I .,,1. ,, ,,. ., ,. I. I.I -I, Ml , , ,1.1 . HI.-, , ... I . I... " II' . . .... i .w r t for The Term ofHis Natural Life By MARCUS CLARKE CHAPTER I. On a certain" May the garden of large red-brick bow-windowed mansion called North-end House was the scene of a domestic tragedy. Three persons were the nctors in it. One was an oh man, whose white hair and wrinkled face gave token that he was at least sixty years of age; Ho stood erect, in th nttitudo of one surprised into sudden passion, and held uplifted the heavy ebon cane upon which lie was ordinarily nccustomcd to lean. He was confronted by a man of two-and-twenty, unusually tall and athletic of figure, dressed in rough seafaring clothes, and who held In Jus arms, protecting her, n lady o middle age. The face of the young man "wore- an expression of astonishment nnd the slight frame of the gray-haired woman was convulsed with sobs. These three peoplo were Sir Richard Devine, his wife, and his only son Rich nrd, who had returned from abroad that morning. "So, madam," said Sir Richard, in the high-strung accent which in crises of great mental agony are common' to the nost self-restrained of ns, "you have been for twenty years a living lie! For twenty years you have cheated and mocked me. For twenty years you have laughed at nic for a credulous fool; and now, because I dared to raise my hand to that reckless boy, you admit it, nnd glory in the confession!" "Mother, clear mother!" cried the young man. in a paroxysm of grief, "say that you did not mean those words; you said them but in anger! See, I am calm uow, and he may strike me If he will." Lady Devino shuddered, creeping close, as though to hido herself in the broad bosom of her son. The old man continued: "I married you, Ellinor Wade, for your beauty; you married mo for my fortune. I was n plebeian, a ship's carpenter! you were well born, your father was a man of fashion, the friend of prodigals. I was rich. I had been knighted. I was in favor at court, no wanted money and he sold you. I paid tho price he asked, but there was nothing of your cousin, my lord Belinsis in the bond." "Spare me. sir, 6paro me!" said Lady Ellinor, faintly. "Spare you! Ay, you have spared me, have you not? Lookye," he cried In sudden fury, "I am not to be fooled so easily. Your family are proud. Col Wade has other daughters. My lord Bellasis, even now thinks to retrieve his broken fortunes by marriage. To morrow your father, your sisters, all the world, shall know the story you have told me." "You will not do this!" burst out the young man. "Silence!" cried Sir Richard. Lady Devine slipped through her son's nrms, and fell on her knees at her hus band's feet. Do not do this, Richard. I have been faithful to you for" two and twenty years, l have borne nil the slights nnd Insults you have heaped upon me. The secret of my early love, the confession that I never loved you, broke from me when, in your rage, you threatened him.' Sir Richard, who had turned to walk nway, stopped suddenly, nnd his great white eyebrows came, together in his red face with a savage scowl. He laughed, and in that laugh his fury seemed to congeal into a cold and cruel hate. "You shall have your wish upon one condition." "What is it, sir?" she asked, rising, but trembling with terror, as she stood with drooping arms and widely opened eyes. The old man looked at her for an in Etnnt, and then said, slowly: "That this disobedient son, who has wrongfully squandered my money and eaten my bread, shall