessed this li.ttle inci dent; on reaching the deck, he saw only tho unexplained presence of tho convict uniform. "Thank you," said a voice, as Rufus Dawes stooped before the pouting Syl via. Tho convict raised his eyes and saw a young girl of eighteen or nineteen years of age, tail and well developed,, who, dressed in a loose-sleeveij robo of some white material, was standing in the doorway. She had black hair, coiled around a narrow and flat head, a small foot, white skin, well-shaped hands, and large, brown eyes; nnd as she smiled nt him her scarlet lips showed her white, even teeth. He knew her at once. She wns Sarah Purfoy, Mrs.- Vlcker's maid, but lie nev ,er had been so close to her before; and it seemed to him that ho wns in tho pres ence of some strange tropical flower, which exhaled a heavy and intoxicating perfume. Rufus Dawes was seized from behind by his collar nnd flung with n shock upon tho deck. Leaping to his feet, his first impulse wns to rush upon his as sailant, but he saw the ready bayonet of the sentry gleam, nnd he checked him self with an effort, for his assailant was Mr. Maurico Frere. "What do you hero?" asked that gen tleman. "You lazy, skulking hound, what brings you here? If I catch you putting your foot on the quarter deck again I'll glvo you a, week in Irons." Rufus Dawes, palo with rage and mortification, opened his mouth to jus tify himself, but he allowed the words to die on his Hps. Whnt was tho use? "Go down below, and remember what I've told you," cried Frere; and compre hending nt orico what, had occurred, ho made a mental minute of the niune of tho defaulting sentry. Tho convict, wiping the blood from his face, turned on his heel without a word, and went back through tho strong oak door Into his den. Frero leaned for ward and took tho girl's shnpoly hand with an easy gesture, but she drew It away, with a. flash of her black eyes. "You coward!" sho said. Tho stolid soldier close behind them heard It nnd his eyo twinkled. Frero bit his thick lips with mortification, ns ho followed tho girl Into the " cuddy, Sarah Purfoy, however, taking tho as tonished Sylvia by tho hand, glided Into her mistress' cabin with a scornful laugh and shut tho door behind her. cnAP'raii in. Convictlsm having been safely got un der hatches, and put to bed In Its gov ernment allowance of sixteen Inches of space per man, cut a llttlo short by egl gencles of shipboard, tho cuddy was wont to pass somo not unpleasant even ings. Mrs, Vickers, who wns poetical and owned a guitar, was also musical, and sung to it. Captain Blunt wns n jovial, coarse fellow; Burgeon Pine had a mania for story tolltng, whllo if Vick ers wns sometimes dull, Froro wns al ways hearty. Moreover, tho table was well served, nnd tho sultry evenings passed nwny with n rapidity of which tho wild boasts 'tween decks had no conception. On thl particular oven Ing, uowtfvcr, tho cuddy was dull. Din ner fell flat, nnd conversation languish ed. "No signs or n breeze. Mr. Best?" asked Blunt, as thp first officer- enmo In and took his seat. "None, sir." "Theso ho ho! awful calms," says Mrs. Vickers. "A wcok, Is It not, Cap tain Blunt?" "Thirteen days, mum," growled Blunt. "It Is Infamous tho - way they crowd theso ships. Hero wo havo over two hundred souls on board, and not boat room for half of 'om." "Two hundred soulsf Surely not," says Vickers. "By tho regulations " "Ono hundred nnd eighty convicts, fifty soldiers, thirty In ship's crew, nil told, and how many? one, two, thrco seven In the cuddy. How mnny do you mnko that?" "Wo nro just n llttlo crowded this time," says Best. "It Is very wrong." says Vickers, pompously, "very wrong. By tho regu lations " But the subject of the regulations wns even more distasteful to the cuddy thnn Pine's intermlnnblo nnecdotes. nnd Mrs. Vickers hastened to change tho subject. "Are you not heartily tired of