ADRAS warn The Gomin strial Center 0f a m m B BUY LOT M g lndu Located in Willow Creelc Basin and in the midst of an IMMENSE WHEAT BELT The natural trading point for Agency Plains and other surrounding wheat plateau districts. COLUMBIA TO EV1AD during the next 12 months, affording- ample tranportatson facilities and assuring rapid development, A big Flouring Mill just completed, and machinery installed ready for operating. Long distance telephone connections. DAILY MAILS. Splendid Business Chances art en in MADRAS MADRAS la centrally located la the famous Willow Crook 3aaln comprising 700 Hquaro miles of tho finest wheat land in Oregon. SltuateU ou a natural townsile location, with flue water easily obtalued in wells from 12 to 20 feet deep. Has most equablo climate I'll Oregon, and good roads the yeur around. All roads lead down hill to M ADR AH, and this is tho natural trad lug point of rich wheat belt larger than Shenrian Cotiuty, Buy Lots Now. Price, $50 and Upwards. r r For particulars inquire of DON P. RE A, secretary of townsite company. The Madras Pioneer Thursday Jan, U, 1906 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, December 16, 1005. Notice is hereby given that the follow-fng-uamed settler has filed notice of hi Intention to make fmnl proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will hi made before Don 'P. Ilea, U.S. Commis sioner, at his ofhee at Madras, Oregon, 01. January 25, 1808, viz: Claud C. Larason, pf Culver, Oregon, on II. E. No. 8188, foi ihe Be quarter se quarter sec 5, n half nt 'quarter and ne quarter nw quarter sec 8. tp ISs, r 18 c, w m. He names the following witnesses ti prove his continuous residence upon and c iltivatioi'i of said land, Viz. G a Osborn, R .1 Aldoidicc, W II Peck. W C Barber, all of Madras, Oregon. ' Micjiakl T. Nolan, d21.j25 Register co'ntest NOTICE. Depattment of the Interlor U. S. Land Oflic, The Dalles Oregon December 7, 1905. A sufficient contest aflidavit having been filed in this office by Jmes 8. Fleck, contestant, tgair.Bt homestead entry No. 12,811, ruade July 10, 1003, Mr. ne sec 8, tp q f. r 14 e, w ni., by Henry Frei, cn esteei In which it Is alleged that saM' Ilenry Frel has who!ly abandoned1' said tract: that he has changed his real 'denco ihejefroni for rriore than six months Inst paHt; that "he has not cul tlvaied and improved Said tract as re quired by'.hiw that said alleged ah pence was not due td his employment'! in the army, navy1 or 'marine' corps oil the United Utates in tinfeof war. ! ' Bald parties are hereby notified to. appear, r,espnnd and . oiler evidence; "touthiug flald allegation 4at' 10 o'clock . m. on Fob 1, 1000, before Mar liued 'demann, ti not'iiry ptibird'Vtt life of fice in Madrae, Oregon "antTtbut Html hearing will 'bo held at-lQo'ciouJrJa. m. j on February u, J wo. hmwwmj irww and Receiver , at tho pMle$ Cj,ates Land Olllce IrfTUa Dalles, Oregon. Tho Bald coAitwjtaul having, fh prop, er flldavti 'tiled Novembor 27. 1005, Vt forth fatya'whlch slio Umt,afler due diligence personal service of this ' 'notice ckii'uot ho made, it' Is hereby that, fjuoh notice Jiropw publlca4 Ordered aud directed . tl Wglven by dite atfd .) Michael T.olftn,. Mefiialor, Timber1 Land, Act June 3, 1878; NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. La lid Odlcc at The Dalles, Oregon, March 25, lt05; Notice Is hereby given that in compliance A-ith the provisions of the act of Congees of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of Imber lands in the States of California, Ore ;on, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to nil the