X The Madras Pioneer f , Published ovury Thursdny by -THE riONEHU PUBLISH IN(1 CO. SUBSCRIPTION BATES: One year.. 4 .;,., ,,. $1.60 Six months. .85 Thrco months .BO .ADVEHTISING 1JATKS ON .'APPLICATION v Entered as sepoml 'Class matter Aiiguat 2, 1901, at tho Postofflco lit Madras, Uro. under tho Act of Congress of Mnrcli 8,1879. thursdaV Feb. i$, 1906 ASSfeSB AT TRUfi VALUfe. Several counties throughout the state are adopting the plan? of assessing property at its -real oash value instead of at. from! one-third to one-iifthVashas.: -been done heretofore. InLanej oounty the Ussesson has given; notice that on March 1J when,' ihis deputies begin, tb t.l&e the, assessment; they Will tbe etructed to abide by the , law a,td assess all property at a rea sonable bash value. The South eru Pacific . railroad in Lane count' will hlave itBHssesumen raised-, a'cebrding" 'to1 A'6sess.or; Keeile-, from 4500 per mile tiy -"between $10,000 and 12,000 JAt the convention of county as . eessorsvm- Portland recently this pftan Vas agreed upon hy a majority of those presentv The plan of assessing prop 'Gtty at something like its true -cash value would be an especi ally wise policy in Crook coun ' ty, where at present, ihe assess ment is- very 1 low. and the tax-: 'Jevy cor res pond ing ly high Crook county has a 21-mill tax- levy for the ensuing year, when if the real property in the coun 'ty had been assessed at an' , thing like a fair cash valuation, "alO-mill levy would have yield ed the same' "amcunt of taxes. Crook county's 'tax rate of 21 'mills is a big handicap in its' competition for the middle "Western immigration which is pouring into the state, and it is. "doing much towards keeping out the x thrifty settler, from the m ddle Western states, who be-; fore buying our lands, 'looks ! into the matter of tux' rates. The policy of a lowvaluatiou and a high le;vy works inj uri ously both Ways, for. the high levy keeps out tn'6 thrifty set--tler, while thev low valuation Tlaces a handicap upon the, property 'when it is 'offered for1 sale or wnen an attempt is "made to b'oftow money upon it." 'A fair valuation in making the assessment, arid a correspond ingly lower rate ot levy would xnot increase the burden of tax- nation, while the low rate would )give the. county great prestige imong the counties of Central 'Oregon. , 4 t able to send cash with order for your groceries, etc.? In ahor m k 1 . . . will tuoy do anything to pro vide a market for what yon have to sellj and thereby keep up the value of your real estate Will they do anything for so cial, school .or government sup port, or do they take your dol lars out of the community with no return except the goods you buy? Consider these proposi tions before, risking yourvorders and cash in the vain hone o niakmg a better deal , abroad than carrbe dorre at home. BUY YOUR GOODS AT HOME. . AT-. When the catalogue comes from your mail ordter house, draw an easy chair to the table, where the light will shine full upon the page, and put on your glasses that no bargain may es cape yonr eye.' What a won derful book it is. Wonderful, for what it does not contain as well as for what 'it does. We .miss some things'that we would Tbe glad to see. Where is their olfer to pay qash or exchange " goods for your produce1, butter and eggs ? HoV much do they pay for cattle arid hogs? How .much tax will ttfey pay to sup nort vour schools 'and help edu- x 4 cateyour children; to improve xoads and bridges! to support the poor and toward tlie expense of running ydur town and coun ty ? On what page is their ofier .Ho contribute money' to the 'Vihurch? "What line of Credit ''will they extend to you when your crjops are poor una your '"money gone; when through IH Htjss or misfortune you are not Out of the first. u5 voters who registered dn.' tliis precinct, 65 were .