pack! That he keep himself from my sight, and never set foot again In house of mine." Richard Devino gently loosed the orms that again clung around his neck, Kissed tne pale face, and turned his Ecarcely less pale toward the old man "I owe you no duty," he said. "You have always hated and reviled me. When by your violence you drove me from your house, you set spies to watch me In the life I had chosen. I have nothing in common with you. I have long felt It. I accept the terms you oner. 1 will go." Sir Richard Devine laughed again. "I nm glad to see you aro so well disposed Listen now. To-night I send for Quaid to alter my will. My sister's son, Man ( t nee a? rere, snail ue ray neir in your steau. 1 give you nothing. You leave this house In an hour. Y6u change your name; you never by word or deed make claim on me or mine. I return in an hour, madam; let mo find him gone." Ho passed them, upright, as If un borne by passion, strode down the gar den with the vigor that anger lends, and took tne road to i-ondoii. "Richard," cried tho poor mother. "Forgive me, my son! I have ruined you." Richard Devine tossed his black hair from his brow In sudden passion of love nnd grief. "Mother, dear mother, do not ween. he said. "I nm not worthy of your tears. Forgive! It Is I Impetuous and ungrateful during all your years of sor row who most need forgiveness. Let mo sharp your burden that I may light en it. Ho is just. It Is fitting that I go. I can earn a name a namo that I need ,not blush to bear nor you to hear. I am strong. I can work. The world Is wide. Farewell, my owu moth er!" "Not yet, not yet! Ah! see, he has taken tho Belsizo road. Oh, Richard! pray heaven they may not meet." "Tush! They will not meet. You are pale, you faint!" "A. terror of I know not what coming ovll overpowers me. I tremble for the future. Oh, Richard, Richard! forgive me! pray for me!" "Hush, dearest! Come, let me lead you In. I will write. I will send you news of me once, at least, ere I depart. Bo, you are calmer, mother!" Sir Richard Devine, knight, ship builder, naval contractor and million Ire, was the con of a Harwich boat, Ml In nrouml your water tanks to keep tlio water from rrccziiiK, Haw dust Is a good nonconductor ot neat. Much full plowing I"f Keen done-- thanks to tho splendid autumn wonth (r. This moans a good start next fiprlng. Two Tyn (IIhiuIcm. It Is said by veterinarians that thorn art) two tyix'M of glanders. " "on i liifefllon taken plnco In tlio none and, iim disease bedim thoro. It In most easily Identified. It sometimes nap. niranina iiou Trouwii. noun tlint glnndcrn enter a bronu 111 1110 , . a Much of tho health of tho swiuo Bkn nmi tnrt a dlHoaso on any part effect of quickening circulation of tho ponds upon tho cleanliness of t"n nf tho body. It Is then known aH farcy, I blood, reason ranidlr In moments ot troinMis used for mvlll and ror inicu sound horso may contract ginudorn . L- luilllllt. mill S.I Y 111 IL . . .: ... i ........ I I, I . . . . ir i'.i i.i- ... danger: ami in tnat terrimo insmm, fn,ia ,st Vnrin kinds, w til tim onii- f .,,,,.., ..ffiK-teil nil innl Iiv nctuni )!! ....... ..i.i. .v.. 111! lllHIIIVll 1119 BIHllT IU . , i , ... e 1 ..I T1..I1.. I-""" - ... j . ... a wealthy Bristol merchnnt, one An- , , C)?sc Ul0rc "l "u '' nary trough It Is almost Impossiuiu i nvU ntIcli as tlio two niilinniH running thnnr l.rn ,-:.l l.i...i . bi, indium uuviuu mm minim.... i Kllinor Wnde, tho eldest d Col. Wotton Wnde, an uncle riago of a remarkable