The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, February 22, 1906, Image 3

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    MM H 'At IM I
ll tHilV"
, DA. "to'
Twice as Good
One Third the Cost
ifvorv dav Is bargain day In the
Wnvo Circle Como In and pet ac
quainted. K C will help you cut
down tho Hvlnjf expenses and make
doctor's bills a tiling of tho past. Do
you rcallzo that you con get tho best
and purcBt baking powder in tho world
at ono-thlrd what you'vo been paying
for anywhero near K C quality. A ij
ounce eancosli 3jc, Think of tho s avl nij I
Can you make money any easier ? Oct
it tO-uay. iuo Ijrutcr ixiuriw mu
prico of can if you are not satisfied.
Sill Grocers
fio.l poitsl for th btsutlful
"Vook of PlMtltl."
..... nlflS.
f,ni.w7 .tretchf tho waring
' hA low hill.
11 on w.nd.rod th. little boy.
11 v ...i - I.-, tuna mill
.ildsotkuoff WUt - .
... nnt hnro his nico new
Kl wIthblmJ And would It
I' " . . It nlwiitt nrur tho
hj El WUIltu II.
fit 1; lifeless Jut where it had
m jt
llhf paWlcU Mil Uirow u ihmtm
T Clot Kvv All Winter.
A. flock of enriy hatched pullets
with a comfortable houso freo from
vermin, with proper retaliation, a
scratch pon and box of Rrlt, ult grain
buried in litter, will do nobly during
the wholo winter, but tho roosts mum
bo sprayed with kerosene oil twice
n week; their bodies dunted each
month with good insect powder, plenty
of fresh drink at cornfortnbU temper
ature crcon feed such ni sliced boot.
Htcnrncd clover, or loone cabbngo to i''5 ,ne Wftrn i'ou
pick nt freely, all tho Krecn cut boncr""' J"our Pnt'
with clean, fresh, nwect adhering
meat thnt thuy will cat at ono meal
twice n week must be euppllcd. A
iniiHh of middling.-, with ono part in
three of corn meal in zero weather
Htirrod thick enough to bo crumbly.
Tlcanant Old acntlcmnn-IInvo you
lived hero nil your life, my little man?
Arthur (used 0)-Not yL-lllustratcd
Mrs. Pine How mnny times hnvo
you been married? Airs. (Jollfihtly
Ini nshnined to tell you; only once
Town Topics.
Protective Husband Wlint mnr
rhiKo ceremony do you prefer? Pro
pcctlvo Hrldo (tho fourth time) Catch
as catch can, Ex.
Parker I midoratnnd your wlfo Is
protty literary? Hnrkor Well, Mic can
read Henry Jmiich In tho original with
out a pause J Puck.
"If It's n nico day, come and take mo
out in your nuto, Wednesday." "Hut
suppoM it's not a nlco day?" "Como
tho day before." Ex.
Johnny Como In. BUtcr'a rxpectJn
you. Mr. Stoplatc How do you know
ha Is? Johnny Hhc'H lwcn aleeptn' all
tho afternoon. Cleveland Leader.
"Do you believe in marrying n girl
for her money?" "Not ns a general
thing, but (tometlmen that'a the only
way you can got it away from her."
Mr. Economy How much are the
spectacles? Ocullst-Two dollaru. Mra.
Economy Can't you knock off one dol
lar? Pin blind in ono eye. New York
Oypy Fortune-teller (neriouHly)
Somebody's going to
Motorist Don't you
r V.t niiu nurcha wtherold ! oats or wheat at ulght except in zero
. i .a tnurr cxnciiT am n uuu
Iw ,uu warm nt
corn Hhould bo fed
night are also excellent, pro
it.. fill rfiil frufh lirnko
18,11 wt
jtleHDcbrouo ronn mio wiwib
lit wai on tuo uouuujvhh
think you'd better wani the other chap?
Bhe (thinking to take bin mind off)
How restless the waves arc, did. They
always seem to bo clamoring for some
thing. Dad Well, they won't get it If
I can help it Ram's Horn.
"I have no home " began the beg
gar. "Horry, old man." nald the brisk
The Jar of
Hammer blows, steadily ap
plied, break the hardest rock.
