The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, January 25, 1906, Image 6

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Many Obstacles In Way of Appropria
tion for Columbia Jetty.
Wrt DinnfnM T.. in JT- I
p !. nj uti.i m . . ..u.UBi, uuairrnan
tdSirU MJ dUUSIIUll Willi lrOUDie Burt0"' of the h0UB0 committoo on rlv-
Willi FrdllCG. t0 Senator Fulton and Gearln, II, W.
acott anu j. n. leal, of Portland, on
the Columbia river jetty project. Rep
resentative JonOB. Ot Wftnhiiiotnn. whn
i-'couu. tiiiu iuuh. iiari la viio uib-
Falllng Instant Apology, Their Guns
Will Talk United States
May Take a Hand.
Mr. Burton ia thoroughly familiar
with the situation at the mouth of the
Columbia and ia fully awaro ot the fact
tliAt It. wnnlil Yn trnrA Kiinlnnoa I....
make an appropriation this eeBaion, not mRllw nt orgnnJslng nn naaocintion fl
so much to extend tho iottv nn to nro. " uiuuBn-y.
Lane County Growers Are Tiring. of
Numorous Rejections.
Eugene A numbor of hopgrowera of
thia vicinity are agitating the mnttor
of securing legislation to butter somo oi
tho troubles of hopgrowors. A meeting
will bo held hero soon and an attempt
Washington, Jan. 20. Three French
warships are now off the Venezuelan
coast preparing to deliver tho answer
of Franco to President Castro's treat
ment of M. Taigny, the French repm
eentative at Caracas, by a naval demon
stration in Venezuelan waters. Two
additional warships will join them as
soon as they can make the trip across
tho Atlantic. Until the demonstration
has heen initiated, the French govern
ment will share with tho president and
Secretary Boot tho knowledge of the
exact form which this expression of her
displeasure at President Castro's action
'Will take.
Meantime the delicacy of tho situa
tion at Caracas is greatly increased by
news which has recently reachod here
from that city regarding the attitude
President Castro now appears to be
assuming toward llr. Russell, the
American minister. Unless this atti
tude is radically modified, it may be
necessary to dispatch an American war
ship even nearer tho Venezuelan coast
than has already been planned. Presi
dent Castro, it is said, will bo given to
understand that any treatment of an
American representative such
accorded to M. Taigny will not
era ted. The cause which can be
ascribed here for Mr. Castro's attitude
toward Mr.' Russell is that tho former
insists upon regarding as personal
rather than official the efforts which
Mr. KuEsell has made to assist a peace
ful settlement of tho Franco-Venezuelan
troubles. The request of the French
government that its interests in Vene
zuela be looked after by Mr. Russell
was immediately granted for the reason
that such a request is invariably grant
ed by a friendly power however difficult
the task.
France has adopted a simple pro
gram for her treatment of the Venezue
lan situation. It provides for an im
mediate and comprehensive apology by
Castro for his treatment of M. Taigny,
which treatment the Paris officials re
gard as insulting and intolerable.
One dispateh sent to Mr. Russell
last Sunday had not been delivered to
him up to the time the last dispatch
was sent by him to the State depart
ment. This is being inquired into by
the department.
tect the work that has been done dur
ing tho past season. He realizes that,
unless an appropriation ia inado, tho
sea end oi the jetty, and particularly
the unprotected tramway, will be left
at tho mercy of tho heavy Boas and lia
ble to be damaged to the extont of sev
oral hundred thousand dollars.'
But, while Mr. Burton is in aym-
,pathy with the Oregon men and while
he recognizoa the wisdom of an appro
priation to protect the now portion of
tho jetty, he is not willing to give any
assurances mat such an appropriation
wm do made. Thero is no general
river and harbor bill this session, and
it is a serious question in Mr. Burton's
mind whether it will be possible to
put through special legislation in the
interest of only a few emergency pro
Mr. Burton stated, and the Oregon
delegation ngreed with him, that it
would be utterly impossible to pass a
special bill making an appropriation
lor this one project. Such a bill would
be amended in the house and senate by
the audition of appropriations for m
numerable projects until in tho end it
would become a regular river and bar
bor bill, and under existing conditions
a bill of that character would stand no
show of passage.