scamp lion Bellasis. At that time, what with carpenter. Early left nn orphan with a sister to support, he soon reduced his sole aim in life to tho accumulation of money. A shrewd man of business, a thorough master of his trade, troubled with no scruples of honor or of delicacy. ho mndo money rapidly, and saved It when made, gcr. nis mind, bent upon ono hldeott9 cxnlanatlon of tho crime, did not sco nnother obvious ono which had nlready occurred to tho mind of tho landlord of Tho Threo Spaniards. "Heaven defend me!" cried Mr. Mog- ford, scanning by Jhe palo light of tho rlslnc moon thn features of the mur dered man, "but It Is Lord Hellasls! -Oh, you villain! Jem, bring him here', p'r aps his lordship can recognise html "It wns not I!" cried Richard Dovlne. "My lord, say " Then ho stopped abruptly, and belne forced on his knees by his captors, remained staring at tho dying mnn In sudden nnd ghamiy tear. Those men In whom emotion has tlio 1 1 i i !,,... ittsitittttk ltnrA 14 IU) I H...I- ......... linn 'Pint tiitttii tin rim nughtcr of the chances of Ids future fortune, ami . . . ,.V,m lwirmiL,.iv. Hero ' . ,,, .ilseaso bv oat- hv tnnr. realized to tne tun ins persouni puru. - " - ,,-., v ' , : , , . ,, ny mar- ,. . , . , ... ,., ,, i tn lmtiii nir tlio ordlnnry i,, vi n irmnrli from which a dlM- ana tuuiuy, ... . .... . , t . i. ,.. im if mnv lw I , i,i,m tm xno (iruiKers nt xno opaniarcia xmi i"i irougn 111 hui:ii 11 iiuiuuvi mni oaseo milium inm inui iunv i'wn I . . 1 . ... vv.-il- .1 ... II.- mi.iiIi I . .... m lucky speculations in tho funds nnd the siarieu 10 searcn ie iienm, nuu inm thoroughly cleansed, iiniiu iu or from uriiiKing irom n iiui-iiui ur legitimate profit on his government con- "covered n fellow In rougli costume, wntorR (n)Ugh uhimI Ty a glandored tracts, ho had accumulated a princely Jvho" t10"0" M'na wnknown to them, q nnlmnl. A public warorlng fountnln Ih fortune, and could afford to llvo in h.n,st P wl";r1c' H n dnngorous affair wlioro ghmdom In TL "r,le, hW The 'Kb of clrcZtantial evidence J . bo communicated by a hrunl. or comb. be shaken off. nn.i flm nnw dmn- )i ,'n,1 enmeshed him. made of his wealth was by purchasing cnno would linvo been easy. He on his knighthood, tho rambling but fT" "j'1 t o cry, "I -am the comtortnble house at Ilampstead, and ostensibly retiring from nctivo business His retirement was not a happy one, ne was a stern fnther and a severe master. His servants hated and his wife feared him. His only son Richard ap peared to Inherit his father's strong will and imperious manner. Under careful supervision nnd a just rulo ho might hour ago es- Ho would son of Sir lticliard Devine. Como with mo to yonder house and I will provo to you that I have just quit it," to placo his innocenco beyond lmmedlato question. That course of action wns Impossible uow. Knowing Sir Richard ns ho did, nnd believing, moreover, that In ids rag' ing passion tlio old man had himself met and murdered Lord Hellasls, he saw havo been trnlded to mod; but loft tn himself In a position which would com his own devices outside, nnd irnllnd l.v Pel him to sacrifice himself. Ho knelt, the Iron yoke of parental discipline at stupefied, unable to speak or move. home, he became reckless nnd tirodlirnl. Uome," cried Mogford, again; 'say, The mother noor. timid Ellinor. who my lord, is this the villain?" had been rude v torn from the lovo of oru ncuasis rallied nis tall ng senses, nts glazing eyes stared Into Ills son s It Ih equally an diingeroun