this dreadful life. Mr. Frere?" "Well, It Is not exactly the life I had hoped to lead," said Frore, rub bing a freckled hnnd over his stubborn red hair; "but I must mako tho best of It." "Yes, Indeed," said tho lady, In that subdued manner with which ono com ments upon a well-known incident, "it must have been n great shock to you to bo so suddenly deprived of so largo a fortune." "Not only that, but to find that tho black sheep who got it all sailed for India within a week of my uncle's death! Lady Devino got n letter from him on the day of tho funeral to say that ho had taken his passage in tho Hydaspcs for Calcutta, and never meant to como back again." "Sir Richard Devine left no other children?" 'No; only this mysterious Dick, whom I never saw, but who must havo hated me." "Dear, dear! These family quarrels nro dreadufl things. Poor Lady Devine, to lose In one day n husband nnd a son!" "And the next morning to hear of tho murder of her cousin! You know that we nro connected with the Bellasis fam ily. My mint's father married a sister of the second Lord Bellasis." "Indeed. Tint was a horrible mur der. So you think that the dreadful man you pointed out tho other day did It?" "The jury seemed to think not," said Mr. Frere, with a laugh; "but I don't know anybody else who could hnvo a motive for it. However, I'll go on deck nnd havo a smoke." "I wonder whnt induced that old hunks of n shipbuilder to try and cut off his only son in favor of a cub of that sort," said Surgeon Pine to Cap tain Vickers, as the broad back of Mr. Maurico Frere disappeared up tho com panion. "Some-boyish follies abroad, I believe; self-made men nre always impatient of extravagance, nut it is hard upon Frere. He is not a bad sort of fellow, for all his roughness; nnd when a young man finds that nn accident deprives him of a quarter of n million of money and leaves him without a sixpence beyond his commission in a marching regiment under orders for a convict settlement, he has somo reason to rail against fate." "How wns It that the son onme In for the money, after all, then?" "Why, it seems that when old Devine returned from sending for his lawyer to niter his will, ho got n fit of opoplexy the result of his rage, I suppose and when they opened his room door in tho morning they found him dead." "And the son's away on the sea some where," said Mr. Vickers "nnd knows nothing of his good fortune. It is quite a romance." "I am glad that Frere did not got tho money," said Pine, grimly sticking to his prejudice; "I hdvo-seldom seen n face I liked less, oven among my yel low jackets yonder." "Oh, 'dear, Doctor Pine! How can you?" interrupted Mrs. Vickers. "John, I will go on deck." At tho sigual, tho party rose. (To lm continued.) iiolf l'roicol.nK Plant" Often there nro plants In the garden which can not well bo taken up una placed In tho collar to winter, yet wliK'H nre too tender to leuvo without pro ec Unit of somo kind. Tho plan described will glvo ample protection In nny sec tion, the Hlrnw being added In locu tions where the winter Is very severe. Tnko nn old splint basket, such iih are now generally used for vegetables, nnd remove tho bottom. Olvo the plant whnt protection Is needed nt the huso with soli lieniwd up nnd then set the basket over It. In locations where the winters nro very severe the plant should first be protected by wrnpplng It In straw nnd mounding up the soli nt the rnoTKCTio.v run plants. Convict's Invention. Referring to the fact that tho new Jnll In Ncwburg, when completed, will have nn automatic arrangement for locking and unlocking a series of cell doors or a single ono In any section, the Port Jervls Gazette Buys the IdeVi originated with Zoy Schoonover, a criminal in this county, a noted char acter In his dny, and for many years nn Inmate of Sing Slug prison. Schoonover took kindly to prison dis cipline mid in time