hiptions w and otner taw- rfJTnso the blood, Li.ao clean5"1. 7 ri thousands. wTmSc- took t!,o train rtirriw U1" ,n ,,, know If ;s;;,Sedor ontranco cxum- K i.ir-r In tlio midst of Lw ,llc.r'., ,, w.AVMl tho (""occupied nnl PzzIcd' 1,0 Lite prcoccur u,iintr KSedBon' irlrod back: .ilfM"0'. . ,. br nro '",r,,, 'tkaotht that, couple rjt!" .1... If". . ... .iw.ti nnyi th car tldt PblI,,,cJ In a ntV?,P " . rocently, If'l t0 thirteen W". " member, of lb. T . A . .1. HMPf . Kofce wo ' ToInl Win llnnlile to Anttrrr. Once, In Moscow, near tlio Itorovltcli nkiilti alo, ho (Count Tolstoi), unw a ItorHlHtcnt boggnr, iihUIiik alinn, who oxolalinod: "A lltllo penny, brothor, In tlio niuno of ChrlHt," A police ofllcur ajiproachod; ho wan yoiliiff martial, and wrapped In iho regulation MieopHkln. At Hllit of Mm tho betfKar lied, hobbling away In fright and linnto, "Im It poHslble," nald Tolntol to him self, "Hint people aro forbidden to auk charily, In Chrlst'ii name In a Clirl. thin lundl" "Urother," ho ald to tho policeman, "can you read?" "Yhh," unit! tho ofllccr, politely, for Tolfltol hriB a grand air. "Havo yon read tho IJIblo?" "Yen." "And do you remember Chrlot'j or ders to feed tho huiiKry?" and ho ci ted tho wordH. Tho policeman wn uv Idently troubled; lu turned to bin queu Uoner and tiHked: "And you, Ir you can rend?" "Yea, brother." "And have you read tho pollco MRU Intlonu?" "Yen, brother." "And do you remember Hint begging in tho main eitreetei Ih forbidden?" Tho prophet found no answer ready. Bueccm Magazine. fH"ce-l Norway' fihlpplwc Is exceeded In ton nnRO only by Uuslaud'i, Germany's and Franco's. Opals are so 10ft when first taken from the mines that pieces can picked off with the finecrs. ORES THAT DO NOT HEAL Inwrfrasorcor ulcer docs not heal, uomnttcron what part of the Emavbc'the remains of sonic constitutional trouble ; the effect of a r ...1iJf.1i linn li.ft flilfl viLnl filrf.mi nnllntivl nnrl tn1. ... tu tinlnral refuse matter of the body, which should nasa olt' the channels of nature, lias been left in the system and absorbed .circulation. It docs not maucr now me ppison became Intrenched t .... ... . 1 .1 A . n . . . 1 . . bbloou, tlielact wai uic core is umc uuu uoiai not cai is evidence ot L tntlcrlying cause. There Is nothing that causes more discomfort, fud anxiety than n icsicnnp;, uiscnurKiij oiu Bore mat resists treat Ti.r.vcrvsiL'lit of it is abhorrent nnd siiL'Kcsts pollution and disease: fa the time and attention required to keep it clean and free from other m As it hticcrs, slowly eating deeper into the surrounding flesh, the Ktf prows morbidly anxious, fearing it may be cancerous. Some KiQictcd wiin an . rc or x hayo had r orJppled bow liOW useless It IS to ex- which eompolleil ino to u3 u brace. By iiriff irara halves, iiuwiiti.-i. iu- u. i.tu Isisd other external treatment. Ictfbthe use of these they have illt puce begin to neai ami scao .edwere congratulating them tsthat they would soon be rid of detestable thing, when a fresh b!r ef poison from the blood llJnasethe inflammation and old discharge to return and the sore wonld libaor worse than before. Sores that do not heal are not due to out- Icacses; if they were, external trcntmcnt would cure them. They are ttojen because the blood is steeped in poison, which finds .an outlet fcji these places. While young people, and even children, sometimes trnta non healing sores, those most usually nflheted are persons past Mile. Often, with them, n wart or mole on the face inflames nnd be lts ulcerate from a little rough handling ; or a deep, offensive ulcer de- iircaasiignt cut or Dniisc. llicir vitnl energies nnd powers of re set have grown less, and circulation weaker, nnd nerhnns sonic taint in tod, which was held In check by their stronger constitutions of early lb. jCita rr i f r. .ir n . . . ine, wi own uhcu. ii 1.1 wen 10 uc sus picious of any sore that does not heal readily, because the name genu that produces Cancer is back of every old core nnd only