The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, December 14, 1905, Image 8

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-1- -4 '
i . Central Oregon ...
The Madras Pioneer
Deo. f4, 1905
I'M !
1 'rhe old, roid which, turns to tho left
heading to the Big Plain has been
closed and there should be some ob
struction or notice to this effect plated
at its junctiou with the new rostl.
This oiuiesion bns caused considerable
inconvenience to parties recently who.
have taken tho wroug road.
' . Department of the Interior.
-U. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
November UflSoS.
Notice is hereby given that the following
nnuied settler has Med notice of lils ihftnflon
. o make final .proof in support of his claim,
and that said proof will be made fcefdre Don
'I'. Itea, V.B, Commissioner; it his bfficc in
Madras, Oregon, on January G, 190(5, tii:
. ! William E;L1pflrd;
of Orlzzly, Oregon, oil if. K. Ko. 13,553, for the
, n sec 15, tp 12 a, rH e, w m, ""' '
'' j ile names thtf fbllotvlng wltneMCM to prorp
.''.tii.8 con('inuVJJ?Ci!ldence ufon aud cultiva
tion of i,ald itnJf, vir: .. ,
"' Charles AVoivfinoWcy, ifnr'ry'kee'nan, David
b I'age aud Hugh Gardiner, (ill of Haycreelc,
Xi-uso-ji - - WICHABL'f : XOLAN. Register,
'jpeiartment of the Interior.
V. S. Land Office,, The Dalles Oregon
' "October 24, 1905.
i A'sufficlent contest affidavit having been
Ittiddlpli Kot'iifc, conb-stanf, '
against hotu'esteau entry No. 12,895, made
iVpril 1, 1WW. for hi sec IV, tp il r 14
e, w in, by" Oliver Moser, coiilestee, in
Vlilcli it is alleged that' said Olivet Jtosier
Jibs wholly 'abaiidoned sold enfry and
changed his residence tliCrcfrom iut more
O ' . '..'It.
Jlmt saUlaTOa opauce is i ouiuo to 113
employment hi nu army, imvy or marine
corris'ofthd'Uiilled SlrftW In' Mht!loi war.
Said' parteV'k're lierchy nrfleU",Vo ap
pear, respond jind tiller evldfciVceHbuchJng
such a'ilVgatlo? at 10 o'clpclc'a. i)V. fin De-
United Statec Land Ofllca' In TJie Dalles,
Oregon, i , . ,.. ,
The said t'ohtestant having, in ,proper
aBdavit, Iei'Kinhetr, lodfi, seV forth
hiets whlell lliov hat after duo diligence
personal seriiQtt ofvthi6 notice cannot be
made, it 14 liereby MnH Pid
that such notiee,. glv bjJub and
man sfx inonus m.iji iusi, ,iuiiiiai(i entry
fo 'lint s'nHloil lllllll flllt W'lltBrf diul lin. I
proved y'sairt 'Jiarty ns'reiiillrW 'W! i in
cemuer u, wvo, ouiore inxxjucuttumauji,
a notary pulili'c, at 1k "oHIco In 'adras,
OregQn,'aii(,tat tJnal liwni, yJIIJo ield
at 10 o'clock' a;. nV on i Decjynber.21, 1905,
before the" lfcg'fstVr and lteMvexat the
i i t.'
V A h
located in Willow Creek Basin and in the midst of an
MADRAS Is centrally located In.tho famous Willow Creole Basin, comprlslnpr 700 squaro miles of tho finest wheat land In Oregon. Situated
- on a naltlral towyisllo location wh,fiuG water daally ohtalued in wells from 12 to 20 feet deep. Has most equahlo olltnato In
tiregon, and good roads the ear around; All roads lead down bill to MADRAH, and this Is tho natural trad-
' log point of rich wheat belt larger than Sherman County.
: Buy Lots Now- Price, $50 and Upwards!
For partibul&rs inquirfe of DON P. REA, secretary of townsite company.
Messrs Hardy & Cook and their new
chopping mill are very busy these days
They haVe discarded their horsepower
"merry go round" and have hired Frank
Loveland's donkey engine. They haven
contract with Cowles & Derham and are
turning out a Very superior article of break
fast food dftd mush. , .
