The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, March 01, 1906, Image 3

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: .u-,inn. r"' ... t..n-....
Ubtff'1,c",7.7. In taking notion
ifitlicr " 'r.,rna. cot
J3 without opposition
i noui" r. m inftnin runum-
jtftfrt l.o lutrrnUto Commerce
-.Bln 10 ' . .nnllmr alleged re
,dr ;';;', 0I, tlu. part of certain
..fojdj m ... nit In thu
II. The"01"1': ' i ho senate, and.
Ilgobiicktouiai mv -
fcctlon- ... crtu 0( comtnltfco,
m . Lm1 to roqalro $7fi worth
rnSJyon mining claims and
."?"' I on roads and traila
15" DWV;; ilm In Alaska; allow-
!", il pi toclear from American
Slnatlon certlflcatea
R ecountrles to which tney ionB
Ueo b ".,Jtl rprt acatca of In-
' T f,lm bllllt
C from opimtlng In tb. United
Kpttl'olrolK.;.now nt work
f... oo llv n vntn nf
ffiiHngon,r.r; .v
f .
'" ...4
Jmnnl. 0IH m
resolution ro
ll la tbo dealro of Mr. Tnwnoy tlint
appropriation)! ahall bo tnado avallnblo
for two yearn for tbo payment of ex
pondltureji properly Incurred within
that tltno, and at tbo ond of that porlod
nil unexpended balanced elmll bo trans
forrod to tbo surplus fund, thua avoid
ing making tbo appropriation porma
noiit. Tbo roport of Mr, Shaw bIiowb that
tboro wero about 260 pormanont appro
prlatlonn In 11)04 and 1005. In 11)04
tboy aggregated . $02,000,000 and in
1005$4(l,000,000. Ho Btatea that bo
mvora ino lawnoy b In tlm rnnl..
but suggests a few additional amond-nientn.
n .. "
..uu.uvo.i i-orbicu tho Quashing of
nuiciments In Caso.
nasn ngion, rob. 20. President
Kooaeve t bad taken a personal interest
'",, 7 and corruotlon
wnicn aro Bald to h
JrUh. 1,10 .affir of tbo Five
..uu xnocB in tho Indian torri-
iry. u lor iiia Jnloreforonco Indict.
against aoveral persona alleged
to bavo been engaged In Illegal prac-
nuum iinvo ueen quashed.
Now, however, under bis orders, tbo
interior department la pushing Ha In-
""K" wiui increased vigor, and
t Is reliably stated that In tho near
luturo a number of now Indictments
will bo reported against not only eev
on,l men already Indicted, but they
will also Includo a number of pontons
whoso namoB liavo not horotoforo been
brought Into tho case, Including a high
government official In Washington.
Hun u necamo known to tho pres -
Waablnglon, , Feb. 21. Aftr u,
Vnarn (if.itmrn nr lnau (.. i.i
uon oi tno Bubjecta, tho eonato today w i flltorny lr In-
passed tho Heyburn pure food bill by Ulftn rerr'lory bad been instructed to
Uio duclBlvo volo of 03 to 4. Tho vote i , ,nu,cin)enta already found,
wan tnknn nftur n iluv iiimi.i i. 1
no immediately sent ordorH ooiintr.
oxclualvoly to deaultory dbato on tho In"n1d," tM'a proposed action. Ho was
bill. Hovoral efforts wero mmln t a.1? ". U,,B bY information received
amond tho bill, and tljo committee c- , V i , , a',cr March 4 w,10n t,,e
ciplod a jiumbor of flUggcslionM. but U fU"u,VB 01 1,10 'vo Utvilized
uiiiy iiiubu iiniH noccnieu wnrn liwnr. . .
" --.WW. -
poraiod in tno bill aa pased.
Tuosday, February 20.
Washington, Fob. 20. Tho
Colorado Miners Are Involved In
Murder of Steuncnberg,
f-t I ml
oeiiovoa Also to Havo Taken Active
Part In Cripple Crock Out
rages Recently. ,
! j to tlio members of tho commit- food bill.
