The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, February 22, 1906, Image 4

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    The Madras Pioneer of the Oregon Development that the business men of the
1 Lengue and other industrial or- town owe it to those who make
PiihlUlmrl nvnrv Tlmrailnv l (rnnl'nfinnn nnrl fn?r nnil VirnnrJ. I flnu fll?r trnrlinrr imint. to X)TQ-
the pioneer PUBiilsiUNG CO.- minded in his political views, vide a sufficient water supply,
no wouia in every sense oi tno ana tnojr are going io see uuu
word become the party's' can- the town is nover handicapped
Onoycar ,..$1.50 rfirlnta. RHOnnsfi nf Mipra vnn. ncrn.inhv nrPSHnt HXiathlfr COll-
Blxmontlw 85 ., - t, .A . , I J ...,
i suua n iui Jiu utuer, it is io ueiu'uoua. ouiitu iuummib ugu n
uftnvk wna tiinrlo tn lnnnmnnitH
f Hill JlViU V.1IV. v
in order
Thrco months 50
hoped that Mr,. Smith will yield
xdvehtisixo hates on Ari'MCATiox to the pressure that is being the town of
t i. i. - - . f. .1. . . t . ii .
i urougiii io oear irom an parts unit, tno water prooiem iiugm
Entered as second class matter August of the state, and conseut to the be dealt with by the comninnit'
2, loot, at the Postonicc at Madras, Ore, use 0f his name before the pri- as a whole, and for tho enforce
under the Act of consress of March 3, 1870. mnries to be held in April. , ment of ceitain sanitary pre-
cautions, but our county court,
the water Problem, bolstered up hv certain indi-
Feb. 22, 1906
vidunls here who opposed incor-
Madras is most ideally locat
To the Republican Yoters of
Crook County: I hereby an-
a-j . e puiiiusoa xuu, me most sen-
nounce myself a candidate for . fc ,-i i-J 1 1 ' qninntlv ntirlfid
r, , ,. . . ous problehi Which confronts soJllstl3r enuuea.
the Republican nomination for ;:
p ct..:v f n 1 tB uwii at uus ume, ana one T Tr ,r tj .
the office of Sheriff of Crook L ' rii p ,' , ' 1, J. H. Haner, candidate for the
ed for a townsfte, and it pos- Vln for selfish purposes
remqeci 10 grant me poiuioi
and left us without the relief
But,' the most seri- praywuor ana to wineii we were
alion for sheriff of Crook county at the
piimary elections to be held April ao,
Mr. Drown has been prominently men
tioncd ns a probable candidate- for some
time, and his announcement occasions no
great surprise.
Mr. Brown has been a prominent stock
man in the county for a number of years
and has n wide acquaintance. He has
also been prominent in the councils of the
Republican party of the county, lie is
recognized as one of the strongest candi
dates who has yet announced himself lor
the olllce of sheriff, and, should he re
ccive the nomination of his party in April,
there is no doubt but that he will carry
the full strength of his party in the June
me oince 01 anerm 01 urook ' ; . .... n , ., j. u. Haner, candidate tor the
county, Oregon, subject to the L.r 'r . . .Republican nomination for conn-
decision of the Republican vot- Z L' V01 tv clerk at the primaries to bu
. .. . . ' . an fiunnriftnt wnfpv sunn v Tin
ersat tUe primaries to be held .f J . . , held April.20, was in town sev-
onAnril20.lonB. ' 1 U8"al confllons have existed , . ,
on April 20, 1906
"Willis "W. Browk, PJeisler
for the past twelve months, the
entire year being practically
one long drouth, the precip
nation being very slicrht. and
To the Republican electors of the result is apparent in the
Prook County: I hereby an- present very low stage of the
nounce my cand.dacy for the water in the wells in the basin
Republican nomination for the immediately surrounding Mad
office of County Clerk under the ras. In usual years the supply
direct primary law, subject to 0f water, even with a lesser
be decision of the Republican number of wells, has been suffi
peuiura 01 ims county.