public laud Ktatcs by act of Vugust 4, lb'J-2, Nettie L. Ilalvorscn, f Centralis, county of I-owib, state of Wash lngton, has this day filed in this office her worn statementN'o. 2i''J2, for the purchase of the lot J, sec SO, lots 1, 2 and 3; ccc 31, tp 11 a, r to e, w in. And will offer proof to show that the laud nought is more valuablu for its llmbcf or stone than for agricultural purpose's, and to estab lish her claim to said land before tht Register mil Receiver nt The Dalles; Ofcgotii on the 17th day of February, I'JOfi- 8ho names as witnesses: Maud Harrison, Larhlin McNeil, Catherine McNtiil, John Cur ry, Of Centrnlln, Washington; Joseph Graham of Sisters, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the ibove-described- lands arc requested to file their claims in this on or before said 17th day of February, MOB. Michael T. Nolan, Register NOTICE POS'PUBLIOATION. Departmeui!of the Interior. Land Ollfce at The Dalles, Oregon, December 4, 1005. A sufficient contest affidavit having teen filed In tlilo office by Robert 8. Murray, contestant, gainst' homestead entry No. 11,310, made August 1, 1002, for ft 12 uw 1 4 ii 1-2 sw 1-4 sec 12, tp 12 s, r 12 e, w m, y Williams Dleroks, con ten tee, In whicli it is alleged that said William Diercks lias wholly abandoned said en try for more than Six months last past ; that he 'Has ilht Cultivated and im proved the 'aarrie as required by law; that Haiti 'alleged absence was not dot to his eruploymetit lit the army, navy, or nyirine corps of the United State" m time o'f war. ' ' " '"' ' Said parties are heeby n'otilled th appear, respond and offer evidence touching, puuli allegatiotTat fO o'clock a. m. on January '20; 1G0O, before Mux Lutddo manni a notary public, at' his office Jul MudruH, Oregon, and that final hear ing will Be hftlii at lO o'clockVi, in. on January 27, 1800, before, tho Register and Receiver ' at the" Uulted States Land Ofihze in Tho Dalles, Oregon. The. mUi contestant havlrijr, in a p'roper affidavit, lllril 4, J005, set forth facta whloh show thai after duo diligence 'personhl service of. this notice can not bp mmld,it Is here by ordered and dlreoted that such no-, tlco be given by due and proper publi cation. . i Ml haul T, Kol'Xk, p-o2o-!9 RcgieUr. A. T. Kclliher, a w-ealthy Chicago capitalist who has handled thousands of acres of Oregon public lands, was on last Thursday found guilty of forging a signa ture to an assignment of a certificate of sale of state school lands. The act of writing the signature was not chargtd against Kelliher, but it was charged that he had had H. H. Turner wri'e the name, and. he was therefore indicted as a princi pal in tin commission of the crime. There is said to be already considerable snow in the Blue Mountains, and where the road between Prineville and Mitchell crosses the mqun tains there is fully six feet of snow on a level. This is unusual for so early in the season. OHUfiOH DIEE0T0EY. MADRAS DISTRICT. i- First Sunday, morning and evening,. Methodist, Rev. J. K. Craig, pastor. Second Sunday, morning ami evening) Mennonitu Brethren ltev. Cain, pastor. Third Sunday. Morning and Evening SI. i5. 'Church, Rev. J.'K, Craig1, pastor. Sunday school at 0 a.m. each Sunday. Sirs. J, Iv. Craig superintendent. ilKTJIOWBT HILL DISTRICT. Herman ar. E. Church, ' Rev. J. (. Mochrhig', pastor". ' Sunday Aihool atfl.U0 a. in., .lohll "Hoffman, Sr., superintend ent. Preaching services at 10.80 a. in. and 7.U0 p. ni. Oerinau school and Catechism conducted by pastor Saturday at 2,00 p'iii. Kpwoi th Lcagiu), Sunday evening at 0:20. Everyone .Welcome. A(tfNCV PLAINS DISTRICT First Sunday, 8 p. m., J. K. Craig, i. Fourth Sunday, morning and evening, Rev. II. A. Cain. Wlllhinl llratistettcr, superintendent bf Sundtiy school. Sunday school cvtjiy Sunday afterthn ut2.ll), Prcachlhg by Rev. W.K. Fnlghani and others at Irregu lar period! , ; 'ItlLliiNUllKCIC DISTRICT I1. Fliftt alu'l third Sundays, inoinlng and ovcnlng, the Kuv. II. A, Cain, Meiiuoiilte Ilrethren. Tlin l'nv. .t. Iv. (Ji-.