But there are three or four other nro-
as that jects of importance, where emergencies
be tol- exist similar to that at the mouth of
the Columbia. Unless appropriations
are made this session for the preserva
tion of those workB, the government
will sustain a heavy loss. Mr. Burton
is considering the advisability of re
porting an emergency niu making ap
propriations for these specific projects
only, but ho is not yet satisfied that
such a bill could get through without
being amended to embrace many other
Mr. Burton, because of tho condi
tion that exists in congress and because
of the difficulties that stand in tho way
oi special rivor and harbor legislation,
will hold out no promises to the Ore
gon representatives, though he freely
aumiis ins interest in uoiuniom river
improvement and expresses his per
sonal belief that an appropriation
should be made.
An appropriation of $1,800,000 can
not be had, but it is possiblo that
1400,000 may be procured. Mr. Bur
ion explains mat it would be impossi
ble to pass any bill which did more
than provide funds to protect work al
ready done.
California Supreme Court
vorable Decision.
San Francisco, Jan. 20. The Su
preme court this afternoon handed
down a decision by which funds will
soon be available for the completion of
the San Francisco sea wall. The court
BUBtained tho validity of the so-called
sea wall act, passed by the legislature
in March, 1903, which authorized the
state board of harbor commissioners to
issue 2,000,000 in bonds to complete
the San Francisco sea wall.
The harbor commissioners proceeded
to issue bonds under this act, but State
Treasurer .Reeves refused to approve
the issue. The commissioners there
upon applied to the Supreme court for
a writ of mandamus to compel the
state treasurer to sign the bond issue.
The court by its decision today di
rects the state treasurer to sign the
bonds. The harbor commission, it is
Ono of tho worst complaints against
tho dealers, for which it is believed ro
lief might bo had by legislation, is In
the matter of rejections upon inspoc
tion. Un tins point the plan la to so
cure a law providing for a stato inspect
or, whose duty it would be to inspect
and grade all hops and brand tho grado
on oach halo, bo that sales would bo
mado upon thia inspection and the
common complaints of dealers, after
they havo bargained for a purchaso.
would bo wiped out.
It has been a cduBO of much provociv
tion to tho growers tho woy the inspec
tors usually act when "going through'
a lot of hops. The) will throw out i
number of bales from somo lots with
out cause and make all kinds of com
plaints: and, if the market has weak
ened since tho bargain was mado tho
grower confidently expectB that tho
hops will bo called "broken," "high
dried," "slack dried," "mouldy," etc
and if nothing else is complained oi
then "not up to sample" is tho charge
that turns down many bales. Tho
growers think thia ono of the first
things that should be corrected by leg
It is proposed to havo similar organ
izations in other partB of the state and
to form n stato federation for mutual
good and to accomplish unity of effort
on ail important matters. .
Fine Hospital for Albany.
Albany What will perhaps be tho
best hospital in tho state, ontsido of
Portland, will be established in Albany
Boon. Tho announcement puts an end
to speculation ns to what would become
of the palatial residence of tho Into
Father Louis Metayer, of the Albany
Catholic church, who willed all his
property to bis private secretary, F. C.
Devine, of Portland. Mr. Dovine has
sold tho property to Rov. Father Lane,
Mr. Metayer's successor, who will turn
the structure into a hospital. It is by
far the finest building of its kind in
Yamhill to Raise Stock.
McMinnville Yamhill county farm
ers will devote more tirno and land
hereafter to stockraising, says an au
thority. He deduces this from the fact
that, although the most of the ground
devoted to grain this year has been
sown, a great deal of land has been
seeded to meadow and forage crops.