(Republicans, 14 Demo cratB,$ XArohlbrtinists 6 Eh do pendenttaud 4 Socialists. This oaHBtO mind' thefact that about fo$t years ago when this section of Orook oounty was first being settledup, there was consider able speculation as to what et- fect this would have upbn the political complexion- of the county. The registration throughout the farming districts of Western Crook is removing all doiibt if there ever was any, of the political complexion of Crook at this tnney this regis tration showing tht the farm ing sections are overwhelmingly Republican. Judge Frank J. Brooks has announced : his, candidacy for the nomination by the republi cans for the office of Justice of the Peace pf this precinct. He has been justice of this precinct for the past two years, and he desires to succeed himself. Judge Brooks has adopted as his slogan, "Justitia Omnibus", which has no reference whatever to the new style : of coaches be ing used of the Prineville stage line, but refers solely "to a style of judicial decisions ' which Francis J. Heney and Bourke Cochran say are extremely rare in the courts of this broad land of ours. 1 nili V...hUwm 11 1. 1 imi -iM!Tlaaw T . 7 , 'z-mmu i,,, Brand Prize t flBSOtiUTHliY Distributioii! X tilers bia'no. House BfferS. cly I est list of Correct Wbhds ma 1 priies in remarkable wocd jpp- from the letters used fn 80ei,j tc;t 1 nt. riistr nur on.oi ui iz.ca lu liic uvu vvvi wo bfe QlvbVi itiiose wjio Send the lar- "Ei LERS PIANOS 1st PRIE $900 Mahogany MetrostylO Plaujla Plauo. 2a PRIJE-1850 (jhlcltorliiK, Quarter Grutid lfluuo. 3d PRlJtfE ksQO Kimball Baby rui'u Hth PRIZfi-SoSti'Pauoy'SoliUmnun (Exhlblt'lon Stylo) Upright tMiuio. 5th PRIZR-$350 FAiicy rtahogiuiy Alaralmll Wemlell Upright Piano. V rtth PR1KE-$2S0 LiitcMt MetroHtylo i'lnnolu. thtPRl5!B-$123 Beuutlful Intent htylo Kimball t.irlni-n. auv now hleli.imulo nlmin In . "'OpurchJ - - '-- r, - , w... YTuierooini, Eaoh of tho odntestttnts Bending- "tho next 20 largest Hats of words will bo, given Credit 1)I1)b tot $5 leas than tho preceding prse, or $05, unjJ following tUls In groups of 20, e-iohof tho coiw tesl(nts sending In tho next 20 largest list of words will bo uivou Credit Bill for to less than tho prifes until tho entlro $25,000 shull hiiVo been distributed. ' The faitness of this offer nppenla nt once to the public froni tho Tact that Kllero Fiauos uro sold excluslvoly Upou tho Uniforn Qr "one price" plan. All Instruments being marked In plain figures. Therefore all winners of Crodt Bills uro assured of tho bnnu fide ruduetion to tbe amount of tbo Credit Bill on any umv high grade piano which they may select. No employp'.of Eilers Piano House or any member of their fAtnilien are eligible for this contest. To all others it is eutlroly open. .CONDITIONS Onlysucli words of the liiugllslj lan jbrtgo ns Hie to be found in Wobrtur'H Interuutlonal Dlo tlotni'ry. No names of persons, towns or places, or plurals nro to ho. unod. Do not use.a lotler more times tlmn It appears In , tho two words, "tiller's Pianos." Words spoiled tho same, but havliig dlfforeiU meanings, can bo used but ODOcf. Alnko out ybur list or wohls In alphabetical order, giving tho number It contains, slgo your 'full name and address, and dend If to Eilers Plarib House, flpUWashlnirton Street, Portland. Oregon, imirked "Word Contest Department:" also stato wliothor you have a piano or organ and wl.iat make. , , Each and every list will bo Died and oxam lued carofully by competent Judges, lmmudl- tttoiy at tllo oloso or th ,.0iii,.ii .. , '. will bo announced throiiL-h i' (Jays thUreiifter. ' " u i'per ki tti...j ... iinmo v,n, rroHivo UtMU. run. ..... . 'tna cannot apply them on any iMircCm to Maro.h IC. t00. 3 Kumu . ftiwy naymouts will h ura,ltt!