-iIl" iniilfPM llin rrtlVAu. lug apiioihtmeuts for the country diHtrJctu: Secoml Hutiday, CulVer; 8 p, ui., Iloriley Sclioolhouse. . 4 , Third Sunday, 8 p.m., nt Mud Kiirlnira Schoolliollse. A v Fourth Sunday, , in. Wfilnw OVeelc; Red Hock Sclioolhotisu, NOTICE-FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land Office at The iialleB, Ortgou, .November 14, 100.). Notice Is hereby given that the follow lug-named M'ttler huh tiled notice of his in tentiou to make final proof in support of. his claim, and that said proof will hu made before Don I'. Ilea. U. S. Cotnmis sioiu-r, at his on'co in Madras, Oregon, on January 4, 1KW, viz: Frank K. Uodman, of Madias, Oregon, ou II. E. No. 10 800, for the uw quarter sec 84, tp 11 s, r 18 e, w in. lie iiiituu.1 the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence, upon and cultivation of said laud, viz: II KNIssen, .1 11 Homey, II II Cook, J V llaltn, all of Madrus, Oiegon. Miciiakl T. Nolan, p-n80-J4 Register. frf- T NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION. Deptrtiu'cnt of thu Interior. U. S. Land Olllce, The Dalles, Oregon, November 14, 11)03. Notice Is hereby given that following named tettler has filed notice of her Intcii tiou to make commutation proof in sup port of her claim, and tint t said proof will be made before Hie County Clerk of Crook county, at I'riiievllle;, Oregon, ou Decem ber 20, 1H05, viz: May E. Biadfoid, formerly May K. Van lArjiaui, of Madras, Oregon, on II. K. No. 11,282, for the north half of northeast quarter, southwest quar ter of northeast qttarler and northwest quarter of southeast qtiarter'scc M, tp 12 s,, rise, wm. i She names the following witnesses to' prove her. continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: ' T F McCalll -ter, 'of I'f Inevlllo, Oiegon; Frank Corwln, Charloy'Sprlng and Silas White, of Madras, Oregon, '' MICHAEL T. NOLAN, i p-s28-o2 ltegister-. I NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION, i 'Dep'nrtiitentfif .the Interior. ( Laud OHiceat The Dalles, Oregon. ' November J4, 005. "Hotico is hereby given that the follow-iiig-uamcd settler has filed notice of his hi. teiition'to make filial jiroof In support of ills claim, and that suhl proof will ho made before Do'nT.Kca, U.S. ConimVs'si6ner, at his olllce IfiMadrai, Oregon, on January 4 14(00, viz: J r ''William IIhiuimii, ; , of MadraOiX'goii, on 11. 1C. No.,10.807, for. mo fcc i-i pec ju, tp iu n, r ill n.r m. Ho' iiutiiei' tho followlnt wltnefitfs to provo hln.xiontlniioun renldenco Upon and cultivation of iitid land, viz; Claude tnUiiiio)-, A H I'hikiSy; Fred Davis and J IMluriu, all of ,Mndras, Ore gon. . MkhiaulT. Nolak P-"19-J4. . 