The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, December 07, 1905, Image 8

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    ...P in i n n mini i imw .... . .. . i
Center of
... Central
touted in Willed &lek Basin and in the midst of ah
i k ;
THe fiattjral trying point for Agency Plaint and other
feurrotmding wheat plateau districts.
during the next 12 months, affording ample franportation facilities and assuming rapid development
,i 1 1 1
i V'
1 V
A big Flouting Mill just completed, and machinery installed ready for dperatingi
fcong distance telephone connections. ' DAILY MAILS,
en in
MADRAS Is centrally located fn the fcttdoua Willow Creak Basin, comprising 70d square miles of tho flneat wheat laud In drogon,. Situated
on a natural toWnalte'ith Hue water eaaliy obtained itf wells from 12 to 20 feet deep. Has moat eijuablo ellmato Iti
Oregon, and good rqids tba year around. All roads lead down bill to MADRAS, and this ia tho natiiral trad
Ing point of rich wheat belt larger than Sherman County.
i3uy Lot How- riee?..'$5Q and Upwards.
For particulars inquire of DON P.'REA, secretary of townsite company
The Madras Pfoneer
Dec. 7,.-X905
Florence ; Wigllr spenfThanksgiving
Day at tbc'hbrneof her uncle, Eel Kutch
er, near' Haycreek. -. .
. jlfcparfuient of the Interior.
U. 8. Laud Office, Tnt-Dallcs; Oregon,
' ' November II, 113.
Notice is hereby siren' that- tins' following
riamcd settler ii(J filed nottcc'of ils futtutiou
t (i in (ike tin 1 Vpool in- support of Ills claim,
and thqt jwid. I'ptit "will be- mode before Don
1 Rca, 'vis. Commissioner, at hi office in
.Madras, Orogon,6n January" C, l'JCC, vi
, Vllllam'irvI.ipfird,
of Grir2lft.drt)gon, on H. E. No. 13,5X1, for the
nl4.hvfl5, tp 12 s, r H e-, w m.
, IT&nnmKS tlie following witnesses to prove
li! continuous rtrtddeuce upon and cultiva
tion of said lml, viz:
?harles Wawriuofsky, Harry Kcenan, Pavid
6 i'dge and ilji'li Gardiner, all of Haycreek,
Oregon. '.. "'.,
y-uiiO-ji' MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register.
- ?i .l
K Dejiartmciit'the Interior.
Land Oilice at The Daljes, Oregon,
Decerflper l 105
A sufficient contest affidavit having
been Hied iti tbia oflice by
Rtobdrt 8. Murray conteatarit,-
itol.rff ' W5 It lilt
djiaiuob uuujcoic.u viiiijr jilt. l firiJ i
iaiuib August 1, 1902) for a 1-2 uw 1-4,
n l-2aw I4'secj2"tp 12 a, r 12'e, w in,
by Willfaina Dierclis, contesjee, In
l-hicb It la alleged that aaid" William
IMerekaiias wholly abandoned auid en
try for rhore than alx montliH lautpaat;
tfhatho Iiaa not cultivated and Ira
riroved' the aie as' rtiqUired by law;
that said aUeneii absence wab not due
to h'ia employment in the army, navy,
or marine cdrpa of the United 8tate
fp liine of waV. '"Said
parties are1 hereby notified to appear,
reaporid'aud. ofler evidence toujublng
such allegafclou at id o'cloo'It'-ai,!, on
January i'SOd,"" before" Mar Lnedde
maw,. notary publi cj, ifa office In
Madras, Oregon, nd that flmjl hear
ine will be UeluVit lb o'clock a, im on
January 27, 1900,, before the Jeglster
Mid Receiver kt" thp 0nlied Statea
Land Ofllc ih Tie Banes, Oregon.
The eald contestant., having, i a
jproppr' afildal tile Decern Iver 4,
1906, set fortlffaetoUloh show that
after du5llWgflicB personal service of
thteioticfca pdt ha made, ic la here
Ijy ordorwJ rid' dlrecfed that Hjtch no
iioe be glveii lJSf Aliik propqp'publi-
r.' I
The of the bankrupt stock Of
T. J. M alloy & Company was, bought on
Friday night by J. P. Hahn, and on Sat
urdaywas moved to the Hakn store-b'uild
mg. 1 he stock had been greatly reduced
by the auction sale of stvetal days preV'
iuus, and Mr. Hahn took all of the remain-
libg stock, including a number of fixtures.
t Dcert Land Plnnl Proof.