. ... ,rt.,rv,l In tlm iUIinto. llv
-.fifimPDlfl UitVIV't ,r
It, of 6 to 3, Kepubllcana prevail
. Tillnon. a Democrat, was given
t":7-i r-nortlnK tho bill. TIiIb
-Ulihrt precedent, lij that a lio
certain fnc( wnuld )m
put into iiia possession which would
strengtlien tbe handa of tho covern
merit in Its efforta to bring to trial a
numncr oi persons guilty of Krosa fraud
i i . .. - . . I iififl I n tn dov
ll.lono.1 tbo. or four hour, tel., , Z ' I l, kw7t it ! .ni , v tWm .hi, part oi I
Attorney General Moody a special ro
port, dealing with tho whole situation.
which gives such details as to make it
imperative for tho government to act
A numbor of minor amend-
wero BtiKKestod. but unilnr dir.
agrooment to vote on all amendments
tomorrow none of thorn could bo acted
on today. Itaynor presented by request
a reply from tho Baltimore A Ohio
Haiiroad company to the charge of dls-
..... nMi bv a Republican houso Ins: unfulr treatment. Thu Mcnntn ml
' ...... I I, - , . . . -"- ---"---
id tndorwd ny a jiepuuiicnu ircoi
iii,.n donate commltti'o has given crimination aitalnH It bv tbo H.I Hn..lf
,u". , , , .. !..... " i . ..... .
i!)fl)ocr control oi an imiMumufc ruei company, oi west Virginia, deny- nineso minisior at vashington Said
to Havo Talked Too Freely.
IJorlin, 1-eb. 20. A eensatlon has
resulted in diplomatic circles hero from
tbo cabling of what purports to bo an
interview at Washington with the Ohi-
nceo minister to the United States, tiir
Chentung Liang Cheng, in which tho
Bolso, Idaho. Feb. 20. On n snnnlnl
train that mado no stops at tho princi
pal cities and towns on the wav from
Denver, and changed enidnea and took
water at obscure nointa. Chnrlnq v..
Moyor, president of tho Wwitern Fl.
eration of Minors: William D. Hav-
wood, Becretary of tho
tlon, and G. A. Pettibono, a former
member of tho executive board of the
federation, who wero arrested In Dftn-
ver 'Saturday night charged with tbo
murder of Irank Steunenberg, ex
governor of Idaho, arrived at Boise yes
terday corning in custody of a strong
guard of Idaho and Colorado officers.
Tho prisoners eeemod ill at ease and
had little to Bay. Thov entertained
tho time playing
own counsel. At
no time did they discuss tho charge nn.
on which they were arrested.
Tho party was taken to the peni
tentiary In two vehicles. Arriving
there, they wero searched, their belong
ings being taken in charge by Warden
Whitney. They were assigned to eepa
rate cells.
Tbo out of date locomotive herewith Illustrated Is a relic 'of the early
days of railroading in America, but modern progress In this direction has
not yet aucceeded In relegating It to tbo JunkahopJ It Is still In uso on the
Cumberland Valley line, and although It Is .not remarkable aa a mountain
climber It still does good service as a yard engine
I IT ..I I.-- I a a .1
iT luun CUijauji n t-iiniit ii hii i i tnttn i t I t...l I.. ... 1 .11
mca.uro, paying UIlll tl,u:,i in ri.... w,7" "" "ipcoh
Imi would accomnliMh the H' ... . S "J Ienl m untna la duo to Gorman meas
i iiriui'iiwHV. nniiin unr r rnn niip i m y- .