Coughing, day after day, jars
and tears the throat and lungs
until the healthy tissues give
way. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
stops the coughing, and heals
the torn membranes.
"I lwayi Veip Ayer'n Charrr rctorn1 In
the home. It flirt perfect relief wbenerer
mj of ut Jiave OMiehi or hard cold. I hare
mod It for a xrfat many jramanit loknow
all ahont It." Mni.MAnr OliaRTJtAK.VarT.
MxU by J. o. Aj" Co., Lowell, Kail,
aiio manuiaeiurere or
1 1PVQ p'lls
Li i O iia:r vkmr.
Rlllrilinrinna. rnniflnntlnn roa.v
covory. Cure thoso with Ayer's Pills
Math In
-How did
you like the now
Tom I thought Miss Badlo Blugora
had entirely too much to say.
Dick Was she In it? Why, I didn't
even know she had gona on the stags.'
Tom She was In one of the boxes
with a party the night I was there.
Forconphs and colds (hero Is no better
medicine than Pino's Cozo for Consump
tion. Price 25 cents.
vlded i only about two-thln is as much pedestrian, "but I have only one. How
as w II lo eaten up clean ten m n- erer, lf you. bI ,. ,vc
utcs is fed at n time. Pullets requlro thot"-Ph!lndclihla rWcr.
more tnan nens ana
than heavier breeds.
Leghorns less
rj?i!i I1 other mcdlclues, In merit.
mnu rrttt ai It hat been, baa sp-
tiidcote tett:monUU In mo laii'two
hiu uf tMTloui two- oror 10,000.
BulitttlillnefotilJiIfneeof thotiroplo
lAcrtit proof of It tiutiunlri! worth. !
Jp.It) lh Mood, curca all blood dlf
tiUkjcon anil all eruptloni.
joirtlfBi the ttomarli, createa au
Iu4klldi up the wlm!o lyateni.
Iwti that tlrtJ fcellne and maltoi the
tictl IVqnM. or lo Dove tablet fortn,
A Ttrlce-Told Twin.
A MnssnchUHettH lawyer has n notorl
oiinly treacherous memory for details.
This falling occasionally lends him to
Rurblo a Joko in rtmeatlm: it Itecent-
v hl rtlrtt f! frtfillil tttlrl ntfl.tfllnr. tiltn I
upon tho shoulder, nald enthusiastical
ly: "Well, old man, tills la a flno day for
the race, isn't it?"
"Why, what racef
"Tho human race," said tho friend
nuil lied.
Tills was tho first time tho lawyer
hiladclphln Ledger.
Itedd Fine nlr up thcro in the coun
try whero l'vo been. Greene Why
didn't you bring some of It back with
you? Itedd I did. It's in my nutomo
bilo tires. l'onkers Statesman.
"I hear that tho new star's acting
brought down the house." "Yes, It did.
In ono week it brought down the houso
from eight hundred to ten people and
tho ushers." Cleveland Lender.
Tired Thompson Wuz ypr ever be
fore a Judge? Frozen Stlffe I wuz.
Tired Thompson What did ye git?
Frozen Stlffe Life at hard labor. I
wua married by a Judge. Judge.
A man lost n leg In n railway acci-
Do It TfOTT.
Customer Why don't you tack up
this 'Do It Now motto? It'a been ly
ing around on the counter for a
Grocer Wa-al, I'm nrgoln' ter tack
It up sometime lf I ever git to It-Judge.
PITQ Permanently Cured, rfofltnor nerroasncw
ll 10 after firntdnr'u.cof I)r.K!lne'Orrat'rT
gentorer. Send for Free 82 trial bottleand treatise. H.Kllne,Ltd..St ArchtSU. I'hlladelphla, I'a.
When Lincoln' Won Ills Spur.
