The IVIaclras Pioneer initiation of the young people 4 1... to uiiiKU it a quiiu junur auu- Vubllshod ovory Thursday by Ctieded well, and nt 1 o'clock . . - ...... TllE PIONEER PiMiasniNO CO. tins nfternoon Mr. Uhnrles F yfe? rr Smith and Miss Edie May Fih sunsoRiPTiognATE8: er were married in tho -quietus Onoyonr ,,..,,..$1.50 .msslhln nt 1im TiMahm Three months.' .V.V...V.V. !eo lome. Dr. fl. C. Collins, of St Paul's Episcopal church, per e J ' .1... ml. .. on api'moation ioiiiieu tuu ceremony. J lie bride, who is one of The Dalles ADVKUTiaiN'O KATH8 THURSDAY '" Considerable snow and vain 3ias fallen during the past week. and unless all signs fail, "the end is not yet." Entered ns second class ninttcr August prettiest VOUtlg women, looked 121., 190t, at tho Poatoince at Mivlrns. Ore. t j atmvelW dreS8 tinclnr Min Ar.hnf CnnurcsR of Mnreli !?. Ihi' . J . i 1 ' t .... r. 4.1... nJ. ....... A. young people were driven, to the jan, ii, 1900 train and left for Portland, ex- 1 . i I m pecting to be tt home to tlieir I'riends after January 20. Had their friendB been per mit ted to know the day and the hour the' certainly would have made some demonstration in the Megargel, the automobile en- way. of rice showers, etc., at the thusiast, is also an author and train for these young people journalist, aud the present trip are very popular in society cir l. 1' 1 5 1 l . T " across i ue comment is proving iuie. a bonanza in the way of sup- The bride, who is the only plying interesting experienc.eo daughter ot Mr. anct Mrs. Fred and hair-breadth esp.apes o be Fisher, has been brought up utilised in future "copy.'.' It is f here and is a leader among the claimed that nothing is lost, but young people with wom she it would certainly prove a associates. The groom, who shameless waste of material if (came here last winter as a civil JUegargel does not turn out a engineer in the emploj7 of the "book whipli will make "The government, is the son of Gen- Lightning Conductor" and "My eral Smith of Portland, and must friend, the Chauffeur," seem be possessed of some of his pa ame by comparison. ternal ancestors generalship as he carried away one ot The The state corporation tax law Dalles' most charming girls, "will be responsible for the dis solution of over 50Q0 corpora tions in this state during this 11 ' month. Under this law corpor ations are required to pay an annual corporation tax, accord ing to the amount of their capi tal stock. The governor is em powered to dissolve all compan ies failing to pay the tax for That all wish them well goes without saA'ing. May the clouds on tlieir matrimonial horizon be few. COUGARS KILL SHEEP. Cpntrql Orpgonlan. Cougars running in pairs fol lowed deer from the mountains after the late storm and after two years, and this must be done reachin the desert in the vioin. hyhim during the month of Janu hv , the Devil, Garde wl' ary. Uorapanies can be rein stated by pa3rment of all back corporation taxes due by them. Harry Orchard, the man sus pected of the assassjnatipn of ex-Goyernor Prank Steunenberg pf Idaho, is being held for trial, having been committed, without bail at the preliminar' hearing. The evidence introduced by the state shows a very strong cir cumstantial case against Orch ard, and not all pf the state's testimony was introduped. The crime with which Orchard is pharged was ope of the most horrible which has ever been committed in the West. Qrch ard should be given a speedy trial, and if he is found guilty, several bands of sheep are win tering, sought to add mutton to the bill of fare, jind in one night killed eight fat sheep belonging to Claude McCall. The dogs, the following morning, put one of the marauders up a pine tree not lar from camp and Claude made short work of him with a 30-3.0. That nigh,t the dead cougar's partner returned and killed seven more sheep, and the dogs treed bini in the iden tical pine his mate had plimbed. Again the P0 3Q was brought into action, but this time the shot knocked the animal to the ground where he pominenced at once a fjerpe attack on the dogs and was getting the better of them when Hayes ran in, grab pwitt justice should be meted Ld thQ cougar by the owes this at least to the mem ory of a brave govenor, who was a martyr to the cause of Law and Order. held him until Claude shot the beast between the eyes. Mac Stewart and Henry Johnson at about the same time and not far from McCall's camp, also killed