. no mid that i.o bad r," "if 7". r. r""v,. "V. n,m.ue.rmtt? P,0M. an4 "
the liiiinii nrnctice. and " ' w navo lurtnor intimatl that the Ger
In,, it'nW!,,J."."'ru.S,,"B.,,';"r,"K WT 1,10 '""man government or its agents la
i i rii ii m r 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 in I iiii nhAi. I
Thunday, February 22
ffubinirton. Fob. 22. Knox'a much
biMUnl lntl loiu oxpccti-d railroad
mini n rwuced in tno eenaio icxiay,
rw-imfl of the exceptional interest
.ihMdMfct was accorded tno unus-
ul DrlrikKO of a reading for tbo in
liilionoi tho eunators on thu day of
(tthe fMuett oi Ilnlo, chairman of
tbcooimltti'oot) naval affaire, tho bill
Mini! to the punishment of hazing
itienml arueiny at AnnapoliH was
ita on and dlscusaed at length. Dick
llrwlw ejtremo
alrel rttult
Ifu preptred
stcr id LrQlalitr. ' lie conaldored St
icrimeoatof harmony with tbe olilco
ieldbrthe midnbipmen. Thu bill was
Wnbineton, Feb, 22. Tbe bouso to
iirrtlafed to sdjotirn In celebration
kl Wulilneton's lirtbilay, and Its
litobeti pirtlclpatml In a general field
oi delate on the army appropria
Ilea bill. The epeechea took a wide
Kip fahsidv was iIIfciimw! for an
ItobjOilljert, who took tho position
pt ibi coo Id be built an cheaply
I ii tin country as ahrond. H uti,-
w iht I'nltw! States poestfKHed tho
Icmii merchant marine fleet of nnv
I Tooorrow the foint renolntion
luf tbe Intemtatu Conimerco "commlH
m ... i - -
w inveitlKnto the railroad, aoft
i-j imncita coal and oil trusta will
Joiirmd a low minutes after 4 o'clock
out of respect to tbo memory of tho
lato Keprifontatlvo Castor, o' Pennsvl.
Galllnger presented four petitions
from resldonta of Oklahoma praying
inr proiuntiun in tho
Denver, Colo, Feb. 20. "Hovwood.
Moyer and Pettibono will never see
Colorado again," says Jamea McPar
land, head of the detective agency em-
inuvuu oy iuu siaie oi iuano to run
down the murderers of ex-Governor
8teunenborg. "Their days are num-
i in tho proposed etito of init. t ......t ..
Oklahoma. Tho met volbininoai con. " urn" ? " Tl ' .1
Tho ocean contains about 2,139
grains of salt and other solids per gal
Ion, and the Dead Sea about 10,700
grains per gallon.
Glass bricks, a German product, aro
translucent, but not transparent, and
possess the advantages of being acid
proof and of harboring no disease
Tho celluloid wind screens of auto
mobiles give great risk of fire. Very
fine coppergauze is said to have proven
a satisfactory substitute, being easily
seen through and non-inflammable,
while it does not crack like celluloid
The low efficiency of the steam en
giue tempts inventors with great possl
mimes of saving fuel. il. Cantor, a
European engineer, has hit upon an
altogether new form of heat engine,
and proposes to use for power the ex
pansion of the gas produced by the
. - t I .1 ..Mnn
...... u ... ,,,ua ui o uuu voiers, nnu ule Germans havo
wiuiujKcr muu mat ii waa zoi icot b,. t,-,.,. nn.l
t - .1... -.i. . t ... I M -
ui w.o tuners ccJiiamcu tlie flnd nntlmm wlil.In
They seem
thofo of 0.000 children.
waa signed by Indians only.
your civilization
I V .
'i"ucioui H onnonh t.l 11... !lt
i i . I n..U Cf lllttL Will
.1 'r,?..1 r Tf cnvict a great many others, too, of thq
tiatni'8 of 0,000 women, and another ri..i.j.. .1 t m ... " same onenae.
Tho fourth dlB,.nnfn,1 .in, !. ,1,1 . "ihey cannot escape in any possible
Ti..f"""" .'.r: and tbe legal knowledge of all
Tho pure food bill waa then taken, Limb, w,Min 1mZ Z k.T-V" "1U their attorneys cannot keep them from
up. A long dlcouEsion of ameudmenta Th ni.tnmn ,r, i ii,.n t,i "e ?all0T8. lou can Bay for me that
w - . .H v.a v I rim nif r f lnn.4.A . . f n.
u uuaiuji.v uubiuKrn ill tut)
west is at an end. Hevwood. Mover
UTIfl nt nay a rnrnr thnf A
ill .ft 1 I w'flk iiic txi rj guilty.
"-b- anil thev know that thpfr if mo Uo
' " - IUW
I rnmo Tfin Rrnnnanltaw.
nltlinn I 0
I waa fbn
1 l il.. I i! , VI
nujijiurL u) me revoiuiionary niovemoni
which hflH for it" nhfnt ho nvorf lirntr
. . . . .i j
waffi)ingiony roi "U liio Iioubo of o( Uio nreeent reiuninir dvnaatv in
ropreticniHtlvea today took nn irmnodiato China.
horn I Wa hnA nVtnn1.A ! .1
thrill iuzjMwr?' ?f ,,kir fuc,-,,ke ,petro,eum
tne lou assaaaination of ex-Governor
adjournment out of respect to tbo
memory of Representative Georgo A.