J. H. Haner, Prineville.
dnrinrr rhfi nrpspnt vonr iliora
A omil !l in (mnmi'iTi -
" - j-.; hag b(jen an unusually arge
Hon. E. L. Smith of Hood number hauling water and the
River is being urged by his supply has been insufficient,
friends all over the state to This has greatly inconvenienced
make the race for the Republi- those who haul water from the
can nomination lor tlie olhce of basin.
governor of Oregon, but he has The discomfort which has re
taken the position that before suited to the farmers who haul
he will permit the use of his ed water from the basn having
name before the primaries, he to wait for hours for their turn
must feel that there is a popu- to get water, and the dissatis
lar demand for him to become a faction which it causes, has oc
candidate. This position is cer- casioned several informal meet-
tainiy a proper one
meeting the republican voters
of this precinct and looking af
ter business matters in which
he is interested. Mr. Haner has
been living at the county seat
for the past four years, and as
he lias been filling a clerical po
sition at the court house during
most of that time, he has a wide
acauaintance throughout the
numueroi wens, nas neen sum- m. . . L A "
cientto supply all the farmers JT; ct, together with
who came here for water, but ?e foot thttt he is familiar with
I IIA 4. it. st.-. . tli.. I T til . . .
and is thoroughly competent to
perform them, makes him a
strong candidate for the nomin
ation. So far ho seems to have
things all his own waj' for the
Republican nomination, no def
inite announcement having been
made by any other candidate.
There is Baid to be a larce
amount of snow in the Blue
mountains, and spring freshets
are predicted for all the streams
1. I ii. .1
and is ings of business men interested "xng uieir source m tnese
,,, : i e r. , , mountains. The fact that there
doubtless based upon Mr. in the welfare of Mnrlv.'lR. lnnlr.
Smith's high conception of the ing to some relief from existing
purpose of the primary law. conditions. A number of plans
The law was passed in order were suggested, but it was fin
that the people might make ally depided to wait a short
tneir cnoice 01 candidates, in- while longer, until it is known
stead of having the candidacies whether O.r not' water can be
fobbed off by the politicians, gotten in tlie dpep well which
and it is but natural that a man Prank Loveland is drillinc. and
pf Mr. Smith's high standard if it is found that it cannot, some COvered
DurnlB tho coming weolt wo wish to
dlBpotoof 21 excellent, Bllghtly used
pliuios, rocolved In part puymuut for
Pluuola nliinos ot late. Somo of tlicFo
luBlruuienta uro exactly lllto new, hoiiio
show n Uttlo wear, nono of them
enough to Impair nppenranco or tone
Any of these liiHlruments may bo
obtulned on pHymunts of $10 cash ami
$0 a mouth.
Here Is tho Hot;
Fancy walnut Conovor upright, $185.
Fancy mahogany Wing &, Son, $M'J.
Largo oak-cuned lialluy, $160.
Very nlc'o Thompson & Co. rose
wood, $145.
Rosewood Rudolph & Co. upright,
Large niihoany Loloht, S158.
Largo mottled walnut Everett $10,
Fanciest mottled walnut Vnm, $1130.
Elegant mottled muhogtiy Kimball,
Funcy lurgea'.-stzo ICraknuer. $201.
Very fiue mnhogany Bchumanu,
Mottled ,vilniit Hamilton, $7G.
Fancy mahogany $125 LoBter S23S.
Oak-caBed excellent Jacob Itoll- S1G0
Fancy Mijton ouk enne, Hume price.
Great bliroak-eused Wellington, $120.
Fancy mahogatiyKliigubury, $125
VTery Mno Knnbo baliy urand, in
genuine rosewood case $-125.
Genuine mahogany Pernio baby
grand, very choice, $185
Beautiful, nearly new Stelnway
buby grand, $435.
Tijoao grand pianoj will bo Bold on
should want to feel assured that definite plan will be ndnnrpri
the nomination was seeking the and carried out. Meanwhile, in
nian order that prompt temporary
However, it is to be hoped that relief may be had, Mr. Loveland
Mr. bmitn will now yield to will sink the old public wel
us wcwihb a gtjuerai pop- aeeper, and win put a good
utar appeal tflroijgiiout ttie pump in it lor the accommoda
4. i- ,1 1 1 1 ' i 1. 1 nl n . 1 . . .
piaie, aim win permit me use 01 tion OI tne public.
his name. Mention of his pos- Although it has been impos
sioie caimioacy eiicus expres- sioie to secure any concerted
sions of approval on all hands, action on the part of Madras
His dignified attitude upon the business men, looking to the
question of entering the prima- installation of a water system
lies upon nis own initiative lor which will furnish an adequate
xne canaiaacy ior mis nign 01- water supply, a number of them
lice has been commended on all realize the serious situation
sides, and it is being compared which confronts the town, and it
with the manner in which other it quite certain that should Mr.
innlwlii f Jin Tn- 1 i.; r 1 -1 m
mumumco lvi mo iiunuuaiioii jjoveiana's extorts to secure
have thrown themselves head- water fail, some very prompt
long 11110 me race, mosc iavora- and determined action will be
bJy to Mr. bmith.