ThiA has been done to keep pace with
the increasing livestock industry.
"Lean years" have been one incentive
to the farmer to turn his attention to
diversified agriculture.
Gives Fa-
Russian Revolution Spreads to Dots
of Land in Baltic.
St. Petersburg, Jan. 18. In addition
to the Caucasus and a few localities in
Siberia, the open revolt is now chiefly
confined to small islands off the Baltic
coast, where the difficulty of landing
troops hampers the subjugation of the
revolutionists. The icebreaker Yermak.
carrying detachements of marines and
infantry, has been unable to.reach th
principal island. Osel, at tho entrance
to the Gulf of Riga, and is now await
ng a light-draft steamer to land tho
Following the example of their
brothers on the mainland, the peasan
try ot even the tiniest islands in the
Baltic havo instituted independent re
publics. One of these, on the islet of
Linsuitt, probably the smallest state in
the world, nlreadv hoantn of a Rpennd
understood, will now iBsue bonds under revolution and a second president, the
w o aui irom lime io lime umu me mil (.it zflnq havinir r nnn Anil nvnrt.iri.wn
12,000 000 wort,h are on the market.
Afraid to Show His Face.
St. Petersburg, Jan, 20. Distrustful
of the spirit of his capital and perhaps
remembering the incident of last Janu
ary, when one of the saluting guns
ahowered grape on the imperial chapel,
tho emperor will not come to St.
Petersburg for the ceremony of the
blessing of the watera of the Neva to
morrow. or tue nrst tune since the
Empress Anna laid the foundations of
the winter palace in 1732, the great
' church festival of the Epiphany will
paes without the presence of the sov
Big Grain Firm Fails.
Chirago, Jan. 20. Announcement
was made this aiternoon oi the suspen
sion of the grain and commission firm
of McReynolds & Co,, of this city, one
of the beat known firms on the board of
trade. Tho affairs of the firm will be
wound up and it will go out of busi
ness, but the creditors will be paid in
full and tho assets are fully equal to
tho liabilities. The house has been
a large handler of cash grain and con
trols three largo elevators.
Funston May Go to China.
San Francisco, Jan. 20. The Call
will Bay tomorrow that Brigadier Gen
eral Frederick Funston will soon be
relieved from the command of tho de
partment of California and ordered to
. t tut
tho Philinoiiios. wnero ue wm no
the first president. The
magistrate, Jamneenson,
them in proclamations as
present chief
is addressing
"my faithful
Petition to Save Constitution.
Boston, Jan. 19. Eric Pape, the
artist, left Boston yesterday for Wash
ington with the "Constitution peti
tion," which he expects to present to
congress. While in Washington Mr
Pape will try to secure th? signatures
to tho petition of many men prominent
in national life, who have expressed
themselves as favorable to the move
ment to save "Old Ironsides." Tho
petition ia an immense affair, and re
quires four men to rarry it. It ia euti-
mated that over 20,000 persona havo
signed it.
New Governor for Alaska.
Washington, Jan. 19. Assuming
that J. G. Brady, governor of Alaska,
proposes to resign his position, M. H.
Perkins, oi Nome, has been reeom
mended strongly for that office. Hen
atora Allison, Lodge and Pilos called
on the president yesterday, with ex
Governor Swineford and S. 8. Ryan, of
Alaska, to recommend Perkins' an
pointment. It is not known absolutely
that Governor Braday intends to re
Peace With Insurgents.
San Domingo, Jan. 19. A treaty of
pence between the insurgent generals at
Monto Oristi and the government wap
nlaced in charge of one of tho brigades signed today on board the American
which is being formed in Luzon with a cruisor Yankee. ' Thia assures perfect
view to their possible utilization in tranquility throughout tho republic,
connection with any move which may Monto GrJati ia now in the hands of the
be made against China. constitutional government forces.