came to regard the Institution as his homo. Ilowas what Is known In prison parlance ns a "tTiisty," and wns given considerable liberty by authorities of tho Institu tion; Ho wns sometimes even sent on errands outside of the prison. On ono eueh occasion ho remained away until after the usual hour for closing and wns locked out by tho turnkey and unable to gain admission until morn ing. As soon as the doors woro open lio sought out tho offending ofllelul and derated him severely for his action. Inside tho prison walls Schoonover's character and conduct were wholly exemplary, but ho found It dlfllcult to conform to the regulations of civilized society, nnd hence wns never long at liberty. Ho possessed considerable In ventive talent, nnd Ib said to havo In vented and perfected tho original de vice for automatic locking and unlock Ing of switches now employed In most Of tho prisons nud penitentiaries of the United States. Wulden (N. Y.) Citizen. A Truo Philosopher. A dog has attained tho highest einl- nenco over reached by n philosopher when ho can forgot his fleas. Somur vlll Journal. bottom so that mice can not make n bed In tho straw. Tie tho straw loose ly about each plant, then set the basket over It. The illustration shows the Idea plainly, except that the artist has left no opening nt the top of the plant, which should be done that a circula tion of air pass through. The cost of this arrangement Is so small there ought to be no reason why nil plants needing winter protection can not ho given It Itnlnlnu I'ork nt I.nvr Coat. It Is so ensy to feed corn nnd hogs like It so much better thnn anything else that it Is llttlo wonder that most pork Is raised on corn. But as The Farmer says: It Is now being found that swlno can bo pastured In good form on rnix or clover or both, nnd finished on cow- pens or soy bonus. Of course, If a cer tain amount of corn can be made to supplement the foods mentioned, tho swine will do much better. This meth od of raising swine can Imj done with out grcnt labor. The growing of theso crops has a tendency hi Itself to enrich the hind, nnd when they nre pastured off by swlno tho Increase In fertility Is Just so much grenter. There Is an other very grout ndvnntugo In grow ing pork In this way. Swlno are likely to keep in condition nnd they will muke a quality of jwrk that Is If anything nhead of that grown In tho corn coun try. We hnvo often wondered that this method of growing swlno did not com mend Itself to fanners earlier. Thnt It did not, however, Is Just In keeping with tho slowness with which many other Important crops engaged tho at tention, of those who ought to bo most Interested In them. (iron Itoot Dinner. ' The Illustration shows two styles of grass root diggers which, according to a recent bulletin Issued by tho Depart ment of Agriculture, Washington, havo boon effective ulds in tho tusk of get ting rid of Johnson grass, nnd which possibly may render tho sume( service In tho fight against quack grass. To clear out these creeping roots tho tool must reach down under the surface nnd rip tho roots out. A Mr. Chirk, of Con necticut,' uses tho minor on homo cultivator In 1)101)11 11 II f nlfl unrl land for roseodlng to grass with good effect Alfalfa -Vlilcmircail Crop, Only a few years ago. nlfnlfn practically unknown In most parts of tho United States, but It Is now grown In nil parts of tho country, A writer miiy says : Alfalfa has conquered. Thorn Is i.rno. tlcnlly no pnrt of tho United States whoro this will not grow and flourish. If seeded In tho proper iniiniinr im.i Inoculated soli if inoculation is neces' sary. This is a triumph of scientific agriculture and tho practical farmers. Such success en- courages agriculturists to persist in trying to grow profltablo crops oven though theso crops aro not commonly produced la tholr locality, Cant or rroiliiclnir Milk. Tho Now Jersey Experiment Station Mimnmrizos its record of tho cost of producing milk from tho c,o1lcgo herd as follows: "Tho dally cost of total food per cov varied from 11.