'Desert Land Final Proof, " ,
b. B. Land Office, The Dalles, dftgori,
November HJ 1903.
Tbtlce is hereby given that
' Will Wurzwcilefi
u't Trlnevllle, Oregon, has 'fifed noiice" 6f his
Intention to make proof on his deseri-laud
claim No. 212, for the w J4 rtw i-t, wj iff 1H sec
29 and he 1-i so 1-1 see 30, tp 13 a, r 12 c, w ia, bc
lore tne uounty uicrH oi urooic eouuty, at
l'rlneville, Oregon, on the' 27th day 61 Dc'cfcm
bcr, 1905,
He names 'fie followlnir witnesses id tlrovc
the complete (rrigStion and reclamation of
said land:
O D AUinghani, Marion Btlllwclf, Wifilam T
Wilson, of Slater's; Oregon; Knox lfuslon, of
PrlneviUo, Oregbn., : i!
p-jiiS'-dZl ' - ItegUier.
IilU-1 J UU
Department of thfe'Interitfr1,
Land Office at The Dalles; Oregon,
December 4, 1V0B.
A sufficient contest aflldavit having
been filed iti this oflice by
Robert 8. Murray, contestant,
against homestead entry No. 11,&I(J,
made August 1, 1002, fpr s 1-2 uw 1-4.
n lswdsec'.lg, tpJZS.T 12 o, w m,
by WIJIItTms Diefbks,; cbuterfteC, In
whlcll It'ls nlleeed IhsV salt'WIIIIarn
Diei'tkyhas Whb'lly pfandoned said en
try or'tnhtQ than sl'i months latpast;
that he li'as i)Ut (jQInvated lu'ud Ira
proved the satire taVc'qutred by law;
that sa,ld MIIM tiUdbuce W'Jbbtjdlie
to iils-emplllyinetft id'tht) aiy1, fiayy,
;.lt.... .t. tt..U. .'.I;.
iuurii0 curpa ut lUD.uuiicugiam
tiYnebrar.'" " 'Said
pftrt,L5 ari, Uerpy ilhcd to apHear,
Bnnn . nf. VvMmn tri.tAhlh'ir
such allt'A'atfu'at 11) VcrocR a. toi bb
January 20, lDOOj t)eror hi&x iilisdtie
Aaiirk Votary'PuUci atf'tffa oilictTlii
Madnis, Oregon. au!i 4 'tttAl final 1ear
fng vylll l'f4 heW ad lO'clbck ,M on
Januilfy 27, 1000, ' before the BekliVer
aud ftecefveV 'k life Suited States
LWiiU Oflice in The b&lei4 Oregon.'-'
Tlie bmIIi contestant' b'vJufi vin 4
pVoper 'tftfldavitj Jlled i)e5hif xjV r4,
1m, iH forth, fab'ta which snof '
after-due (llllgelce personal serv'lc'of
Ihl hptlce can iib't be made, jt Is lief
by'orlJereil lnd Hiied tliHt'Aic!; no
tice db gvuii b,Uue iiid proper publl-
p-o-hW) ltcgister.
TlVe hdturai ttefding point for Agency Plains and btHet
surrbbndmg wheat plateau districts.
A big Fldniring Mill jtist completed, and
Long distance telephone cdnnections.
Max Lueddeman is local agent for
Norwich Union Fire InsuranceSociet y,
one of tho oldest and strongest of the
old-line companies. If you desire In
surnnco on 'yoUr 1 property, he wlll be
glad to placo It for you In this com
pany. u j i i
'tin' the t'bunty Court for t'rooic County, Slflto
of Oregon.
In .the matter of the application of M. L.
Lou'c'Ich, of Madras, Oregon, for a liccllkb to sell
spirftltoos; malt and vinous liquors and hard
elder in less quantities than brie gallon.