Heavy Rains in South.
Grants Pass Southern Oregon is be
ing visited bv the heaviest rains of this
season. Prospects are bright for their
continuance, insuring big cleanups of
placer gold. Two carloads of machin
ery was taken to the Granite Hill mine
last week. The mine haj electric mo
tors, an electric pump, hoist, etc. The
pump will throw a four-fnch stream of
water. Property ib being bonded on
all aides here on4 account of .he new
railroad. One man made $2,000 profit
on 40 acres adjoining the town, which
he bought two months ago.
Enthusiastic Citizens at Echo Form
Waterusors' Association.
Echo A mass meeting of thocltizons
was hold hero last week. Tho commit
teo appointed to incorporate tho Wator
users' association roported that tho ar
ticles of incorporation and by lawa
adopted bv tho committee had boon ap
nrovod bv tho secretary of tho interior
And tho articles of incorporation had
beon filed with the secretary of Btato
Tho report of tho committee was ap
A stockholders' meeting waa thon
hold and 8.482 shares at $00 a sharo
wero subscribed. The following named
stockholders wero elected directors
H.T. Irvln. J. F. McNauglit. A. C
Crawford. H. G. Newport and W. II
Skinner. The directors oiected II. T.
Irwin prcsidont, J. F. McNaught vico
president, A. O. Crawford secretary and
II. G. Newport treasurer.
Tho city wbb crowded with delegates
and much enthusiasm was'shown. Tho
government was represented by J. T
WhiBtlor, engineer, and HolgateA Wil
liamson, reclamation attorneys. Tho
Echo irrigation project is now a roality
and work wilt go forward at once.
Riley Chosen College President.
McMinnville At the semi-annual
meeting of tho hoard of trustees of Mc
Minnvillo college Rev. L. W. Riley
was appointed president. Mr. Riloy
was appointed pastor of tho Baptist
church in this city from 1001 to 1003,
and since that time has been general
missionary of tho Oregon State conven
tion. McMinnvillo college has been
without an official head all tho present
school year, Professor Northup acting
in that capacity. Tho new president
will assumo his duties as soon as ho
can adjust hia present work.
Power From River.
Salem Tho Interior Development
company haa made a tiling on 1U,UUU
cubic inches of water per second on tho
Deschutes river, at a point about 31
miles south of tho Columbia river.
Tho company proposes to tako tho water
from tho river a short distance toutli of
Shears' bridge, a well known croHsing,
and convey it through a flume down
tho river several miles, where it will ho
used to furnish power for tho genera
tion of electricity.
Regarding tho Opticians.
Salem The Btato board of optometry
has filed its annual report with tho
governor. iho financial statement
ahowB receipts from all sources for the
year 11,244 10; expenses. $390.13.
There wero 200 optometrists in tho
Btato January 1, 1900. Tho members
of tho board are O. W. Lowe, presi
dent; Herman W. Barsoy and E. O.
Asks Oregon to Show in Florida.
Salem Governor Chamberlain has
received a proclamation, accompanied
by an invitation from the governor of
Florida, asking Oregon to i.nrtlclpato in
the' proposed International Isthmian
exposition, to be held in Tallahasso in
1908. Governor Chamberlain will call
the attention of the next legislature to
the invitation.
I II I 111 II. Ill w
in .
Business Affairs Taton
uuiiuo oi Tropin
Pnoumonla Takos Away Millionaire
Chicago Merchant.
Now York, Jan. 17. Marshall Field,
of Chicago, millionaire merchant and
a lender in tin dry goods trodo of tho
world, died at tho Holland house- in
tills city at 4 o'clock yesterday after
noon, after an illness extending over
moro than ft week, beginning with a
bad cold and developing quickly Into
nnuuinonia. which affected both lungs,
Mr. Field, although 70 years old, mado
n fight against tho disease which tho
attending physicians characterized as
braver and stronger than would have
been expected of a man many years his
lutiior. Mrs. Field and other mom
bora of tho fumlly wero with him when
ho lapsed into tho period of uncoil
HcinuHticsB which ended in death. In
an adjoining room worn many persons
imminent in tho business and social
Hfo of Chicago, intimato associates of
Mr. Field, who had gono to Now York Industries. nm.n-u.. .