Castor, of Pcnmylvania, after the pas-
(ago of appropiiato resolutions and the
appointment of a funeral committee.
Itepreaentativo Castor died yesterday
In Philadelphia.
Monday, February 10.
Washington, Feb. 10. .Throe bills
were paaitnl under suspension of tho
rules requiring a two-thirda vote In
the house today.
- Tho II rat makes gambling unlawful
in tho territories of the United States,
including Arizona, New Mexico, Okla
homa, Indian Territory and Alaska.
The bill is directed particularly against
A irtvttin ntttt Vttm Mi.v tsi .l.wv ft (
w ttM dered and most likely adopted, stated gambling was licensed.
AMI ai pam-d reserving from dls- Tho eecond prov'dca additional work
for tho Census bureau by requiring sta
tistics to tie taken on insuiance, fish
eries, electrical Industries, savings
banks and crimes.
The third appropriates $50,000 for
the pnrchatio of 300 acres, of coal land
on tno Island of Uatan, one of the
Philippine archipelago. On tho last
named bill a tlobato of two hours was
had. Thu others were debated 40
minutes each.
This is abeolutoly and emphatically
denied horo, but nono of the members
of the Foreign office wonld discuss tho
matter until the authenticity of the al
leged interview could bn substantiated.
It is understood that a long cable dis-
paicu was received irom uaron von
Sternberg, German ambassador to the
United States, Sunday, bearing on the
subject. If it should provo that the
statement of Sir Liang Cheng can bo
substantiated, there is a possibility
that China will be asked to dhjavow
hia remarks.
nnu nlcouol wnen sprayed, upon a
white hot oxidizing material, liko
oxide of copper. The oxygen removed
from the copper ovlde would be re
stored by an nir Jet Pending practi
cal test, It Is claimed that the highest
possible rate of expansion would be
produced In the working gas, and that
a greatly Increased thernioydynainie
efficiency would be secured.
Professor W. E. Ayrton points out
that the common expressions "buying
electricity" ond "consuming electric
current" are misleading. No electrici
ty is used up In lighting buildings,
driving machinery, and propelling cars
and trains. "Just as much electricity
flows away per minute, through the
rohirn nnmlnotnr from vniir olntr!rv.
President Finds He Has Backintr of Ln ni,A,i i. n i
Many Congressmen. through the coming conductor. Tho
Washington, Feb. 20. President electric current Is like a butcher's cart
Roosevelt, after conferring with West- carrying round meat you no more
orn men in congress, finds his forest re- consume current than you consume
serve policy la very generally endorsed, cart It is not the vehicle but what it
and learnB that there is no prospect of leaves behind that tho consumers buy.
final straw
camel's back and waa
that broke tbe
their undoing."
Revolution In Wenezuola May Occur,
Says M. Tatgny.
IN tytliejtovernment Battle Moun-
B'ftn C ft mi ...
-"la.j', i n tniiiintniii y , ,.
Ifirtcithe llattlo Mountain Sanitarium
w. Tlie mountain takes Its name
Irr W,D? '8 ancient battleground
IMWttn tho Crnw .....I 41... ui
I;... unit niu oiuiix in-
lfc conferenen
BtWdttcy bill wnH j,,, t0
lir ., r0,lton was agreed to al-
1 Paris, Feb. 20. M. Taigny. the ex-
Fronch charge d'affaires at Caracas, in
an interview with tbe Matin's corres
pondent at Liverpool, Baid that the
unanimity of the diplomats in Vene-
the passage of Senator Heyburn's bills
intended to check the withdrawal of
land and the creation of reserves. He
has, therefore, decided to abandon hia
recent order suspending forest reserve
extension and within a short time new
proclamation will be forthcoming creat
ing reserves in several Western states.
Oregon and Idaho among them.