to tiuuiklnd nnd niont auliualn an to liornen. A glnnderod horso should novor bo al lowed to llvo longer than In neccHnary to bo certain that lie linn tho dlncano. cm riz,-i-j l 1 mwwm I.'IK -First Knoll.t. .. which Knlhtof sCTtl burgesses ero m..?H inm-Llma, Peru, founded un, mid-Martin iMlhn ' well sermon at witfiH"1 lW7-Knrl of Surrc, Uheidei W-AWllt of tl10 hh . olj Antwerp. FOn CLEANING THE HOO TllOUOlt. Wortim Slonneo To .Sheep. Professor Khaw, npeaklng of tho Iohsch of Hhecp from wornin, nayn : Tho veteran nlicep breeder, Qeorgo a n. .ii nnu- (if I jvtliiL'ton. Nob., told mo that if sheep could not b protoctotl j 1015 ArchbJjihop Uin bchttH from Htonuicli and taiw wornm tliono , 1057 Attempted aiwomlnmu pestn would booh overspread tho conn- well. try. It Ih Indeed unfortunnto tlint they ( 1700 Rcnjnmln Franklin lorn, cannot bo better protected from theno i7ioFri,.,. it, - "vv-imoi Hpnlti. nor youth, her cousin. Lord Belinsis "'s glazing eyes stared into Ills son s " - .. t ,i,.uim.Mi-i i!iriinl(ii. Tlio lnut uonunn . . . . ... . . . i t .,t. . i ii , i i i- i in inn UHiini iiiiinniT. oxceiu in u v i nn i.v. . i - - rien to restrain .in., but tho headstrong tho Mr. Allen fed worm powdom to bin ooy, tnougli ownlnc for his mother tlint I 1,13 ueau, raiseu u iceuie arm ns uiougn i i-iwu ..i... ........... . . , , . ., ,, . strong love which is often a nart of such to point elsewhere, ami fell back dead, standard so that it will lit just to the lambs am! kept them off the panturen, violent natures, proved intractable, and, 'u didn't murder him, you rob- edges of tho sides nnd nail fast, ns feeding lliem green niraua. ii in mj after three years of parentnl feud, he bd llm," growled Mogford, "nnd you usual. Then cut n V pleco which will Judgment that In thin Instnnco they would havo done jut an well without the worm powdern, but these tuny bu helpful when tho lnmbn aro not ho confined. At tho MlnncHoln Experiment Station liunhH confined Hum and fed on various green foods nhowed no in went off to the continent, to pursuo there s'ln'l sleeP nt Uow street to-night. Tom, u RmiBv .twp(.n thn Hides, but In- the same reckless lifo which in London rllu 011 to meet tho pntrol, nnd tell him t0 , f IlnMill , i.B onti lmw, nr. had offended Sir Richard. Sir Richard, upon this, sent for Maurice Frere. his sisters son, and bought for him a com mission in a marching regiment, hinting darkly of special favors to come. His open preference for his nephew had gall 1 1--..- 1 -l .1.- 1 ..... il. fc iu icaw huiii in ino uuiiriiuiiau linn . , , ... . . . , ,,,, ,., I've a passenger for tho coach! Bring rmi? slotH 011 oltllor Blt,c of H 0 tr0,,,:1, him on. Jack! What is vour name. " tho inside, so that tlio pleco may ch?" Ih) slipped In between the uprlglitn Ho repented the rough question twlco forming tho slots. To make thin plan before ids prisoner answered, but at more useful fasten n rinndlo to this V- (Mentions of the presence of wornin, ed to tho quick his sensitivo wife, who length Richard Devine raised a pale shnnoil imrlHif wiilph will onnlile ono nlthouidi tho Inmlw "of tho Drovloun i ..I . . I t ...1.1-1. 1 , -1 ...I 1 "I--H--T " - r.-- TOiurawwi wun some nenrt-pangs the "'co wn cn siern resolution nnu aireauy to 1ft u , t rcm1Iy wllcn it 8 ncason had Bdffered Hcvorely. n....... iMuuioUmj ui uir miner vriiu .mvni.