. ! I'n ... ' viuiiitf in an.-.
nitnnrn ni a 1 . t
..V...D u, UJU commnnit-
Appointment of Trlumn....
. ,u "emand.nfr.
.w.,u, anil n-.j,.
i mm...
ft or
Chicago, Jan. 18
ruuwntnt .
rnm iitm,..i.i it
" " w iiiiiiiitjiiL l nnn .i
oi the Zlftn
was mado known to them.
An outline of tho funeral nrrango- "H",UB U1 1,10 community.
nieins was ucciueu upon iobi mgnt. i'ium oi ttio
ml I I Ill l. 1.1 , fit. 1. 1. I i ... , ..
rno nouy win iju luKi-ii vu wiiiwnu biiiB i ruiiv OnlOtliation it lg
morning on a special train over tho mnmlv rOn,.i,n.i n' . .
. Li. tl ...l 1 Tl. OI ' -wi;u l-,11-..1
Tlinrn -lil .,, nn .ni-tfirn if nJdl1111" ' Zioil Oltv Ami It.
sort in tins city, it ib pianneu to nom uoihchb nrranccmcni, i
to bo fixed, either from tho Field real- oua leader onlv
1 Tl . ! . ! 1 .1. I
(lenco on i riuriu avuiiuu or jrum mu mi .i ,
. .... I . I nil 1 1 ii m it
tor, Kov. Dr. Morrison, will, in olthor '"D to"' mat, according
case, oo the oihciating ciurgyman. U1 l"" rgo crouitors In f!MM.
I 'Plw... I.. I -"(.V
River and Harbor Congress Proposes
Chango in Methods.
Washington, Jan. 17. Tho National
Iiivurs and Jl-ubors congress today
adopted tho report of tho committee on
organization, recommending t'io vice
tion of tho following olllcers: Pros I
dent, Harvey J). Goulder, Cleveland,
Tl, I. I..." .'"SO
1... ,Kw.l...i i... . ..-I "' m NT
;nYfoa-nd 'll, f"
MOnmlhln., tl... ....... . '"J
- n u iiuiuro nt ..."
man of the sen' hitched on tbeo
UOWIO has Hlllntnlo.,..!
Litiiui. iiih inn ormin.l .1.
tri'.'IBllrv fur It 'Pl, i.i. . ..
T I I, nip low
tusk nan iih mucn. it !.
O.j ono vico president from each state that the followi-r ni,i i "
. . . iuiii lis
lunrfuuiuLii, iu uu mimetj uy uiu uuiu i pontics 1 Ilia was tmnllv tW
ifflllnno Pstlnnttl WHItartt ft T m li-iiwtttt (.. . '
' - ' ' ' 'I I ---- - I' w V A ILU HUN tinMh.
imuiuiuiu! cvuvuuj, ii, oiihiu I'uuoiYu luxury ior (no old tnin, x iniKuvijMiiu, iii'uuuiri . I nju-m. UlUIIMiWHIfl Mere. AhA U
iiuuiiK hiiho (uuuiiiiiiumiiHi jur me i wii-Hi) expenditure-! all Zion Citi
oxecutivu committee wero John W. got out of it lias lifmi a r. t.'
Ferris, Han Francisco,
era, rortiaml.
oat cl
and A.JI. Dev- workn.