(10. ceitts In 1S0U to I2.SS wnts hi HK)I. The dally cost for lino feed varied from '1.1)11 cents In 1800 to 7.02 .routs 1 l0t ; tho cost of roughago varied from 0.251 cents In JlXttJ to O.Ot cent In 181H1. Tho C0st of production per miurt varied from 2.20 cents In 1002 to J.VIU contM 111 181)0, nnd tho average annual yield per cow was 0,128 pound. Tho study of tho records of Individual cows also showed that hut llttlo profit can ho derived from a cow that does not produce 5,000 pounds of milk per year, particularly if tho product Is sold at tho low prlco of 1 cent per pound; no stronger argu ment Is needed In favor of tho necessity of testing tho animals, and thus learn ing their exact value, than Is afforded j by these records, rurinerinore, me facts brought out by tho records Indi cate that there Is hut llttlo profit from a cow that does not produce 200 pounds of butter per year, ami llnt to the necessity of a careful selection of cows for tho butter dairy." rittilt l'lntllnw. Unfortunately a great many farmer nnd farmers' wives aro addicted to fault finding. Nothing onuses hioro nn happiness In a family than continual nagging. There Is no senso In It, It does no good nnd It nhrnys makes for mischief. Fault finding turns more children away from homo than any thing else. Somo men nro enjoyed bet ter out of sight Just for this reason. Their room Is preferred to tholr com pnny. Usually fault finding Is confined to the llttlo things things thnt should bo passed over lightly. The big things nro taken philosophically enough, talked over nml remedied or borne with ns seems best. But the llttlo petty things are talked over nnd over, each ono thinking that tho other should glvo In. The habit grows, it has sent many a woman to nn early grave, wrecked mnny a man's usefulness and Bcnttored fn in I lies that otherwise would have lived happily In (ho farm homo. AIkiiiI Hip Coillltitr Modi. At the Ohio sfntlou, In studies made by Professor W. J. flmm nml J. H. Uouser on tho codling moth, It was found that 72 mt cent of tho worms left the apples beforo they full. Tho destruction of windfall apples, there fore, seems to ho of llttlo avail. About 1(1 jk.t cent of tho worms woro caught under bauds. Adult larvae were found throughout tho growing season until Oct 1,1. The evldenco obtained by tho exiwrtH Indicated two annual genera tions. In spraying experiments 1)1 per cent of the apples from sprayed trees nud .77 fier cent of those from unprny cl trees were free from worms. Arso nnte of lend proved siierlor to nrsenlto of sodn, nnd wns not affected by mixing with Bordeaux mixture. This combi nation Is recommended for controlling apple scab nnd codling moth. l.T27-IM,vnrd II 0f P.i , ir01 Popo confirms u . . . crocs of the CnJi'JPn hrlilifn ....... .I rtj """""'in under Otn. il capture Ulixnl.ethto wn. j1 HBWlrt settlement In AMnA PrioA'!6 H 1K07 P..U f-ii ..... ... nm Hlrm.l In I... .. .. .. 4,itll 18H-Rnttlo of linotocb,moJ 1815 CongrvM iiurdmi fcrson'M library for tE! Thanksgiving, Lol wen. jncKiwiri victor;. 18,'50rRols.rtllaync,'Rrt femw of tho Footo tMi.it. 1 ....... ... . - .! 18.17 Michigan ndtnittcd lotoijJ mil Mrxt conviction of Philadelphia for murifcr. l&i.l IMward DrummonJ is lOlllOll. 1817 Bnttlo of Cnnmli. 1850Hcnry Clay Introdn, f1l .WLIll. I...... I - . ih.i .Many iwrUhtJ ia Una steamer (JtorgU it Xw Orim J8Sf Rutlcdco Collfw1. Somil destroyed by fire,... Jim tnM ocean to ocean jawed oter II railroad. 18TM .Strninslilp Pacific Icxt UvcrjKxil nml New York, i:J lost. 1801 ICnnsas admitted to the r& U. H. nrwnnl nt Aufiuti,Gt,l by Georgia State troow...J Innn adopted tho ordiewt ill slon. 1803 Maj. Hen. llurnilfc v&i MnJ. (Jen. Hooker. 