' V. B. Land OfliceTlid' Dalles, Oregon,
' ' Jiovemberli, 1W5.
Notice is hereby given that
Will Wurzweller;
of Princyillc, Oregon, 'ha filed notice of hi
intention to make' proof, on hi dcMcrf-lftnd
claim No. 212, for the w mv 1-1, hw li kcc
23 and 1-4 rlA nee. :, tp 13 , r 12 e; w in; be
fore the County Clcrt of Crook county, at
Prinevilltv Oregon, on1 the' 27th day vi Ifceein
K-r, 1U05,
Ho' names tho following -wifucsne it) prove
the complete irrigation and rc'elA'muiiou of
paid Iiu id : .
0 1 AllIiiKham. Marion StillwelL William T
WHnom, of filitterir, Oregon; Knox iiunfon, of
IrinJviIle, Oregon','
p-n23-l2 Jt'cgliiter,
TltnWr'Lnhdi' XnJnte '., 1T8.
V. 8. Lohil Offico, Tlie-Dflirefi, Oregon,
,, November 25, 1905.
Notice !' htjntbM' iveA t1t'( in compliance
with the proviKon.H of .the act- of CongreDH of
Jiuien, lMh, e"Htlt)ed'.'"An: Tct for tlie ale of
timlcr JnHdH in JImj fte'.of, California, Ore
gon, Nevada ovl' Wowhiil'Kton. Territory," an
extended, to n,H'Ui publia Iiuid (itatAx by act of
AugiiHf 1, 1SU2, the following 'named pcwoiix
havo tiled in thlt ofifijc tUelritvorn KtatementH,
to-wlt: , k
of Bt. Jamee, coilnty ofr. Watonwan, Ktote of
.MIimeiiotajHwrii nUtcmetit No. 271.7, filed Oc-
toler IP.-IWH folip.pucJise of th nw i nee
22, tp Vi . r 10 w,ru.
. .. OlrwleMlI. Crouch,
of Bt. Jntnci, ysonniy ,ot Watonn-aW, tlAtd of
. u. . v-.. . I f .'. . 1 r
.'J I III! Wl lH mvtjxii ttlUlUIUUIlfc nwSArkif jiiuu wu
tobvr'HK llHiliptiJie .purciiiwcraf tlio ie 11 of
nec20.ti 13, fJOcjwio.
of Kt.'fxMfcii, caMiity . of ?W?atonu-an, Mflto' of
.MinueioiaMriuHtiinn fv. -'7i, jueu uc-'
toDer 17. VM), Kir tiip purcurut tuua'.v l-i eec
20, tplSH, r 10,; m. ...
That they wlit -otfir woo In Mo Klior -that the
pandKooiigiit js in) vnfnaMo for thi' tlin-
uur hi biuiiu iuviwi finu lor'ngrx.'uiiu juiri
poxeN, to vttablli(, tlinir' cIoImik tiVa IdlunclH
before the lU-gJajUirsHjd lteceiwr ft Ihlaiid
oflice in The Dalle,. Oregon, orf'l'6?lrtiary 0,
i'JWi. .V
, TlieyHamivtlfoUowngYlfjriei)e: diarlen
HCroipjhi A'llxrrt Andvh)oiib GfrtiwlO Ander
(ion and .ThotuRK Ve-Hiun,' oLhi, Jainew Jilnne
ota; M!eliH! O'Connor antVllVUIIam O Manoii,
of T)i(j"lllw, Oregon. J
Any ud all T'omonaplr Anting adversely' any'
of tli'rahove-dencrlbeU' 'ibiuIh are reauuated to.
Illo (heir claim in tjjSif.ofllro on or before thej
aidteth day of .Iftljruii y, iiwft . ,v .
W'u;(eL t. NOLAN
A 4 ' a 1.1
Professor A. Q. Strange, principal of the
Prineville hiqh school, Professor Ford
principal oft he public school) and Miss
JIaud Kidder who teaches one of the de
partment's in theVpubliJ '.school, attended
the teachars instiiute at his place last Saturday.