-u imu """"""p uuu ilrmlrrvl f,w.!i,in llm trmipli With Illltl the niggardly economy of her husband, said. "Dawes Rufus Dawes." desired to clean tho trough. Ith t iim Between the houses of novhi nn,i inn. Ills now lifo had becun nlrendv; for 0110 011(1 removed It In mi easy matter descended Wotton Wade there had Iomr that night ono Rufus Dawes, charged thoroughly scour the rrough, because been little love. Sir Richard felt that with murder and robbery, lav awake In nil of the cleansing water may bo prison, waiting for the fortuno of tho swept out thoroughly. The Illustration morrow. Rhmvs onoh ilntnll nt tlitu JrniiL-li 11I11I11 rwo other men waited as eagerly, ly so tlint nnv linndv man can build It. une, .ur. Lionel uroiton; tne other, tho Indlnnnnolls News the colonel despised him for a cltv Knigut, and nnd heard that Lord Bella sis and his friends had often lamented the hard fortune which gave the beauty, .llinor, to so sordid a bridegroom, .Lord Bellasis visited at Sir Richard's house during the first year of his cous in's marriage; but upon the birth of tho son ho affected a quarrel with the city knight, nnd cursing him for a miserly curmudgeon, departed, more desperate ly at war with fortune than ever, for nis old haunts. Ho was now n hard ened, hopeless old man of sixty, bat tered in health and ruined In pocket; Cow Tu II Holder. A very Ingenious device, the tnvon tlon of n Washington farmer, Ih shown In the Illustration. It primary object In to ho bold n cow'h tail that tho nul mat will be unable to switch It around horseman who had appointment with the murdered Lord Bellasis under tho shadow of the fir-trees on Ilampstead Heath. As for bir Richard Dovlne. ho Klclil l'uiui.Ulii'ii Vnlue. Tho field pumpkin contains, accord- waited for no one, for upon reaching ,nB to tho noiilyse quoted by I-rofes- his room he had fallen senseless In a lit 80r uenry, in ihh "tecas nnu i-eeuui! of apoplexy. (To bs continued.) 0.1 per cent of dry matter; dent corn, 81.9 Kr cent In fifty bushels of corn there would be i!,800 iounds, nbout -- CO0 pounds of dry matter. In a ton of GOOD COAL FOUND IN IDAHO. but who, by dint of stays, hair-dyo and . 7TT ... . pumpkins there would lo 18S jwunds mum vof fn,l , ,..tft. uii 10 oipix ic oiaio of ,irv ,nntr. Tlu.refnri. nn wi nmirn o v. iu nnu un- i a i a - I .... .. v daunted front Of the possessions of the m, n.-i. .f o, . it would require nbout fourteen tons ?.Xr,.2 W flr quality has been .liscovcred f Pun,n? to "',' d, and It-nfas"r Vare y "i S It ln Mountain serves to revive 'e dry matter of wrn contains On the evening of tL 3d of May the Interest In tho development of that P'ote " . .7 carbohydrates Lord Bellasis had been attending a newest of Idaho's resources, Bays tho ""d , J)nriH of .fnt M,11l'lylK tlie fat by 2.4 to get Its cqulvnlent In car- ..v ' ' " J ISVSUa Ullll I having resisted the importunities of his companion, Mr. Lionel Crofton, who wanted him to go on into town, he had avowed his intention of striking across Ilampstead to Belsize. "I have an an pointment at the fir-trees on the Heath," ne said, "with a parson." "A parson!" "Well, ho Is only just ordained. I . .1 kf ut Hamlin. xiniu t L'l ILM Ul i.Uill I,.., hnv bo rntmrtmi nt vri,,a nnintu bohydratcs nnd adding thin result to during Uie past few years, but those io cnrboliydratca, and then dividing who control the locations as a rulo V 1 lH "rium";'U0 have boon unable tn ilovolnn thn nmn. irenung uie iry matter or the ertles to a depth sunk-lent to demon- l'umPkl ln tl10 n'o wy. multiplying strnte tho vniuo of their hnlillnfw fmm J'Lr ce"1 01 tt 'J A-i. niming to a commercial point of