At tho tune he detei mined to hold
up proclamations, the president had
been led to believe that hia right to
create reserves had been generally ques
tioned and he thought it beat to wait
until hia rights were specifically defined
meat in the case of the butcher's cart
and energy In the case of the electric
Tho construction of an ordinary telegraph-line
between Lima, on the Pa
cific side of the Andes In Peru, and
Iqultos, near the Amazon, being all
but Impossible, because of the density
of tlie forests, and the animosity of
the ignorant natives, the wireless
method is to be employed. Already
communication by wireless telegraphy
exists between Lima and Puerto. Ber
mudez, and this lino will be extended
wholo world than tho "lost mountains'
of Canancs.
That was six years ago. Now they
are tho seat of the third largest cop
per mino in the world, the site of a
city of 20,000 inhabitants. In the mino
there are thirty-three miles of under
ground workings; C.OOO men are tak
ing out of the earth and running
through reduction plants and smelters
2,500 tons of rock dally, producing In
copper, gold and silver more than $0,
000,000' every yenr. Already the mines
have yielded $35,000,000. Tho "lost
mountains" are tho scene of tremen
dous Industry. There are great fur
naces with smoking stacks, ore bins,
foundries, shops, electric light plants.
Ice and water plants, shaft houses, con
centrators, broad ond narrow gnugo ,
railroads, street cars, a telephone sys
tem, banks, stores, schools, a hospital
and all the other activities of a modern
industrial town.
The picture herewith given comes
from Greytown, Natal, and shows the
method of shoeing a, refractory mulo
which Is In vogue in that faraway re
gion. By means of pulleys, rones and
a wide leather band the animal 13 put
Into a frame, its head resting on a
padded bar, Its front legs bent and
fastened to side bars, and Its hind legs
attached to a stout crossbar. To pre
vent damage from the hoofs two
coarse bags are tied about them. Thus
protected from all active interference
on the part of the animal, the shoer
may do his duty with comparative
zuela against his expulsion was a groat come apparent that the vast majority
by congress. Now, however, it has be- to I'luitos, a distance of about 000
" arnica teachers nml
to llBBlgll
11 nt vi.iimfa nil
Wedneiday, February 21.
IWirrnnlr . """Tort 10 Uio llOUHt
fecc ,lInK Permanent annronria.
. ,:ywmwi a report to tlm lm.,. ,
fueofiil.. uHuinn 01 ifflp.
HPMitori.ii;' "V ,B0 commiiieo 011
.r-.uuilB, wild in. !.... n
IfoMif...! 0 ,mH "ee wading
tidu.f'.?.b U pending wlihh nro-
P forZ, l,K,,c 'PP'oprlntloni
(io' and a few other fixed obllga-
WaHhinnton, Fob. 10. Discussion of
tbo pure food bill occupied practically
all of tho day in tho senate. The
apeakera wero lleyhurn, who has charge
of tho bill; Porakor, ho presented a
numbor of amendments desired by
liquor Interests; Money, in favor of hia
BUHtltuto; and McOumbor. An ordor
was mado to dovoto time tomorrow to
considering amoudmonta under tho ten-
mlnuttt rule, and begin voting at 6
o'clock Wednesday.
Tho president transmitted to congress
a special mcusngo agreeing with the
minority report of tho consulting en-
glneora on tho Panama canal In favor
of a lock canal.
surprise to President Castro, who until
tho last moment had relied on tho
moral support of a certain power.
M. Taigny, according to the corres
pondent, is convinced that a revolu
tionary movement for the overthrow of
President Castro is prep-ring. He had
been approached by several of the revo
lutionary leader? during Iiib sojourn in
Venezuela, but owing to his position as
representative of trance he was obliged
to hold aloof from pontics.
In M. Taiuny's opinion, tho corro
of men in congrosa approve the manner
in which the president has been carry
ing out his forestry policy and with this
unqualified indorsement tbo president
has decided that he can, with good
grace, proceed as if there had been no
It is intimated that the Hayden re
serve In extremo Northern Idaho will
bo the first one created. Just h6w
soon, if at all, a reserve is created in
Southwestern Oregon cannot be learned.
as Forester Pinchot has promised to re
spondent adds, a revolution wonld clear ceive and consider the protests of the
up the present awicwaru situation in poopie 01 mat section and, until these
Venezuela. protests aro tiled, no determination of
this matter Is expected.
,tbeiIiili,,lc.1' I,n been hold tip
!the ioZ i 1,00 ovor B,co It
Ik,C aS eo to bo reported.