I'Plin nnl f II, II.. I .. .
a no xucuuva cominiiico ib cnargco: iiora navo heen nrom t.
wiin tne umy oi actively prosecuting that it they were h-nientZ-o
tho work oi securing regular and in- would get tho old
crenstMi annual approiiriationa lor the
tnprovemunta of river and harbors of
tho entire country, and to thia end to
tuko such ttepa and uso such means as
will tend to mold public sentiment in
favor thereof.
ItesolutioiiH wero adopted dcclarine
that tho national government should
put river anu naruor Dills on a par
with other great appropriation hills by
annual appropriations, and direct all
such work economically and continu
ously, with'uit tho waste incident to
intermittent (fforts. Tho resolutions
urge on annual appropriation of at
east 150,000,000.
ntcetlng jointly, waa 640, and tie
was: Fullleres, 440; Donmr,
scattering, '28; not voting, 1.
Although several candidates
Anaconda, Mont.. Jun. 17. For two mentioned for the nrcsidencr in
hours thia afternoon Anaconda nnd I rntmlon to M. J.oabet. inclndisr
1 1 T...1 II I..... . i f.l. 1..
4L-uj Luiiiiu vuiiuy were aweni uv tne I'anierea. nresiuoni oi mo renin
uuiL-i-nt, niorin in many years. At the l miner, prtsiuent oi me coimwi
' - '-- " v v v III7U 11 tllU II nil lit" I III'IMILIIT . ill . Ulll 1 tlll A IUIMI-W
smelter tho velocity of the wind regis- justice; arid M. Leon Bourgeoil,
Radical Elements.
Paris, Jan. 18 Clement
Falliorcs, president of tin mi's,
!i.i.... ..i. ..,. i . .,n. ....
to succeed Kmilo Ixiubet. Hit
rival was M. Doutncr, iireaidcnt cl
I . 1 f ...... ml
cnniuuur oi uunuues. ioe ioui
in Lfin niiLinniii niRnm i v. rnni m
ll.. 4. 1 I I . . 1.
lilU nuiiHiu niiu LiiamuGr di Of
Wind Reaches IOO-Mile-An-HourGait
in Montana.
Grant County is Prosperous.
Canyon City The sheriff reports the
Grant county tax collections for 1005
as ubout $70,000. The heaviest collec
tion in any previous year was slightly
under $00,000. Notwithstanding the
drain from the general attendance at
the Lewis and Clark exposition, times
are better and money easier than for
years. Stockmen are gaining confi
dence in tho market outlook, and the
price of good range cattle ia steady or
Plan Lumber Railroad.
CoquUle Plana aro completed by
John Yoakam and John Peart for a
railroad up Cunningham's creek road
to tap Peart'a coal properties. The
road will be ten miles, besides spura to
tho tslmpson company's large body of
timber. The work commences soon.
It will open up some of the finest tim
ber in Oregon.
Wasco Grain Protected.
Tie Dalles All of Wasco county ia
covered with from Bix to ten inches of
snow. Snow is most welcome at this
timo, since it affords protection to
growfng grain from front. The temper
ature is a little below freezing and in
dications aro that tho snow will con
Must Rewire Roseburg.
Ropoburg The Circuit court for
DougloB county is in session in this
ity. All owners of business houses in
this city havo receiyed notico from the
loard of flro underwriters that thoir
electric wiring is defectivo and must bo
dono again. Considerable indignation
expressed, and it is claimed that
much o' the wiring condemned Ib of
the best quality and workmanship.
Coal Prices Doubled.
Baker City The coal famino still
exists. Dealers here hope to receive a
few cars of coal within the next week,
hut thn prices will be advanced from
$7 and $8 to $10 and $16. j
Ship Flour to Japan.
McMinnvillo The Ilouck Milling
company, of this city, ban sent 9,400
narreiB oi Hour to Japan since last
August, besides supplying tho local
Wheat Club, 73c per bushel; blue
stem, 4oc; red, 70c; valley, 73c.
Oats No 1 white feed, $27.B028 50
gray, SH728 per ton.