Leaving the question of his relative
standing In the profession at large for
further consideration, it is confidently
submitted that Lincoln won a credit
able position at the local bar, almost
at the outset of his career, among
contemporaries who wero not only
capnble lawyers, but men of excep
tional force and character. Indeed,
It is exceedingly doubtful lf tho bar
!of any other Stato In the Union pos
sessed as much native talent and abil
ity as the frontier State of Illinois
when Lincoln won his spurs. Century.
had ever heard this venr ancient Joke.
bo ho determined to get it off on tho,3o,,t. UId when they picked him up the
a i a a ( f IKAKil tin unlil T1 . I
iniif to tho l'liurima. next limn no met nnu no uiu, in mis n,i mi, nuuw uw
HjBOTta Hill stands the linpot- manner: , ij0ru. " ns uio leg wun mo rneumn
tin a a -m mm. wa. a a v n . m iiuiii in it i f i n ri r n - s ii riiiuinn
iicmo, ijoturey, inn i una a una uay
for the trot?"
"Trot what trot?"
"Hy gad," stammered the lawyer,
"I awear thero was n JoUe there, but I
can't And it now!" Llpplucott'a.
Iftxtot to the plisrlmi. Its bast
rials id1 supports n seated figure
uMbe (our corners with eyes
litr tbe lurroundlng country,
0 Koaun'g figure crowns tho top.
(wtiul Is Inscribed Uic nnmo
vtrj rasa, woman and child that
fiTirlnth Mayllowur. St NIch-
trPrtlllaeaa Teiiiutnit llltn.
iitf, It Is true tbo young man
w w suddenly that I was not
'rf tor It, aud yet I feel that I
to blame In Uic matter."
MlIM? In what wavV
'e lrU I wni nn acconsorv litv. !
tit ficL" ninvntnml Hint.,
Ilia Monrr'a Worth.
"Doughnuts," said tho bakor, "are
ten cents a dozen and the crullers aro
"I didn't know." said tho customer. J'0 said your wlfo wanted
tlsm in It I" Atlanta Constitution
Wlfo (to husband standing In front
of mirror with razor in Iinnd) Aro
you shaving? Husband No, I am
blacking the kitchen range. Where nro
you out driving or at a matinee?
Detroit Journal.
Do Style My wlfo tells me while out
in her nuto you did lots of damage.
I Chauffeur Hut, sir, whetr you hired
me to
"thnt thero wits any dlffercnco be
tween 'doughnuts and chullers.' "
"Oh! yes; crullers have holes In tho
center, whilo tho doughnuts "
"Glmmo doughnuts; I nln't spend
in' my good money for holes." Cath
olic Stnndnrd and Times,
run her nuto In tho worst way
pincott's Magazine.
She Wo ought to have nn upright
piano for our now flnt It would tako
up less room than our square one. IIo
I can't afford to buy n new piano.
You'll hnvo to turn tho square plnno
on end. Yonkors Statesman.
Tho Wlfo What luck. The Husband
(wearily) None whatever. Tho Wlfo
- Were there no servants in the intel-
THF RT KPtf FF Xfi Hgencc olllco? Tho Husband (Rndly)
at flaK 3 an emblem of horror nud dread. " When it ia hoisted for us before. Woman's Homo Coin-
a, ray, the Order lias frnni fnrfll tlmr nn minrfor tuitl rrvt ov. imnlnn.
Eif nSCt1, U'1cm women ontl children, ns well ns oppos-1 rdy-Whnt is tho real dlffercnco bo
fcMM', and ft trntl of dcsolntion, sufrenng and L, ' BflnpfmoMt. flnf Iim, ,.
M W This vlft , 10l80n J3t,thf ibln,Ck ! i ? i-'n. ' t house Jnnltor-ln an
d.iiv 1 "'svtle disorder ia known na the blackest nnd most hide- " , ' J , . -i.n.irm, - i.
Ihuman afllictions. overthrawimr it viethiis nnd crushing out the. 11,0 lni,,0H 10,1 1 ,lnVe " cllll'1fC" ; A" 11
7. noceatlvt heiUm.i...a ei.ti. ...r..t ......ti,n two makes any house n tenement, mum.
BK .,.. , . r . wxjv- j.b liiiili IILIL1I. V 111:11 11M1U1 t 11 UiJ .U kWl hj M1U
Eft. m
hideous, hateful niul li iiniilintino-nvtutitntiin hcirin to nnticar. Judge.
lrjTit,.t!rl . 3 ll'at llis very tircsencc is polluting nud contaminating-.
Mothers will And llr-. Wlnilovr's Soothing
Eyrup the beit remedy to use for their children
during the teething period.