(, ,,. log to b aeoommnduted ii ."i;,4 Credit Bill and paying ,i, 'if monthly imvmentN. ' m )0 If you,si?oun) a Credit 11)11 nmUi,P1j,, in InHtrnmeut, you en triuZ W anotuer party who may wUli m ii ,V "1 having Hie transfer .hade In oiir onCS erlv ludOMed liv our mm Ulce,( No mdrO tliaii one Credit lllli uuii:ii 1111 lilt- Hmiiu lltlll). Mi uanHfru mum oe 1,1 our ofilwft, 1 Mitt "9U Send in vour List AT ONCI ACCORDING TO TIME HE- Eilers LISTS WILL BE FILED CEIVED, AND IN CASE OF A TIE AS TO THE NUM BER OF WORDS THE FIRST ONE RECEIVED WILL BE JUDGED THE WINNER. The dregon Railroad &j Navi gation company is going fio use crude oil Upon, its line between Wallula and Portland, and the company is now building an immense tank at Arlington to be used in storing the oil. The tank 'will liave a capacity of about 50,000 gallons. Crude oil will also'be used on their Con don brafrch line. TM& branch runs' through fields of grain for a distance bf 4G miles, and the company will use the crude oil for' fuel in order to do away with the tires which catch every rear in the grain fields from the sparks from coal burners. .351 WASHINGTON STREET, PORTLAND, o r XCJLJL IU House oregJ AT THE OLD Sf AND Horseshoeing, Blacksmifhihg, Wagonmaking i R J. BROOKS, Madras, Ore. I WE SELL Agricultural Implements, Machinery and Barbed Wire t 1 Fwnk lioveland is thinking of utilizing the hot air which comes out of his Madras well in such abundance, by condensing and bottling it and then selling it to tlfii Ijaidlaw Chronicle and the Beritl and Prineville papers, to be dished out by them to the unsuspecting !pttb!ic in the form of Central Oregon railroad stor ies. . r D. W, BARNETT Dealer in Real Kstate Address: CULVER, OREGON Residence three miles north of CULVER, ! IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE I ! O O 4 t iiUmB ....FOR SALE GOWLES & DEI on IDes Olintes LUMBER AT LOWEST FIRST-CLASS Roih lumber delived at All dlmonolcn lumbor will bo Fir SEND ALL ORDERS IDaily Mail, DP. MADRAS, Telephone connection with Long Dietanoe lines. "Warren Brown is in town to day from the Haystack neighr borhood. Mr. Brown informs us that he has concluded to en ter the race for the Democratic nomination for county clerk. Action has been brought against the Madras Milling and Mercantile Company by R. L. Sabin, attornty lor the Merchants' rotective Association, of Portland, for $3152.32, (hit amount alleged to be due reditors amopg ll'c wholesalers cf Port- and. The attachment was filed and seizure of tho company's property made Monday. ,Another suit in equity has been .filed againsj the company for $6000 by parties .residing at The Dalles, who claim interest in the property to that amount. QroplCo.unty Journal. HOTEL mOOFE St. tUZNEY, Prrops. NeW management and newly renovated throughout. A popular place to stop. TABLES ARE -SUPPLIED WITH THE BEST Tlxe ZMIarlcot Affords. Fresh Bread, Cakes, Pies aud other pastry always on hand LIVERY AND FE Next door k the Hotel. Transient Stock we.ll fed and given the best attention-. Rigs furnished on short notice at your door. STABLE I LEATHER REPAIRING lioegj, I :E3Iar:n.eeBT Strap-vT-drlae, aild. all Irlrkdss of ,ljd,tHr "TToaMC done nfeat le masj'ue ball Wednesday night was well attended, and all seemed to spend a pleasant evening. Thee was quite an . assortment of maskers, and a neat tittle sum was realired for (lie school district. I ly .gtaacj bp. b.6rt abticeL E. WILSOJSI The Whit ERl I HAM m PRICfl Madras SI Pi If desired at $ims pncH TO THE Mil O. address, 1 OREGOl CRAMER &. STEVENS, PROP'S. Fist-Class Wines, hiqn and, Cigars. GOODS VI f 1111 s t v Oor, Fifth and E StwoU MADRAS, OREGON Madra Oregoh Shaniko Warehouse (am QENERAL STORAGE AND. FORWARD Special attenHon to .Wool Ceding and Ba,ln'derl menta, Denlora'tn fiJacfesmltS vJosd, Lime nnd uw ot All kindi, Sulpljtjr, Wool and Grain Sncks Ydrde with 411 th Itttmit ami linit (acilltles for linou .1 ? W? Work floods Dure ot T, O. CONDON, to to "to ' to to 1 99, 11