In tho County Court for Crook County, S'.atc
of Oregon.
In the matter of the application of M. L.
Louckx, of Mad run, Oregon, for a license to sell
Hpirituous, malt and vinous liquor and hard
cider in Icsh quantities than one gallon,
To the Honorable County Court of tho State of
Oregon for Crook county:
Wo, the undersigned, legal voter of Ktitcher
l'recnct, In (.'rook County, Oregon, respectful
ly petition that your Honorable llody grant a
license to il. L. IOitckn to veil spirituou, malt
and vinous liquors and hard eider, in 1ch
quantities than one gallon, in said Precinct of
Ku.tchcr, 'oitityof Crook and Stuto of Oregon,
foq a period of 12 month from the Cth day of
January, ifct'.
EUHtlckel, Wm P Schanble, C H McElroy,
Wm McElroy, K It Illair, Wm Ulalr, Thomas
Hlgglnbotham, Wm Jarrett, U O Dove, Miles
Fox, GItCraham, RT Jones, J T Rice, WT
Field, FStoliker, Fred Outendorf, Milodard,
C M Gard, 11 X North, J H Lee, W II Ktone
hochor, W II Young, J M Mayes, L P Paxton,
J L Maddron, Jt L Nichols, A Eagles, Jpmes Me
Elroy, J W McElroy, Wm Eeglea, G W Jtankln,
G H Mayes, Bm Habefstkh, BHKdmond
son, Norrls Ward, B V P.IehardHon, J W
Jones, James Leo, W A Lee, John Tho
mas, John C Rose, J E Campbell, W J Bmith,
Alfred H I'arkey, George Kirk, Win Oreeno,
James Williams, FHLadd, J H Ixckard, LA
Young, CKLoucks, J.TIedx, J W Arnold,
Fred Davis, J A Arney,. T M Jlurden, W C Par
ker, A D Thayer, Henry fiaehs, Ira Harlier,
Chas DIzucy, U 8 Cowles, A L WilUams, Chas
Hayes, Ed Holmes, Win Steinke, JFChnrch,
Scott McGrew, Gjeo. II Whltf, J J Watts, D li
iinr,i,.ri .1 v linniH. HT Iohrtaoii. 11 G Irwin.,
Til Tucker, John.Tellefson, Lou Volrath, G C1
Watts, C II Jackson, Martin T Pratt, Jolm;
Isham, W Lihby, H Cfllielloyi C O Ashley, James
Kaas, JI L Loiiens, JCKothman. J Mayfleld,'!1
Kilburg, WJ) M,cNomar, 0 Hcgnauer, Jim
Mayes, Ed K"uVhor, aiOray, Httsry 1' P.III1I,
W Hatinoii.' Tetril, J H Jackson, C G Ram.
gey, W I) McGcc, X J Ualdner, M Iounsbcrry,
F Carney, Oscr V Nbal, 11 Wilson, J P Moaner,
(i V Dillon, L E,Unkur, Walter Arney, J v wn--son,
II E JactfW C OFox, -XSArkinw, Glllls',
DJzney, E V Doty, . Geo R Loiick, Goo A Hlv-
ens. Jerrj Cramer, Frank Elklns, Bin White,
Frank OKbbrne, Anton llatalgia, C FMcCall,
F 55 Pease, )l M Joiivs," J R Magnesi, N B Jen
nings, Id Eagles, HKNIshoii, WThlclmanu,,
Chan Kirk, (I.W Rlcliardsou, 0 H Roush, W H
Ramsey, Chan Jones, Harry Church, 9 L Hohl.
feld, T,AWo', W A I'uliciin f Ji Tuiutail, ,p
McCole, r ', v
Notice li 'hereby given U;at the foregoing
petition for a HrctiHO to aell splrltjious, malt
and vinous liquofri and hard ctlft in quan
tliiesless than onu gallon In Kutcher Pri!
duet, Cr"ook epuiity, Oregpn, wiill. bo present
ed to tho Honorablo County Court for Crook
County. Oregon, oil tho Stir day of January.,
WW, nhvhich timo tho said M. L. Iiieksm
apply to said Courllfor alleoiTko as prayed
Dated tui 7H Pay oisWjBccinvor, iw,
Department of tho interior.