view. The sur- tllu enrhobydrntes 0.8, dividing by tho to tho nnnoynnco of tho person milking T1KS TIIK TAIU face has been scratched enough to In- met him last year at Bath, on his vaca- dlcate Uie existence of bodies of coal, tion from Cambridge, and he wns good enough to loso some money to me." "And now waits to pay It out of his first curacy. I wish your lordship joy with all my soul. Then wo must push on, for it grows late." usually of doubtful bituminous value, still giving moderate satisfaction In Uie limited local uses to which tlio product has been put. protein, 1 per cent, would give n ratio of 1 to (1.5, a balanced ration In Itself for shonts. the cow. Although tills mnv seem to bo a unique way to overcome this an noyance, wo would suggest that It would be much simpler to Hlmply cut tho cow'h tali off. l'rovldonco oIivIoiih- New Ilonietimile I'orife. Tnkc the fan off an old hand corn sheller; put In position ns hIiowii. Tnkn 'y provided a cow with a tall to keen xnecoai round in -inunucr Mountain band wheel 18 Inchon ln diameter. I'ut m ,llLH "d other troublcmmio ItiHectn, "Thanks, my dear sir, for the 'we,' Is said to have increased ln quality nnd on nhnft with end filed to lit 'grind- a'"1 lt In going to bo deprived of but I must go alone, said Lord Bella- quantity with depth, having been do- stone crank. From end of fnn, nt point thlH ""-'""h of defense My having her wllh'for nonTS5ofU las? iffi ZJtJ "? A ! ' 8 ?' " mrkldoBMLBn"l g'S ela,mcd1t0 Bl,T 40 I'er cont xe(1 car- meter. B Is tho Hkeln out of nn old 11 ' J"t an well be effa-tlvoly done night." lvoa 0 LU"t rnice wheel, with n Hinall pinto fitted removing it permaiiontly. Tho tie- At half-nast nine Richard Devlnn nntt. 11,18 ueen usou lor omcKsmiuiing thoro In end: nlato Is full of hiiihII nimwnr. vice In exceedingly slmi.I... im.l It u-mii.i ted his mother's house to begin the new and is fiala to Klve entire saUsfnction. Inch Iioles, which distribute tho draft 8eom "Iess for tho Inventor to patent lifn 1. n 1 . .1 nl.An n n .1 .1 i I It llmQA Mntmn numn 1. ..1. .1 IM I If. HIV UC gether stances or a chain having hooks nt both endn. mother's house to begin the new a"u 18 Bam 10 entire sausrnctlon. Inch holes, which distribute tho draft 8eom "Iess for tho Inventor to patent had chosen, and so, drawn .to- these clnlms aro borne out nnd If evenly under lire. 0 Is a cut-off, fitted U aa yno could readily make one. by that strange-fate of clrcum- Uie properties continue to improve wlUi with n cap on end, which catches all 'r,1 e' of tho tall Is caught In a hlf ehachCoa hLeVCntS th08C tW de?'Cl0I,nl?nt' W,U con8U ! L,"l"' "Wei. In attach',! to u,! center aTare!?r"J IT' Ie another highly Important factor fTt.r;.'tri.r;C"i" :ul"B L In the future ot that section. lift mst ts r It clinril rntnrnlnf- fmm tu luui nnuuiiuu village. It was no part of his nlnn to Is most encouraging. It has passed tho seek an Interview, nnd he would have experimental stage, having been do- slunk past In tho gloom, but seeing him voloped to a point where Its superiority uius muiie ruturiniig to a desolated as a fuel for general purposes has home, the prodigal was tempted to ut- been clearly demonstrated and tho 0m f .ote I""? Lrr WV shown to be practically ,nex- Sir Richard passed swiftly onwith body uaustlbI fiaBed by tho present and bent forward as ono in the act of fii. prospective demand. Tho Pollard mines uiero nave neon opened up sys tematically ami arc yielding a largo production. Teams nro hauling from Uio mines continuously, the coal sell Ing for $1.50 a ton. and. nccordlnn- to tho Salmon Herald, tho consumers be ing well satisfied Tho fuel problem has developed into whip stained nt the handle with blood, such a serious ono in this Stato Uiat nnd an open pockethook. Richard took Uio coal developments will arouso tho up tho book and read, in gold letters liveliest Interest. It Is only a mnttor uu uiu ;our, j.uru jenasis, of ., lort , mo .....i, llm r..,,,,, ,,. fPI. .. . t 1 . 