To the Honorable 'County Court of the State of
Oregon for Crook .county:
Wc, the undersigned legal voters of Kutnhcr
Precinct, in Crook County, Ori&oiu respectful,
ly petition that your 'Honorable llody grant a
license to M. 1 Jxiucks to sell Hpirituos, malt
ana vinous ltiiuors ana nttrii cider, in Jess
iuantltle than one galloli, In xald I'recliictof
KiUcher, gfujnty of Crook aud'Htatc' or Oregon,
lof'fv period of 12 months frbm tho Cth day of
K C Btickcl, Wm P Bchanble, C II McElroy,
Win McElroy, K It Dlaif, Wm Dlalr, Tliomas
Higginbotlmm, Wm Jarrctl, II C Do've, Miles
Fox, OUCrahain, KTJoilbs; J T Kite, "W
Field, K Stollker, Fred Outehdorf, Jliloflar-d,
0 M Card, II N North, J II Leo, W II titonc
hocher, W II Young, J M Mayes, h P Paxton,
J L Mnddron, L L Nichols, A Kdglbs, James Mc
Elroy, J W JJcfcu;or, Wm Eegles, O W Itaiikln,
O 8 Mayes, Him Habcrftlcll, B II Kdmond
son, Norr'Is Ward, B U P.lchardson, J W
Jones, James Lee, W A Lee, John Tho
mas, John C Itosc, J E Campbell, W J Binlth,
Allred II Parkoy, Ceorgo Kirk, Win Orceno,
Jarncs Williams, V II Ladd, J II Lockard, I. A
Young C K Ixiucks. jI T lAbds, J W Arnold,
Fred Davis, J A AmeyT M Hurden, W C Par
ker, ADrhaycr, llenrj' Bchs, !ra DorVior,
Clas DlrneK' V H Cowles, A L Williams, Chas
Haves. Kd Ilblmes, Wm Htcluke, J I' Church,
BcottMcOrew; leo II Wliltc, JJWutts, nh
Uurden, 4 F Hurhs, ,8 T Itobertson, M 0 Ifivln,
Til Tucker, JOJin Teucison, jxiu voirainf,-u
Watts, CII Jackson,. Martin T Pratt, . Jphj)
. j - . -. nil.,.. '.3 - '
".CaMoyQscar. F NcM, Jf Wilson, J P Monner,
O V DHioiVL,KMak,er, Walter Arncy, J P Wil
son, JUJJWPbs,,. oaFbx, JBArklns, Olins
(DIznoy, ,(y1fJoty111aeoUi Ix.iicks, aoA H,oy.
ens, jerry v,ran7Aitt,,n fc"" oiomhh,
prank OiibftrW,, Ajjtn Uotalgla, O F MeCall,
F 7. Pease, Jjl'Jonefcj.J R'Magness, N B Jen'
nlngs, f ificKV.4JllTl0 W Thielmami,
Chas Kltli hv ,n7clmrd!j()n, C K Roush, v II
Kamsay.iavone,,'. Hairy'Church, O h Hohl-
cld.rA,;VflL.(WA(l'u;ien, JNTunstall, I)
McCoIa J(, -j : - . '
NotW.!i5flJ,?&r iU-f'niH the foregolnl'
potltlonjfAJ.a'Affcrti" tpjipll, spirituous, malt
,ap,d, viyoid jflfiors utyrd cider in qusn
.teatlVa .tUftr! onp eWKV. n Kutcher Pr(j-
ClllCfr vtofl" rH"" W'HWi " " l"-"4VJI
ed tbJho .Hpnaifable Coujity Court for Crook
A tl.n. Kill ilaif l .T.mi.n.
JSpdo, atwiilcht f,t, the sild M. L, LOuckA will
Ipply qiu yourt ior aiiccnsa as puiyva
Dated this 7th day of December, lVo3.
Isham, W-WUVr. BdBliclley, C C Ashley, Jnraii
Kaas, SfLIiucks, Jt'O Bbthman. J Mayflefclj'l'
Kllburg) ..wJd ilcNcm'Ar, C Hcgnaucr, Jm
ln.VVM. firfif iiteher.'TH H Orav. Harrv Y P IIllL
machinery installed rendy for operating!
afe Open
D'epartmentif the Inferior,
Taiid ntllce at Tlio Dalles, Oregon,
November 14, 1005.