T U, S. Land Oflice, The Dalles, Oregon,
'November 14, W05.
ffotlce Is licruby Riven tllat fnllowhis-
nained settler lmx filed notice of her luton
tlon to uialte cuminutatiun proof m suit-
port of her claim, und that said proof will
he made before the County Clerk of Crook
couutv, at I'rliit'vllk', Oregon ion Decent
her Hi, 1005, viz:
kav K. Bradford.
formerly May E. Van Arnam, of Madras,
Oregon, on II. E. No. 11,212, for the north
half of northeast quai ter, Miutlnvcftt quar
tor of northeast quarter and northwest
quarter of southeast quarter sec 11, tp 12 a,
r 12 e, w m.
She names the following witnesses to
prove her continuous residence upon nml
.cultivation of Hitld Innd, viz:
T'F McCalU-ten of Prineville, Oregon;
Frank. Qorwin, Charley Spring and Silas
White, of .Madras, Oregon.
" 31IGI1AKL T. N
Department of the Interior,
Tind Office at The Dalles, Oregon)
November 14, 1005.
Notice Is hereby given that the follow
iiig-nnmi'd .settler has filed notice of lil.s In
tentlou to make final proof In support of
his claim, and that salU proof will he
made hofore Don P. Ilea, U. S. Commis
sioner, at his oflico in Madras, Oregon, on
January 1, 1100, vjz:
Frank E. Itodmau,
of Madras, Oregon, on II. E. No. l'oiWO, for
the nw,iiuarter see 'Ai, tp It s, r i.'I e, w ni.
lie names the following wltnefsus to
pibslilr) continuous residence upouund
cultivation of saUl-Jand, viz:
II KNiKsen, J II Homey, It Cook, J
P Ilaluiv all of Madras, Oregon. ,, ,
Michael T. Nola'Y,
p'-ii80-J4 lleistor.
: .
Dopahliietitof the Interior. ,
Land Ollicoht The Dalles, Oregon,
, (( k November 14, !K)5. .
,.,Notlco Is lieHihy given that the follow-jg-iian,ed
settler has Hied notice of his In
tentlou to,, make final proof In support of
Ills claim, lit 1 (I that sahLproof will be made
before Don P. Ilea, U. S. Commissioner, at
lilsolllco liiMadrasviOrugon, on .liinuary 4.
MW,:iz: ,
William HannHil,
of Madras, Oregon, on IlJS, No. 10107, for
tin) se io iu, tp 10 s, r 13 e( w hi,
He iiaines the followlhg wltiiesscs to
prove hla 1 con tlnuoijn reslUeifpe upon and
cultivation of said litn'livj.: . .
Clatulo.O Jliuuso)-) A, II Paikoyj Fred
Davis mrtl4 F fhlrnsi'iUl ,of Madras', Oro-
' MiciiaIci, i', NolanL,
The Honeyr ive tils nervi.
Timber TmikI, Aft Junoll, 1H7IS.
Uiid ODIcb at Tliu Duties, Oregon,
' Maroh2I,lW.
Nollcw I hi-ruby g'ven that In eomplinUrv
with the provlUiiiH of tho net of CongrO)o
June it, 1878, entitled , "An art for the "aloof
timber lails In tho states of California, Oru
gou, .fevada, nnil Wi(shIugtou Tirrllory," 11
extended to all tho puutfo land states liy acttd
August I, lhW, the followliig-nnmcd crspns
have, on Heptcmber ID, I'.oa, Died in thlsotttco
their sworn statements, to-wlt:
Laura M. Dougjan,
of Haycreek, county of Crook', stato of Qregdil,
sworn statumcnt ito;3f& 'for tho purchase of
the ti of ne4 and ti of n'4 of sue 12, tp 12 ,
r 1.1 0, w m,
Leonard E. pougltU,
of Haycreek, county of Crook, stato Of Oregon,
sworn statement Nii.'OWo, for Iho purchase 0
lot 7, sue 0, Jotsl, 2nd.1, of see 7, lpl2s, rlH
e, w 111.
That they will offer proof to show that the
laud sought are more valuable for the timber
or stoiio thurcoii tlilm for agricultural pur
poses, ami to establish their ulalm io said laud
beforo tho Register aiid Receiver at the laud
of fleb III The Dalles, oegou, on the 27th du
ol DeccinW, UKrt.