1 I ------- " 4 VU14I J.HO UllllUmi JUIIIIK IIIIUl JillUIL UOWn ll 1 - ... . beside tho hodv nnd ratond It. 'Plin .bii " "ilium, 100, will 1)0 had i.epn frnrti.roii i, i,w i roacuod by a railroad. Tills will sum seemed that life yet llncered. Over- u'ato development that It Is expected come with horror for ho could not eventuate In tho opening up of doubt but that his mothers worst fears vast deposits from which tho greater had been realized Richard knelt there nortlon of western Trinlin nmi nxnin.,, holding tfio man in his arms, waiting Oregon will bo supplied at prices far until the murderer should have placed below those exacted nt Uio present hour to his excited fancy before he saw a light pass along tho front of the house he had quit, and knew that Sir Richard had safely reached his chamber. With ing, and with eyes unconscious of sur roundings, staring straight into the dis tance. Half terarified nt this strango appearance. Richard hurried onward. and at a turn of the path stumbled upon something which horribly accounted for tho curious action of the old man. A dead body lay upon Its face ln tho heather, beside It was a heavy riding time. Made llliu Jump, "That old plug moves pesky fast tlman Invo Tllrnm TT ,n,i some bewildered Intention of summoning 7' " , Tt . y4. aid he left the body, and mado toward ,rcn,k "Im of tho habit of stopping still tho town. As he stepped out on tho ,n tno r(aat path be heard voices, and presently somo "Why, I learned to mnlco n nolso dozen men, ono of whom held a horse, Hko on nutomobllo and every tlmo ho burst out upon him, and, with sudden slnckens I go 'toot-toot nnd 'ohiitr. fury, seized and flung him to the ground, chug and ho starts off Hko a colt," At first the young man bo rudely as- ' sailed did not comprehend his own dan- Be self-confident, but not conceited. Tlieso hookn are Hecured to thn cow'h legs. What would hanncn If tho cow should kick with one leg Is not men- uoned, but might easily bo Biirinlncd, IIOMEMAI1K fOllOK. I'lenty of wheat bran should Iki fed to tho laying heun, as there Ih no food better suited to their need during the laying season. Tlio poultry buslnesn Is a trado nn.1 must bo leariKMl. More than that, It small clndern and ashes. Tho box In a trade not affected by strlkos or around fire In 2 feet square, o Inchen lockouts, or liable X I o r$SZm "', ' " " - iiw ; nroimii breed d hciiho. If y0H mvo a hnimn In th n pack clay to top of box, leaving which water will ot ree Z n a hollowing plnco arouna lluo end. Al- detwini i.m. Vi. '".to, do not though very crude looking, ltZ &S, " SJ0 splendid work, with th n a hnmlv i..t i.. . man has very little use for tho v! , S . " i " "'" ui vuiuiiaio, smith, leaving ilmny dollars at homo tor ouier use. Another point Is flu. snvlng of tlmo spent going and coming iiuin mioj), uxennngo. Turning Oorn i,,,,, HOi For Itn valuo tlioro Ih no farm trn,i. net that can bo carried 1.000 to amn miles so cheaply and so Hafoly as wool. a inn ot wool is worth $7B0, at n I'liiniiliiur tho (Jurili-ii Dccldo upon what In requlml In tin. garden and securo tho seeds early. C0tH Pound, or ?r00 at i!! cents A Ilf'L'llinCPU nil II fnt.... .1.1 .... . I tnn nf I . ' " " nuuiiiu hci out " '" in wuriu anout SJ115 and fruit trees as soon ns it can bo done. cor al,0"t Tlio freight Is about ... in ..I uiu lauuviiuon or rrults and 1110 H,,l" tor eacn, and is thus twenty, vegetables that tho youngor inombofn five times more for corn tlmii of tho family delight, nnd when they TlllH ,fl worth considering, and flhows becomo Interested In such they will how "1"cl hotter It Is to turn corn Into maw uium uiiuruHi in genornl furmlng w01 l,inn 10 B0" It It la tho routlno of tho farm thnt ii disliked. When tho farm work wn.n, Many stove to Ciuimii.. moro varied It Ih then less monntnn Flares Just Issued at Ottawn ,n -'.UUU. , , ., . . .v.,, - iuiu vi o iniiniurniinn ntn nnn.t limha ton nlnoo t.n.. u.u Wuru irOtU the Dlllteil p W IVKVLUUli 1 1720 Famous South Sta Bny,vi uuhllllllUll, 3710 Ratio of Falkirk. 1705 Rtninp act pniwcd br J rarlianicnt. j 177-"No Stamp" flajraWtfJ IIIUUlll, .1. J, 1777 llnttlo of KlnR.lirMp.x.T. 178S Connecticut ratified costUtsi IH 1 110 I'lllllMl HlBlM. 178!) Charles IV. declared linrrf 1700 Lafayette Hiinnortfd ilow titles and surrendered bli owi 1701 Vermont adonted tct!tni the United Bute. TblrtittU Inst State. 1703 First balloon fmcemloa la Ci btntes made nt I'lillaWjilt 170fl Remains of Columbai from Kt. Domlnso to Hiriu 10O1 Dr. Jenner Unit dlire4 nation would prevent imillj lSO.V-Tnllor of New York Citj orgiuilrcd nrt tradei Amorlcn. 1800 Capo of Good Hoj Ululj! KllgllNll. 1800 Amorlcnn Concn'M pawrf enforcing the embargo. 1810 Diocesan court annulW of Bonaparte and the ncplilne. 181 Defeat of Gen. Wlncltiftr River Itnlnln. lSI.T Hnttlo of New Orleani.,..: Hpaln liwued edict agaiast sonry. 1820 Peru evacuated ly tb S 18'JO Revolt BKBlnut Sjaln bj of the Blnrk KnKle" In Cut 1830 President's meicwce nvki Orleans from Wniliinston la I ouo-hnlf day, breaklnj siwed rcconU. 1830 Treat v of neace and cox signed by rnlted State au h uela. 1838 Coldest day In a centur. 18-10 IVnny iwstngo In Great went Into oiwratlon. 18-18 Thirty killed In exploilM n steamboat Blue Iiwto oo w river. 18.0 First siilp pinced In UnlieJ drydock at Ilrofiklyn navy p I8M Ship Taylcuerc lost on Irol 370 perished. 18.1 Two railroad lirUgM ' TA destroyed by a tnou ot www 1805-Orcat parade of the WP. In Now York City. 8flO-I5lBhty jK-rsona killed h j Inpso of tho I'emberton cm wi.vv, - ...... - TI..II Willi V nnllrmiiro o( aeceil HUUJ'IVH . t.ia Ml 1803-Gcn. Fitz Jodo and dismissed from service States. 1807 Indians troublewme ui a trnmiH ordered to i P1 1870 U. S. steamer Oneida ic i...... . 1I0 norlslicd. Iiiiiuii , i"- . 1871-Klng WIHInm of PJ? claimed Emperor o Germ. nian exnen "" 1873-NapoIoon III. dled-187-1-Slaineso twins died rounty, North Caroliu. 1881-Egyptlnn obeliHk l.t mnnent iwBltlon In "lwu xr..... V.ii-k. 1 883-1 Innd.urg Ainerlcnn tfjj i.. wwii Ken: 8M .. " . nnllol M,J" r..,n ,i,.i rntrd nt J'M. N notyeven Mw-JftM r'ninmhus off ii'lu niuiiuiu' yard 1885 Seventeen lives lost U hn Hovcniecii !- -, tltfi, ImTnno hosidtnUJ h g J Avalanche In 1'lcdmoDtl " VI 1880li.lrty.Un.enb;rW nloslon near nw .jfc t Innil OU IW '-AuJ Mnnv ves lot I" " ':, ":t the wet. , 1887-Ilonry M. 1n,e ,w. ! ..., t ml ei o ' e SUtlK 011 ' nnrlHtll'd. . . .lt Cf ..... . . . i. muvi 1880-Jall nttacke.1 w - Texas ! six m - " . rte. - - it t n rvu ,,,,UrilUU liiirned. 1 VVK