i' .1... u: -.. l- it TTnrlPi- t.lm nmv- nmninntin.r lwo muia Ul lwc ulK oaia. elections law, a registering voter da f bunc-h of IocaI 8Port8 !ft iiio- officer, of what political remaining sheep-kUlers, and c ' 1 ...1 41. ...:n 4n i- nartvhe is a member, and ir wuou IB,luu wm Rhull h Mm flntv nf tlm intr htories of their prowess as brave J 1 hn n tara . .. . J ' A , uuinuioi to answer sam question 11 ne wishes to take parr in making the nominations of any politi cal party. Section 15, of the law provides as follows; "Iso hand when they must cither ex tend their line or abandon it to tlieir competitors, they have de cided to begin construction work as soon as the snow in tho mountains is melted sufllciuntly to allow it, and is expedteci that thr road will be completed as far as Laid law within tile next eight months. Jlolc Joint nslhllotjon. C. & E. WILL EXTEND. I,uldluv Clirojilcly A report reached here last person who is not a qualified night that the Corvallis & East elector and a registered mem- ern Hail way Company was mak Tier of a party making its nom- tug preparations to extend their inations under the provisions ot road through Central Oregon, this law shall be qualified to The Corvallis & Eastern sin join in signing any petition lor vey has long been considered 111 ininaiion, or to vote at said by railroad men to be the most piim.iry nominating election, feasible route for an east and and m pei-gun shall be qualilied west road across the state. The to ik" any nominating petition company has held this right of- of any oilier political part' lor way tor the past 17 years. Be tlu wiimary nominating elec- lieving that their road would tiiii that with which he is hold undisputed this vast teni- 1 I . - a: 1 1. .1. re. mieieu as a memoer." iuiy uuui uuuu umo as iney saw fit to extend their road, they A FORMER AGENCY ave remained in fancied secur- PLAINS GIRL MARRIES ft" u"9 t,m!; Eut wlt!,in If 1. 11. . A 1 The iHiio chronicio, iiuew nave inreatenea to wrest Though their friends have from them this territory unless lieon on the alert lor a wedding they take steps to prevent it. ibr some weeks past, tho deter- Realizing that the time is at I The local lodges of the Modern Wood men of America and, the Royal Neigh bors held joint installation exercises at this p!,n:e on last Fiiday evening, a large numbcr,of the members of both oulers with several invited guests being present to enjoy the festivities which were held in honor of the occasion. The exercises were held in the second story ot the Da vis building, which had been tastily decor ated for the occasion. After the exercises of installation a splendid repast was spread, after which he remainder of the evening was devoted to playing games and danc tng. l lie ollicers electeu; tor the ensuing year and who were installed on Friday eyening were as follows: tyODKRN WOQDMEN OF AMERICA Counsel, Chas. Waterhouse Advisor, Fred McDowell Banker, F. J. Brooks Escort, Alfred Cook Sentry, Chas. Dijney Watchman, A. H. Pa,rkey Physician, Dr. Sncok. ROYAL NEIGHHOR5 Oracle, Mrs. M. E. Snook Vice Qrace, Mrs. A. Pferson Recorder, Miss Marie Galloway Marshaj, Mrs. Ela Rodman Manager, Mrs. Lulu Hnhn Sentinel, Miss Bessie Corwin Physician, Dr. Snook. Literary Spciety Elects Officers. The Madras Literary Society at last Saturday evening's meeting elected olli cers for the ensuing three months. The following were elected: President, J. K. Craig; vice president, S. D. Percival; re cording secretary, P. C. Fulton; corres ponding secretary, Qlen Loucks, treas urer, Miss Bertha Conroy; sergeant-at-arms, Henry Conroy. The society has received a challenge from the Fairview Literary Society, near Culver, for a joint debate at this place on Saturday evening, January 27, which challenge was accepted, The subject for this debate and the representatives of the local society will be selected in a day or so. tr-C A fellow has to be pretty well up as re gards hjs ancestors and numerous family iffairs before he dare apply for a mar riage license these days, while a county clerk must have the incjuisitiveness of a Philadelphia lawyer in order to obtain the necessary information before a license can be granted. Beginning January 1 the parties who come in applying for a mar riage license must giye the place of the wedding, the date, the fujl name of the husband, full maiden naifle of the wife, residence of each at time of marriage, their color, age, birthpjapp, occupation