needs to be left iu the circulation to produce this fatal disease. pri y VFPFTARI P There is only one way to cure these old "tUU I Mi3L.ll. nnr'Q niul ulcoro ntul llmf- la to frjf Mir tdcol I the poison out of the blood. For this purpose nothing equals I ItlTOCS dowtl tO the Verir lint tmtt nf t lie trr.nl, 1,. -tpnncM tlio'lilnrtrl Itaies a permanent cure. S. S. S. enriches nnd freshens the circulation ait carries new, strong blood to the diseased parts nnd allows the place a utura.lv. When thU ia ln., i,. .l.'ci.nr,... .n omt.o m fills In with healthy flesh, nnd the skin regains its natural color. Lrt,i u,ccrannu any medical advice desired will be furnished calmed a hud Uloor on my loir, nbont wlx voara niro. I had tfood roodfciit atton tlon, but tho Ulcor ifotworto. 1 wi in duood to try O. H. 8., and urn (rind to no.y It cured wo ontiroly, nnd I am convinend that It saved tuy lnu- for mo. I havo. thoreforo, irront faith in B. H. S. and Kindly rocommond it to all noodinir a roliablo blood incdieine. Ilristol, Va.-Xoan. W. J. CATE. stcbrrje. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA. GA ret What You Ask For! iHERE 1 a Reason ly the Good Pcoplo of America buy Cascarela as E?lthe Clock Tick-.. ?T second some one, somewhere, m little Ten-Cent nnr7TrZZ 14 to the Minute. ,Zr 3600 BoieTan "JffcttsaDix of Ten Hours, JJfcw Month, and then some. , People take a 22 y. MllUon. uE0 "" "tceaary. ylirment f mun . . . . . '-cbeen ' a true, faithful, loy.nl servant of Mankind. Over Flvo Million.! of Dollars havo been Spent to mako tho merlta of Cas careta. known, and every cent of It would bo lost, did not sound merit claim and hold tho constant, continued friendship, Patronago and Endorsement of well pleased people year after year. There Is also a Reason Why there aro Parasites who attach themselves to tho Healthy Body of Casi caret's success Imitators, Counterfeiters, Substltutors. They aro Trado Thieves who would rob Cascarcts of tho "Good Will" of Iho people, and sneak unearned profits, earned and paid for by Cascarcts. CLJ) 03 tct n Ein.,i lATr tBOUnu' "ones! U.r"."me-rrled.and.Tested r. areis Oer lmplacabl8 'oo of KwfierS !h ,neomPMa LTCanai;-0' ",0 fv Act lit.. ''H'lpfh ltm,5,rC"5 Bnd ac,'vo- fed i, ."ard of Innocent r'ers ih., ,u Dread,ul Death riSe, rCa,en th Llvo A Dishonest Purpose means a Dishonest Product and a Disregard of the Purchas ers' Health or Welfare. Beware of tho Slick Salesman and his ancient "Just as Good' story that com mon senso refutes, Cascarets aro made only by tho Sterling Remedy Company, and tho famous llttlo Ten Cont "Vest Pocket" box Is hero shown. They aro never sold In bulk. Every tablet marked "CCC.'J Bo auro you get tho genuine. X3T FREE TO OUR FKIENDSI We want to send to oar friends a ; b"?,1' v1 Frenc&esWd. GOLD-PLATED BONUON BOX, hard-enamerd In colors. It Is a beauty for the dresslne table. Ten cents In stamps Is asked as a measare of good fall h and to covecostof Catcsreis, With whlchTHsTITnty trlnkjtli loaded. WJ . Send to-day, mentioning this mtr. Mtu SterUas KssuHy Csapaay, Calcaio w Now Vork. Dr. P. I, T, Horoult, tho Krench uiolnllurglcal oxjiert, who ha8 been ex "ilnlii tho mining I1(i otllor ro. Houreeg of Cnnruln, predicts that In ten years tho Dominion will have be come a great metallurgical country, having mi Iron Industry larger than that of any other country In tho world. Ho, too, ho thinks that within a decnilo Canada will outstrip nil other countries In wheat growing. In Ontiirlr. nnd Quebec there are Immense deposits of ' magnetite, which have remained unde veloped for lack of cheap fuel. Tho Invention of the electric smelting pro cess removes this obstacle, because In tho neighborhood of the ore deposits water power Is abundant. Tho importation of Injurious birds and mammals Into tho United 8tate has been carefully guarded against slnco tho passuge of tho Lacy act on May 25, 1000. In the flvo years end ing Juno .'10, 1005, the authorities Is sued 1501 permits for tho entry of 1,000,004 birds (ehlelly canaries), 2.