Mr. Smith's candidacy would
solve what now appears to be a
difficult problem for the party.
Four years ago Mr. Chamber
lain was elected on the demo
cratic ticket because of the dis
affection from the Republi
can candidate, whose nomina
tion had been forced through
is so much snow in the mount
ains is a constant source of
wonder to the neonle of Mih
' A x
''lowlands," as there has been p'ynntaof$25dowu and $12 a month.
an unusually small amount of! ah mum ue sow during tho coming
snow here this winter. week' Telephone or telegraph order I
to hold certain iuHtrumonth till letter
cau arrive will bo honored 24 hours
only. A deposit of 5 per cent to show j
good faith will bo required from
taken by them. They realize
the convention. With the urea-L . ...iOUUUfi A
f -t . BA11UJ!'U WIRE 54.40 per owt. until
a candidate upon whom the Re
publican party can unite in or
der to defeat him for a second
term, and no other man in Ore
gon who has been mentioned for
the Republican .nomination so
nrlmivnltlir fllln nil Ho vnnnivn.
ments as does Hon. E. L. Smith B. S. LARKIN. Prnn
Of Hood River. A man Of the Madras, Oreoon
highest mental and moral call- "E"W OT-A-OiariasrE
bre, witli a spotless record back F0R REPAIRING FINE SHOES
of him, active and prominent in COMPLETE LINE OF HARNESS AND SAD-
rlaTrnlmoViicmt nf Vita atnta no 111 P PIVTIIDrP
k evidenced by. hia presidency Ty 4uaUt of . . .
It is reported that a live-foot
vein of lignite coal has been dis-
about 12 mjles from
Prineville on Ochoco. Samples ! P'Tclmeers living out of town, where-
mere taken to the county deat upon p,IU10 wl1' 1)0 H,lPIei Huhjuot to
and tested, and they burned ' approva, w,tu 11,0 "'"'uratandlng if,
freely. Ud where the discov- "pon rece,pt " Is not ,HUI,d exactly
ery was made they had been us
ing it for some time in the
blacksmith forges.
Willis W. Brown of Heisler was in
town on Sunday, and while here he au
thorized the announcement that he would
be a candidate for the Republicen nomin.
satisfactory to tho buyer it may bo
turned at expense of freight both wuyh
of Ellom Piano House.
Jiiverytiilng wo Hell wo guarantee.
Money back It purchase is not entirely
fcatlefuctory. Eilers Piano Houm',
largest retailers of pianoa in tho United
States, Muin ofllce dm Washinutoii
street, Portland.
r u n A nk irT-r
is it. I i
! Dealer in Real Estate 1
Residence three miles north of CULVER,
Telephone connection with T,mnr nutanna i.u
- "O '""vv UO A
l 1 1 l I i riii.,1
U 1,
iiauu iiuLcj uuu reed inu
i nuw im at tin ichm w imui
Eutlro IJotol Itemodoled and Runovntud nk
Lighted Hud Ventllat0l,Il00,n N(lf,
mm m r mm m. Wmmr - "
Also Itomoileled. Stock ulvon uuu f,.,i 4I
lontlou. lilfiMISMHUIl TilB li;AJ)i wt
mOOF?E & tDIZNEV. Prroos.
New management and newly renovated
throughout. A popular place to stop.
Tlxo rMTarlrot Affords.
M Bread, CaKcs, Pies m other pastry always on hand
Next door to the Hotel. Transient
Stock well fed and given the best
attention . Rigs furnished on short
notice at your door,
a la i i i i r- i 1 1 i i 1 r ki i
! Hnrp.qhnnino'. Rlanhmithinnf un..
i h. J. BriUUfc, Madras
WE SELL Agricultural Implements, Machinery and Barhdrili
Has re-ooened with a fin i:.
of the - ...iB
A. PIERSON, Prop., Madra n.
....FOR SALE....
on 3Dos Oli-utea Kiver
RflUPh lumber flelivnr! at Sllfifl form
OW - " y . iw w v
ah dimension lumber will bo Fir If doolrod ot tamo price.
n f t- . f W m-m. . mmm. m-m. mm.
v i kj inc. iviil
J HDaily 3Cail( IE3. O. Address,
mm & mwmT t M mm m I 1 I V J V J I 1
Fist-Class Wines, Liquors
and Cigars.
0or, Fifth and E Stroetn
gives it all. '
If you are a subscriber al
ready, send it to your
friends in the East who
want to hear about the
opportunities for making!
a home in Oregon.
ml mT-m ULrn mm Ml Wf - Mim mm mmwm M B j A St Wm mf
iLpiig:oi ragesj $i.ou pc