Oat of the Ordinary.
Author I have Just written a play
that contains a new and novel climax.
It is bound to make a hit
Manager Indeed !
Author Fact The plot leads up to
a train robbery.
Manager Huh! I fall to boo any
thing new and novo! in that
Author Hut the passengers rise up
as one man and put tho robbers out
of business!
Tho regular patron, a littlo pnlo nnd
manifested, the
red rnsh breaka
SUf6lS (irri 0f 41... ,...,, T -. ...!. It. 1.1.1 . .
ptsraore d i V M,nv;,,:,,; 41 hwb oru uuu, uui na mc muuu wnn, uroppeti wenriiy uuu u l-juui, uuu
PinA th V W i'U4SU"w uic Bcvcrcr BViiipioiua nrc in
Conner r . a,m eyebrows come out, nnti oitcn tl
FttsdisM.. J?, 8pot3' Pu8tn,nr eruptiona and oorca.
mi. i .v.i,i Liii. Iiorv'i.q
ilhttwii i . aU(1 eyebrows come out, nnd often the body is cov
BV, pustular eruptiona and oorca. In its worsi
i '""eew the nen-ca. attacks the bonca and sometimes cnusca
u"n on the brain. t,m,!;.. I
Ty and death. VV.t Ravnrnl rrnnrm nrrn T lind blood tiolson I
F . 00 contract tin. ttl y nd my ltoh wno in nn nwful oondttlon,
,!(v?' l"e virus is driven f mm
took out his newspaper. "Steak, ns jier
usual?" sitld tho wniter. "No; I am
lirlit." tho natron nnsweretl:
In its worst ..brllU mo ft j,ni0 of hnHh." St. Louis
Littlo Hrother Do you know what I
di..i.. .Vm ivlinr In It? f.lttln
" - . ------ . t .. . 1 1 1 1 k r m i ni.:i . i w . . . . . . . v . .
uront Moron wouia brtmli out una uoin- ..... . ...., ., i .iw,
Inifl put on thorn would do nny wod. itrother I think lf I woo not In tlio
Wg&"dTybM room ,Mr. Jones would kiss you. Sister
had. to livo on milk unit wotor. I tools y0u impudent boy I Leave tho room
Woroury for a lonir tlmo nnit instoaa or ..,,.,., 'PnumliittHl for Tales from
cottintr bottor I continued to irrow. Instant! . -irnnmiiicu tor j.ait.a irum
worao anil my arms ami hands booAtnn Moiruondorfer Blatter,
olid soroB. My ltiira wore drawn so I
could not Willi and I folt thnt mytlmq nid Liidv (to cheiillHt) I wnilt n box
f.Hr'J'"?.d nf eimliio nlllH. Chenilst-WhatM tho .'
holpotl mo from tlio start. Aftor tnkintr inntter with tho dog? Old Lndy (in
ztttwnuotlio aoros nit nonioii, mvriiou' .,, r .......f Vnn to know sir
mntUm wns ourod and to-day I am n dlgniUltly) -I Mailt jou to miow, sir,
Btronrr, woU man. It trot nil tho mor- .. .. ..... inmhruid Is a gentleman. Chem-
ouryout of jny systom nnd it ourod tuo ilm i.llU In nro.
...... j i AiMinr unirMAliffT. ' lut iiiitH nil S01I10 (llllllllHl IUI1S 111 liru-
U(- found si ence. I'iCK-.Mo-i.ii.
Uvunavillo, Ind. 11 o. 211 Mary I
Kct H?1 t la lmmled
Ktttvic dm t. "(l nre
m Yvu' never enn cure
F.tteiSnSSf?lu,ncrP8 merely
ttlVaCyfor awhile
N bSe11-?, Petunia
tvf,ii.. re- T!i3 treatttiiMif
UL blood tiolsn,,
BUY M...WtlSl PrOtlllP.'Sl f1,rr..,l .1.,
iiUb..i. """U rilL'llllintlmti In o,l.l f tli
Liowatotlle:tablf "iliclue, fa tltccourlueror of this vile disease. It my nmn," answered tho woll-Kroometl
K'eoft m Vt u,,otlie trouble and curea by elennsinu the blood ot one, "i uonovo t j
l)olaou. S. S. S. does not hide or cover up anything ''Dnfa wot I wiw nfrnld of. kin j-cr
but clenra the entire circulation oi me ,mt mo wise to stmio iim.umu m- umi
virua nud, puts the system in Rood w0ni kIvo u poor devil a dlino?"