&10 mnmmals and thirty-eight reptiles, nnd thirteen permits for the entry of (J.500 eggs of gnmo birds. Of tho consign ments 402 were Inspected. No Injuri ous animal Is known to have been ad mitted, but seven mongooses, fifty-four Hying foxes or fruit-eating bats, ono kohlmelse, iifteen blnumelsen and two starlings hnve been refused entry. At Honolulu six kens were refused entry. Statistics Bhowlng tho enormous waste of energy Involved In the pro duction of nrtniclal light nro nlwuys Interesting, if for no other reason than that they must continually stimulate" Inventors In tho search for better methods. Sir James Dcwar recently presented these llgurcs before the Hoynl Institute of Great Hrltnln: In nn ordinary candle tlio total amount of energy transformed Into light Is only 2 per cent Oil and gas lamps nro not more economical. Tho Incan descent electric lamp utilizes 3 per cent of tho energy expended; the nrc light 10 per cent, nnd tho magnesium light 15 per cent Then comes the glowworm and mocks us with its 00 per cent of expended energy turned Into light Tho possible vnlue of radium to tho physician still remains clilelly n mat ter of conjecture. Two Italians, Tlz toul and Honglovnnnl, havo satisfied themselves that it has nn Important influence upon rabies, nnd that It may act either upon the virus or directly upon the bitten animal. When tho virus Is exposed for four to thlrty-slx hours to radium rays It Is converted Into a powerful vaccine, injections into a rabbit's eye overcoming tho other wise fatal effects of inoculations with dog's virus. With n powerful speci men of radium, tho direct exposures of several hours during six days, nnl tnnls Inoculated forty-eight to ono bun dred hours before treatment were snv ed, while similarly inoculated nnimala not treated nil died. It is well known that pure quartz glass possesses the property of trans mitting, very abundantly, the so-called chemical rays of light by means of which photographic effects aro produc ed, and it has often been attempted to innke photographic lenses of quartz alone. Unfortunntely, quartz also pos sesses the property of double refrac tion, so thnt, unless the opening of tho lenses is very unrrow, good lmnge3 are not produced. Ilccently a French optician, P. Morln, has succeeded In making small photographic lenses ot quartz glass in which somo of tho difficulties have been avoided, and tho lenses show great rapidity of action. Still, tho problem, confessedly, has not been entirely solved, and tho new lenses aro recommended by their ln entor only for special purposes. As tronomers nro particularly desirous to obtain photographic lenses possessing the peculiar permeability to the actinic rays tbnt characterizes quartz. A Lack ot OriiUnn. Tho Irish duelist who lamented hnv lug "ns pretty a challenge as ever was penned, but no ono to whom to give it " was In the same troublo ns tho mu ..i' mv ,r PnrlH. Tho city Iiiib a lino orphanage, liberally appointed nnd with an ainplo stair, out wu A Mine. Tainlcca left nearly a million and her villa at Orsay to bo maintained as nn orphanage for girls of tho eighth nrrondlssemcnt Tho girls were to ho provided with a dowry on leaving. Purls has searched tho highways ami hyways of tho district, and but two or pluina bnvo been found. lllvlilvd on UellKioii. A curious diversity of religious be lief Is observable In the family of Lord Stanley of Alderley. Tho last previous .. .,.i.. ,e tho tltlo. a brother of tho nrosent Deer, died In tho .Mussulman faith and was mirieu tn-i ..,. r thIiuh. Another brother be came a convert to tho Uoman Catholic fnlih and s now a uohil-bui; ph . ,.".. nno of Lord Stanley's Till g IJI'V. nephews la n lhuldhlst, and a brother. in-law, now tiouu, " If tho human rnco were built on nlnns that meet dally requlroinont9, n en would Imvo two more legs that a ...nlttjitt yvaiiM finvn themselves, aim u...w.. .: , nnlr of hands that they might koop up with the work