1800 Frccdtnnn Bureau bl United .State Scoitc 1807 The Prenl.Icnt vetoed tkCJ ndmlsiilon bIll..,.Kt rimS by lev. Thouwindj of jens on foot. 1870 Massacre of tli Pifju I by Col. linker' force. 1871 Paris capitulated to tbe ( Ing In the neck nbout one nnd ouo-hnlf 1871 Olympic theater, Simple Simian Trfip. For n simple mouse trnp all you nood Is nn old bottle with a mouth or open luetic In dlumeter. Pincc this In' the position shown In the Illustration, In clined by means of bricks or blocks of wood. Leading up to tho mouth of tho bottle place a board or a piece of card board, nnd on tho cardboard Iny a train of crumbs of cheese. Drop somo larger bits In tho mouth of -the bottle and the trap is set. The nioiiso will enter KFKECTIVE HOOT UIOUMU I IIOMK-MAIIi; XIOIIHi: 1IIA1'. stroyeil by fire. 1882 fiultcnu convicted cf tie of President Garfield. 18S.1 Parliament bulldinp uJ Tower dainnH by d;sisi! nlons. . . , Fall of KtartMJ i wisslnntlon of Oca. CUrkiC JSSO Senator Klterauin iatrota to suspend nlher roliure. 1887 U. 8. Senate pawed (taw ntlou bill. 18S9 Pcmmeola, Fla., bad i fn 1 1 hi twenty two jn- Now York City over itmtwj 180.1 Highly miner killed li fe! eznloalon at Dur, iwxw 181M-Jnuies J. Corbett detail Mitchell In HIM ni -w""i tho bottle to get the bolt and will find that It can not climb out again, as tho ! weuu "f" V Vr slippery glass will affo.J no hold' for , 1895-Stenmer llty of w" Its little clnws. in iwiawnm . IRfWl T.nri'n lottx Irf lire i JWV1 .um. . ill.. nclUvllle, Pn, for !! l - .. . t.i.i. ii.. iirnthfri from3! .bn jull....Mrrfl''i reieniH-ii '; v uB leader of tho IrW & Boer war, relcaitd history found In tb( Wl Great bllzznni am.. coast of NortJiAfflerl m...i... Alfred Utal" "e"' t. h comml West Point grndiitt e, ffl brought ngulnst bin m w " .i. vk attribute!. " Jnpiin Itntnliiic Iforc. In getting a foundation for horso breeding Japan shows tho satno dls position to begin with the best that can be obtnlned thnt has characterized her efforts In other directions. Itopro sonlatlves havo boon sent to tho differ ent countries to seo for themselves .tho character of tho horses raised In each, and it Is a distinct compliment to tho breeders ofttho United States that this country was selected as tho ono to draw on for foundation stock. It may bfi noted, too, that the greater part of tho horses purchased In this country by tho Japanese have been trotting horses. They hnvo bought somo thoroughbreds to uso In tho building up of cnvnlry horses, hut as the genoral-piirpnso horso It seems evident that tho trottlng-brod horso will take the saino pronilnonco hi Japan as It has In this country,. fllvo IMnul u nriMirliliiK. When ono waters plants It Is best to mnko tho soli really wet, and then wait till they need water again beforo giv ing them more. An old gardonor says umi mo iiuio squirts every few inlii nt VJY K . t "have te. term n """ ,. .u pocoi .;ii rMi ? iiouse, IM-..-I-- - .iirtrtj a i.m i...s been Inthww Cinnfrt I1HAIMA 'T . A'i utes nro worse tliim useless, 'en wi r TWf ' .i" n.n Standard w only a m.mll part of tho soli and tho '3 h subsidiary n J .. ........... . w.iui, uocomes actually dry. ! purposo oi "- lh4 WB)nio ) hon tho pot will mako a ringing kouikI grounds of violating lIal, f struck with ltnin.Mii i.. i... . in mononolleH nun n' soak them. Then do It thoroughly nnd Interstate ",n,"rJJBS 0f ft u nn vvii., . iinnrAKnnlatlvea nuu , """" uiy wild you ; wrmont u w nro thirsty, not all tho tl.no. ?lS ' rlii? I'olnt In Carliiir for .. ..K, inelr inoit lot""" Study your Incubator. tlugulsh them npr; Itend tho hiunufaoturor's directions When nuked about w for sotting t tin. ' t..i,int hud ucl " J Sot It nn onmrnii. . . nnmibllcan w i V .. u nixuruing w dwhv , ,., rate leg'"", nil uvHr-iry iq run nn incubator iu H 'T . Co. gress " r?L??K J"' o I Knees which fu aklPC I". ,u" "i,u mvu mm aro doubtful, 'of conparinBv -- X