healthy condition. It curca snfely na cievolnltd Leader.
well na certainly, because there ia notn I jurist What's tho crowd down nt
Tnrtlel nf tiiltinrnHit it. We oiler a re 1 ..... lmiitmV A'ntlvu Oli! thov'ro
ELY llCrif ward of $1,000.00 for proof that S. b. b. . tj10 cnti0 0' Sam Johnson, sub.
vtUtTABLP iaiiot purely vegetable. When the Wood T( Sam Johnson? Why, ho wasr
3tt8Bymn.?. Is purified nnd strengthened with this 1 wUo WIW lvll,IlC(l jP.stord.iy,
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always -Bought
Boars the
spepsln, loosens the teeth nnd frc
e pnllenca suuenug.
found silence.
"Sav. boss," said tho rKf.'od Individ
ual, "are you a philant-roplst?" "iV.s,
Her Little Mlatnke.
"Excuse, inndamc," ho said, "but
ah you remember, In tho restnurnnt,
after the theater, tho other night, you
were kind enough to uotlco me. I
hopo I am not mistaken In supposing
thnt your interest was ah not alto
gether "
"Oh, no, not nt nil. I remember
now. I thought for a moment jhat
you wero tho coachman my husband
discharged a few weeks ago for try
ing to mako lovo to tho cook, and I
wondered how you could afford to eat
in Btich an oxpenslvo place." Denver
BetTrcen Friend.
Mnyme Fred says wiicn wo nre mar
ried I can have everything I want
Edytb Poor fellow 1 IIo is evidently
up against nn awful delusion.
Mnyme Why, what do you mean?
Kdytli IIo imagines you hnvo money.
Portland Trade Directory
Name and Addreases In Portland of Repre
sentative (Jusirfes rirms.
1'IIOTO hUl'l'I.IKHi Ktxlalc dVflotln and print
ing; write fur price. Woodnrd, C'larks V Cu.
MAOIU I.ANTKUN8 Welatrr Co., I'ortland.
Iwoit price 011 Lnnltmi and Slldis.
Kf.AHTIU lIOSIKUY; Hiipportem, llrncca! Knit to
1'lt; (rrt nji-Murcment blanka; Woodard, ClurUc.
llOIlHICKof all klndi for aalo at very reasonable
prices. Inquire r?S Front Bt.
TltUSSKH aent on approval; we Rnnrrtntee nt lo
moat dlfllcult cases; Woodard, Clarke & Co.
8 W KKT I'KAB Rend 10c for tickir. asild FolrOoId
Medal pea. 3. J. JJulzer, 1M Front street.
AltTIFlClAIj KYEB; eyerr shade and shap"! as
sortment sent on approval; Woodard, Clark Co
CIIKAM HKPAHATOIlft We coarantee the U.S.
Keparalor lo be the best. Write for free cata.ojf.
Hatelwood Con Fifth and Oak.
MKN'HCXOTHINO nuffum A rendition, sole
cents Alfred llnamln correct clotlies. Kvery
thlns In men's furn shlnKS. Uorrlson and Blxln
streets. Oppos.te postofllce.
FJIKE X.ANI) IK OltEaON under the Carey Irrt-
f atlon act. Deed d rect from state. Write today,
look I d and map free. 11. H. Cooke & Co., 2il
Alder street, I'ortland, Oregon.
PpULTllY FOOD If yotl want yonr hens lo lay
more eggs write tis for free particulars about I"L
Jtl.VA l'OUIntY FKEUa Acme JllUa Co.,
I'ortlaad, Oregon.
TAIIX)118 Columbia Woolen Mills Co.. Portland,
Ore. Latest style clothes made to measure cheap.
Ourseirmeasuremenlsyslem Insures penect UU
Write for free samples and price.
PIANOS A OIU1ANB Oldest piano house on Pa
cific coast. Organs and 1'laiioi on easy payments.