tlio chlb dren mnUo arounu um uiw Asvn town grows older, It becomes moro and moro oxponalvo for n uuiii to bd"a Batla factory futber. How WLany Birthdays ? You must have had sixty at leastl What? Only forty? Then It must be your gray hair. Ayer's Hair Vigor stops these frequent birthdays. It gives all the early, deep, rich color to gray hair, and checks falling hair. And it keeps the scalp clean and healthy. " I wan grratlr troubled with dandruff which produced a rnont dltaKrreahle Itching of tho calii. I tried Ayer'a ilalr Vlitor and tho dan. drnir loon dltanprarcd. Mr hair alio itopped falllne out until now I hate a trdendld head ot hair." IUVID U. KINNK, l'lalnOeld.Conn. N B A Hada by J. O. Ayr Co., Lowell, Ifaii. anv naauiaaiarers 01 - - . mJL SARSAPARJLLA. 1IPVQ pills. fO CHERRY PCCTOBAL. At m, DIndTtila(fO. "You say Congressmen are at a dis advantage In dealing with tho railways?" asked tho Indignant citizen. "Ypn," answered Senator Sdrghum, "they aro at a disadvantage." "For what reason?" 'Well, you sec, Congress can't Issuq passes that will get you anywhere." Washington Star. CITQ Fermanentlr Cored. No flU or nervousness f I Iu .rierflratdayiueori)r.Kllnc'sUreiitNerve jteatorcr. Hnd for VrrnHZ trial bottlp and treatise. nr.lt. H. Kline, Ltd., 931 Arch at., I'hlladelphla, I'fl. daraion'i InillfTerenee. It wna late In November that Deli lah suggested trimming Samson's hair. "IIow do you want It cut?" sho ask ,cd, with a satirical little grimace. "Oh, any old way," ho answered; "It doesn't matter now that tho football season. Is over." Cleevland Plain Dealer. And Then Ho Went. Llttls Brother (to sister who Is sitting with her fiance) Do 'you know what I think? Sister No; what Is It? "I think if I were not In the room Mr. Jones would kiss you." "You impudent boyl Leave the room Instantlyl" Tales. PIso s Cnro fs a reineay forconghs, colds and consumption. Try it. Price 25 cents, ftt druggists. An Accompllnlieil I.lnr. "That friend of yours, the politician, Is tho most mendacious fellow I ever , met" I "No doubt of It ne's equal to four j fishermen, five Ananlnscj and six'! Philadelphia lawyers rolled Into one.' Cleveland Plain Dealer. rZf CURIS WHIRI All LSI FAILS. . Gj mm Best COURb Brrup. Taatoa Oood. VK) l"1 Ivl In tlmo. Bold bf driiRKl.ta. KH KvmVi If JS SB ri gw 1 i'a Rredi ara hft foran. M mcneraiui years iuita men aiM'ntin Ihnr dayclopmcnt liair a century of expert care In making Uiein .inerlor to all etlwn we are apecianaia m (rowing uowit anci ycKeiAiie aeeua. lvuo bci Annual rree. , M. FERRY & CO., .1 ltd J VM Mothers will And Mrs. Wlnilow's Soothing Eyrup tho best remedy to use for their children during tho teething period. Different Nnmci, "I suppose," said the romantic citizen, "that you are greatly lauded for your generosity?" "Well, not altogether," responded the Pittsburg millionaire. ."Some call It gen erosity and some call it restitution." Louisville Courier-Journal. How's This? Wn offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by it all B uaiarrn uure. F. J. CHUNKY & CO.. Prors.. Toledo. O. We. thn undersltrned. havo known Y. J. Cheney for tho laat 15 years, and bellere him pcrfoctly honorable In all business transac tions and financially able to carry out any ob ligations made by tneir nrm. Wiht Jt Tau ax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O, Waldiso. K inn am 5i Uauvin. holesalo Drue- glitn. Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of tho system. 