Barloy Feed, $23.5024 tier ton
brewing, $23.5024; rolled, $2425 I
jjuu&wueut t z.ou per cental.
Hay Eastern Oregwn timothv
$13 5014.50 per ton; valloy timothy
?"SgiU; clover, $910; cheat, $8.50
d$v ou; grain hay, $80.
bruits Apples, common, 75c$l
per uox; choice, $l.Z01.50: fancy
s.ou; pears, ii.zn&i 00 nor box
cranberries, $1313.50 per barrel.
Vegetables Itnnnq. 9Sn
cabbage, l2c per pound; cuullilower,
i.-joper uozon cjiory, i:j3.00 ner
traio; won peppers, hoc per pound
pumpkins, lc per pound: HnroutH.
OJ67cpor pound; squash, lJQlc
pur pourui uirnipB, UUcMfl nor huc-W;
n 1 It f S-mm . '
curroiu, ooysocpor saeK ; heets, 85c
f i per sacK.
On iona Oregon, No. 1, $11.25 per
buck; 4l0. Z, YOUiUUC.
rototoes fancy graded Burbnnka,
7075c per hundred; ordinary, 50Q
00c; Bweet potatoes, 2(32c ner nnnml.
Butter Fancy creamery, 27 J$ 32Mc
per pounu.
Eggs Oregon ranch, 27)28c
rouitry Average old hens. 12W,(h
VAc por pound; springs, 2(13:
iiksuu vuicKens, izcjtac; broiIorH,15
(Miiuu, uruuHeu cuicKonu, lll6c; tur
keys, livo, 16c; turkeys, dressed,
choico, 1720o; geese, live, nann,
geeso, dressed 1213o; duck, 1510c.
Hops Oregon, 1005, choico, 10llc
per pound: primo, 8l)C; medium,
78c; olds, 57o.
Wool Eastern Oregon avorago best,
1021c; valley, 2420c per pound
mohair, choico, 30o,
Beef Dressed bulls, l2o pound;
cows, 3(aj4c; country steers, 45o.
Veal Dressed, 8jJ(38Ko per pound,
Mutton DresBod, fancy, 77opor
pound; ordinary, 45c; lurnbs, 7
7Kc '
Pork Dressed, 6(870 per pcund.
icicu n jiikh hh iuu nines an hour.
Hevoral inches of snow fell. Tho sUirm
subsided at 0 o'clock.
A special to tho Standard from Bow
man paya the Gallatin valley was
swept by n 40-milo galo and tho storm
has heen raging all night.
Helena, Jan. 17. Helena and Cent.
rai fliontona was visited this afternoon
by a blizzard which lasted about an
hour. The blizzard followed a light
ning and thunder storm and wa-i imme
diately preceded by n hard gale. Tho
wind attained velocity of 42 miles nn,
hour. Tho temperature went to 15
Missoula, Jan, 17. A rather heavy
blizzard visited this part of tho Btate
rorino greater portion of tho day.
During tho morning th O wind IiImw a
gale and In tho afternoon conelderable
Bnow fell. The temperature vim nhnnt
at ireczing point all day.
former premier, tho real contut
. . . . i ...
i..ln, M Ui I Mnrfil anil .11. IJITO
M. Fallieres had the support ol
vanced Socialist and Itodical
constituting tho Inmous paJ
mm' nhml tho Combes ininlitrr.
i i in ii i ii r . 1 1 1 1 rt I I LI hum
1 ll . i . t I, A
nminnont. wnoflO election iu iuu
. ' . . . ,.-.!..
dency of tho clinniheroi cerium
year, alter ureHKing a v
formor connection with the famoM
i.. in pirntht
blow to M. Combes.
Wlin thn first fleareas
. , , . . ,i
j. at. .... Mtftliiiritr ill fU
Oil t lliur WW " uuiuu.. -
. ..1 -ia, rriA
asm, wtiich was rcneweu "
rnntiul flifiirefl. e vine rsiin""
HIUO illvlUUDIilS '
ity, wero announced.