' Notlco Is hereby given thnt' tile follow
Ing-named hettlur hah Illnl notice oPIiIh In
tentinn to make filial proof In support of
Ills claim, mid that said proof will he
made' before Don lMtea. U. S. 'Ciirnnils-
sCcner,. at hl.i'nll'cu in Madras, Oregon, on
January 4, 1 300, Viz:
Frank K. Itodnian. .
of Madias, Oregon, on II. k. No. 10 00, for
the n w tiutiiter .sec i, tp 11 s, r i!i e, w ni
He nmiies the following wituewuM to
prove his coiitimtqus resldenco upon aud
cultlvntiou of said land, viz:
II IwNUson, .1 II Homey, II II Cook, J
P Halm, a.l ofMudruB, Oregon.
Michael T. Nolax)
P-H80-J4 Hejilstor.
Department ofnthe lilterlor. .
U. S. Land Oflice, The Dalles, Oregon,
' November 14, 1H03.
Notlco Is hereby gfveji that following
named settler has filed notice of licr InU n
tlon to mnkii commutation nroof In suit
port of her claim, ami thnt said proof will
be made before the County Clerk of Crook
county, at Prlnevllle, Oregon, on Decern
her 20, lTOo, vizi
Mav V.: Itrnflrnnl.
formerly Mny E. Van Aniam, of Madras,
Oregon, on II. 15. No. 11,232, for the north
half of northeast quarter, Houtliwcst nimr
t(r of liortlieftKt. ihiiiiIit nml
quarter of southeast quarter ace 14, tp 12 s,
rizc, win. '
She names tho following witnesses to
provoher contImlous'rv!H!(lL'nco iipon nml
,...111. ...II.... ....1.1 I i n
iuiiivuiiini ui oiiiii mini, viz;
T I' McCalll-Ut, of Prliidviu'o, Oix-R6U;
Frank Corwln, Charley Spring an'd Sllns
Willie pi aimiras, uregoh. ,
1-s28-oV Hcgisterk
Department or" 'tho Interior.
Land Oflice at 'iVo Dalles, On-gon.
NIlVtAilher 14, 1)00.
iVnllnn la linn.litr nlUml' II... ..n .
IiflMiumed settler tins illl'ii nolicn nt iiU i..
as filed notice
.a flrW Vn ;
said proof wl
tclitlon to make Una
j ' 'UT I,."' ""I'l""!
Tils claim, find that mild nrnfifwlll I
u .1
Xjirc Don IMtea, U.s) t!fommlHsloiier, nt
icoti vizi '"n'liMiwripjiii on uimiuiry 4,
' it iiunui niuwillll, ,
fPi Oregon, on'ij. No. 10,007, for
tui nv in oru iv, ii iv n,ir id o, yf III.
,Mj vaiui's the follpwhlg witnesses to
provejils continuous residence upon and
ciiltJvatlon of said land, viz:
cauiln Uitnmsqy, A II Varkey,.Vcd
Davis ami J lf nurns, all bt Mndras, Oro
B,l' 'I 1 ' . , ...
i,i MiciiAkt. 1 Nulaw.
j,,'..' .1 .T.'".l.l 11 "'T tlte
ThePloHVeV ivi-B tliiewis.
Timber Land, Ao.t JiUtd 3, bli.
I-Riid OlTlco at Thovrial)cs, Oregon)
Mnrob 21, IM,
Nottcc r. hareby given that in compliance
with the provisions of tho act of Cougrct; it!
Juno a, 1W8, entitled "An net for the sale o'
tlinU-Dlaiid in the status of California. Ore
gon, Ncvadat and Washington Territory," as
extended to all tho publlo laiid slates by art of
August 4, Wl, the follonlng-namod hthi
have, on September it), VMS, riled In this oflice
their sworn statements, to-wlt:
Laura M, DougUs,
of Haycrei'k, county of Crook, state of Oregon
sworn statilinviit 'b.i!4."Vor U6 purcliaseof
the i of no aud tijj of sej of sco tte tp 12 ,
r 10 v, w m,
Leonard K. Douclas.