1'rlce 75c. per bottle. boiu oy an uruKgists. lesiimomaii tree UaU's Family Pills are the best. Fecllntr In Ilia Art. The singing teacher was visiting the school, and as this was an Important event In the district the pupils bad been instructed to memorize a verso or two to recite for the entertainment of the visitor. During be delivery of his lines, one small boy -was especially 'noticeable for the nctlon with which he accom panied his words; so much bo that tho teacher, surprised at bis efforts, com mended blm highly on the ease -with which ho spoke and the apparent prac tice which he must have put on the piece. "It was fine," she exclaimed, In clos ing, "nnd shows a large amount of rehearsal! But, Johnny, whero did you get the gestures?" " "Taln't the gestures," replied the young genius, with a twist "'taln't the gestures; it's tho hives." Concerning Common Sense. The man who knows when not to talk, possesses judgment of a high order. People everywhere are displaying good judgment by eating Pillsbury's VitoB for breakfast. It ia a mighty good thing to bo outside of; try it.. Dreary Exlatence. Landlady Are you aware, Mr. Ski doo, that the less one eats the longer one lives? Mr. Skidoo (with his mouth full) Sure! But what's the use of living that way? Judge. BEST BY TEST "I have tried all kinds of waterproof clothing and have never found anything at any price to compare with your Fish Brand for protection from all kinds of weather." (Tha mm and iddr-ft of Hie wr!t.r of Oil ao.ollelted letter mar be liad upon epplleaUon) nighest Award World's Fair, 1901. A. J. TOWER CO. The Sign of the RA Boston, u. s. a. rjWER3 TOWER CANADIAN ItlLfeS! CO.. LIMITED Toronto. Canada ''Hi BRW AfaAert ef Warranted Wtt Wtathtr Clothing P. N. U. No. 4-06 WHEN tyritlntptondvortlsorst please mention this paper. ft The Kind You Havo Always Bought has homo tho signa ture of Chas. II. Fletcher, and has been niado under his -personal supervision for over 30 years. AHoav no ono to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" aro but Experiments, and endanger tho health of Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other iNarcotio substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. He KM You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of ' In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CtHTAUN COMMNY. TV MURRAY STRCCT, NEW YORK CITY. To Every Home ! as with joyous hearts and smiling faces they romp and play when in health and how conducive to health the games in which they indulge, the outdoor life they enjoy, the cleanly, regular habits they should be taught to form and the wholesome diet of which they should partake. How tenderly their health should be preserved, not b constant medication, but by careful avoidance of every medicine of an injurious or objectionable nature and if at any time a remedial agent is required, to assist nature, only those of known excellence should be used; remedies which are pure and wholesome and truly beneficial in effect, like the pleasant laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. -Syrup of Figs has come into general favor in many millions of well informed' families, whose estimate of its quality and excellence is based upon personal knowledge and use. Syrup of Figs has also met with the approval of physicians generally, be cause they know it is wholesome, simple and gentle in its action. We inform all reputable physicians as to the medicinal principles of Syrup of Figs, obtained, by an original method, from certain plants known to them to act most benefici ally and presented in an agreeable syrup in which the wholesome Californian blue figs are used to promote the pleasant taste; therefore it is not a secret rem edy and hence we are free to refer to all well informed physicians, who do not approve of patent medicines and never favor indiscriminate self-medication. Please to remember and teach your children also that the genuine Syrup of Figs always has the full name of the Company- California Fig Syrup Co. plainly printed on the front of everv Dackaere and that it 1q for sale in bottles of one size only. If any dealer offers any other than the regular Fifty cent size, or having printed thereon the name of any other company, do not accept it. If you fail to get the genuine you will not get its beneficial effects. Every family should always have a bottle on hand, as it is eauallv beneficial e xi i 3 j. i-. .Liu i. . .. ' . . ror me parents ana ine cnuaren, wnenever a laxative remedy is required. 0