'itogliter. -v, t ,,. :iftEr Timber Land, Act Jtin'o 3, 187ft, NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. Land Offleo at Tho Dalfc, Oregon, JUruh 21, 1103, Kotlro if harcby hIvoii that In rompllaiiw with the proylsl6n of thexctof CoiiKrewiir Jurffcfl.'lKs,' Jnllflod ','An act for thoxafcf lliniinr lanrts in mo mates ot Lniliorin, urc gon, Xevada, anil WanhiiiRlon Terrltorr," a oxtended to all the public land MateM by act oY A 05011 1 4, b7i, Arthur If. Allen, of HnilKdnt, f ounty of l-ovvis. Mato of Idaho, hui till day tiled In thin office hi nworn hU'io- inent No. VlS'J, for the pitrchaxo of the ne 1-1 ace tp 1.1 a, 1 10 e, w m. I ' And will offer proof to aliow hat the land nought In more valuable for It timber! or Mono thereon than for agricultural pur poses, and to cirtablMi Mi claim to nald land hofore the licgfufcr and Receiver at the land office In lha Dalits, Ori'KOii, on thu lith dn of 1'chruary, llk. He tiainba an u'ltnc)! llyron Johimton, Wi t J DavU, CharlcH V Dale, of Haitrtolnl, Idaho ; Michael O'tion'uor, of Tho Uullcx, Ore gon. Any and nil pcrfton claiming advcmul)' any of the abovc-dCMcrlbud land are ri'tiented to file tlielrelaliuniu thin office on ot beforo nald llth day of February, lyod. i o"2C-d21 JIICIIAKI.T. N'ola.v, Roglntor NOTOB FOH PUBLICATION. Department 0 ,tliu Interior. Lund Office at The DallcN, Oregon, - November 11, VM, N'o'tlt,o'W'lior.6by Ivcu'that tho following-jj named xettlcrlfdn filed notlroof liU Intcntloiii ... iiiu.l .iiii., .i.w tit niifi'uib ui and Hint nald proof will be inado beforo Don 1 Itea, U. B. (oinmlimlonor, nt lib olllce tu Madra, Orogni,on January B, 1000, vl: ( OlmrlcH K. i.ftiniion, of Culver, OregiMi.-rm ft. K. No. yfilS, for the )i n and, lotx :i and t, nee 1, tp i:i , r 1.1 0, w in. Hu names the follotvlnv wltuensei to prove lilt. contlnuoiiH residence upon and cultivation of diild land, Vic Frank Ouborn, -xif Madran, Oregon; Hohcrl Oabom, Perry fteau and -J Henry Wlndoni, dl Culver, Oregon. . , , P-nao-Jt MiciUKbT. Nolan, ItcgUter. r-. vTil . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Depuration! of thu Interior. Land OOico at'Tlll)l)alh;s, Oregon, ; Decoiiiher 10, 1005. ! Notice Js hereby given Mh'nt the follow- iug-iinini'd cettler lias filed notice of hhj liiteutloii to uiitlte fluid proof In support 01 Ids claim, and that said proof will hu made before Don P. lies, (J. S. Conimtssioneri at his olllce in Madras, Oregon, 011 Jauu my 1U00, vizi . James M. lJorhiIlg',.4 of Madras, Oregon, on II. K NO. 12,170, for the east half noithwent quaiur anil west half 1101 tlicftst quarter secS!0,'tp,10H. tllepvin. He aiitnos tho 'ol owing wltnostids lo lirovu-lils contluiiottH reslduucu upon am'' eultlvatlon ot said land, Viz: ' V ,JuhnTllofBoil, l,p puxton, SPLov lug, Arthur Iiom,nll of. Madras, Oregon. MioUAtci, T. 2TOI.AN, d3H?t l(gitr, nniinT n nrnrnnu rnn r First Momlny in Miyiiblrf October, , COMMISSIONKllS'CO H0 11 I.HMMUH; -w 1IIIUMIIL' LIIM Klini.lll w - l.B. Und OfBrt.IUl ilU V in ii.,v..j b-.--- u-iiii 1110 --i . .. ..-a ...,ii)t,M "In ut JUIld'li inio. uiiiih" .... 1. . .k. iiiiii m 1 IllllUOr 1HI1IH 111 l" - ...... ..riTi. mm . mu.wi1 . exicnueu i" r- AUZUKt I. I'V-'i I"" have (Hod intliHolflrti"""- to. wit; Ti,mn VtllnH, . I.VW-' . tober Id. !. forlliepurcbu a. liUi rioc wm. v iiniivi Bt tmni-ii. coiintr 01 .1. -ID. . 1 1 . u nrii iibicm - ... ........ r .t...M tober 10. " '. lor r" co20,tpU" rioe vrw. Mlnnciola ri.itlcment. loberlT. 1P0-V for the purct.! 11. to 1 . f 1" Ci ' ...r. in .rrTir iimw I lint lllt-'y Will vm- , , - i.rt.inntniliivf- ...i- Uoti iter nu olllce In The lullw, n " . 1 1 - . (In - .1 nnt tUU of Tim DMW't wfrM, ..... ii nBrsonnci',r" . ll.rt1 wldothd.yofl'abtujrf., iiHO-ft 1 . - . lift I'lllIU" NOTIt'l'J '" V.I.i,i ncnarliueBtoH" .. 1 nMet.ii"' . Nflllt'O IP H1 V . ..AIfUI ..;"i.1,(.l..rhttfll4a,,u'. IIHIHVt In illl'l and that tld I"00' ! r-. ..ntiniUU"' l Ui. V. P. ttk ' .... unuiw Madra, Oregon-"'"- .(j, iiu'"-:. v Va. ot (iriiy.orco... Ho iimiie. the ' " ..." -...lnllOtl rvw" r,. ' ' l.tiflKl. ' .1 Oregon, p-niui-JI ..Af MICIIAKL'""