of husband, number of marriage, and the birthplace of the father and mother of both parties. Fire in Surveyors' Camp. 1. o . Bund Bulluiln. A tiro In one of tin- tents nt tliinr vovois' en inn duBtroywl nearly cvury thlnir in tho tout IhbI Tiuwdny nftcr- noon. It Ih Biipposml 0110 of tho h'ltii candlo burning on n box upon which were- muhslitm iuhI titlier 00111 hlistlhlo HtiifT. TI10 cnniilo biirni'.l down tu HiIh mill tho flio reunited. Tho Binuko wn noticed before the tent eailu'lit (Ire. Tho tent whs pulled down mill Jerked from over the lire, tbliH jiiivlnir It from ilamuKo. One eol iimi all the heddluK wore burned, unotlii i cot bnilly Hcorolied, 11 tuhlo uiiil ever tlilni; ot. It ami 11 luritu number of pho togfiiplm buluiitflni! t" one of the Iiojh were destroyed. Warren Brown of Haystack was a vis itorin Madras, on, Monday. Mr. Browi, . . 1 - . 1 ... .. 1. .i.... is prominently menuoneu as a r;unuuini for the democratic nomination for tin office of county clerk. He is very popu lar among the democrats of this end ol the county, anil wouiu prove a strong can didate in this section. There will be a "Shadow Social" at tin New Malloy Building on the evening 01 January 26, to which the public is couh ally invited. No admission will be clung cd, but a lunch furnished by the ladies will be sold afier the evening's entertain incnt, the proceeds to be for the benefit 01 the school district. There will ho u houIiiI dttncu hi tin Now Malloy building on Friday nigh. January 10. Flrat-clusa HUpper will t Murvedut HhIiii'h. Good inilslo ami i good lime, ami 11 good floor. lver body invited. A.M. WILLIAMS & CO I)KAU:it3 IN Dry Goods, Clothing, Furnishing Goods M TAGGART & BYE I theI m aawwwi i'ihmw iiWMmw in 1 1 frEt nWADRASToREDON fi wtmvmm im mm JLTrw .m,. TERS HOOTS AND SHOW MATS AN?) CWl-S , THE DflLLES ORECOK 4. W. BOONE Ucftlor in hamc-iuAilo Harness & Saddles Try our mnko of Wtilto itlvor Tri-c Stock b'mldlo. Thy Iiwi In lliu iimrkvt. PR I NEVILLE ontcoi NOTICE FOR PUBLICATrON. I)t'inrliiiiiit of lm Jnturlpr, I'. S. I.nml Olllcc, TI10 PiiIIoh, Oregon, Novumtwr 11, UWV Xotlco U huri'Iiy kIvoii tlmt tlui followliit; nniiifil nutllur Imit flod nutlet) of liln Inantloi t-i mtVv fiiul proof In nuiii.ort of din cluln, uiul ttiftt Htd proof will by mmlo bufnre Hoi, 1'. Nun, l". H. Coiiiiii5iioiiiT, Ht lilx ofllfi) ii MBilrnn, Urt't'on. on Jnuiittry 0, 1UO0, via: Wl!lnin K. i,lpllnl. of Orl,)jly, OroKoii, 011 II. K. No. 13,53s, for tlio iiv;, uc in, ip i:i h, r II e, w 111. llo iminui tho fi!lqwf rltiivMjM to provi Ills continuous ronlUciuo upon nm cuIUvh tlori of xahl liipd, viz: lUinrlos WnwrlimNky, Harry Kooinni, Davit 1, rune Miij JlHK'h Oiitdliiuf, nit of OroRiiii. P-nWi-JI Hnycrcuk, illCJIAKL T. NOIMN, Itoalntcr. HOTEL GREEN" moOFfE 6t DIZEV, Props. New management and newly renovated throughout. A popular place to stop. TABLES ARE SUPPLIED WITH THE BEST The IMIarlset Afford. s. RUU STAGES STOP AT THE HOTELi DOOK Fresh Bread, Cakes, Pies and oilier pastry always on UaM LIVE BY AND STABLE Next door to the Hotel. Transieht Stock welj fed and' given the best attention. Rigs furnished oil shcJH notice at your door. LEATHER REPAIRING Shoes, HIariiesQ, Stretp worlc, and. all 3sixid.s of Leatlxer "Worls done aaeat-1-y and. on short notice. J. E, WILSON Madras, Oregon SPECIill Deal For Two Wl ' W WWW. .11 Working and Drive Harness, Collars, Ham and nverytnmg in tne riarness Line, BARBED WIRE PER HUNDRED Has re-opened with afineljne of the CHOICEST MEATS BUTTER, EGGS AND VEGETABLES A DIPRQHM Drnn MtirlMB r.. A- E. CROSBY ! It O V It IKTO i. r AV V- M. ML Jk. M -AJ A m. a x. -A. I Mi A r i . . -... . . .. . t . , It...... If. ..II. i.. hi... ii ,,.,..!.nM TI.M..JL. I HUH'- n LU ILL' L ...llir.f. II I U.. . .11 . I ' 1 II. 1". 1 I I Hill .1-. IIVHriHUOl .1.1 -"ni-"' " "'" --..-(-...". - ww f w . - -l--- Hiii-iiuim. a 111 i-iinrutT ra i iiuuiurr ciinfniuuvu iimi i'iitiiw ...u U..ut...l.... u...l ll..... 11... L' li. I 111... ftl . I H-ll Agaiicy (or Knktuisii ICuilnkx. Ilotli 'l'liuius. Wllll,K.M.M.i: ANp litT.ilU I'BB DALLES, 1 1 If r JANUAR Is the month to begin your subscription to IE MAD MS PIONE W If you are a subscriber al ready, send it to your friends in the East who want to hear about the opportunities for making a home in Oregon. The White Elepliaii CRAMER & STEVENS, PROP'S, FiPsMJlfess Wines, Ixlqs and Cigars. HIGH GRADE CASE GOODS 0or, Fifth tind E Streets MADRAS, J