KopSK1',10 nilttoof who
W two B. i lI.,,Bl conference today
to bn
Dillon n "? ,vo declared tholr
Stkal to rl,0't the bill
rtock, ',Bfl0.? '' McOroary.
'Jfr'le of m ? "'"bHcana, how.
Wdii' 20,.-T T,, h0UH0
te'ctlon uS rt"Wl to confer
t tU .0I Amor can nlil.nn.
2!"" cfPa ls' V40 a
comm tio aL
-ia Miami, Fig.
Eight-Hour Day the Issue.
New York, Feb. 20. John Mitchell
and his associates on tho anthracite
miners' subcommittee, today finished
their work of proparlng proposals for
an agrooment in the hope that they
will meet with tho coal operators' sub
committee It Js practically certain
that the minors will make a
Raisin Combine Broken
Fresno, Gal., Feb. 20. At a meeting
ofjtho growers of tho Central California
RAisin Growers' company today, tho
dealers voted to disband the company
and return to tho growors the half a
cent a pound held out for tho purchase
firm de- of packing houses. This action breaks
rJn rnltfr!nn Xnnt.
Washlnnton Web "0 In nroBnntlng nnni for tho oIht-hour day for all tho association of growora formbd for
m,tliln,,on.min; Rmminr Um d Rmnot men employed about tho mliiea. One the purpose of co-operation. Thia year
allied hv thousanda of women of Call- of tho miners' representatives said to- tho price of raiains was fixed at too high
S S52"E S. 'lay tlmt the elght-hour question was a rate and the dried fruit failed to sell.
4" i '1. '"' ....' 4 '1 .!., more ninortant to tho men than any Tho Mercantile company, of San Fran-
ttmli- i.n.ltlnn n fli i.rnlnptH nPnillHt other doiUnild lllCntionod.
tho Utah senator. Tho former
that religious views should not bo con
Bldured In passing upon tho qualifica
tions of a sonator, and that his honesty
and attributes that command confidenco
and respect Bhould bo above all olan,
Pattoraon thought there, were great con
ntltutlonal nucstlona to be consldorod.
To Hoar Wlckeraham's Side,
Waahlngton, Fob. 20, Tbo Bonate
commltteo on judiciary will tomorrow
grant a hearing to Judge James Wiik
oralinin, of Alaska, whose nomination
lu lield up on account of var'oua
ohai-goi. Tho commltt-o, while willing
to glvo Judgo AVIekorBham an opportu
nity to rofuto the ohargHB, will not con
front him with hia accunora, or oven
furnish him with their mimes. Judgo
WJukeraham will leave for Alaska soon
after the hearing is concluded.
Firo Sweeps Rutland.
Rutland, Vt., Feb. 20. Six of the
lnrirest and most valuahle 'uusinoes
blocks in tho financial district of Hut-
land voro destroyed by a fire that for
snveral hours threatened to wipo out
tbo eitv. and but for a fortunate shift
shift In the wind which aided tho fire
fluhtora and tho arrival of onglno com
panies from Whitehall, N. Y., it is
cIbco, finally took over the wholo crop
at 3 centa n pound.
miles, with three Intermediate stations
If the enterprise succeeds, it Is tho In-
tentjon to extend the wireless com
munication across tho whole width of
Brazil to Manaos and Para, thus link
ing "tho Atlantic and Pacific oceans
across the Andes and tho great Bra
zilian. plains.
Tho Tomelo, sometlmesv called the
Chinese breadfruit, a citrus-fruit
which may be described as a cross be
tween tho orange and the grapefruit,
combining tho good points of both. Is
tho subject of an Interesting report by
Mr. Anderson, tno united states con
sul at Ilangchow. Mr. Anderson re
gards lt as the finest fruit grown in
tho far East Ho believes that it
might too introduced with profit Into
the southern United States. Already,
It Is understood, a few persons In this
country are cultivating tho pomelo,
but not upon a commercial scale. In
China, It is bolioved, this fruit has
been cultivated for nt least 2,000 years.
Tho best pomelos In tho world aro said
to como from a little valley near a
Inrge Cblneso city named Chang Chew,
lying Inland from Amoy, and not yot
opened to foreign trade. Tho sum
mers in this valley nro hot and rather
damp, nnd tho winters aro without so
vcro frosts.
Train Wrecked, Twelve Hurt.