Tht'y iinm'o the following wltnesscH: Lynn
Klr-hols, Phillip Ornliaiii. I) U Gay, Leonard E
Douglas nhd Llura M Douglas, nil of Haycreek,
Anjr snd all persons claiming adversely any
of tlij; nbove-desvribed Iniuls aro requested to
Illo thelrclnlius In tills offico on or before the
said V7th ilUy of December, JIKtt.
p-oJrt-d21 Miciutii, 'f. Noit.v, Register
Department of the Intorlor.
Land Ofllro at Tlio Dalles, Oregon,
Nbvembur II, lWtt,
Notlco Is hereby given tit At Vho following
named tetllor has fllOd notlc o of his Inttontfon
toimike flnah proof In MUlort of his claim,
and that said proof wlll .be niailo b'uforo Doiij
P. Rca, V, B. CoirtmlMfonor, at ils nftlcu In
.Miuiras, Oregon, on Januarys, rkjo, vl:
Charles E. Laiuson',
'of Culver, Oregon, on II, K. No. WIS, (or the sl4
11 w? uiui iois 11 anu 1, sec ;i, tp 1:1 h, r is 0, v m.
Ho names the following witnotses to prove
liln continuous residence upti'n aiid ctilllviUIOn
of said land, vls
Frank Osborno, ol Mttdr'asJ Oregon Robert
Osliorn, Perry Read and J liuiiry WlndoUl, of
iilvor, Oregon,
p-iliWjl MicimKl T NulIk, hqglnter.
Department of the Intorlorv'..
; ,t '
Land Oflico at The DalBOxogon,
mi u A NovembUrJ 1WW.
I ftW tbV hurubv irlvnn (lint tlikfifnllnwluir.
imilwd'scttle'r l.ias filed notice of luVintentlon
to iilikfr'ial proof iu support of lilnslalm, and
uuiv iiniyi win ijo maiia wro(o won r,
Iten. If. H .'I'ntiitntMiilitii.i n. i,y ,.mn.,iiUHr,i.
ras, Orugoii. on J,i(hiary 8, HWI, yttft:
-' v ' -JihiiU T. Rico, r l
of MadtavOreuon. (ill H..H. Kn. 1.1 ly.'tnr thtl
H iu:t neJ4 sej sCo28 and wAsi soo27,
his ixmUiiliQita rqstdoiico hiieR V"1 culllv'l
tlonof HlXi lana, flw. , 1 ,n! , . '
'WIHUiil H(niW.MlXlfA. :1 TvMl',l.'iV.f rV.I.VV
Flrnt Monday In May; Midi
First Monday In each month,
First Wednesday In Jannrar,!
July, September, mid Kovmiwl
Notil'o Is hereby .jjhtn tWt
iiiir.iintiioii dtttler lias flled D
Inteiitlon to uiako.jinal jioof I
.1 .,.1 ll.nt uM tlW
III liur Olllllll, mill -i' M
Hindu befoie Dim Y. Hw, tJ
slolier, at Ills oftice Madras, li
December 0,,lTO3t viz:
John W.Johei,
of M.oilnis,, Orrjfon, H E- .J
iho tie Wiiww, ni'v
sec 2. tn iOs.rUle.wa
Ho iinnies tlio followlW 1
prove hid o.utlmious wltoM
CJoorg " llnrt, Jolmffip j
Jones and D lMCDonam,.
p-o2fl nlid
' Department of I beinw
A sufllcletit contest
filed In HUH oflice by
nffalust hotuesieau l' "(" " 4 1
Aprn 1, v ..." ;.!. CCD
e, w 111, oy r. . uuiiJ
which It Is allCBt-a u.. p. - .
,1(19 wholly "ffi.riJ
IS 1101 ntHrim kandrwi
proved by said fr
that said aueKco ,
employment in l" hUl
suohaUeuatlou. MZi
a notary Vh stnfl el
O.euoMpMm iln riW
atlOo'cl."-'1' jtecelf"
buforotUd i.yl ul'
United rJtatos Land OHIO
d cont
fBl which showf gotlc( J
pl5t?6nl servic" 2sorW H
flint suoii.nony -rn,
a A1.I 1
--- ! mmmll4mmmmjmtWk