M. Fnlliores returned t W
tiv a m 1 Urr
of honor. Ho will take over
duties February 18.
Castro Buying Machete-
- k lAvrrtflTI ID
Havana. Jan. io. a "i
,inl tn rnnelietfs Iniorow
i aitw rwwHu
Errors Make a Shortage.
DnUnnil nn I T... T i .
yi., 4iaii. l .it. a. Hi nn. diil wiiu uuuin in mm-- .
ilurn l ... . .... . i l l T....n tnAaV til St
iiuomi iiiaiii-uiur ni Linn inuiainn I AHHnmilll!!! x ivan i m
l . . .. .ii . . r . .1 . i... a ii. iji
....... i. ir vi'-iiiuinn in liiii ui! iiucni u iru . v. j
COUIlt Of Olinrlim T IT-..!..... .......
aia tiiiLii'i in i nn m nn r .ir..i.r t iinuM. itit in Tint ii ii.t "
uiuiuiuiiig a shortage of ,. imrn. with roleronriMv u r. .
.i i . . " ....... . ........ . ii. vni
ureu uo tars. Thin mnr,,i,. ., tn nnn mnr imtes lor i
Bontntive of Harrington dopositod with government.
lUHimaHier iwgio a sum sufllcfont to merchant Bali
cover all tho annamnt illmnnnnin.
. . I . ...,.MJV.tII
which Harrington brvh a dim tn tt rn iil
tlpllcity of errors which havo been per
mitted to go uncorrpctiid. li ,in..i.
any intention nt embezzlement.
. if .-a
Tho nfK0iiai.
wore interrupted M
" ' I ...inM STUl
Bailing for New YorKyei -
r,...i. t noon return w
varia. Mr, nreHiui u.v-
In Ventztieht. .
Threatens Lawmakers.
Des Moines, Jan. 17. D. i).
lllUIl. ail eX-COIlViet. WAR orr,.uln,l
4 . . HtlVMlVU V
tho door of tho senate chambor of tho
iuu irglBiaiUrO th IS nftnrnnnn M.D4.,I
with threatening the lives of Repre
sentative II. E. Teacl
O. 0. Dowell, hecauso tho laUor failed
to got him a job. dayman was rent to
tho penitentiary for wife murder 12
years ago. Ho sorvod out his t mo and
then camo to Den Mni Una astllritlf a..
ob durfs ( tho legislative eesslon.
. u Dmlc of War.
BArin n.ivu 1
. . rt ri'ii ft ndUB v -
I.orl n. Jan. 10. . ti.ii
..T li from
id at the effect that two Hencn -(
Hermann Sworn In.
Washington, Jan, 17. Hinger Her-
onco more a mu Hedged con-
uo 100K the onth nf nm.-n
maim Is
airiviui nv
. itiaiKii
r t I I laid irniU i'v'-
IjUI IUIHUi HI . f -AjTl
pretended to have left t -
at Vordun, with lu,"V; wbich
to cscapo service in r V.
expected soon to take p - I
patci say wmm " . tnea
Ars-sur-Moielle. The eavg
there havo PMtponIPyB
A.-fArtCO wt
"See America" uom-. -
Salt Lake City, J'; "jj
morclal club cominlttea i
...null I III . j
nhnron ftrrariKui"""'" i-hi
Amerld First'' cou
,7"," , ""m u,u 01 01 onice Ainencai nrm nnl,nces tnw
net beforo tho houao ailtnnrni m.u t.,.,0 or and 20. announce' ,.
evening, wont downstairs and drew his resentatlon is now awurea ro
mileage and departed, and not a dozen truns-MlsulBsippl states na '
men in congrpsfl1
had happened.
va.( nifiuD-iai""-'r XtAiat
were nwaie of what luth in the North w i,B"
,1 the South,