Write for list. Let u quote you a price. Allen A
OUbert-Itamaker Co., I'ortland, Oregon.
Oregon Herbs Specific for all Kidney and llladder
troubles. Cures JIACKACI1K. .Price 50c Trial
size sent by mall for 10c In stomps. Bend today.
200tf Third Hu
Human Hair Goods Switches, rompadours. Men's
Toupe a and W Igs ; best quality: lowest prices;
send for Iree prlo list; mall orders a specialty.
Pans Hair Stor, 203 Washington Bt. Est IW.
"I followed tho
trail from Texas
On the Trait
wtlh a Fish Brand &"shbrand
Pommel Sticker
Slicker, used for
m overcoat when
cold, a wind coat
when windy, a rain coat when it rained,
and for a cover at night if we got to bed,
and I will sav that I have gotten more
comfort out of your slicker than any other
one article that I ever owned."
fTh. nam an4 addrtM cf ffc writer of this
nuhrildud Liter x&a be tud on application.)
Wet Weather Garments for Riding, Walk
ing, Working or Sporting.
CO., Limited
Best Cough Hymp, Taste Oood. bso
in timn. poio ny aruggi.ts.
Ilor Grent Pn-inlon.
Stella So slio is to marry a football
Holla Yes, nhe always did lovo rem
nants. New York Sun.
Fastest, lightest nnd strongest Htump Puller
on the market. 11 V Hone power on '.lie sweep
with two horses. Write for descriptive
and prices. , , ., :
Toot of Morrison Street I'ortland, Oregon
A bright man with fentn in yourcoun
ty. Steady work nnd good wages to right
man. Itcferencea required. For par
ticulars address
Box X Winona, Minn.
Ferrt'a Reeda arei ht iMsinu ta
anoxmfal rears liave ten spent In
their (leTelvprnent lialf a century
vl rxfci. mro ill Ilta&ing UXUl
snperior to all otliera
ff o bid apcviaiijua in mTTWing
uuww mnu TrKcuiue aeeas.
avuu need Aamial tree.
0. M. FERRY & CO.,
sxh BH.7I m an inmv
Dr. C. Gee Wo
This wondrful Chi
nese Doctor Is callid
great because he cures
;eople without opera
tion that are elven up
to die. lie cures with
those wonderful Chi
nes? herbs, roots, bud',
Larks and vegetable
that are entirely un
known to medical fc-
ence In this conturv. Throuim the use or tliusa
harmless remedies this famoui do -tor Knox's
the actlou of over 500 il fferent remedlet. whl h
he successfully uses In dlRYren diseases, lis
cuarantt es to cure ca arrh. asthma, lung, ihr a
rheuma:lstn, nervoiif ness, stomach, 'lvcr; k d
neys, etc.; has hundreJs of test mnnlaK
Charges moderate. I a.i and see htm. Pall nls
out of the city write for blankr and c rculuri.
Bend slump. COXBUI.TATIUX FitKK.
162'i first Stu S. C Cor. Morrison
Mention oaoer. PORTLAND. OREGON.
P. N.U.
No. OS
WHEN Tvrttlnp to advertisers ploaae
mention tlila paper.
And dolnt; dental. work all the time that Is
the record ot llr W. A. Wise. In onr es
tablishment are expert dentists who are
competent to perlorm the most Important
dental operations. 2o matter the nature
of the work, there Is a man here to do It.
DR. II. A. STU R I) K V A J T, Specialist on
Children's Teeth and Ilesulallng.
Falling llldg.. Third and Washington -St.
8 a. m. to ! p. m. Hundays 9 to 1. Main as)
Work Done on WteUr c4 Ho:li!r PaymenU
dr. r. p. wise.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local applications as they cannot reach tho
diseased portion ot tho oar. 1 here la only ono
way lo cure dca.ncss, and that Is by constitu
tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an in
tlamed condition of the mucous lining of the
Eustachian Tube. When this tubo Is inflamed
Jou have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hear,
tig, and when Ills entirely closed, Deafness Is
tho result, aud unless the inflammation can bo
taken out and this tubo restated to its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed forever;,
nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, I
which ia nothing but au inflamed condition oi
Wo will give One Hundred Dollars for any!
caso of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can- i
not bo cured by nairs catarrn lure, bena tor
circulars, free.
V. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
Fold by Druggists, 76c.
Hall's Family Pill are tho best,
Henry Dumbnrdment. -
"Was your wlfo angry when you got
home so late last nlghtJ"
"Angry? Way, my boy, tho dear
woman pelted mo wth flowers!"
"But how did you get that black
"Well, you see, she neglected to tako
tho flowers out of tho pots before sho
throw them." Cleveland Leader.
"First Aid" to the
Office In" your own
Vest Pocket.
On call anyMinute-Day or Night
When Heartburn, Sour Stomach,
Headache, Bad Ereath, Coated
Tongue, Belching of Stomach Gas, or
any of these forerunners of Indigestion
appear, Old Dr. Cascaret wants to
be right on tho spot in your pocket.
He wants to check the coming trouble
instantly before it can grow Into a
habit of the Bowels to be costive.
Ladies, who extend to Dr. Cascaret tho
hospitality of their Purses or their Dress
Pockets, will bo rewarded with a fino
complexion, and healthy Happiness.
These will about fifty times repay for
the trifling space occupied, and the ten
cents per week at cost.
Dr. Cascaret guarantees to cure the
most obstinate cases of Constipation and
Indigestion, without discomfort or In
convenience. His medicine does not gripe nor purge,
nor create a drug habit.
Because it Is not a "Bile-driver," nor
a Gastric-Juice Waster, but a direct
Tonlo to the Bowel Muscles.
it exercises naturally the muscles that
line the walls of the Intestines and
Want of Exercise weakens and relaxes
these Bowel-Muscles, just as it weakens
Arm and Leg muscles.
Old Dr. Cascaret goes directly after
these Bowel-Muscles. He wakes
them up Just as a cold bath would wako
up a lazy person.
Then he works them (through tha
nerves) till they get so strong from
that Exercise that they don't need
any more help to do their duty.
But Dr. Cascaret wants to be right on
the spot, in your Pocket or Purse,
where he can regulate these Bowel
Muscles all the time, in health, and
out of health.
Because, even the strongest Bowel
Muscles may be overworked.
Heavy dinners, late suppers.whlskey,
wine, or beer drinking, nervous excite
ment, sudden exposure to cold or heat
and a dozen other every day likelihoods tiro
the Bowel Muscles.
In such cases a little Cascaret In tlma
is worth fifty dollars worth of Treatment
later on, to say nothing of tho suffering,
discomfort, loss of Business Energy, and
loss of Social Sunshine it saves.
Old Dr. Cascaret carried constantly In
your Vest Pocket, or In "My Lady's"
Purse is the cheapest kind of Health-Insurance,
and Happiness - Promotion, that
ever happened.
Little thin enamel Cascaret Box, half
as thtck as your watch, round-cornered,
smooth-edged, and shaped so you don't
notice its presence.
Contains six Candy tablets Price Ten
Cents a Box at any Druggist's.
Be sure you get the genuine, made only
by the Sterling Remedy Company, and
never sold in bulk. Every tablet stamped
We want to send to oar friends a beautiful
French-deslened, GOLD-PLATED BONBON BOX,
hard-tnameled In colors. It Is a beauty (or the
dressing table. Ten cents in stamps is asked as a
measure of good fait h and to cover costof Cascarets,
With which tHlsdaInty trinket is loaded. 7U
Send to-day, mentlonine this paper. Address
Sterling Kemedy Company, Chicago or New Yorlc.
Nothing knocks out and disables Ilka
rL a,a;iiri with this Z Z"
&T!l$lVMBy no sign of the disease is ever J ,lft f Nl
&kItU ii itrf,oH 1 lh5 lenat tr to be handed down to posterity. )0 tin
ftrf2?! anymcdicnlndvicede. J
irV.l?" lu who write.
Nntlvo Ynns, mill, but to-
tho boyn got to feulln' cur'
hothnli ho wiw innocent
or guilty, sub. Philadelphia rresa.
Lumbago and Sciatica JACOBS
Nothing reaches the trouble as
quickly as
PRICE, 25c. AND 50c