St. Louis, Feb. 20. Tho now faat
mail train for tho Southwest on tho St.
Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern was
wrecked at Carondelet, a suburb of St.
Louis, early today. Twelve men are
Injured, several of thorn eerloiiHly. The
eugino and first' car rolled down a 1$
foot ombankmont. Tho second car
"I.oat MaiMitntim" Mliion JVtnv I'ro
aucliiK 90,000,000 a. Yenr.
Six years ago at Canaues, Mex., ono
would havo settled nu Irregular rango
of low mountains, eighteen miles 10115
"lost mountains" tho geologists call
them, because they aro connected with
likolv that tha entire business section lodged on tho edgo of tho Deaperea river. Ho other range, Bays Leslie's Weoklv.
.. . , .1 A- 14 tn I T4 n nnmlili. nt nnll o.lrn 'mi ..... ... .. "
would navo noon uiuiiuuiiiniu. nn u , iuimu.u miumvi r. ...I... .xney ro uiero -'sums, tno tops worn
ami ine iosa 01 uio must nnvu ueen gen
eral had tho car fallen into the rlvor.
tho damage is placod at $700,000,
Russian Town Aflame,
Kief, ItuBHla, Feb. 20. An antl
JowIbIi riot broke out today at Vietka,
n town of 0,000 inhabitants near
Gomel. A large part of tbe town is
in flames, and troopi havo been sent
there from Gomol.
Pat Crowe Arraigned Again.
.Connull Bluffa, la., Feb. 20. Pat
Crowe waa arraigned on joint indict
ment against hlniBelt and Arthur Levi
for holding up two street car orewa on
I July 2, 1005. He pleaded not guilty.
down oy tho powerful action of the
elements, and tho vnlloys filled by ero
Blon. These "lost" hills wero barren
and bleak. Sometimes n bunch of
Btray cattlo would rango among the
mountains, but no whlto man made his
nbodo thero. Even tho beaBts of prey
niili1nt 4lilo .nllln.M ...... ..n mi.
. M,u.v.v. ....a DUiliaij tauijU. 4.UWTU
'was no wilder, lonelier spot la the
Tlie nemnant of a Iteiriment.
On tho opening day of the Sha-Ho
battle there were many deeds of he
roism, writes tho author of "An Eye
witness In Manchuria." One Inci
dent, he says, brought out clearly tho
terrible nature of tlie encounter
During the Russian retreat a gen
eral commanding a division noticed an
officer and some forty men returning
through the lines. It appeared as It
It were a small party which had been
charged with some outpost d'uty and
had shown tlie white feather.
Incensed at their apparent coward
ice, the general rode up to the officer
nnd asked him whnt he meant by de
serting his post With a somewhat
grim srailo the officer, saluting, said:
"Sir, this Is all that Is left of my
That regiment had gone into action
over two thousand strong.
A Family In Dlntreaa.
Queen Wilhelmlna of Holland, used
to be as fond of her dolls ns any other
little girl, ond her dolls' went through
the same experience that dolls with
Imaginative motners usually undergo.
one day, nt dinner In the palace, her
small majesty made her snnenrnnn.
when dessert was served, nnd placed
herself next to a courtly old general.
After eating some fruit the little girl
turned her gaze up at him nnd se
riously exclaimed, "I wonder you're not
afraid to sit next to me!"
Everybody nt tho table turned to
ward tho childish voice.
"On the contrary," said the general,
I'm but too pleased and honored to
sit next to my future queen. Why
should I bo afraid?"
"Cause," and tho little girl looked
quite woebegone, "my dolls have tho
measles they're all of them down with
Tho Nerve of 111m,
"Adam Adum," repeated St Peter.
meditatively; "tho name seems fa.
miliar, but "
"I," explained tlie applicant, "coma
from Eden. I am tho progenitor of tha
wholo human race."
"And you," thundered St Poter.
"you havo tho uervo to apply for ad
mission bore! Front! Show, tho gen
tleman below." Puck.
Soma men nro such homo bodies that
tho look as out of placo lu n restau
rant nt noon as n housekeeper does
on tho street at meal time.
The wlso old hen chuckles to herself
when sbo sees a man tryjifg to make )
fortune with an Incubator.
Sizo of a woman's
to do with tho price.
hat has nothing