of llayrreck, cohnty of Crook, state of Oregon',
sworn statomeiit No, acofl, for llio ptirchasuof
lot 7, nee (i, lots 1, 2 and .'i, of sec 7, tn'll ', r 10
e, w m. ; n i
That they will otter proof to shou-'laat HSv
isiich songiii ar6 more valuable for the Vhbc
or sioue i ni' rinti limn for agrlrhittiral pur-
pocs, and to cstabllHi their claim fo siiljl land
before the IlcglMcr WA Ilerelver at tiie tntul
ofllro In Hie Dalles, Oregon, on the 27Xh da
of Ilerember, lOOo,
' They name the followlnir witnesses! Lvh'n
Nlrhols, Phillip (Irahim, I) (I (lay, Leonard K
Douglas and Laura M Douglas, allot Haycreek,
Oregon, m
Any and all persons rlslinlnir advcrsLdvanv
bftfie above-descrlbed lands aro requested to
nie their claims In this office tin or before the
said 27th day of December, 11KW.
p-o'jti-ui Miciuei, T. Noun, Register
Department of the'Itilerlor.
Und Onice at Tho Dalles, Oregon,
November U. IWXi.
Notice Is hVrchy gUisn ha Uie following-
iiuiiicn seiner lias tiled, nolle o of his intention
tomuku litis! proof Ih support of his claim,
and thnt i.r-n'r.f 1 aW ';. m.t'.. i,..f.i. rim
P. Itea, U. B. Ctiuimfsoher, at his ofilco in
of culver, Orcgonofi U, K, No. Mis, for tho s$
uuu iois ;i annn; svn a, ip i: n, r 13 o, w m.
111! Ilnlmiu .In. fAll...lkA l..l...rtu ... V..t..n
.w.iui.inK vi.ikiiviiBvn juwiw
hlscontlniious residence upon and cultivation
of said land, vis; , ,
Frank Osbom, of Mhdras, Orc$h) nber
pslx)m, Perry Head and J Honry WlftUttlnj b
iniii'. bf
.Oulver, ()n?KOH. i
hlWJl MicitAKLt. Kb I. An, KeglUcr,
Demrf4li.t ( tlie Interior,
l.nnd Oflice at Tho Dalles, Oregon,
fit i ' ! November 14, 1W.
1 WIIJr 'Wreby given that thu followlHf!-J
WH'kMtUpr I'" 'lied nptlce of his ititoutlohl
i inaxc, final proof Insurt of his bUluitBiid
lit s'alU, tVoof will lis made booro Don P.
!ft, U. H. poiamlMlousr, at' his oftlco hi Mad
ras, Oregon, bh January . im, vlxi ,
i " i. ..i l . i t t"r
.. jamNs jmijo, ,
MadraH.Ilrcgon, on II. K. No, ls,77Ti Mr the
'4 ne. neft se Jjooss and wXmli co27.
''".'' 'i'ie n .ulls "
Ho "Mt fV.? foUpwm Ulneii liirove
Is lOHUnilous rssliUbPO tunen aail,aultlv-
tlonof sa(djnij, vit)l' . .
and William IereU of Madras. OruH'
Wlrut ltnn(iv In Miff I
FIrrtt Monday
... i" 4 ....
krrx'ivn r-r 1 1 in
nd..rfMsi a!
t fi 4 ThaT)
U4IITJ i "
Mint nM nfool will Us
nuiiui, i-iniiit; vi
December 11, 16, ,
of Lnmonts, Oregott, H.
. i . in tu
sccl.', IP W ,rH ,!
tti, nmnci the folloslcf
........ i.lut rhirltl
aim joiiii iisiirejir----
. l . .ut... .iiAfiim
i,.n'2.d7 aivniM."
1 llUUCI
.m m 9 rtTl I'll u v n
IlUllwii v
t 8. WOa UUlPj
... of tat
,.,m vnt'Kiia mm "r
..ii tn nu uv r""
of Bt.j..c,
.ifOfll StsttWtD'
tobor wr 1U0J, for ''""
i-i tn l.i s. r iubi " ...
n (n las r wm "
bf Bt Jnmci, w r -
..i..i.jiii worn "...
ftl tl
... . 'iiiiiim i"1"
office m ,f 'uii"'
ttiui . .
Mm and
of Th
' a .11 tiariUM."!1
in inr. umm'k r i
iiin their fi""'T:.. i,
., Ill IIM'"..